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Analytical and numerical model solutions:

Our selected area is Monipuripara, Farmgate, Dhaka.

Area = 0.28 sq. kilometers
According to Bangladesh Bureau Statistics (BBS) average population density 30353
people per sq. kilometers in 2022
Population at 2022
=0.28 x 30353=8499 people
Let, current population=9000 people
We are designing for future purpose so after 30 years that means in 2052 the
Pn=P‫ סּ‬x e^ k(t2-t1)
Here, Pn=Future population
P‫=סּ‬Current Population
K=Population increases per 100-person, 5/100=0.05
t2= 2052
t1= 2022
Pn=9000 x e^ 0.05(2052-2022)
=40336 people
So, lets take it 41000 people
According to Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority recommends that each
person in Dhaka uses 150 liters of water per day.
Water Consumed,
= 41000 x 90/100 x 150
= 5535000 LPCD
= 5535 KLD or 5535 m3/day
= 5.535 MLD
Average Sewerage generated
= 85% of supplied water
= 0.85 x 5.535 = 4.70475 MLD = 4704.75 KLD
Average sewerage per hour = 4704.75/24= 196.03 m3/hr.

Strom water calculation using Rational Method

Peak Discharge Q=ciA
Runoff Coefficient, c= 0.7 (assume)
Rainfall intensity average Dhaka city 1854 mm/year
Area= 0.28 sq. kilometers
Q= 0.7 x 1854 mm/ year x 0.28 sq kilometers
= 998.307 m3/day = 41.60 m3/hr.
Total average sewerage for domestic and runoff,
=196.03 m3/hrs. + 41.60m3/hr.
Peak factor =3
Design flow capacity
= (238 x 3) m3/hr.
= 714 m3/hr.
= 0.198 m3/sec

1. Sizing calculation for collection pit

Assume, Retention time required = 4 hr.

Average Design flow = 238 m3/hr.
Capacity of collection sum = 4 x 238 = 952 m3
Assume, liquid depth = 5 m
Area required for collection pit = 952/5 = 190.4 m2
Let it is rectangular tank
Now, Area = Length x width
L x W = 190.4 m2 (Length: width, ratio 2:1)
2W x W = 190.4 m2
W^2 = 95.2 m2
W = 9.75 m, so width = 9.75 m
Length, L = 2 x 9.75 = 19.51 m

2. Design a bar screen Chamber


4. Design of Secondary Treatment Process:

Design consideration:
BOD5 Concentration => Influent = 400mg/L, Effluent = 20mg/L
TSS Concentration => Influent = 350mg/L, Effluent = 25mg/L
Sludge Age, ɵc = 10 d
MLVSS = 3,000 mg/L
VSS/ TSS = 0.8
TSS concentration in RAS = 10,000 mg/L
Y = 0.6 mg VSS/ mg BOD5
Kd = 0.06/d
BOD5 = 0.65 BODu
BOD removed in primary clarifiers = 25%
TSS removed in primary clarifiers = 60%
Specific gravity of primary sludge = 1.05, with solid content = 4.4%
Oxygen consumption = 1.42 mg/ mg of cell oxidized
a) Design of Aeration Tank:
Step-1: BOD and TSS loading into Tank:
Design flow Q = 238 m3/hr = 238x24 = 5712 m3/d
BOD Loading = 0.40 kg/ m3 x 5712 m3/d = 2284.8 kg/d
TSS Loading = 0.35 kg/ m3 x 5712 m3/d = 1999.2 kg/d

Step-2: Primary sludge characteristics:

BOD removed in primary clarifiers = 25% = 2284.8 x 0.25 = 571.2 kg/d
TSS removed in primary clarifiers = 60% = 1999.2 x 0.6 = 1199.52 kg/d
Solid concentration = 4.4% = 0.044kg/kg

1199.52 kg/d
Sludge flow rate =
1.05 x 1000 kg/m3 x 0.044 kg/kg

= 25.96 m3/d

Step-3: Primary Effluent characteristics:

Flow = 5712 m3/d – 25.96 m3/d = 5686 m3/d
Effluent BOD = 2284.8 – 571.2 = 1713.6 kg/d

1713.6 kg/d x 1000 g/kg

= = 301.4 mg/L
5686 m /d

Effluent TSS = 1999.2 – 1199.52 = 1799.68 kg/d

1799.68 kg/d x 1000 g/kg

= = 316.51 mg/L
5686 m /d

Step-4: Soluble BOD5 escaping treatment calculation:

Effluent BOD5 = Influent BOD escaping treatment + BOD of effluent suspended solids
Assuming 60% portion of the effluent solids is biodegradable, the BOD 5 of the
suspended solids is = 25 mg/L x 0.6 = 15 mg/L
Ultimate BODu of the effluent solids = 15mg/L x 1.42 mg of O 2/mg cell = 21.3 mg/ L
BOD5 = 0.65 x BODu = 0.65 x 21.3 = 13.85 mg/L
Effluent BOD, 20mg/L = S + 13.85
So, S = 6.15 mg/L

Step-5: Efficiency of the Biological reactor (based on soluble BOD):

S0 - S
E= X 100

301.4 – 6.15
E= X 100 = 98 %

Step-6: Reactor Volume:

ɵcQY(S0 – S)
X (1+ Kd ɵc)

10 d x 5686 m3/d x (301.6 – 6.15) mg/ L

3000 mg/L x (1 + 0.06/d x 10 d)

= 528.28 m3

Step-7: Tank Dimension:

Consider a Rectangular Tank having length-width ration = 2:1, depth = 2m, having 0.5m
free board
w x 2w x 2 = 528.28
So, w = 11.5m, Length = 11.5 x 2 = 23m, depth = 2m + 0.5m freeboard = 2.5m
Step-8: Sludge wasting flow from Aeration Tank:

ɵc =
QwaX + QeXe

528.28 m3 x 3000/0.8 mg/L

10 d =
Qwa x 3000/0.8 mg/L + 5686 m3/d x 25 mg/ L

So, Qwa = 14.92 m3/d

Step-9: Calculation of amount of Sludge to be wasted:

Yobs =
1 + Kd ɵc

1 + 0.06 x 10

= 0.375

Increase MLVSS mass,

Yobs Q (S0 – S)
Px =
1000 g/kg

0.375 x 5686 x (301.6 -6.15)


= 630 kg/d

Increase MLSS mass,

Pss =

= 787.5 kg/d

Loss of TSS in effluent,

Pe = (Q – Qwa) x 25 g/m3 / 1000 g/kg = (5686 – 14.92) x 25/1000
= 5671.08 m3/d x 25/1000 = 141.78 kg/d
Amount of sludge to be wasted = Pss – Pe = (787.5 – 141.78) = 645.72 kg/d

Step-10: Calculation of RAS:

3000 x (Q + Qr) = 10000 x 0.8 Qr
5000 Qr = 3000 x 5686
Qr = 3412 m3/d

Step-11: Calculation of HRT:

ɵ =

528.28 m3
5686 m3/d

= 0,093 d = 2.23 hrs

Step-12: Calculation of F/M ratio:

F/M = S0/ ɵX = 300 mg/L/(0.093 d x 3000 mg/L) = 1.075/d

Step-13: Checking of organic loading:

Loading = QS0/V = 5686 m3/d x 300 g/m3 / (528.28 m3 x 1000g/kg)
= 3.23 kg BOD5 / m3d

Step-14: Calculation of Oxygen requirement:

Q (S0 – S)
Kg O2/d = - 1.42 Px
1000 g/kg x f

5686 x 295.45
= - 1.42 x 630
1000 g/kg x 0.65
= 1690 kg/d

Step-15: Calculation of air volume requirement:

Density of air = 1.202 kg/m3 with 23.2 % Oxygen by weight
Transfer efficiency of aeration equipment = 8%
Factor of safety for actual blower size = 2.5
Theoretical air requirement = 1690 kg/d / (1.202 kg/m 3 x 0.232 O2/g air) = 6060 m3/d
Actual air requirement at 8% efficiency = 6060/0.08 = 75750 m 3/d
Design air requirement = 75750 x 2.5 = 189375 m 3/d
Air requirement for BOD5 removal = (75750 m3/d x 1000 g/ kg) / (5686 m3/d x 295.45)
= 45.09 m3 of air / Kg BOD5

b) Secondary clarifier desing:

Design consideration – the MLSS settling characteristics of solids are as below:

MLSS mg/L 1100 1900 2500 3400 4100 5500 6700 8500
Velocity m/h 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.4 0.7 0.25 0.1 0.07

Step-1: Calculation of Solid flux:

G = MLSS Kg/m3 x velocity m/h = (1100/ 1000) Kg/m3 x 4.5 m/h = 4.95 Kg/m2 hr

MLSS mg/L 1100 1900 2500 3400 4100 5500 6700 8500
Velocity m/h 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.4 0.7 0.25 0.1 0.07
G Kg/m2 hr 4.95 6.65 6.25 4.76 2.87 1.38 0.67 4.25

Step-2: Plot MLSS vs G curve on a graph:

From the graph GL is calculated as 2.3 kg/

Step-3: Determine flow rate of clarifier:

Flow rate of Clarifier = Q + Qr - Qwa = 5686 + 3412 – 14,92 = 9083 m3/d = 379 m3/h

Step-4: Determine surface area of clarifier:

Surface area A = QX/ GL = (379 m3/h x 3000 kg/m3)/ (1000 x 0.8 x 2.3 kg/m 2.h)
= 618 m2
Step-5: Determine the diameter of clarifier:
Π x d2/4 = 618 m2
So, d = 28m

Step-6: Check overflow rate:

Overflow rate = Q/ A = 379 / 618 = 0.61 m/d = 0.025 m/h
From the graph for settling rate of 0.025 m/h, the MLSS concentration is more than the
design concentration 3750. So, design is area is ok.
Step-7: Determine the recycle ration to maintain the MLSS concentration of 3750
(Q + Qr) x 3750 = QX + Qr Xu
Q x (3750 – X) = Qr x (Xu – 3750)
X = 316.51, from step 3, Aeration Tank Desing
Qr / Q = (3750 – X) / (Xu – 3750) = (3750 – 316.51) / (10000 – 3750) = 0.55

Step-8: Depth of Thickening zone:

Considering MLSS concentration, the solid mass in Aeration tank = 3750 x 11.5 x 23 x 2
= 1983750 gm = 1984 kg
The mass of solid stored in the secondary tank is 30% of aeration tank with average
solid concentration of 7000 mg/L
Assuming storage capacity for 4 days, due to 3 times of peak flow and 8 days peak
BOD loading for 2 times of average BOD loading.
The mass solid in clarifier for 4 days = 1984 x 0.3 x 4 = 2381 kg
Depth of sludge zone = mass / (area x concentration) = (2381 x 1000) / (618 x 7000)
= 0.55 m

Step-9: Depth of Sludge storage zone:

Px = Yobs Q (S0 – S)/ 1000 g Kg = 0.375 x 9093 x (301.6 -6.15x2)/1000 = 986 kg
Total solids stored for 4 days = 986 x 4 /0.8 = 4930 kg
Total solids in the secondary clarifier = 4930 + 2381 = 7311 Kg
Depth of sludge storage = (7311 Kg x 1000) / (7000 x 618) = 1.7m

Step-10: Total Depth of clarifier:

Depth of clear water and settling zone = 1.5 ~ 2.0m, Free board = 0.5m
Total depth = 2 + 1.5 + 1.7 + 0.5 = 5.7 m, say 6,00m
Step-11: Diagram of secondary clarifier:


Design consideration:

Sl. Parameters Influent Effluent (Expected) Remarks

1 BOD5 400 gm/L 20 mg/L
2 TSS 350 gm/L 25 mg/L
3 Sludge age, ɵc
b. Designing two Stage trickling filters (for the community)
1. Determine E1 and E2
( 250−20 ) mg/l x 100
Overall efficiency, E= =92%
250mg /l
Equation (6.73): E1+E2 (1-E1) =0.92
Since E1=E2
Therefore: E1 = 67%

2. Calculation of recirculation factor F

1+r 1+1.5
F= = = 1.9
(1+0.1 r )2 ( 1+ 0.1 x 1.5 )2
3. Calculation of BOD load (W) to the first stage
Influent BOD = 250mg/L = 0.25kg/m3

m3 3
W = QC1 =2200 x 0.25 kg /m
= 550kg/d
4. Calculation the volume of the first stage
100 100
E1 =
1+ 0.532
√ W =
1+ 0.532
V = 338m3
5. Calculation the diameter of the first stage

π d2 W 388
Area = = = =112.6 m2
4 depth 3

D =11.97 = 12 m
6. Calculating the masss BOD loading to the second stage
W = W(1-E) = 550(1-0.67) = 181.5 kg/d
7. Calculating Volume of the second stage
67 =

0.532 W
1+ E 1 VF
67 =
0.532 181.5
1−0.67 1.9V √
V = 1023m

8. Calculate diameter of the first stage

πd 1023
A= = = 255.75 m2
4 4

√ 1023 x 4
= 18 m

9. Check BOD loading to each unit

W 550
BOD loading (Filter 1) = = = 1.63 kg/m3 d
V 338

W 1 181.5
BOD loading (filter 2) = = = 0.18 kg/m 3 d
V 1023

10. Check hydraulic loading to each unit

( 1+1.9 ) x 2200 m2 / d
HLR loading (filter 1) = 2 = 56.7 m3 /m2 d
112.6 m
( 1+1.9 ) x 2200 m2 /d
HLR loading (filter 2) = 2 = 24.95 m3 /m2 d
225.75 m
11. Calculate the rotation speed of the rotatory distributor in the first stage

DR can be calculated by multiplying BOD load rate of filter 1 (Step 9) with 0.30

DR = 0.30 x 1.63 = 0.489 cm/pass

Use 2 arms in the rotary distributor, i.e. Ҩ= 2

0.00044 qt 0.00044 X 56.7

n= = = 0.025 rev/ min
Ҩ ( DR) 2(0.489)

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