Psych 16 Inferential

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Score in Final Exam

Participant Male Female t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

1 50 53
2 70 67 Male
3 74 76 Mean 77
4 85 82 Variance 151.0909
5 90 84 Observations 12
6 99 92 Pearson Correlation 0.588283
7 80 92 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
8 79 92 df 11
9 79 94 t Stat -2.297299
10 66 94 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.021116
11 79 95 t Critical one-tail 1.795885
12 73 96 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.042232
t Critical two-tail 2.200985
Male Female
12.2919 13.37654

Females (M = 84.75, SD = 13.38) scored higher that
178.93181818 males (M= 77, SD = 12.29) and reported statistical
12 signifance t(11) = -2.30, p = 0.02
Participant Class A Class B Variance
1 77 68 Class A Class B
2 74 42 70.35159 51.81825
3 77 75
4 77 75 SD
5 74 80 Class A Class B
6 74 79 8.387585 7.19849
7 73 62
8 78 73 df 35
9 77 79
10 63 75
11 77 80
12 54 80
13 76 77
14 69 70
15 63 72
16 75 78
17 55 68
18 64 80
19 67 76
20 55 74
21 74 72
22 58 80
23 58 73
24 52 78
25 60 70
26 62 66
27 77 72
28 63 66
29 80 79
30 76 66
31 76 71
32 76 72
33 67 74
34 62 77
35 74 77
36 75 79
z-Test: Two Sample for Means

Class B (M = 73.19), SD = 7.20) scored significant

Class A Class B compared to Class A (M = 69.14, SD = 8.39), z (35
Mean 69.138888889 73.194444444 0.05
Known Variance 70.35 51.82
Observations 36 36
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
z -2.2015031868
P(Z<=z) one-tail 0.0138502107
z Critical one-tail 1.644853627
P(Z<=z) two-tail 0.0277004213
z Critical two-tail 1.9599639845
SD = 7.20) scored significantly higher
(M = 69.14, SD = 8.39), z (35) = -2.20, p <
Level of Aggression After Listening to Music
Participant Classical Rock Kpop Anova: Single Factor
1 19 4 9
2 13 16 12 SUMMARY
3 7 11 2 Groups Count Sum
4 4 17 7 Classical 10 83
5 15 13 18 Rock 10 93
6 4 11 12 Kpop 10 114
7 2 1 19
8 7 7 6
9 3 8 19 ANOVA
10 9 5 10 Source of Variation SS df
Between Groups 50.06667 2
Within Groups 840.6 27

Total 890.6667 29
Participants who listened to Kpop showed highest level of
aggression (M = 11.4, SD = 5.82) followed by those who listened
Average Variance SD to rock (M = 9.3, SD = 5.23) and lastly by those who listend to
8.3 32.23333 5.677441 classical music (M = 8.3, SD = 5.68).
9.3 27.34444 5.229192
11.4 33.82222 5.815688
The analysis variance shows that the difference between music
genre and agression is not signifant f (2,27) = 0.80, p > 0.05

MS F P-value F crit
25.03333 0.804069 0.457933 3.354131
Age (x) Weight (y) Pearson 0.759555
7 12
6 8
8 12 tstat 2.335497
5 10
6 11
9 13 df 4

pvalue 0.039885

Age and weight have a direct and strong correlation r = 0.76 (df =
4) it shows a statistical signifance p = 0.04.

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