Zimparks Client Service Charter Version 4

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1. Preamble

The Parks and Wildlife Management Authority is mandated by the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter
20:14], with the responsibility of conserving Zimbabwe’s wildlife heritage through effective, efficient
and sustainable protection and utilisation of natural resources for the benefit of present and future

It’s major functions include the preservation, conservation, propagation or control of the wild life,
fish and plants of Zimbabwe and the protection of her natural landscape and scenery.

The Authority is also responsible for providing economic, educational and recreational opportunities
for the citizens of Zimbabwe, investors and tourists at large as provided for in the Act.

2. Vision

To be a world leader in sustainable wildlife conservation

3. Mission

To conserve Zimbabwe’s wildlife heritage through protection and sustainable utilisation of natural
resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

4. Mandate

The Authority derives its mandate from the Parks and Wildlife Act (Chapter 20.14) as amended by
the Act Number 19 of 2001. The Government of Zimbabwe regards wildlife as a national asset
which should be used sustainably through consumptive and non-consumptive means for the
betterment of its people. The Parks and Wildlife Act (Chapter 20.14) provides for the protection
and sustainable utilization of flora and fauna within and outside protected areas. The Act was
amended (Amendment Act No. 19) to allow for the creation of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife
Management Authority. The Authority is the overall custodian of all wildlife and manages the Parks
Estate on behalf of the state and achieves this custodianship through regulation as well as
institutional structures and arrangements to enhance its mandate.

The Authority is also mandated to mobilise resources (including sustainable utilisation of wildlife)
to support resources for wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe for direct management of state
protected areas (or the Parks and Wildlife Estate), developing conservation programmes such as
CAMPFIRE, Conservancies, and get to the bottom of human and wildlife conflict. Wildlife production
is becoming a legitimate and sustainable form of land use in assisting development for many areas
that are marginal to agriculture.

5. Corporate Values

• Integrity
• Accountability
• Commitment
• Teamwork
• Innovation
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6. Departments in the Organisation and their Vision and Mission Statements

Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete
i. Human Resources The Human Resources Department aims to deliver To be recognised as a To provide
Mrs T Muyemayema adequate institutional capacity to support the trusted resource efficient and
Authority’s activities through the following partner and innovator effective Human
Phone: 0772 364 398 activities:- in support of Capital
Human Resources Planning, Recruitment and Zimparks’ vision and Management
Selection, Review of Human Resources Policies & employee needs. services that
Administrative Procedures, Industrial Relations – enable Zimparks
creation of a harmonious work environment, to attract,
Library and Records Management, Performance support, retain
Management, Health, Safety and Wellness, and develop the
Compensation - Payroll Administration, Staff diverse talent
training & Development. needed to
achieve and
sustain the
mission and
ii. Information & Provision of IT services for all functions of the To ensure that the To improve
Communication Technology Authority – the department has representatives organisation has capacity in the
(ICT) at region level. access to appropriate use of ICT in the
HOD: Mr. Hope Magaya Information organisation
Communication through
Phone: 0772 436 659 Technology (ICT) and supporting
it is equipped for oganisational
organisational survival strategies and
in the modern era objectives
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Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete

iii. Terrestrial Ecology • The department conducts the necessary Sustainable wildlife To contribute
HOD: Mrs. Roseline Chikerema research to provide technical advice to the to conservation to the
policy makers, resource managers, conservation of
stakeholders, and the public biodiversity and
Phone: 0772 433907 • Provide science-based information on wildlife sustainable use
conservation and management options to of wildlife in
support the implementation and formulation of Zimbabwe by
wildlife laws, regulations and policies conducting

Undertake problem-orientated research in any exemplary
area or to secure the necessary inputs from research and
external researchers if unable to do so. providing
• Conduct feasibility assessment for all proposed scientific
activities and developments in Parks Estate in information and
line with national, regional and international advice to policy
regulations makers,
• Compliance with Multilateral Environmental resource
Agreements as Scientific Authority managers,
• Facilitation of research by conducted by stakeholders,
external clients within protected areas. and the public.

iv. Community Liaison and The Mandate of the Community Liaison and To be a world leader in To conserve
Extension Services Extension Services Department is to promote sustainable use and Zimbabwe’s wildlife
HOD: Mrs. Doris Tom inclusive sustainable management of Zimbabwe’s conservation of wildlife heritage through
Wildlife heritage through the provision of within the protection and
Phone: 0772 111835 conservation education, interpretation and communities. sustainable utilisation
awareness programmes to the Public. The of natural resources
Department therefore endeavours to ensure that for the benefit of
conservation of wildlife resources and biodiversity in present and future
general, involves the communities living within
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Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete
wildlife home ranges and the general populace generations within
through provision of targeted extension and the communities.
interpretation services at region and station level
with the objective of promoting conservation

v. Business Development The department is responsible for commercial to spearhead Facilitation of

Acting HOD: Mr. A Chingombe leases by third party operations in protected areas sustainable utilization effective natural
and development of new business ventures and of natural resources resource based
Phone: 0772 380 126 investment promotion and facilitation. for protection of business investments
biodiversity that enhance
sustainable economic
activity in protected
vi. Audit & Risk The department monitors compliance to policies To ensure that all Provision of an
HOD: Mr. Gift Kuwora and procedures of all departmental operations Authority activities are independent,
of the Authority. All activities in the Authority examined and objective assurance
Phone: have procedure manuals i.e. Tourism, HR, evaluated on the and consulting
Finance, which all managers are expected to adequacy and activity designed to
comply with in their day to day roles. It also effectiveness of the add value and
monitors operational risk and mitigatory internal control system improve an
measures thereof. and risk management organization’s
system operations, Assist the
Authority in meeting
Objectives through
incorporating a
disciplined approach
in evaluation and
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Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete
improvement on the
effectiveness of risk
management, control
and governance

vii. Mushandike College The Zimparks owned college is responsible for To be an To carry out
HOD: Mr. Dickson Chitupa Training and professional development of internationally professional
Zimparks conservation professionals and all recognized leader in development of
stakeholders in the wider conservation wildlife conservation Zimparks
Phone: +263 772 572 050 community. It offers short and long term training and conservation
programmes in Wildlife Management from education. professionals and all
certificate to degree level as an affiliate of stakeholders in the
NUST. Higher Education registered and designs wider conservation
tailored courses in tourism and related fields. community for the
The college implements the country’s Education sustainable
5.0 for the wildlife industry conservation of
Zimbabwe’s wildlife
viii. Aquatic Ecology The department is responsible for conducting For fisheries and To facilitate fisheries
HOD: Mr. Itai Tendaupenyu research, monitoring and evaluation of water- aquaculture and aquaculture
based (aquatic) wildlife and ecosystems. This activities in opportunities to
Phone: 0779 044 312 includes managing fisheries and aquaculture Zimbabwe to Zimbabwe’s citizens
activities in Zimbabwe, crocodiles, hippos and contribute whilst ensuring these
the recreational use of major water bodies. This significantly to are conducted in an
department also conducts research on water national food and eco-friendly manner
quality as well as well-being of fish and other nutrition security in an effort to boost
wildlife found in water bodies and uses whilst maintaining per capita
scientific methods to set acceptable limits of healthy aquatic consumption of fish,
commercial use of these aquatic natural ecosystems. household and
resources. national economies.
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Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete
ix. Tourism and Quality Assurance The department is responsible for the operations of Product quality that To enhance the
HOD: Mr Aaron Chingombe all tourist facilities in the parks estate that are consistently exceeds overall customer
accommodation, campsites, activities, commercial the customer’s needs experience through
Phone: 0772380126 filming, photography and issuing of tour operators and expectations at all the formulation and
licences and travel agency agreements. The times. implementation of
department also coordinates the introduction of Quality Management
Quality Management Systems as the Authority aims Systems in all
to achieve ISO certification operations.
x. Legal and Cooperate Services The Section provides legal services to the To be an innovative To provide sound,
HOD: Mrs. Rumbidzai Mutetwa Authority, it is mandated with the protection of the world class legal efficient,
Authority’s pecuniary and other interests through services support accountable,
Phone: 0772 913667 the provision of legal advice and issuing permits. section providing responsive, reliable
Its main activities include, negotiating, vetting and sound and reliable legal services to
drafting Agreements, continuous scanning the legal services support the
environment to assess changes in the legal arena administration of
likely to impact on the organization’s performance, wildlife by the
training and providing legal counsel to staff (mainly Authority.
Rangers) arrested on duty, monitoring criminal
matters to ensure the correct application of the
Parks and Wildlife Act in prosecuting offenders and
ensuring maximum sentences are handed down,
Reviewing and recommending changes to the
Authority’s legislation, Conducting litigation on
behalf of the Authority in the Labour, Magistrates
Courts and other legal institutions where in-house
legal counsel have audience.
xi. Marketing The department sells and promotes all the To competitively To enhance brand
HOD: Mr. Peter Dhlula consumptive and non consumptive tourism and position the Zimparks equity that fosters
commercial products and services of the Authority, brand in the market sustainable growth in
Phone: 0772 465541 their activities include advertising on all media, for effective demand for wildlife
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Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete
exhibitions, displays, brand positioning which also generation of products and
are conducted at station level. sustainable revenues services through
for biodiversity synergies that will
management and provide a unique
protection travel experience in

xii. Finance and Administration The division which allocates financial and other To be a central hub of To provide support
HOD: Mr. Joseph Kusotera resources to all departments in the Authority. It is the Authority in the to the Authority
responsible for revenue collection, accounts, provision of financial operations through
Phone: 0772 436674 stores, procurement, transport and asset and administrative timeous and quality
management. services that are financial services,
timeous and compliant sourcing and
to the laws and distribution of
auditing requirements monetary and non
of the country. monetary assets for
the benefit of the
organisation and
xiii. Parksmed Health Fund The Authority operates its own Medical Aid Fund To be a World Class To provide excellent,
HOD: Mr. Fanuel Chikande due to the special needs associated with the wide Medical Fund reliable and high
(General Manager) geographical coverage and remote areas. The Fund quality medical cover
was registered as a restricted medical Fund as per to all members all
Phone: 0772 554775 Medical Services (Medical Aid Societies) the time
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Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete
Regulations, 2000 as per Statutory Instrument 330
of 2000.
xiv. Security and Intelligence The department undertakes wildlife related criminal To be the first line of Conserving
HOD: Mr. Philemon November investigations defence for wildlife Zimbabwe wildlife
conservation on law heritage and the
Phone: 0784 445661 enforcement and Authority assets
0773923825 related activities. through application
of modern
xv. International Conservation Wildlife conservation and management is also a A department that To be a catalyst for xvi. Special
Affairs regional and global matter. There are a number of facilitates effective implementation of Assignm
HOD: Prof. Patience Gandiwa initiatives to promote the conservation of wildlife implementation, multilateral HOD: M
(Director) and habitat beyond national boundaries. Such engagements and environmental Alec E.
initiatives are clearly spelt-out in various multi- compliance within the agreements, the Dangare
Phone: 0772 916988 lateral environmental agreements ratified by regional and global Transfrontier
Zimbabwe. At global level, ZimParks is a key role wildlife conservation Conservation Area Phone: 0772 43
player in the implementation of the Convention on frameworks programmes, and
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild resolutions made
Flora and Fauna (CITES), Convention on the under various Joint
Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals commissions,
(CMS) and Convention on Biological Diversity ensuring compliance
(CBD), to mention a few. At regional level, while contributing to
ZimParks catalysing the implementation of the national targets, to
SADC Protocol on Wildlife Conservation and Law achieve sustainable
Enforcement and the Transfrontier Conservation developmental goals
Areas (TFCAs) agreements signed, and resolutions through wildlife
adopted under various joint commission forums. conservation
The main function of this department is to make initiatives beyond
ensure implementation of national obligations and protected areas.
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Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete
compliance-where ZimParks/Zimbabwe is expected
to play a leading role on wildlife matters/related
matters in line with the specific objectives in the
agreements signed/ratified.
xvii. Special Assignments The Authority manages vast areas of land with Meet shareholder Enhancing equitable
HOD: Mr Alec E. Dangare countless stakeholders. This department needs and exceed sustainable
coordinates the planning, development and stakeholder development through
Phone: 0772 436686 implementation of the Conservation Division‘s expectations shared responsibility
Monitoring and Evaluation Programme. It also
liaises with relevant representatives of other
institutions in ensuring the Authority’s effective
participation in key National Initiatives and
xviii. Public Relations This is the Official Authority mouthpiece. The to ensure that our Our mission is to
HOD: Mr Tinashe Farawo department communicates formal official positions communication will be bring the concerns of
regarding any issue of interest in the operations of of highest standard the world of opinion
Phone: 0772 433901 the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority which is clear and forming and decision
concise. making into the
strategic hub of
corporation and also
the authority's social
and business values
and its vision out
into the world.

xix. Chaplaincy and Counselling The department’s role is to provide To provide quality and To achieve maximum
Services Chaplaincy, Psychosocial and Counselling Services professional productivity from
HOD: Mr Trust Mashingaidze for staff members in the Authority and where Chaplaincy staff through
possible their immediate family members. This and Counselling fostering a culture of
Phone: 0772 130078 mental, physical,
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Department Function – subject to review and editing Vision Mission

by respective Department Heads Each HOD to Each HOD to
complete complete
would ensure that productivity is attained and Services for the emotional, spiritual
there is sustainability in Authority. Authority and psychological
xx. Veterinary and Capture Unit The department provides wild animal veterinary, To be amongst the To avoid preventable
Dr. C. Chaitezvi capture and research services in diseases control, best providers of wild wild animal
investigations, treatments, prevention, animals veterinary, mortalities through
Phone: 0777 457 484 translocations and welfare issues Capture and research disease control,
services regionally treatment and
prevention and
provide humane
capturing and
services to wild
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7. Clients

7.1 Internal

Parks and Wildlife Management Authority Staff

Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

7.2 External

• Tourists
• Safari Operators
• Marketing Agents
• Communities
• Lessees
• Fishers
• Researchers
• Educational Institutions
• Trophy Dealers
• Wildlife producers
• Hunters and guides
• Donors
• Film-makers
• Media
• Investors
• National Security Organs
• National Prosecuting Authority
• Conservation Partners

8. Service Commitments and Standards

In servicing its internal and external clients, the Authority undertakes to:

• Attend to all telephone calls within 3 rings;

• Acknowledge all correspondence within 5 working days;
• Treat all clients with utmost courtesy and respect;
• Attend to problem animal control requests including Quelea control within 48hours of receiving
such request;
• Issue all import/export permit applications for trophies within 7 working days and all other
permits within 14 working days of receiving such application;
• Provide clean and habitable tourist facilities at all times;
• Provide user friendly booking/reservation system to the public at all times;
• Provide Tourist information to visitors at all times;
• Recommend utilization and implementation of off take levels for both water and land based
animal populations in and outside the Parks Estate annually;
• Provide opportunity for investment in a fair and transparent manner;
• Timely disseminate information on wildlife conservation through reports, manuals; publications,
brochures and website during working hours;
• Conduct wildlife protection in line with international best practices;
• Timely submit statutory returns within the stipulated period at all times;
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• Offer advisory/consultancy services to the public, where appropriate on wildlife including fish and
related matters within a month from receipt of request;
• Draft leases/contracts for various wildlife utilization activities in the Parks Estate within a month;
• Attend to requests for research in aquatic and terrestrial ecology within a month of receiving such
request at a nominal fee;
• Offer efficient Records and Library information services at a nominal fee during normal working
• Carry out wildlife surveys in and outside the Parks Estate within 3 months of receiving such a
• Attend to media queries within 24hours of receiving the issues.

9. Obligations and Rights

i. The Authority’s obligations to clients are:-

Provision of satisfactory service

Good governance and accountability
Clarity and consistency of policy
Effective coordination
Improved partnerships
Impartial treatment
Attend stakeholders’ meetings on time
Not to accept bribes
Our final responsibility to our country, Zimbabwe - We will at all times remain loyal, honest
citizens, prepared to support good works, and put to good use public assets entrusted to us,
in nation building.

We will maintain in good order the heritage we are privileged to protect, conserve and utilize
sustainably the wildlife resources that the government has put in our custody.

ii. Clients’ expectations in relation to service provision.

We pledge that our first responsibility is to strive to fulfill the needs of our clients who use our
products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be of high quality,
prompt and efficient service. We endeavor to maintain high standards of courtesy, accuracy,
hygiene and housekeeping.

iii. Clients’ obligations in relation to service provision.

The Authority believes that clients have certain obligations to abide by certain codes of
conduct and behavior, to help the Authority to provide them and ensure a successful ongoing

Clients have an obligation to: -

Adhere to existing Park by-laws and regulations when patronising or making use of resources
within protected areas;

Respond to requests for information precisely, accurately, adequately and on time;

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Abide by legal requirements and other obligations that they must in order to be eligible for
payments or services sought;

Attend scheduled meetings punctually;

Not to offer bribes or solicit information deemed as confidential;

Treat our staff with courtesy;

Clients can assist the Organisation through providing feedback on services rendered through
grievance procedure mechanisms

iv. Clients Rights

Appeal for review of any decisions made

Lodge a complaint

Privacy and confidentiality

Access services, facilities and information in a manner which meets their needs –
particularly the special needs of the physically challenged.

10. Review of Clients Charter

For continued relevance and effectiveness, the Authority will review the Charter annually in line
with the Strategic Plan review in consultation with its client and stakeholders in order to ensure

The Charter continues to reflect our approach to client service and any significant new initiatives
in this area,

The service commitment is need driven in respect of clients and stakeholders,

The Charter continues to meet our principles and core values.

11. Feedback/How to contact the Organisation

The Authority is administrative structure comprises of a head office and 8 provincial regions and
operations stations at which clients can submit their feedback.

All Public Offices in the Authority have a suggestion box that is a accessed by the region
managers and the Director General respectively.

The redress mechanism of the Authority is as follows:

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•Area Manager
•1st level Operational Issues, Request for Actions within Park

•Regional Manager
•2nd Level Operational Issues, Assessment of Requests upon recommendation from
2nd Station for approval or Recommendation to Head Office

•Head Office Senior Management

•Authority Policy Level Analysis and Assessments

•Head Office Directorate

•Authority Level Policy Implementation - Conservation & Commercial

12. Postal and Physical addresses

Comments, suggestions and complaints should be directed to:


Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management Authority
Cnr Borrowdale Road and Sandringham Drive
P.O Box CY140

VOIP Phone +263 (0)8677707627

Landline +263 (0)242 707624-9

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The various contact details of the authority are as follows:

Region/Office and Physical/ Postal Email and Phone Number

Contact Address
Mid Zambezi Region Chinhoyi Caves fchimeramombe@zimparks.org.zw
F. Chimeramombe Recreational Park 067222550
Chinhoyi Karoi Rd
Sebungwe Region Stand number 33 mkapesa@zimparks.org.zw
M. Kapesa Light industry 0552593039

Matobo Region 15th Avenue kmanungo@zimparks.org.zw

K. Manungo Between Fort and 029227400
Joshua Mqabuko
Bag 2283

Hwange Region No 704 Baobab schibaya@zimparks.org.zw

S. Chibaya Shopping Centre +263 812830912
Hwange 0773 507 436
Harare Region Boulton Atlantica smusakwa@zimparks.org.zw
S. Musakwa Centre 0772 420 332
Nharira Hills Road
Off Norton Harare
Eastern Highlands Nyanga Region mchikwanha@zimparks.org.zw
Region Office, Room 8 0202020118
M. Chikwanha Embasy Bulding, Cnr 0772 436 682
Aerodrome/ Second
Street, Mutare.
South East Lowveld Corner Leopold lnjiva@zimparks.org.zw
Region Takawira Ave & 0392 263913
L. Njiva Greenfield Street 0772 393554
Ngezi Region 8 Gailles Road tjura@zimparks.org.zw
T. Jura Chicago 0552525154-6 ; 0552520135
Public Relations Parks and Wildlife tfarawo@zimparks.org.zw
Manager Management 08677707627
T. Farawo Authority Head 0242707624-9
Office, National 0772 433901
Botanic Gardens,
Sandringham Drive
Corner Borrowdale
Road, Harare

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