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Trong tiéng Anh, lién tit la cic tit not cé nhiém vu chinh la lién két hai phan khac bigt cia mét cau. Chuing ta sé cing xét céc loai lién tie thuong xudt hién trong bai thi TOEIC: CC LET TH HLS) a Dung loai lién tit nay dé ndi nhitng cdc tit loai hodc cum tit) nhém tit cing m6t loai. hodc nhitng ménh dé ngang hang nhau (tinh tt vdi tinh wit, dank tit voi danh ttr...). = Gém co: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Vi du: - She is a good girl, so he loves her so much. - Use your credit cards frequently and you'll soon find yourself deep in debt. - He is intelligent but very lazy. - She says she does not love me, yet I still love her. - We have to work hard, or we will fail the exam, - He will surely succeed, for he works hard - That is not what I meant to say, nor should you interpret my statement as an admission of guilt. a Chi gy: khi ditng lién tit két hgp dé ni hai ménh dé, chting ta them déu phay sau ménh dé thi nhat truéc lién te - Tom wants to play for UConn, but he has had trouble meeting the academic requirements. 2. Lién tir tuong hé (correlative conjunctions) mw Mot vai lién uit thuang két hgp vdi cdc it khdac d é tao thanh cdc tuong lién ut. Chiing thuéng duge st dung theo cap dé lién két cac cum tit hode ménh dé cé chite néng twang duong nhau vé mat ngit phap: vita.. da not only... but also... (khong chi. neither... nor (khong as, no sooner... than... = Godm C6: both... and... (vita... mda con...), not... but, either... cing khong...), whether ... or (li (vita mo thi. Vi du: - They learn both English and French. - He drinks neither wine nor beer. - I like playing not only tennis but also football. - I don’t have either books or notebooks. - I can’t make up my mind whether to buy some new summer clothes now or wait until the prices go down. RT OU ees Te Cte Te = Loai lien tie phu thude nédi két cdc nhém tit, cum tit hodc ménh dé c6 chitc nding khae nhau ~ ménh dé phy vdi ménh dé chinh trong cau = Vidu nhw cdc lién tie sau va nghia kém theo ctia chiing: Lién tir Was. : “| 1. bai vi As he is my friend, I will help him. 2. khi We watched as the plane took off. | After : | sau khi : After the train left, we went home. | Although/ though/ mic di Although it was after midnight, we did not even though | feel tired. een [arrived before the stores were open. We had to wait, because we arrived early. Because Cha ¥: sir dung d6ng tir nguyén thé trong ménh dé “lest” Providing/ provided —_véi diéu kién 1. ar khi Since 2. bai vi So tha In order that dé ma Supposing (= if) gia nhu Than so véi Unless trit khi Until/ till cho dén khi 1. boi vi Whereas 2. trong khi 46 (nguge lai) Whether " Tigu ring 1. Khi : 2. Trong khi 46 While (nguge lai) 3. Mac dit in a similar way Asif/Asthough feo. 2] 2 | mién la As long as | _ ngay khi As soon as I will wait until I hear from you. He is happy, for he enjoys his work. If she is here, we will see her. I watched closely, lest he make a mistake. All will be well, providing you are careful. Ihave been here since the sun rose. Since you are here, you can help me Iam saving money so that I can buy a bicycle. ‘Supposing that happens, what will you do? He is taller than you are. Unless he helps us, we cannot succeed Whereas this is a public building, it is open to everyone He is short, whereas you are tall I do not know whether she was invited. While it was snowing, we played cards. He is rich, while his friend is poor. While I am not an expert, I will do my best. She talks as if she knows everything. It looks as though there will be a storm. As long as we cooperate, we can finish the work easily, Write to me as soon as you can. In case trong truéng Take a sweater in case it gets cold. L hop... | relse= otherwise | MS khéng thi Please be careful, or else you may have an accident. I hurried so as to be on time. Chit gy: Ngoai lién tit, chting ta cé thé sit dung céc trang tit lién két nhu therefore, otherwise, nevertheless, thus, hence, furthermore, consequently... Vi du: - We wanted to arrive on time; however, we were delayed by traffic. - I was nervous; therefore, I could not do my best. - We should consult them; otherwise, they may be upset. Question £ Don’t go out ___ you've finished your work. A. until B. as C. while ‘ \ Question 2: The weather was bad, they still went for the trip. A. but B. and C. as well as Question 3: He is good at not only maths physics. A. yet B. and C. but also xia Question 4: Be quick, you may miss the first part of the film. A. or B. so C. but ‘

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