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Name: Shane Patrick A.


Course and Year: BSECE - 1st Year


To Evaluate: Choose your answer from the word bank below:

Industrialism 1. this characteristic refers to social relations with the use of machinery in
Organic Group 2. this group is highly influenced by family.
Game 3. the individual at this stage internalizes some other people’s perspectives by taking into
societal rules and adheres to these.
Language 4. This part of self is the product of what the person learns while interacting with the
Rational Group 5. this group implies freedom of movement.
Capitalism 6. this is a characteristic that involves both competitive product market
and commodification of labor force.
Social Group 7. it is a group described as having two or more people interacting with one
another and
sharing similar characteristic as part of the group.
Play 8. at this stage, individual role-play or assume the perspectives of others.
I 9. this part of self presents impulses and drives, which also expresses individualism and
Dynamism 10. it is characterized as having vigorous activity and progress, which is evident of a
modern society.
Let’s reflect

1. Watch a video on the life of Vincent Van Gogh. What social influence made Van Gogh the great
2. After watching, make a one-page insight paper by integrating the sociological concept into
your discussions.

Expressionism is a seeking of the artist to express elemental feelings that are inherent in a
real world. The artist sees the conflicts in nature and in the human being and tries to express this
on canvas, Vincent Van Gogh, the forerunner of this movement, strove to paint what he felt and
to feel what he painted, The Expressionists after him have branched out into all directions, but all
of them expressed their feelings through their art. Vincent, the greatest and most revolutionary
Dutch painter, was born in Groot Zundert in the province of Noord Brabant on March 30, 1953,
He was the first live child born to Anna Cornelia Carbentus Van Gogh and Theodorus Van
Gogh, the second of the six children, Theo, was born four years later.
The last picture of Vincent's was "Crows over the Wheatfield”, In it there is endless
wheat with three paths all end or run off the canvas. There are large areas of separate color sky,
wheat, and the paths. Finally, there are the crows, perhaps figures of fate, and their dreadful
approach. Vincent shot himself while he was in the wheat fields. He was brought back to
Gachet's but refused medical care. Vincent died two days later on July 29, 1890. He was buried
behind the church at Auvers, close to the wall as a suicide. Theo died shortly thereafter in
Holland, but his remains were moved to Auvers where he now rests beside his brother. Though
Vincent was mentally tormented through his life, he was able to leave a legacy of over 700
paintings and drawings. He spent his life searching for something that always seemed to elude
him. But he made a great contribution to art.
Van Gogh followed not just his heart, but both imagined and created out of the box, he
saw what others overlooked, was a rebel, resisted the rules of others not just in his applied
medium, but in life, and saw beyond the cosmos and even time. He sold only one painting while
he lived, but he continued, always, to create no matter what life tossed in his path. The most
painful lesson socially is that others reaped after his death what he created while he lived. For
me, the lesson I learn is that art's creation is in all the souls who lived, now live and will live.
You just need to stop and pay attention because often they do not know what they are creating.
Seeing OR hearing life through the eyes of others is to view the universe. Your steps are
important. This is what Vincent Van Gogh gave to society.

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