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Shane Patrick A.

Panilag Grade 12 STEM 2

1. What were the challenges you experienced as researcher? Enumerate and discuss


-I have experienced the stress of being a researcher because they are many to research about,

like in the RRL to find some ideas for you to support your study. Second is my team mates or

my groupies they put me into some kind of pressure example like this “Where are your RRL”

“Have you finished it” and “Hurry Up” that kind of pressure that I have been. A grounded

theory analysis revealed that researchers can face a number of challenges while undertaking

quantative research. These include issues relating to rapport development, use of researcher

self-disclosure, listening to untold stories, feelings of guilt and vulnerability, leaving the

research relationship and researcher exhaustion (Dickson-Swift & Liamputtong, 2016). The

resituation challenges experienced by the students included situating a perceived problem

or issue in the research literature; reconciling personal research goals with the limitations

of one’s own agency as a researcher; integrating new learning with research goals; and

reconciling the new role or identity as a researcher with the previous role as colleague or

community member (Franken, 2015). Researchers face ethical challenges in all stages of the

study, from designing to reporting. These include anonymity, confidentiality, informed

consent, researchers’ potential impact on the participants and vice versa (Sanjari &

Bahramnezhad, 2015).
2. How were you able to address those challenges?

-I able to address those challenges by coping up and solve those challenges through learning

from our mistakes and apply this with the help of my groupies thus we was able to come up

with this good research topic and also with this we know how it is important to us as a

student and being a researcher to. The challenge lies in harnessing volumes of data,

integrating the data from hundreds of sources, and understanding their various formats (Chen

& Weber, 2016). After exploring how researchers have dealt with these challenges in prior

studies, the authors discuss promising strategies and methods to advance future researchers

(Umberson et al, 2015).

3. What have you gained/learned in doing your research project?

-I learn so much in making our research paper together as a team. Well we have many

problems come our way but we have overcome it and also, I learned being a Responsible,

Reliable Person. I gained many in my research First knowledge. I have the knowledge to

know what is the problems in our society right now and also as a researcher I have

discovered that in our society right now is technology is like Virus to us once you ended

being addictively to online games like “Dota 2, League of legends, Mobile legends and many

more” why I say this it because in my own I have experience it. Is just like a virus and a little

advice don’t caught up with it. When you perform research, you are essentially trying to

solve a mystery—you want to know how something works or why something happened. In

other words, you want to answer a question that you (and other people) have about the world.

This is one of the most basic reasons for performing research (Coghlan, 2019).  from

research can be just as important as performing the research. Research results can be
presented in a variety of ways, but one of the most popular—and effective—presentation

forms is the research paper (O'Leary, 2017).

4. How did you successfully accomplish such project?

- Not just me that I successfully accomplish such project it was all of us groupies. We work

hard for this project so that’s why we successfully accomplish it and we all know they are

many challenges that will come to us but I didn’t expect that we overcome it by trusting each

other and have faith in yourself that you can do it. We motivate ourselves to do what is to do

on time that’s why we finish on time to. I know that Im not that smart but my mates help to

understand well, however we come up with a topic that we work hard on it to research it all

overnight and Im satisfied with them being my groupies. The first and most important step in

any project is defining the scope of the project. What is it you are supposed to accomplish or

create? What is the project objective? Equally important is defining what is not included in

the scope of your project (Hansen & Nohria, 2015). For internal projects, and often for

external projects, there are too many demands for resources. Too many projects in production

at one time will strain the organization, causing all projects to suffer. Many people think that

if they are already doing something for one project, it’s easy to do it for a few at a time

(Lakhani & Von Hippel, 2015).


Chen, Y., Argentinis, J. E., & Weber, G. (2016). IBM Watson: how cognitive computing can be

applied to big data challenges in life sciences research. Clinical therapeutics, 38(4), 688-701.

Coghlan, D. (2019). Doing action research in your own organization. SAGE Publications


Dickson-Swift, V., James, E. L., Kippen, S., & Liamputtong, P. (2016). Doing sensitive research:

what challenges do qualitative researchers face? Qualitative research, 7(3), 327-353.

Franken, M. (2015). Re-situation challenges for international students

‘becoming’researchers. Higher education, 64(6), 845-859.

Hansen, M. T., & Nohria, N. (2015). How to build collaborative advantage. MIT Sloan

Management Review, 46(1), 22. O'Leary, Z. (2017). The essential guide to doing your research

project. Sage.

Lakhani, K. R., & Von Hippel, E. (2015). How open source software works:“free” user-to-user

assistance. In Produktentwicklung mit virtuellen Communities (pp. 303-339). Gabler Verlag.

Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F. K., Shoghi, M., & Cheraghi, M. A. (2015). Ethical

challenges of researchers in qualitative studies: The necessity to develop a specific

guideline. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 7.

Umberson, D., Thomeer, M. B., Kroeger, R. A., Lodge, A. C., & Xu, M. (2015). Challenges and

opportunities for research on same‐sex relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(1), 96-


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