MIL Requirement

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Lesson 1

In this paper I wrote what I understood or understood in lessons 1-4 and in the first lesson it is
said that communication can be communication with oneself or communication with another
person or even more. Through communication there is something called meditation or talking to
oneself to get to know each other better and when communicating with one or more people we
can use words or sign language to convey what we want to say and the hints to our
surroundings like the crying of a baby which means that it is hungry and it is said that even the
enlightened people can still communicate with us today through books or engravings anywhere
and there are also many branches or types communication there is what is called distance
communication through which you can use an envelope or letter in friendship communication
and currently use text or video chat to talk to the person you want to talk to.

And because of the interest in communication, many experts have studied it and many theories
have occurred and explained what its goals are and there is something called

The Lasswell model of communication (also known as Lasswell’s communication model)

describes who is saying something, which channel is used to convey the messages, who the
message is aimed at and what effect the message has.

The Shannon and Weaver model is a linear model of communication that provides a framework
for analyzing how messages are sent and received. It is best known for HE H its ability to
explain how messages can be mixed up and misinterpreted in the process between sending and
receiving the message

The Osgood-Schramm model of communication is explained as a model where communication

between the sender and receiver occurs in a circular rather than a linear way. Being a circular
communication model implies that both the sender and receiver continually share information
and ideas.

Frank Dance’s communication model assumes that a person’s communication starts at birth,
and continues as life progresses. Communication usually moves forward, but there are also
cases of it moving backwards. This is because memories and impressions from the past also
influence the present.

The last Convergence model,” as it is known, describes communication, not as an event but a
process. The sender and receiver engage in interpretation and response toward the goal of
mutual understanding. Meaning is not in the message. Meaning is something that gets worked
out by the sender and receivercation starts at birth, and continues as life progresses.
Communication usually moves forward, but there are also cases of it moving backwards. This is
because memories and impressions from the past also influence the present.

Lesson 2 introduction to media nd technology

First, let me explain what literacy is, and what is written in newspapers, diaries, magazines,
texts, etc., where you can read what is being said and what you want to convey. We obtain
information through technology, the telephone, and so on. Media literacy is an exaggerated term
for making information accessible.

Information literacy also includes the ability to find, evaluate, organize, use, and communicate
information in various forms.

Technology literacy is the ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to
responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technology tools to access, manage, integrate,
evaluate, create and communicate information.

The Technology and Information Literacy capability focuses on the ability to research, collect,
manage, transform, and exchange information using technologies such as web browsers, email,
word processing, and spreadsheet software.

“Media and information literacy comprises the sum of the knowledge, attitudes, and skills
necessary to know when and what information is needed. Where and how to obtain this
information. How to look it up, fix it when you find it, and use it ethically

Lesson 3. Responsible of use Media and

Media is considered one of the most powerful tools for informing people and society. Media is part of our
daily life. It informs, influences and entertains us. They not only provide us with information, but they also
have the ability to shape our lives.Today, some people use social media irresponsibly. Must be
accompanied by This is commonly known as social bullying or cyberbullying, which involves insults,
teasing, verbal abuse and humiliation. From one person to another via an online platform, Republic Act
No. 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013) was issued for this purpose. (netiquette)

Lesson 4

The internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of the social network. People
advanced the use of Microelectronics with the invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and
wearable technology. Moreover, voice, image, and sound data are digitalized. We are now living in the
information age.

But let’s discuss the past millennials what media is for them. Pre industrial age (also known as “parietal
art”) are painted drawings on cave walls or ceilings, mainly of prehistoric origin, dated to some 40,000
years ago (around and the following Industrial Age Media included stone, shell, clay, metal, papyrus, cloth,
paper. Until recently, good penmanship was considered an important indicator of literacy. Electronic age
the People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the
early computers. In this age, long distance communication became more efficient.

In Lessons 1-4, I found a way to improve the media or communication and so far it has improved even
more. Media was discussed at the beginning when painting the cave, it became a book and it became a
telephone, and it continued to be developed and it was also discussed that its use should be is
associated with good manners and a law has been put in place to prevent harassment on social media.

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