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Delhi Public School Bangalore North

Academic Session 2021- 2022

L- 14 The World from 1914 - 1945
Revision Worksheet
Name: ________________ Subject: Social Studies
Class: V ______ Date: ________________
Lessons: L-11, L-13, L-15, L-
I. Fill in the blanks: L-18, L-19(Combined
1. Hitler’s ambition to turn ____________ into a superpower plunged the world into

another world war.

2. The years after the First World War were hard for the people of ____________.

3. Assassination of _________________________ led to the outbreak of the First

World War.

4. Hitler held the ________ responsible for Germany’s misfortune.

5. The period saw the rise of two dictators- ______________in Italy and Adolf Hitler

in Germany.

6. An agreement between countries is called as ________________.

II. Choose the correct option:

1. What were German Submarines called?

a. U-boats
b. Kayaks
c. Umiak
d. Motor boats
2. Who was appointed the Chancellor of Germany in 1933?

a. Adolf Hitler
b. Benito Mussolini
c. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
d. Woodrow Wilson

3. The first World War was mostly fought from_________. Soldiers dug open
_________ in the ground. _________ and heavy artillery were used extensively.

a. Tunnels, poison gas, machine guns

b. Trenches, tunnels, machine guns
c. Poison gas, U-boats, air raids
d. Air-raids, artillery, poison -gas

4. Japan attacked which naval base of America in 1941?

a. Pearl Harbor
b. San Diego
c. China Lake
d. Nagasaki

5. Which Treaty was signed after First World War?

a. Neuilly
b. Trianon
c. Versailles
d. Indus-water

6. Match the following and choose the appropriate option:

1. Anne Frank i) German submarine

2. Hawaii ii) Jewish

3. U-boats iii) naval base

a. 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii

b. 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i

c. 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii

d.1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i

III. Look at the picture and answer the questions:

1.Identify the incident shown in the picture.

Ans: _______________________________________________________.
2. Which two cities were affected by this event?
Ans: _______________________________________________________.

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

The years after the War were hard for the people of Europe. Then came the Great
Depression in 1929. Trade suffered, factories and banks closed down and millions of
people lost their jobs. The effects were particularly severe in Europe and America.

Q1. What occurred in 1929?

A 1. _______________________________________________________

Q 2. Which countries were severely affected by it?

A 2. _______________________________________________________

V. Imagine two of your friends are having an argument or fight for a game.
What are you going to do to solve their dispute? Think and answer.

L – 15: Towards Freedom
NAME: ___________________ SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES
CLASS: V SEC: ______ DATE: _____________________

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The British traded through a company called __________________.

2. The main cause for the revolt of 1857 was the introduction of the
__________________ rifle.

3. The Indian National Congress was formed by an Englishman named


4. The British forced farmers to grow ____________ and _____________.

5. The first session of the Indian National congress was held at ___________.

6. Bahadur Shah Zafar was exiled to _________________.

7. The Revolt of 1857 was the first war of ________________.

II. Name the following:

1. An armed protest against the ruling authority. _________________

2. Love and devotion for one’s own country. ____________________

3. The First War of Independence is also called __________________.

4. An Indian soldier serving in the British army. ________________

5. Division of people into groups based on birth. _________________

III. Choose the correct option: -

1. Begum Hazrat Mahal led the revolt from

a. Awadh
b. Jhansi

c. Delhi

d. Kanpur

2. The Revolt of 1857 first started at ______________ and

spread to other parts of northern and central India.

a. Barrackpore

b. Kanpur

c. Meerut

d. Jabalpur

3. The First War of Independence was also called as

a. Battle of Plassey

b. Battle of Haldighati

c. Battle of Buxar

d. Sepoy Mutiny

4. Modern education in India was introduced by the

a. French

b. Portuguese

c. British

d. Dutch

5. The rule of English East India Company ended in

a. 1857

b. 1858

c. 1877

d. 1885

6. After the mutineers were defeated, the British exiled _________________ to

______________ and he spent the last years of his life in ______________.
a. Aurengzeb, Burma, Rangoon

b. Akbar, Srilanka, Colombo

c. Bahadur Shah Zafar, Myanmar, Rangoon

d. Jahangir, Myanmar, Yangon

7. Match the following by choosing the appropriate option.

1. Allan Octavian Hume i) Reformer

2. Raja Rammohun Roy ii) Companies

3. Trading centres iii) British officer

a. 1-iii,2-i, 3-ii

b. 1-ii,2-iii,3-i

c. 1-i,2-ii,3-iii

d. 1-iii,2-ii, 3-i

8. The Sepoy Mutiny spread to southern part of India, identify the place

a. Kittoor

b. Vellore

c. Thanjavur

d. Kochi

IV. Answer in brief:

1. India had trade relations with many countries, what were the main items of trade?

2. How did British exploit the farmers?


V. a. Identify the picture.



b. Where was it held?



c. Who was the first president of this session?


VI. The British introduced modern education in India. Gradually, educated Indians
introduced many social and religious reforms. Reformers such as Raja Rammohun
Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and Debendranath Tagore were active during this
period. They strongly protested against social practices such as sati, killing female
babies, child marriage and the caste system. They also encouraged widow remarriage
and education of women.

a. Name any two reformers.


b. Name any two social practices that prevailed in India during that time.

VII. Think and answer

Independence was achieved at a considerable price; we should know the value of our
freedom fighters’ sacrifice. How will you show that you love your country?

NAME: ___________________ SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES
CLASS: V SEC: ______ DATE: _____________________

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The ________________ (Quit India Movement/ Non-Cooperation Movement)

movement was withdrawn by Gandhiji.
2. The early leaders of the Congress were known as___________. (Moderates/
3. Gandhiji’s method of fighting was known as _____________. (violence/
4. Indians protested against the __________ (General/ Simon) Commission.
5. Civil Disobedience Movement began with ______________ (Dandi

II. Choose the correct answer from the following:

1. The first President of India was ________________________.

a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
c. Jawaharlal Nehru d. Subhash Chandra Bose

2. Opposition to the partition of Bengal led to the __________________.

a. Swadeshi and Boycott Movement b. Non-Cooperation Movement
c. Quit India Movement d. None of these
3. Who launched the ‘Dandi March’?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru b. Bhagat Singh
c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Sarojini Naidu

4. The Indian National Army was led by __________________.

a. Subhas Chandra Bose b. Bhagat Singh
c. Gandhiji d. Rajguru
5. A public meeting was held at _______________ in Amritsar.
a. Jallianwala Bagh b. Wagah Border
c. Heritage Walk d. All of these

6. Match the following and choose the appropriate option:

1. Simon Commission i) Do or Die

2. Subhash Chandra Bose ii) Go Back

3. Quit India Movement iii) Jai Hind

a. 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii

b. 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii
c. 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i
d.1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i

7. “Jai Hind” & “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it”, these slogans were
given by _______________________&_________________________.
a) Subhas Chandra Bose & Bal Gangadhar Tilak b) Bipin Chandra Pal & Ajit
c) Maulana Azad & Gandhiji d. Bal Gangadhar Tilak & Gandhiji
III. Complete the analogy:

1. Early leaders: Moderates :: Strikes and Boycotts: ____________.

2. Dadabhai Naoroji : ______________ :: Lal - Bal - Pal : Radicals.
3. 1942: Quit India Movement :: ________ : Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
IV. Define:
1. Satyagraha:
2. Swadeshi:
V. Answer the following:

1. What was the contribution of Subhas Chandra Bose to our national


VI. Look at the pictures and answer the following

1. Name the revolutionaries who became active at this time?

2. Why did the event occur?
VII. Read the passage and answer the question:
Swadeshi means ‘of one’s own country’. The movement aimed to popularize
the use of goods made in India. People were asked to boycott all foreign made
goods. They made huge bonfires of foreign made goods. A large number of
women and students joined the movement. The government tried to suppress
the movement.
1. What was the Swadeshi movement?

2. Who tried to suppress the movement?


VIII. “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it”. What does freedom mean to
NAME: ___________________ SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES
CLASS: V SEC: ______ DATE: _____________________

I. Name the following:

1. Lower House of Parliament - _________________
2. Highest judicial body in India - __________________
3. The head of the country- _________________
4. Head of the state - ___________________
5. Law-making body at the centre - ____________________

II. Choose the correct answer from the options given:

1. The ________________ of India has a mention of the powers of central and state
a) Constitution b) Enforcement directorate c) Supreme court d) State

2. The_____________ of India is the chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

a) President b) Vice President c) Tehsildar d) Chief

3. The _____________ guides the proceedings in the Lok Sabha.

a) Chief Justice b) Attorney General of India c) Speaker d) Secretary-

4. The highest judicial position is that of the ________________ of India.

a) President b) Chief Justice c) Prime Minister d) Governor

5. Match the following and choose the appropriate option:

1) Lok Sabha i) The Upper House
2) Parliament ii) 552 members
3) Rajya Sabha iii) Law-making body

a) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii b) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i

c) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii d) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i
6. The ______________ is the head of a State. She/He is appointed by the
_____________ of India for a term of _________.
a) Chief Minister, President, 10 years
b) Prime Minister, Governor, 6 years
c) President, Prime Minister, 4 years
d) Governor, President, 5 years

III. Observe the picture and answer the following:

1. Identify the building. Where is it located?


2. Who designed this building?


IV. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

The Constitution of India was drafted by the Constituent Assembly. It was adopted
on 26th November 1949 and came into force on 26th January 1950. We celebrate
this day as our Republic Day.
1. Who drafted the Constitution of India?
Ans. __________________________________________________.

2. When do we celebrate Republic Day of India?

V. Think and Answer:
‘We all have certain fundamental rights and we should fight for our rights’. Do
you think arguing with parents or elders to have excessive screen time playing
games, browsing on social networking sites etc., on smartphones longer than you
are allowed to, is fighting for your rights? Why? Why not?
L – 19: The United Nations
CLASS: V SEC: ______ DATE: _____________________

I. Choose the correct answer from the options given:

1. The name ‘United Nations was first used by

a) Bill Clinton b) Franklin D Roosevelt

c) Antonio Guterres d) Kofi Annan

2. The International Court of Justice has

a) 10 judges b) 9 judges
c) 15 judges d) 25 judges
3. The headquarters of the International Court of Justice is located at

a) Washington DC b) Hague

c) Rome d) Geneva

4. The United Nations Day is observed every year on

a. 24 October b. 30 October

c. 15 August d. 1 November

5. The main organ of the United Nations is

a. Secretariat b. Security Council

c. General Assembly d. Economic and Social Council

II. Write the correct answer:

1. The agency that works towards removing hunger from the world.


2. The agency that works for children’s rights.


3. The agency which promotes general health of the people of the world.


4. The agency that works towards promoting opportunities that help people to find

5. The agency that protects historical and cultural sites all over the world.

III. Fill in the blanks.

1. The UN is an organization that helps maintain ________ in the world.

2. ___________ countries signed the UN charter in 1945.

3. There are _____________ permanent members in the Security council.

4. The __________________________________ is no longer funtional.

5. The _________________________carries out the day-to-day work of the UN.

6. The first all-women peacekeeping force of the UN is made up of 105 Indian

IV. Match the following and choose the correct option

1. United Nations Organization i. Two official languages of the UN

2. French and English ii. Antonio Guterres

3. France iii. 193 member states

4. Ninth Secretary General iv. Security Council permanent member

a. 1-iii, 2. -i, 3.-iv, 4.- ii

b. 1.-ii, 2.-iii, 3.-iv, 4.-i

c. 1.-iv, 2.-iii, 3.-i, 4.-ii

d. 1.-i, 2.-ii, 3.-iv, 4.-iii

V. Rewrite the sentences correctly by changing the underlined words.

1. China, France, India, the United Kingdom and the USA are the permanent
members of the Security Council.

2. The International Court of Justice is the principal economic organ of the UN.
3. The World Health Organization promotes the general living conditions of the
people of the world.
4. The Latin motto ‘FIAT PANIS’ means ‘let there be peace’.
5. The UN makes efforts to prevent misuse of destructive medicines.

VI. Identify the organ of the United Nations in the given picture. What is
usually discussed here?

VIII. Define – Disarmament

IX. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.

The UN does not frame laws nor does it impose _________. It is a platform where
issues are discussed and _________ are worked out. Any country that is committed to
peace and accepts the goals of the UN _________ can become its member.
a. punishments, solutions, Secretariat
b. taxes, solutions, Charter
c. penalty, solutions, mission
d. fine, resolutions, ICJ
X. Value based question:

Imagine yourself to be a representative of a UN agency that promotes the general

health of the people. This agency is organizing a campaign in your school to avoid
mask pollution. How will you contribute in this event?


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