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Tennessee Annual Conference


Motion Title: Disciple Bible Study Advance Special Date: 6/13/2011

I move that Disciple Bible Outreach Ministries be added to the list of Advance Specials in the list in Resolution #5: Conference Advance Specials.

Originator name: Vin Walkup

ACTION: Passed VOTE: Hand/Standing

Tennessee Annual Conference


Motion Title: Min. of Campus Ministry fund set at $1 million Date: 6/13/2011

Amending the camping ministries report: I move that the Campus Ministries fund be set at a minimum of $1,000,000.00.

Originator name: Vin Walkup

ACTION: Passed VOTE: Hand/Standing

Tennessee Annual Conference


Motion Title: On apportionments Date: 6/15/2011

See attachment:

Whereas, in the past year the difference between apportionment giving and our budget was 15%. For 2010 this difference was over $2 million dollars. Whereas, the gap between our adopted budget and our actual receipts constitutes a long standing trend. Therefore, be it resolved that: 1. The pastor and finance chair of any church not paying 100% of their apportioned giving will write a report explaining the shortfall between the churchs giving and the apportioned amount. This letter shall be submitted to the Conference and D.S. along with the Year End Report. 2. Any church not showing steady yearly improvement in reaching 100% of their apportionments shall present a one year and a five year plan to reach full apportionments. Churches increasing their overall apportioned giving by 10% wilil be considered to be making steady yearly improvement in reaching full apportionments. These plans shall be submitted to the D.S. and Conference office along with Year End Reports. 3. A dedicated list of all churches paying full apportionments shall be published in the PreConference and Conference Journal. Additionally, all churches making steady yearly progress will be listed separately. 4. A summary of the one and five year plans of churches reaching full apportionments shall be published in the Conference Journal. Paul Purdue Clergy Delegate Hillcrest UMC

Originator name: Paul Purdue

ACTION: Passed VOTE: Hand/Standing

Notes: The following is a list of amendments/resolutions brought to the floor that have no comment or were failed:

#2: Min. number of clergy ballots to be read (Jim Hughes) - no comments #4: Amendment to Resolution #7 (Elizabeth E. Von Hofe) - Failed #6: Clergy Elections (Ryan Bennett) - comment: * Referred to standing rules.

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