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Department of Political Science College of Arts & Sciences University of San Carlos

Democracy and Development (PoSc 119CC)

DemDev Research Survey (Democracy & Development Assessment Project)
Submitted by: GROUP TWO (TTH, 12:00-1:30 PM) Leader: Alloso, Joafel Marcianne O. Members : Azote, Aljon Batoon, Em Epsan Capahi, Ruben Miguel Gallentes, Angela Kaye Labra, Christian Earl Odtojan, Ariel Pasaporte, Harley Patriarca, Val Tangpuz, Marc Christian

Submitted to: Ms. Grace Chua Magalzo Course Instructor

Submitted on: March 24, 2011 2nd Semester; School Year 2010-2011

Part I. Introduction

The Philippines has always claimed to be democratic. According to the article What Democracy is.. And is not by Karl and Schmitte, democracy does not consist of a single set of institutions and that modern political democracy is a system of governance in which rulers are held accountable for their actions in the public realm by citizens, acting indirectly through the competition and cooperation of their elected representatives. Democracy gives the people the power and the authority to decide for the state. The people are given the chance to select their very own rulers. The Filipino People believe that democracy is a solution to the problems in the country. But as years have passed by, less progress, or at worst even maybe none at all, is visible in the country. The Philippines has remained to be underdeveloped. Problems have remained unsolved, particularly poverty. It has remained to be an undying problem in which government officials, leaders, as well as citizens do give their best to eradicate Poverty and Underdevelopment in the country. The survey on Democracy and Development was conducted last February 28, 2011 within Barangay Talamban, Sitio Nasipit as the first focal point or area of study. The group members had a hard time looking for respondents since most of the households in Sitio Nasipit, Talamban were already covered by some students of the same class and some, students of National Service Training Program (NSTP). Due to this dilemma, the researchers and their Instructor, Ms. Grace Chua Magalzo coordinated with the Barangay Captain of Barangay Talamban to assign the students to those places who were not yet covered or who were not yet surveyed for the Barangay Profiling. Luckily, through the aid of the very supportive Barangay Officials, the group members were assigned to Sunny Hills with a free means of Transportation going to the assigned area.

The questions being asked to the survey were all relevant to the Representativeness and Accountability value or aspect in the International Democracy Assessment Framework (IDEA) which is an International Standard Assessment used to conceptualize the worth of democracy in different states in the Globe. The questions that were formulated by the group members in lieu of the aspect on Representativeness and Accountability, the following questions were used for the Democracy and Development Questionnare: Botante ka ba? Nakabotar ba ka sa niaging eleksyon? Kaila ba ka sa inyong barangay officials? Para nimo, dali ba nga maduolan ang inyong mga opisyales dinhi sa barangay Talamban?

Naa bay higayon nga naa kay nadunggan nga binuang sa barangay? . Giunsa mn ang mga opisyales? (gipasakaan ug kaso, gitangtang sa pwesto, etc) Musalig ba gyud ka sa inyong mga opisyales?

Such questions being formulated by the group members can be clearly viewed as very relevant to the issue of Representativeness and Accountability of the officers in Barangay Talamban. The questions pertaining to Elections, the Durability of the Officials, their willingness to help the people or simply their initiative to eradicate problems without the people telling them what the predicament is and the level of trust given by the people to their Barangay Officials are a clear manifestation that Representativeness and Accountability could also be seen even in the lowest form of politics in a society. It is very important for the people to know their officials and the help these officials have given to them since the people have given their support and voted for them. It is necessary for these officials to pay back what their people have showed to them during the elections or even during such ordinary days of their lives.

Part II. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework As we are concerned with 21st century political issues we must therefore use the term democracy and development in such a way that these terms will become contextually applicable to current political issues. Modern political democracy is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the peoples vote, as coined by Joseph Schumpeter, and here we emphasize the presence of a representative and accountable government. We can observe here that our conception of modern political democracy has the presence of republicanism. Before we proceed to the incorporation of republicanism into democracy we must first note its emergence. Republicanism emerged during the Renaissance period as thinkers of the time drew from the writings of Aristotle and Polybius and called on the revival of the civic life in which public spirited citizens could take an active part in the governance of their independent city or country (Democratic Ideal). It was Machiavelli, though, who effectively laid out the principles of republicanism. For him, a republic is a mixed government in which no single class rules and where citizens vigilantly guard their rights form the interference of would-be tyrants in their midst, it also one which is ruled not by few or many persons but by law. (Democratic Ideal). To bridge the gap between the theory of democracy and our study we should stress the colonization of the Philippines by the United States, who were themselves influenced by their British colonizers. The American colonizers planned to gradually grant self-determination to the country as they slowly imbibed within the population the principles of democracy, and as independence was finally given to the Philippines, the Americans left us with the 1935 Constitution that was patterned after its bicameral system. Development is commonly associated with that of economic development where one see an increase in income and the presence of improved infrastructure such as high rise buildings or social services technology like water and sanitation and electricity. Because development is

also closely associated with modernization, then the modernization theory must also be mentioned. It mentions that development can be achieved by following the same procedures of the developed countries. To establish the relationship between democracy and development we will use Przeworkis study, Democracy and Economic Development, to provide us with the vital information from study already done that concerns the same topic. There has been a well-established correlation between development and democracy (Przeworski). There are two hypotheses that could explain this: (1) that democracys emergence is credited to development or (2) that democracy emerges exogenously and that development helps it survive. The latter is the winning statement. According to Przeworski the pattern that the presence of democracy in only the developed countries can be attributed not to the assumption that democracy may emerge as a result of economic development but rather that democracy is more likely to survive if it emerged in developed countries. Where democracy is present, economic development will help it survive for years. Przeworskis study is also valuable in determining the effect of the political regime on the economy. His study has found out that political regimes have little or no effect on the countrys economy and that the advantage democracy presents is that is protects property rights better than dictatorships and therefore allow a long term perspective on investors. Some countries are just too engulfed in poverty that even when democracy works well for developed countries they become extremely fragile in poverty stricken countries. This is why most poor countries are ruled by dictators. Now that we have established the relationship between democracy and development we can now move on to IDEA. Since our topic focuses on representative and accountable government we have to note here the significance of the republican aspect of democracy wherein it calls for the accountability of public officers to the citizens. With regards to development, we look again at Przeworskis study where he stated that since authoritarian rulers are not accountable to electorates, they have no incentives to maximize their total outputs but only their own rents (Przeworski). Democracies, by permitting a free flow of information also improve economic decisions. Although total incomes grew at almost identical rates for both types of governments, per capita income growth was higher in democracies because their population rates were lower. Under dictatorships birth rates were high and life expectancy low. People under authoritarian regimes live lives which are grim and short (Przeworski). Authoritarian regimes use force to stifle opposition which makes them vulnerable to dissent through force by their own people. We can now observe the significance of a representative and accountable government to economic development.

Now we come to the Millenium Development Goals, which is a set of numerical benchmarks that the international community must work hand in hand to achieve by the year 2015. We have stated earlier the importance of good governance to human development in that a government which represents the people interests will more likely achieve a higher quality of life for its citizens. The MDGs first goal is to halve the number of people living under the poverty line by 2015. With the eighth goal of the MDG being the development a global partnership for development, it calls on the developed countries to assist the developing countries in addressing their special needs and also a commitment of all nations to remain committed to good governance. When there is good governance there will be a united and satisfied people, as Machiavelli points out that fortresses will be of no use when your own people turn against and then you will not run out enemies willing to join the fray. A united and satisfied will provide for the potency of democracy and development, because then citizens will see the reduction of the risk they will encounter in business. To sum up, democracy is related to development in that they help sustain each others existence. Democracy and development are then connected to the IDEA in that modern political democracy now has republican aspects that promote representativeness and accountability in government. Finally, as regards to the MDG, we can now state that when citizens, the most cal important part of democracy, are given any sort of control over policymaking they will become better involved in the functions of the economy and eventually have the opportunity to alleviate himself/ herself from poverty. Part III. Results and Discussion A total of 100 respondents from Barangay Talamban were interviewed by the individual members of the second group. The succeeding table will show the verbatim and the tally of the answers being said by the respondents. The Tally contains the collected answers from the respondents. The group members had a difficulty in reaching out to the respondents due to a lot of reasons: some respondents said that theyre busy, some said that a group of students already interviewed them. The focused area of the Demdev workers were in Sitios Nasipit and a few households in Sunny Hills. To sum it all up, the research survey went well when the group members already accomplished the prescribed limit of people to be interviewed. TOTAL NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS: 100 (10 respondents each member)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 YES NO DK NR

(The Bar graph is only applicable to Questions 1,2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 since the questions being asked to these numbers are quantifiable not like questions 2,5, 7, 8, 14 which needs public opinion and qualitative analysis.) In question no. 1, which is Kabalo ba ka unsa ang Demokrasya? , 61 respondents answered yes, 35 people answered no and 4 people answered DK. Majority of the respondents answered or associated freedom to the concept of democracy. In question no.2, which is Sa Pilipinas, matawag ba nimo nga Demokrasya atong nasud? Oo or Dili, 69 people answered Yes, 15 people answered DK and 16 had no response to the question. The people associate their participation through elections and voting as an indication that we are a democratic country.
In question no. 3, Unsaon nato pagkahibalo nga nay Demokrasya?, majority of the people answered Fair and Honest elections. People are willing to

exercise their rights, If everybody is free to do what they want. And Pinaagi sa pagbuhat ug maayong buhat, libre ta pag.exercise sa atong human rights. 9 people answered DK and 20 people had no response. In question no. 4, Kabalo ka unsa nang Kauswagan/Paglambo? Oo or Wala, 79 people knew what development is, 13 people didnt know what

development is, 3 people answered DK and 5 people had no response to the question being asked. Majority of the people who knew what development is associated the concept with success and increase of the income of the people, more infrastructures present in the area and when the government has no more problems. In question no. 5, Unsaon nato pagkahibalo nga mauswagon ang nasud?, 10 people answered DK and 7 people had no response to the question. The respondents who knew the indicators of a developed state or nation answered/stated the concepts of having a great number of Gross National Product, If justice will prevail in the system, and if there would be less crimes committed. In question no. 6, Natuki ba sa barangay ang Millenium Development Goals (MDG) para 2015? Oo or Wala, majority of the people didnt know what MDG is, at about 83 people, 13 people answered DK and only 4 people assumed that they knew what MDG is. The respondents who answered yes they assoictae or included K12 in the Millennium development goals. In question no. 7, Unsa para kanimo ang pinakadako nga problema sa atong demokrasya?, 5 people answered DK and 19 didnt respond to the question. To the respondents who knew what is the greatest problem of our democratic system, majority of them answered corruption among government officials as the greatest factor. In question no. 8, Unsa para kanimo ang pinakadako nga problema batuk sa atong kalambuan?, 3 people answered DK, 9 didnt respond to the question

and majority of the people who gave their insights about the factors concerning the underdevelopment of the country cited again CORRUPTION as the main factor. In question no. 9, Botante ka Ba? Oo or Dili?, 64 respondents are voters and 36 respondents are not voters.
In question no. 10, Nakabotar ba ka sa niaging eleksyon? Oo or Wala., 45 people answered yes, 29 people answered No, 6 people answered DK and 20 respondents didnt answer the question. For those people who voted last elections, majority of them answered to exercise our right to vote as the primary reason why they voted.

In question no. 11, Kaila ba ka sa inyong Barangay Officials? Oo or Wala, 61 people knew their Barangay Officials, 31 people answered No, 3 people answered DK and 5 respondents had no response. In question no. 12, Dali ba maduolan and mga opisyales sa inyong barangay? Oo or Dili, 48 people answered Yes, 20 people answered No, 9 people answered DK and 23 respondents had no response. For those people who said that they were approachable, majority of them answered kung mangaug tabang as the primary
reason why they are approachable.

In question no. 13, Naa bay higayon nga naa kay nadunggan nga binuang

sa Baranggay? Oo or Wala., 14 people answered Yes, 72 people answered No, 3 people answered DK and 11 respondents had no response. For those people who said that there were anomalies within the barangay, majority of them answered with nangawat as the primary reason as to why they said there were anomalies. In question no. 14, Gi unsa man ang (mga) opisyales? (gipasahan ba ug kaso? Gitanggal bas a pwesto?), 10 people answered Yes, 15 people answered with No, 40 people answered with DK and 35 respondents had no response. For those people who said yes to the question, majority of them answered Gikiha as their primary reason as to how the officials were dealt with. In question no. 15, Musalig ba gyud ka sa inyong mga opisyales? Oo or Dili., 53 people answered Yes, 24 people answered with No, 17 people answered with DK and 6 respondents had no response. For those people who said they had trust with the Barangay officials, majority of them answered kay masaligan man sila as their primary reason as to why they trust them.

Part IV. Conclusions & Recommendations

In government, there are always two players involved. Player one is considered to be the sitting officials, while player two is considered as the citizen in the state. Player one is tasked to create and govern, while player

two is tasked to join and cooperate. As the spectators, the researchers are tasked to, of course, research, conduct surveys, and interview each player or a representative of a player so that the political system may be more illustrated and understood. To why these things happen and why players sometime cheat just to win a round, well in fact their goal is to work as a unit to survive. It is a fact the survival is the goal of government. It is not enough to win a round. Everyones goal is to avoid conflict and instead theyre creating their own conflicts. This type of behaviour becomes a breeding ground for underdevelopment. And since none of the players seem to be in good terms with one another, the researchers see no hope in continuing this trend of democracy. Why not just have one player, the ADMIN to create the game and its rules, and all those who oppose must be punished.

The government system of Philippines claims to be democratic. But before any can call its people democratic, we must adhere to the democratic processes. One of these is the free and fair elections. The electoral process is just one element of democracy which also equates our democratic duty. It is our duty to select the right leaders, use the system to hold hose leaders accountable, and also hold ourselves accountable for the leaders we choose using the democratic system. Based on the results gathered by the Young Democracy and Development workers, we It is very easy to say that the Philippines isnt mature enough to suffice the needed requirements for it to be called a democratic one. The residents, being interviewed in Barangay Talamban often associate development with the number of infrastructures and that would be built around certain places in an assigned city or area. This concept could be clearly identified as a false answer since development could be associated with different aspects and parts such Humanitarian Development, economic development, environmental development and many more. Unfortunately, most of the respondents havent come up with the idea of the correct concept of Democracy, which could be another reason for them not to fully compensate things when it comes to development side of the study. However, no matter how we apt to identify correct from wrong answers, in this study, all the respondents answers are considered to be labelled as correct or shall we say, neutral. Representativeness and Accountability of the officers are important for a certain country to aspire in many ways. The leaders should be trustworthy and responsible enough to make certain actions, without the people telling them the problems or what are the necessary things that they should do. The leaders should take initiative to make the necessary things which would be a great aid for the populace. They should make sure that every single interest and perspective of each individual would be taken cared off and would be correctly brought to the national level. If all of the leaders would be

able to achieve the things in a RIGHT way, then, the democracy weve been claiming that we had for a long period of time would be given full justice that we truly have it if, we would just work hand in hand.



Leader: Alloso, Joafel Marcianne O. - Assigned for the individual Barangay profiling and Demdev Questions output, Introduction and Rationale Part of the Final DemDev Rseearch Survey Output and the conclusion and the recommendations part of the same Final Output. Members : Azote, Aljon - Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey. Batoon, Em Epsan Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey.

Capahi, Ruben Miguel Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey AND THE Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for the Final Research output.

Gallentes, Angela Kaye Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey and the data gathering of the group through the aid of making flowcharts and graphs for the final research output.

Labra, Christian Earl Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey AND THE Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for the Final Research output.

Odtojan, Ariel Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey AND THE Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for the Final Research output.

Pasaporte, Harley Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey AND THE Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for the Final Research output.

Patriarca, Val Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey AND THE Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for the Final Research output.

Tangpuz, Marc Christian Assigned for the collaboration of ideas from the different group members regarding with the Barangay Profiling and Demdev Research Survey AND THE Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for the Final Research output.

ANNEX C. Research Questionnaires

1. Kabalo ba ka unsa nang Demokrasya? Oo or Wala. 2. Sa Pilipinas, matawag ba nimo nga Demokrasya atong Nasod? Oo or Dili. 3. Unsaon nato pagkahibalo nga nay demokrasya? 4. Kabalo ka unsa nang Kauswagan/Paglambo? Oo or Wala. 5. Unsaon nato pagkahibalo nga mauswagon ang nasud? 6. Natuki ba sa Barangay ang Millenium Development Goals (MDG) para 2015? Oo or Wala. 7. Unsa para kanimo demokrasya? ang pinaka dako nga problema sa atong

8. Unsa para kanimo ang pinaka dako nga problema batuk sa atong kalambuan? 9. Botante ka ba? Oo or Dili.
10. Nakabotar ba ka sa niaging eleksyon? Oo or Wala 11. Kaila ba ka sa inyong Barangay Officials? Oo or Wala. 12. Para nimu, dali ba nga madu-olan ang inyong mga opisyales dinhi sa

Barangay Talamban? Oo or Dili. 13. Naa bay higayon nga naa kay nadunggan nga binuang sa Baranggay? Oo or Wala. 14. Gi unsa man ang (mga) opisyales? (gipasahan ba ug kaso? Gitanggal bas a pwesto?) 15. Musalig ba gyud ka sa inyong mga opisyales? Oo or Dili.

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