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Payer 111) ‘THE HYSORE GAZETTE, DECEMBER’ 10, 1970 4198, 1 a : 3 oe 6 7 8 a 1 wu 11 Boraish s/o Nirnvansiah Boraish s/oNiravan ws 411689 TT OL 1-00 13 Hewumatka ajo Bonumakka do do 19 *4L 80/2 38,80/9 TH/41 1-15 1-00 Obsteiah Obataiat 18 Topsiah vo Jeddaiah Rangenma w/o Weta 80/1 80/1 8/8 880/238 1-00 ‘empaial ry 7 1d Tolsesmma (Me) Tolasamma (M/g) dry 0/2 80/2 81,9/76 BOfl 76,78/1 219 2-75 Karyamma Kariya ul 15 Siddeiah a/o Borsigh sfoBoraish wotKdry 81/1 81/2 83 12 7B BT 8-50. 16 Siddappaefo Byra —-Ningammaw/oSiddaiah dry 81j2 81/3 BIfi_ «1276 4-80. 4-80 7 ~ Borspps elo Sidd . 17 8. Byrannas/oGangsiab Byranna slo Gangaiah do 81/3 85 81/2278 AS 2-09 18 Patel Bhimegowda s/o Patel Rhimegowdas/o do 82 Bil RP. 82 12 7S 480-8 Dodd-obalaiah + Doddaobalaiah 3016 No. RD 553 AQL 70, doted 26: November 1970. Ia Government Notification No. RD 418 AQU 69, dated 17th, Octobor 1969 pul lished under Section 6 of tha Land Acouisition Act. em pages 4110 to 4412 in part WL of the Manors Fucranzit ‘azestte. dated 80ch Ustobse 3969. relating to the Acquisition of lands for consiruotion of dictriburory’ No 6 in the vitlige limite of Hanchinal, Taluka parasgad, the following cor-ections may be noted. No. LAQ. eR. 381 Village: Hauchinal Taluka ; Parasgag HEAD FOR 8. fo. AULA 8, No, 58/1 By Order and in the namo of the Governor of Mysore, J.T, Borser, 3050 Onder Secretary to Governnient, R- D, No. RD 540 AQU-70; dated 26th November 1970. Whereas by Notification No. RD 158 AQL 70, dated Lsth April 1968 it was’ notifiol under Section 4 of the Laod Acquisition Act, 1894 (1 of 1-94) tbat the lands speefed in the schare theroto, were likey to bo need fo bo taken by Government. for s publio purposo to wit for conmracting over bridge in licu of levoi crocsing fa MN. 60/10-L1 near Ghatapcabte, ‘And whereas, all persons interested in the said lande wore thereby warned that any oontraccs for the dispusal ‘of tho aid lands by aslo, lease, mort ‘asrignment, Cxchange of otherwisn of any improvements made therein ithout the eanction of the Deputy. Commissioner, after the dato of” tbat Notification would bedisregarced in assessing compensation. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, J.T. Borner, Under Secretary to Government, B.D. Now, it is hereby notified that the Government: of Mysore is plonsod to dureot that the said novifcation shall be cancolled. : * By Order and in the name of the Goveraot of Mysore, + J. Bonner, Under Seoretary to Government, R Ds 3065 - ERRATUM No. RD 550 AQL 70, dated 26th Vovember 1970, Notification No."D-205 AQO- 70 dated 15th April 1970 puoliabed under Section 4 of the Tnnd Acqumition Set oa piges 1082 ant Lot 1a pate IL-1 of Myso-e Goorrnment Gra tte, dated 14 b Muy 1970 relating sui-ition of lana for submergence area an ths vill go Iuuitg of Dast-kop. taluka .Sempagaun, District B lgaum the iollowing corrections may be nowd. No, LAQ SR254, Village: Dastikop. Taluk Sampagaon: Di FOR - ReaD I Goverpmeat Belgoua Survey No, Area, Asstt. Survey No. Area Assosemont AG Rs.AnPs. A-G. Rs. As.Ps ai/at + 18/31 aaee 81/32 1/32 329 25 ieyir TPP 12/3 129/38" * 128, oe 198 0-34 — 1-06-0 wat o-3t 1-8-0 127 + 8-01 203-0 By Order ond in the name of the. Governor of Mysore, TT Bowmex, + 3061 Under Beoras-y co Governmen’, B.D

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