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Words, Sentences, and Short Paragraphs ne eyes a CLT) Unit Goals * main idea sentence and supporting detail sentences * short paragraphs * the drafting process * parts of speech * sentences subject and object pronouns Exercise 1 Thinking about the topic Discuss the pictures with « partne. Exercise 2 Reading about the topic Read the tet bela. What do good writers dot Writers at Work fet rite; hey are not ished, They rea thet they ed In at, most wre ead @ ing, on vey eading the ew Write Por truco F for false for exch sate aking ist ep for writing Good writers donot need to make change fo their writing 4. Writers want pepe to anvderstind their writing Exercise 4 Responding to the text Anower the allowing quest out the reading Exercise § Freewriting Write for five to minutes in your journal Ch hes, idea ofy own Don't worry abo + What do you study in shoo? + What words deseribe you hat is interesting about yo + What hind of work do you ke? fecha ted a Wing Process Part 1 3 Exercise 3 Identifying adjectives — Cire the adjectives in the sentences below SE res roons 1 (Buypepleste ota 2 Smart people use big numbers Words: Parts of Speech 4 Sick chldeen often fel no and ted There are many types of word in Englth. The most portant fc vocabulary 4, Gold eax popular drink soy are nouns, verbs ad adjectives : The early motsing isa se time to see eer beds Nouns name people. paces and things Person) bridge natu Pree ced ‘Verbs describe sctions thing that peopel or tat happen. wake think bese Q) sentences Adjectives describe nouns ‘A sentence is» complet dea. The shortest typeof sétense has a noun and eauifl warm yellow — shy verb The fest nin is called the subject Good writers knowhow to use nouns verbs, and adjeties, They choose these eae ae sat li Birds People so oth words carefully beease they wait the reader oinderstand ther des. Serences can alu havea noun ater te vers Thee noun ae lle objets “ait vet [tec Tax ay passengers. A water er food. Exercise 1 Identifying nouns Longer setences have mare nous, verbs adjectives apd oer word irc the nouns inthe sentences below Pegpe read and study n-th school bea. 1 (Rane designed there manag. The young nurse called the busy doctoe 2 Many restaants n and po Another ype of sentence ses the linking verb be rains cary passengers and product Thefireishot They are nurses, eds tof (Capitalize the Hest letter ofthe est worl in sentence, End each sentence ts deen goto schoo ever «period: Se ee di ve vioa x smal cat se less gs Gneatiec) shal Care use ese gas (ort) wercise 2 Identifying verbs nese Dating tw Exercise 4 Practicing with sentences Peetemee Unscramble the sentences belo. Remenaber to capitalize the frst letter Then puta period after the lst eter. Use a separate piece of pape. the man /has The man has phone busy the streets /are wal and ride buses dwntow «the stoplight iting Process Part 2) 5 capitalization rxereive 8 Practicing with punctuation and capital 7 SH wtence. Change the ped te entecs elo Pear cach eect. CME ener a he sconce ta pile 3 Total ngs pepe dont ase ais they se 4 pes be rehwatr the ocean as is 5: Soe emp he ake extn ober people oak Exercise 6 Identifying complete sentences Puta check (/) ext to each sentence that expresses a complete ea the sentence be nota complete idea, correct They - 1 lve aig car 1, roca computer expe 2 Tokyo bus 5. Tan diver to at 3 teaches since, 6. Thestore very expe. + learn about main idea and supporting Seta sentences + lag abou short paragraphs + earn torte ft eats © Units | Word Sentences and shirt Paragraphs Pete Ber Bs MO eB ‘Main Idea Sentence and Supporting Detail Sentences Gow weers pie ther Meg, They mites main ea fenenc. Then hey te supporting tel explain hen en. Main idea sentences have two parts. They have a topic. They also have a comtrotting. ie The contig ie lt the writer lexan abo ihe pe (ee) [coon en] rates a8 SS caaes potion ‘Supporting detail sentences ive specific information and examples that explain the main ides sentence “ln idee sentence | seppering etl emtence ‘ics ate useful People can ride them to work epee opacniaseot “ic causes tess. People carn ive fast, They ae late to places, Exercise 1 Creating main idea sentences ‘Write the letter ofthe con olling idea next fo the topic it supports Topics Controlling eas 41 Math ‘shot inthe day and cold night. 2 The desert ce lot of seciy. 3 Tea «can earn many langgge tone, es @.tsimportant in engineering mork, 5. Children conte omey 5 A prod at F seaedicine in ote cuties, Wetting Process Par'3. 7 Exercise 2 Identifying main idea and supporting detail sentences ‘Write lf fo main ies semeces We SD fr supporting detail sentences. sda Mi is a There are maby diferent ys a Some clr uy the et ter doctors tiny he ban, 2, Sait eimportunto pacers 1, parrisspen 0 ills das eh yar on chiens salety product 3. a Fish in fat and has a et citi bah ea: 4. a The laternet changed shapeng abt, 1 People started toby poss elie h Tyee ate pod fora cy Exercise 2 Practicing with supporting detail sentences Complete the sporting deal esencs with your awn words. 1, Stns trys ste money Mary sas share an agarement onstruction workers ed eye protection Tey Trees ate dere fo babes, Ties = Short Paragraphs Ban ea sents oer re ea sporting ded Wes th happens ‘they became short paragraphs. A short paragraph follows these rules, a ‘aus ces des ag Th ccd nent Allthe sentences ell onset The dot sat oma new le wnt | were Sertce nd St agp ‘niemieg——=>_ Many people an cya aff nT stop otk fora onge———=+ feo go home wo eatThen hey se for ap hour acto they wake upidsthey fe efteshed gs Exercise 4 Examining a short paragraph ead the short paragraph, and answer the questions on a separate pice of pape, Honesty always oh ey: Hor example, sometimes wate ay Teomties forget biatays [ll people ergot 1. What te main de sete abou 21 ewer any seeping Easter na tierd What do you thnk it he er’ eat you Bele het Why hy i? Mio Writing a First Draft ‘Wires wnte a ir daft opt tei ea on paper They ku hey ca ide eas later Toye afist dra, low two sop ‘When you ish ead your work and make notes You an ad information changes or ake aay formation tat not necessary, About Me: {ant Strong ibs spars Sporicare important tome play soccet — ets Las ride my syle, Wing Process rats 8 Writing Process Part 4 Editing Your Writing Exercise § Examining the drafting process er ofthe Ac Werk with partner Read the drafts low afte et ‘Seat that gives you the best information he revs. ‘When you eit youl make changes that wil improve Your weting and a Nises aren hey me shop pti things hey ak They sy Keds, They answer questions. : ‘Writing a Second Draft 2 Atenas eas 5 ew ene (Ged he we ot nt Tey se nil el eal aun Inglis ber Sephut—kberend Sogo rand ‘After you wrt your df and your ideas af ler ike sce engage rs wea othe pal Nw Coe, Check your gran, spelling ad punctuation to core mists ‘kk ai. ae ee ee ‘mesic have many parks. (Captale the fst letiee) sdiimarnactansen linea Pa nt identi ras LeU uated Rates ee ote ll 2) on care erie trl i eee 'B. Work with a partner. Cirde the revisions in the best draft for each ‘it ave mien nena rex otal mt Ae ‘tem i A Which he allowing strate di ac eriter we in HE 1, sist) sik 5 rents aera aa = eetiiee ie mc Seen Ss sn sates 7 Theres sea 80 5 rats nnn eae 5. Thee hota yar aeroiee 2 stting practice Wilting Prooea F ad A nso pinta fay Tar st ____ a mlistochietvest lar eo et dec nn t oe eee {Sih cetera ee ae eee eee see shes Cik peur tetae a oe 1 Eh nergy eer ay ae ee 1 Oe pol rd ery ele rae 4: sls poppin ne Tay I pa a ete A od anh tee 10. Unit + | Words Sentences ond short Pagans a terie nes I uns: ca O ieee ae ee eee Promoins fake the jlce of woes Wes wea he opi ‘seeices they ue pronoun os ‘Oranges are delicous They ae ao hea ty in abe, We Wetot acon You" Youre ep They Ty ae vr He einy a Ce She She vant mm Yanyeu sly et a, ‘Unudertne the subject nun the ist sentence: Replace it with a pronoun im the second semence urpareis haves best ar porenslike og Mymotber ica doctor My mother works with ides ‘he sorms case problems, The sors ood he cy My teacher worked it Thala My teacher en the apt 3A businessman tye ot bus ‘ Abusinesman his to rieet with customers t Dub. Now my fy and live in Chicago a ‘Nouns and Pronouns: Object Pronouns Object pean tak te place ns. The alow the verb pied the words. Then | menor them 12 eis | wor Seneca Peg Exercise 4 os Thkeokesrondme as istry ace way hs you? Thequide wi stow yous sham fe. them fn emanated im, he ce ee Crores vay 2 et “We tua these nce pa Practicing with object pronouns ect nouns in the secon sentence with object pronouns. them 1. Her parents taught her ot, he appresates herpnente Replace th 2. Thetiewssuepised the president No one had tld the president. 2, Smart phones ae popu: Many companies sll sma phones 4. My friends and tlked about the news: It wort my friends und me 5. A womar asked for dretons A police fee helped the woman. 5. Ouetesm payed haad, Unfortunately the other ten beat our team, Editing for mistakes with subject and object pronouns Read and eit the paragraph. There ate five more pronoun mistakes she IMy friends and are busy Magdalena is mother. Her has three boys. Them are young She takas care ot they. Andis isa student. Mim s taking thee castes this sermester. never See ols He is alays nthe Niraty. Mauricio and Alejandro have jobs. They work in'a bookstore. My family and | have a busines. t helps we. We make money, but we work very hard Waiting Process Parts 13 Exorcise 6 Writing a short paragraph [Ac Numb the sentences inthe erect ordee Then erie them ona separate ple of paper as paragraph witha main sea sentence and supporting details, Iegives energy ad vitamins Fru shel. Inevery eat, pope rik ach as 1 A goo it tas not of rt Bs, Use the editors hecliat below to heck your work, Editor's Checklist Put a check (7) 35 appropriate Fete paragraph antten as a pragap oat lst of sentences)? D2: lethe ist erence ndened? C3. Does eer sentence begin © Bows erry erence have 9 suet ard avers C'S: Does every sentence end per === + review pars of speech and simple sentences + practice editing for pont and aptalation, * reien main idea sentences andsuppertng detail erences 16 Une | Me ttn nd St agg etd Cee Me ag Exercise 1 In Posting t AU Together you il review what you learned inthis uit Practicing with parts of speech Read the sentences belo. The pat the words fom the sentences into the correct ategoris in the chart {Nene ete bethe 2, Stews study ence, 3 loan i 1. New chairs apd ables ae expensive 5, Tokyo has tal buildings. 6, Happy pope smile beaches. Exereise 2 Practicing with sentences Choose words from the botes below to write simple sentences. Don't forget, to capitalize the fist letter ofthe fist word and puta period atthe end opie lp ‘en Sens Sy ston: face a ‘ae nes me feos 1, Wricers have ideas: nd punctuation Exercise 2 Practicing with capitalization a Ai pets wo each pacarah blow, Cape he stleter of each sete * inner informed Smite voks ste rice the fod sels good i tastes es res give shal ey Ponte Woo trees Trees are portant iyslea the le seal beaut Exercise 4 Practicing with main ideas and supporting details A. Write Mi nest to the main ile sentence. Write SD next to the supporting detail sentences ‘SD 1. x Computers are lea importa eneriainnentand work BD. Prep te en ee a They alo get energy om gas an oa Therese many kid Coney People gt energy rom wd, ater andthe sin by They meer cus Thay openaew nates 1, Many students use toni bes, . Pacaton changing 5. a They gine thecore: mean Be. They check paint heath, 6 a Many people mk’ bres xk ings 1 Howscherpers 5. Choose one of the items in part A, and write tas separate pice of pape. Then wc the eng celine ee tra correct ay mistakes, 16 Unit | wort Sette sn Sher sph Histon page to Describing Places ee es Unit Goals Rhetorical Focus + describing paces Language and Grammar Focus + prepostions and prepestonal phases » artide ar an + singular nouns ith there is * plural nouns th there ae

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