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ADRENOCORTICOSTEROIDS AND Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison’s

ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC ANTAGONIST disease): It is treated with oral doses of
hydrocortisone. Mineralocorticoids like
The corticosteroids are steroid hormones fludrocortisone may also be required.
produced by the adrenal gland cortex. They
consist of 2 major physiological and Chronic adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s
pharmacologic groups: disease): It is treated with oral doses of
(1) Glucocorticoids - which have important hydrocortisone. Mineralocorticoids like
effects on carbohydrate, fat, and protein fludrocortisone may also be required.
metabolism, catabolism, immune responses
and inflammation. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia(CAH): This
(2) Mineralocorticoids - regulate sodium disorder is a result of congenital deficiency
and potassium reabsorption collecting of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of
tubules of the kidney. corticosteroids. Due to decreased adrenal
steroids, there is no feedback inhibition of
pituitary and consequently ACTH secretion
increases. ACTH cannot release
corticosteroids (because they are not
synthesized) but it results in overgrowth of
adrenal glands leading to symptoms. Thus,
treatment if CAG is aimed at reducing ACTH
secretion. Exogenous glucocorticoids like
hydrocortisone cause feedback inhibition of
HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) Axis
and lead to amelioration of symptoms. To
prevent CAH (in pregnant female with
Glucocorticoids (G) history of baby with CAH), steroids should
Short Acting (8-12 hours): be administered at 6 weeks period.
Hydrocortisone (Cortisol): G with maximum
M activity. 2. Diagnostic Use
Cortisone: Less potent G
Dexamethasone suppression test is used to
Intermediate Acting (12-36 hours): test the intactness of HPA axis function and
 Prednisone: Prodrug diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome.
 Prednisolone
 Meprednisone
 Fluprednisone
 Triamcinolone: Acetonide salt is G with
maxium topical activity
 Methylprednisolone

Long acting (36-72 hours)

 Dexamethasone:
 Dexamethasone: Maximum G capacity
 Paramethasome: Maximum G potency

Mineralocorticoids (M)
 Aldosterone: Most Potent M, Maximum M
activity 4. Non-Adrenal Uses
 Fludrocortisone: M with maximum G
activity Anti-inflammatory uses: Corticosteroids can
 DOCA: Selective M (Zero G Activity) be useful in RA, OA (intraarticular) and
acute gouty arthritis when NSAIDs fail to
USES OF CORTICOSTEROIDS provide relief. These are also useflu in
1. Replacement Use inflammatory conditions of eye like
conjunctivitis, iritis, iridocyclitis and keratitis.
Acute adrenal Insufficiency: It is an However, stroids are contraindicated in
emergency condition and requires herpes simplex keratitis.
immediate management with parenteral
administration (i.v.) of hydrocortisone

Anti-allergic uses: Corticosteroids are useful

in the management of anaphylaxis (DOC is POINTS TO REMEMBER FOR SYSTEMIC
adrenaline), urticaria, angioedema and USE OF STEROIDS
serum sickness. These are used by - Long term use (for more than 2
inhalational route in chronic severe asthma weeks) can lead to HPA axis
(status asthmaticus). Skin conditions like suppression. Steroids should not be
pemphigus vulgaris, exfoliative dermatitis withdrawn abruptly because it may
and SJS also require systemic steroid precipitate acute renal insufficiency.
therapy. Many patients recover from HPA
axis suppression within several
Immunosuppressive uses: High dose of weeks to months but recovery may
corticosteroid therapy is required in the take one year or longer in some
organ transplantation to prevent graft patients.
rejection. They are also useful in - Large single dose is less harmful
autoimmune diseases (e.g. mysthenia than small doses given for long
gravis, hemolytic anemia) and collagen periods. Thus 80 mg prednisolone
vascular diseases (SLE, polyarteritis nodosa for 2 days is much less harmful than
and nephrotic syndrome). Steroids are also 20 mg dose for 6 months.
useful in patients with ulcerative colitis and - During condition of stress like
Crohn’s disease who are not responding to infection or trauma, steroid dose
5-aminosalicylic acid. should be unchanged or increased
(2-10 fold). It should not be
Anti-cancer uses: Due to prominent reduced.
lymphotic action in malignant cells, steroids - To prevent HPA axis suppression,
are essential component of the combination steroids can be given on alternate
therapy of ALL and lymphomas (both days but long acting steroids like
Hodgkin as well as non-Hodgkin). These are betamethasone and
also useful in CLL, multiple myeloma and dexamethasone cause HPA axis
breast carcinoma. These can also be used suppression even when
with antineoplastic agents to decrease administered on alternate days.
nausea and vomiting.

Other uses:
- Steroids with selective
glucocorticoid action (without
sodium and water retaining activity)
like betamethasone and
dexamethasone are used to
decrease cerebral edema due to
malignancies or TB. GLUCOCORTICOIDS
- Steroids are also useful in severe Mechanism of Action
infective conditions (like TB
meningitis and lepra reaction) to - Corticosteroids enter the cell and
tide over the acute crisis. bind to cytosolic receptors that
- These can be used as a desperate transport the steroid into the
measure in the septicemic shock nucleus. The steroid-receptor
- Deflazacort is approved for the oral complex alters gene expression by
treatment of Duchenne’s muscular binding to glucocorticoid response
dystrophy elements (GREs) or
- Steroids can also be used for mineralocorticoid-specific
treatment of sarcoidosis elements . Tissue-specific
- In thrombocytopenia, prednisolone responses to steroids are made
is used to decrease bleeding possible by the presence in each
tendency. tissue of different protein regulators
- Significant decrease in neurological that control the interaction between
defects have been seen in spinal the hormone-receptor complex and
cord injury patients treated with particular DNA response elements
large doses of methylprednisolone
(within 8 hours)

- Effect on inflammatory response:

- Major endogenous glucocorticoid is Glucocorticoids are powerful
hydrocortisone (cortisol). Many of antiinflammatory agents. Most
the effects of glucocorticoids are important mechanism is the
dose-dependent whereas some are inhibition of chemotaxis (recruitment
permissive effects (without these, of cells at the side of inflammation).
many normal functions become These hormones also induce the
deficient) e.g. response of vascular production of annexis (preciously
and bronchial smooth muscle to called lipocortins) that are
catecholamines is diminished in the responsible for the inhibition of
absence of cortisol. phospholipase A2 (involved in the
production of prostaglandings and
- Effect on metabolism: leukotrienes). They also delay the
Glucocorticoids are catabolic in healing of wounds and scar
nature and thus casue breakdown formation.
of carbohydrates (hyperglycemia),
proteins (muscle wasting) and fat. - Effect on immunity: These
There is redistribution of fat; hormones suppress cell medicated
depostion over face (moon face), immunity more than humoral
mouth (fish mouth) and back immunity. Main effect is due to
(buffalo hump) where as removal inhibition of recruitment of immune
from the extremities is seen. cells, but they also inhibit the
Glucocorticoids cause negative release of interleukin 1 and
calcium balance (by inhibiting interleukin 2. Antibody production is
intestinal absorption, enhancing affected at high doses and
renal excretion and causing loss of continuous administration of
calcium from the bones) and can glucocorticoids can result in
predispose to osteoporosis. catabolism of IgG..
Immunosupressive effect of
- Effect on CVS and CNS: glucocorticoids is the basis of their
Glucocorticoids prevent the use in graft rejection and various
increase in the permeability of hypersensitivity reactions.
capillaries. These have mild
euphoric effect and high doses can Organ and Tissue Effects
lower seizure threshold. 1. Metabolic effects—Glucocorticoids
stimulate gluconeogenesis. As a result,
blood glucose rises, muscle protein is
- Effect on GIT: These hormones catabolized, and insulin secretion is
may aggravate peptic ulcer by stimulated. Both lipolysis and
increasing the section of HCl and lipogenesis are stimulated, with a net
pepsin in the stomach. increase of fat deposition in certain
areas (eg, the face and the shoulders
- Effect on hematopoietic system: and back).
Glucocorticoids cause destruction of
T cells and B cells (less sensitive) in 2. Catabolic effects—Glucocorticoids
malignancies whereas little effect is cause muscle protein catabolism. In
exerted on normal cells. These addition, lymphoid and connective
drugs cause sequestration of tissue, fat, and skin undergo wasting
lymphocytes, eosinophils, moncytes under the influence of high
and basophils in tissues (and thus concentrations of these steroids.
decrease circulating levels of theses Catabolic effects on bone can lead to
cells) whereas circulating osteoporosis. In children, growth is
neutrophils are increased due to reduced
release from bone marrow.

3. Immunosuppressive effects— with its synthetic congeners .

Glucocorticoids inhibit cell mediated Although it diffuses poorly across
immunologic functions, especially normal skin, cortisol is readily
those dependent on lymphocytes. absorbed across inflamed skin and
These agents are actively lymphotoxic mucous membranes. The cortisol
and, as such, are important in the molecule also has a small but
treatment of hematologic cancers. The significant salt retaining
drugs do not interfere with the (mineralocorticoid) effect. This is an
development of normal acquired important cause of hypertension in
immunity but delay rejection reactions patients with a cortisol-secreting
in patients with organ transplants. adrenal tumor or a pituitary
ACTHsecreting tumor (Cushing’s
4. Anti-inflammatory effects— syndrome).
Glucocorticoids have a dramatic
suppressant effect on numerous 2. Synthetic glucocorticoids—The
inflammatory processes. These drugs mechanism of action of these
increase neutrophils and decrease agents is identical with that of
lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils, cortisol. A large number of synthetic
and monocytes. The migration of glucocorticoids are available for
leukocytes is also inhibited. The use; prednisone and its active
biochemical mechanisms underlying metabolite, prednisolone,
these cellular effects include the dexamethasone, and triamcinolone
induced synthesis of an inhibitor of are representative. Their properties
phospholipase A2 (Chapter 18), (compared with cortisol) include
decreased mRNA for cyclooxygenase longer half-life and duration of
2 (COX-2), decreases in interleukin-2 action, reduced salt-retaining effect,
(IL-2) and IL-3, and decreases in and better penetration of lipid
platelet activating factor (PAF), an barriers for topical activity. Special
inflammatory cytokine. glucocorticoids have been
developed for use in asthma and
other conditions in which good
5. Other effects—Glucocorticoids such surface activity on mucous
as cortisol are required for normal membranes or skin is needed and
renal excretion of water loads. The systemic effects are to be avoided.
glucocorticoids also have effects on Beclomethasone and budesonide
the CNS. When given in large doses, readily penetrate the airway mucosa
these drugs may cause profound but have very short halflives after
behavioral changes. Large doses also they enter the blood, so that
stimulate gastric acid secretion and systemic effects and toxicity are
decrease resistance to ulcer formation. greatly reduced.
Glucocorticoids are important for fetal
lung development.

Important Glucocorticoids

1. Cortisol—The major natural

glucocorticoid is cortisol
(hydrocortisone). The physiologic
secretion of cortisol is regulated by
adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and
varies during the day (circadian
rhythm); the peak occurs in the
morning and the trough occurs
about midnight. In the plasma,
cortisol is 95% bound to
corticosteroid-binding globulin
(CBG). Given orally, cortisol is well
absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract, is cleared by the liver, and has
a short duration of action compared

Antenatal Use
Betamethasone can be given to accelerate
the fetal lung maturation, if delivery is
anticipated before 43 weeks of gestation.
Antenatal steroids may decrease the
incidence of respiratory distress syndrome,
PDA, necrotizing enterocolitis and
periventricular/intraventricular hemorrhage

Clinical Uses

1. Adrenal disorders—Glucocorticoids Toxicity

are essential to preserve life in patients
with chronic adrenal cortical Short-term (<2 weeks) therapy is well
insufficiency (Addison’s disease) and tolerated. Longer courses can cause serious
are necessary in acute adrenal toxicity. Most of the toxic effects of the
insufficiency associated with life- glucocorticoids are predictable from the
threatening shock, infection, or trauma. effects already described.
Glucocorticoids are also used in
certain types of congenital adrenal Some are life threatening and include
hyperplasia, in which synthesis of metabolic effects (growth inhibition,
abnormal forms of corticosteroids are diabetes, muscle wasting, osteoporosis),
stimulated by ACTH. In these salt retention, reduced wound healing, and
conditions, administration of a potent psychosis. Methods for minimizing these
synthetic glucocorticoid suppresses toxicities include local application (eg,
ACTH secretion sufficiently to reduce aerosols for asthma), alternate-day therapy
the synthesis of the abnormal steroids. (to reduce pituitary suppression), and
tapering the dose soon after achieving a
2. Nonadrenal disorders—Many therapeutic response. To avoid adrenal
disorders respond to corticosteroid insufficiency in patients who have had long-
therapy. Some of these are term therapy, additional “stress doses” may
inflammatory or immunologic in nature need to be given during serious illness or
(eg, asthma, organ transplant before major surgery. Patients who are
rejection, collagen diseases, rheumatic being withdrawn from glucocorticoids after
disorders). Other applications include prolonged use should have their doses
the treatment of hematopoietic tapered slowly, over the course of several
cancers, neurologic disorders, months, to allow recovery of normal adrenal
chemotherapy-induced vomiting, function.
hypercalcemia, and mountain
sickness. Betamethasone, a
glucocorticoid with a low degree of
protein binding, is given to pregnant
women in premature labor to hasten
maturation of the fetal lungs. The
degree of benefit differs considerably
in different disorders, and the toxicity
of corticosteroids given chronically
limits their use.


- Major endogenous
mineralocorticoid is aldosterone. It - Synthesis Inhibitors:
acts on the distal convoluted Several drugs inhibit adrenal steroid
tubules of the kidney to cause synthesis. The most important of these
reabsorption of sodium and drugs are ketoconazole, aminoglutethimide,
excretion of potassium and metyrapone, and etomidate. Ketoconazole
hydrogen. Thus, excess of (an antifungal drug) inhibits the cytochrome
mineralocorticoids can lead to P450 enzymes necessary for the synthesis
retention of sodium and water of all steroids and is used in a number of
(hypertension and edema), conditions in which reduced steroid levels
hypokalemia and alkalosis whereas are desirable (eg, adrenal carcinoma,
Addison’s disease(deficiency of hirsutism, breast and prostate cancer).
adrenal corticoids) is characterized
by hyperkalemia, acidosis and Aminoglutethimide blocks the conversion of
hypotension. cholesterol to pregnenolone and also
inhibits synthesis of all hormonally active
- Aldosterone is also involved in steroids. It can be used in conjunction with
causing myocardial remodeling other drugs for treatment of steroid-
associated with CHF and the drugs producing adrenocortical cancer.
blocking this effect (spironolactone, Metyrapone inhibits the normal synthesis of
ACEIs, ARBs and BBs) decrease cortisol but not that of cortisol precursors;
mortality in patients with CHF. the drug can be used in diagnostic tests of
adrenal function. Etomidate (a general
- Other Mineralocorticoids: Other anesthetic) inhibits 11β-hydroxylase and
mineralocorticoids include can be used in Cushing’s syndrome.
deoxycorticosterone, the naturally
occurring precursor of aldosterone, CORTICOSTEROID RECEPTOR
and fludrocortisone, which also has ANTAGONIST
significant glucocorticoid activity.
Because of its long duration of Receptor Antagonists
action, fludrocortisone is favored for
replacement therapy after Spironolactone and eplerenone, antagonists
adrenalectomy and in other of aldosterone at its receptor. Mifepristone
conditions in which (RU-486) is a competitive inhibitor of
mineralocorticoid therapy is needed. glucocorticoid receptors as well as
progesterone receptors and has been used
in the treatment of Cushing’s syndrome.


- The gonadal hormones include the - The major ovarian estrogen in women is
steroids of the ovary (estrogens and estradiol. Estradiol has low oral
progestins) and testis (chiefly testosterone). bioavailability but is available in a
Because of their extensive use as micronized form for oral use. It can also be
contraceptives and replacement therapy, administered via transdermal patch, vaginal
many synthetic estrogens and progestins cream, or intramuscular injection. Long-
have been produced. These include acting esters of estradiol that are converted
synthesis inhibitors, receptor antagonists, in the body to estradiol (eg, estradiol
and some drugs with mixed effects (ie, cypionate) can be administered by
agonist effects in some tissues and intramuscular (IM) injection. Mixtures of
antagonist effects in other tissues). conjugated estrogens from biologic sources
(eg, Premarin) are used orally for hormone
- Mixed agonists with estrogenic effects are replacement therapy (HRT). Synthetic
called selective estrogen receptor estrogens with high bioavailability (eg,
modulators (SERMs). Synthetic androgens, ethinyl estradiol, mestranol) are used in
including those with anabolic activity, are hormonal contraceptives.
also available for clinical use. A diverse
group of drugs with antiandrogenic effects is 1. Effects:
used in the treatment of prostate cancer and Estrogen is essential for normal female
benign prostatic hyperplasia in men and reproductive development. It is responsible
androgen excess in women. for the growth of the genital structures
(vagina, uterus, and uterine tubes) during
childhood and for the appearance of
secondary sexual characteristics and the
growth spurt associated with puberty.

Estrogen has many metabolic effects:

- It modifies serum protein levels and
reduces bone resorption.
- It enhances the coagulability of blood and
increases plasma triglyceride levels while
reducing low-density lipoprotein(LDL)
cholesterol and increasing highdensity
I. Ovarian Hormones lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Continuous
administration of estrogen, especially in
- The ovary is the primary source of gonadal combination with a progestin, inhibits the
hormones in women during the childbearing secretion of gonadotropins from the anterior
years (ie, between puberty and pituitary.
menopause). When properly regulated by
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and 2. Clinical use:
luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary, Estrogens are used in the treatment of
each menstrual cycle consists of the hypogonadism in young females. Another
following events: A follicle in the ovary use is as HRT in women with estrogen
matures, secretes increasing amounts of deficiency resulting from premature ovarian
estrogen, releases an ovum, and is failure, menopause, or surgical removal of
transformed into a progesterone-secreting the ovaries. HRT ameliorates hot flushes
corpus luteum. If the ovum is not fertilized and atrophic changes in the urogenital tract.
and implanted, the corpus luteum It is effective also in preventing bone loss
degenerates; the uterine endometrium, and osteoporosis. The estrogens are
which has proliferated under the stimulation components of hormonal contraceptives
of estrogen and progesterone, is shed as (see later discussion).
part of the menstrual flow, and the cycle
repeats. The mechanism of action of both
estrogen and progesterone involves entry
into cells, binding to cytosolic receptors, and
translocation of the receptor–hormone dimer
into the nucleus, where it modulates gene

Progesterone induces secretory changes in

3. Toxicity: the endometrium and is required for the
In hypogonadal girls, the dosage of maintenance of pregnancy. The other
estrogen must be adjusted carefully to progestins named above also stabilize the
prevent premature closure of the epiphyses endometrium but do not support pregnancy.
of the long bones and short stature. When Progestins do not significantly affect
used as HRT, estrogen increases the risk of plasma proteins, but they do affect
endometrial cancer; this effect is prevented carbohydrate metabolism and stimulate the
by combining the estrogen with a progestin. deposition of fat. High doses suppress
Estrogen use by postmenopausal women is gonadotropin secretion and often cause
associated with a small increase in the risk anovulation in women.
of breast cancer and cardiovascular events
(myocardial infarction, stroke). Dose- 2. Clinical use:
dependent toxicity includes nausea, breast Progestins are used as contraceptives,
tenderness, increased risk of migraine either alone or in combination with an
headache, thromboembolic events (eg, estrogen. They are used in combination
deep vein thrombosis), gallbladder disease, with an estrogen in HRT to prevent
hypertriglyceridemia, and hypertension. estrogen-induced endometrial cancer,
though this combination may increase the
- Because significant amounts of estrogens risk of breast cancer. Progesterone is used
and their active metabolites are excreted in in assisted reproductive technology
the bile and reabsorbed from the intestine, methods to promote and maintain
orally administered estrogens will have a pregnancy.
high ratio of hepatic to peripheral effects.
The hepatic effects include increased 3. Toxicity:
synthesis of clotting factors. The hepatic The toxicity of progestins is low. However,
effects of estrogen can be minimized by they may increase blood pressure and
routes that avoid first-pass liver exposure, decrease HDL. Long-term use of high
ie, vaginal, transdermal, or injection. doses in premenopausal women is
associated with a reversible decrease in
- Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a nonsteroidal bone density (a secondary effect of ovarian
estrogenic compound, is associated with suppression and decreased ovarian
infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and vaginal production of estrogen) and delayed
adenocarcinoma in the daughters of women resumption of ovulation after termination of
who were treated with the drug during therapy.
pregnancy in a misguided attempt to
prevent recurrent spontaneous abortion. C. Hormonal Contraceptives
These effects appear to be restricted to
DES because there is no evidence that the Hormonal contraceptives contain either a
estrogens and progestins in hormonal combination of an estrogen and a progestin
contraceptives have similar effects or other or a progestin alone. Hormonal
teratogenic effects. contraceptives are available in a variety of
preparations, including oral pills, longacting
B. Progestins injections, subcutaneous implants,
transdermal patches, vaginal rings, and
- Progesterone is the major progestin in intrauterine devices (IUDs). Three types of
humans. A micronized form is used orally oral contraceptives for women are available
for HRT, and progesterone-containing in the United States: combination estrogen-
vaginal creams are also available. Synthetic progestin tablets that are taken in constant
progestins (eg, medroxyprogesterone) have dosage throughout the menstrual cycle
improved oral bioavailability. The 19- (monophasic preparations); combination
nortestosterone compounds differ primarily preparations (biphasic, triphasic, and
in their degree of androgenic effects. Older quadriphasic) in which the progestin or
drugs (eg, L-norgestrel and norethindrone) estrogen dosage, or both, changes during
are more androgenic than the newer the month (to more closely mimic hormonal
progestins (eg, norgestimate, desogestrel). changes in a menstrual cycle); and
progestin-only preparations.

1. Effects:

The postcoital contraceptives (also known However, the risk of thromboembolism

as “emergency contraception”) prevent incurred by the use of these drugs is usually
pregnancy if administered within 72 h after less than that imposed by pregnancy.
unprotected intercourse. Oral preparations
containing a progestin (L-norgestrel) alone, b. Breast cancer:
estrogen alone, or the combination of an Evidence suggests that the lifetime risk of
estrogen and a progestin are effective. The breast cancer in women who are current or
progestin-only preparation causes fewer past users of hormonal contraceptives is not
side effects than the estrogen-containing changed, but there may be an earlier onset
preparations. of breast cancer.

1. Mechanism of action: c. Other toxicities:

The combination hormonal contraceptives The low-dose combined oral and
have several actions, including inhibition of progestinonly contraceptives cause
ovulation (the primary action) and effects on significant breakthrough bleeding, especially
the cervical mucus glands, uterine tubes, during the first few months of therapy. Other
and endometrium that decrease the toxicities of the hormonal contraceptives
likelihood of fertilization and implantation. include nausea, breast tenderness,
Progestinonly agents do not always inhibit headache, skin pigmentation, and
ovulation and instead act through the other depression. Preparations containing older,
mechanisms listed. The mechanisms of more androgenic progestins can cause
action of postcoital contraceptives are not weight gain, acne, and hirsutism. The high
well understood. When administered before dose of estrogen in estrogencontaining
the LH surge, they inhibit ovulation. They postcoital contraceptives is associated with
also affect cervical mucus, tubal function, significant nausea.
and the endometrial lining.

2. Other clinical uses and beneficial effects:

Combination hormonal contraceptives are
used in young women with primary
hypogonadism to prevent estrogen
deficiency. Combinations of hormonal
contraceptives and progestins are used to
treat acne, hirsutism, dysmenorrhea, and
endometriosis. Users of combination
hormonal contraceptives have reduced risks
of ovarian cysts, ovarian and endometrial
cancer, benign breast disease, and pelvic
inflammatory disease as well as a lower
incidence of ectopic pregnancy, iron
deficiency anemia, and rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Toxicity:
The incidence of dose-dependent toxicity
has fallen since the introduction of the low-
dose combined oral contraceptives.

a. Thromboembolism:

The major toxic effects of the combined

hormonal contraceptives relate to the action
of the estrogenic component on blood
coagulation. There is a well-documented
increase in the risk of thromboembolic
events (myocardial infarction, stroke, deep
vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism) in
older women, smokers, women with a
personal or family history of such problems,
and women with genetic defects that affect
the production or function of clotting factors.

Raloxifene, approved for prevention and

treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal
women, has a partial agonist effect on bone.
Like tamoxifen, raloxifene has antagonist effects
in breast tissue and reduces the incidence of
breast cancer in women who are at very high
risk. Unlike tamoxifen, the drug has no
estrogenic effects on endometrial tissue.
Adverse effects include hot flushes (an
antagonist effect) and an increased risk of
venous thrombosis (an agonist effect).
Bazedoxifene, a newer SERM, is approved for
treatment of menopausal symptoms and
prophylaxis of postmenopausal osteoporosis in
ANTIESTROGENS & ANTIPROGESTINS combination with conjugated estrogens.

A)Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators 3. Clomiphene:

Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) Clomiphene is a partial agonist at estrogen
are mixed estrogen agonists that have estrogen receptors. It is used to induce ovulation in
agonist effects in some tissues and act as partial anovulatory women who wish to become
agonists or antagonists of estrogen in other pregnant. By selectively blocking estrogen
tissues. This may be due to recruitment of receptors in the pituitary, clomiphene reduces
different regulatory proteins and/or estrogen negative feedback and increases FSH and LH
receptor (ER) dimers (eg, ERα-ERα, ERα-ERβ, output. The increase in gonadotropins
ERβ-ERβ) stimulates ovulation.

1. Tamoxifen: B)Pure Estrogen Receptor Antagonists

Tamoxifen is an SERM that is effective in the Fulvestrant is a pure estrogen receptor
treatment of hormone-responsive breast antagonist (in all tissues). It is used in the
cancer, where it acts as an antagonist to treatment of women with breast cancer
prevent receptor activation by endogenous resistant to tamoxifen.
estrogens. Prophylactic use of tamoxifen
reduces the incidence of breast cancer in C)Synthesis Inhibitors
women who are at very high risk. As an agonist
of endometrial receptors, tamoxifen promotes 1. Aromatase inhibitors—Anastrozole and
endometrial hyperplasia and increases the risk related compounds (eg, letrozole) are
of endometrial cancer. The drug also causes hot nonsteroidal competitive inhibitors of
flushes (an antagonist effect) and increases the aromatase, the enzyme required for the last
risk of venous thrombosis (an agonist effect). step in estrogen synthesis. Exemestane is an
Tamoxifen has more agonist than antagonist irreversible aromatase inhibitor. These drugs
action on bone and thus prevents osteoporosis are used in the treatment of breast cancer.
in postmenopausal women. Toremifene is
structurally related to tamoxifen and has similar 2. Danazol—Danazol inhibits several
properties, indications, and toxicitylective cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in gonadal
Estrogen Receptor Modulators Selective steroid synthesis and is a weak partial agonist of
estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are progestin, androgen, and glucocorticoid
mixed estrogen agonists that have estrogen receptors. The drug is sometimes used in the
agonist effects in some tissues and act as partial treatment of endometriosis and fibrocystic
agonists or antagonists of estrogen in other disease of the breast.
tissues. This may be due to recruitment of
different regulatory proteins and/or estrogen
receptor (ER) dimers (eg, ERα-ERα, ERα-ERβ,

D)Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs

2. Raloxifene: and Antagonists

The continuous administration of gonadotropin- androgenic action. Oxandrolone and stanozolol

releasing horm one (GnRH) agonists (eg, are examples of drugs that, in laboratory
leuprolide) suppresses gonadotropin secretion testing, have an increased ratio ofanabolic-
and thereby inhibits ovarian production of androgenic action. However, all the so-called
estrogens and progesterone. anabolic steroids have full androgenic agonist
effects when used in humans.
The GnRH agonists are used in combination
with other agents in controlled ovarian A. Mechanism of Action:
hyperstimulation and are also used for Like other steroid hormones, androgens enter
treatment of precocious puberty in children and cells and bind to cytosolic receptors. The
short-term (<6 mo) treatment of endometriosis hormone-receptor complex enters the nucleus
and uterine fibroids in women. Treatment and modulates the expression of target genes.
beyond 6 mo in premenopausal women can
result in decreased bone density. The GnRH B. Effects:
receptor antagonists ganirelix and cetrorelix are Testosterone is necessary for normal
used for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. development of the male fetus and infant and is
responsible for the major changes in the male at
E)Antiprogestins puberty (growth of penis, larynx, and skeleton;
Mifepristone (RU 486) is an orally active steroid development of facial, pubic, and axillary hair;
antagonist of progesterone and glucocorticoids darkening of skin; enlargement of muscle mass).
(Chapter 39). Its major use is as an abortifacient
in early pregnancy (up to 49 days after the last After puberty, testosterone acts to maintain
menstrual period). The combination of secondary sex characteristics, fertility, and
mifepristone and the prostaglandin E analog libido. It also acts on hair cells to cause male-
misoprostol achieves a complete abortion in pattern baldness. The major effect of
over 95% of early pregnancies. The most androgenic hormones, in addition to
common complication is failure to induce a development and maintenance of normal male
complete abortion. Side effects, which are characteristics, is an anabolic action that
primarily due to the misoprostol, include involves increased muscle size and strength and
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea plus the increased red blood cell production. Excretion
cramping and bleeding associated with passing of urea nitrogen is reduced, and nitrogen
the pregnancy. Rarely, patients who used balance becomes more positive. Testosterone
mifepristone and misoprostol for medical also helps maintain normal bone density.
abortion have experienced serious infection,
sepsis, and even death due to unusual infection C. Clinical Use:
(eg, Clostridium sordellii). The primary clinical use of the androgens is for
replacement therapy in hypogonadism.
ANDROGENS Androgens have also been used to stimulate red
Testosterone and related androgens are blood cell production in certain anemias and to
produced in the testis, the adrenal, and, to a promote weight gain in patients with wasting
small extent, the ovary. Testosterone is syndromes (eg, AIDS patients). The anabolic
synthesized from progesterone and effects have been exploited illicitly by athletes
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). In the plasma, to increase muscle bulk and strength and
testosterone is partly bound to sex hormone- perhaps enhance athletic performance.
binding globulin (SHBG), a transport protein.
The hormone is converted in several organs (eg,
prostate) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is
the active hormone in those tissues. Because of
rapid hepatic metabolism, testosterone given
orally has little effect. It may be given by
injection in the form of long-acting esters or
transdermal patch. Orally active variants are
also available.

Many androgens have been synthesized in an D. Toxicity:

effort to increase the anabolic effect (see Use of androgens by females results in
Effects, discussed later) without increasing virilization (hirsutism, enlarged clitoris,

deepened voice) and menstrual irregularity. In testosterone. This can be effectively

women who are pregnant with a female fetus, accomplished with longacting depot
exogenous androgens can cause virilization of preparations of leuprolide or similar
the fetus’s external genitalia. Paradoxically, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
excessive doses in men can result in agonists. These analogs are used in prostatic
feminization (gynecomastia, testicular carcinoma. During the first week of therapy, an
shrinkage, infertility) as a result of feedback androgen receptor antagonist (eg, flutamide) is
inhibition of the pituitary and conversion of the added to prevent the tumor flare that can
exogenous androgens to estrogens. In both result from the surge in testosterone synthesis
sexes, high doses of anabolic steroids can cause caused by the initial agonistic action of the
cholestatic jaundice, elevation of liver enzyme GnRH agonist. Within several weeks,
levels, and possibly hepatocellular carcinoma. testosterone production falls to low levels. The
GnRH receptor antagonists abarelix and
ANTIANDROGENS degarelix are approved for advanced prostate
Reduction of androgen effects is an important cancer.
mode of therapy for both benign and malignant
prostate disease, precocious puberty, hair loss, D. Combined Hormonal Contraceptives:
and hirsutism. Drugs are available that act at Combined hormonal contraceptives are used in
different sites in the androgen pathway. women with androgeninduced hirsutism. The
estrogen in the contraceptive acts in the liver to
A. Receptor Inhibitors: increase the production of sex hormone-
Flutamide and related drugs (eg, bicalutamide, binding globulin, which in turn reduces the
nilutamide, and enzalutamide) are nonsteroidal concentration of the free androgen in the blood
competitive antagonists of androgen receptors. that is causing the male-pattern hair growth
These drugs are used to decrease the action of characteristic of hirsutism.
endogenous androgens in patients with
prostate carcinoma. Spironolactone, a drug E. Inhibitors of Steroid Synthesis:
used principally as a potassium-sparing diuretic, Ketoconazole, an antifungal drug, inhibits
also inhibits androgen receptors and is used in gonadal and adrenal steroid synthesis. The drug
the treatment of hirsutism in women. has been used to suppress adrenal steroid
synthesis in patients with steroid-responsive
B. 5`-Reductase Inhibitors: metastatic prostate cancer.
Testosterone is converted to DHT by the
enzyme 5α-reductase. Some tissues, most
notably prostate cells and hair follicles, depend
on DHT rather than testosterone for androgenic
stimulation. This enzyme is inhibited by
finasteride, a drug used to treat benign
prostatic hyperplasia and, at a lower dose, to
prevent hair loss in men. Because the drug does
not interfere with the action of testosterone, it
is less likely than other antiandrogens to cause
impotence, infertility, and loss of libido.
Dutasteride is a newer 5α-reductase inhibitor
with a much longer half-life than that of

C. Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs

and Antagonists:
Suppression of gonadotropin secretion,
especially LH, reduces the production of

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