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Maintenance Manual
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance Specification
3. Product Data Sheets
4. Safety Data Sheets
5. Code Numbers
6. Miscellaneous

Maintenance Manual

General recommendations
to maintenance


1. Maintenance - Why? When?

2. Planning

3. Surface preparation

4. Paint preparation

5. Application environment

6. Paint application

7. Safety

1 Maintenance Why? When?

Maintenance All coatings gradually deteriorate.

Why? The degree may depend on:

• Initial surface preparation

• The type of coating
• The area where it is used

Well planned maintenance will

preserve both the corrosion
protection and the desired

Maintenance Regular inspection reveals early tell

tale signs of deterioration.
When? Repair is simple!
If done before major breakdown,
costly refurbishment can be

Early Late

Records Records of work executed, condition

reports, paint specification sheets
assist future planning and paint
locker stock records help to have
the right materials available for the
ongoing program.

Initial defects
Stage 1 Stage 2

Tell Tale Signs

Such a surface easily

retains dirt.

Loss of gloss Chalking

1.2 Maintenance Why? When?

Initial defects Thorough removal of chalked layer

(powder) as well as other visible
contaminants before recoating is
absolutely important.

Secondary Blisters - bubbles in the dry paint.

defect (A) They may contain liquid and are

created by localized loss of
adhesion and lifting of the paint
Blisters Probable cause: paint applied over

Cracking - splitting of the dry paint.

defect (B) Possible causes:

• Too short recoat interval

between coats

Cracking • Hard coating applied over

soft coating

• Chemical attack - or

• Simply age of the coating


Secondary Flaking - peeling - lifting of the dry

paint from the underlying surface.
defect (C) Possibly caused by application to
moist or otherwise contaminated


1.3 Maintenance Why? When?

Typical Coating will become discoloured,

wrinkled, blistered, cracked,
on board softened or dissolved.

damage Chemical attack (e.g. spillage of oils

or solvents).

Typical Coating is discoloured, charred and/

or burnt away.
on board
damage Hot surfaces (e.g. steampipes).

Breakdown, erosion or removal of

Typical coating through impact or wear from
on board constant traffic.

damage Mechanical damage (e.g. on hatch

coamings or decks).

Corrosion Typical
Corrosion (rust) is the final
on board
stage of coating deterioration. damage
No protection remains -


Maintain the coating system

according to the maintenance plan
agreed upon.

2 Planning

Planning How much? The criteria for repair and

maintenance should be defined as
What is the problem? part of the ship’s maintenance
a) Initial defects
b) Secondary defects Determine and mark out areas with:
Loss of gloss?
Dirty areas?
Chemical attack?
Mechanical damage? or
Are they localized?
or scattered?

How should Thorough cleaning with fresh water

and suitable cleaners.
the defects In the case of loss of gloss or
be treated? chalking a fresh finish coat may be

Contamination and/or
initial defects

Thorough cleaning, then:

Remove defective coating from the

affected areas by power tool
grinding and touch up the spots to
full coating thickness of the
surrounding area.
Localized secondary

Same procedure as above plus one

full finish coat over the total area.

Scattered secondary

2.1 Planning

How? Thorough cleaning, then:

Total removal of all corrosion

products and remnants of old
coating system. Apply the specified
system to full thickness while
Corrosion observing the recoating intervals
between layers.

When? How many manhours are required


• cleaning and surface


• application of system

• allowance for recoating


Can work be completed before the

area has to be taken into use

Are sufficient quantities of correct

qualities available on board to
complete the task?

Don’t - start a job of a size which cannot be

efficiently done within a fair time
with the resources available.

Plan instead step by step in workable stages.

Protect! Provide protection for electrical or

other sensitive equipment to prevent
damage from cleaning fluids, dust,
grit, paint etc.

Light Adequate light is essential for

safety and for proper cleaning and
painting. Holidays and thin areas
will be avoided.

Rule of thumb:

If you can read newspaper print,

light is adequate.

3 Surface Preparation

Oil and grease Use only solvent cleaning on small

areas (and never on painted
surfaces) and change rags and
Oil and grease must be solvent regularly, so that you only
removed from the surface use clean rags.
with an efficient cleaner
followed by fresh water If the water forms droplets, there is
hosing still oil/grease on the surface.
Repeat the cleaning procedure. The
water must run off in puddles, as

Salts The final cleaning by fresh water

hosing is important for the removal
of salts which will otherwise result
in early breakdown of the coatings

Abrasive blasting Open nozzle abrasive blast cleaning

is the best method of surface
preparation. However, dusty and
contaminating to adjacent areas.

Recommended use:

Abrasive quality: hard, non-

contaminated. No soft sand!

Abrasive size distribution: 0.2 -1.1

mm for general work.

10-12 mm nozzle, not worn out.

Distance 30 cm and blasting angle
60° - 85° to surface.

Power tools Pneumatic or electrical power tools

should be used.

Compressed air must be free from

oil and water.

Make sure not to polish the surface

with worn out wire brushes.

Wet blasting Wet blasting is often used as it

reduces dust contamination. Handle
as open nozzle abrasive blasting,
but remove sludge before it dries
out. If possible, avoid using

3.1 Surface Preparation

Vacuum blasting Vacuum abrasive blasting is far less

dusty and less likely to contaminate
adjacent areas than open nozzle
abrasive blasting. However, the
method has a low/slow production

Recommended use:

Abrasive quality: hard non-

contaminated. No soft sand!

Abrasive size distribution:

0.2 - 1.1 mm.

Hydroblasting High pressure water jetting

(hydroblast) produces a high velocity
water jet by forcing pressurized (up
to 30,000 psi) water through a
specially designed small orifice

The method requires fresh water

and specially trained operators, plus
special safety precautions for
operators and surroundings, i.e.
area must be cleared for all other
personnel. The method is very
fatiguing to the operator.

Chemical Use for instance HEMPEL’S NAVI

WASH 99333 in concentrations as
cleaners and recommended by the supplier.


Rust converters/ Rust

conditioners inhibitors
In general they contain acid and Mainly consisting of water soluble
will consequently leave soluble salts/oils. Again, they may leave
salts on the surface which may soluble salts/soaps.
cause for blistering or other
types of failure. Therefore do not Therefore, wash with plenty of fresh
use or use only followed by water afterwards - or even better, do
washing down with plenty of not use them. If you do use them,
fresh water. watch out for contamination of
adjacent areas. If possible, avoid
using any acid or alkali containing
materials altogether.

3.2 Surface Preparation

Cleanliness Standards are set in order to

be achieved. Use the
Find the standard you should
achieve and compare the relevant
International Standard ISO picture with the actual surface.
8501-1:1988, as reference. Check also the text and determine
if it describes the actual surface.
Other prominent standards
you may refer are to: For optimum surface preparation
refer to ISO 8501-1:1988 Sa 2 ½
• Steel Structures Painting for abrasive blasting and to St 3 for
Council - SSPC. power tool cleaning.

• British Standards
Institution BS 7079

Roughness The types of paint which are

typically used for shipboard
maintenance are not critical in
relation to roughness of the
surface. However, too high
roughness could mean poor paint
coverage over roughness peaks
and pinhead rusting.

Dust removal Dust will nearly always be present

to a certain extent, but too much
causes poor adhesion of the

Remove dust by:

a) Vacuum cleaner.

b) Clean bristle brush.

c) Blowing with dry, clean

compressed air.

An easy check to establish whether

Tape test dust has been removed sufficiently is:

Transparent, adhesive tape

Some minute amounts of dust may


4 Paint Preparation

Products/Safety The products are different! That is

why there are more than one.
Understand the special
characteristics of the product you
Before you start to handle
are about to use. Product Data
or use any coating, learn all
Sheets and Maintenance Sheets
that is worth knowing about
contain relevant information.
the product and the correct
and safe use of it.
Coatings are chemical compositions
and as such there are directions for
their safe handling and use. Read
Materials Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) where applicable.

Storage/ Ensure that all the coatings are

stored under correct conditions, i.e.
Housekeeping in a shaded store which is dry and
ventilated and with a suitable

Establish a store/stock system

where the products are used on a
“first in - first out” basis.

Mixing If the quantity needed is smaller

than the quantity supplied, the
correct mixing ratio is mentioned on
the tin/drum.
Many of the coatings are
supplied as a BASE and a
Use only the correct ratio - not too
CURING AGENT in a pre-
much and not too little!
determined mixing ratio. The
components must be mixed in
Wrong ratio = poor performance.
this ratio.

Stirring Do not just paddle in the paint!

Use a mechanical stirrer. After

stirring, the material should have a
completely uniform colour with no
lumps or sediments. Always stir for
an extra 30 seconds.

4.1 Paint Preparation

Keep stirring Zinc primers have heavy pigments!

Therefore, keep stirring to avoid

setting of the heavy part of the

Thinning Do not thin the paint unless

absolutely necessary. When
thinning, add only the minimum
volume necessary to obtain a good
paint flow and film formation.

Before thinning always check that

the pressure of the spray pump is
correct, the filter clean and the
Use only the spray nozzles not worn out.
correct thinner
as mentioned in Two component paints must be
the data sheet! mixed before thinning takes place.
Too much thinner causes paint
“running” and/or solvent “boiling”,
i.e. holes in the paint film and too
low paint film thickness.

Insufficient thinning can cause an

“orange peel” effect and, if spray
applied, spray dust on the surface.
In hot climates extra thinner may be

Pot-life Two-component paint must be used

within a certain period of time after
mixing of the two parts. The pot-life
depends on the temperature - a
high temperature shortens the pot-
life. Check the pot-life of the product
on the data sheet.

NB Thinning will not prolong the pot-

life. If the pot-life is exceeded, do
not use the paint. The chemical
reaction has already changed its
properties. Discard it!

5 Application Environment

Air temperature Too low air temperature will delay

the drying of the paint and it may
begin to slide and form “curtains”.

Too high air temperature will cause

dry spray giving a powdery surface
and a porous film.

The best temperature for painting is


Steel A high temperature of the steel

surface will result in a too rapid
Use a steel surface thermometer to
check the temperature of the
temperature setting of the paint and thereby
a porous coating.
surface itself.

A low temperature of the steel

surface will delay the drying of
the paint. If a cold item is
brought into a warm workshop,
water (condensation) may form
on the surface. Therefore, wait
until the steel piece is also
warm before starting to paint.

Relative humidity/ Use a psychrometer and a dew point

calculator to calculate the relative
dew point humidity and the dew point.
Compare the dew point with the
temperature of the steel surface.

There may be water on the The temperature of the steel

steel surface because of surface must be at least 3°C or 5°F
condensation. This will above the dew point shown on the
prevent adhesion of the calculator. The difference in
paint. temperature between day/night and
night/day often causes

Ventilation Keep ventilators clean and in

working order. When ventilating
rooms or confined spaces there
should be a slight overpressure to
keep dust from entering the space.

Ventilation does not substitute the

use of an air fed hood/mask or dust
cartridge respirator. Where the latter
is used, replace the cartridge
regularly. Follow prevailing safety

6 Paint Application

Manual A brush is a slow, but very

good application tool,
Rollers are only suitable for applying
a cosmetic coat on an already well
methods especially for areas difficult to
protected surface. If rollers must be
used for application of rust
preventive primers and intermediate
Use a good quality brush and coats, apply evenly without
use it for stripe coating on “stretching” the paint.
welding seams, on all sharp
edges and on areas difficult Several (2-4) coats may be
to spray before applying full necessary to substitute one coat
coats with e.g. airless spray. applied by spray.

The brush-applied coating will

penetrate into rough surfaces
(weld seams) and by “laying”
on the paint on critical areas
such as sharp edges, a
better protection is achieved.

Spraying Air spray provides a lower

production, more spray dust
Airless spray is the fastest and
most efficient method of application
methods and only low thicknesses can
be applied even of high-build
of coatings.

products. Therefore, air spray is Check the following when using

generally only recommended as airless spray:
a touch-up/repair tool for minor
areas. - That the spray pump has
enough volume, output
pressure and capacity.

- That the nozzle size and

fan width are correct for
the paint type.

Check the product data sheet!

Special attention Special attention must be paid to

areas difficult to reach and coat.
areas These includes:
• all sharp edges
• welding seams
• corrugated areas
• behind bulb angles
• behind hand rails
• mouse holes
• underside of coamings
• etc. etc.

Stripe coating and extra coats on

such spots are a must for
professional, long-lasting protection.

6.1 Paint Application

Cleaning of As the same application tools (spray

pumps, guns, brushes etc.) may be
tools used for different types and colours
of material, they should always be
kept clean.

Clean tools give better results!

Clean the tools in the thinner or tool

cleaner recommended for the
particular product. Do not use a tool
cleaner as thinner!

Application Uneven movements during

application will result in an
Experienced/trained paint
applicators avoid these problems
technique uneven paint film. This can
result in:
which are difficult to fix and which
can be costly.

• paint running Use a systematic method of

• paint sagging spraying the paint from the correct
• porous coat distance (approx. 30 cm/1 ft). Use
• undercoated areas/holidays a wet film comb during application
in order to determine that a correct
and even wet film is obtained. It is
far easier to correct uneven film
during application than later on, as
later corrections may be visible.
Apply the paint evenly!

Overcoating If the coats are applied too quickly

after each other, running, sagging,
intervals solvent retention and insufficient
curing may occur. If they are applied
after too long intervals, they may not
stick/adhere to each other.

Before starting to coat, i.e. when

planning the job, check the data
sheets of all the products to be
used. Find out about the minimum
and maximum recoat intervals and
take them into consideration.

6.2 Paint Application

Correct drying When the coating job is finished do

not just leave the site. Maintain
and curing ventilation and/or heating to ensure
that the coatings dry and cure in the
proper manner.

D.F.T. control A too low thickness means early

rusting. Therefore additional coats
may be required if target thickness
is not met initially.
It is the final quality assur-
ance check of the total dry A too high thickness means over-
film thickness (d.f.t.) to consumption of material and the
measure that the correct possibility of the coatings not drying
thickness has been applied. but remaining soft.

The best and most accurate

instrument is the latest models of
digital instruments with memory. All
instruments must be adjusted
properly before use.

Keep fences Temperature

Temperature has a great influence
on the behaviour of the paint, both
during application and drying/curing.

In cold weather, paint gets thicker

and more difficult to spray. It also
dries and cures more slowly. It is
always better to heat the paint than
to thin it down. Preferably, the
temperature of the paint should be
15-25°C /59-77°F during

Keep all fences and warning signs In warm weather, paint gets thinner,
posted until the coatings are but tends to dry spray. Extra thinning
completely dry and are safe for may be necessary.
tolerate general traffic.
The pot life of two-component
products is shorter. The
temperature of the steel should not
be above 40°C/104°F during

7 Safety

Materials safety Material safety equals -

A paint store which is clean, tidy and


Tins stored and stocked so that

they do not turn over and leak.

Lids covering tins containing

coatings or solvents.

Watch out for fumes and ventilate if


Product data sheets and materials

safety data sheets are to be kept
accessible and available.

Equipment safety Airless spray must always be

earthed as static electricity can
develop within the system and be
the cause of explosion.

All couplings must be of a close fit,

especially on high pressure

Replace damaged hoses.

During airless spraying the paint is

under an immense hydraulic
pressure. Release of the pressure
through the spray gun or any leaks
of the equipment is dangerous, and
a stream of paint may easily
penetrate human skin in which
case immediate medical aid is

Personal safety Minimize contact of paint with your


Cover as much as possible with

sensible working clothes.

Wear gloves and eye protection.

Consider the use of a suitable

barrier cream on exposed skin.

Use air fed hood/mask or respirator

in confined spaces.

Ensure safe access and adequate


Tidy up as you proceed - good

housekeeping contributes to safety.

Respect safety regulations.

7.1 Safety

Job site safety On site safety can be enhanced by

small measures, such as:

- non-skid/slip coatings on
walking areas

- high visible coatings to

mark danger zones

- tidy and clean surfaces in


- immediate removal of

Fire hazard Never allow

Naked flames - matches - cigarettes
- in the same area where paint is
being applied or stored.
Most paints contain
flammable solvents. Always
Thoroughly ventilate any area where
paint is spilled. Clean up
immediately and dispose of the
cleaning material in a closed metal

If fire should occur, do not attempt
to put it out with water - use powder
or carbon dioxide (CO2) fire




Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450
T/U HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 19990 Black 50 4 3 08080

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 350 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA


Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450
T/U HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 50630 Red 50 4 3 08080

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 350 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450
T/U HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 10000 White 50 4 3 08080

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 350 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450
T/U HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 50630 Red 50 4 3 08080

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 350 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450
T/U HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 10000 White 50 4 3 08080

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 350 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPADUR MASTIC 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450

T/U HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 50630 Red 50 4 3 08080

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 200 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450
T/U HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 30100 Blue 50 4 3 08080

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 350 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA


Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

F/C HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 53246 Orange 30 2 1 08230

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 30 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA


Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 50410 Red 40 2 1 08230

T/U HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 50410 Red 40 2 1 08230
T/U HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 10000 White 30 2 1 08230

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 110 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA


Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 50410 Red 40 2 1 08230

T/U HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 50410 Red 40 2 1 08230
T/U HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 50630 Red 30 2 1 08230

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 110 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

F/C HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 40730 Green 30 2 1 08230

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 30 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA


Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 50410 Red 40 2 1 08230

T/U HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 50410 Red 40 2 1 08230
T/U HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 20306 Yellow 30 2 1 08230

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 110 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA


Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPEL'S SILVIUM 51570 19000 Alu 25 3 5 None

T/U HEMPEL'S SILVIUM 51570 19000 Alu 25 3 5 None

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 50 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 50410 Red 40 2 1 08230

T/U HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 50410 Red 40 2 1 08230
T/U HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 10000 White 30 2 1 08230

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 110 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC

Lloyds no.: 9036442
Name of vessel: M/V SALA

Surface preparation
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning, followed by fresh water hosing or high pressure cleaning.
Loose paint, rust and other impurities to be removed from the surface by scraping or mechanical power tools.
Edges from intact paint to bare metal to be feathered by disc grinding.

Paint System Shade DFT* Mal Code Thinner

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450

T/U HEMPADUR 45881 11480 Grey 150 3 5 08450
T/U HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 30700 Blue 50 4 3 08080

T/U = Touch Up, F/C = Full Coat Total: 350 *microns Dry Film Thickness

On areas difficult to reach, stripe coating with a brush should always be carried out.
The purpose of this system is to protect steel or other surfaces prepared to clean metal. If the original paint system
is intact, well adhering and compatible with the original system, spot repair will be sufficient from an anticorrosion
point of view. Spot repaired areas will always be visible and for cosmetic reasons the last coat is applied as a full

Thinner is only to be added if it is necessary for improving the application properties, however, only in small
quantities (see data sheet).

Read the data sheets thoroughly before initiating any paint work.

For each product a Safety Data Sheet is available which contains relevant information on safety and environment.

Two component products must be mixed thoroughly in the correct mixing ratio as stated on the label and in
the data sheet. Leave for approximately 30 minutes before use.
After mixing base and curing agent the paint can only be used within a certain period - Pot Life - as stated in
the data sheet.
At increasing temperatures the pot life as well as the drying and/or curing time will be reduced. A 10°C
increase in temperature will reduce pot life and curing time by 50%.
The recoating interval between the top coat and the two component intermediate coat is stated in the data
sheet. If not, application of the topcoat should take place while the intermediate coat is still tacky.

Created: 25/07/2001 by JMC




HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 1/2


Data HEMPEL PAINT is produced and supplied in such a way that thinning is normally not
necessary provided the paint is properly mixed/stirred.
However, if the paint is to be applied in a low film thickness (for instance as a "sealer
coat") or if the paint has become too thick, e.g. in cold weather, the HEMPEL
THINNER(s) indicated on the product data sheet may be added to obtain a consistency
most suitable for application. As a general rule, thinning should be kept at a minimum
as the quality of the paint work will suffer from too liberal thinning. However, if
application is to take place at high temperatures (air and/or steel), thinning may even
beyond the limits mentioned on the data sheets exceptionally be necessary in order to
avoid dry-spray and poor film formation.
HEMPEL’S THINNERS are blended to give the best results with regard to brushability,
spray properties, etc.
In some cases ordinary solvents may substitute. As such products are beyond our
control, we disclaim any responsibility for the results.
In each case the respective product data sheet and - when available - the APPLICATION
INSTRUCTIONS should be consulted. As regards the use of THINNERS for cleaning of
tools, see REMARKS overleaf.

closed cup)




HEMPAQUICK qualities

All-purpose thinner for HEMPATEX qualities.

HEMPATHANE topcoats and enamels.

08230 32°C/90°F Thinner for HEMPALIN qualities (except HEMPALIN

DECKPAINT 53240 and HEMPAQUICK qualities) and
other alkyd-based products.

08450 23°C/73°F General purpose thinner for HEMPADUR qualities.

08510 3°C/37°F Special purpose thinner for


08570 4°C/39°F HEMPEL’S SHOPPRIMER E 15280


Issued: October 1999

HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 2/2


closed cup)

08700 24°C/75°F HEMPEL’S GALVOSILs

For HEMPADURs used as “non-popping” sealers on

REMARKS: THINNER 08230 has a stronger thinning effect than white spirit or turpentine.

Tools can usually be cleaned with the THINNER prescribed for the product.

For cleaning of tools which have been used for HEMPADUR products, HEMPEL’S TOOL CLEANER
99610 is recommended. Do not use it for thinning, nor for cleaning after use of polyurethane
products, HEMPATHANEs.
Note: HEMPEL'S THINNERS are for professional use only.

ISSUED: October 1999 0808000000CO004


This Product Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued. For definition and scope, see explanatory notes to
applicable Product Data Sheets.
Data, specifications, directions and recommendations given in this data sheet represent only test results or experience
obtained under controlled or specially defined circumstances. Their accuracy, completeness or appropriateness under
the actual conditions of any intended use of the Products herein must be determined exclusively by the Buyer and/or
User. The Products are supplied and all technical assistance is given subject to HEMPEL's GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
SALES, DELIVERY AND SERVICE, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. The Manufacturer and Seller disclaim, and
Buyer and/or User waive all claims involving, any liability, including but not limited to negligence, except as expressed in
said GENERAL CONDITIONS for all results, injury or direct or consequential losses or damages arising from the use of
the Products as recommended above, on the overleaf or otherwise.
Product data are subject to change without notice and become void five years from the date of issue.
HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 1/2


Description: HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 is a relatively quick-drying, zinc phosphate primer, based on
long oil alkyd and urethane alkyd.

Recommended use: General purpose primer for HEMPALIN systems for protection of steel in mild to medium
atmospheric corrosive environments.

Service temperatures: Maximum, dry: 120°C/248°F.

Certificates/Approvals: Approved as a low flame spread material by Danish and German authorities according to
IMO resolution MSC 61 (67).
Has a German and Danish EC-type Examination Certificate.
Please see REMARKS overleaf.

Availability: Part of Group Assortment. Local availability subject to confirmation.

Colours/Shade nos.: Green/40760 - Red/50410
Finish: Flat
Volume solids, %: 49 ± 1
Theoretical spreading rate: 12.3 m²/litre - 40 micron
491 sq.ft./US gallon - 1.6 mils
Flash point: 38°C/100°F
Specific gravity: 1.3 kg/litre - 10.8 lbs/US gallon
Dry to touch: 2-4 hours at 20°C/68°F
V.O.C.: 410 g/litre - 3.4 lbs/US gallon

The physical constants stated are nominal data according to the HEMPEL Group's approved formulas. They are subject
to normal manufacturing tolerances and where stated, being standard deviation according to ISO 3534-1.
Further reference is made to "Explanatory Notes" in the HEMPEL Book.

Application method: Airless spray Air spray Brush/Roller
Thinner (max.vol.): 08230 (5%) 08230 (5%) 08230 (5%)
Nozzle orifice: .018"
Nozzle pressure: 150 bar/2200 psi
(Airless spray data are indicative and subject to adjustment)
Cleaning of tools: THINNER 08230
Indicated film thickness, dry: 40 micron/1.6 mil
Indicated film thickness, wet: 75 micron/3 mils
Recoat interval, min: See REMARKS overleaf
Recoat interval, max: See REMARKS overleaf

Safety: Handle with care. Before and during use, observe all safety labels on packaging and
paint containers, consult HEMPEL Material Safety Data Sheets and follow all local or
national safety regulations. This goes for personal protection such as, but not limited to,
protection of lungs, eyes and of the skin, medical treatment in case of swallowing the
paint or in case of other direct contact with the paint. Take necessary precautions
against possible risks of fire or explosions as well as protection of the environment.
Apply only in well ventilated areas and ensure that adequate forced ventilation exists
when applying paint in confined spaces or when the air is stagnant.

Issued May 2000

HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 2/2


SURFACE New steel: Abrasive blasting to minimum Sa 2. For temporary protection, if required,
PREPARATION: use a suitable shopprimer. Damage of shopprimer and contamination from storage and fabrication
should be thoroughly cleaned prior to final painting. For repair and touch-up use HEMPALIN PRIMER
Maintenance: Remove oil and grease, etc. with suitable detergent. Remove salt and other
contaminants by (high pressure) fresh water cleaning. Remove all rust and loose material by
abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning. Dust off residues. Touch up to full film thickness.

APPLICATION As dictated by normal good painting practice.

CONDITIONS: In confined spaces provide adequate ventilation during application and drying.

SUBSEQUENT HEMPALIN system according to specification.


REMARKS: Some of the certificates are issued under the former quality number 1205.
Film thicknesses: May be specified in another film thickness than indicated depending on purpose and area of use.
This will alter spreading rate and may influence drying time and recoating interval. Normal range dry
is 30-50 micron/1.2-2 mils.
Recoating: Recoating intervals related to later conditions of exposure:
(40 micron/1.6 mils dry film thickness of HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050)

Minimum Maximum

Steel temperature 20°C/68°F 20°C/68°F

Recoated with Atmospheric Atmospheric

(Quality Numbers only)
Mild Medium Mild Medium

HEMPALIN, except 53240 5 hrs 8 hrs none 3 days

53240 2 days 2 days none 7 days

If the maximum recoating interval is exceeded, roughening of the surface is necessary to ensure
intercoat adhesion. Before recoating after exposure in contaminated environment, clean surface
thoroughly with (high pressure) fresh water hosing and allow to dry.
Note: HEMPALIN PRIMER 12050 is for professional use only.

ISSUED: May 2000 - 1205040760CO016


This Product Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued. For definition and scope, see explanatory notes to
applicable Product Data Sheets.
Data, specifications, directions and recommendations given in this data sheet represent only test results or experience
obtained under controlled or specially defined circumstances. Their accuracy, completeness or appropriateness under
the actual conditions of any intended use of the Products herein must be determined exclusively by the Buyer and/or
User. The Products are supplied and all technical assistance is given subject to HEMPEL's GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
SALES, DELIVERY AND SERVICE, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. The Manufacturer and Seller disclaim, and
Buyer and/or User waive all claims involving, any liability, including but not limited to negligence, except as expressed in
said GENERAL CONDITIONS for all results, injury or direct or consequential losses or damages arising from the use of
the Products as recommended above, on the overleaf or otherwise.
Product data are subject to change without notice and become void five years from the date of issue.
HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 1/2

Product HEMPADUR®MASTIC 45880/

High temperatures: 45881 with CURING AGENT 95881
Low to medium temperatures: 45880 with CURING AGENT 95880
HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880/45881 is a two-component polyamide adduct cured, high
solids, high build epoxy paint. It forms a hard and tough coating and has good wetting
properties. Low temperature curing.
Recommended use: As a selfprimed paint system or as an intermediate or finishing coat in epoxy systems
in medium to severely corrosive atmospheric environment and where a high solid
content is required.
The MIO (micaceous iron oxide) pigment version may be specified where extended
recoating properties for polyurethane topcoats are requested (typically travel coating).
As a topcoat where the usual outdoor cosmetic appearance of epoxy paints is
May be used directly on cured zinc silicate (GALVOSIL products) or spray-metallized
surfaces to minimize popping.
Service temperatures: Maximum, dry: 120°C/248°F
Certificates/Approvals: Tested for non-contamination of grain cargo at the Newcastle Occupational Health,
Great Britain. See REMARKS overleaf.
Has a German and Danish EC-type Examination Certificate.
Complies with Section 175.300 of the Code of Federal Regulations in respect of
carriage of dry foodstuffs (FDA) in spaces with an internal surface area larger than 1000
m²/10,750 sq.ft.
HEMPADUR MASTIC 45881 is in accordance with Aramco’s specification APCS 26 and
Availability: Part of Group Assortment. Local availability subject to confirmation.
Version, mixed product: 45880 45881
Colours/Shade nos: Grey/12170* Grey/12170*
Finish: Semi--gloss Semi--gloss
Volume solids, %: 80 ± 1 80 ± 1
Theoretical spreading rate: 5.3 m²/litre - 150 micron 5.3 m²/litre - 150 micron
214 sq.ft./US gallon - 6 mils 214 sq.ft./US gallon - 6 mils
Flash point: 28°C/82°F 28°C/82°F
Specific gravity: 1.4 kg/litre - 11.7 lbs/US gallon 1.4 kg/litre - 11.7 lbs/US gallon
Dry to touch: 4 (approx) hours at 20°C/68°F 3 (approx) hours at 30°C/86°F
Fully cured: 7 days at 20°C/68°F 5 days at 30°C/86°F
V.O.C.: 215 g/litre - 1.8 lbs/US gallon 215 g/litre - 1.8 lbs/US gallon
*Other shades including a MIO version, colour no. 12430, according to assortment list.
The physical constants stated are nominal data according to the HEMPEL Group's approved formulas. They are
subject to normal manufacturing tolerances and where stated, being standard deviation according to ISO 3534-1.
Further reference is made to "Explanatory Notes" in the HEMPEL Book.
45880 45881
Mixing ratio: Base 45889 : Curing agent 95880 Base 45889 : Curing agent 95881
3 : 1 by volume 3 : 1 by volume
Application method: Airless spray Brush (touch up) Airless spray Brush (touch up)
Thinner (max. vol.): Depending on purpose usually less than 5% THINNER 08450 (See REMARKS overleaf)
Pot life: 1 hour (20°C/68°F) (Airless spray) 1½ hour (30°C/86°F) (Airless spray)
2 hours (20°C/68°F) (Brush) 2 hours (30°C/86°F) (Brush)
Nozzle orifice: .017"-.023" (See separate APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS)
Nozzle pressure: 250 bar/3600 psi
(Airless spray data are indicative and subject to adjustment)
Cleaning of tools: HEMPEL’S TOOL CLEANER 99610 or HEMPEL'S THINNER 08450
Indicated film thickness, dry: 150 micron/6 mils (see REMARKS overleaf)
Indicated film thickness, wet: 200 micron/8 mils
Recoat interval, min: According to separate APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS
Recoat interval, max: According to separate APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS
Safety: Handle with care. Before and during use, observe all safety labels on packaging and
paint containers, consult HEMPEL Material Safety Data Sheets and follow all local or
national safety regulations. Avoid inhalation, avoid contact with skin and eyes, and do
not swallow. Take precautions against possible risks of fire or explosions as well as
protection of the environment. Apply only in well ventilated areas.
Issued: December 2000
HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 2/2


SURFACE New steel: When used as an intermediate or finishing coat please refer to the data sheet for the
PREPARATION: preceding HEMPADUR primer. When used as a primer please refer to the specification.
Zinc silicate painted or spray-metallized surfaces: Remove oil and grease, etc. with suitable
detergent. Remove salt and other contaminants by (high pressure) fresh water cleaning. Zinc salts
(white rust) must be removed by high pressure hosing combined with rubbing with a stiff nylon
brush if necessary. It is recommended to recoat spray-metallized surfaces as soon as possible to
avoid possible contamination.
Concrete: Remove slip agent and other possible contaminants by emulsion washing followed by
high pressure hosing with fresh water. Remove scum layer and loose matter to a hard, rough and
uniform surface, preferably by abrasive blasting, possibly by other mechanical treatment or acid
etching. Seal surface with suitable sealer, eg HEMPADUR SEALER 05970 (furthermore, please see
Product Data Sheet for 05970).
Repair and maintenance: Remove oil and grease, etc. with suitable detergent. Remove salt and
other contaminants by (high pressure) fresh water cleaning. Clean damaged areas thoroughly by
power tool cleaning to minimum St 2 (spot-repairs) or by abrasive blasting to min. Sa 2, preferably
to Sa 2½. Improved surface preparation will improve the performance of HEMPADUR MASTIC
45880/45881. As an alternative to dry cleaning, water jetting to min. WJ-2 (NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP
12), may be used. A flash-rust degree of maximum FR-2 (Hempel standard) is acceptable before
application. Feather edges to sound and intact paint. Dust off residues.
On pit-corroded surfaces, excessive amounts of salt residues may call for water jetting, wet
abrasive blasting, alternatively dry abrasive blasting, high pressure fresh water hosing, drying, and
finally, dry abrasive blasting again.

APPLICATION Apply only on a dry and clean surface with a temperature above the dew point to avoid
CONDITIONS: condensation. Use only when application and curing can proceed at temperatures above
-10°C/14°F for HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880 and above approx 25°C/77°F for HEMPADUR MASTIC
45881. The temperature of the paint itself should be 15°C/59°F or above, but advantageously
below approximately 30°C/86°F to secure proper application properties. Optimal spraying
properties are obtained at a paint temperature of 18-22°C/64-72°F. In warmer climates, the paint
should be stored in a cool place and the paint temperature should preferably be kept below
30°C/86°F. In confined spaces provide adequate ventilation during application and drying. In cases
where faster drying at very low temperatures is required, HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880 may
advantageously be replaced by HEMPADUR 45143. Please also se separate APPLICATION

PRECEDING None or according to specification.


SUBSEQUENT None or according to specification.


REMARKS: Certificate has been issued under the former quality number 4588.
Colours: Certain lead-free red and yellow colours may discolour when exposed to chlorine- containing
Leaded colours may become discoloured when exposed to sulphide-containing atmosphere.
Weathering/ The natural tendency of epoxy coatings to chalk in outdoor exposure and to become more
service sensitive to mechanical damage and chemical exposure at elevated temperatures is also
temperatures: reflected in this product.
Film thicknesses/ May be specified in another film thickness than indicated depending on purpose and area of use.
thinning: This will alter spreading rate and may influence drying time and recoating interval. Normal range dry
is 125-200 micron/5-8 mils. May be specified in lower film thickness for which purpose additional
thinning is required, please see separate APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS. Avoid application of
excessive film thicknesses.
Application onto zinc It is recommended to apply HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880 by using a "mist-coat" procedure provided
silicate or spray- the paint temperature is approximately above 20°C/68°F: A thin, undiluted coat is applied (the
metallized surfaces: mist coat) and after a few minutes, a second coat is applied in the full specified film thickness. If
(thinning): the paint temperature is below 20°C/68°F, thinning (max 15%) may be required.
Note: HEMPADUR MASTIC 45880/45881 is for professional use only.

ISSUED: December 2000 - 4588012170CO006/ 4588112170CS002


This Product Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued. For definition and scope, see explanatory notes to
applicable Product Data Sheets.
Data, specifications, directions and recommendations given in this data sheet represent only test results or experience
obtained under controlled or specially defined circumstances. Their accuracy, completeness or appropriateness under
the actual conditions of any intended use of the Products herein must be determined exclusively by the Buyer and/or
User. The Products are supplied and all technical assistance is given subject to HEMPEL's GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
SALES, DELIVERY AND SERVICE, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. The Manufacturer and Seller disclaim,
and Buyer and/or User waive all claims involving, any liability, including but not limited to negligence, except as
expressed in said GENERAL CONDITIONS for all results, injury or direct or consequential losses or damages arising
from the use of the Products as recommended above, on the overleaf or otherwise.
Product data are subject to change without notice and become void five years from the date of issue.
HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 1/2

Product HEMPEL'S SILVIUM®51570

Description: HEMPEL'S SILVIUM 51570 is an oleoresinous general purpose aluminium paint with
good light reflection.

Recommended use: As a finishing coat on steel and woodwork exterior and interior in mild to moderately
corrosive environment where an aluminium surface or light reflection is desired, and/or
for moderately hot surface.

Service temperatures: Maximum, dry: 200°C/390°F.

Certificates/Approvals: Complies with Section 175.300 of Food Additive Regulations (in respect of carriage of
dry foodstuffs) of the Code of Federal Regulations as found by review of the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration.
Approved by German authorities as a low flame spread material according to IMO
resolution MSC 61 (67).
Has a German EC-type Examination Certificate.

Availability: Part of Group Assortment. Local availability subject to confirmation.

Colours/Shade nos: Aluminium/19000
Finish: Glossy (See REMARKS overleaf)
Volume solids, %: 38 ± 1
Theoretical spreading rate: 15.2 m²/litre - 25 micron
610 sq.ft./US gallon - 1 mil
Flash point: 38°C/100°F
Specific gravity: 1.0 kg/litre - 8.3 lbs/US gallon
Dry to touch: 5 (approx.) hours at 20°C/68°F
V.O.C.: 500 g/litre - 4.2 lbs/US gallon

The physical constants stated are nominal data according to the HEMPEL Group's approved formulas. They are subject
to normal manufacturing tolerances and where stated, being standard deviation according to ISO 3534-1.
Further reference is made to "Explanatory Notes" in the HEMPEL Book.

Application method: Airless spray Air spray Brush/Roller
Thinner (max. vol.): Do not dilute (See REMARKS overleaf)
Nozzle orifice: .017"
Nozzle pressure: 100 bar/1500 psi
(Airless spray data are indicative and subject to adjustment)
Cleaning of tools: THINNER 08080
Indicated film thickness. dry: 25 micron/1 mil
Indicated film thickness, wet: 75 micron/3 mils
Recoat interval, min: 8 hours (20°C/68°F)
Recoat interval, max: None

Safety: Handle with care. Before and during use, observe all safety labels on packaging and
paint containers, consult HEMPEL Material Safety Data Sheets and follow all local or
national safety regulations. This goes for personal protection such as, but not limited
to, protection of lungs, eyes and of the skin, medical treatment in case of swallowing
the paint or in case of other direct contact with the paint. Take necessary precautions
against possible risks of fire or explosions as well as protection of the environment.
Apply only in well ventilated areas and ensure that adequate forced ventilation exists
when applying paint in confined spaces or when the air is stagnant.

Issued: May 2000

HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 2/2


SURFACE Sound and intact areas primed with eg HEMPALIN or other suitable alkyd primers (temperature
PREPARATION: range: see PRECEDING COAT below) can be recoated directly after all contamination from storage
and fabrication has been thoroughly removed. For other areas remove all rust and loose material by
power tool cleaning to St 3 or abrasive blasting to Sa 2.
Maintenance: Remove oil and grease etc. with suitable detergent.
Remove salt and other contaminants by (high pressure) fresh water cleaning. Remove all rust and
loose material by abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning.
Dust off residues. Touch up with recommended primer.

APPLICATION As dictated by normal good painting practice.

CONDITIONS: In confined spaces provide adequate ventilation during application and drying.

PRECEDING Steel surface temperature: Preceding coat:

120°-200°C/248°-390°F Self primed


REMARKS: Certificates have been issued under the former quality number 5157.
Application: Spray application is recommended.
For brush application use a flat brush not more than 10 cm/4" wide. Do not dilute. After the paint
has been laid on, it should be distributed with light strokes and in one direction only. If the paint is
worked too much with brush or roller, it will become streaky and greyish and loose its lustre. The
effect is cosmetic only and has no influence on the protective properties.
Finish: At high temperatures HEMPEL'S SILVIUM 51570 will become greyish and loose its lustre. This
effect is cosmetic only and has no influence on the protective properties.

Note: HEMPEL'S SILVIUM 51570 is for professional use only.

ISSUED: May 2000 - 5157019000CO010


This Product Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued. For definition and scope, see explanatory notes to
applicable Product Data Sheets.
Data, specifications, directions and recommendations given in this data sheet represent only test results or experience
obtained under controlled or specially defined circumstances. Their accuracy, completeness or appropriateness under
the actual conditions of any intended use of the Products herein must be determined exclusively by the Buyer and/or
User. The Products are supplied and all technical assistance is given subject to HEMPEL's GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
SALES, DELIVERY AND SERVICE, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. The Manufacturer and Seller disclaim,
and Buyer and/or User waive all claims involving, any liability, including but not limited to negligence, except as
expressed in said GENERAL CONDITIONS for all results, injury or direct or consequential losses or damages arising from
the use of the Products as recommended above, on the overleaf or otherwise.
Product data are subject to change without notice and become void five years from the date of issue.
HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 1/2


Description: HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 is a glossy alkyd enamel which forms a weather resistant
coating. It is flexible and resistant to salt water and spillage of mineral oil and other
aliphatic hydrocarbons.

Recommended use: As a general purpose finishing coat in alkyd systems on exterior and interior steel
and woodwork in mildly to moderately corrosive environment.
As a finishing coat in engine rooms including tanktops, main engines and auxiliary

Service temperatures: Maximum, dry: 120°C/248°F (these temperatures may cause yellowing/discoloration).

Certificates/Approvals: Approved as a low flame spread material by Danish, German, Belgian and Italian
authorities according to IMO resolution MSC 61 (67).
Has a German and Danish EC-type Examination Certificate.

Availability: Part of Group Assortment. Local availability subject to confirmation.

Colours/Shade nos: White/10000* Black/19990*
Finish: Glossy Glossy
Volume solids, %: 46 ± 1 43 ± 1
Theoretical spreading rate: 15.3 m²/litre - 30 micron 14.3 m²/litre - 30 micron
615 sq.ft./US gallon - 1.2 mils 575 sq.ft./US gallon - 1.2 mils
Flash point: 38°C/100°F 38°C/100°F
Specific gravity: 1.1 kg/litre - 9.2 lbs/US gallon 0.9 kg/litre - 7.5 lbs/US gallon
Surface dry: 2½ (approx) hrs at 20°C/68°F (ISO 1517) 2½ (approx) hrs at 20°C/68°F (ISO 1517)
Dry to touch: 6-8 hours at 20°C/68°F 6-8 hours at 20°C/68°F
V.O.C.: 430 g/litre - 3.6 lbs/US gallon 455 g/litre - 3.8 lbs/US gallon

*Other shades according to assortment list.

The physical constants stated are nominal data according to the HEMPEL Group's approved formulas. They are subject
to normal manufacturing tolerances and where stated, being standard deviation according to ISO 3534-1.
Further reference is made to "Explanatory Notes" in the HEMPEL Book.

Application method: Airless spray Air spray Brush/Roller
Thinner (max. vol.): 08230 (5%) 08230 (15%) 08230 (5%) (See REMARKS overleaf)
Nozzle orifice: .018"
Nozzle pressure: 150 bar/2200 psi
(Airless spray data are indicative and subject to adjustment)
Cleaning of tools: THINNER 08230
Indicated film thickness, dry: 30 micron/1.2 mils
Indicated film thickness, wet: 75 micron/3 mils
Recoat interval, min: 8 hours (20°C/68°F)
Recoat interval, max: See REMARKS overleaf

Safety: Handle with care. Before and during use, observe all safety labels on packaging and
paint containers, consult HEMPEL Material Safety Data Sheets and follow all local or
national safety regulations. This goes for personal protection such as, but not limited to,
protection of lungs, eyes and of the skin, medical treatment in case of swallowing the
paint or in case of other direct contact with the paint. Take necessary precautions
against possible risks of fire or explosions as well as protection of the environment.
Apply only in well ventilated areas and ensure that adequate forced ventilation exists
when applying paint in confined spaces or when the air is stagnant.

Issued: May 2000

HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 2/2


APPLICATION As dictated by normal good painting practice.

CONDITIONS: In confined spaces provide adequate ventilation during application and drying.

COAT: according to specification.


REMARKS: Certificates have been issued under the former quality number 5214.
Colours: Certain lead-free red and yellow colours may discolour when exposed to chlorine- containing
Leaded colours may become discoloured when exposed to sulphide-containing atmosphere.
Film thicknesses: May be specified in other filmthicknesses than indicated depending on purpose and area of use.
This will alter spreading rate and may influence drying time and recoat interval. Normal range 30-40
micron/1.2-1.6 mils.
Thinning: THINNER 08080 may be used for spray application, however, with a certain risk of wrinkling of the
preceding fresh coat of HEMPALIN.
Recoating: Recoat intervals related to later conditions of exposure:
(30 micron/1.2 mils dry film thickness of HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140)

Minimum Maximum

Surface temperature 20°C/68°F 20°C/68°F

Recoated with Atmospheric Atmospheric

(quality numbers only)
Mild Medium Mild Medium

52140 8 hours 8 hours None 5 days

If the maximum recoat interval is exceeded, roughening of the surface is recommended to ensure
intercoat adhesion.
Before recoating after exposure in contaminated environment, clean the surface thoroughly by
(high pressure) fresh water hosing and allow to dry.

Note: HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 is for professional use only.

ISSUED: May 2000 - 5214010000CO016


This Product Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued. For definition and scope, see explanatory notes to
applicable Product Data Sheets.
Data, specifications, directions and recommendations given in this data sheet represent only test results or experience
obtained under controlled or specially defined circumstances. Their accuracy, completeness or appropriateness under
the actual conditions of any intended use of the Products herein must be determined exclusively by the Buyer and/or
User. The Products are supplied and all technical assistance is given subject to HEMPEL's GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
SALES, DELIVERY AND SERVICE, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. The Manufacturer and Seller disclaim, and
Buyer and/or User waive all claims involving, any liability, including but not limited to negligence, except as expressed in
said GENERAL CONDITIONS for all results, injury or direct or consequential losses or damages arising from the use of
the Products as recommended above, on the overleaf or otherwise.
Product data are subject to change without notice and become void five years from the date of issue.
HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 1/2


Description: HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 is a two-component, semi-gloss acrylic polyurethane

coating with good gloss and colour retention.

Recommended use: As a finishing coat for protection of structural steel in severely corrosive atmospheric
environment, where light-fastness and gloss retention are required.
Minimum temperature for curing is -10°C/14°F.

Service temperatures: Maximum, dry: 120°C/248°F (see REMARKS overleaf).

Certificates/Approvals: Approved as a low flame spread material by German and Italian authorities according to
IMO resolution MSC 61 (67).
Has a German EC-type Examination Certificate.

Availability: Part of Group Assortment. Local availability subject to confirmation.

Colours/Shade nos: White/10000* Blue/30840*
Finish: Semi-gloss Semi-gloss
Volume solids, %: 52 ± 1 51 ± 1
Theoretical spreading rate: 10.4 m²/litre - 50 micron 10.2 m²/litre - 50 micron
417 sq.ft./US gallon - 2 mils 409 sq.ft./US gallon - 2 mils
Flash point: 33°C/92°F 33°C/92°F
Specific gravity: 1.2 kg/litre - 10.0 lbs/US gallon 1.1 kg/litre - 9.2 lbs/US gallon
Surface dry: 2½ (approx.) hrs at 20°C/68°F (ISO 1517) 2½ (approx.) hrs at 20°C/68°F (ISO 1517)
Dry to touch: 8 (approx.) hours at 20°C/68°F 8 (approx.) hours at 20°C/68°F
Fully cured: 7 days at 20°C/68°F 7 days at 20°C/68°F
V.O.C.: 440 g/litre - 3.7 lbs/US gallon 450 g/litre - 3.7 lbs/US gallon

*Other shades according to assortment list.

The physical constants stated are nominal data according to the HEMPEL Group's approved formulas. They are subject
to normal manufacturing tolerances and where stated, being standard deviation according to ISO 3534-1.
Further reference is made to "Explanatory Notes" in the HEMPEL Book.

Mixing ratio for 55210: Base 55219 : Curing agent 95370
7 : 1 by volume
Application method: Airless spray Brush
Thinner (max. vol.): See REMARKS overleaf 08080 (5%)
Pot life: 4 hours (20°C/68°F)
Nozzle orifice: .017"-.019"
Nozzle pressure: 150 bar/2200 psi
(Airless spray data are indicative and subject to adjustment)
Cleaning of tools: THINNER 08080 or 08510
Indicated film thickness, dry: 50 micron/2 mils (See REMARKS overleaf)
Indicated film thickness, wet: 100 micron/4 mils
Recoat interval, min: See REMARKS overleaf
Recoat interval, max: See REMARKS overleaf

Safety: Handle with care. Before and during use, observe all safety labels on packaging and paint
containers, consult HEMPEL Material Safety Data Sheets and follow all local or national
safety regulations. Avoid inhalation, avoid contact with skin and eyes, and do not swallow.
Take precautions against possible risks of fire or explosions as well as protection of the
environment. Apply only in well ventilated areas.

Issued: September 2000

HEMPEL Product Data Sheet Page 2/2


APPLICATION The surface must be completely clean and dry at the time of application, and its temperature must
AND CURING be above the dew point to avoid condensation. Minimum temperature for curing is -10°C/14°F.
CONDITIONS: At the freezing point and below, be aware of the risk of ice on the surface which will hinder the
adhesion. High humidity and/or condensation during application and the following 16 hours
(20°C/68°F) may adversely affect the film formation.
In confined spaces provide adequate ventilation during application and drying.


COAT: according to specification.


REMARKS: Certificate has been issued under the former quality number 5521.
Colours: Certain lead-free red and yellow colours may discolour when exposed to chlorine- containing
Leaded colours may become discoloured when exposed to sulphide-containing atmosphere.
Service At service temperatures above 100°C/212°F, slight discoloration may be expected.
Film thicknesses: May be specified in another film thickness than indicated depending on purpose and area of use.
This will alter spreading rate and may influence drying time and recoating interval. Normal range is
40-60 micron/1.6-2.4 mils.
Thinning: The type and amount of thinner depend on application conditions, application method,
temperature, ventilation, and substrate. THINNER 08080 is recommended in general. THINNER
08510 may be used alternatively depending on local conditions.
Airless spray: 5-15% thinning is recommended. Under extreme conditions up to more than 20%
may be necessary to obtain satisfactory film formation.
The best result is obtained by applying a mist coat of HEMPATHANE ENAMEL 55210 at first, and
then 2-15 minutes later apply to full film thickness giving a uniform film formation. Do not
exaggerate the film thickness.
Electrostatic spray: 10% thinning with specified thinner is recommended. Please contact HEMPEL for further advice.
Recoating Physical data versus temperatures:
and drying/curing Surface temperature -10°C/14°F 0°C/32°F 10°C/50°F 20°C/68°F 30°C/86°F
Dry to touch, approx. 3 days 36 hours 16 hours 8 hours 6 hours

Resist condensing humidity/

light showers after*: (7 days) 3 days 32 hours 16 hours 12 hours

Fully cured, 70% RH (2 months) 32 days 14 days 7 days 5 days

Recoating interval, Min 6 days 3 days 32 hours 16 hours 12 hours

recoating 55210 with 55210
Max None None None None None

*Faster drying and curing may be obtained by using an "accelerator" - consult HEMPEL for further advice.

A completely clean surface is mandatory to ensure intercoat adhesion, especially at long

recoating intervals. Any dirt,oil, and grease has to be removed, e.g. with suitable detergent.
Salts to be removed by fresh water hosing. To check an adequate quality of the surface cleaning
a test patch is recommended before actual recoating.
Notes: CURING AGENT 95370 is sensitive to moisture. Store in a dry place and keep the can tightly closed
until use. Open curing agent cans with caution as overpressure might exist. Even small traces of
water in the mixed paint will reduce the pot-life and result in film defects.
HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55210 is for professional use only.

ISSUED: September 2000 - 5521010000CO009


This Product Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued. For definition and scope, see explanatory notes to
applicable Product Data Sheets.
Data, specifications, directions and recommendations given in this data sheet represent only test results or experience
obtained under controlled or specially defined circumstances. Their accuracy, completeness or appropriateness under
the actual conditions of any intended use of the Products herein must be determined exclusively by the Buyer and/or
User. The Products are supplied and all technical assistance is given subject to HEMPEL's GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
SALES, DELIVERY AND SERVICE, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. The Manufacturer and Seller disclaim, and
Buyer and/or User waive all claims involving, any liability, including but not limited to negligence, except as expressed in
said GENERAL CONDITIONS for all results, injury or direct or consequential losses or damages arising from the use of
the Products as recommended above, on the overleaf or otherwise.
Product data are subject to change without notice and become void five years from the date of issue.



A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08080-14 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:
THINNER 08080 98-05-12

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S 996857
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: thinner

Field of use: buildings, metal industry, private (yachts), ships and shipyards.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 75 - 100 Xn R20 R36 R38
R37 R65

Notes on components:

3. Hazard identification.

Harmful Flammable

alkylbenzenes C9-C10
Harmful by inhalation. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. Harmful: may cause lung damage if
swallowed. Do not breathe vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas. If swallowed, do not induce
vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Keep out of the reach of children.
( DK 8461 )

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08080-14 2

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Arbejds- og miljoemedicinsk klinik, Bispebjerg Hospital, telephone 35 31 60 60.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
In case of burns flush with water until the pain ceases. While flushing remove clothing from the affected area
unless it is burnt into the skin. If hospital treatment is necessary flushing must continue during transfer and until
the hospital staff takes over the treatment.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are hazardous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08080-14 3

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid high vapour concentrations. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along the floor.The product
must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition. Electrical installations must be
protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged. Always use earthed equipment
when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended to use conductive floors and
that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are recommended.

Avoid contact with the skin. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working
places. For personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Arrange sufficient ventilation by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is not sufficient,
personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 * 25 120

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated
December 1996. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, K: considered to be carcinogenic, *
TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use protective cream or wear gloves. Never use water-soluble protective cream with plastic or rubber gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08080-14 4

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: thin liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 0,5 - 8,0
Flash point (°C): 44 Weight % organic solvents: c 100
Density (kg/l): c 0,9 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

10. Stability and reactivity.

When exposed to high temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction.

11. Toxicological information.

Inhalation: Exposure to the solvent vapours may cause damage to several organs including liver, kidneys, brain
and nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and concentration, abnormal fatigue, irritability and in
extreme cases unconsciousness.

Skin: Organic solvents may lead to removal of the natural fats from the skin resulting in non allergic contact
dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8.)

Eyes: Splashes to the eye may cause irritation.

Ingestion: Accidental swallowing may cause stomach pain. Chemical lung inflation may occur if the product is
taken into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage system.

13. Disposal considerations.

Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Kommunekemi's waste group, Chemical waste card no. (danish) and EU waste category is given below.
Waste type: C 3.11 080102

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR 1997 and IMDG amendment 28-96.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R): 595
Technical name: 1263 PAINT RELATED MATERIAL, alkylbenzenes (C9-C10)

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: Yes III UN-no.: 1263 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: PAINT RELATED MATERIAL, (alkylbenzenes (C9-C10))

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08080-14 5

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 829/1993 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: Xn: Harmful, R10: Flammable
alkylbenzenes C9-C10
R 20, R 36/37/38, R 65, S 23, S 51, S 62, S 2
Code number: 5-1 1993 MAL-value: 4500

Restrictions for use:

Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.

Demand for special education:

Flammable liquid, class: II-1

16. Other information:

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

Xn : Harmful
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R36 : Irritating to eyes.
R37 : Irritating to respiratory system.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
R65 : Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08450-15 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:
THINNER 08450 96-06-11

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S 318677
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: thinner

Field of use: buildings, metal industry, private (yachts), ships and shipyards.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 15 - 20 Xn R20 R36 R38
R37 R65
butanol 20 - 30 Xn R20
xylene 40 - 50 Xn R20 R21 R38
ethylbenzene 5 - 10 Xn R20

Notes on components:

3. Hazard identification.

Harmful Flammable

butanol, xylene
Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin. Irritating to skin. Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves. Do not breathe vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas. If
swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Keep out
of the reach of children.
( DK 8467 )

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08450-15 2

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Arbejds- og miljoemedicinsk klinik, Bispebjerg Hospital, telephone 35 31 60 60.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
In case of burns flush with water until the pain ceases. While flushing remove clothing from the affected area
unless it is burnt into the skin. If hospital treatment is necessary flushing must continue during transfer and until
the hospital staff takes over the treatment.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are hazardous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08450-15 3

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid high vapour concentrations. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along the floor.The product
must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition. Electrical installations must be
protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged. Always use earthed equipment
when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended to use conductive floors and
that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are recommended.

Avoid contact with the skin. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working
places. For personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08450-15 4

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Arrange sufficient ventilation by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is not sufficient,
personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 * 25 120
butanol HL 50 150
xylene H 25 109
ethylbenzene 50 217

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated
December 1996. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, K: considered to be carcinogenic, *
TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use protective cream or wear gloves. Never use water-soluble protective cream with plastic or rubber gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: thin liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 0,5 - 11,3
Flash point (°C): 23 Weight % organic solvents: c 100
Density (kg/l): c 0,9 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

10. Stability and reactivity.

When exposed to high temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08450-15 5

11. Toxicological information.

Inhalation: Exposure to the solvent vapours may cause damage to several organs including liver, kidneys, brain
and nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and concentration, abnormal fatigue, irritability and in
extreme cases unconsciousness.

Skin: Organic solvents may lead to removal of the natural fats from the skin resulting in non allergic contact
dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8.)

Eyes: Splashes to the eye may cause irritation.

Ingestion: Accidental swallowing may cause stomach pain. Chemical lung inflation may occur if the product is
taken into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage system.

13. Disposal considerations.

Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Kommunekemi's waste group, Chemical waste card no. (danish) and EU waste category is given below.
Waste type: C 3.11 080102

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR 1997 and IMDG amendment 28-96.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R): 595
Technical name: 1263 PAINT RELATED MATERIAL, alkylbenzenes (C9-C10)

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: Yes III UN-no.: 1263 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: PAINT RELATED MATERIAL, (alkylbenzenes (C9-C10))

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 08450-15 6

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 829/1993 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: Xn: Harmful, R10: Flammable
butanol, xylene
R 20/21, R 38, R 65, S 36/37, S 23, S 51, S 62, S 2
Code number: 5-3 1993 MAL-value: 5000

Restrictions for use:

Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.

Demand for special education:

Flammable liquid, class: II-1

16. Other information:

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

Xn : Harmful
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R21 : Harmful in contact with skin.
R36 : Irritating to eyes.
R37 : Irritating to respiratory system.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
R65 : Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 12050-12 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: alkyd urethane alkyd zinc phosphate primer

Field of use: buildings, metal industry, ships and shipyards.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
xylene 2-5 Xn R20 R21 R38
white spirit 20 - 30 Xn R48/20 R65
ethylbenzene 0,5 - 1 Xn R20

Notes on components:

3. Hazard identification.

Harmful Flammable

white spirit
Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Do not breathe
vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas.
( DK 7440 )

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 12050-12 2

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Arbejds- og miljoemedicinsk klinik, Bispebjerg Hospital, telephone 35 31 60 60.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
In case of burns flush with water until the pain ceases. While flushing remove clothing from the affected area
unless it is burnt into the skin. If hospital treatment is necessary flushing must continue during transfer and until
the hospital staff takes over the treatment.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are hazardous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 12050-12 3

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid high vapour concentrations. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along the floor.The product
must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition. Electrical installations must be
protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged. Always use earthed equipment
when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended to use conductive floors and
that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are recommended.

Avoid contact with the skin. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working
places. For personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Arrange sufficient ventilation by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is not sufficient,
personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
xylene H 25 109
white spirit 25 145
ethylbenzene 50 217

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated
December 1996. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, K: considered to be carcinogenic, *
TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use protective cream or wear gloves. Never use water-soluble protective cream with plastic or rubber gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 12050-12 4

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: viscous liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 0,5 - 8,0
Flash point (°C): 38 Weight % organic solvents: c 31
Density (kg/l): c 1,3 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

10. Stability and reactivity.

When exposed to high temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction.

11. Toxicological information.

Inhalation: Exposure to the solvent vapours may cause damage to several organs including liver, kidneys, brain
and nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and concentration, abnormal fatigue, irritability and in
extreme cases unconsciousness.

Skin: Organic solvents may lead to removal of the natural fats from the skin resulting in non allergic contact
dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8.)

Eyes: Splashes to the eye may cause irritation.

Ingestion: Accidental swallowing may cause stomach pain. Chemical lung inflation may occur if the product is
taken into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage system.

13. Disposal considerations.

Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Kommunekemi's waste group, Chemical waste card no. (danish) and EU waste category is given below.
Waste type: H 3.21 080102

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR 1997 and IMDG amendment 28-96.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R): 595
Technical name: 1263 PAINT

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: No III UN-no.: 1263 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: PAINT

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 12050-12 5

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 829/1993 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: Xn: Harmful, R10: Flammable
white spirit
R 48/20, S 23, S 51
Code number: 2-1 1993 MAL-value: 750

Restrictions for use:

Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.

Demand for special education:

Flammable liquid, class: II-1

16. Other information:

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

Xn : Harmful
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R21 : Harmful in contact with skin.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
R48/20 : Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.
R65 : Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 45889-13 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:
HEMPADUR MASTIC 45889 1998-06-11

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S 1178434
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: epoxy polyamide adduct (base for 2-component product)

Field of use: metal industry, ships and shipyards.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
bisphenol A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin MW =< 700 20 - 30 Xi R36 R38 R43
carbonblack 1) 0-5
cyclohexanone 0-5 Xn R20
isopropyl alcohol 0-1
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 0-1 Xn R20 R36 R38
R37 R65
butanol 0-2 Xn R20
xylene 2 - 10 Xn R20 R21 R38
ethylbenzene 0,5 - 2 Xn R20
benzylalcohol 2-5 Xn R20 R22

Notes on components:
1) The substance and the product is included in the Danish Working Environment Service regulation of
carcinogenic substances and materials (Order no. 140/1997).

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 45889-13 2

3. Hazard identification.

Irritating Flammable

bisphenol A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin MW =< 700, organic solvents
Irritating to eyes and skin. May cause sensitization by skin contact. Avoid contact with skin. Wear suitable
gloves. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Do not
breathe vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Contains epoxy constituents. See information supplied
by the manufacturer.
( DK 8328 )

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Arbejds- og miljoemedicinsk klinik, Bispebjerg Hospital, telephone 35 31 60 60.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
In case of burns flush with water until the pain ceases. While flushing remove clothing from the affected area
unless it is burnt into the skin. If hospital treatment is necessary flushing must continue during transfer and until
the hospital staff takes over the treatment.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are hazardous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 45889-13 3

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid high vapour concentrations. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along the floor in rooms
with stagnant air. The product must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition.
Electrical installations must be protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged.
Always use earthed equipment when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended
to use conductive floors and that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are

Avoid all possible skin contact with with epoxy and amine containing products, they may cause allergic
reactions. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working places. For
personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 45889-13 4

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Arrange sufficient ventilation by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is insufficient,
personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
cyclohexanone H 10 40
isopropyl alcohol H 200 490
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 * 25 120
butanol HL 50 150
xylene H 25 109
ethylbenzene 50 217

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated
December 1996. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, K: considered to be carcinogenic, *
TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use suitable, disposable gloves. If possible, use cotton under-gloves. Do not use protective creams under, or in
the place of, gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: viscous liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 0,5 - 15,0
Flash point (°C): 35 Weight % organic solvents: c 11
Density (kg/l): c 1,5 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

10. Stability and reactivity.

When exposed to high temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 45889-13 5

11. Toxicological information.

Inhalation: Exposure to the solvent vapours may cause damage to several organs including liver, kidneys, brain
and nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and concentration, abnormal fatigue, irritability and in
extreme cases unconsciousness.

Skin: Epoxy and amine containing products can cause skin disorders such as allergic eczema. The allergy may
arise after only a short exposure period. Organic solvents may lead to removal of the natural fats from the skin
resulting in non allergic contact dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8.)

Eyes: Splashes to the eye will cause irritation.

Ingestion: Accidental swallowing may cause stomach pain. Chemical lung inflation may occur if the product is
taken into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage system.

13. Disposal considerations.

Spillage, remains, empty cans, discarded working clothes and disposable towels shall be discarded in a special
container that must be marked with the contents. E.g. " Epoxyaffald. Pas på! Eksemfare"
Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Kommunekemi's waste group, Chemical waste card no. (danish) and EU waste category is given below.
Waste type: H 3.21 080102

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR (1999) and IMDG amendment 29-98.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R):
Technical name: 1263 PAINT, bisphenol-A-diglycidylether

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: Yes III UN-no.: 1263 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: PAINT, (bisphenol-A-diglycidylether)

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 45889-13 6

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 801/1997 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: Xi: Irritating, R10: Flammable
bisphenol A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin MW =< 700, organic solvents
R 36/38, R 43, S 24, S 37, S 26, S 23, S 51, A 68
Code number: 3-5 1993 MAL-value: 950

Restrictions for use:

Spaying is allowed only in closed systems, sprayboxes or cabins, unless a dispensation from the Director of the
Danish Working Environment Service is obtained.
Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.

Demand for special education:

May only be used professionally by people who have attended the special education on handling of epoxy and
polyurethane products.

Flammable liquid, class: II-1

16. Other information:

For professional use of epoxy products the Danish Working Environment Service Executive Order no. 199/1985
applies. Besides what is previously mentioned in this safety data sheet the order contains among other things;
provisions regarding lavatories, personal hygiene and warning signs.

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

Xn : Harmful
Xi : Irritating
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R21 : Harmful in contact with skin.
R22 : Harmful if swallowed.
R36 : Irritating to eyes.
R37 : Irritating to respiratory system.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
R43 : May cause sensitization by skin contact.
R65 : Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95880-14 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:
CURING AGENT 95880 98-06-11

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S 1178450
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: polyaminoamide curing agent

Field of use: metal industry, ships and shipyards.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
polyaminoamide 40 - 50
2,4,6-tris(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol 2-5 Xn R22 R36 R38
xylene 30 - 40 Xn R20 R21 R38
ethylbenzene 5 - 10 Xn R20

Notes on components:

3. Hazard identification.

Harmful Flammable

polyaminoamide, xylene
Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin. Irritating to skin. Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.
Do not breathe vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas.
( DK 7899 )

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95880-14 2

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Arbejds- og miljoemedicinsk klinik, Bispebjerg Hospital, telephone 35 31 60 60.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
If gasses from the decomposition of the product have been inhaled, seek medical advice, as the symptoms may
be delayed.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
In case of burns flush with water until the pain ceases. While flushing remove clothing from the affected area
unless it is burnt into the skin. If hospital treatment is necessary flushing must continue during transfer and until
the hospital staff takes over the treatment.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are hazardous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95880-14 3

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid high vapour concentrations. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along the floor in rooms
with stagnant air. The product must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition.
Electrical installations must be protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged.
Always use earthed equipment when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended
to use conductive floors and that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are

Avoid all possible skin contact with with epoxy and amine containing products, they may cause allergic
reactions. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working places. For
personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Arrange sufficient ventilation by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is insufficient,
personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
xylene H 25 109
ethylbenzene 50 217

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated
December 1996. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, K: considered to be carcinogenic, *
TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use suitable, disposable gloves. If possible, use cotton under-gloves. Do not use protective creams under, or in
the place of, gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95880-14 4

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: viscous liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 1,0 - 7,6
Flash point (°C): 26 Weight % organic solvents: c 39
Density (kg/l): c 0,9 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

10. Stability and reactivity.

When exposed to high temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction.
The product contains chemically bound nitrogen. At temperatures above the decomposition temperature (e.g.
during fire) toxic/harmful vapours may occur.

11. Toxicological information.

Inhalation: Exposure to the solvent vapours may cause damage to several organs including liver, kidneys, brain
and nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and concentration, abnormal fatigue, irritability and in
extreme cases unconsciousness.

Skin: Epoxy and amine containing products can cause skin disorders such as allergic eczema. The allergy may
arise after only a short exposure period. Organic solvents may lead to removal of the natural fats from the skin
resulting in non allergic contact dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8.)

Eyes: Splashes to the eye will cause irritation.

Ingestion: Accidental swallowing may cause stomach pain. Chemical lung inflation may occur if the product is
taken into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage system.

13. Disposal considerations.

Spillage, remains, empty cans, discarded working clothes and disposable towels shall be discarded in a special
container that must be marked with the contents. E.g. " Epoxyaffald. Pas på! Eksemfare"
Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Kommunekemi's waste group, Chemical waste card no. (danish) and EU waste category is given below.
Waste type:

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95880-14 5

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR 1997 and IMDG amendment 28-96.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R): 595
Technical name: 1263 PAINT

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: No III UN-no.: 1263 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: PAINT

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 829/1993 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: Xn: Harmful, R10: Flammable
polyaminoamide, xylene
R 20/21, R 38, S 36/37, S 23, S 51
Code number: 4-3 1993 MAL-value: 1700

Restrictions for use:

Spaying is allowed only in closed systems, sprayboxes or cabins, unless a dispensation from the Director of the
Danish Working Environment Service is obtained.
Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.

Demand for special education:

May only be used professionally by people who have attended the special education on handling of epoxy and
polyurethane products.

Flammable liquid, class: II-1

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

C. Epoxy/amine products containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95880-14 6

16. Other information:

For professional use of epoxy products the Danish Working Environment Service Executive Order no. 199/1985
applies. Besides what is previously mentioned in this safety data sheet the order contains among other things;
provisions regarding lavatories, personal hygiene and warning signs.

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

Xn : Harmful
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R21 : Harmful in contact with skin.
R22 : Harmful if swallowed.
R36 : Irritating to eyes.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 51570-52 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:
SILVIUM 51570 98-12-30

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S 1189491
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: heat resistant aluminium paint

Field of use: metal industry, ships and shipyards.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
styrene 1) 0,2 - 0,5 Xn R20 R36 R38
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 10 - 15 Xn R20 R36 R38
R37 R65
white spirit 40 - 50 Xn R48/20 R65

Notes on components:
1) The substance and the product is included in the Danish Working Environment Service regulation of
carcinogenic substances and materials (Order no. 140/1997).

3. Hazard identification.

Harmful Flammable

white spirit
Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Do not breathe
vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Handle and open container with care.
( DK 7796 )

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 51570-52 2

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Arbejds- og miljoemedicinsk klinik, Bispebjerg Hospital, telephone 35 31 60 60.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
In case of burns flush with water until the pain ceases. While flushing remove clothing from the affected area
unless it is burnt into the skin. If hospital treatment is necessary flushing must continue during transfer and until
the hospital staff takes over the treatment.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are hazardous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 51570-52 3

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid high vapour concentrations. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along the floor.The product
must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition. Electrical installations must be
protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged. Always use earthed equipment
when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended to use conductive floors and
that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are recommended.

Avoid contact with the skin. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working
places. For personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Open with care - danger of over pressure.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Arrange sufficient ventilation by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is not sufficient,
personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
styrene HKL 25 105
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 * 25 120
white spirit 25 145

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated
December 1996. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, K: considered to be carcinogenic, *
TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use protective cream or wear gloves. Never use water-soluble protective cream with plastic or rubber gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 51570-52 4

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: viscous liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 0,5 - 8,0
Flash point (°C): 38 Weight % organic solvents: c 52
Density (kg/l): c 1,0 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

10. Stability and reactivity.

When exposed to high temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction.

11. Toxicological information.

Inhalation: Exposure to the solvent vapours may cause damage to several organs including liver, kidneys, brain
and nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and concentration, abnormal fatigue, irritability and in
extreme cases unconsciousness.

Skin: Organic solvents may lead to removal of the natural fats from the skin resulting in non allergic contact
dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8.)

Eyes: Splashes to the eye may cause irritation.

Ingestion: Accidental swallowing may cause stomach pain. Chemical lung inflation may occur if the product is
taken into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage system.

13. Disposal considerations.

The waste container shall, in accordance with the Danish Working Environment's Executive Order 300/1993, be
marked with: "Indeholder et stof, der er omfattet af dansk arbejdsmiljøregulering med hensyn til kræftrisiko."
Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Kommunekemi's waste group, Chemical waste card no. (danish) and EU waste category is given below.
Waste type: C 3.21 080102

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR 1997 and IMDG amendment 28-96.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R): 595
Technical name: 1263 PAINT, alkylbenzenes (C9-C10)

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: Yes III UN-no.: 1263 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: PAINT, (alkylbenzenes (C9-C10))

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 51570-52 5

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 829/1993 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: XN: Harmful, R10: Flammable
white spirit
R 48/20, S 23, S 51, S 18
Code number: 3-3 1993 MAL-value: 1200

Restrictions for use:

This product is included in the Danish Working Environment Service regulation of carcinogenic substances and
materials (Order no. 140/1997) concerning restriction of use, approval and notification.
Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.

Demand for special education:

May only be used professionally by people who have atte nded the special education on handling of styren
contai ning products.
Flammable liquid, class: II-1

16. Other information:

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

Xn : Harmful
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R36 : Irritating to eyes.
R37 : Irritating to respiratory system.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
R48/20 : Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.
R65 : Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 52140-12 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:
HEMPALIN ENAMEL 52140 97-02-13

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S 1070917
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: alkyd enamel

Field of use: buildings, metal industry, ships and shipyards.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 0-2 Xn R20 R36 R38
xylene 2-5 Xn R20 R21 R38
white spirit 30 - 50 Xn R48/20
ethylbenzene 0,5 - 1 Xn R20

Notes on components:

3. Hazard identification.

Harmful Flammable

white spirit
Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Do not breathe
vapour/spray. Use only in well ventilated areas.
( DK 7440 )

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 52140-12 2

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Giftinformationscentralen, Rigshospitalet, telephone 35 45 71 22 or 35 45 35 45.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
If gasses from the decomposition of the product have been inhaled, seek medical advice, as the symptoms may
be delayed.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are hazardous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 52140-12 3

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid vapour concentrations above the threshold limits. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along
the floor.The product must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition. Electrical
installations must be protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged. Always
use earthed equipment when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended to use
conductive floors and that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are

Avoid contact with the skin. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working
places. For personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 52140-12 4

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Technical precautions.
Arrange sufficient ventilation, if possible, by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is
insufficient to keep the concentration of solvents and other volatile substances below the Threshold Limit
Values, personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist will contain all the ingredients of the product
and must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 * 25 120
xylene H 35 150
white spirit 25 145
ethylbenzene 50 217

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated July
1994. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, * TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use protective cream or wear gloves. Never use water-soluble protective cream with plastic or rubber gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: viscous liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 0,5 - 8,0
Flash point (°C): 38 Weight % organic solvents: c 43
Density (kg/l): c 1,0 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 52140-12 5

10. Stability and reactivity.

The product is stable at the recommended storage and handling conditions (see item 7). When exposed to high
temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction.
The product contains chemically bound chlorine. At temperatures above the decomposition temperature (e.g.
during fire) harmful/toxic and/or corrosive vapours may occur.
The product contains chemically bound nitrogen. At temperatures above the decomposition temperature (e.g.
during fire) toxic/harmful vapours may occur.

11. Toxicological information.

There is no data available for the product itself.
Exposure to the solvent vapours in concentrations above the TLV's can cause damage to several organs
included the nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and -concentration, abnormal fatigue,
irritability and, in extreme cases, unconsciousness.
Repeated or prolonged contact with the product may lead to removal of natural fats from the skin resulting in
non allergic contact dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8).
Accidental swallowing may cause stomach pain. Chemical lung inflammation may occur if the product is taken
into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

There is no data available for the product. The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage

13. Disposal considerations.

Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Waste group and card: H 3.21

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR 1997 and IMDG amendment 28-96.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R): 595
Technical name: 1263 PAINT, white spirit

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: Yes III UN-no.: 1263 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: PAINT, (white spirit)

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 52140-12 6

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 829/1993 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: Xn: Harmful, R10: Flammable
white spirit
R 48/20, S 23, S 51
Code number: 2-1 1993 MAL-value: 850

Restrictions for use:

Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.

Demand for special education:

Flammable liquid, class: II-1

16. Other information:

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

Xn : Harmful
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R21 : Harmful in contact with skin.
R36 : Irritating to eyes.
R37 : Irritating to respiratory system.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
R48/20 : Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 55219-14 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:
HEMPATHANE TOPCOAT 55219 2000-04-28

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: polyurethane enamel (base for 2-component product)

Field of use: metal industry, ships and shipyards.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 20 - 30 Xn R20 R36 R38
R37 R65
xylene 10 - 20 Xn R20 R21 R38
white spirit 0-1 Xn R48/20 R65
ethylbenzene 2-5 Xn R20

Notes on components:

3. Hazard identification.

Harmful Flammable

alkylbenzenes C9-C10, xylene
Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. Wear suitable
protective clothing and gloves. Do not breathe vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas.
( DK 8182 )

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 55219-14 2

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Arbejds- og miljoemedicinsk klinik, Bispebjerg Hospital, telephone 35 31 60 60.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
If gasses from the decomposition of the product have been inhaled, seek medical advice, as the symptoms may
be delayed.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
In case of burns flush with water until the pain ceases. While flushing remove clothing from the affected area
unless it is burnt into the skin. If hospital treatment is necessary flushing must continue during transfer and until
the hospital staff takes over the treatment.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are hazardous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 55219-14 3

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid high vapour concentrations. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along the floor.The product
must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition. Electrical installations must be
protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged. Always use earthed equipment
when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended to use conductive floors and
that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are recommended.

Avoid contact with the skin. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working
places. For personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Arrange sufficient ventilation by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is not sufficient,
personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
alkylbenzenes C9-C10 * 25 120
xylene H 25 109
white spirit 25 145
ethylbenzene 50 217

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated
December 1996. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, K: considered to be carcinogenic, *
TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use protective cream or wear gloves. Never use water-soluble protective cream with plastic or rubber gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 55219-14 4

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: viscous liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 0,5 - 8,0
Flash point (°C): 33 Weight % organic solvents: c 41
Density (kg/l): c 1,2 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

10. Stability and reactivity.

When exposed to high temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction.
The product contains chemically bound chlorine. At temperatures above the decomposition temperature (e.g.
during fire) harmful/toxic and/or corrosive vapours may occur.
The product contains chemically bound nitrogen. At temperatures above the decomposition temperature (e.g.
during fire) toxic/harmful vapours may occur.

11. Toxicological information.

Inhalation: Exposure to the solvent vapours may cause damage to several organs including liver, kidneys, brain
and nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and concentration, abnormal fatigue, irritability and in
extreme cases unconsciousness.

Skin: Organic solvents may lead to removal of the natural fats from the skin resulting in non allergic contact
dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8.)

Eyes: Splashes to the eye may cause irritation.

Ingestion: Accidental swallowing may cause stomach pain. Chemical lung inflation may occur if the product is
taken into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage system.

13. Disposal considerations.

Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Kommunekemi's waste group, Chemical waste card no. (danish) and EU waste category is given below.
Waste type: H 3.21 080102

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR (1999) and IMDG amendment 29-98.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R): H-14
Technical name: 1263 PAINT, alkylbenzenes (C9-C10)

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: Yes III UN-no.: 1263 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: PAINT, (alkylbenzenes (C9-C10))

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

A. Products containing organic solvents. Product no..: 55219-14 5

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 801/1997 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: Xn: Harmful, R10: Flammable
alkylbenzenes C9-C10, xylene
R 20/21, R 36/37/38, S 36/37, S 23, S 51
Code number: 4-3 1993 MAL-value: 2600

Restrictions for use:

Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.

Demand for special education:

Flammable liquid, class: II-1

16. Other information:

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

Xn : Harmful
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R21 : Harmful in contact with skin.
R36 : Irritating to eyes.
R37 : Irritating to respiratory system.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
R48/20 : Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.
R65 : Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

G. Isocyanate containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95370-15 1

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of the preparation and of the company. Revision date:

Product name and/or number: Supersedes:
CURING AGENT 95370 1999-04-07

Company name, address and telephone: PR.-nr.:

J.C. Hempel's Skibsfarve-Fabrik A/S 31166
Lundtoftevej 150
Emergency telephone:
DK-2800 Lyngby
Denmark +45 45 93 38 00
See part 4 First aid meassures.
Tel.: +45 45 93 38 00

Product type: isocyanate curing agent

Field of use: used only as part of two- or multicomponenent products.

2. Composition/information on ingredients.
Substances hazardous to the health:
Substance name Note Concentration Symbols R-phrases
prepolymer isocyanate HDI 50 - 75 Xi R43
hexamethylene-1,6-diisocyanate 0,5 - 1 T R23 R36 R38
R42 R37 R43
xylene 10 - 15 Xn R20 R21 R38
1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate 10 - 15 Xi R36
ethylbenzene 2-5 Xn R20

Notes on components:

3. Hazard identification.

Harmful Flammable

prepolymer isocyanate HDI, hexamethylene-1,6-diisocyanate, organic solvents
Harmful by inhalation. May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact. Avoid contact with skin. Wear
suitable gloves. Do not breathe vapour/spray. Use only in well-ventilated areas. In case of accident or if you
feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). In case of accident by inhalation:
remove casualty to fresh air and keep at rest Keep out of the reach of children. Contains isocyanates. See
informations supplied by the manufacturer.
( DK 9330 )

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

G. Isocyanate containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95370-15 2

4. First aid measures.

In case of doubt seek medical advice.
At accidents: Contact doctor or hospital - bring the label or this safety data sheet. The doctor may contact
Arbejds- og miljoemedicinsk klinik, Bispebjerg Hospital, telephone 35 31 60 60.
Move the patient into fresh air and keep the patient under surveillance.

If the patient is unconscious and not breathing administer artificial respiration. If the patient is breathing, place
them in the unconscious position and keep warm by wrapping. Send for a doctor or ambulance immediately.
If gasses from the decomposition of the product have been inhaled, seek medical advice, as the symptoms may
be delayed.
Flush immediately with water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the eye wide open. If necessary seek medical
Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Skin cleanser
may be used. Never use thinner or solvent as these degrease the skin.
In case of burns flush with water until the pain ceases. While flushing remove clothing from the affected area
unless it is burnt into the skin. If hospital treatment is necessary flushing must continue during transfer and until
the hospital staff takes over the treatment.
Do not provoke vomiting. If vomiting occurs keep the patients' head low to prevent vomit from entering the

5. Fire fighting measures.

For firefighting use foam, carbon dioxide or chemical powder. Never use a water jet, this may spread the fire.

Fire will evolve dense, black smoke. Combustion products are poisonous and respiratory protection may be

Cool exposed tanks or containers with water.

6. Accidental release measures.

Remove possible sources of ignition and provide good ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. See item 7 and
8 for handling precautions and personal protection. Collect spillage with a non-combustible absorbent material
eg. granulate, sand or earth and place in disposable waste containers according to national legislation (see item
Spillage must not be flushed into sewers or streams.

Preferably clean with a cleansing agent. Avoid use of solvents. If lakes, streams or the drainage systems have
been contaminated inform the relevant authorities according to national legislation.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

G. Isocyanate containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95370-15 3

7. Handling and storage.

The vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the formation of flammable/explosive mixtures and
avoid high vapour concentrations. The vapours are heavier than air and may spread along the floor.The product
must not be used close to open fires or other possible sources of ignition. Electrical installations must be
protected according to regulations. The product may be electrostatically charged. Always use earthed equipment
when transferring the product from one container to another. It is recommended to use conductive floors and
that personnel use antistatic footwear and clothing. Non-spark producing tools are recommended.

Avoid contact with the skin. Avoid inhalation of vapours and spray mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke in working
places. For personal protection, see item 8.
Always use receptacles made of the same material as the original container.
Store according to national regulations for flammable liquids. Keep the product in closed containers, away from
children, in a dry, well ventilated place and separated from foodstuffs according to national regulations.
Keep the product away from sources of ignition, oxidizing substances and strong acidic or alkaline substances.
Smoking in the vicinity is prohibited. Access by unauthorized persons should be prohibited. Opened containers
should be carefully closed and kept in an upright position to avoid leakage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection.

Arrange sufficient ventilation by local exhaust ventilation and good general ventilation. If this is not sufficient,
personal respiratory protection must be used. Spray-mist must never be inhaled.
Threshold Limit Values
Substance name Note ppm mg/m3
xylene H 25 109
hexamethylene-1,6-diisocyanate 0,005 0,035
1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate 50 270
ethylbenzene 50 217

The Treshold Limit Values listed are in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services list dated
December 1996. L: the TLV is a ceiling value, H: may be absorbed via skin, K: considered to be carcinogenic, *
TLV is the recommendation of the supplier.
Personal protection - general
Where personal protection equipment is required this shall be chosen in accordance with Danish Working
Environment Services Executive Order no. 302/1993.
See also product Code Number (part 15).
Respiratory protection
When the concentration of solvent and/or volatile substances is above the Threshold Limit Value, suitable
respiratory equipment must be used.
Hand protection
Use suitable, disposable gloves. If possible use cotton under gloves. Do not use protective cream under, or in
the place of, gloves.
Eye protection
Wear suitable goggles or face shield as a protection against splashes.
Skin protection
If necessary wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

G. Isocyanate containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95370-15 4

9. Physical and chemical properties.

Physical state: viscous liquid Explosive limits (vol %): 1,0 - 10,8
Flash point (°C): 40 Weight % organic solvents: c 25
Density (kg/l): c 1,1 Weight % water: c 0
pH: - Miscible with water: No

10. Stability and reactivity.

When exposed to high temperature harmful decomposition products may be formed, e.g. oxides of nitrogen,
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and smoke.
Keep the product away from oxidizing agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials to prevent the
possibility of exothermic reaction. Isocyanate reacts violently with water in an exothermic reaction.
The product contains chemically bound nitrogen. At temperatures above the decomposition temperature (e.g.
during fire) toxic/harmful vapours may occur.

11. Toxicological information.

Inhalation: Isocyanate containing products have characteristics that include producing acute eye irritation and/or
sensitisation when breathing, subsequent asthmatic problems and lung contractions. Sensitised people can, as a
result from this, show asthmatic symptoms with exposure to atmospheric concentrations far below the TLV.
Repeated exposures will lead to permanent damage to the respiratory system.
Exposure to the solvent vapours can cause damage to several organs including liver, kidneys, brain and the
nervous system. Symptoms include loss of memory and concentration, abnormal fatigue, irritability and, in
extreme cases, unconsciousness.

Skin: Repeated or prolonged contact with the product may lead to removal of natural fats from the skin resulting
in non allergic contact dermatitis and absorption through the skin. (See item 8).

Eyes: Irritating to eyes (see also Inhalation).

Ingestion: Accidental swallowing may cause vomiting and stomach pains. Chemical lung inflammation may
occur if the product is taken into the lungs via vomiting.

12. Ecological information.

The product must not be drained into water courses or drainage system.

13. Disposal considerations.

Spillage, remains, empty cans, discarded working clothes and disposable towels shall be discarded in a special
container that must be marked with the contents. E.g. "Farligt affald. Pas på!"
Spillage, remains and non-cleaned empty cans are classified as chemical waste.
Kommunekemi's waste group, Chemical waste card no. (danish) and EU waste category is given below.
Waste type: H 3.21 080102

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

G. Isocyanate containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95370-15 5

14. Transport information.

Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by
train or IMDG for transport by sea.
The transport classification in part 14 is according to ADR (1999) and IMDG amendment 29-98.
ADR/RID Class/item/litra: 3-31C Secondary danger TEC(R): H-35
Technical name: 1866 RESIN SOLUTION

IMDG Class: 3.3 Secondary danger: Marine Pollutant: No III UN-no.: 1866 EmS: 3-05 MFAG: 310
Shipping name: RESIN SOLUTION

15. Regulatory information.

Classification and labelling in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Executive Order no. 801/1997 and
code number and MAL in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Services Executive Order no.
Hazard symbols: Xn: Harmful, R10: Flammable
prepolymer isocyanate HDI, hexamethylene-1,6-diisocyanate, organic solvents
R 20, R 42/43, S 24, S 37, S 23, S 51, S 45, S 63, S 2, A 65
Code number: 5-3 1993 MAL-value: 20000

Restrictions for use:

Spaying is allowed only in closed systems, sprayboxes or cabins, unless a dispensation from the Director of the
Danish Working Environment Service is obtained.
Not to be used by professional users below 18 years of age, see the Danish Working Environment Service
Executive Order on young peoples' dangerous work.
Persons with a history of asthma or chronic or recurrent respiratory disease should not be employed in
processes in which this product is used.

Demand for special education:

May only be used professionally by people who have attended the special education on handling of epoxy and
polyurethane products.

Flammable liquid, class: II-1

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

G. Isocyanate containing organic solvents. Product no.: 95370-15 6

16. Other information:

For professional use of polyurethane products the Danish Working Environment Service Executive Order no.
199/1985 applies. Besides what is previously mentioned in this safety data sheet the order contains among other
things; provisions regarding lavatories, personal hygiene and warning signs.

Symbols and R-phrases stated in item 2:

T : Toxic
Xn : Harmful
Xi : Irritating
R20 : Harmful by inhalation.
R21 : Harmful in contact with skin.
R23 : Toxic by inhalation.
R36 : Irritating to eyes.
R37 : Irritating to respiratory system.
R38 : Irritating to skin.
R42 : May cause sensitization by inhalation.
R43 : May cause sensitization by skin contact.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and
national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safty and environmental aspects necessary for handling the
product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee of the technical performance or suitability
for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance
with the national regulations.

© Copyright 1993 by Hempel's Marine Paints A/S

Danish Maritime Authority
Committee for Safety and Health 1997
Read the code number on the label or in the Workplace Instruction. Choose product using the Product Selection Table.
Use ventilation and personal protective equipment in accordance with these instructions.

The figure before the hyphen: The figure after the hyphen:
KODENR. 1993 There are 7 groups with KODENR. 1993 There are 6 groups with
the code numbers the code numbers
3-5 00-, 0-, 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- 3-5 -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6

The higher the code number, The higher the code number,
the greater the risk of in- the greater the risk when in
haling vapours. direct contact and ingestion
of the product.

Product Selection Table

Code No. The table states the maximum allowed figure before the hyphen (-) allowed to be used for painting indoors
(mixture ready for use).
1- Normal exposure and requirements,
e.g. crew accommodations incl. toilets and deck/bulkheads in machinery spaces and on car decks.

2- High exposure and requirements,

e.g. galleys, bathrooms, locker rooms, floors in machinery spaces and on car decks.

2- Special exposure and requirements,

e.g. hospital and spaces with high degree of moisture.

4- Special surfaces,
e.g. machinery tanktop and also surfaces in machinery spaces exposed to exhaust gas, and car decks which are painted during
service (quick-drying).

Requirements for Establishment of Ventilation indoors

Code No. Light covering with tarpaulins Rooms with mechanical Rooms without mechanical Internally in tanks, cofferdams,
or canvas or similar materials ventilation ventilation etc.

Figure Spatula, brush, Spray gun Spatula, brush, Spray gun Spatula, brush, Spray gun Spatula, brush, Spray gun
before roller, etc. roller, etc. roller, etc. roller, etc.
00- None Mechanical None Ventilation None Mechanical None Mechanical
ventilation in operation ventilation ventilation
0- None Mechanical None Ventilation None Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
ventilation in operation ventilation ventilation *) ventilation
1- None Mechanical Ventilation Ventilation Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
ventilation in operation **) in operation ventilation *) ventilation ventilation *) ventilation
2- Mechanical Mechanical Ventilation Ventilation Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
ventilation *) ventilation in operation **) in operation ventilation *) ventilation ventilation *) ventilation
3- Mechanical Mechanical Ventilation Ventilation Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
ventilation *) ventilation in operation **) in operation ventilation *) ventilation ventilation ventilation
4- Mechanical Mechanical Ventilation Ventilation Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
ventilation ventilation in operation **) in operation ventilation ventilation ventilation ventilation
5- Mechanical Mechanical Ventilation Ventilation Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
ventilation ventilation in operation in operation ventilation ventilation ventilation ventilation
*) Use of mechanical ventilation may be omitted where the total consumption of painting products is maximum 1 litre per day.
**) Use of ventilation in operation is not required where the total consumption of painting products is maximum 1 litre per day.
Personal Protective Equipment and special Working Clothes
Code No. Outdoors Indoors

Small surface *) Big surface

Figure befo- Spatula, brush, Spray gun Spatula, brush, Spray gun Spatula, brush, Spray gun
re hyphen roller, etc. roller, etc. roller, etc.
00- No special Full-mask with No special Full-mask with No special I) Full-mask with
0- combination filter J) combination filter J) combination filter J)
1- No special Half-mask with No special H) Half-mask with Gas filter mask J) Half-mask with
air supply C), G), air supply C), G), air supply C), G),
eye protection eye protection eye protection

2- No special K) Half-mask with No special H) Full-mask with Half-mask with Full-mask with
air supply C), G), air supply C) air supply air supply C)
eye protection

3- Gas filter mask Half-mask with Gas filter mask J) Full-mask with Full-mask with Full-mask with
A), J) air supply C), G), air supply C) air supply air supply
eye protection

4- Half-mask with Full-mask with Gas filter mask J) Full-mask with Full-mask with Full-mask with
air supply B), G), air supply C) air supply C) air supply air supply
eye protection
5- Full-mask with Full-mask with Full-mask with Full-mask with Full-mask with Full-mask with
air supply air supply air supply air supply air supply air supply

Figure after Spatula, brush, Spray Spatula, Spatula, brush, Spray gun Spatula, brush, Spray gun
hyphen roller, etc. brush, roller, etc.gun roller, etc. roller, etc.
-1 Gloves Full-mask with Gloves Full-mask with Gloves Full-mask with
D), E), F) combination filter, D), E), F) combination filter, D), E), F) combination filter,
overall suit, overall suit, overall suit,
gloves, hood gloves, hood gloves, hood

-2 Gloves Half-mask with Gloves Half-mask with Gloves Half-mask with

D), E), F) air supply C), G), D), E), F) air supply B), G), D), E), F) air supply B), G),
eye protection, eye protection, eye protection,
overall suit, overall suit, overall suit,
gloves, hood gloves, hood gloves, hood

-3 Gloves Full-mask with Gloves Full-mask with Gloves Full-mask with

E), F) air supply, D), E), M) air supply, E), F) air supply,
overall suit, overall suit, protective clothing,
gloves, hood gloves, hood gloves, hood

-4 Gloves, Full-mask with Gloves, Full-mask with Gloves, Full-mask with

-5 face shield, air supply, hood, face shield, air supply, hood, face shield, air supply, hood,
-6 hood or helmet, protective clothing, hood, protective protective clothing, hood, protective protective clothing,
protective clothing gloves clothing L) gloves clothing L) gloves

*) Small surfaces are surfaces each one no bigger than 4 square metres and in all no more than 1/10 of the total surface in a room.

A) Outside niches, etc. and where the maximum consumption is 1 litre per day, G) If half-mask together with other required personal protective equipment cannot
spot painting and other types of finishing or repair work are allowed without be used, full-mask with air supply shall be used instead of half-mask.
using respiratory equipment.
H) In niches, etc. the personal protective equipment shall be used, similar to the
B) Work of short duration, such as spot painting and other types of finishing or equipment used for big surface.
repair work to a limited extent (max. 1 hour per day), is allowed when using
gas filter mask. However, respiratory equipment with air supply shall be used I) Gas filter mask or appropriate ventilation shall be used, if the product is used
when working with products containing liquids with a low boiling point (boiling in rooms with insufficient ventilation. However, respiratory equipment with
point less than 65° C). air supply shall be used, when working with products containing liquids with a
low boiling point (boiling point less than 65° C).
C) Work of short duration, such as spot painting and other types of finishing or
repair work to a limited extent (max. 1 hour per day), is allowed when using J) Half-mask with air supply shall be used, when working with products contai-
combination filter mask. When combination filter mask is used instead of full- ning liquids with a low boiling point (boiling point less than 65° C).
mask, eye protection must also be used. However, respiratory equipment with K) In places with no circulation of air, the respiratory equipment shall be used,
air supply shall be used when working with products containing liquids with a similar to the equipment used for outdoor work with products coded 3-.
low boiling point (boiling point less than 65° C).
L) Work with glue gun or glue tube without using face shield and hood is
D) Work without gloves is allowed, if the hands do not get smudged by the product. allowed. If the clothes do not get smudged by the product work without
protective clothing is also allowed.
E) Face shield and either hood or helmet shall be used in connection with splas-
hing work. Requirements of eye protection shall not apply. M) Work with glue gun or glue tube without using gloves is allowed, if the hands
do not get smudged by the product. Gloves shall be used when changing glue
F) Overall suit shall be used where the work involves smudging to such an extent cartridges.
that ordinary working clothes do not protect the skin against contact with the

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