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Section 1

Chapter 2
Activity 1: Different Perspectives,
Different Responses

Submitted by:
Rosales, Claudine M.

Submitted to:
Prof. Ednylyn Capa

Read the excerpt carefully and answer the questions below.

"...He is unusual to our food, selecting his nourishment by smell but at the same time
indifferent to fragrant or foul odors: lying flat on the ground to drink; garments placed
upon him and trying to constantly escape; walking often on all fours; fighting with his
teeth; giving few marks of intelligence; having no articulate language even devoid of the
faculty of speech. It was later discovered that the boy's hearing was insensitive to loud
noises and to music; yet he readily heard the fall of a nut. His sense of touch was likewise
deficient. As to sight, his eyes constantly wandered and could not be fixed on object."
How do you think would the view and treatment of Victor be different

during the era of extermination?

People in the extermination era do not yet understand how to treat handicapped individuals with
respect. Currently, there is a notion that being disabled is a curse from God. Additionally, they have a
strong conviction that it is a penalty for doing something terrible or evil. If Victor were born in this time
period, in my view, he would face a lot of critiques and judgements that would be quite damaging to his
situation. Victor will be met with quick contempt and the belief that he is a bad guy who is being
punished by God. Also, they believe that people with impairments will stay how they are forever. People
will therefore probably contemplate eradicating him from society, maybe via carnage. Most
importantly, in this era, people think that they has the authority to dictate whether a person should live
or not. Hereby, it is evident that the treatment of people with disability in this era is cruel and shocking
due to lack of understanding on their conditions.
during the era of RIDICULE?

People who were born with disabilities in the era of ridicule still face a difficult
struggle. People started making fun of them and used them as a source of
amusement. During the Age of Ridicule, they were treated as servants, idiots and
clowns, derided for their physical flaws, and even agreed to execute them. The
rigorous caste system, which separates Hindus into rigid hierarchical groups based
on their karma (effort) and dharma, was in operation throughout this time. Victor is
most likely going to be employed by a circus or placed in a position of servitude.
People will surely make fun of, laugh at, and toy with him because of his condition.

during the era of asylum?

People with disabilities started receiving compassionate care during the Asylum era.
Victor will probably be regarded by the Catholic Church as a ward of state if he is
born in this period. He will receive care in seclusion. Perspectives started to differ in a
good way at this time. They started to learn that those with impairments need help
and compassion. The Roman Catholic Church provided refuge to those in need,
establishing orphanages, hospitals, and homes for the blind and the aged.

during the early beginnings of special education?

It has been said that the early years of special education were "a time of
bewilderment" since there was a lack of awareness of and services for people with
disabilities. Nevertheless, a distinct viewpoint holds that mankind cannot exist
without education. People did, however, observe a more positive, scientific approach
to people with impairments. Victor will be placed in a facility where his situation is
recognized and cared for. The public in general started to recognize that everyone
belongs to society, regardless of looks or physical limitations.
in the 1900s?

We gradually began to see the light in the 19th century. A

number of people proposed a research that is crucial for
understanding persons with disabilities. Furthermore, the
number of new institutions grew quickly in the 19th century as
a result of the removal of many disabled individuals from
their homes and placement in workhouses and asylums.
Additionally, the construction of buildings for the disabled
has "boomed" in this century. Victor will probably be pleased
and joyful throughout this period because they are already
completely accepted as members of the community. A number
of laws have also been passed and books written that will
broaden society's understanding.

during the present time?

The battle is starting to come into the end. These days, more people
are willing to discuss disability. Victor will likely feel liked and
valued more often now. Thanks to the facilities and institutions we
have today, his ailment will be examined and treated. In addition,
there are several specialists who are competent in managing
Victor's illness, increasing the likelihood of success. Most
importantly, we now appreciate their individuality and recognize
their distinctions.
Activity 2: If you were a policymaker...
Disability must never be seen as a barrier. A handicapped person can do anything in life if they
have a positive outlook and self-confidence. There is no question that having a disability does not
lower one's worth. However, everyone should have access to free education. Inside the classroom,
there shouldn't be any exceptions or complaints. Everyone should feel respected and cared for, and
the setting should be conducive to learning. Especially when all of the talents and traits of learners
are valued, there should be a variety and inclusiveness where everyone can think critically and
creatively as they engage in dialogues across divides. With this, being a policy maker is an
advantage because I will be able to create ideas and plans that will be essential for everyone.
If given the opportunity to design a policy for students who are bright, talented, or have disabilities,
I will unquestionably design one that will oversee the implementation of the convention and
guideline against discrimination in education. My goal with this policy is to provide a setting that is
accommodating to those who have unique needs. My own opinion is that policies promoting the
right of people with disabilities to an education should exist. In relation to this, the first stage is to
determine the demands of the nation and the challenges that make the aforementioned policy
challenging to achieve. My study indicates that there are more than 1 billion persons who are
thought to be disabled. This equates to around 15% of the world's population, with up to 190
million (3.8%) persons aged 15 and older experiencing substantial functional challenges and
frequently needing medical treatment. Students make up 2.3 million of these figures. This makes it
clear that the number is relatively large, which is the major justification for implementing the right
to education for those with disabilities. Schools should be a place of safety for students, where they
may learn and grow. Therefore, bullying and prejudice shouldn't be tolerated and no pupil should
be left behind. Typically, those who have impairments deal with injustices in their everyday lives
and have less chances to enroll in a good school that is really inclusive. Most importantly, in this
policy a human rights-based approach to education will be imposed properly.
Indeed, the battle to eradicate prejudice has not yet been won. There are still some people who
believe that persons with special needs are not worthy of attention. Hereby, the secret to attaining
diversity is a policy that offers a legal foundation for the preservation of the right to education and
outlaws any kind of discrimination, including any differentiation, exclusion, limitation, or
preference. Everyone should have equal access to rights and opportunities in education. A
fundamental human right and prerequisite to the enjoyment of all other rights is education. Every
individual has the right to a free education, regardless of color, gender, nationality, ethnicity, or
social background, religion, political choice, age, or handicap. Lastly, let us all remember that,
"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you

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