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Introduction :

The Nature of
The Names of Presenter :
1. Akromu Wajihan (06011382126065)
2. M. Hade Pratama (06011282126059)
3. Irma Indriani (06011382126068)
4. Yurinina Shafa (06011282126058)
5. Berliana Satriani (06011382126074)
1. Introduction : The Nature Of Communication
2. The Nature Of Communication
3. The FLB and FLN
4. Miscommunication Based on Cultural Differences
5. Nonhuman and Human Communication Compared
6. Bees, Birds, and human
7.Chimpanzees and Gorillas in Controlled

8. Skeptictism over Ape-Language Studie
9. Theory of Mind
10. The Jury Is Still Out
Introduction : The Nature
Of Communication

- The meaning of linguistic

The Nature Of Communication

- The meaning of communication
- The meaning of language
- The difference between communication &
- What the FLB Means
- What The FLN Means

2 Ways for Human to Communicate

- Verbal
- Non-Verbal
Miscommunication Based on Cultural

Travelers, including businesspeople, who enter
foreign countries often experience what
anthropologists call culture shock and
Nonhuman and Human Communication

The Dance of Honeybee

The Vocalization of birds

- Bee, Birds, and humans.
Compared to birds, bees, and any
other nonhuman communication
system, language is impressive for its
broad scope.
Human Language and Nonhuman Communication
Communicative Nonhuman
Act Language
Sometimes performed by discrete signals Performed by producing units that
How Performed (birdcalls, for example) sometimes
by continuous signals (bee dancing, for are
example) perceived as being discrete
When and Where Usually performed only under direct
Performed control of a stimulus or at a specific time Any message can be produced at any time
of the year (the mating songs of birds, and in any location,even in socially
for inappropriate places and time

Who Performs Who produces specific messages may Who produces specific messages is
be restricted due to innate (genetic) restricted by cultural convention, not
predetermination innate predetermination. A

Communicative acts are performed to Communicative acts are performed to

Why Performed fulfill immediate survival needs of the fulfill the immediate survival needs of the
individual, the individual’s social group, individual, the individual’s social group,
and/or the species. T and/or the species.
- Chimpanzees and Gorillas in Controlled
The fact that chimpanzee calls are not much closer for a human
communication system than for other mammals is somewhat
unexpected given the close evolution of humans and apes.
- Washoe
-An eleven-month-old African-born chimpanzee arrived in Reno, Nevada, in June

1966 and was named Washoe.

- Kanzi
Kanzi cannot speak in a way that most humans can understand, because
bonobos have a different vocal tract from humans, which makes them
incapable of reproducing most of the vocal sounds humans can make.
- Koko
Koko becomes the first non-human to chat on the Internet. Through the
translator, he answers the questions put to him by people who use America
On line.
- Alex the parrot
A nonprimate that received a fair
amount of media coverage for its
supposed communication abilities
- skepticism over
ape-languange studies

Noam Chompsky
Herbert S Terrace
- Theory of Mind

The theory of mind is the ability to

characterize and predict the mental
states of others.
- The Jury Is Still Out
The jury is still out. in narrow sense,
it is a unique human potential that
has developed for a long time after
the hominin/ape line split from a
common ancestor.
following additional criticisms of ape-language studies
by Terrace
1. Nim’s utterances did not increase in length
over time.
2. Eighty-eight percent of Nim’s utterances
followed the researcher’s utterances.
3. Nim’s responses were not usually spontaneous.
4. Much of the ape’s responses were imitations
of the human utterances.
5. Nim rarely added information to a
6. The ape had no concept of turn taking in a
Discussion Session

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