Bayogshs - October 2021 Liquidation Report

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panes ea tee NOOSE SI | Docume Sanaa, Mac wa) CHOSTOROREIRONEN NDUGRONION OF fon | va toes 18 Poy ee as Srowch tl Serndadeainnl statin maaan tara reaver Sekar B52 sso Uudeton Rape copied Plecop of Setanorerl Voucho Faddalad CohSabonenen Regt! 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CD cocumen (ol rd sprdioppovel) tourer voucher uplesn copy of chm Lave 2 STrnenon Tevelorder Exdonemo! am 35 Connect potored chore Beant equal a qulato (upen| ‘Aves efconaon een eon frcheve re: ora Ikra oA bing [Aeenconcrinellondence Eiboramat ouster ure cen Checked Weed) Fiche nt Test ection uosont ‘Siar elution tin Perf WAC an Arevananfenvanee (a 5) Sibert ouch Copal copy heckinund eweman Conor! tte Oneal Recop! eran ity be Belerenidos evant oa ‘ester snes UNO (hee on equ ar Fey Bord {ontenaton ttn ayo ar fr ne pga == tected ve etna bp send aT — ONE [otras recto comeleterequversnts Jeomeisea = Appendix 44 LIQUIDATION REPORT Period Covered : OCTOBER 2021 Entity Name : STAND ALONE SHS NO 10 BAYOG Fund Cluster : 01101101 Serial No.: 2021-10-04591 Date: October 11, 2021 PARTICULARS MAINTAINING BALANCE |CASH BALANCE FORWARDED FROM PREVIOUS MONTH ICASH ADVANCE GRANTED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2021 ‘To liquidate the MOOE of STAND ALONE SHS NO 10 BAYOG, for the month of OCTOBER 2021, DepEd Order No. 008, s. 2019 (Revised implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release, Use, Monitoring and Reporting of Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Allocation of [Schools, Including Other Funds Managed by Schools) per supporting Jdocuments hereto attached in the amount of... 1. Purchase of Supplies and maintenance Supplies Ht Intemet Bill (October 1-30, 2021) HI, Water Bill (August 18-Sept 172021) LV, Job Order (October 1-31, 2021) TOTAL AMOUNT SPENT AMOUNT 45,083.00 32,460.50 2,125.00 1,197.50 9,300.00 45,083.00 [AMOUNT OF CASH ADVANCE PER DV NO. als -10-04591—DTD. 10-11-20; [AMOUNT REFUNDED PER ORNO,_____I [| Ceriied: Purpoas of aval? cash advance duly accomplished ARLENE R. CARPIO PSDSIOIC - Asst. Schools Division Superintendent 45,083.00 a | | ented: Supponing documents Ue and proper ENE A. FERNANDEZ, Signature over Printed Name Head, Accounting Division Unit EV No.: Date: ‘ACTUAL UNLIQUIDATED AMOUNT MAINTAINING BALANCE 00.00 = ’ Republic ofthe Phiippines f Department of Falueatlon moor Divislon of Laguna HER by ner 22 LE hate ctor L221 DISBURSEMENT VOL Mate ot LI Mis ete, {Teommersiat Check Wi apa 1 ooters rene spc) UN/Limployee No, ‘ons oun No. Payee: | DEPED STAND ALONE SHS NO 10 BAYOG 2222-1036- MOOE v | o2aa7 Ottice Respensbiity Center STAND ALONE NO. 10 - BAYOG, LOS BANOS, LAGUNA fina Seires ide | organzational code ou1os101 ‘070010804003 PARTICULARS {School MODE of SIAND ALONE NO. \O-WATOG for the month ef OC|ONER 2071, ‘urauont to DepED Ore No, O08, 2018 [Revised implemeting Guieines on the Diteet Release, Use, “Monitoring and Reporting of Maintenance an Or Operating Expences Aoeatio ofSehook, leu ‘ther funds managed by schoo’) per supporting documents here attached Inthe amount of EOJPA Tocashadva ay,Md.os Moots IMDS to, 2222-9003 08 INCA No, R.O.1V-A-21-0008146 de 06/29/24 ‘pocoosoeonn00 BVSTAMATKETING: Lumban, Laguna TINH 101-142-961.000-VAT Gross: 3246080 $¥6 1449.13 13628983 (ob odo internet, watesJoksphetoysapity Lackdrop, bond paper, megabon A] Certified: Expemec Cask Advance necenar3, fnwial and incurred miler ny direct supervision. ARLENE R, CARPIO TSDS/OIC-ASSISTANT SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT, fhe] Accounting Enis econ Te ACS Cole Date os ncne eAa = ae a l | certited LZ] ca aa FORTY-THREE THOUSAND THREE MUNDRED FORTY-FOUR [77 | Sabet to Avoriy Debit Ascount(vhen Apia ESOS AND W100 [7 TSusporting dccurenis completeand amount chimed poet IRENE A, FERNANDEZ MARITES A, IBANEZ, CESOV. ‘Schools Divison Superintendent ‘Acountant rest ma Date reat Sse TEV Nomcrs CcheJADANe.: | torno1-10- 2021 | Date wamsane! He MOOE 2222-90004 | hE" seme —_| was PiiripcriaLowisisio wnaiousiaaness [et (till Resin No, DatlOer Deca CASH DISBURSEMENTS REGISTER [Entity name : Stand Alone SHS No. 10 Bayoz Name of Accountable Officer: Mel Anthony P. Liboon |Sub-Office/District/Division : Los Baflos District Official Designation: Assistant Principal Il huntlpalty/cty/erovnce:Los Bac, Lagan Station: 700 Fund Cluster; 01101101 Register No. 352-2021-009 Sheet No. Lof1 TarcesTor Opeth taper (SHOT) TREAROOWT OF PETS ovfraraty oan sia OR Wo. cain Aunt wieawicty | tnwenet |] Jantar OTHERS extn cvanca] payments | _salonce | ssitenert pee Taountoeroten | UACSObRc Coat | _ Ament Spa TT am fanaa [rarseorm as ane tr oroer20m aa. wa feravaeax foreouns Parmenter Prive eVUEA NoTIng Baws | amas oa Soppies tere weamine_| meee aysracenfomsarss __[royest ferret i (Octbe £53,205 2.500 | 1059750 2s erate ire somsmoor_| 32000 as ramen er ite Ot tAeg sep 17.208 a vesuppes ender eenas| comseooco | ease paraaoan —[ov rer ars) [Pomme fries Ove (onaber OS, 2H) sem] some 30a fate peer seine | __saarse Totals 45,583.00] 45,083.00 $00.00 - 2,125.00, 9,300.00, 33,658.00 ee lteter Se fetontees are soxssooi [3338 he Spates andi Epes] soi wo [nemo iss ene: soso | ——ias70 \ Total 73sst.00 SR ORES TT TE TOS STOTT CERTIFIED CORRECT: RECEIVED BY: MeL ANTHONY P/ BOON, £4.0. BYLYN M, CARILLAGA Assistant Principal It Administrative Asst. Ill a bate: Republic of the Philippines Deparunent of Education INEGION W-ACALABARZON Sclioois DvisON OF LAGUNA STAND ALONE S15 NO.10 wa¥OG Seether 0, 2001 MARITES A. ARE School Disisioa $ Dep Daison of Lagu Santa Cruz Tinw-Mry. ESTRELLA B. DELOS SANTOS Daxision Supply Oticce Divisonof Laguna Mn Inthe purpose of enderang good services to our clintles, this schoc is respectully appealing 1 your cod office to allow us io ail oureash advance forthe purchase of Office supplies and maintenazce matenals ‘below tobe charged agsinst our school MOOE FUND allocation forthe month of October 2021 though the division ccouning ofc, THEM/DESCRIPTTON Peiod Cxeed nome I. Purchase of Supplies and Naintenance Matera 320050 tert Bul, [Ocicber 1-31, 2021 2.12500 Water Bil [Aug 16-Sept 17,2021 119750. IV Order Regus focteron-31, 2021 9.30000) GRAND TOTAL 5083.00 Thank yor very much and God Bles ‘Adres: Togpuan St. Brgy Bayog. Los Banos, Laguna Contact No. (2321997328 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Division of Laguna DISBURSEMENT VOUCHER [7] Moscneek BV & EA MARKETING tumban, Laguna PARTICULARS DeneD Centon 0 tte 2021-20-0042 xe 204 pate: [others Please specify) “TNTEimployee Na | ORTOURSNO® ouze1301 ‘MFO/PAP To payment of office supplies, furniture & fixture and other supplies and material expenses. BIR TOTAL AMOUNT : 1738.96 5020301000 32,460.50 1,738.96 30,721.54 ‘Bxperses/ cash Advance necessary, lawluland Incurred under my direct superviiion. tice Suppies Expense 56 Fornure Bitar Other Sappies and Materials Expense R-Fae 3% OR Tao ec] [7] cam araoie [77 sujecttomutnonty to Dea Account{wnen sppicatle) [7 Supporting ocuments complete and ampuntyigmed proper Signature 20301000 ‘SRORROL 5720399000 770104003, aa010%008 ois [D-] Approved for Payment ‘Thiny Thousand Seven Murceed Printed Name AA TAVSOL.ViRTUIO ‘Feacher i awa fant name sonpn irinied names MELANTHONY P, LIBOON, E4.0. [ssh rnc ‘opin PHILIPPINES STA CRUZ BY &.CA MARKETING| sone HQ ‘Gecazorsea 5 it | orel Q~2.2°2 021, 2 onpen oF 30,721.54 4 ress TWAT THOUSANO SVE MUNDRED MAENTYONE 9ESOS.S: “Zs or payment oN One LANGA ES LANDBANK PRBRETSNE ao /pritsipal It #0000 70 2 LG 2x3 103 S*OOBSIO0 2222403647" OOO Appendix 60 PURCHASE REQUEST Entity Name: STAND ALONE SHS NO. 10 BAYOG. Office/Section Unit Item Description Quantity] Unit Cost ‘SET_|INK- EPSON, 664 1,650.00, SET_|INK- EPSON, 003 1,650.00 PACK [Pholography Backdrop Stand Metal 3,200.00 BOXES [BOND PAPER - HARD COPY, LONG: 1,250.00, BOXES [BOND PAPER - HARD COPY, SHORT 7,150.00 PCS_[MEGABOX- SOL 550.00 Requesied by: Fwhnefard signature : Printed Name: — MELY B. MANTUANO- NYP. LIBOON, Ed. D. Designation : SHS Coordinator Asst \Bificipal Il Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region lV - A CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA Old Provincial Capitol Bida. Sta. Cruz, Laguna Telefax: (049) 808-4143, 808-19) REQUEST FOR QUOTATION 71 Date : Odleber 41,2004 _ Quotation No. Company Name BV&EA MARKETING: Adress lumban, Laguna Please quote your lowest price on the items sted below, subject to the General Condtions on the last page, stating the shortest time of delivery and submit your quotation duly signed by your representative nol later than. in retum gfitglope attach herewith. JAYSONL VIRTUCIO BAcéhairman sock vat | TEM DESCRIPTION unt cost | Tora. cost SEr_[INK= P50 woh SET_|INK= EPSm 002 PACK |Photography Backdrop Stand Metal BOXES |BOND PAPER- Ying Cory Lone BOXES |EOND PAPER- ao CoPy Suber \uoo-» | {,neo-¥ PCS_|MEGABOX-3OL 16 | sh2¥ [gun 5d Brand Model Delivery Period : — Warranty Price Validity : Aller having coretully read and accepted your Gent you on the item or prices noted above. TOTAL [52-400 Sv \eral Conditions, I/We quote Printed Name/Signature Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV - A CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA Old Provincial Capitol Bldg. Sta, Cruz, Laguna Telefax: (049) 808-4163, 808-1971 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Dale : Oct 4, 20% Quotation No. Company Name MEGA GENERAL MERCHANDISE Address Sta. Cruz, Laguna: Please quote your lowes! price on the ilems lisied below, subject to the General Conditions on the last page, stating the shortest time of delivery and submit your quotation duly signed by your representative not later than inretumn gryelope atiach herewith. JAYSOV E VIRTUCIO BAC Chairman Sno | Unit ITEM DESCRIPTION ary. | unrcost} TOTAL Cost 1 SET [INK- Epon Gad 5 Jyh) Qi Wey 2 SET_|INK= eran ov? Soya e [ewe 3 | PACK [Pholography Backdrop Sland Metal 1 | sows | 39» 4 | BOXES [BOND PAPER- WKRO cofy LAC S| 120 | 375 5 BOXES [BOND PAPER - thie Ooty Stree 1 41) LAS é PCS _|MEGABOX - 30L 16 Ste» | 4 esto-r TOTAL | 33 390-1 Brand Model : 0 Delivery Period : Warranty Price Validity: Alter having carefully read and accepted your General Conditions, I/We quote you on the item or prices noted above. KEN lAW Printed Namle/Sgnature Republic of the Philigpines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV- A CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA (Old Provincial Capitol Bidg. Sta. Cruz, Laguna Telefax: (049) 808-4163, 808-1971 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Date ; Odvber 4y202 Quotation No. Company Name LATEO HOME CENTER Address Sta. Cruz, Laguna Please quote your lowest price on the items listed below, subject to the General Conditions on the last page, stating the shortest time of delivery and submit your quotation duly signed by your representative not later than. inretum envelope attach herewith, JAYSON L. VIRTUCIO BAC Chairman a Tose [INe- ean tay a 2_|_SeT_|INK- won me S| wr | tape 3__| PACK [Photography Backdrop Stand Metal 1 4 | BOXES [BOND PAPER- THRO Cty Lent 3 S_[ BOXES BOND PAPER- WW Coty Stiver 1 é PCS _|[MEGABOX - 30L 1 Warranty = Price Validity = After having carefully read and accepted your General Conditions, /We quote you on the ilem or prices noted above. ANA/MARIE B. LATEO Printed Name/Signature Republic of the Philippines Department of education Region IV ~ A CALABARZON Division of Laguna Santa Cruz.Laguna ABSTRACT QUOTATION OF PRICES [For bids opened on _Ockdpor 7,202 _at__10_am ) Name of Bidders and Amt. Bids Nomenclature BV&EA MEGA ia MKIG GENERAL ATER Ts INK - EPSON, 664 2_|_5_| SeI_|INK- EPSON, 00S &00000| 6.10000| 8,250.00 3_|_1_| PACK |Phofography Backdrop Stand Metal 320000] _3.25000| 3,250.00 {4 _[|_3_[BOxeS|BOND PAPER - HARD COPY. [ONG 3.60000] _3.75000[ 3,900.00 5_|_1_|BOXES|BOND PAPER - HARD COPY, SHORT 1.00000] _1.15000[ 1,100.00 © |_16 | PCS [MEGABOX-3OL €,60050| _9,04000| 9,200.00 ‘GRAND TOTAL 32,460.50] 33,390.00] 33,750.00 The committee decided to award to the dealer/dealers who offered the lowest price foritems lowest price foritems indicated below towit: PR No.. Foritem(s to For itern(s). to. For itern(s) to. WITNESSETH: adine dear MELY 8. MANIUANO JAYSPNIT ViRTUCIO MEL ANTHONY}. LIBOON, Ed.D. SHS Coordinator {AC Chairman Asst. Principal i Appendix 61 PURCHASE ORDER STAND ALONE SHS NO. 10 BAYOG Entity Name (Supplier: BV & EA MARKETING Address : Lumban, Laguna Tin No: 101-142-961 Gentlemen: Please furnish this Office the following articles subject to the terms and conditions containeq herein: Place of Delvery Delivery Term: Date of Delivery : Payment Term : ____ Stock/ Property Desciiption ity} Unit Cost | Amount No. INK - EPSON, 664 INK- EPSON, 003 [Photography Backdrop Stand Mefal BOND PAPER - HARD COPY. LONG BOND PAPER - HARD COPY. SHORT MEGABOX-SOL THIRTY TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY & 50/100 In case of failure to make the full delivery within the time specified above, a penalty of one- tenth (1/10) of one percent for every day of delay shall be imposed on the undefivdred item/s. Very truly yous, LIBOON, Ed. D. rinted Name of Authorized Official Asst. Principal Designation Contorme: fan e AKMos Signature ove: Pipted Name of Supplier Date ( i _. BV&EAMARKETING — BELEN A. DE RAMOS - Prop. 143 A, BONIFACIO STREET, BRGY. SEGUNDA PARANG, LUMBAN, LAGUNA VAT Reg. TIN 101-142-961-000 No .2695 SALES INVOICE SOLD TO_SSND Avent SWS Note PAYG Date Wo-1 22™ TIN. Buss. Style Terms ADDRESS OSCA/PWDIDNo, sco Cartneldors Sgnature ary | unit "ARTICLES. Unit Price [| Amount [si [Sate - Epson Out dbo, «| Seep, ~ Tsou. e950 03 ihe “| Seon” 1 lrosk Rinioneoty Pokies Yous mute] F2—p “| 3 2.0- 2 Wows Bente = yor Cay Ve, Teg | Bteo = ‘|eous [Broa Fea = Vek CQ Url | foe | coop - i foe | mache Bak r xy 78* BGLD,X® J [Total Saies(VAT Ine) B32 Foe ltews-vaT SFtL aoa S59 29 aw oar [3898257 VAT Event Ses Less : SCIPWO Discount JP8, Fh ero Rated Sales JANOUNT DUE 25 ys OF VAT Amat 3944, jaovar Syag7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE S=>1} S24 Mit ‘0 Bis (00) 501-300 aR ATPROcMAUEOOT=DNDE — Cerifaq CH Oaelsved) {44048 VALIDUNT 120208 eh {unre PMN PRES, in Maes Been A= met ea eine Ja O20 PERN y gnaTaTe SVeT PINTE TATE TOUS THIS INVOICE SHALL BE VALID FOR FIVE(S) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF ATP. 9 g SESE BVGEA MARKETING Particulars ‘Amount 3A Borufico St, Brgy. Segunds Parang, Lumbar, Liguea Ben K De Raros Pre VAT ex TN 101-143-961-000 -11igy pig TGs eis Received from SiMeD breve BAS e.19 with TIN and address at Bawe cress nthe neg of. the sum of pesos. wdond ha jan Amount Due wily On. + S4heo e—_ 2a) E ‘mn portiatull payment of S14 4 9¢ cub ‘choc OD — COLLECTION RECEIPT lorancw EAE NO, [catex onre rota Php thorized Sigaatare ECTION RECEIPT Sia 1B £08 Fh 8 FROM. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE REPORT Entity Name: STAND ALONE SHS NO 10 BAYOG Appendix 62 Fund Cluster: 01101101 Inspection Officer/Inspection Committes Supply and/or Property Custodian. Sunplier=_IMTSTATIONERY TRADING [ARNo.: 10160 PONo/Dste: 11:10.13.21 IDate:_10/21/2021 Requisitioning OMice/Dep..: DEPED. tovoice No.: 2698 pute: 10/21/2021 Stock! ity Property No. Description Unit Ouantity 1 TNK- EPSON, 654 ‘ser 60 2 INK - EPSON, 008 set 2 3 PHOTOSRAPHY BACKOROP STAND METAL PACK 2 + BOND PAPER- HARO COPY, LONG BOXES 2 | 3 SOND PAPER HARD COPY, SHORT. soxss 1 é MEGAGOX. 301 Pcs 2 —e Date Inspected : October 21,2021 Date Received :October 21,2021 7 Inspected, verified and found in orderasto | [/] Complete ‘quantity and specifications Partial (pls. specify quant som honk MELY B MANTUANO saysoytlvirtucio 155 MOOE Tepabic ofthe Phippires DenED Department of Education Deper Division of Laguna Location Code: 4426000 2021-10-0043 De: cober 21,2021 IMogeot Sere ¥) Mosccheck ADA L parce: CONVERGE ICT SOLUTIONS 000 Responsibility Cente rand source code Jogarizavoral cede on0101 70010804003 PARTICULARS ‘MFO/PAP ‘To payment of internet Bill from September 01-20, 2021, ‘30205033000, BIR TOTAL AMOUNT: : [A.] Cenified: Expenses/Cash Advance necessary, lawfuland Incurred undermy diect supervision, facéress: | RGY. UNO, CROSSING CALAMBA CITY, LAGUNA TRecounting Entry ‘ecoun Tie acs code abi cet Internet xpense 5020503000, 232500 Cath Lal Gurreney, Current Recount 1010202028, 212500) [Ey cenied: [y7] Gs avatatie [177] sabe to autnony to debt acount wen sppeabie) {7 Supporng documents complete ana ‘Approved for Payment TwoThovsand One Hund/ed Thent Five Fesos tclaines proper Sanature: Pita Name: JAYSORIL. VIRTUCIO NP. UBOON, Ea. resin Teacher Poston Vann rencpati one ioe Date oR E. | Receipt of Payment EV Nomber ark Name Bite way PHILIPPINES STA CRUZ PrintedNamer converge} nna: Yoava0% 844 at roa usey vee te wo woe peoatins | LAMININ. S8ezoas68 co lomber: POIC™ ‘ pate 4.9.7 2- 1 é Oroen oF ___ CONVERGE ICT SOLUTIONS INC.__® 2,125.00 Pesos ___TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE PESOS.ONLY— = Sana LANDBANIC P. GUEVARRA ST,, STA CRUZ, LAGUNA. aL AN; IY PELIBOON, Ed.D es 0 000070 245 30"3 13 5"OORBNO0 2222403627" 000 NS. INC. [CONVERGE NFORIMATION AND COMM wAICATIONS TECHNOLOGY SOLU | CONVER ninctemraerel ote emeatan ue Het aossone.anan STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT SOF Oct. 3, 2021 1) rocoreaossane LOs waN0s HavOG SEnOR HIGH SCHOOL N/A, TAGHUAN ST, WA¥0G, LOS HAROS, LAGUNA, Date Particulars Covered Date ‘Balance rovor2021 1M LINE SUBS FFE - Oct 2071 0701/2021 to 101172021 2,000.00 royosa0at INSTALLATION FEE 125.00 ese Pasig otpayet a withs 2-343y ate ayrert te ‘Thank you fr paying your menthy subserption fase promptly. Wa appreclate your elfors for keeping your account Updated from Une to lime. Rest assured tnat we ae doing our bostto provide you only tne best quality internet Pleave examine the charges in your statement of account and advise our Biling Departament of any discrepancy within 1 days trom statement dete, otherwise tls statement of account wil be considered correct. "ivan Oa vant payee ha been made Tanke Account No. urnosis Due Date rovatana Name Lesbanin amo stsiIGlScM | Total Amount DUD 2,125.00 Billing Address: fyuivincs NOES ACES. Minimum Amount Du 2,125.00 Contact No. ooosatesss2 Received By ‘ Semaocihnettoe - (Date and Time Se MM aes neat LID rrr TTA.

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