Final Exam For Persoal Budget 2

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Unit title; Produce, Record & maintain Business Documents

Part I choose the beast answer (2point each)

1. One of the following is Technology that used to prepare business document
A. printers C. database packages
B. scanners D. all
E. A&B

2. Which one of the following is not true about Design document

A. to ensure the efficient entry of information and to maximize the presentation and appearance of
information the document should be designed
B. to ensure the consistency of design and layout a range of functions are used
C. Input devices are operated within designated requirements
D. All
E. none
3.One of the following is true to produce document
A. completing the document production within designated time lines according to organizational
B. checking the document produced to ensure it meets the task requirements for style and layout
C. Document is stored appropriately and document is saved to avoid loss of data
D. All
E. none
4. Which one of the following functions are used to ensure the consistency of design prepare for work
A. alternating headers and footers C. mouse
B. keyboard D. numerical key pad
5. Which one of the following is a business document?
A. accounting packages C. presentation packages
B. database packages D. none
6. One of the following is true to Collate business records
A. the individual records or information should be incorporated into business or records system
according to organizational criteria
B. Control information is identified and recorded for describing new records to be incorporated into
business or records system
C. Control information describing movement or use of records is updated within business or records
D. Brief written reports using enterprise report formats
Part II matching (2point each)

Time Allowed; 2:00 Hr


1. Tools and equipment A. Worn-out bits

2. Safety equipment and tools B. Inspection
3. Items C. Documents
4. Unnecessary items D. Pencil
5. Shine activity E. Working cloth

Part III short answer

1. Demonstrate how to update business or records system. (4 point)

2. State how to prepare reports from the business or records system. (4point)

Unit title; Develop and Use a Personal Budget and Savings Plan

Part I choose the beast answer (2point each)

1. All of the following is true about budget except

A. It is an aid to the coordination and implementation of that plan
B. it represents the legal authority to spend money
C. is the quantitative expression of a proposed plan of action by only individuals for a future time
D. provides an important tool for the control and evaluation of sources and the uses of resources

2. Which one of the following is not true about budgeting?

A. Budgeting is the most commonly used accounting tool for planning and controlling the daily & long-
term operation
B. It is the process of allocating infinite resources to the prioritized needs of an organization
C. the process of preparing a budget by looking in to the future
D. all

3.which one of the following is an examples of Short-term financial goals

A. saving for an emergency fund D. all

B. saving for going on holiday E. A&B
C. saving for future retirement

4. _________________is achieved within a certain time period

A. budget C. Financial goal
B. Financial budget D. All

Time Allowed; 2:00 Hr

5.Which one of the following is the purpose of budgeting?
A. To forecast of income and expenditure C. for decision making
B. To provide a model of how the business D. A&C
might perform E. All
6._________________are the way to shape or manage your money
A. Mind set C. Financial goal
B. Beliefs D. Budget
7. All of the following are the advantage of setting financial goal except

A. It improves your chances of success C. strengthen motivation & commitment

B. establishing a deposit for an investment D. improve your money mind set

8. Which one of the following is not the financial goal?

A. Financial goals provide built-in accountability

B. purchasing assets
C. handling income and expenditure responsibly and avoiding financial difficulties
D. establishing a regular savings plan

9. Which one of the following is true?

A. Knowing the source and amount of income and the amounts allocated to expense events are as
important as when those cash flow events occur.
B. A budget should have a purpose or defined goal
C. The ultimate goal of budgeting is to plan different phases of corporate operations, coordinate the
actions of various divisions within the company, and maintain effective management
D. B&C
E. All

10. All of the following is the reason to save a money except

A. When you have purpose D. all

B. To create a peace of mind E. none
C. to encourage a savings habit

Time Allowed; 2:00 Hr

Part II short answer
1. assume that ato Beyene is one of the employee of XYZ manufacturing company he earns birr 10,850
and birr 300 as monthly salary and over time for the month of January 2014 as per his
expectation ,And he expected to incur the following expenditures from his monthly total
income ,35% of his income is cover fixed expense and the remaining is cover both variable and his
monthly saving ,65% of saving is a variable expense .The actual incurred fixed expense is
90% ,variable is 84%, and actual earned income 100% during the month .AtoBeyen is decided to
increase his saving amount by maximizing his total income for the next month December 2014 by

1. Prepare budget performance for the month January 2014(5point)

2. Prepare personal budget for the month December 2014 (5point)

Time Allowed; 2:00 Hr

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