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Hannah Camile N.

Vargas Environmental Science and Engineering

BSEE 3 Midterm Exam

1. Discuss briefly the principles of environmental issues.

When dealing with the environmental issues the first thing you need to do is
examine the major environmental issues. Then after this you need to discover the cause of
this issue and that is the time you develop an effective solution on that problem. Of course,
you can’t do it all by yourself when we talk about environment so you need to ask for co-
operation in solving this problem. And when it is implemented, you need to emphasis your
active participation to prevent those kinds of environmental issues.
2. What are the scopes of environmental science?
 Studying the interrelationship between the components of environment.
 Carrying out impact analyst and environment audit.
 Preventing pollution from existing and new industries.
 Stopping the use of biological and nuclear weapons.
 Managing unpredictable disasters, etc.

3. Environmental ignorance is one of the major problems arising to problems with

environmental issues, in your own words what do you think is one of the solutions?
Many people neglected the importance of the environment, it is the topic that
people don’t seek more information about the problem. They only move if the disaster
came to their lives. But when it comes to an environmental issue, it is impossible to
solve all of this because of the natural factors. But maybe one of the causes of many
environmental problem is the environmental ignorance. For me, as experience, videos
and advertisement really can help for the environmental ignorance, those videos that
shows what happen if we did this to our environment, or the what ifs- advertisement.
We can also join on different seminars or even watching TVs or scrolling on your social
media, you can see different environmental issues on whole world. Because nowadays
internet is accessible. You can even see and feel the changes in our environment, you
can move on your own and don’t ignore what you can see because environment can
kick you back ten times more than bad you did to it and if you still ignorant on what
happen to our environment up to these days, please try to read or even just feel what
happen to your surroundings. Think for the sake of everyone or even just for yourself.
Follow the experts, environmentalist, scientist or even yourself, if you know that your
doings are bad for our environment, stop it or if you can’t, reduce it.

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