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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

The Jesuit University in Western Mindanao, Philippines

Since 1912
Senior High School

3pts 2pts 1pts
The objectives clearly The objectives define the The objective vaguely
define the purpose of the purpose of the activity defines the purpose of the
activity including higher including high level of activity
level of thinking skills. thinking skills.

5pts 3pts 2pts 1pt
 Introduction  Context  Ideas  Body of the
engages the addresses what connected to paper is
reader and and why introduction/ Unconnected to
signals the  Each paragraph organization is introduction
intent of the clearly unclear  Content is
paper connected to  Claims based poorlypresented
 Context is introduction or on texts but
clearly to preceding ideas not
developed paragraph(s) explored
 Parallel

10pts 8pts 6pts 4pt
All requirements were met 3 of 4 requirements 2 of 4 requirements 1 of 4 requirements
1. All results show were met were met were met
detailed 1. All results 1. All results 1. All results
observation of the show detailed show detailed show detailed
activity. observation of observation of observation of
2. Illustrationsare the activity. the activity. the activity.
clear and shows 2. Illustrations are 2. Illustrations are 2. Illustrations are
expected clear and shows clear and shows clear and shows
illustration based expected expected expected
on observation. illustration illustration illustration
3. Illustration are based on based on based on
properly labeled observation. observation. observation.
which includes 3. Illustration are 3. Illustration are 3. Illustration are
(Magnification / properly properly properly
Specimen / labeled which labeled which labeled which
Function / includes includes includes
Location etc.) (Magnification (Magnification (Magnification
4. All data is / Specimen / / Specimen / / Specimen /
interpreted based Function / Function / Function /
on students’ Location etc.) Location etc.) Location etc.)
observations 4. All data is 4. All data is 4. All data is
interpreted interpreted interpreted
based on based on based on
students’ students’ students’
observations observations observations

5pts 3pts 2pts 1pt
Written response Written response Response to writing Response lacks any
addresses all essay addresses at least 2 prompts is unclear comprehension of
question writing of 3 essay writing or vague and/or the essay question
prompts clearly and prompts clearly and addresses only one or appears to
directly. Response directly. Response writing prompt in a address a different
indicates depth and indicates simplistic clear, direct essay question.
complexity of or repetitive manner. Response Response is
thought in thoughts in lacks focus or unfocused, illogical
answering the essay answering the essay demonstrates or incoherent.
question. question. confused or

Table Completion

5pts 3pts 2pts 1pt

All required elements 3 of 4 required 2 of 4 required elements 1 of 4 required
are provided elements are provided are provided elements are
1. A complete 1. A complete 1. A complete provided
tabulation of tabulation of tabulation of 1. A complete
data is data is data is presented tabulation of
presented presented 2. Information is data is
2. Information is 2. Information is brief and presented
brief and brief and concise 2. Information
concise concise 3. Illustration is is brief and
3. Illustration is 3. Illustration is added to aid concise
added to aid added to aid understanding 3. Illustration is
understanding understanding 4. Data is not added to aid
4. Data is not 4. Data is not adapted from understandin
adapted from adapted from online g
online online resources. 4. Data is not
resources. resources. adapted from

5pts 3pts 2pts 1pt
 Reviews major  Concluding  Concluding  No concluding
points in paragraph paragraph statement
interesting way reviews some reviews some
and offers major points of major points
about topic


3pts 1pt
 APA format  Student failed
was used. to use APA
format in

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