Monitoring and Evaluation GROUP 2 Helping Hands

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1 Logical Framework


Goal This project is to encourage all Elementary students Records of elementary N/A
people enrolment up until high
to donate school supplies for school

Outcomes By donating school supplies, It aims to help Having basic needs in Help children to be more
you will
especially our young school can make children productive and are able
help a child’s school and to
children who are improve their grades,
classroom run
reach their full potential
suffering extreme creativity, and be
more smoothly while ensuring
all poverty. motivated and excited
students have what they need

Outputs The value proposition of our The estimated time Charities like our project May be able to engage
project is to help the children
that needs to need clear, comprehensive properly with schoolwork,
engagement producing long-term
and hopefully embed into
benefits in their lives. the complete the project is conflict of interest policies
them the importance of
relationship is built and the self-

esteem and happiness of the child at least 5-6 months. In that include clauses learning and improvement
is given a foundation to flourish that allotted time, it requiring staff or
already includes personnel to declare any
everything from the financial ties to businesses
researching of a that might interact with
deserving schools and the organization in order
students to retain public trust and
fiduciary obligations.

Activities  Social media and fund Number of donors Records of donors account Concerned about how to
raising are the ideal generate revenue, gain
ways to spread the word more donors and fundraise
more effectively
about this project,
Another way is to
organize a fund raise
with a cause.
 The team planned to
create an envelope
containing school

2 Indicators

Indicator Students are always present in school

Definition This project focuses on providing school supplies to all Dagupan City students as
their major need. It is known that school supplies have a big impact on student’s
success. Considering how financially precarious people’s lives have become as a
result of the pandemic, purchasing school supplies is a difficult task. As a result,
the project Helping Hand- “Together we will create a future for them” will be a
great assistance to the students. Having basic needs in school can make children
improve their grades, creativity, and be motivated and excited. This is the reason
why it is significant to help the children to have their own school supplies so that
they could be more productive and are able to reach their full potential.]

Purpose The general purpose of this project is to encourage all people to donate school
supplies for children in Dagupan City. By donating school supplies, you will help a
child's school and classroom run more smoothly while ensuring all students have
what they need to succeed. The team planned to create an envelope containing
school supplies. So, this community base project aims to give aid to those
students who can’t afford to get their own supplies by providing it for them, so that
they may be able to engage properly with schoolwork, and hopefully embed into
them the importance of learning and improvement

Baseline 15,000

Target 10,000

Data Collection the efficiency of donating school supplies to

Tool books, pencils, paper

Frequency Every academic year

Responsible Project Manager, Project Team

Reporting the students will be put forward to the project manager to see the effectiveness of
doing the project and for her to seek more possible actions in order to help the
students continue their studies and strive for their dreams in life.

Quality Control the Project Team need to seek what the student needs for their academic school
in order to for the project team to at least provide their basic needs in school. In
that way, we can help them to still believe and find their way to their dreams.

3 Roles & Responsibilities
Role Responsibilities

Project Leader The one who make decisions, check data and review reports

Project Members They are the one who conduct analysis and collecting data.

4 Data Flow

5 Data Management
5.1 Storage
We decided to stored our collected data in a database. However, a recommended practice is to
maintain at least three copies of our data: a local copy on our desktops, where the files were created
or collected; an external copy on a different media type than the original and an external copy in a
geographically different location, like a cloud storage service. This will allow us to easily backup the
data we have collected and stored it for a long time—likely for more than a decade, given the number
of copies we have.

5.2 Analysis
All of the information collected in a database will be analyzed in order to easily summarize the data
and determine which features need to be improved. We will sort the data that has been acquired
using Excel and Microsoft Word to consolidate all of the important information. We will be using other
software if it is necessary or for better analysis, but we will mainly use those two. Our team will
connect this data to the software mentioned above to facilitate and for accurate analysis.

5.3 Privacy
Only authorized individuals and a selected group of trusted employees have access to the data that
has been acquired, and even they must strictly first request for data privacy access. The organization
implemented and a date security strategy that entails putting in place specific controls, standardized
policies, and procedures to protect the data from a variety of risks, such as: Unauthorized access,
Accidental loss and Data destruction. It may even include a physical security measure to restrict
access to, manipulation of, or disclosure of sensitive data.

Interview guides
1. Do you have enough school supplies that support your studies? If not, what are your

struggles of not having enough school supplies? (Question for students)

2. Is it hard to teach young students who doesn't have enough school supplies and learning

materials? (Question for teachers)

3. What circumstances do you face that lead to not providing your kids a enough school

supplies? (Question for parents)

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