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Technology and Livelihood Education

Agri-Fishery Arts
Module 4:
Preparing Layout Design for
Orchard Garden

CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
TLE – Agri-Fishery Arts - Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Module 4: Preparing Layout Design for Orchard Garden
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Kim T. Campaner
Editors: Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Fatima M. Solis
Reviewer: Roselyn V. Geñega
Photos and Illustration: Kim T. Campaner, Learesa G. Amban
Layout Artist: Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa, Alfaith G. Poblete
Management Team: Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro Escobarte Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Reynaldo G. Gico
Michell L. Acoyong
Grace T. Nicavera
Mylene D. Lopez
Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa
Helen Grace S. Poderoso
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Department of Education – Region VI

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Technology and Livelihood Education

Agri-Fishery Arts
Module 4:
Preparing Layout Design for
Orchard Garden
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear

learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
learn and master the skill in preparing layout design of an orchard garden.

You will need a map and plenty of paper to sketch your plan so when planting
day comes, you will know exactly where everything is going and how many trees to
order and be confident that every single one of them is going to bear fruit.

This module will cover the different layout design of an orchard garden and
how to prepare layout design of an orchard garden using the information gathered.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

• Identify the different layout design of an orchard garden.

• Prepare layout design of an orchard garden using the information gathered.

1A picture of a Mango Plantation

Pauk, Free Royalty,,_Gujarat.jpg

1 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
What I Know

To begin your lesson in this module, please answer the following statements.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and GIVE THE CORRECT ANSWER if
it is FALSE and then write it on your answer sheet.

____ 1. System of layout refers to the design of planting the tress.

____ 2. It is desirable to have the trees planted in a systematic way because it

makes supervision easier and more effective.

____ 3. In square system, the trees are planted in six corners for keeping the same
distance between rows and from plant to plant in the same row.

____ 4. Less number of trees planted is one of the advantages in rectangular


____ 5. In this system, the number of trees planted in the same area is almost
doubled is called rectangular system.

____ 6. In the hexagonal system, the trees are planted at the corners of an
equilateral triangle.

____ 7. Quincunx is an imaginary line connecting all points of equal elevation

across a slope.

____ 8. Measuring the land is one thing to be considered for layout procedure.

____ 9. Layout means fixing the position of trees, roads, building, etc in an orchard
being planted.

____ 10. Choosing the type of trees to be planted is necessary in preparing the
orchard layout design.

2 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
Preparing Layout Design for
4 Orchard Garden

A picture of Santol Plantation at Provincial Nursery and Demonstration Farm Technology

Center, Brgy. Carabalan, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

You will need a map and plenty of paper to sketch your plan so when planting
day comes, you will know exactly where everything is going and how many trees to
order and be confident that every single one of them is going to bear fruit.

The layout design of the orchard is an essential operation. By this, it

accommodates the requisite number of plants per unit area and the arrangement of
fruit plants in the plot is carefully done to put the plants to be properly placed as it
developed creating an aesthetic view of the orchard. Proper layout of the orchard is
influenced by factors like, planting distance and system of planting of fruit species
to have uniform growth and easy orchard operation such as cultivation,
intercropping, irrigation, spraying and harvesting. Further, it helps in proper
management and supervision of the orchard.

3 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
What’s In

Direction: Arrange the following scrambled letters inside the box to form a word or
words base on the given definition above it, and then write it on your answer sheet.

1. In this farm, trees are grown for the purpose of fruit production.

triuf drohcra

2. It is where nut trees are grown for a massive production of nut.

ntu rdcraoh

3. An intensively managed or maintained plantation of trees to produce

genetically improved seeds resulting in mass production.

sdee hcroadr

4. It is an area where fruit-bearing trees or shrubs are suited to be planted

and it is greatly managed or maintained for production.

dcroarh mraf

5. Locating the position of trees, roads and buildings in the orchard are being


4 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
What’s New

A picture of Rambutan Plantation owned by Lorenzo D. Laja Jr. at Sitio Sig-ang Brgy.
Carabalan, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

If you are the owner of the farm being shown in the picture, what layout
would you make in this kind of farm?

In order to know if your layout design is suitable to this kind of farm,

study the next activities.

5 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
What is It

Different Layout Designs of Orchard

Planting fruit trees has five systems where trees are all planted in
rows. Distances between rows and plants varies with the kind of
system, type of fruit trees and their varieties, bigger canopy requires a
wider distance between planted trees.

1. Square System

Square system keeps the same distance between rows and plants
in the same row where trees are planted in four corners. The
advantages in this system are an easy farm operation to include
harrowing, cultivating, plowing, spraying, harvesting.
Since this system is the simplest way of planting trees, anyone
can easily get a view of the whole orchard from one end to another.
Thus, better supervision of the plantation using straight irrigation
channels and paths can be done. However, this system
comparatively has lesser number of tress being accommodated in
given area and the distance between plant to plant and row to row
remains the same as such, certain amount of space in the middle of
four trees is wasted.

Illustrated by Learesa G. Amban

6 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
2. Rectangular System
Trees in rectangular system are planted similarly with square system
aside from distance between rows are more than the distance
between plants in the same row. Four adjacent trees comprise the
rectangular system design and irrigation channel will have the
advantage of length and breadth while having a better supervision
and intercultural operations as easily as possible.
On the other hand, a large area of the orchard is consumed by using
this system with smaller number of trees that are planted. Such,
intercropping should be practiced, maximizing any harvest that can
be produced from the available area for planting.

Illustrated by Learesa G. Amban

3. Quincunx or Diagonal System

In this system, a tree is planted in the center of each square

making the number of planted trees to double while distance
between trees is reduced. Trees with shorter life space are chosen
for the center and are called filler crop. Trees planted in the four
corners of the square are the main crops that upon reaching their
full-grown size, the central trees have already finished their life cycle.
There are some advantages in this system like additional income
can be earned from the filler crop till the main crop comes into
bearing, the number of trees can be double compared to square and
rectangular system and the maximum of utilization of land is
The disadvantages in this system are inter/filler crop can
interfere with the growth of the main crop, intercultural operations
become difficult, and skill is required to layout the orchard.

7 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
Illustrated by Learesa G. Amban

4. Hexagonal System

Hexagonal system uses the equilateral triangle as pattern in

planting trees. Every corner of the hexagon is to be planted with a
tree to have six trees being positioned in all corners while the
seventh tree is planted at the center of the pattern. All these trees
are arranged in three rows.
The distance between tree to tree in six directions from the
central tree remains the same. The advantages in this system are
more income can be obtained, the trees can be planted is 15%
compared to square system and it is an ideal system for the fertile
and irrigated land.
However, skill played a vital role to layout this orchard and
intercultural operations become difficult

5. Contour System

There are instances that orchard areas are located on hills such that
the slope may cause soil erosion and irrigation system becomes difficult.
In this situation, contour system should be the design to use in planting
trees. It minimizes land erosion, conserve soil moisture and make the slope
fit for growing fruit trees.
The flow of water in the irrigation channels should be made slow to
allow soil penetration without causing erosion.
The advantages in this system can be adopted in hilly regions and
in leveled land, it can control soil erosion, and it helps simultaneously in
the conservation of water.

8 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
On the other hand, laying out of contour lines is difficult and time
consuming. Special skill is required to layout the system and special
instruments are also required for making contour lines. These are some of
the common disadvantages in contour system.

Illustrated by Learesa G. Amban

Procedure in Preparing for Layout Design of Orchard

For the layout procedures for different system, a few common steps can be

1. Prepare all the materials needed.

2. Measure the land.
3. Decide the types of trees to be planted.
4. Follow the planting distance and the system of planting.
5. Prepare a plan on the paper marking all details.

9 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
What’s More

Independent Activity

In this activity, you are tasked to study the picture collage of layout design of
orchard below and answer the questions that follow.

All the Illustrations on this page were

made by Learesa G. Amban

10 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
Independent Assessment
Direction: Answer the following questions based on the collage of layout
design of orchard then write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. ______________ This is the simplest and easiest system of plantation.
2. ______________ In this system, the trees are planted at the corners of an
equilateral triangle.
3. ______________ It is a layout design that is generally followed on places
that are hilly and with high slopes.
4. ______________ This system is the same as square system except for the
addition of a tree in the center of each square.
5. ______________ Four adjacent trees in this system make a rectangular

What I Have Learned

• The five system of planting fruit trees are _________, _________,

__________, ____________, and ___________.
• Trees are planted in four corners of a square keeping the same distance
between rows and from plant to plant in the same row. This is the
simplest and easiest system of plantation, it is called ________.
• ________________ is a system where trees are planted in the same way
as in a square system except that the distance between rows will be
more than the distance between plants in the same row.
• This system is the same as square system except for the addition of a
tree in the center of each square. In this system, the number of trees
planted in the same area is almost double. __________________.
• ______________ the trees are planted at the corners of an equilateral
• A system which is generally followed on the hills with high slopes. It
particularly suits to a land with undulated topography, greater danger
of erosion and irrigation of the orchard is difficult. _________.

11 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
• What are the few common steps in preparing for the layout design of

What I Can Do

To apply your understanding on the content of this module, complete the table below
following the steps in preparing layout design in planting fruit trees in your small
orchard garden based on the given system of planting.

System of Materials Types of Planting
ment of Remarks
Planting Needed Plant Distance
the Land




or Diagonal


12 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer then write it on your answer

1. This is the simplest and easiest system of plantation. The trees are
planted in four corners to keep the same distance between rows and
from plant to plant in the same row.
a. Contour system
b. Hexagonal System
c. Rectangular system
d. Square system

2. Below are the advantages of a square system, which of the following is

not included?
a. Better supervision of the orchard is possible.
b. Certain amount of space in the middle of four trees is wasted.
c. Irrigation channels and paths can be made straight.
d. Operations like plowing, harrowing, cultivating and harvesting
becomes easy.

3. It is a system where trees are planted in same way as in a square system

except that the distance between rows will be more than the distance
between plants in the same row.
a. Hexagonal system
b. Quincunx system
c. Rectangular system
d. Square system

13 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
4. It is desirable to have the trees planted in a systematic way due to the
following reasons:

I. Orchard operations like intercultural and irrigation are

carried out easily.
II. It makes possible the distribution of areas equally for each
III. It makes supervision easier and more effective.
IV. It is well-arranged and nice to look at

a. I & II
b. II, III & IV
c. III & IV
d. I, II & III

5. It is an imaginary line connecting all points of equal elevation across a

a. Contour system
b. Hexagonal system
c. Quincunx system
d. Square system

6. The following are few common steps in the layout procedure for different
system except one.
a. Measure the land
b. Prepare a plan on the paper marking details
c. Decide the types of trees to be planted
d. Conduct a survey

7. Basically, this system is the same as the square system except for the
addition of a tree in the middle of each square. The number of trees
planted in the same area is almost double.
a. Hexagonal system
b. Quincunx system
c. Rectangular system
d. Square system

14 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
Independent Assessment
Direction: Answer the following questions based on the collage of layout
design of orchard then write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. ______________ This is the simplest and easiest system of plantation.
2. ______________ In this system, the trees are planted at the corners of an
equilateral triangle.
3. ______________ It is a layout design that is generally followed on places
that are hilly and with high slopes.
4. ______________ This system is the same as square system except for the
addition of a tree in the center of each square.
5. ______________ Four adjacent trees in this system make a rectangular

What I Have Learned

• The five system of planting fruit trees are _________, _________,

__________, ____________, and ___________.
• Trees are planted in four corners of a square keeping the same distance
between rows and from plant to plant in the same row. This is the
simplest and easiest system of plantation, it is called ________.
• ________________ is a system where trees are planted in the same way
as in a square system except that the distance between rows will be
more than the distance between plants in the same row.
• This system is the same as square system except for the addition of a
tree in the center of each square. In this system, the number of trees
planted in the same area is almost double. __________________.
• ______________ the trees are planted at the corners of an equilateral
• A system which is generally followed on the hills with high slopes. It
particularly suits to a land with undulated topography, greater danger
of erosion and irrigation of the orchard is difficult. _________.

11 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
Answer Key

10. T
T 9.
T 8.
A 10.
F- Contour 7.
B 9.
T 6.
A 8. system
B 7. system 5. Rectangular
D 6. F-Quincunx 5.
A 5. Disadvantage
4. Quincunx
D 4. F- 4.
C 3. system 3. Contour system
B 2. F- Hexagonal 3. system
D 1. T 2. 2. Hexagonal
T 1. 1. Square system

Assessment What I know What’s More

Learning and Living in the 21st Century 6, pp. 124-126.

"Lesson 3". 2020. T.L.E Learning Module.

"The Orchard Project - Bringing Community Orchards To Cities And Towns.". 2020.
The Orchard Project.

"SWCS: Lesson 9. Open Channel Flow". 2020. Ecoursesonline.Iasri.Res.In.

16 CO_TLE-AFA6_ Module4
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

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Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

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