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SKY HOME Practice makes perfect CONNECCT & SUCCEED

LESSON 1: TRAVELLING.............................................................6

LESSON 2: WEATHER...................................................................8

LESSON 3: ACRONYM.................................................................11

LESSON 4: HEALTH AND FITNESS..........................................13

LESSON 5: NATURAL DISASTER.............................................14

LESSON 6: SPORTS.......................................................................16

LESSON 7: FAMILY......................................................................18

LESSSON 8: OCCUPATION.........................................................20

LESSON 9: SLEEP AND DREAMS..............................................24

LESSON 10: IDIOMS.....................................................................27

LESSON 11: SLANGS....................................................................29

LESSON 12: LOVE-DATING-MARRIAGE................................33

LESSON 13: CHILDHOOD AND MEMORIES..........................35

LESSON 14: POLITICS.................................................................37

LESSON 15: CORONA VIRUS.....................................................39

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LESSON 16: HOUSEWORK.........................................................43

LESSON 17: GOALS – BUCKET LIST.......................................45

LESSON 18: MOVIES....................................................................47


LESSON 20: CULTURE SHOCK.................................................55

LESSON 1: OVERVIEW PRONUNCIATION............................57

LESSON 2: /i:/ - /I/...........................................................................62

LESSON 3: / ʊ / & /u:/....................................................................64

LESSON 4: /ə/ & /3:/.......................................................................66

LESSON 21: PSYCHOLOGY........................................................68

LESSON 22: HISTORY..................................................................70

LESSON 23: GEOGRAPHY..........................................................72

LESSON 24: COMPUTER AND INTERNET.............................75

LESSON 25: PERSONALITY.......................................................77

LESSON 26: MUSIC.......................................................................82

LESSON 27: DISCRIMINATION.................................................86

LESSON 28: ENVIRONMENT.....................................................88

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LESSON 29: FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS...............................90

LESSON 30: RELIGIONS..............................................................93

LESSON 31: TALKING ON THE PHONE..................................97

LESSON 32: SAI GON...................................................................99

LESSON 33: TIME........................................................................103

LESSON 34: CHARITY...............................................................107

LESSON 35: ILLNESS AND INJURY........................................109

LESSON 36: VIETNAMESE FOOTBALL................................113

LESSON 37: MATHEMATICS...................................................115


LESSON 39: HOTEL....................................................................121

LESSON 40: LAW AND ORDER................................................124

LESSON 5: /ɑː/ & /ʌ/.....................................................................127

LESSON 6: /ɒ/ - /ɔ:/.......................................................................129

LESSON 7: /æ/ & /e/......................................................................131

LESSON 8: / ɔi / & /ai/..................................................................133

LESSON 41: CRIME....................................................................135

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LESSON 42: UNIVERSITY.........................................................138

LESSON 43: THE BEACH...........................................................140

LESSON 44: MONEY...................................................................142

LESSON 45: SPACE.....................................................................144

LESSON 46: TEAM BUILDING.................................................146

LESSON 47: THE MILITARY....................................................147

LESSON 48: BUSINESS...............................................................149

LESSON 49: ELECTRICAL SAFETY.......................................153

LESSON 50: EDUCATION..........................................................155

LESSON 51: MARKETING.........................................................157

LESSON 52: READING BOOKS................................................159

LESSON 53: WORKING ONLINE.............................................162

LESSON 54: MARITIME SOVEREIGNTY..............................163

LESSON 55: INTERVIEW..........................................................165

LESSON 56: IELTS SPEAKING.................................................169

LESSON 57: COMFORT ZONE.................................................171

LESSON 58: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE..........................173

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LESSON 59: VIOLENCE.............................................................175

LESSON 60: SUPERSTITION....................................................177

LESSON 9: /əʊ/ & /aʊ/..................................................................179

LESSON 10: /ei/ & /iə/...................................................................181

LESSON 11: /eə/ & / ʊə/................................................................183

LESSON 12: PRONUNCIATION FINAL TEST.......................185

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1. Pack one's bags: Thu dọn hành lý đi chơi
Ex: Don’t forget to pack your bags and go to sleep before mid night. We’re gonna
start to go at 5:30 AM.
2. Tourist Attractions: places which tourists tend to visit: Điểm thu hút khách du
Ex: Despite not being a tourist attraction, new fountain is very popular among the
3. Peak season: the time of year when a lot of people travel and prices are usually
at their highest: Mùa cao điểm
Ex: Some travel companies offer deals even in peak season
4. An eye-Opener: something that surprises you and teaches you new facts
about life, people: Trải nghiệm mở mang tầm mắt.
Ex: Living in another country can be a real eye-opener.
5. Throw money down the toilet: Means that you’re wasted: Ném tiền qua cửa sổ.
Ex: Choco often buys comestics that she doesn’t use. Phoebe says that Choco
throws money down the toilet.
6. Put someone up: to provide someone with a place to stay temporarily: Cho ai đó ở
Ex: If you guys travel to Phu Yen, Robin will put you all up.
7. Jaw-dropping (adj): very surprising or shocking: há hốc mồm.
Ex: The beauty of Vietnamese landscapes makes a lot of foreigners jaw-dropping
8. To be the talk of the town: to be what everyone is talking about:
Ex: Due to the increase of a lot of Corona cases, Bac Giang Province now becomes
the talk of the town.
9. Show someone the door: to tell someone to leave or make it clear you want
someone to leave: Đuổi ai đó đi
Ex: Robin wanted to show Choco the door many times but Ken refused and
convinced Robin to let her stay because he loves Choco so much.

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10. To dispel the heat of summer: Xua tan cái nắng của mùa hè
Ex: Sam Son is an ideal destination of Ha Noi people in order to dispel the heat of
the summer.
1. Do you like travelling?

2. Who do you often spend holiday with?

3. How much traveling have you done?

4. What kind of places have you visited in your life?

5. When you visit new places, what do you like to do?

6. Do you prefer traveling alone or in a group?

7. In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

8. What is the best season to travel in your country?

9. Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?

10. Where would you recommend a foreigner to visit in your country?

11. What places would you like to visit in the future?
12. How much time do you spend travelling on a normal day?
13. What do you do while you are travelling?

14. Do you think your hometown is a good place for a holiday?

15. How has travelling changed, compared to several decades ago?

16. Do you think travel can (or, does) change people’s ways of thinking?

17. What are the disadvantages of not traveling?

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 Nhiệt độ
Temperature (N) /ˈtem.prə.tʃər/ the measured amount of heat in a place or in the
body: Nhiệt độ
Thermometer (N) /θəˈmɒm.ɪ.tər/: a device used for measuring temperature,
especially of the air or in a person's body: Nhiệt kế
Degree/dɪˈɡriː/: any of various units of measurement, especially of temperature or angles,
usually shown by the symbol ° written after a number: độ
Celsius /ˈəs/: (of) a measurement of temperature on a standard in which 0° is the
temperature at which water freezes, and 100° the temperature at which it boils: độ C
Fahrenheit /ˈfær.ən.haɪt/: (of) a measurement of temperature on a standard in which 32°
is the temperature at which water freezes and 212° that at which it boils: độ F
Hot (adj) /hɒt/ : having a high temperature: Nóng
Baking hot: nóng như thiêu
Cold (adj) /kəʊld/: at a low temperature, especially when compared to the temperature of
the human body, and not hot, or warm: Lạnh
Chilly (adj) /ˈtʃɪl.i/: uncomfortably cool or cold: lạnh lẽo, lạnh rùng mình
Freeze (v) /friːz/: If you freeze something, you lower its temperature below 0°C, causing
it to become cold and often hard, and if something freezes, its temperature goes below
0°C: đóng băng
Frosty /ˈfrɒs.ti/: very cold, with a thin layer of white ice covering everything: đầy sương
 Lượng mưa
Rainfall (N) /ˈreɪn.fɔːl/: rain, or the amount of rain that falls: lượng mưa
Downpour (N) /ˈdaʊn.pɔːr/: a lot of rain in a short time: mưa lớn như trút nước
Torrential /təˈren.ʃəl/ rain: used to refer to very heavy rain: mưa như thác đổ

 Các hiện tượng thời tiết

Weather forecast (N) /ˈweð.ə ˌfɔː.kɑːst/ a statement of what the weather is likely to be
for the next day or few days, usually broadcast on television or radio or printed in a
newspaper: dự báo thời tiết
Rain (v,n) /reɪn/: drops of water from clouds: mưa
Damp (adj) /dæmp/: slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or
comfortable: ẩm thấp, ẩm ướt
Drizzle (n,v) /ˈdrɪz.əl/: mưa phùn

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Shower (N) /ʃaʊər/ a short period of rain or snow: mưa rào
It’s raining cats and dogs: thành ngữ chỉ mưa lớn
Hail /heɪl/: small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain: mưa đá
Rain-storm /ˈreɪn.stɔːm/: a weather condition with strong wind and heavy rain: mưa bão
Flood /flʌd/: to cause to fill or become covered with water, especially in a way that
causes problems: lũ lụt
Lightning /ˈlaɪt.nɪŋ/: a flash of bright light in the sky that is produced by electricity
moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground: tia chớp
Thunder /ˈθʌn.dər/: the sudden loud noise that comes from the sky especially during a
storm: sấm sét
Thunderstorm /ˈθʌn.də.stɔːm/: a storm with thunder and lightning and usually
heavy rain: Bão tố có sấm sét, cơn giông
Snow /snəʊ/: the small, soft, white pieces of ice that sometimes fall from the sky
when it is cold, or the white layer on the ground and other surfaces that it forms: tuyết
Snowstorm /ˈsnəʊ.stɔːm/: a heavy fall of snow that is blown by strong winds: bão tuyết
Snowflake /ˈsnəʊ.fleɪk/: a small piece of snow that falls from the sky. Snowflakes are
sometimes represented as six-sided crystals on Christmas cards, decorations, etc: bông
hoa tuyết
Blizzard /ˈblɪz.əd/ : a severe snow storm with strong winds: cơn bão tuyết
Gale /ɡeɪl/: a very strong wind : gió giật

Mist /mɪst/: thin fog produced by very small drops of water collecting in the air just
above an area of ground or water: sương muối
Hurricane /ˈhɝː.ɪ.keɪn/: a violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in the
West Atlantic Ocean: Siêu bão
Typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ a violent wind that has a circular movement, found in the West
Pacific Ocean: bão lớn
Tornado /tɔːˈneɪ.dəʊ/: a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside- down
spinning cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground: lốc xoáy
Rainbow /ˈreɪn.bəʊ/: an arch (= curved shape) of different colours seen in the sky when
rain is falling and the sun is shining: cầu vồng
1. What’s the weather like today?
2. What kind of weather do you like best? Why?
3. What sort of weather do you like least?
4. What do you usually do during your favorite weather?
5. What’s the weather usually like in your hometown?
6. How often is the weather good in your hometown?
7. What did you do the last time the weather was good?
8. Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?
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9. Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?
10.Have you ever been to any place where the weather is different to your hometown?
(If yes, compare the two.)
11. Does the weather ever affect what you do?
12. How do you feel when the weather is cloudy?
13. Do you always (often/usually) pay attention to the weather forecast? Why?/Why
14.Can you give any examples of unusual weather?
15. Do you like snow? (Why?)

16. Would you prefer to live in a place that has just one, warm season that lasts
the whole year or a place with different seasons?
17. Do people in Viet Nam play the same sports in different seasons of the year?
18. Do you think fighting global climate change is a governmental responsibility
or the responsibility of individuals?
19. Do you think people who live in cold places have different personalities to
people who live in warm or hot places?
20. Are there any important festivals in your country that celebrate a season or a
type of weather?
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe your favourite weather. You should say:
What the weather is like
Why do you like it
Where you can exprerience such weather conditions.


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Acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of
other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ).
LOL - Laughing out loud: Cười lớn.

BRB - be right back: Sẽ quay lại ngay

AFK - Away from keyboard: Rời khỏi bàn phím

YOLO - you only live once: Bạn chỉ sống một lần

TTYL - talk to you later: Nói chuyện sau nha

WTH - What the heck: Cái quái gì thế

IDK - I don't know: Tôi không biết

WHO - World Health Organization: Tổ chức y tế thế giới

FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation: Cục điều tra liên bang

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Cơ quan hàng không, vũ trụ
quốc gia
SWAT - Special Weapons And Tactics: Đội vũ khí và chiến thuật đặc biệt
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format: Thay đổi định dạng đồ họa
CEO - Chief Executive Officer: Giám đốc điều hành
CFO - Chief Financial Officer: Giám đốc tài chính
TY: Thank you
CUL: See you later
NOYB: None of your business: không phải chuyện của bạn

RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging: dò tìm và định vị bằng sóng vô tuyến
MODEM: modulator và demodulator: thiết bị mã hóa và giải mã các xung điện
BTW: By the way: Nhân tiện thì
BFF: Best friend forever
FYI: For your information: Thông tin cho bạn biết
ILY: I love you

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TBH: To be honest
ASAP: As soon as possible
IMO: In my opinion
FML: Fxxk my life.
ACTIVITY: Practice on

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I. Easy questions:
1. Are you healthy? What should we do to be healthy?
2. Do you have any bad habits? What are they?
3. How often do you get sick in one year? What should we do to get well?
4. How often do you eat junk food? What kinds of junk food do you eat?
5. Do you usually stay up late? Why?
6. Do you sleep well? What should/shouldn’t we do before going to sleep?
7. Do you usually go to the gym?
8. Have you ever been on a diet? What did you eat and do during the diet?
II. More difficult questions:
9. Why is health so important?
10. What do you think is the most serious health problem in Viet Nam?
11. Do you think vietnamese people pay enough money for health care?
12. What do you do, if you can't get to sleep?
13. Who is the healthiest person in your family? Why?
14. Would you consider donating your organs after your death? Why?
15. What is the health service like in your country?
16. What treatments or remedies do you follow when you have a cold?
17. If you were the Health Minister of Viet Nam, what would you do to improve
Vietnamese' health?
 What do you think of cosmetic surgery? Is it good or bad?
 Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?
 Vocabulary:
 Run a fever/ˈfiː.və/: Bị sốt

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 Strong as an ox /ɒks/: Khỏe như trâu
 Symptom /ˈsɪmp.təm/: Triệu chứng bệnh
 Dengue /ˈdeŋ.ɡi/ Fever: Sốt xuất huyết
 Prescription/prɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/: Đơn thuốc
 Better safe than sorry: Phòng bệnh hơn chữa bệnh
 Contagious /kənˈteɪ.dʒəs/ : Dễ bị lây nhiễm
 Immune system /ɪˈmjuːn ˈsɪs.təm/: Hệ miễn dịch
 Stuffy /ˈstʌf.i/ nose: Nghẹt mũi
 Eastern Medicine Pharmacy /ˈiː.stən| ˈmed.ɪ.sən| ˈfɑːr.mə.si/ : Tiệm thuốc
 Take one's temperature(ˈtem.prə.tʃər)/ blood pressure: Đo thân nhiệt/ huyết áp
 Overweight: Quá ký
 Obesity /əʊˈbiː.sə.ti/: Béo phì
 Eating Disorder: Rối loạn ăn uống
 Nutrients /ˈnjuː.tri.ənts/: Chất dinh dưỡng
 Balanced Diet: Chế độ ăn uống cân bằng
 Stamina /ˈstæm.ɪ.nə/: Sức bền
 Slight/Severe(səˈvɪr) pain: Cơn đau nhẹ/nặng
 Be out of breath: Mệt đứt hơi
 Get in shape/ Get out of shape /ʃeɪp/: Có dáng đẹp/ mất dáng
 Have an operation /ˌɑː.pəˈreɪ.ʃən/: Làm phẫu thuật

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[A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the
Earth; examples are floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes,
tsunamis, and other geologic processes. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or
property damage and typically leaves some economic damage in its wake, the severity of
which depends on the affected population's resilience, or ability to recover and also on
the infrastructure available]
1. How many types of natural disaster can you name? Which is the worst?
2. What natural disasters are common in your country?
3. Have you ever been through a natural disaster? Tell your group about your
experience if it isn’t too traumatic.
4. What is the best / worst natural disaster movie you have seen?
5. Think of three natural disasters. What can you do to stay safe during and after
those natural disasters?
6. Do you know that difference between a hurricane, a typhoon, and a cyclone?
7. Which country has the most natural disasters?
8. Would you ever volunteer to help after a natural disaster hit? If yes, What would
you like to volunteer to do? If no, why not?
9. How can technology lessen the damage caused by natural disasters?
10. Can natural disasters ever be a good thing?
11. What do you think about people who follow tornadoes around to get data, video
and photographs?
12. Can you think of any country that doesn’t have natural disasters?

1. Tornado (n): Lốc xoáy.

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2. Wildfire / Forest fire (n): Cháy rừng.
3. Hurricane (n): Bão lớn, siêu bão
4. The hurricane center forecast: Trung tâm dự báo bão
5. Formidable storm: cơn bão khủng khiếp
6. Devastate (v): Phá hoại, tàn phá
7. Evacuate (v): di tản, sơ tán
8. Catastrophic (adj): thảm khốc
9. Nationwide (adj & adv): phạm vi cả nước
10. Substantial damage: thiệt hại đáng kể
11. Precaution (n) sự đề phòng
12. Withstand sth (v): chịu được cái gì
13. The scope of the destruction: phạm vi phá hủy
14. Widespread blackouts: cúp điện diện rộng
15. Blew the roof off: nhà cửa bị tốc mái
16. High-risk area: khu vực bị ảnh hưởng (của bão)
17. Strike: Đi vào, đổ bộ vào
18. Trap: Làm cho mắc kẹt
19. Damage: Gây tổn hại
20. Collapse: Đổ sập
21. Starvation: Sự đói khát
22. Refugee: Người tị nạn
23. Epidemic: Bệnh dịch
24. Supply: Nguồn tiếp tế

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Sport pertains to any form of competitive physical activity or game that aims to
use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to
participants and, in some cases, entertainment to spectators. Sports can, through
casual or organized participation, improve one's physical health.
I.Warm up:
Divide the students into 2 teams. They all will come to the board and write as
many sports as possible within 2 minutes. Which team has more correct words
II. Vocabulary
1. Athlete /'æθli:t/ n. vận động viên (thể thao, điền kinh)
Ex: She was once a Olympic athlete.
2. Compete /kəm'pi:t/ v. thi đấu, cạnh tranh
Ex: A lot of tennis players have gathered to compete in a new tournament
3. Perform /pə'fɔ:m/ v. thi đấu, biểu diễn
Ex: Our athletes performed well and won a lot of medals.
4. Participate /pɑ:'tisipeit/ v. tham gia, tham dự
Ex: Would you like to participate in the volleyball contest at our school
next week?
5. Commit a foul: phạm lỗi
Ex: Try not to commit a foul unless there is no other choice.
6. Break a world record: phá kỷ lục thế giới (môn nào đó)
Ex: Usain Bolt broke the 100 metres world record at 9.58 seconds in Berlin
in 2009
7. Runner-up (số nhiều Runners-up): người, đội về nhì; á quân (trong 1 giải
Ex: The Vietnam National under-23 football team was only the runner-up
in the AFC U-23 Championship, but their efforts were much appreciated.

8. Host country: nước chủ nhà, nước đăng cai 1 giải đấu
Ex: Russia is the host country for The FIFA World Cup from 14 June to 15
July 2018

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9. Aquatic sports: môn thể thao dưới nước
Ex: Synchronized swimming, windsurfing and water polo are aquatic
10. Win a medal: giành được huy chương
Ex: How many gold medals did Vietnam win at the 2017 SEA GAMES?
1. Do you like playing sports?
2. What sport are popular in your country? Are people in your country crazy
about sports?
3. Do you think it is important to play a sport?
4. What sport would you like to try in the future?
5. What sports are you good at?
6. Do you jog more than once a week?
7. Do you like wrestling?
8. What do you think the top five most watched sports are in the world?
9. What is the most dangerous sport?
10. What sports do you like/hate to watch?
11. Which sport would you not let your child play? Why?
12. Who is your favorite professional athlete? Why?
PART 2: Describe a sport that you enjoy. You should say:
+ What is the sport? + How often do you practise it?
+ How did you first know about it? + And explain why it is your
favourite sport.
IV. Activity:
Students will take turns coming to describe a sport in words, not body languages.
Other students will guess.

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1. How many people are there in your family?

2. Do you have any siblings?

3. What do you like the most about your family?

4. Who is the oldest person in your family?

5. Do you still live with your parents?

6. What’s the best thing about your mom or dad?

7. What does your Mom/Dad do?

8. How often did you go on vacation with your family?

9. What games did you use to play with your brothers / sisters?

10. Who has the most power in your family?

11. How many children would you like to have?

12. What are some things that your parents did that you would never do?

13. What are some things that your children aren’t allowed to do?

14. Are your parents overprotective?

15. If you are married, how well do you get along with your in-laws?

16. Who do you love the most in your family? Why?

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17. Who is the funniest person in your family?

18. Do you ever argue with your parents and siblings?

19. Are your parents permissive or authoritative?

20. Do your family support you?

21. Do you think that money is one of the most important requirements for

having a happy family?

22. Do you think that children should help with chores around the house?

23. What would you do if your son or daugher gets a tattoo?

24. What would you do if your son or daugher is a gay/lesbian?

25. What qualities would you like to have as father / mother?


Describe the person in your family who you most admire
You should say:
 what their relationship is to you
 what they have done in their life
 what they do now
 and explain why you admire them so much.

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 Warm up
Divide the class into 2 teams. Come to the board and write as many as possible
all the jobs that you know in English within 1 minute. Which team has more
correct words wins.
1. What is your job?
2. How to motivate workers in the workplace?
3. Is it true to allow employees adequate breaks during the working day?
4. What is the role of salary? Do you work for money or passion?
5. What kinds of jobs are suitable for you when working in foreign countries?
6. What are the pros and cons of working abroad?
7. If you study hard, will you find your niche in the competition market?
8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working overtime?
9. What is the quality that makes you different from other candidates?
10.Is it good for you to change job if you are not satisfied with your boss?
11.Do good working conditions motivate workers to work hard?
12.What are the defintions of "intestering job"?
13.How should you do to boost your company's productivity?
14.What factors might lead companies to flatten their hierachies?
15.If you can choose your favourite company, will you choose a big or small
16.Do you think that leaders are born or can be taught?

A. Collocations với job
1. A nine - to - five job: Công việc tẻ nhạt, buồn chán
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2. A dead-end job : Công việc không có tương lai
3. A Cushy job : Công việc nhẹ nhàng , không có nhiều áp lực
4. An ideal job/dream job: Công việc lý tưởng/ công việc mơ ước
5. Manual job >< Non-manual job: Công việc chân tay >< Công việc văn phòng
6. Highly-paid job >< badly-paid job : Công việc lương cao >< Công việc lương
7. Permanent job >< Temporary job : Công việc lâu dài >< Công việc tạm thời
8. Apply for a job : Ứng tuyển
9. Take a part-time/full-time job : Làm việc bán thời gian / toàn thời gian
10.Resign from job : Nghỉ việc
11.Switch a job / Change a job: Thay đổi công việc
12.Do a job share : Chia sẻ phần công việc
13.Job promotion : Sự thăng tiến, thăng chức
14.Job prospects : Viễn cảnh công việc
15.Job satisfaction : Sự hài lòng về công việc
16.Job hopping : Sự nhảy việc
B.Các kỹ năng cần có để đảm nhận một công việc nào đó khi trúng tuyển
1. Teamwork /teambuilding skills : Kỹ năng làm việc nhóm
2. IT skills : Kỹ năng công nghệ
3. Communication skills : Kỹ năng giao tiếp
4. Have a great command of foreign languages such as English or Chinese :
Thành thạo ngoại ngữ , ví dụ như Tiếng Anh hoặc Tiếng Trung
5. Leader skills : Kỹ năng lãnh đạo
6. Negotiation skills : Kỹ năng đàm phán
7. Critical thinking : Tư duy phản biện
8. Problem-solving skills : Kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề
9. Self-management skills : Kỹ năng quản lý / xoay sở
10.Interpersonal skills: Kỹ năng tương tác
C.Các phẩm chất/tính cách nhà tuyển dụng muốn nhìn thấy ở bạn khi đi phỏng
vấn xin việc
1. To be punctual : Đúng giờ
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2. To be articulate : Hoạt ngôn, giỏi ăn nói
3. To be decisive : Quyết đoán
4. To be clever: Khéo léo
5. To be dedicated : Nhiệt tình
6. To be responsible : Có trách nhiệm
7. To be experienced : Có kinh nghiệm
8. To think out of box / To be creative : Có óc sáng tạo , nắm bắt nhanh nhạy cái
9. To be humble/modest: khiêm tốn , khiêm nhường
10.To be confident : Tự tin
11.To be ambitious : Có hoài bão, có đam mê khát vọng
12.To be self-directed : Có khả năng ứng biến, xoay sở
13.To be well-organized and discliplined : Có tính tổ chức và kỷ luật cao
14.To be adaptable : Có khả năng thích ứng
15.To be good at/ clever at/ quick at : giỏi về cái gì đó
16.To ave an ability to work under high pressure: Chịu được áp lực công việc
D. Các từ vựng liên quan khác :
1. Initial salary : Mức lương khởi điểm
2. Expected salary : Mức lương mong muốn
3. Net salary : Tiền lương thực nhận sau khi công ty đã chi trả cho người lao động
các khoản như thuế, bảo hiểm
4. Sick pay: tiền lương ngày ốm
5. Holiday pay: tiền lương ngày nghỉ
6. Holiday entitlement: chế độ ngày nghỉ được hưởng
7. Fast-track scheme: Chương trình đào tạo dành cho những nhân viên giỏi, có
tiềm năng
8. Call in sick : Gọi điện xin phép nghỉ vì ốm
9. Get stuck behind the desk : Mắc kẹt bên bàn làm việc ( vì có quá nhiều thứ phải
làm )
10.Clear your desk : Soạn sửa nơi làm việc cho ngăn nắp trước khi rời khỏi nơi
làm việc để đến một vị trí mới

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11.Achiveve a better work-life balance : Cân bằng được công việc và cuộc sống
12.Manage heavy workload : Xoay sở với khối lượng công việc nặng nề
13.Step down/ Retire : Nghỉ hưu

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 VOCABULARY: Take a quick look at all the vocabulary below. Ask your
teacher if you have any questions.
1. to get a good night’s rest: có được một đêm ngon giấc
2. to get enough sleep: ngủ đủ giấc
3. to take a nap: chợp mắt/ làm một giấc ngủ ngắn
4. sleepwalking: mộng du
5. sleep deprivation: sự thiếu ngủ
6. chronic health conditions: các vấn đề sức khỏe mãn tính
7. to keep you up at night: làm bạn thức vào ban đêm
8. to improve your sleep hygiene: cải thiện thói quen ngủ của bạn
9. a consistent sleep schedule: một lịch trình ngủ nhất quán
10.your body’s biological clock: đồng hồ sinh học của cơ thể bạn follow a regular schedule/ to stick to a schedule: theo một lịch trình thường
xuyên / bám sát một lịch trình take a warm bath: tắm nước ấm listen to soothing music: nghe nhạc nhẹ fall asleep: chìm vào giấc ngủ
15.short sleep duration: thời gian ngủ ngắn improve concentration and productivity: cải thiện sự tập trung và năng suất enhance memory: tăng cường trí nhớ impair brain function: làm suy giảm chức năng não have a greater risk of heart disease: có nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim cao hơn
20.poor sleep habits: thói quen ngủ kém
21.people with a sleeping disorder: những người bị rối loạn giấc ngủ get at least 8 hours of sleep per night: ngủ ít nhất 8 giờ mỗi đêm improve your immune function: cải thiện chức năng miễn dịch của bạn avoid caffeine and alcohol before going to bed: tránh caffeine+ rượu trước
khi ngủ

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Let students practice in pairs sitting in 2 rows face to face, after every 7
minutes, change their partner, do it until they go back to the first partner then
stop. After that, choose 2 students randomly to come in front of the class and
answer questions of the teacher and other students.
1. How many hours do you sleep every day?
2. Is it necessary to take a nap every day?
3. Do old people sleep a lot? Why?
4. How much sleep is best for you?
5. Can you sleep well if you are in a noisy environment?
6. How to have a good sleep?
7. Did you sleep more in the past than you do now?
8. Do you think it’s important to have enough sleep (each day/night)?
9. Do you find that sleeping in the afternoon helps you to work?
10.What was the weirdest dream that you had?
11.Have you ever had a Déjà vu?
12.How to have to good dream?
13. Have you ever dreamed about dead people? Is it a good signal? Why?
14. Do your dreams ever affect your mood?
15. Do you believe that dreams can sometimes predict the future?
Part 2:
Describe a dream you have had.
You should say:
- when you had this dream
- what you saw in the dream
- what you did or said in the dream
- and explain why you had a dream like that.

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Here are some common idioms. It includes Vietnamese meaning already. Now you
have to explain, give examples or define each idiom in English. Try your best. Nothing
can hold you back!!
Now answer this questions: WHAT IS AN IDIOM?
1. Out of sight, out of mind: Xa mặt cách lòng
2. Practice makes perfect: Có công mài sắt, có ngày nên kim
3. Diamond cuts diamond: Võ quýt dày có móng tay nhọn
4. What will be will be: Cái gì đến sẽ đến
5. I wasn't born yesterday: Tôi không có ngu đâu nhen
6. Easier said than done: Nói thì dễ hơn làm
7. Like farther like son: Cha nào con nấy
8. The more the merrier: Càng đông càng vui
9. Haste makes waste: Dục tốc bất đạt
10. Laughing is the best medicine: Một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ
11. The failure is the mother of success: Thất bại là mẹ thành công
12. With age comes wisdom: Gừng càng già càng cay
13. Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom: Không có gì quý hơn
độc lập tự do
14. Nobody has ever shed tears without seeing a coffin: Chưa thấy quan tài chưa đổ lệ
15. You get what you pay for: Tiền nào của nấy thôi cưng
16. Speak one way and act another: Nói một đằng làm một nẻo
17. Don’t judge a book by its cover: Đừng quánh giá người khác qua vẻ bề ngoài
18. East or West home is best: Ta về ta tắm ao ta, dù trong dù đục vẫn là cái ao
19. Beauty is only skin deep: Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp
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20. Every Jack has his Jill: Nồi nào úp vung nấy
21. Grasp all lose all: Tham thì thâm
22. While there’s life, there’s hope: Còn nước còn tát
23. Blood is thicker than water: Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã
24. Who drinks will drink again: Chứng nào tật nấy
25.Don’t count your chickens before they hatch: Nói trước bước không qua
26. A miss is as good as a mile: Sai một ly đi một dặm
27. Losers are always in the wrong: Thắng làm vua thua làm giặc
28. We reap what we sow: Gieo gió thì gặt bão
29. To kill two birds with one stone: Nhất cữ lưỡng tiện/ Một mũi tên trúng hai đích
30. Better die on your feet than live on your knees: Chết vinh còn hơn sống nhục
31. Never put off tomorrow what you can do today: Việc hôm nay chớ để ngày mai
32. Travel broadens the mind: Đi một ngày đàng, học một sàng khôn
33. Your fly is open: Bạn quên kéo khóa quần kìa
34. Time cure all pains: Thời gian sẽ hàn gắn mọi vết thương.

Your task: Work in pairs.

Together make a conversation using those idioms above then perform in front of the
*You can learn at home:
Go to Youtube and search “Easy American Idioms”. There are many of useful
lessons that you can learn to enhance your vocabulary.

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What is a slang?
- very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by
particular groups of people
- Slang consists of words, expressions, and meanings that are informal and are used by
people who know each other very well or who have the same interests.
 Conversational English Slang Words
1. What’s up? – Hey; what are you doing?
2. I feel you – I understand and empathize with you. Eg. “I feel you. That was really
3. I get it – I understand. Eg. “I get it now! Thank you for explaining that.”
4. Same here – I agree.
“I’m having a hard time studying for this exam.”
“Same here.”
5. My bad – My mistake. Eg. “My bad! I didn’t mean to do that.”
6. Oh my God! – (Used to describe excitement or surprise). Eg. “Oh my God! You
scared me!”
7. You bet – Certainly; you’re welcome.
“Thanks for the jacket, Tom!”
“You bet, Sally!”
8. No worries – That’s alright. Eg. “No worries about the mess. I’ll clean it up.”
9. No biggie – It’s not a problem.
“Thanks for tutoring me, Tom!”
“No biggie, Sally.”
10. No big deal – (Same usage as above)
11. No sweat – (Same usage as above).
12. No problem – (Same usage as above).
 American English Slang Descriptors
1. Laid back – Relaxed or calm. Eg. “This weekend was very laid back.”
2. Chill – (Same as above).
3. Sweet – Fantastic.

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“I passed the test!”
4. Cool – (Same as above).
5. Lame – The opposite of cool or fantastic. Eg. “That’s so lame that you can’t go
out tonight.”
6. Bomb – Really good. Eg. “That sandwich was bomb.”
7. Bummer – A disappointment. Eg. “That’s such a bummer. I’m sorry that
8. Shady – Questionable or suspicious. Eg. “I saw a shady guy in my neighborhood
last night.”
9. Hot – Attractive. Eg. “He/she is hot.”
10. Beat – Tired. Eg. “I was so beat after that soccer game.”
11. Sick – Awesome. Eg. “Those shoes are sick!”
12. Epic – Grand or awesome. Eg. “That was an epic party last night.”
13. Ripped – Very physically fit. Eg. “Tom is ripped!”
14. Cheesy – Silly. Eg. “The romantic comedy we watched was very cheesy.”
15. Corny – (Same as above).
16. Flakey – Indecisive. Eg. “John is so flakey. He never shows up when he says he
17. It sucked – It was bad/poor quality. Eg. “That movie sucked.”
 English Slang for People & Relationships
1. Babe – Your significant other; an attractive individual. Eg. “Hey babe!” or “She’s
a babe.”
2. Have a crush – Attracted to someone romantically. Eg. “I have a big crush on
3. Dump – To end a romantic relationship with someone. Eg. “She dumped him last May.”
4. Ex – An old relationship or spouse. Eg. “That’s my ex girlfriend.”
5. A turn off – Something that’s repulsive. Eg. “Bad cologne is a turn off.”
6. Party animal – One who loves parties. Eg. “Jerry is a party animal.”
7. Couch potato – A lazy person. Eg. “Don’t be a couch potato! Let’s go for a hike.”
8. Whiz – A really smart person. Eg. “Sally is a whiz at math.”
9. Chicken – Coward. Eg. “Don’t be a chicken! Go ice skating with me.”
10. Chick – A girl or young woman. Eg. “That chick is hilarious.”

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11. Getting hitched – Getting married. Eg. “Tom and Sally are getting hitched.”
12. Tying the knot – (Same as above).
13. They got fired – They lost their job. Eg. “Did Jerry get fired?”
 American Slang for Social Events
1. Hang out – To spend time with others. Eg. “Want to hang out with us?”
2. I’m down – I’m able to join. Eg. “I’m down for ping pong.”
3. I’m game – (Same as above).
4. I’m in – (Same as above).
5. A blast – A very fun event. Eg. “Last night was a blast!”
6. Show up – Arrive at an event. Eg. “I can’t show up until 7.”
7. Flick – A movie. Eg. “Want to see a flick on Friday?”
8. Grub – Food. Eg. “Want to get some grub tonight?”
9. Wasted – Intoxicated. Eg. “She was wasted last night.”
10. Drunk – (Same as above).
11. Booze – Alcohol. Eg. “Will they have booze at the party?”
 American English Slang for Actions
1. Pig out – To eat a lot. Eg. “I pigged out last night at McDonald’s.”
2. Crash – To fall asleep quickly. Eg. “After all those hours of studying I crashed.”
3. Lighten up – Relax. Eg. “Lighten up! It was an accident.”
4. Screw up – To make a mistake. Eg. “Sorry I screwed up and forgot our plans.”
5. Goof – (Same as above).
6. Score – To get something desirable. Eg. “I scored the best seats in the stadium!”
7. Wrap up – To finish something. Eg. “Let’s wrap up in five minutes.”
8. Ace – Pass a test with 100%. Eg. “I think I’m going to ace the exam.
9. Cram – To study a lot before an exam. Eg. “Sorry I can’t go out. I have to cram
10. Bail – To leave abruptly. Eg. “I’m sorry I had to bail last night.”
11. Ditch – To skip an event. Eg. “I’m going to ditch class tomorrow to go to the
12. Busted – Caught doing something wrong. Eg. “I got busted for turning in
homework late.”
 Miscellaneous American Slang Words
1. Freebie – Something that is free. Eg. “The bumper sticker was a freebie.”
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2. Lemon – A bad purchase. Eg. “That phone case was a lemon.”
3. Shades – Sunglasses. Eg. “I can’t find my shades.”
4. Shotgun – The front seat of a car. Eg. “Can I sit shotgun?”
5. In no time – Very soon. Eg. “We’ll have our homework done in no time.”
6. Buck – One dollar. Eg. “It only costs a buck.”
7. Rip-off – A purchase that was very overpriced. Eg. “That phone case was a rip-
Mission: Work in pairs. Make a conversation using as many slangs as possible.

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1. Have you ever been in love? When was your first love?
Example: Absolutely, I have been in love for many times hehe. My first love
came to me when I was in grade 5/university.
2. Have you ever been lovesick with someone?
Example: Yes, of course. I was in love with a handsome boy in my class. He is so
attractive. He can play guitar.
3. Do you believe in “love at the first sight”? Why?
Example: Not really. Because I think It would take time to get to know each other.
Maybe you’re attracted by his appearance or personality but that’s just a moment,
we can’t call it “Love”
4. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend now? Where did you first meet him/her?
How does he/she look like?
Example: Yes, I’m a relationship with a girl/boy. I love him/her so much. I
first met him/her at the coffee shop, he came and talked to me. I was so shy hihi.
He’s very tall and handsome. Especially, he has 6-pack.
5. What is the right age to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Example: In my opinion, The right time to have a lover is when you’re mature
enough to know what the true love is.
6. What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend (appearance/ character/
Example: I want to look for a girlfriend who is gentle, graceful and love
7. In your opinion, where are some good places for dating?
Example: To me, the best place for dating is the beach. Because you can sit next
to each other and enjoy the soothing sound of the wave together. It would be so
romantic and peaceful.
8. Do you “go Dutch” when dating?
Example: I think that’s great idea. We’re living in a modern life where the men
and the women are equal. The men don’t have to pay all the time. It’s about
sharing and understanding.
9. Have you ever been on a blind date? What do think about it? Is it good or bad?

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Example: I have never been on a blind date before. About It’s good or bad, It’s
50/50, I don’t know. If you’re fortunate, you will marry a good person. In
contrast, aigoooo hard to say but good luck to you ^^
10. Do you think the internet is a good way to find a partner? Why?
Example : Why not?? I think It’s ok. You can make new friends
there, If you feel you and that person are compatible, you guys can meet each
other in person. Currently, there are a lot of apps that help you to find a partner
on the Internet such as: Tinder,…
11. Can you say “I love you” in different languages?
Example: Anh yêu em, wo ai ni,…
12. According to you, what is the most important thing in love?
(faithfulness, honesty, empathy, finance, income….)
Example: I think It depends on the perspective of each individual. According to
me, honesty would be the most important aspect in love because once you lose
her/his trust, It’s hard to have a long-term relationship.
13. What age do you plan to get married?
Example: In terms of law, you can get married when you are 18. For me, I will
get married when I’m ready to be responsible for my future
14. Do you think it is ok for a couple to cohabit before marriage? Why or Why
15. Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?
Example: I would like to go to + địa điểm + for my honeymoon
16. How many children do you want?
Example: I hope my husband would not be so impotent :v Whether a girl or a
boy, just two is enough
17. Do you think that gay people should have the right to get married? Why or
why not?
Example: Gay is also the human being? So why not? ^^
18. What will you do if your parents disagree about your marriage?
19. Do you believe in Matchmaker? (Bạn có tin vào người mai mối
20. What do you call your wife/husband after marriage?
Example: Honey, Yeobo, Sweetie, Sweetheart, My love, Darling…

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 Vocabulary:
1. Nostalgic /nɑːˈstæl.dʒɪk/ person : Người hay hoài niệm về quá khứ
Ex: He is such a nostaligic person. He usually talks about his old family holidays.
2. Vague /veɪɡ/ memories: Kỷ niệm, ký ức mơ hồ
Ex: I had some vague memories when I was a little kid but I couldn’t remember.
3. Play hide and seek: Chơi trốn tìm
Ex: We often played Hide and Seek when the power was cut off.
4. Grow up: Lớn lên
Ex: She grew up in the protection of her parents
5. Difficult childhood : tuổi thơ khốn khó
Ex: He had a difficult childhood, his Mom passed away when he’s just 4 years old.
6. Born with a silver spoon in (one's) mouth: Sinh ra ở vạch đích
Ex: Barron Trump was born with a silver in his mouth. His father is a president, he
is tall and very handsome.
7. Take after someone: Giống ai đó ( như giống cha mẹ )
Ex: It’s quite weird that I take after a neighbor. I feel sad for my father.
8. Childhood Buddy: Người bạn thưở nhỏ
Ex: I still keep in touch with some of my childhood buddies. We had a lot of sweet
memories together.
9. Take me back: Làm hồi tưởng lại về chuyện quá khứ
Ex: That piece of music really took me back to my schooldays.
10.Memorable : Đáng nhớ
Ex: My current girlfriend and I used to have a bath in the rain when we were
children. Those memories are so memorable.

1. Did you have a happy childhood?

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2. What did you like to do when you were a child? What did you look like?
3. How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle?
4. Do you remember anything about your personality when a child?
5. What were some embarrassing situations when you were a child? Were you
a good student?
6. Were your parents super protective? When you were a child, what did you
want to grow up to be?
7. What was your favorite toy when you were a child?
8. What was your worst punishment as a child? How are you similar to your
parents? How are you different?
9. Describe the first memory you have of going to school.
10. Did you have any nickname? Tell us about it.
11. Were you afraid of anything? What? What were your favorite cartoons
and TV shows?
12. Did you play on the streets? What kind of things did you do in the streets?

PART 2: Describe a memorable childhood experience.

You should say:
 who was with you
 where it took place
 what you did
 and explain why it is memorable.

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 Vocabulary:
1. Civil Liberty: Quyền tự do củ a cô ng dâ n
Ex: The right of free speech is one of our most important civil liberties.
2. Constitution /ˌkɒn.stɪˈtʃuː.ʃən/: Hiến phá p
Ex: Under the union constitution, a new committee must be elected every year
3. Democracy /dɪˈmɑː.krə.si/: Chế độ dâ n chủ
Ex: The government has promised to uphold the principles of democracy
4. Dictatorship /dɪkˈteɪ.tə.ʃɪp/: Chế độ độ c tà i
Ex: You can't change a dictatorship into a democracy overnight
5. Election /iˈlek.ʃən/ : Sự bầ u cử
Ex: The government is expected to call an election (= allow the country to
vote) very soon.
6. To enforce a rule: Thự c thi mộ t đạ o luậ t
Ex: We need to enforce the traffic laws.
7. Human rights: Quyền con ngườ i
Ex: She's claiming that her detention by the police was a violation of her
human rights.
8. Lobby: Vậ n độ ng hà nh lang
Ex: Small businesses have lobbied hard for/against changes in the tax laws.
9. Politician /ˌpɒl.ɪˈtɪʃ.ən/: Chính trị gia
Ex: She believed her job as a politician was to represent the views of her party
and the people who voted for her
10. Prime minister /ˌpraɪm ˈmɪn.ɪ.stər/: Thủ Tướ ng
Ex: Pham Minh Chinh is the new prime minister of Viet Nam from 2021.
11. Depose /dɪˈpəʊz/: cá ch chứ c
Ex: King Charles I was deposed from the English throne in 1646
1. Did you vote in the last election?
2. How old were you when you first voted?

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3. What is the minimum voting age in your country?
4. What type of political system does your country have?
5. What different types of governments are there?
6. What does an ambassador do?
7. Who represents you in your local and national government?
8. Could you name some presidents of VietNam that you know?
9. What qualities are needed to be a good politician?
10. Do you think that many politicians are honest? Why or why not?
11. How often do you talk about politics with your friends and family?
12. If you were leader of your country right now, what would you change
13. Should governments invest a lot in the military?
14. Do you believe that democracy is the best form of government?
15. Who is the greatest political leader in your country's history?
16. Which country do you think has the best politicians?

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 Vocabulary:
1. COVID-19 (noun): tên chính thứ c củ a bệnh Corona mớ i xuấ t hiện ở Trung
Quố c và o cuố i nă m 2019. COVID-19 có nghĩa là Bệnh COronaVIrus-2019.
2. diagnose (verb): chẩ n đoá n – xác định bệnh bằ ng cá ch kiểm tra các triệu
chứ ng
3. disease (noun): bệnh, bệnh tậ t, ố m đau
4. droplets (noun): cá c giọ t nướ c đượ c tạ o ra khi ngườ i ta ho hoặ c hắ t hơi,
và có thể truyền bệnh về hô hấ p như COVID-19
5. epidemic (noun): dịch bệnh – sự xuấ t hiện củ a mộ t bệnh cụ thể ở mộ t số
lượ ng lớ n ngườ i trong mộ t khu vự c cụ thể.
6. incubation period (noun): thờ i kỳ ủ bệnh – thờ i gian từ khi mộ t ngườ i
tiếp xú c vớ i bệnh lầ n đầ u tiên cho đến khi cá c triệu chứ ng phá t triển
7. infect (verb): lâ y nhiễm – ả nh hưở ng đến mộ t ngườ i hoặ c độ ng vậ t bở i
mộ t sinh vậ t gâ y bệnh
8. infected (adjective/past participle): bị nhiễm, bị lâ y nhiễm – bị ả nh hưở ng
bở i mộ t sinh vậ t lâ y bệnh
9. infectious (adjective): lâ y nhiễm – tính từ dù ng để mô tả mộ t bệnh có
thể truyền qua mô i trườ ng hoặ c mô tả mộ t ngườ i hoặ c độ ng vậ t có khả
nă ng lâ y nhiễm bệnh cho ngườ i và độ ng vậ t khá c
10. isolate (verb): cô lậ p, cá ch ly – giữ mộ t ngườ i nhiễm bệnh trá nh xa
nhữ ng ngườ i khỏ e mạ nh.
11. outbreak (noun): ổ dịch – sự xuấ t hiện độ t ngộ t củ a mộ t bệnh (như Vũ
Há n là mộ t ổ dịch củ a Coronavirus)
12. pandemic (noun): đạ i dịch – sự xuấ t hiện củ a mộ t dịch bệnh vớ i mứ c

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độ nghiêm trọ ng hơn
13. pathogen (noun): mầ m bệnh – mộ t vi sinh vậ t hoặ c vi trù ng như vi
khuẩ n hoặ c vi rú t có thể gâ y bệnh
14. PCR test (noun): xét nghiệm PCR – xét nghiệm phá t hiện cá c hạ t virus
trong má u hoặ c các chấ t dịch cơ thể khá c. (PCR = phả n ứ ng chuỗ i
15. person-to-person (adjective): từ ngườ i sang ngườ i – mô tả sự lâ y lan
củ a mộ t că n bệnh từ ngườ i nà y sang ngườ i khá c, thườ ng là qua sự đụ ng
chạ m bao gồ m bắ t tay, hô n, quan hệ tình dụ c, v.v.
16. quarantine (noun): kiểm soá t dịch – cá ch ly và theo dõ i nhữ ng ngườ i có
vẻ khỏ e mạ nh nhưng có thể đã tiếp xú c vớ i mộ t bệnh truyền nhiễm để xem
họ có phá t triển các triệu chứ ng khô ng
17. screening (noun): sà ng lọ c – xét nghiệm về sự hiện diện củ a mộ t bệnh.
Đố i vớ i COVID-19, bướ c đầ u tiên trong sà ng lọ c thườ ng là đo thâ n nhiệt
củ a mộ t ngườ i.
18. superspreader (noun): ngườ i siêu lâ y nhiễm – ngườ i truyền bệnh cho
mộ t số lượ ng lớ n ngườ i khá c.
19. symptoms (noun): triệu chứ ng – mộ t đặ c điểm thể chấ t hoặ c tinh thầ n
để xá c định bệnh.
20. transmit (verb): truyền bệnh – gâ y bệnh truyền từ độ ng vậ t sang ngườ i
hoặ c từ ngườ i sang ngườ i
21. treat (verb): điều trị – cố gắ ng chữ a trị hoặ c là m giả m bớ t bệnh tậ t hoặ c
thương tích thô ng qua chă m só c y tế
22. vaccine (noun): vắ c xin – mộ t chấ t dù ng để bả o vệ ngườ i và độ ng vậ t
khỏ i bệnh
23. viral (adjective): virus, lây lan – tính từ mô tả mộ t cá i gì đó có tính lây

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lan như, gâ y ra hoặ c liên quan đến vi-rú t hoặ c vi-rú t
24. virus (noun: vi rú t – mộ t sinh vậ t số ng rấ t nhỏ và khó để có thể nhìn
thấ y mà khô ng có kính hiển vi, gâ y ra bệnh truyền nhiễm ở độ ng vậ t và con
ngườ i.
25. zoonotic (adjective): tính từ mô tả mộ t că n bệnh có thể truyền từ độ ng
vậ t sang ngườ i

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1. What is Covid-19?
2. When did the Covid-19 appear?
3. How did you feel when you first knew about CoronaVirus?
4. How does the virus spread?
5. How can you protect yourself?
6. What should you do if you have had close contact with someone who
has Covid-19?
7. What are the symptoms that Covid-19 can cause?
8. What is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?
9. Can you get Covid-19 from your pets or other animals?
10. How does Corona Virus change everyday life?
11. What did you do during the quarantine time?
12. Do you think Covid-19 is a biological weapon of China?
13. Currently, How many people have died from Covid?
14. Why did the Covid-19 spread so quickly in India ?
15. When do you think the Covid-19 will end?
16. What will you do after the Corona pandemic is over?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Do the laundry: Giặt đồ
2. Hang up the laundry: Phơi quần áo
3. Iron the clothes: ủi quần áo
4. Wash the dishes: Rửa chén
5. Tidy up the room: dọn dẹp phòng
6. Sweep the floor: Quét nhà
7. Mop the floor: Lau nhà
8. Vacuum the floor: Hút bụi nhà
9. Water the plants: Tưới cây
10. Take out the rubbish: Đổ rác
11. Dust the furniture: Quét bụi đồ đạc
12. chore (n) việc
13. be occupied with: bận bịu với
14. to give sb a hand: giúp đỡ ai
15. to lift a finger: động tay động chân (tham gia làm việc)
16. to sweep: quét
17. necessities (n) đồ dùng tiện nghi
18. to run errand: chạy việc vặt
19. menial task = light task (n) việc nhẹ
20. housemaid ~ housekeeper (n) người giúp việc

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1. How does your family decide who does various chores around the house?
2. Can you name some chores that need to be done everyday?
3. What chores are your responsibility?
4. Which chores do you not like to do?
5. How do you decide on your children's chores?
6. Do you get paid for doing chores?
7. What is something you hate doing when you get home?
8. Do you like to clean up your room?
9. Do you wash the dishes in your house?
10.Do you wash clothes for your family?
11.Do you do the ironing the clothes?
12.What are some chores you do outside your house?
13.Can you think of some dangerous chores that you can't do?
14.If you could buy only one of this two things, would you choose a dishwasher or
a washing machine?
15.How long do you think you could live without a maid or someone to help you in
the house?
16.Do you like to go to the supermarket?
17.Have you ever had an empty fridge for a long time only because you were too
lazy to go grocery shopping?
18.What kind of products does your family buy on the Internet?
19.If you could have a robot to do all your chores, what would you choose for it to
20.What chores do you do that your parents didn't have to do when they were
growing up?
21.What are some chores that your parents have to do around the house?
22.Do your grandparents help with chores?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Goal /ɡəʊl/ (n): a purpose, or something that you want to achieve: MỤC TIÊU
Example: I am trying to achieve my goal of being a super star.
2. Bucket list /ˈbʌk.ɪt ˌlɪst/: a list of the things that a person would like to do or
achieve before they die: DANH SÁCH VIỆC VIỆC CẦN LÀM TRƯỚC KHI
Example: I have so many things on my bucket list yet to do
3. Ambition /æmˈbɪʃ.ən/: a strong wish to achieve something: HOÀI BÃO
Example: He has already achieved his main ambition in life - to become
4. Difficulty /ˈdɪf.ɪ.kəl.ti/ (n) : the fact of not being easy to do or understand: SỰ
Example: She had great difficulty finding a job.
5. Achieve (v) /əˈtʃiːv/: to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim,
especially after a lot of work or effort: ĐẠT ĐƯỢC
Example: I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've achieved nothing.
6. Encourage (v) /ɪnˈkɝː.ɪdʒ/: to make someone more likely to do something, or to
make something more likely to happen: KHUYẾN KHÍCH
Example: We were encouraged to learn foreign languages at school.
7. Desire (v, n) /dɪˈzaɪər/: to want something, especially strongly: KHAO KHÁT
Example: I certainly have no desire to have children.
8. Persistent (adj) /pəˈsɪs.tənt/: lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of: KIÊN
Example: Be persistent - don't give up
9. Patient (adj) /ˈpeɪ.ʃənt/: having patience: KIÊN NHẪN
Example: Be patient with her - she's very young.
10. In order to: with the aim or purpose of doing something: ĐỂ
Example: He came home early in order to see the children before they went to bed.
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1. What do you want to achieve in the near future?
2. What is your biggest goal in life?
3. How do you plan to achieve that goal?
4. What are your "short term" goals?
5. What are your "long term" goals?
6. Should parents help their children set goals?
7. What will encourage children to learn more?
8. Who do you think has the greater influence on the goal-setting of children?
Teachers or parents?
9. Why is it important for teenagers to set goals?
10.What are your educational goals? •
11.What are your career goals? •
12.What are your financial goals
13. What do you want to be doing five years from now? or Where do you see yourself
in five years?
14. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and why?
15. What does success mean to you?
16. What does failure mean to you?
17. Write your bucket list.

IELTS SPEAKING PART 2: “Describe a person who encouraged and helped you
to achieve a goal”
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What this person encouraged you to do
- How this person helped you
And explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve the goal

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1. Action movie /ˈækʃn muːvi/: phim hành động
2. Adventure movie /ədˈventʃər ˈmuːvi/: phim phiêu lưu, mạo hiểm
3. background /ˈbækɡraʊnd/: bối cảnh
4. best actor /best ˈæktər/: diễn viên nam xuất sắc
5. cameraman /ˈkæmrəmæn/: người quay phim
6. cartoon /kɑːrˈtuːn/: phim hoạt hình
7. cast /kæst/: phân vai diễn
8. character /ˈkærəktər/: nhân vật
9. cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/: rạp chiếu phim
10. comedy /ˈkɑːmədi/: phim hài
11. crime movies /kraɪm ˈmuːviz/: phim hình sự
12. director /daɪˈrektər/: đạo diễn
13. documentary /ˌdɑːkjuˈmentri/: phim tài liệu
14. Dub /dʌb/: thuyết minh, lồng tiếng
15. entertainment /ˌentərˈteɪnmənt/: giải trí
16. extras /ˈekstrəz/: diễn viên quần chúng
17. film critic /fɪlm ˈkrɪtɪk/: người bình luận phim
18. horror movie /ˈhɑːrər ˈmuːvi/: phim kinh dị
19. kung fu movies /ˌkʌŋ ˈfuː ˈmuːviz/: phim võ thuật, kiếm hiệp
20. movie award /ˈmuːvi əˈwɔːrd/: giải thưởng phim
21. movie camera /ˈmuːvi ˈkæmərə/: máy quay phim
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22. movie magazine /ˈmuːvi ˈmæɡəziːn/: tạp chí điện ảnh
23. musical movie /ˈmjuːzɪkl ˈmuːvi/: phim ca nhạc
24. producer /prəˈduːsər/: nhà sản xuất phim
25. projector /prəˈdʒektər/: máy chiếu phim
26. romance movie /ˈroʊmæns ˈmuːvi/: phim tình cảm
27. romantic movies /roʊˈmæntɪk ˈmuːviz/: phim ngôn tình
28. science-fiction /ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn/: phim viễn tưởng
29. screen /skriːn/: màn hình, màn ảnh
30. scriptwriter /ˈskrɪptraɪtər/: nhà biên kịch
31. special effects /ˌspeʃl ɪˈfekts/: kỹ xảo điện ảnh
32. subtitle /ˈsʌbtaɪtl/: phụ đề
33. theme song /θiːm sɔːŋ/: bài hát chủ đề
34. tragedy movie /ˈtrædʒədi ˈmuːvi/: phim bi kịch
35. trailer /ˈtreɪlər/: đoạn giới thiệu phim
36. war movies /wɔːr ˈmuːviz/: phim chiến tranh

SKY HOME Practice makes perfect CONNECCT & SUCCEED
1. Do you like to watch films?
2. How often do you watch a film?
3. How often do you go to the cinema?
4. Are most of the people in the cinema usually children or adults?
5. How much time does it take to watch one film?
6. How much time do you spend watching films?
7. How often do you watch films?
8. Who do you usually watch films with?
9. Where do you prefer to watch films?
10. Do you prefer to watch films in a cinema or at home? (Why?)
11. Do you prefer to watch films alone or with others (or, with friends)?
12. What kind of films do you like to watch? (Why?)
13. Is there any kind of film that you don't like to watch? (Why?)
14. Are there any types of films that you dislike?
15. What kinds of films did you like to watch when you were a child?
16. Do you still like the same kind(s) of films now?
17. What are the differences between the films that children like to watch and the
films that adults like to watch?
18. Are films very important?
19. Why do you think people like to watch films?
20. Do you think watching films is a good way to spend free time?
21. Some people say watching films is a waste of time. What do you think?

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22. Do you ever watch foreign films?
Describe your favourite movie
You should say:
 What it is
 When you watched it
 What it is about
 Why you like it

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1. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về vé máy bay và thủ tục tại sân bay (Tickets and
Procedures )
1. Ticket: Vé máy bay
2. Book a ticket : Đặt vé máy bay
3. One-way ticket: Vé một chiều
4. Return Ticket or Round-Trip Ticket: Vé khứ hồi
5. Economy class: Vé ghế hạng thường
6. Business class: Vé ghế hạng thương gia
7. Flight (N) Chuyến bay
8. Departure Time: Giờ khởi hành
9. Passport: Hộ chiếu
10. On time (adj): Đúng giờ
11.Check in: Làm thủ tục lên máy bay
12. Boarding time: Giờ lên máy bay
13. Gate: Cổng
14. Seat: Chỗ ngồi chờ
15.Departure Lounge: Phòng chờ bay
2. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về hành lý tại sân bay (Belongings)
1. Conveyor belt: Băng chuyền
2. Carry-on luggage: Hành lý xách tay
3. Check-in baggage: Hành lý ký gửi
4. Oversized/Overweight Baggage: Hành lý quá cỡ/quá kg
5. Fragile (adj): Dễ vỡ
6. Trolley: Xe đẩy
3. Một số từ vựng tiếng Anh khác liên quan đến chuyến bay (Flights)
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1. Long-haul flight: Chuyến bay đường dài
2. Delay: Trì hoãn
3. Airport Runway: Đường băng
4. Take off (v): Cất cánh
5. Land (v): Hạ cánh
4. Một số câu nói thông dụng tại sân bay
1. Please make sure there are no sharp objects in your hand luggage. (Xin quý khách
lưu ý không mang theo vật sắc nhọn trong hành lý xách tay)
2. Your boarding passes and your departure card. Please fill it out and hand it in at
the Immigration desk. (Đây là thẻ lên máy bay và đây là tờ khai xuất cảnh của
quý khách. Xin quý khách hãy điền vào rồi nộp tại bàn xuất nhập cảnh)
3. May I have your passport, please? (Tôi có thể kiểm tra hộ chiếu của anh/chị được
4. May I see your ticket, please? (Anh/chị có thể cho tôi xem vé anh/chị đã đặt
5. Do you have an e-ticket? (Anh/chị có vé điện tử không?)
6. Is anybody traveling with you today? (Anh/chị có đi cùng với ai hôm nay
7. How many bags are you checking? (Anh/chị muốn ký gửi mấy kiện hành lý?)
8. Please place your bag on the scale. (Anh/chị làm ơn đặt hành lý lên cân)
9. Did you pack these bags yourself? (Anh/chị có tự tay đóng gói hành lý của mình
10.Is my flight on time? (Chuyến bay của tôi có đúng giờ không?)
11.Yes, it is. (Chuyến bay của anh/chị vẫn đúng giờ)
12.There is a …-minute/hour delay (Anh/chị sẽ bị hoãn/bay muộn … phút/giờ)
13.The flight will be delayed for … minutes/hours (Chuyến bay sẽ bị hoãn lại thêm
… phút/giờ)
14.I have a stopover in … Do I need to pick up my luggage there? (Tôi phải quá
cảnh ở … Tôi có cần phải lấy hành lý của mình ở đó không?)
15.Do I have to pick up my luggage during the layover/at the layover destination?
(Tôi có phải lấy hành lý của mình trong thời gian quá cảnh/ở sân bay quá cảnh
16.Will my luggage go straight through? (Hành lý của tôi có tới thẳng điểm cuối
17.Please mark this bag as ‘fragile’. (Xin giúp tôi đánh dấu hành lý này là hàng dễ
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18.Would you like a window or an aisle seat? (Anh/chị muốn chọn chỗ ngồi cạnh
cửa sổ hay cạnh lối đi?)
19.We do not have any aisle seats/window seats remaining. (Chúng tôi không còn
ghế nào cạnh lối đi/cạnh cửa sổ nữa)
20.Is a … seat ok or would you prefer a … seat? (Chỗ ngồi ở … có ổn không, hay
anh/chị muốn chỗ ngồi …?)
21.Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit? (Bạn còn chỗ ngồi nào ở bên cạnh
cửa thoát hiểm không?)
22.Can I have a seat near the emergency exit? (Tôi có thể chọn ghế gần cửa thoát
hiểm được không?)
23.Here are your boarding passes. (Đây là thẻ lên máy bay của anh/chị)
24.This is your boarding pass. (Đây là thẻ lên máy bay của anh/chị)
25.Your gate number is … (Cửa ra máy bay của anh/chị là cửa số …)
26.Your flight leaves from gate … (Máy bay của anh/chị sẽ ở cửa số …)
27.Your flight will start/begin boarding at … (Chuyến bay của anh/chị sẽ bắt đầu
mời hành khách lên lúc …)
28.You can start boarding the plane from … (Anh/chị có thể bắt đầu lên máy bay từ
29.Your seat number is … (Số ghế của anh/chị là…)

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5. Đoạn hội thoại mẫu sử dụng từ vựng tiếng Anh về sân bay
Eg 1:
Agent: Welcome. May I see your ticket and passport please?
Passenger: Here you are.
Agent: Are you traveling alone or with anyone else?
Passenger: I’m traveling alone.
Agent: Are you checking in any bags?
Passenger: Only this one. (Hành khách: Chỉ một kiện này thôi.)
Agent: Please place your bag here.
Agent: Thank you. Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
Passenger: I would like a window seat, please.
Agent: OK. So here is your boarding pass. The gate number is 14 and your flight
will start boarding from 3:00 PM. Your seat number is 12B.
Passenger: Thank you.
Agent: You’re welcome.
Eg 2:
Agent: Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and use the bins for small
Passenger: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?
Agent: Yes, you do. Take off your hat and your shoes, too.
(he walks through the metal detector)
Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets – keys, cell phone,
loose change?
Passenger: I don’t think so. Let me try taking off my belt.
Agent: Okay, come on through.
(he goes through the metal detector again)
Agent: You’re all set! Have a nice flight.

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 Vocabulary:
1. Culture shock: Số c vă n hó a
2. National culture legacy: Di sả n vă n hoá quố c gia
3. Indigenous culture: Vă n hó a bả n địa
4. Exotic culture: Vă n hó a ngoạ i lai
5. Deep-rooted culture: Vă n hó a bá m sâ u và o cộ i rễ
6. National identity: Bả n sắ c dâ n tộ c
7. Historic site: Di tích lịch sử
8. Civilization: Nền vă n minh
9. Show prejudice (against sb/st): Thể hiện thà nh kiến cá i gì / ai đó
10. Cultural exchange: Trao đổ i vă n hó a
11. The total loss of cultural identity: Sự đá nh mấ t bả n sắ c vă n hó a
12. Cultural diversity: sự đa dạ ng vă n hó a
13. Cultural identity: bả n sắ c vă n hó a
14. Cultural assimilation: sự đồ ng hó a vă n hó a
15. Culture shock: số c vă n hó a
16. To abandon one’s own culture: từ bỏ vă n hó a củ a ai đó
17. Taditional beliefs and customs: cá c phong tụ c và niềm tin truyền thố ng
18. To adopt a new culture: theo mộ t nền vă n hó a mớ i
19. To be in danger of extinction: đứ ng trướ c nguy cơ tuyệt chủ ng
20. To experience great culture shock: trả i qua cú số c vă n hó a lớ n
21. To bring a wide range of benefits to…: mang lạ i nhiều lợ i ích cho…
22. To have a negative/detrimental impact on…: có tá c độ ng tiêu cự c lên…
23. To get deeper insight into…: có đượ c cá i nhìn sâ u sắ c hơn về…
24. To show great respect for…: thể hiện sự tô n trọ ng ai đó /điều gì đó
25. The growing influence of western culture: sự ả nh hưở ng ngà y cà ng tă ng củ a
vă n hó a phương Tâ y

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26. The disapearance of some minority languages: sự biến mấ t củ a 1 số ngô n ngữ
thiểu số
27. A multicultural society: mộ t xã hộ i đa vă n hó a
28. People of different cultural backgrounds: ngườ i thuộ c cá c nền vă n hó a khá c
29. Tension and conflict: că ng thẳ ng và xung độ t
1. What is culture shock?
2. Have you ever experienced culture shock?
3. What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted
from another culture?
4. What do you think is interesting about your own culture?
5. When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they
usually think of?
6. What is considered rude in your culture?
7. What has surprised you when you've met people from other countries?
8. How are your language teachers different from your teachers in your culture?
How are they the same?
9. What are the five most important values of your culture?
10. If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?
11. Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture?
12. Do you think "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" is always good advice?
Why or why not?
13. What do you think is important when visiting another culture?
14. If aliens visited your country, what might surprise them?
15. What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world?

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Pronunciation is one of the most important and difficult problem that non-native
speakers have to face when studying English. (Phát âm là một trong những vấn
đề quan trọng và khó khăn mà những người học ngôn ngữ phải đối mặt khi học
tiếng Anh)
Before we start, let’s cover some International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) basics.
(Trước khi chúng ta bắt đầu, hãy cùng nắm qua một vài đặc điểm của bản của
Bản phiên âm quốc tế)
What is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) used for? Learners of foreign
languages use the IPA to check exactly how words are pronounced. Each IPA
symbol represents a sound. For example, a learner of English can use the IPA to
find out exactly what sounds are in a word and where the word stress is. It is an
extremely helpful tool for people learning to speak another language. (Bản
phiên âm quốc tế là gì? Những người học ngữ sữ dụng bảng IPA để kiểm tra
chính xác những từ vựng được phát âm như thế nào. Mỗi ký hiệu trong bảng
IPA tượng trưng cho một âm. Ví dụ, một người học tiếng anh sữ dụng bạng IPA
để tìm ra một cách chính xác các âm tiết nào trong một từ và nó được nhấn âm
ở đâu. Nó là một công cụ cực kỳ hữu ích cho những người học một ngoại ngữ
Why is the IPA important for learning English pronunciation? The International
Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is very important for learners of English because
English is not a phonetic language. The spelling of an English word doesn’t tell
us how to pronounce it. In English, several different letter combinations can be
used to spell the same sound and there are silent letters. The IPA tells us the
correct sounds and word stress for pronouncing English words.
(Vậy tại sao bảng phiên âm quốc tế lại quan trọng cho việc học phát âm? Bảng
phiên âm quốc tế (IPA) rất quan trọng cho người học Tiếng Anh bởi vì Tiếng
Anh không phải là ngôn ngữ thuộc ngữ âm. Nói cho dễ hiểu thì tức là có những
từ nhìn vậy chứ không phải phát âm như mình nghĩ và ngược lại, nghe vậy chứ
chưa chắc đã viết như vậy. Trong tiếng Anh, một số tổ hợp chữ cái khác nhau
có thể được sử dụng để đánh vần cùng một âm thanh và có những âm câm. IPA
cho chúng ta biết các âm tiết chính xác và trọng âm, nhấn âm của từ để phát âm
đúng các từ tiếng Anh)

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- The IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) will be divided into two main
parts: Vowels (Nguyên âm) and Consonants (Phụ âm)
+ Vowels are used to make sound in spoken words, the main rhyme
(Nguyên âm là để tạo thành tiếng trong lời nói phát ra, là vần chính )
~ We divide Vowels into two forms: Monophthongs (Nguyên âm
đơn) and Diphthongs (Nguyên âm đôi)
~ In Monophthongs, we continue to divide into: short vowels
(Nguyên âm ngắn) and long vowels (Nguyên âm dài)
+ Consonants are things that are combined with vowels to read out loud,
into complete words. (Phụ âm là thứ đi kèm kết hợp với nguyên âm để đọc
thành tiếng, thành từ hoàn chỉnh )
~ In Consonants, we divide into 3 main types: Unvoiced consonants
(Phụ âm vô thanh), Voiced consonants (Phụ âm hữu thanh) and the
remaining consonants (Các phụ âm còn lại) *Khi nào học tới bài phụ âm
mình sẽ giải thích phụ âm vô thanh, hữu thanh là gì nha hihi ^^*

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I. General Structure (Cấu trúc tổng quát)
1. Syllables (Âm tiết):
- Syllable is a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without
surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word; e.g., there are
two syllables in water and three in inferno. (Âm tiết là một đơn vị phát âm có
một nguyên âm chính ở giữa, có thể được bao quanh bởi những phụ âm để tạo
thành một phần của một từ hoặc tạo thành một từ hoàn chỉnh luôn. Ví dụ: Từ
Water có 2 âm tiết, Inferno có 3 âm tiết. Nói cho dễ hiểu, một tiếng được phát
ra là một âm tiết )
- General Structure of a syllable (Cấu trúc tổng quát của một âm tiết):
Initial consonant _ Vowel _ Closed Consonant
Phụ âm đầu_Nguyên âm_Phụ âm cuối
Lưu ý: Trong một âm tiết, có những từ có đầy đủ phụ âm đầu và phụ âm cuối,
có những từ sẽ không có phụ âm đầu hoặc phụ âm cuối hoặc không có cả hai
luôn, nhưng nguyên âm thì bắt buộc phải có, không có nguyên âm thì sẽ không
hình thành nên một từ.
- Cat /kæt/: /k/ is the initial consonant, /æ/ is the main vowel and /t/ is the
closed consonant. This word has only one syllable
- Teacher /ˈtiː tʃɚ/: This word has 2 syllables. The first syllable is /ti:/ and the
second one is /tʃɚ/.
+ In the syllable /ti:/ and also /tʃɚ/ you can see there is no closed
consonant, just Initial consonant and Vowel
- Beautiful /ˈbjuː.də.fəl/: This word has 3 syllables.
Could you tell some words which has 4 or 5 syllables?
2. Stress (Trọng âm):
Stresses are stressed syllables that are read louder and more clearly than other
sounds in the word. Stress is a unique feature in English, helping words and
sentences when pronounced have clear intonation. In the dictionary, if the stress
falls on any syllable, there will be a comma before that syllable. (Trọng âm là
những âm tiết được nhấn mạnh, đọc to và rõ hơn các âm khác trong từ. Trọng
âm là một nét độc đáo trong tiếng Anh, giúp từ và câu khi phát âm có ngữ điệu
rõ ràng. Ở từ điển, trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết nào thì trước âm tiết đó sẽ có dấu

This is a fundamental and important part of learning English pronunciation. To

pronounce correctly and like a native speaker, you must stress correctly and
naturally in each word and sentence (Đây là một phần cơ bản và quan trọng
trong quá trình học phát âm tiếng Anh. Muốn phát âm chuẩn và giống như
người bản xứ, bạn bắt buộc phải nhấn trọng âm một cách chính xác và tự nhiên
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ở mỗi từ và câu)
Why do we have to learn Stresses?
1. Helps you pronounce correctly and have natural intonation (Giúp bạn
phát âm chuẩn và có ngữ điệu tự nhiên)
When speaking, native speakers often emphasize the accent very naturally.
Wouldn't you be more interested in hearing a sentence or word with a rising and
falling intonation than a steady intonation? (Khi nói, người bản xứ thường nhấn
trọng âm rất tự nhiên. Bạn sẽ thích thú hơn khi nghe một câu hay một từ có ngữ
điệu lên xuống hơn là ngữ điệu đều đều đúng không?)
Therefore, speaking with accent helps you to speak standard English and is no
different from a native speaker. (Vì thế, nói có trọng âm giúp bạn nói tiếng Anh
chuẩn và không khác gì người bản xứ)
2. Helps you distinguish easily confused words. (Giúp bạn phân biệt được các
từ dễ nhầm lẫn)
In English, there are words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have
different meanings. The main reason is in the stressed syllable. (Trong tiếng
Anh, có những từ tuy cách viết và phát âm giống nhau nhưng lại mang nghĩa
khác nhau. Nguyên nhân chính là ở âm tiết được nhấn trọng âm )
Therefore, mastering the rules of stress marking helps you distinguish easily
confused words. This is especially true in the Listening tests, because the test
taker can pronounce such words to test your ability (Vì thế, nắm chắc các quy
tắc đánh dấu trọng âm giúp bạn phân biệt những từ dễ nhầm lẫn. Điều này đặc
biệt trong các bài Listening, vì người ra đề có thể phát âm những từ như vậy để
kiểm tra khả năng của bạn )
3. Avoid misunderstandings in communication (Tránh hiểu nhầm trong
giao tiếp)
Because there are words with the same pronunciation but different stress,
knowing and using the correct basic stress markers helps you convey the right
idea when communicating. (Do có những từ phát âm giống nhau nhưng trọng
âm khác nhau nên việc biết và dùng đúng cách đánh dấu trọng âm cơ bản giúp
bạn truyền đạt đúng ý khi giao tiếp.)
A lot of unexpected situations happen when you press the wrong accent and you
certainly don't want to fall into that situation, right? (Rất nhiều tình huống “dở
khóc dở cười" xảy ra khi nhấn sai trọng âm và chắc chắn, bạn không muốn rơi
vào tình cảnh đó phải không nào?)
The target of this section is to help you to recognize the stress of the word when
you look at the pronunciation of a word. (Mục tiêu của phần này là giúp bạn
nhận ra trọng âm của từ khi bạn nhìn vào cách phát âm của một từ )
Example: Wonderful /ˈwʌn.də.fəl/. As you can see in the pronunciation of this
word, there are 3 syllables, and before the first syllable /wʌn/ you can see a
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comma /ˈwʌn/. What does that mean? It means you have to stress on that
syllable when you pronounce the word.
(Như bạn có thể thấy cái phần phiên âm của từ này, thì từ này có 3 âm tiết:
“quấn đờ phồ”, bạn nhìn trong phiên âm, trước cái âm / wʌn/ nó có cái dấu
phẩy, đó là dấu hiệu nhận biết là mình sẽ nhấn cái âm đó, nhớ nha, trước âm
nào có dấu phấy tức là mình sẽ nhấn trọng âm âm đó)
Let’s try with other examples: You have to answer how many syllables that the
word has and which syllable you will stress on. (Thử làm vài ví dụ nhen, nhiệm
vụ của bạn là coi thử từ đó có bao nhiêu âm tiết và mình nhấn lên âm thứ mấy
nha )
- Picture /ˈpɪk. tʃər/
- English /ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/
- Information /ɪn. fəˈmeɪ. ʃən/
- Pronunciation /prəˌnʌn. siˈeɪ. ʃən/

Thank you for your effort – Try your best – Nothing can hold you back

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LESSON 2: /i:/ - /I/

Sheep /∫i:p/ Ship /∫ɪp/

See /si:/ Him/hɪm/

Sheet/∫i:t/ Shit/∫ɪt/

Beach /bi:t∫/ Bitch/bɪt∫/

Need/ni:d/ Six /sɪks/

Neat/ni:t/ Sit/sɪt/

Eat/i:t/ It /It/

Complete /kəm'pli:t/ Begin/bɪ'gɪn/

Agree /ə'gri:/ Picture /'pɪkt∫ər/

Receive /ri'si:v/ Wing/wɪŋ/

Believe/bi'li:v/ King /kɪη/

Vietnamese/vjetnə'mi:z/ Village /'vɪlɪdʒ/

Meal/mi:l/ Damage /'dæmɪdʒ/

Feel/fi:l/ Message/'mesɪdʒ/

Cheap/t∫i:p/ Passage/'pæsɪdʒ/

Seek/si:k/ Become /bɪ'kʌm/

Cheek /t∫i:k/ Behave/bɪ'heiv/

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Practice with sentences:

 Peter’s in the team.
/ˈpiːtərz in ðə ti:m/

 Can you see the sea?

/kæn ju siː ðə siː/

 A piece of pizza, please.

/ə piːs əv ˈpiːtsə pliːz/

 She received her teaching degree.

/ʃiː rɪˈsiːvd hər tiːtʃɪŋ dɪˈɡriː/

 There are only three people in the museum.

/ðer ər ˈəʊnli θriːˈpiːpl ɪn ðə mjuˈziːəm/
 Miss Smith is thin.
/mɪs smɪθ ɪz θɪn/

 Jim is in the picture.

/dʒɪm ɪz ɪn ðə ˈpɪktʃər/

 Bring chicken for dinner.

/brɪŋ ˈtʃɪkɪn fər ˈdɪnər/

 Listen to this ridiculous list.

/ˈlɪsn tə ðɪs rɪˈdɪkjələs lɪst/

 The pretty women are busy in the gym.

/ðə ˈprɪti ˈwɪmɪn ər ˈbɪzi ɪn ðə ʤɪm/

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LESSON 3: / ʊ / & /u:/

Put  /pʊt/ Too /tuː/

Wolf /wʊlf/ Food /fuːd/

Foot /fʊt/ Soon /suːn/

Should /ʃʊd/ Route /ruːt/

Good /gʊd/ Flute /fluːt/

Sugar /'ʃʊgər/ Recruit /rɪˈkruːt/

Woman /'wʊmən/ Remove /rɪˈmuːv/

Cooker /'kʊkər/ Bamboo /bæmˈbuː/

Cushion /'kʊʃn/ Music /'mjuːzɪk/

Butcher /'bʊtʃər/ You /juː/

 Full / fʊl/  Shoe /ʃuː/

Could /kʊd/ Blue /bluː/

 Wool /wʊl/ Fool /fuːl/

took / tʊk / Pool /puːl/

Look /lʊk/ Choose /tʃuːz/

Rook /rʊk/ Hoop /huːp/

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Practice with sentences:

 My bag’s full.
/maɪ bæɡz fʊl/

 He would if he could.
/hi wʊd ɪf hi kʊd/

 It should be good wool.

/ɪt ʃʊd bi gʊd wʊl/

 The woman took a good look at the wolf.

/ðə 'wʊmən tʊk ə gʊd lʊk ət ðə wʊlf/

 Are you doing anything on Tuesday?
/ɑːr juː 'duːɪŋ 'eniθɪŋ ɒn ˈtuːzdeɪ/

 You must chew your food.

/juː mʌst tʃuː jɔːr fuːd/

 He proved he knew the truth.

/hi pruːvd hi nuː ðə truːθ/

 The group flew to New York in June.

/ðə gruːp fluː tuː njuː jɔːrk ɪn dʒuːn/

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LESSON 4: /ə/ & /3:/

Ago /ə'gəʊ/ Occur /ə'kɜ:r/

Mother /'mʌðər/ Incur /in'kɜ:r/

Picture /'pikt∫ər/ Turn /tɜ:n/

Famous /'feiməs/ First/fɜ:st/

Accident /'æksidənt/ Worth /wɜ:θ/

Banana /bə'nɑ:nə/ Early/'ɜ:li/

Zebra /'zi:brə/ Worship/'wɜ:∫ip/

Possible /'pɒsəbl/ Workshop/'wɜ:k∫ɒp/

Question /'kwest∫ən/ Bird /bɜ:d/

Complete /kəm'pli:t/ Journey/'dʒɜ:ni/

Banal /bə'nɑ:l/ Thirty/ˈɵɜ:ti/

Letter /'letər/ Heard /hɜ:d/

Nation /'nei∫n/ Hurt /hɜ:t/

Effort /'efət/ Word/wɜ:d/

Affect /ə'fekt/ World /wɜ:ld/

Practice with sentences:

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I suppose it's possible.
/aɪ səˈpəʊz ɪts ˈpɒsəbl/

That's an excellent question.

/ðæts ən ˈeksələnt ˈkwestʃən/

My cousin will arrive at seven.

/maɪ ˈkʌzn wɪl əˈraɪv ət ˈsevn/

Complete today's lesson please.

/kəmˈpliːt təˈdeɪz ˈlesn pliːz/

Don’t complain about the problem

/dəʊnt kəmˈpleɪn əˈbaʊt ðə ˈprɒbləm/
 The girl saw the circus first.
/ðə ɡɜːrl sɔː ðə ˈsɜːrkəs fɜːrst/

 My birthday's on Thursday the thirty first.

/maɪ ˈbɜːrθdeɪz ɔːn ˈθɜːrzdeɪ ðə ˈθɜːrti fɜːrst/

 That is the worst journey in the world.

/ðæt ɪz ðə wɜːrst ˈdʒɜːrni ɪn ðə wɜːrld/

 Have you ever heard this word?

/hæv juː ˈevər hɜːrd ðɪs wɜːrd/

 She has learnt German for thirteen months.

/ʃi həz lɜːrnt ˈdʒɜːrmən fər ˌθɜːrˈtiːn mʌnθs/

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 Vocabulary:
1. Ego /ˈiː.ɡoʊ/: your idea or opinion of yourself, especially your feeling of your
own importance and ability: cái tôi, bản ngã
2. Emotional intelligence: the ability to understand the way people feel and
react and to use this skill to make good judgments and to avoid or solve
problems: trí tuệ cảm xúc
3. Illusion: an idea or belief that is not true: ảo giác, ảo tưởng
4. Insanity: the condition of being seriously mentally ill: bệnh điên
5.Insomnia: the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time: chứng
mất ngủ
6.Instinct: the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having
to think or learn about it: bản năng, năng khiếu
7. Health psychology: tâ m lý họ c về sứ c khỏ e
8. Humanistic psychology: tâ m lý họ c nhâ n vă n
9. Hypnotize (v): to put someone in a state of hypnosis: thôi miên
10. Autism: a brain condition that affects the development of social and
communication skills in ways that can be severe or slight, and that can make
someone's behaviour and interests different from people without the
condition: bệnh tự kỷ
11. Acute stress: If a bad situation is acute, it causes severe problems or damage:
cơn căng thẳng cấp tính
12. Addiction : an inability to stop doing or using something, especially
something harmful: sự nghiện
13. Phobia: a type of anxiety disorder (= a mental illness that makes someone
very worried and affects their life) that involves an extreme fear of something:
Nỗi sợ tột cùng
Ex: Acrophobia: hộ i chứ ng sợ độ cao
Aerophobia: hộ i chứ ng sợ má y bay
Cynophobia: hộ i chứ ng sợ chó
Astraphobia: hộ i chứ ng sợ sấ m sét

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1. What is Psychology?

2. Which great psychologists do you know of and what did they say?

3. What would you like to know about psychology?

4. Do you like doing psychology tests?

5. Is failure always bad?

6. Do you believe in luck?

7. Why are bad habits so hard to break?

8. Are good at talking about how you feel?

9. Have you ever done anything that made you afraid?

10. Money and Love, Which makes you happy?

11. Would you rather text than talk?

12. When you go to someone’s house, what do you look at? Why?

13. Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert?

14. Can our body language affect our mood?

15. How are you with conflict? Are you more a fighter or lover?

16. Is too much choice making us unhappy?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Origin (n): the beginning or cause of something: Cộ i nguồ n
2. Victorious past (n): Quá khứ hà o hù ng
3. Ancestors (n): any member of your family from long ago, for example, the
grandparents of your grandparents: Tổ tiên
4. Historical highlights (n): Sự kiện lịch sử nổ i bậ t
5. Colonization (n): the act of sending people to live in and govern another
country: Sự thuộ c địa hó a
6. Foreign invaders (n): an army or country that uses force to enter and take
control of another country: Giặ c ngoạ i xâ m
7. Independence (n): freedom from being governed or ruled by another
country: Độ c lậ p
8. Domination (n): the control over a place or person: Sự đô hộ
9. Victorious past (n): Quá khứ hà o hù ng
10. Sovereignty (n): the power of a country to control its own government: Chủ
11. Resistances (n): the act of fighting against something that is attacking you, or
refusing to accept something: Khá ng chiến
12. Historical figures (n): Cá c nhâ n vậ t lịch sử
13. Heroine (n): a woman who is admired for having done something very brave
or having achieved something great: Nữ anh hù ng
14. Prominent leader (n): very well known and important leader: Lã nh tụ kiệt
xuấ t
15. Socialist Republic of + a country: nướ c Cộ ng Hò a xã hộ i chủ nghĩa
16. Colonial force: sự quả n chế củ a ngoạ i xâ m
17. National anthem (n): a song that has special importance of a country, often
sung on a special occasion: Quố c ca
18. To cultivate patriotism (v): xâ y đắ p lò ng yêu nướ c
19. To reclaim one’s sovereignty (v): dà nh lạ i chủ quyền dâ n tộ
20. Proclamation of Independence (n): bả n tuyên ngô n độ c lậ p
21. Patriotism (n): the feeling of loving your country more than any others and

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being proud of it : lò ng yêu nướ c
22. Historical relics: an object, tradition, or system from the past that continues to
exist: tà n dư, sả n vậ t lịch sử
1. What is history?

2. Why is it important to learn history at school?

3. Did you enjoy studying history at school?

4. Do you feel you have a good knowledge of history?

5. Can you think of a great historical film you have seen?

6. What is more important, world history or your own nation’s history?

7. If you could meet one historical figure, who would it be?

8. Who is your nation’s greatest hero? Who is the most influential person in
history, for better or for worse?

9. Are you proud of your country’s history?

10. If you could travel back in time, which period would you visit? Are you happy
you were born at this moment in history?

11. Was the 20th century a great century?

12. Is there anyone alive today who will be remembered in a thousand years

13. If you could erase one event from history, what would it be?

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I. Từ vựng chung:
1. Geography /dʒiˈɒɡ.rə.fi/ (N): Địa lý, môn Địa lý
2. Landscape /ˈlænd.skeɪp/ (N): địa hình, cảnh quan
3. Continent /ˈkɒn.tɪ.nənt/ (N): lục địa
4. Mainland /ˈmeɪn.lænd/ (N): lục địa, đất liền
5. Ocean/ˈəʊ.ʃən/ (N): đại dương, biển
6. Latitude /ˈlæt.ɪ.tʃuːd/ (N): vĩ độ
7. Longitude /ˈlɒŋ.ɡɪ.tʃuːd/ (N): kinh độ
8. Altitude /ˈæl.tɪ.tʃuːd/ (N) độ cao (so với mực nước biển)
9. Meridian /məˈrɪd.i.ən/ (N): kinh tuyến
10.Parallel /ˈpær.ə.lel/: vĩ tuyến
11.Equator /ɪˈkweɪ.tər/: xích đạo
12.Hemisphere /ˈhe.mɪs.fɪər/: bán cầu
13.Climate /ˈklaɪ.mət/: khí hậu
14.Pole /pəʊl/: cực
15.South pole/ North pole: Cực Nam/Cực Bắc
16.Polar /ˈpəʊ.lər/ (adj): thuộc vùng cực, ở vùng cực
II. Các loại địa hình:
1. Sea /siː/: biển
2. Coast /kəʊst/: bờ biển
3. Island /ˈaɪ.lənd/: đảo
4. Islet /ˈaɪ.lət/: đảo nhỏ
5. Peninsula /pəˈnɪn.sjə.lə/: bán đảo
6. Cave /keiv/: động, hang động
7. Beach /biːtʃ/: bãi biển
8. River /ˈrɪv.ər/: sông
9. Lake /leik/: hồ
10.Pond /pɒnd/: ao
11.Canal /kəˈnæl/: kênh, sông đào
12.Swamp /swɒmp/: đầm lầy

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13.Stream /stri:m/: suối
14.Waterfall /ˈwɑː.t̬ ɚ.fɑːl/: thác nước
15.Glacier /ˈɡlæs.i.ər/: sông băng
16.Hill /hi:l/: đồi
17.Mountain /ˈmaʊn.tɪn/: núi
18.Canyon /ˈkæn.jən/: hẻm núi, khe núi
19.Cliff /klɪf/: vách đá
20.Desert /ˈdez.ət/: sa mạc
21.Valley /ˈvæl.i/: thung lũng
22.Forest/ˈfɔːr.ɪst/: rừng
23.Delta /ˈdel.tə/: châu thổ
24.Highland /ˈhaɪ.lənd/: cao nguyên
25.Plain /pleɪn/: đồng bằng
III. Các đại dương – châu lục:
1. Asia /ˈeɪ.ʒə/: Châu Á
2. Europe /ˈjʊə.rəp/ Châu Âu
3. Australia /ɒsˈtreɪ.li.ə/: Châu Úc
4. North America /ˌnɔːθ əˈmer.ɪ.kə/: Bắc Mỹ
5. South America /ˌsaʊθ əˈmer.ɪ.kə/: Nam Mỹ
6. Africa /ˈæf.rɪ.kə/: Châu Phi
7. Antarctica /ænˈtɑːk.tɪ.kə/: Châu Nam Cực
8. Atlantic Ocean /ətˈlæn.tɪk/: Đại Tây Dương
9. Indian Ocean /ˈɪn.di.ən/: Ấn Độ Dương
10.Arctic Ocean /ˈɑːk.tɪk/: Bắc Băng Dương
11.Antarctic Ocean/Southern Ocean: Nam Băng Dương
12.Pacific /pəˈsɪf.ɪk/ Ocean: Thái Bình Dương

IV.Các từ vựng khác

1. Vegetation /ˌvedʒ.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/: thảm thực vật
2. Seabed /ˈsiː.bed/: đáy biển
3. Riverbed /ˈrɪv.ə.bed/: đáy sông, lòng sông

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1. Do you like geography?
2. Do you know a lot about the geography of your country?
3. What were your geography teachers like?
4. What do you think the difference is between physical geography and human
5. Is your general knowledge of geography good?
6. What do you think it would be like to be a geographer?
7. How has the world’s geography changed over the years?
8. Which of these areas of geography would you choose to study – climatology,
oceanography or demography?
9. What does the word geography mean?
10.Were you good at geography at school?
11.What do you study in geography?
12.Which part of the world do you think has the most interesting geography?
13.How important is it to study geography at school?
14.What are the most important things about geography that children need to
15.What jobs can you do if you have a geography degree?
16.What’s the difference between a city and a town?
17.Do you like reading geography books and watching geography shows on TV?
18.What is the most interesting area of geography for you?
19.How well do you know your local geography – the area near your house?

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 Vocabulary:
I. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về thiết bị máy tính
1. cable: dâ y
2. desktop computer (thườ ng viết tắ t là desktop): má y tính bà n
3. hard drive: ổ cứ ng
4. keyboard: bà n phím
5. laptop: má y tính xá ch tay
6. monitor: phầ n mà n hình
7. mouse: chuộ t
8. PC (viết tắ t củ a personal computer): má y tính tư nhâ n
9. power cable: cá p nguồ n
10. printer: má y in
11. screen: mà n hình
12. speakers: loa
13. tablet computer (thườ ng viết tắ t là tablet): má y tính bả ng
14. wireless router: bộ phá t mạ ng khô ng dây
II. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về mạng internet
1. broadband internet hoặ c broadband: mạ ng bă ng thô ng rộ ng
2. firewall: tưở ng lử a
3. ISP (viết tắ t củ a internet service provider): ISP (nhà phâ n phố i dịch vụ
4. the Internet: internet
5. to browse the Internet: truy cậ p internet
6. to download: tả i xuố ng
7. web hosting: dịch vụ thuê má y chủ
8. website: trang web
9. wireless internet hoặ c WiFi: khô ng dây

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III. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về cách dùng máy tính
1. to plug in: cắ m điện
2. to restart: khở i độ ng lạ i
3. to shut down: tắ t má y
4. to start up: khở i độ ng má y
5. to switch off hoặ c to turn off: tắ t
6. to switch on hoặ c to turn on: bậ t
7. to unplug: rú t điện
1. When do you use a computer? What do you use computers for?
2. What are the benefits (for you) of using a computer?
3. What computer skill(s) would you like to learn?
4. When was the first time you used a computer?
5. Do you think computers are useful and important in everyday life?
6. Do you play computer games? How often do you play computer games?
7. What do you do on the internet?
8. When did you first start using (or first learn to use) the internet?
9. Do you think the internet is a good thing?
10. Is the internet very popular in Viet Nam?
11. What age group of people most often use the internet?
12. Do you think information on the internet is very reliable?
13. What are the good and bad points about the internet?
14. What is the life like for those people who don’t use the internet?

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 Vocabulary:
 Personality /ˌpɜː.sənˈæl.ə.ti/ (N): the type of person you are, shown by the
way you behave, feel, and think: TÍNH CÁCH
Example: Robin has a very warm personality.
tính từ)
1. Cautious /ˈkɔː.ʃəs/: Someone who is cautious avoids risks: THẬN TRỌNG
Ex: Be cautious!! Don’t drive too fast Johnny. You are carrying naughty Phoebe.
2. Cheerful /ˈtʃɪə.fəl/: noticeably happy and optimistic: VUI VẺ, HAY TƯƠI
Ex: James Kukoc is always cheerful, he spreads happiness to everyone.
3. Clever /ˈklev.ər/: having or showing the ability to learn and understand things
quickly and easily: THÔNG MINH, NHẠY BÉN
Ex: Choco is such a clever girl, she can learn quite quickly.
4. Competitive /kəmˈpet.ɪ.tɪv/: eager to do better than others in an activity: CÓ
Ex: You're very competitive - it's meant to be a friendly match!
5. Creative /kriˈeɪ.tɪv/: producing or using original and unusual ideas: SÁNG TẠO
Ex: Tony can cook a lot of new delicious food, he is so creative. Many girls adore
6. Dependable /rɪˈlaɪ.ə.bəl/ : If someone or something is dependable, you can have
confidence in him, her, or it: ĐÁNG TIN CẬY = RELIABLE
Ex: I need someone dependable to take care of the children while I'm at work.
7. Enthusiastic /ɪnˌθjuː.ziˈæs.tɪk/: eager to do or have something: HĂNG HÁI,
Ex: Chester is an enthusiastic man. Whenever we need him, he is always willing
to help.
8. Easy-going /ˌiː.ziˈ- ɡoʊ.ɪŋ/: relaxed and not easily upset or worried: DỄ TÍNH.
Ex: James loves to hug, he can hug and talk to anyone. How easy-going he is.
9. Extroverted /ˈek.strə.vɜːtɪd/: outgoing and socially confident: HƯỚNG NGOẠI

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Ex: It’s easy for Yena to make new friends, she’s quite extroverted.
10. Faithful /ˈfeɪθ.fəl/: If your husband, wife, or partner is faithful, he or she does not
have a sexual relationship with anyone else: CHUNG THỦY
Ex: Tony is so faithful to Shym. He never loves someone else.
11. Generous /ˈdʒen.ər.əs/: willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially
more than is usual or expected: RỘNG LƯỢNG
Ex: It was generous of James to lend David the money.
12. Gentle /ˈdʒen.təl/: having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or
character: NHẸ NHÀNG
Ex: Sandy is such a “gentle” girl, she can punch anyone who dares to bully her
13. Humorous /ˈhjuː.mə.rəs/: funny, or making you laugh: VUI TÍNH, HÀI HƯỚC
Ex: Do you think Robin is humorous? Yes, of course he is =))
14. Honest /ˈɒn.ɪst/: telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat,
or lie: TRUNG THỰC
Ex: Shym never tells lie to anyone. She is honest like Lisa.
15. Imaginative /ɪˈmædʒ.ɪ.nə.tɪv/: having or showing creativity or inventiveness:
Ex: Michael is imaginative when he can imagine his prospect in the future.
16. Observant /əbˈzɜː.vənt/:quick to notice things: TINH Ý, CÓ ÓC QUAN SÁT
Ex: "That's a new dress, isn't it?" "Yes, you are observant!"
17. Optimistic /ˈɒp.tɪ.mɪ.zəm/: the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the
good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen: LẠC
Ex: Sandy is optimistic. She always believe in true love. LOL
18. Patient /ˈpeɪ.ʃənt/: having patience: KIÊN NHẪN
Ex: David is a patient teacher. You can ask them what you don’t understand
19. Polite /pəˈlaɪt/: behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding
of and care for other people's feelings: LỊCH SỰ
Ex: If you are a true man, remember to always be polite to girls.
20. Open-minded /ˌəʊ.pənˈmaɪn.dɪd/ willing to consider ideas and opinions that are
new or different to your own: KHOÁNG ĐẠT, CHỊU TIẾP THU CÁI MỚI
Ex: If you want to upgrade yourself, be open-minded and enthusiastic to learn new
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21.Rational /ˈræʃ.ən.əl/: based on clear thought and reason: CÓ LÝ TRÍ
Ex: Mama I’m in love with a criminal, and this kind of love isn’t rational
TỐT ) (Tất cả là tính từ)
1. Reckless/ˈrek.ləs/: doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks
and the possible results: HẤP TẤP, LIỀU LĨNH
Ex: Don’t be reckless in whatever you do, be cautious.
2. Stubborn /ˈstʌb.ən/: A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants
and refuses to do anything else: BƯỚNG BỈNH
Ex: Who is the most stubborn person in the class? – That’s Choco, undoubtedly.
3. Talkative /ˈtɔː.kə.tɪv/ talking a lot: lắm mồm
Ex: She's a lively, talkative person.
4. Pessimistic /ˌpes.ɪˈmɪs.tɪk/: thinking that bad things are more likely to happen or
emphasizing the bad part of a situation: BI QUAN
Ex: You will live a long life, don’t be pessimistic.
5. Hot-tempered /hɒt-ˈtempəd/ If someone has a hot temper, they are easily get
Ex: My Dad is quite hot-tempered. He will scold at me if I am not obedient.
6. Selfish /ˈsel.fɪʃ/: Someone who is selfish only thinks of their own advantage: ÍCH
Ex: Don’t be so selfish, bitch!! Think for other people.
7. Mean /mi:n/ unkind or unpleasant: XẤU TÍNH
Ex: Stop being so mean to me!
8. Cold /kəʊld/: not showing kindness, love, or emotion and not friendly: LẠNH
Ex: He is so cold, he doesn’t want to talk to me.
9. Mad /mæd/: mentally ill, or unable to behave in a reasonable way: ĐIÊN
Ex: Look at the way he dances and shakes his booty… Mad bitch
10. Aggressive /əˈɡres.ɪv/: behaving in an angry and violent way towards another
person: HUNG HĂNG
Ex: If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.
11. Unpleasant /ʌnˈplez.ənt/: rude and angry/ not attractive or enjoyable or easy to
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like: KHÓ CHỊU
Ex: Choco asked her about the price but suddenly she became so unpleasant and
shouted at us. We will never eat there once ever again…

1. What is your personality?

2. What makes you happy?

3. What are some things that make you angry?

4. Are you happy with your personality?

5. Would you like to be different?

6. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person?

7. Are you shy ? In which occasions are you shy?

8. Do you consider yourself selfish ? Why?

9. Is your personality suited to your job?

10.In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed??

11.Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted
(focused on other people and the outer world)?

12.Do you think you can change a major characteristic of your personality if you try?

13.Do you think you have an unusual personality? Why?

14.If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be?

15.What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?

16.What personality traits do you consider important in a good friend / a boss / a


17.Do you consider yourself to be even-tempered?

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18.What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

19.What expressions include colors when discussing illness? (ex., white or pale, pink
eye, black and blue for bruises, yellow fever)

20.What expressions include colors and feelings? (ex. I feel blue, green with envy, red
with rage, turning red, black circles under the eyes, you are turning blue)

21.What do the colors in your home country's flag represent?

22.Do you think birth order makes a difference in your personality?

23.Which personality do you think we most want to pass on to our children?

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 Vocabulary:
I. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về âm nhạc (English vocabulary about music)
1. Beat: tiết tấu, nhịp đập
2. Harmony /ˈhɑː.mə.ni/: hòa âm
3. Lyrics: lời bài hát
4. Melody hoặc tune: giai điệu
5. Note: nốt nhạc
6. Rhythm /ˈrɪð.əm/: nhịp điệu
7. Scale: gam
8. Solo: solo/đơn ca
9. Duet /duːˈet/: trình diễn đôi/song ca
10. In tune /tuːn/: đúng tông
11. Out of tune: lệch tông
II. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về vật dụng âm nhạc (English vocabulary
about musical objects)
1. CD: đĩa CD
2. Amp (viết tắt của amplifier): bộ khuếch đại âm thanh
3. CD player: máy chạy CD
4. Headphones: tai nghe
5. Instrument /ˈɪn.strə.mənt/: nhạc cụ
6. Mic /maɪk/ (viết tắt của microphone): micrô
7. MP3 player: máy phát nhạc MP3
8. Music stand: giá để bản nhạc
9. Record  /ˈrek.ɚd/ player: máy thu âm
10. Speakers: loa
11. Stereo /ˈster.i.əʊ/ hoặc stereo system: dàn âm thanh nổi
III. Từ vựng tiếng Anh liên quan đến dòng nhạc (English vocabulary
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related to music genre)
1. Blues: nhạc blue
2. Classical: nhạc cổ điển
3. Country: nhạc đồng quê
4. Dance: nhạc nhảy
5. Electronic Dance Music: nhạc điện tử
6. Folk /fəʊk/: nhạc dân ca
7. Heavy metal: nhạc rock mạnh
8. Hip hop: nhạc hip hop
9. Jazz /dʒæz/: nhạc jazz
10.Latin /ˈlæt.ɪn/ nhạc Latin
11.Opera: nhạc opera
12.Pop: nhạc pop
13.Rap: nhạc rap
14.Rock: nhạc rock
15.Symphony /ˈsɪm.fə.ni/: nhạc giao hưởng
16.Techno /ˈtek.nəʊ/: nhạc khiêu vũ
IV. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về nhóm nhạc và nhạc công (English
vocabulary about music groups and musicians)
1. Band: ban nhạc
2. Choir  /ˈkwaɪ.ɚ/: đội hợp xướng
3. Concert band: ban nhạc trình diễn dưới buổi hòa nhạc
4. Jazz band: ban nhạc jazz
5. Orchestra  /ˈɔː.kɪ.strə/: dàn nhạc giao hưởng
6. Pop group: nhóm nhạc pop
7. Rock band: ban nhạc rock
8. Composer  /kəmˈpəʊ.zər/ nhà soạn nhạc
9. Musician /mjuːˈzɪʃ.ən/: nhạc công
10. Performer: nghệ sĩ trình diễn

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11. Bassist hoặc bass player: người chơi guitar bass
12. Conductor: người chỉ huy dàn nhạc
13. Drummer: người chơi trống
14. Flautist /ˈflɑː.t̬ ɪst/: người thổi sáo
15. Guitarist: người chơi guitar
16. Organist /ˈɔː.ɡən.ɪst/: người chơi đàn organ
17. Pianist /ˈpiː.ən.ɪst/: người chơi piano/nghệ sĩ dương cầm
18. Pop star: ngôi sao nhạc pop
19. Saxophonist /sækˈsɒf.ən.ɪst/: người thổi kèn saxophone
20. Violinist  /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn.ɪst/: người chơi vi-ô-lông
21. Singer: ca sĩ
22. Concert: buổi hòa nhạc
23. Hymn /hɪm/: thánh ca
24. National anthem /ˈæn.θəm/: quốc ca
V. Một từ vựng khác liên quan đến âm nhạc( Other vocabulary
related to music)
1. To listen to music: nghe nhạc
2. To play an instrument: chơi nhạc cụ
3. To record /rɪˈkɔːd/: thu âm
4. To sing: hát
5. Audience  /ˈɔː.di.əns/: khán giả
6. Record label /ˈleɪ.bəl/: nhãn đĩa
7. Recording: bản thu âm
8. Recording studio: phòng thu
9. Song: bài hát
10. Stage: sân khấu
11. Track: bài, phần dưới đĩa
12. Voice: giọng hát
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1. What kind of music do you like? Why?
2. When do you usually listen to music? Why?
3. Who is your favourite singer? Why?
4. Can you sing for us a song?
5. Tell us some songs that you like? Why do you like those songs?
6. Do you play any instruments? If you can learn, which instrument
would you like to learn? Why?
7. Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument?
[Why/Why not?]
8. Do you like any foreign celebrities? Who is he/she? Why do you like
9. Do you want to be a celebrity? Why/Why not?
10. How music changed your emotions?
Ielts speaking part 2:
Describe a song that you like.
You should say about
- What its name is; - What kind of music it is;
- Where/ When you first heard it; - And explain why you like

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 Vocabulary:
Social Bias: discrimination for, or against, a person or group, or a set of ideas or beliefs,
in a way that is prejudicial or unfair: Định kiến xã hội
Look down on: to think that you are better than someone: Xem thường ai đó
Domestic Violence: the situation in which someone you live with attacks you and tries to
hurt you: Bạo lực gia đình
Equality: the right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and
receive the same treatment: Sự bình đẳng
Discriminate (v): to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in
a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour,
sex, sexuality, etc.: Phân biệt đối xử
Gender discrimination: Phân biệt giới tính
Unwanted pregnancy: Có thai ngoài ý muốn
Breadwinner: the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs: Trụ
cột gia đình
Be lured into social evils: Bị lôi kéo vào tệ nạn xã hội
Foresight: the ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future and plan
your actions based on this knowledge: Tầm nhìn xa
1. Be at the bottom of the chain: Bị kìm kẹp
2. Biased Treatment: Đối xử bất bình đẳng
3. Take sth/sb for granted: Bị đánh giá thấp/ Bị bỏ quên
4. Abuse: to use something for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or
morally wrong: Lạm dụng


1. What is discrimination?

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2. Have you ever been discriminated against?
3. How do people fight discrimination?
4. Would you let your child marry a person with a different skin color?
5. Would you let your child marry a person with a different religion?
6. Why do men earn more than women?
7. Is racism common in your community? What forms of racist behavior have
you noticed?
8. Do you think males and females are equal?
9. What should be done to stop discrimination?
10. Do you know anybody who has fought for equal rights?
11. 'Black Lives Matter' is a slogan and movement that started in the United
States. What is it about?
12. What do you think about gay marriage?
13. Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?
14. Is the level of discrimination in the world rising or dropping? What makes you
think so?

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1. Contaminate (v): to make something less pure or make it poisonous: Làm
nhiễm độc
2. Protection/preservation/conservation: Bảo vệ/bảo tồn
3. Air/soil/water pollution: Ô nhiễm không khí/đất/nước
4. Greenhouse effect (n): an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other
gases in the atmosphere (= mixture of gases around the earth), that is believed to
be the cause of a gradual warming of the surface of the earth: Hiệu ứng nhà
5. Wind/solar power/energy: năng lượng gió/mặt trời
6. Solar panel: a device that changes energy from the sun into electricity: tấm năng
lượng mặt trời
7. Deforestation: the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of
forests by people: phá rừng
8. Gas exhaust/emission: an amount of a substance that is produced and sent out
into the air that is harmful to the environment, especially carbon dioxide: khí thải
9. Ecosystem: all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and
the environment: Hệ sinh thái
10. Soil erosion: the fact of soil, stone, etc. being gradually damaged and removed
by the waves, rain, or wind: xói mòn đất
11. Pollutant: a substance that pollutes: chất gây ô nhiễm
12.Make use of/take advantage of: tận dụng/lợi dụng

1. What is environment?

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2. How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?
3. What are some things that can be recycled?
4. What are some types of pollution?
5. What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in your country?
6. Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or protecting
the environment?
7. In what ways can we save more water? Please tell your experiences.
8. What should we do to increase the awareness about environmental pollution?
9. What do you think of people who smoke cigarettes indoors?
10.Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the
government? Explain.
11.What is the most important issue facing the environment today?
12. If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one would
you choose? Why?
13. Do you think overpopulation is an important environmental issue? Why or why
14. Are worried about global warming?
15. What are the benefits/ disadvantages of a smoking ban?
16. Do you think nuclear power safe? Who should be allowed it and why?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Afraid /əˈfreɪd/ (adj): feeling fear, or feeling worry about the possible results of a
particular situation: Cảm thấy sợ
Example: I am afraid of ghosts.
2. Angry /ˈæŋ.ɡri/ (adj): having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved
badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them: giận dữ
Example: She's really angry at/with me for upsetting Robin.
3. Bored /bɔːrd/ (adj): feeling unhappy because something is not interesting or
because you have nothing to do: cảm thấy chán
Example: There is nothing for me to do. I feel so bored.
4. Confused /kənˈfjuːzd/ (adj): unable to think clearly or to understand something:
Bối rối
Example: I am so confused. I never understand what the girls want. Aigoo
5. Disappointed /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn.tɪd/ (adj): unhappy because someone or something was
not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen: Cảm
thấy thất vọng
Example: His parents were bitterly disappointed in/with him.
6. Embarrased /ɪmˈber.əst/ (adj) feeling ashamed or shy: Xấu hổ
Example: I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared.
7. Excited /ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd/ (adj): feeling very happy and enthusiastic: Cảm thấy hào hứng
Example: Are you getting excited about your holiday?
8. Happy /ˈhæp.i/ (adj): feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or satisfaction: Hạnh
Example: I am so happy. I will get married today. Oh yeah.
9. Jealous /ˈdʒel.əs/ : upset and angry because someone that you love seems
interested in another person/ unhappy and angry because someone has something
that you want: cảm thấy ghen tỵ, ghen tuông
Example: Choco says she feels jealous whenever another woman looks at her

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10.Lonely /ˈləʊ (adj) : unhappy because you are not with other people: cảm thấy
cô đơn
Example: Everyone went out, they all left me alone here. I’m so lonely.
11. Nervous /ˈnɜː.vəs/: worried and anxious: Lo lắng
Example: Do you feel/get nervous during exams?
12. Proud /praʊd/: feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected
with you have done or got something good: Tự hào
Example: I am so proud of you babe. I know you can do it.
13.Sad /sæd/: unhappy or sorry: cảm thấy buồn
Example: She gave a sad smile.
14. Stressed /strest/: worried and unhappy because you have too much work or too
many problems to deal with: Căng thẳng
Example: I'm really stressed out about work at the moment.
15. Surprised /səˈpraɪzt/: feeling or showing surprise because something has
happened that you did not expect: ngạc nhiên.
Example: Surprised MotherFather, I got pregnant.
I'm surprised to see you here

DISCUSSION: With each word above, make a sentence about your feelings and
“ I feel … when … “ and then discuss with your friends.
Example: I felt so surprised when She said she loved me.

ACTIVITY: Access the website: and type “Feelings

and Emotions” and do some exercises there. It’s fun.

1. How are you feeling at the moment?
2. Do you think it’s good to show your emotions when you’re angry?
3. What can you do to control your anger?

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4. In your opinion, do women show their emotions more than men?
5. Why do you think men tend to show their emotions less than women?
6. What are the things that make you happy?
7. Describe an activity or an event that made you happy
8. Do you think people who have more talent are happier than others?

9. What do you do when you feel lonely?

10. Who is the best person to talk to when you have the blues?

11. What do you do if you feel embarrassed?

12. Do you think animals have emotions?

13. What do you do to get rid of your stress?

14. What are your biggest worries?

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 Vocabulary:
I. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về Thiên chúa giáo
ENGLISH Tiếng Việt

1 The Pope Đứ c Giá o Hoà ng

2 Church Nhà thờ

3 Bishop Giá m mụ c

4 Cardinal  Đứ c Hồ ng Y

5 Carol Thá nh ca

6 Christian costumes Đạ o phụ c đạ o Chú a

7 Christianity Ki tô giá o

8 Christmas Lễ Giá ng Sinh

9 Church choir  Hộ i Thá nh ca

10 Cleanse someone from his sin Rử a tộ i cho ai đó

11 Confession Sự xin tộ i

12 Easter Lễ Phụ c Sinh

13 Faith = Creed = Religion Tín ngưỡ ng

14 God Đứ c Chú a Trờ i

15 Heaven Thiên đà ng

16 Jesus Christ Chú a Giê-Su

17 Monk Tu sĩ

18 Mother Mary Đứ c Mẹ Mary

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19 Parish Giá o xứ

20 Pastor Mụ c sư

21 Priest  Linh mụ c

22 Roman Catholicism Cô ng giá o

23 Salvation Sự cứ u rỗ i

24 Sister Bà sơ

25 The Bible Kinh Thá nh

26 The Church Giá o Hộ i

27 The Creator Đấ ng tạ o hó a

28 The great hall Thá nh đườ ng

29 The holy cross Thậ p tự giá , thá nh giá

II. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về Phật giáo
English Vietnamese
1 Buddhist monk Sư Thầ y

2 Buddhist nun  Sư Cô

3 Buddhist monastery Tu viện

4 Enlightenment Giá c ngộ

5 Buddhist temple Chù a

6 Charity Từ thiện

7 Draw a fortune stick Xin xă m

8 Help interpret the fortune stick Giả i xă m

9 Give offerings Dâ ng đồ cú ng

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10 Incense sticks Câ y nhang

11 Pray Cầ u nguyện

12 Kowtow Lạ y

13 Light incense sticks Đố t nhang

14 Meditate Ngồ i thiền

15 Do volunteer work at a temple Là m cô ng quả

16 Merciful Từ bi (tính từ )

17 Mercy Từ bi (danh từ )

18 Say Buddhist chants Niệm Phậ t

19 Wai Khấ n vá i

20 Walk around collecting alms Đi khấ t thự c

21 Vietnamese Buddhist Association Giá o hộ i phậ t giá o Việt Nam

22 Buddhist robe  Á o cà sa

23 A buddhist Phậ t tử

24 A paper (lotus flower) lantern Hoa đă ng

25 Bohisattva Bồ tá t

26 Buddhism Phậ t giá o

27 Emptiness Tính khô ng

28 Float a paper (lotus flower) lantern Thả hoa đă ng

29 Great Compassion Mantra Thầ n chú Đạ i Bi

32 Solemn Trang nghiêm

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33 Statue of Buddha Tượ ng Phậ t

34 The Buddha  Đứ c Phậ t

35 The (Buddhist) Great Hall Chá nh điện

36 Vegetarian Ngườ i ă n chay

37 Zen Buddhism Thiền Tô ng

38 Zen Master Thiền Sư

1. What are some religions of the world?
2. Is religion important to you?
3. What is the main religion in your country?
4. Why do you think religion is important in our lives
5. Do you have a religion?
6. What countries do you think have religious freedom?
7. Have you changed your religion?
8. What are some religions of the world?
9. How do you practice your religion?
10. Can you tell us about your religion?
11. Have you ever been persecuted because of your religion?
12. Do you know someone who has gone to war for their religion?

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1. business call /ˈbɪznəs kɔl/: cuộc gọi công việc
2. cordless phone /ˈkɔrdləs foʊn/: điện thoại không dây
3. interference ˌ/ɪntərˈfɪrəns/: nhiễu tín hiệu
4. phone book hoặc telephone directory/ ˈtɛləˌfoʊn dəˈrɛktəri/: danh bạ
5. phone box / foʊn bʊk / hoặc call box / kɔl bɑks/: cây gọi điện thoại
6. phone card /foʊn kɑrd/: thẻ điện thoại
7. phone number /foʊn ˈnʌmbər /(viết tắt của telephone number): số điện thoại
8. receiver /rəˈsivər/: ống nghe
9. switchboard /ˈswɪʧˌbɔrd/: tổng đài
10.wrong number /rɔŋ ˈnʌmbər/: nhầm số
11.smartphone [ ˈsmɑːrt.foʊn ] điện thoại smartphone (điện thoại thông minh)
12.missed call /mɪst kɔl/ : cuộc gọi nhỡ phone charger /ˈmoʊbəl foʊn ˈʧɑrʤər/: sạc điện thoại di động
14.ringtone [ ˈrɪŋ.toʊn ] : nhạc chuông put the phone on loudspeaker : bật loa
Conversation 1:
A: This is Robin. May I speak with James?
B: Yes, this is James speaking.
A: James. How are you today
B: Oh, things are going great. What's up?
A: I was wondering if you could meet me tomorrow for lunch?
B: Sure! Where did you have in mind?
A: I was thinking of the KFC.
B: I love that place. Sure, let's go there.
A: Fine then, I'll meet you around twelve.
B: I'll see you there. Look forward to it.
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Conversation 2:
Receptionist: “Good morning, High tech industries, Emily speaking. How may I
help you?”
Client: “Good day to you, I am calling to speak with Mr. Johnson.”
Receptionist: “I am afraid that Mr. Johnson is in a meeting all morning, can I ask
who is calling please?”
Client: “This is Mr. Williams, a client with whom he has been dealing.”
Receptionist: “Thank you, Mr. Williams, would you like to leave a message?”
Client: “No, thank you. Could you please have him return my call at his earlier
Receptionist: “Of course, that won’t be a problem. Was there anything else I could
help you with, Sir?”
Client: “That will be all, thank you for your time.”
Receptionist: “The pleasure is all mine. Good day, Sir.”
Conversation 3:
Person 1: “Hey John!”
Person 2: “Hey, how’s it going?”
Person 1: “Great. I was just calling to see if you wanted to meet up this weekend?”
Person 2: “Yeah, I’d love to. Where were you thinking?”
Person 1: “I thought we could go to that bar we like.”
Person 2: “OK, I’ll meet you there at 8 pm on Friday. Did you need anything else
while I’ve got you on the line?”
Person 1: “No, nothing else, I’ll see you on Friday.”
Person 2: “Catch you later, good to talk to you.”
Person 1: “Bye.”

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1. When did you first know about Sai Gon?
2. What were your first impressions about Sai Gon when you first came here?
3. What do you like and dislike about Sai Gon?
4. Could you tell us some differences between HCMC and your hometown?
5. Why did you choose HCMC as a destination for you to study and work?

6. What do you think about Saigonese/Saigonist?

7. To you, What are the differences between people in Sai Gon and
people in Ha Noi?

8. In the future, Do you want to live and work in HCMC or go

back your hometown?
9. Could you recommend some beautiful places/landscapes in Sai
Gon to the foreigners?
10. Imagine/Visualize: You have been loving a boy/girl in Sai Gon for
a long time but your parents want you to get married with a person
who is near your house. What would you do? ( in case you’re the
only child in your family)
11. Living here for a long time, some people found that there are
many unpredictable situations happened. Could you give us
one or some examples which happened to you or you saw it
happened to other people?
12. When was Sai Gon liberated? Could you tell us a little details
about that day?

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1. A city that never sleeps: thành phố rộng lớn và luôn luôn bận
rộn 24/7
2. Apartment complex: tòa nhà chung cư hỗn hợp
3. Be on the outskirts/in a suburbs: ở khu vực ngoại ô
4. Be stunning to look at: đẹp tuyệt vời, đáng kinh ngạc
5. Bumper-to-bumper traffic: tắc nghẽn kéo dài, xe cộ nối đuôi
nhau xin xít
6. Business/financial district: khu kinh tế/tài chính
7. Chain store: chuỗi cửa hàng
8. City skyline: thành phố của sự hiện đại pha lẫn những nét hoài cổ
9. với những con đường đá chật hẹp nhưng lúc nào cũng đông đúc người qua
10.Cobbled street: con đường được làm bằng những loại đá đặc trưng
11.Conservation area: khu bảo tồn và phát triển (sinh thái, lịch sử, văn hoá, kiến
12.Cosmopolitan city: thành phố lớn, đa chủng tộc
13.Cost of living: chi phí sống
14.Densely populated metropolian area: khu vực đô thị tập trung đông dân cư
15.Deprived area: khu vực còn hạn chế, thiếu thốn những điều kiện sống thiết yếu
16.Downtown: trung tâm thành phố
17.Exhaust fumes: khí thải, khói bụi
18.Extravagant/Lavish lifestyle: lối sống xa hoa
19.Family restaurant: nhà hàng gia đình (nhà hàng bình dân)
20.Fashionable boutiques: cửa hàng thời trang, trang sức thời thượng
21.Fashionable club: câu lạc bộ với phong cách trẻ trung, thời thượng
22.Food courts: quầy ăn
23.Good value: đáng đồng tiền bát gạo, rất có ích
24.High-rise flat: căn hộ chưng cư cao tầng
25.Historical places of interest: địa danh lịch sử

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26.Hustle and Bustle : hối hả và nhộn nhịp
27.Imposing building: những tòa nhà lớn

28.Incessant roar (of vehicles): những tiếng ồn ào, ầm ĩ, inh ỏi không có điểm dừng
29.Industrial zone: khu công nghiệp
30.Inner city: khu vực nằm trong trung tâm thành phố nơi những người có thu nhập
thấp sinh sống, thường ẩn chứa nhiều các tệ nạn xã hội
31.Lively bar: quán bar sôi động, nhộn nhịp
32.No-go area: khu vực mà mọi người e sợ không muốn qua lại thường là do nó đang
nằm trong sự kiểm soát của một băng đảng xã hội đen hoặc chứa chấp nhiều tội
33.Office block: tòa nhà văn phòng
34.Pace of life: nhịp sống
35.Parking facility: nơi đỗ xe
36.Pavement cafe: quán cafe vỉa hè, lề đường
37.Poor hygiene and sanitation: điều kiện vệ sinh, hệ thống xử lý rác thải nghèo nàn
38.Pricey/Overpriced restaurant: nhà hàng với mức giá đắt đỏ (hiểu theo đúng
nghĩa tiêu cực là những món ăn không thực sự xứng đáng với số tiền phải bỏ ra)
39.Public area: khu vực công cộng
40.Public transport system: hệ thống giao thông công cộng
41.Quaint old buildings: những toà nhà cổ thu hút bởi sự khác lạ và nét xưa cũ, độc
42.Relaxed atmosphere: không gian yên tĩnh, thư thái

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Notre Dame Cathedral: Nhà thờ Đức Bà

⛵ Independence Palace: Dinh Độc Lập

🎏 Nhà Rồng Habour : Bến Nhà Rồng
⛲ The Lenin park: Công viên Lênin
⛵ The Saigon port: Cảng Sài Gòn
🎏 Cu Chi Tunnels: Địa đạo Củ Chi
⛲ HCM Opera House: Nhà hát Thành Phố
⛵ Bạch Đằng Harbor: Bến Bạch Đằng
🎏 The Museum of the Revolution: Bảo tàng cách mạng
⛲ The Museum of History: Bảo tàng lịch sử
⛵ The Museum of Fine Arts: Bảo tàng mỹ thuật
🎏 The Museum of the Army: Bảo tàng quân đội
⛲ The thirty-six streets of old HN: Ba mươi sáu
phố phường Hà Nội
⛵ The ancient capital of the Nguyen Dynasty:
Cố đô triều Nguyễn
🎏 The Ben Thanh market: Chợ Bến Thành
⛲ The Perfume Pagoda: Chùa Hương
⛵ The One Pillar pagoda; Chùa Một Cột
🎏 The Ambassadors’ Pagoda; Chùa Quán Sứ
⛲ Pagoda of the Heavenly Lady: Chùa Thiên Mụ
⛵ The Royal Palace: Cung điện
🎏 The Reunification Railway: Đường sắt Thống Nhất
⛲ Ngoc Son (Jade Hill) temple: Đền Ngọc Sơn

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1. Cách đọc giờ trong tiếng Anh
Có rấ t nhiều cá ch để trả lờ i cho câ u hỏ i ”What time is it?”. Thô ng thườ ng thì
cá ch đọ c giờ cũ ng khá đơn giả n, ai cũ ng cả m thấ y như rấ t quen thuộ c.
 Cách đọc giờ hơn
Có 2 cá ch an có thể sử dụ ng để đọ c giờ hơn trong tiếng Anh
 Cá ch 1: Đọc giờ + số phút
Ví dụ :
8:25 => It’s eight twenty-five. (Bâ y giờ là tá m giờ hai lă m.)
2:39 => It’s two thirty-nine. (Bâ y giờ là hai giờ ba mươi chín.)
 Cá ch 2: số phút + past + số giờ
Ví dụ :
8:25 => It’s twenty five past eight. (Bây giờ là hai mươi lă m giờ tá m.)
2:39 => It’s thirty-nine past two. (Bâ y giờ là hai giờ ba mươi chín.)
* Lưu ý:
Khi giờ là phú t 15 hơn, ta có thể sử dụ ng: (a) quarter past
Ví dụ :
5:15 => It’s a quarter past five. (Bây giờ là nă m giờ mườ i lă m.)
9:15 => It’s a quarter past nine. (Bâ y giờ là chín giờ mườ i lă m.)
 Cách đọc giờ kém
Ta đọ c giờ kém khi số phú t hơn vượ t quá 30 phú t. Thô ng thườ ng chú ng ta
sẽ nó i số phú t trướ c
Cô ng thứ c: số phút + to + số giờ
Ví dụ :
10:40 => It’s twenty to eleven. (Bâ y giờ là mườ i giờ kém hai mươi.)
7:50 => It’s ten to eight. (Bâ y giờ là tá m giờ kém mườ i.)

 Cách đọc giờ chẵn

Giờ chẵ n có lẽ là dễ đọ c nhấ t. Khi muố n nó i giờ mộ t cá ch chính xá c, chú ng ta

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sử dụ ng từ “o’clock” vớ i mẫ u câ u:
It’s + number (số giờ) + o’clock
Ví dụ:
It’s 9 o’clock. (Bâ y giờ là chín giờ .)
See you at 11 o’clock. (Hẹn gặ p bạ n lú c mườ i mộ t giờ .)
Trong nhữ ng tình huố ng giao tiếp thâ n mậ t, suồ ng sã , có thể lượ c bỏ bớ t đi từ
 Cách đọc chung cho giờ hơn và giờ kém
Nhìn và o cá c cách đọ c giờ trong tiếng Anh nêu trên, chú ng ta có thể thấ y thấ y
cá ch đọ c chung củ a giờ hơn và giờ kém là :
Số phút + giới từ + số giờ
Trong đó ,.
Nếu đọ c giờ hơn thì giớ i từ là past
Nếu đọ c giờ kém thì giớ i từ là to.
Ví dụ :
8:35 => It’s thirty five past eight. (Bâ y giờ là tá m giờ ba mươi lă m.)
6:50 => It’s ten to seven. (Bâ y giờ là bảy giờ kém mườ i.)

2. Cách đọc giờ trong tiếng Anh với A.M và P.M

Khá c vớ i tiếng Việt, Trong tiếng Anh, chú ng ta chỉ dù ng đồ ng hồ 12 giờ . Vì vậ y

nên khi đọ c giờ đú ng, để trá nh gâ y nhầ m lẫ n về thờ i gian cho ngườ i nghe,chú ng
ta phả i thêm buổ i sá ng hoặ c buổ i tố i theo sau số giờ .
Vậ y là m thế nà o để đọ c đượ c chính xá c khoả ng thờ i gian nà o?
Cá ch đơn giả n nhấ t là chú ng ta dù ng :a.m và p.m để phâ n biệt.
 A.m: nó i về giờ buổ i sá ng (từ tiếng Latin củ a “ante meridiem” – trước buổi
 P.m: nó i về giờ buổ i tố i (từ tiếng Latin củ a “post meridiem” –  sau buổi trưa).
Ví dụ :
 It’s 10 a.m: Bây giờ là 10 giờ sá ng
 It’s 10 p.m: Bâ y giờ là 10 giờ tố i

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1. How do you organize your time?
2. Do you think it is important to be on time?
3. When is it most important for you to manage your time?
4. How do you feel when you are late for an appointment?
5. How do you feel when others are late?

Vocabulary highlights:

1. To-do list noun = a list of tasks that need to be done: danh sách các việc phải làm

Example: It’s on my to-do list.

2. Prioritise verb /praɪˈɒr.ɪ.taɪz/: to decide which of a group of things are the

most important so that you can deal with them first: ưu tiên

Example: You must learn to prioritize your work.

3. Accuracy noun /ˈæk.jə.rə.si/ = the fact of being exact or correct: sự chính xác

Example: We can predict changes with a surprising degree of accuracy.

4. Biological clock noun /baɪ.əˌlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl ˈklɒk/: đồng hồ sinh học

Example: Long-haul flights can seriously disrupt your biological clock. (Các chuyến bay

đường dài có thể làm gián đoạn nghiêm trọng đồng hồ sinh học của bạn.)

5. Having said that = despite what has just been said: mặc dù vậy

Example: He forgets most things, but having said that, he

always remembers my birthday. (Anh ấy quên hầu hết mọi thứ, tuy nhiên, anh ấy luôn nhớ
ngày sinh nhật của tôi.)

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6. Circumstance noun/ˈsɜː.kəm.stɑːns/: a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is:
hoàn cảnh

Example: Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.

(Rõ ràng chúng ta không thể giải quyết vấn đề cho đến khi chúng ta biết tất cả các tình

7. Early bird noun /ˈɜː.li ˌbɜːd/ = early riser = a person who gets up or arrives early: người

dậy sớm
8. Seldom adverb /ˈsel.dəm/ = rarely = almost never: hiếm khi

Example: Seldom do we receive any apology when mistakes are made.

9. Frustrated adjective /frʌsˈtreɪ.tɪd/ = feeling annoyed or less confident because you

cannot achieve what you want: bối rối, thất vọng 

Example: Are you feeling frustrated in your present job? (Bạn đang cảm thấy thất vọng
trong công việc hiện tại của bạn?)

10. Incident noun /ˈɪn.sɪ.dənt/: an event that is either unpleasant or unusual: sự cố

Example: A youth was seriously injured in a shooting incident on Saturday night.(Một

thanh niên bị thương nặng trong vụ nổ súng vào tối thứ Bảy.)

11. Excuse noun /ɪkˈskjuːs/: a reason that you give to explain why you did something wrong:

lời bao biện

Example: I’ve never known him to miss a meeting - I'm sure he'll have an excuse. (Tôi

không bao giờ biết anh ấy bỏ lỡ một cuộc họp - tôi chắc chắn anh ấy sẽ có một cái cớ.)

12. Get on sb's nerves= to annoy someone a lot: khiến ai đó khó chịu

Example: Please stop making that noise! It really gets on my nerves.

13. Punctuality noun /ˌpʌnktʃuˈæləti/: the habit of arriving or happening at the time that has

been agreed: sự đúng giờ

Example: There is a bonus scheme for employees who show good performance and

punctuality. (Có một chế độ thưởng cho nhân viên thể hiện hiệu suất tốt và đúng giờ.)

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1. Fund raiser: Người gây quỹ
2. Money donator: Người quyên góp tiền
3. Charitable givers: Người làm từ thiện
4. Humanitarian association: Tổ chức nhân đạo
5. Benefactor: Nhà hảo tâm
6. Donate money to the poor / the disable / the disadvantaged: Quyên tiền giúp đỡ
người nghèo/ người khuyết tật / người chịu nhiều thiệt thòi trong xã hội
7. Partly contribute to shaping a better life for the poor : Đóng góp 1 phần vào việc
mang đến một cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn cho người nghèo
8. Promote human rights : Thúc đẩy quyền con người
9. To strive to provide human rights to all mankind regardless of gender, race,
sexuality, and religion: Đấu tranh vì quyền con người cho tất cả mọi người, bất kể
giới tính, chủng tộc, xu hướng tính dục và tín ngưỡng
10. Humanitarian activity: Hoạt động nhân đạo
11.International charity organizations: Tổ chức từ thiện quốc tế
12.Financial assistance / Financial aid : Sự hỗ trợ về mặt tài chính
13.Generousity of benefactor : Sự hào phóng của các nhà hảo tâm
14.Charity fraud cases : Những vụ lừa đảo núp dưới danh nghĩa nhân đạo
15.Run/hold community events : Tổ chức sự kiện cộng đồng
16.To be transparent and credible/trust-worthy : Minh bạch và đáng tin cậy
17.Fall victim to charity scams : Trở thành nạn nhân của những vụ lừa đảo núp dưới
danh nghĩa nhân đạo

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1. Do you give to charity or volunteer?

2. What do you think are some important charities people should give to?

3. Do you know of any bizarre charities?

4. Do you give money to homeless people? Do you think people should give money

to homeless people?

5. Who do you think needs charity the most?

6. How much do you think governments should give to help other countries?

7. Should rich people and corporations be forced to give to charity?

8. Do you think there are charities that are scams?

9. Does your country have a holiday when it is traditional to help out people in your

community? If not, should there be a holiday like that?

10.Do you think it is better to give time or money?

11. What do you think about the matter of Hoai Linh who kept 14 billion VND

charity money?

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I. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về các loại Bệnh
1. rash /ræʃ/ - phát ban
2. fever /ˈfiː.vəʳ/ - sốt cao
3. insect bite /ˈɪn.sekt baɪt/ - côn trùng đốt
4. chill /tʃɪl/ - cảm lạnh
5. black eye /blæk aɪ/ - thâm mắt
6. headache /ˈhed.eɪk/ - đau đầu
7. stomach ache /ˈstʌmək-eɪk/ - đau dạ dày
8. backache /ˈbæk.eɪk/ - đau lưng
9. toothache /ˈtuːθ.eɪk/ - đau răng
10. high blood pressure /haɪ blʌd ˈpreʃ.əʳ/ - cao huyết áp
11. cold /kəʊld/ - cảm lạnh
12. sore throat /sɔːʳ θrəʊt/ - viêm họng
13. sprain /spreɪn/ - sự bong gân
14. infection /ɪnˈfek.ʃən/ - nhiễm trùng
15. broken bone /ˈbrəʊ.kən bəʊn/ - gãy xương
16. cut /kʌt/ - bị cắt
17. bruise /bruːz/ - vết thâm
18. burn /bɜːn/ - bị bỏng
19. Allergy / ˈælərdʒi  /: Dị ứng
20. Arthritis / ɑːrˈθraɪtɪs  /: đau khớp xương
21. Asthma /  ˈæzmə  /: Suyễn
22. Bilharzia / bɪlˈhɑːrtsiə  /: bệnh giun chỉ
23. Constipation / ˌkɑːnstɪˈpeɪʃn /: táo bón
24. Diarrhea / ˌdaɪəˈriːə /: Ỉa chảy
25. Flu / fluː  /: Cúm
26. Hepatitis / ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs /: viêm gan
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27. Malaria / məˈleriə  /: Sốt rét
28. Scabies / ˈskeɪbiːz  /: Bệnh ghẻ
29. Smallpox / ˈsmɔːlpɑːks /: bệnh đậu mùa
30. Heart attack / hɑːrt əˈtæk  /: nhồi máu cơ tim
31. Tuberculosis / tuːˌbɜːrkjəˈloʊsɪs  /: bệnh lao
32. Typhoid / ˈtaɪfɔɪd  /: bệnh thương hàn
33. Sore eyes /'so:r ais/ : đau mắt
34. Cough /kɔf/ : ho
35. Fever virus /'fi:və ‘vaiərəs/: sốt siêu vi
36. Runny nose /rʌniɳ n s / : sổ mũi
37. Deaf /def/ : điếc
38. Sneeze /sni:z/ : hắt hơi
39. Bad breath / bæd breθ/ : Hôi miệng
40. Diabetes /,daiə'bi:tiz/ :tiểu đường
41. Bad arm /bæd ɑ:m/ : hôi nách
42. Acne /’ækni/ : mụn trứng cá
43. Zoster: /’zɔstə/ :dời leo, zona
44. Pigmentation/,pigmən'teiʃn/: nám
45. Stomachache /'stəuməkeik/: đau bao tử
46. Hepatitis / ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs / :viêm gan
47. Colic / ˈkɑːlɪk  / Đau bụng gió (thường gặp ở trẻ em)
48. Muscle cramp / ˈmʌsl  kræmp  / Chuột rút cơ
49. Travel sick / ˈtrævl sɪk / Say xe, trúng gió
50. Freckles /’frekl/ : tàn nhang
51. Dumb /dʌm/ : câm
52. Earache /'iəreik/ - Đau tai
53. Nausea /'nɔ:sjə/ - Chứng buồn nôn
54. Sniffles /sniflz/ Sổ mũi

II. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về thương tích – Injuries

1. have a fall/an injury: bị ngã/bị thương
2. receive/suffer a serious injury/a gunshot wound: bị/chịu đựng một vết thương
nghiêm trọng/vết thương do đạn bắn
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3. hurt/injure your ankle/back/leg: làm đau/làm bị thương mắt cá chân/lưng/chân
4. damage the brain/an ankle ligament/your liver/the optic nerve/the skin: gây
thương tổn đến não/dây chằng mắt cá chân/gan/thần kinh thị giác/da
5. pull/strain/tear a hamstring/ligament/muscle/tendon: kéo/căng/rách cơ gân
kheo/dây chằng/cơ bắp/gân
6. sprain/twist your ankle/wrist: bong gân/sái mắt cá chân/cổ tay
7. break a bone/your collarbone/your leg/three ribs: gãy xương/xương đòn/chân/ba
xương sườn
8. fracture/crack your skull: gãy/nứt xương sọ
9. break/chip/knock out/lose a tooth: gãy/mẻ/làm gẫy/mất một chiếc răng
10. burst/perforate your eardrum: vỡ/thủng màng nhĩ
11. dislocate your finger/hip/jaw/shoulder: trật ngón tay/hông/hàm/vai
12. bruise/cut/graze your arm/knee/shoulder: làm thâm tím/cắt/làm trầy tay/đầu
13. burn/scald yourself/your tongue: làm bỏng bản thân/lưỡi
14. bang/bump/hit/ bash your elbow/head/knee (on/against something): nện/va
mạnh/va cùi chỏ/đầu/đầu gối (vào gì đó)
15. treat somebody for burns/a head injury/a stab wound: điều trị bỏng/chấn thương
đầu/vết đâm cho ai
16. examine/clean/bandage/treat a bullet wound: xem xét/rửa/băng bó/chữa trị một
vết thương do đạn bắn
17. repair a damaged/torn ligament/tendon/cartilage: chữa trị dây chằng/gân/sụn bị
18. amputate/cut off an arm/a finger/a foot/a leg/a limb: cưa/cắt đứt một cánh
tay/ngón tay/bàn chân/chân/tay chân
19. put on/take off a plaster/a bandage: dán/gỡ băng dính
20. require stitches: cần được khâu
21. put on/rub on/apply cream/ointment/lotion: thoa kem/thuốc mỡ/kem dưỡng da
22. have/undergo (British English) physiotherapy/(North American English)
physical therapy: được/trải qua vật lý trị liệu
1. What is an illness?
2. What dangerous or deadly diseases/illnesses are there in your country?
3. What childhood diseases did you get?

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4. What do you think the scariest disease is?
5. What infectious diseases are there in your country?
6. What is the best way to stop diseases from spreading?
7. What diseases do you worry about getting in your old age?
8. What is the most dangerous thing in your home for a child?
9. What can be done to prevent bathroom accidents?
10. Where at home would you put your first aid kit?
11. What do you need to do if...
 you cut your finger preparing food?
 you fall down and can not move a limb?
 your child drinks a poisonous liquid? (discuss syrup of ipecac)
 the toilet is flooding the bathroom?
 a pan on the stove is on fire?
 a neighbor's dog is growling at you?
 our child falls off a chair and is bleeding?

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1. Who is the coach of Viet Nam national football team now?
2. Could you list some football players in Viet Nam team?
3. How many times did Viet Nam won the AFF cup? When?
4. Who do you like the most in Viet Nam team? Why?
5. What is VFF?
6. Do you want to play for the Vietnamese national team? Why/Why not?
7. Will you go to watch a football match of Viet nam team in the future?
8. Tell me some coaches of Vietnamese team that you know?
9. Do you like V-League?
10. Which football club in V-League do you support?
11.What do you know about Futsal?
12. When do you think Viet Nam team will take part in the World Cup?
13. What will you do if Viet Nam win the World Cup?
14. Who is your ideal player that you want to follow?

Bài mẫu 1: Viet Nam team

In 2018, the U23 Vietnam Football Team left an unforgettable mark in the hearts of
Vietnamese football lovers. It was also the generation of players that I most
impressed with the U23 team.
In the winter of 2018, U23 Vietnam participated in the Asian U23 tournament. The
team with familiar names such as Cong Phuong, Van Toan, Xuan Truong,… was
trained by coach Park Hang Seo. The team gradually, step by step, went to the final
round before the surprise of the other teams. It has been a long time that Vietnamese
people have had the opportunity to scream, to cheer, to hope and undergo strong
emotions. In the last match, at Changzhou full of white snow, the team lost in the last
minute of injury time, making the fans regret. However, everyone was still very
happy and proud of U23 Vietnam. When the players returned Vietnam, thousands of

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people picked up all the streets. The team has received the State’s commendation
medal. Hope that in the future, the U23 team will continue to have skillful players
who always try hard like this generation.
Bài mẫu 2: Barcelona team
Thinking of Spanish football, we cannot mention the Barcelona Football Club.
Barcelona, colloquially known as Barça, is a Spanish professional football club
based in Barcelona, Founded in 1899, the club has become a symbol of Catalan
culture with the slogan “Més que un club” (“More than a club”). This slogan also
appears on seats at Camp Nou, the home stadium of FC Barcelona.
Domestically, Barcelona has won a record 74 trophies, including 26 La Liga – the
most popular tournament in Spanish. In international club football, the club also has
won 20 European and many worldwide titles. The club has a long-standing rivalry
with Real Madrid, and matches between the two teams are referred to as El Clásico.
Barcelona players have won a record number of Ballon d’Or awards. The football
team has gathered many starts like: Ronaldinho, Xavi, Messi, Neymar,… Barcelona
is also one of the most widely supported teams in the world, and the club has one of
the largest social media following in the world among sports teams.
With technical and skillful gameplay, Barca will still get more trophies in the future.

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 Vocabulary:
1. Addition /əˈdɪʃ.ən/: Toá n cộ ng => Add : Cộ ng
2. Subtraction /səbˈtræk.ʃən/: Toá n trừ => Subtract: Trừ
3. Multiplication /ˌmʌl.tɪ.plɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/: Toá n nhâ n => Multiply: Nhâ n
4. Division /dɪˈvɪʒ.ən/: Toá n chia => Divide: Chia
5. Equal /ˈiː.kwəl/: Bằ ng
1. Circle /ˈsɜː.kəl/: Hình trò n
2. Square /skweər: Hình vuô ng
3. Triangle /ˈtraɪ.æŋ.ɡəl/: Hình tam giá c
4. Rectangle /ˈrek.tæŋ.ɡəl/: Hình chữ nhậ t
5. Parallelogram /ˌpæ.rəˈle.lə.ɡræm/ Hình bình hà nh
6. Rhombus /ˈrɒm.bəs/: Hình thoi
1. Cube /kjuːb/: Khố i vuố ng
2. Cone /kəʊn/: Khố i hình nó n
3. Cylinder /ˈsɪl.ɪn.dər/: Khố i hình trụ
4. Pyramid /ˈsɪl.ɪn.dər/: Khố i hình thá p
5. Sphere /sfɪər/: Khố i trò n/ Khố i cầ u
1. Circumference /səˈkʌm.fər.əns/: Chu vi
2. Radius /ˈreɪ.di.əs/ :Bá n kính
3. Diameter /daɪˈæm.ɪ.tər/: Đườ ng kính
1. Straight /streɪt/: Thẳ ng
2. Curved /kɜːvd/: Cong
3. Perpendicular /ˌpɜː.pənˈdɪk.jə.lər/ :Thẳ ng gó c
4. Parallel /ˈpær.ə.lel/: Song song

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1. Side /saɪd/ : Cạ nh
2. Diagonal /daɪˈæɡ.ən.əl/: Đườ ng chéo
3. Angle /ˈæŋ.ɡəl/: Gó c
1. Algebra /ˈæl.dʒə.brə/ : Đạ i số
2. Geometry: /dʒiˈɑː.mə.tri/: Hình họ c
3. Trigonometry /ˌtrɪɡ.əˈnɑː.mə.tri/: Lượ ng giá c
4. Calculus /ˈkæl.kjə.ləs/: Vi phâ n, tích phâ n
1. Total /ˈtəʊ.təl/: The answer to a addition problem: Tổ ng
2. Difference /ˈdɪf.ər.əns/: The answer to a subtraction problem: Hiệu
3. Product /ˈprɒd.ʌkt/: The answer to a multiplication problem: Tích
4. Quotient /ˈkwəʊ.ʃənt/: The answer to a division problem: Thương
5. Pi (π) /paɪ/: The number when you divide the circumference of a circle by its
diameter (Approximately = 3,14): Con số đạ t đượ c khi lấ y Chu Vi chia cho
Đườ ng kính củ a mộ t hình trò n.
8 + 4 =12
• Eight and four are twelve
• Eight and four makes twelve.
• Eight plus four equals twelve. (Theo ngô n ngữ toá n họ c)
30 – 7 = 23
• Seven from thirty is twenty-three.
• Thirty minus seven equals twenty-three. (ngô n ngữ toá n họ c)
5 x 6 = 30
• Five sixes are thirty.
• Five times six is thirty

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• Five times six equals thirty
• Five multiplied by six equals thirty. (Ngô n ngữ toá n họ c)
20 ÷ 4 = 5
 Four into twenty goes five (times).
 Twenty divided by four is/equals five. (Ngô n ngữ toá n họ c)
+ When reading fractions in English, we always read the numerator (tử số ) by
the number. (Khi đọ c phâ n số trong tiếng Anh, chú ng ta luô n đọ c tử số bằ ng số
Example: 1/3 = one third
3/5 = three fifths
½ = one half
+ When reading the denominator (mẫ u số ), you need to be a little more careful.
For fractions with numerator less than 10 and denominator less than 100, you
must use the ordinal number to read the denominator. For fractions with
numerator greater than 1, "s" must be added to the denominator. ( Khi đọ c mẫ u
số thì bạ n cầ n lưu ý hơn mộ t chú t. Vớ i cá c phâ n số có tử số nhỏ hơn 10, mẫ u số
nhỏ hơn 100, ban phả i sử dụ ng số thứ tự để đọ c mẫ u số . Cò n phâ n số có tử số
lớ n hơn mộ t thì phả i thêm “s” và o mẫ u số )
Example: 1/6 = one sixth
4/9 = four nineths
9/20 = nine twentieths
+ And when the numerator is 10 or more or the denominator is 100 or more,
the number must be used to read each digit below the denominator, between
the numerator and denominator there should be "over". (Cò n khi tử số từ 10
trở lên hoặ c mẫ u số từ 100 trở lên thì phả i dù ng số đếm để đọ c từ ng chữ số
mộ t ở dướ i mẫ u, giữ a tử số và mẫ u số cầ n có “over”)
Example: 12/5 = twelve over five
18/19 = eighteen over one nine
3/123 = three over one two three
+ When reading math operations in English, there are a few special cases that do not
follow the above rules, which are very common fractions and are often used in very
common abbreviations. (Khi đọ c cá c phép toá n trong tiếng Anh có mộ t và i trườ ng
hợ p đặ c biệt, khô ng tuâ n theo quy tắ c trên, đó là nhữ ng phâ n số rấ t thườ ng gặ p và
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hay đượ c sử dụ ng cá ch nó i tắ t rấ t thô ng dụ ng )
Example: ½ = one half = a half
¼ = one fourth = one quarter = a quarter
¾ = three quarters
1/100 = one hundredth
1/1000 = one over a thousand = one thousandth
We will use numbers and the phrase “to the power of”.
Example: 2^5 = two to the power of five
5^6 = five to the power of six
However, with exponents 2 and 3, we also have another reading, like squared and
cubed in Vietnamese, which is "squared" and "cubed" (Tuy nhiên vớ i số mũ 2 và mũ
3 thì chú ng ta cũ ng có cá ch đọ c khá c, giố ng như bình phương và lậ p phương trong
tiếng Việt đấy, đó là “squared” và “cubed”):
Example: 10^2 = ten squared; 10^3 = ten cubed

=Hope you enjoyed your lesson=

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 Vocabulary:
1. Solar energy (n): energy that uses the power of the sun to produce electricity:
Năng lượng mặt trời
2. Wind (n): a current of air moving approximately horizontally, especially one
strong enough to be felt: Gió
3. Natural Gas (n): gas, found underground, that is used as a fuel: Chất đốt
4. Coal (n): a hard, black substance that is dug from the earth in pieces, and
can be burned to produce heat or power: Than đá
5. Hydroelectric Power (n): producing electricity by the force of fast moving
water such as rivers or waterfall: Thủy điện
6. Oil/Petroleum (n): a dark, thick oil obtained from under the ground, from which
various substances including petrol, paraffin, and diesel oil are produced: Dầu mỏ
7. Geothermal Energy (n): of or connected with the heat inside the earth: Năng
lượng lấy từ hơi nóng của Trái Đất
8. Nuclear energy (n): being or using the power produced when the nucleus of an
atom is divided or joined to another nucleus: Năng lượng nguyên tử.
9. Hazardous waste (n): Dangerous waste : Chất thải độc hại
10. Air pollution / Smog (n): harmful substances in the air, often consisting of
waste from vehicles or industry / a mixture of smoke, gases, and chemicals,
especially in cities, that makes the atmosphere difficult to breathe and harmful
for health: Ô nhiễm không khí/ Khói bụi.
11. Acid rain (n): rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals as a result of
burning substances such as coal and oil: Mưa a-xít.
12. Water Pollution (n): Ô nhiễm nguồn nước
13. Radiation (n): a form of energy that comes from a nuclear reaction and that can be
very dangerous to health: Phóng xạ
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14. Pesticide Poisoning (n): Ngộ độc thuốc trừ sâu
15. Oil spill (n): an accident in which oil has come out of a ship and caused
pollution: Tràn dầu
16. Recycle (v): to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce
useful materials that can be used again : Tái sử dụng
17. Save water (v): Tiết kiệm nước
18. Save energy (v): Tiết kiệm năng lượng.
19. Do you recycle? What products do you recycle?

20. What are some ways you can save energy when It’s cold?

21. Does your market have recycling bins?

22. What do you think about the environment of Viet Nam in the future?

23. Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or protecting

the environment?

24. Are you worried about global warming?

25. What do you think of people who smoke cigarettes indoors?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Valet parking (n): the service offered by a restaurant, hotel, etc. of putting
your car in a parking space: Đậu xe có người phục vụ
2. Doorman (n): a person whose job is to stand by the door of a hotel or public
building and allow people to go in or out, and to open their car doors, etc:
Người gác cổng.
3. Lobby (n): the (large) room into which the main entrance door opens in a
hotel or other large building: Sảnh chính.
4. Bell captain (n): The bell captain manages the bell staff by setting work
schedules, assigning duties and supervising their day-to-day work: Nhân viên
phụ trách những người trực tầng.
5. Bellhop (n): a person in a hotel employed to carry bags for customers and
perform other services: Người phục vụ, vận chuyển hành lý giúp khách
6. Luggage Cart (n): Xe đẩ y hà nh lý
7. Receptionist (n): a person who works in a place such as a hotel, office, or
hospital, who welcomes and helps visitors and answers the phone: Người
trực quầy lễ tân.
8. Book (v): to arrange to have a seat, room, performer, etc. at a particular time
in the future: Đặt chỗ
9. Standard room – Superior room (n): Phò ng tiêu chuẩ n – Phò ng cao cấ p
10. Single room – Double room (n): Phò ng đơn – Phò ng đô i
11. Check in >< Check out (v): Nhậ n phò ng >< Trả phò ng
12. Invoice (n) a list of things provided or work done together with their cost, for
payment at a later time: Hóa đơn.
13. Elevator (n): a device like a box that moves up and down, carrying people or
goods from one floor of a building to another or taking people up and down
underground in a mine: Thang máy
14. Stairway (n): a passage in a public place with a set of steps that leads from
one level to another: Thang bộ
15. Pay the bill (v): Thanh toá n

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1. Hello, welcome to [name of your hotel]! (Xin chà o, chà o mừ ng đến vớ i khá ch
sạ n…)
2. How can I help you today? (Tô i có thể giú p đượ c gì cho quý khá ch?)

3. Do you have a reservation? (Bạ n có đặ t phò ng trướ c chưa?)

4. What name is the reservation under? (Quý khá ch đặ t phò ng bằ ng tên gì ạ ?)
5. Which type of room do you want to stay in? (Bạ n muố n loạ i phò ng nà o?)
6. Do you want a single room or a double room? (Bạ n muố n phò ng đơn hay
phò ng đô i?)
7. How long will you be staying? (Bạ n sẽ ở đâ y bao lâ u?)
8. Do you need an extra bed? (Bạ n có cầ n giườ ng thêm khô ng?)
9. Your room number is 204. (Phò ng củ a bạ n là 204)
10. Could I have your ID and credit card, please? (Cho tô i xinh chứ ng minh nhâ n
dâ n)
11. Your total is… . How will you be paying for this, please? (Tổ ng số tiền là … Bạ n
sẽ trả tiền bằ ng cá ch nà o? (Tiền mặ t hay chuyển khoả n))
12. Sorry, we’re full. = Sorry, I don’t have any rooms available. (Xin lỗ i, chú ng tô i
đã hết phò ng)
13. Did you enjoy your stay with us? (Bạ n có hà i lò ng vớ i quã ng thờ i gian ở khá ch
sạ n chú ng tô i khô ng?)

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1. Are there many hotels in your city?
2. Which hotel job is the most difficult?
3. How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in your city?
4. Do you want to run a hotel business?
5. What do you need to prepare before opening a hotel business?
6. What do people usually do in hotels?
7. Imagine that you see your girlfriend/boyfriend go into a hotel with a stranger,
what would you do?
8. Can you differentiate “Hotel”, “Motel”, and “Hostel”?

ACTIVITY: Do the role play. Work in pairs. One will be the receptionist, the
other one will be the guest. Practice and then perform in front of the class.
The teacher will evaluate and give presents to the winners.

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 Vocabulary:
Từ vựng tiếng Anh về các cơ quan hành pháp, tòa án (English vocabulary
about law enforcement agencies, courts)
1. Attorney (əˈtɜːni): Luậ t sư = Laywer.
2. Barrister (ˈbærɪstə(r)): a type of lawyer in the UK , Australia, and some other
countries who can give specialized legal advice and can argue a case in both
higher and lower courts: Luậ t sư tranh tụ ng
3. Court (kɔːt): a place where trials and other legal cases happen, or the people
present in such a place, especially the officials and those deciding if someone
is guilty: Tò a á n
4. Criminal court (ˈkrɪmɪnl kɔːt): a law court that deals with criminal cases: Tò a
hình sự
5. Civil court (ˈsɪvl kɔːt): a court of law that deals with disagreements between
individual people or private companies, rather than with criminal activity:
Tò a dâ n sự
6. Court-martial ( kɔːt ˈmɑːʃl): (a trial in) a military court for members of the
armed forces: Tò a á n quâ n sự
7. Counsel for the prosecution/ prosecuting counsel (ˈkaʊnsl fə(r) ðə ˌprɒsɪ
ˈkjuːʃn): Luậ t sư bên nguyên
8. Counsel for the defence/ defence counsel (ˈkaʊnsl fə(r) ðə dɪˈfens): Luậ t sư
bà o chữ a
9. Counsel (ˈkaʊnsl): one or more of the lawyers taking part in a case or legally
representing a person or organization: Cố vấ n.
10. Executive power (ɪɡˈzekjətɪv ˈpaʊə(r)): Quyền hà nh phá p
11. High court of justice (haɪ kɔːt əv ˈdʒʌstɪs): Tò a á n tố i cao
12. Judicial power (dʒuˈdɪʃl ˈpaʊə(r)): Quyền tư phá p
13. Judicial (dʒuˈdɪʃl): involving a law court: Thuộ c tò a á n (tò a á n)
14. Judge (dʒʌdʒ): a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a
person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on
legal matters: Chá nh á n, quan tò a
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15. Lawyer (ˈlɔɪə(r)): someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law
and speak for them in court: Luậ t sư
16. Legislative power (ˈledʒɪslətɪv ˈpaʊə(r)): Quyền lậ p phá p
17. Magistrates’ court (ˈmædʒɪstreɪt kɔːt): Tò a sơ thẩ m
18. Magistrate (ˈmædʒɪstreɪt): a person who acts as a judge in a law court that
deals with crimes that are less serious: Thẩ m phá n, quan tò a
Từ vựng tiếng Anh về các luật (English vocabulary about laws)
1. Act (ækt): a law or formal decision made by a parliament or other group of
people who make the laws for their country: Đạ o luậ t
2. Law (lɔː): a rule, usually made by a government, that is used to order the way in
which a society behaves: Luậ t, luậ t lệ
3. By-law (ˈbaɪ lɔː): a law made by local government that only relates to its
particular region: Luậ t địa phương
4. Bill (bɪl): a formal statement of a planned new law that is discussed before
being voted on: Dự luậ t
5. Constitution (ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn): the set of political principles by which a state or
organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the people it
governs: Hiến phá p
6. Decree (dɪˈkriː): an official statement that something must happen: Nghị định,
sắ c lệnh
7. Civil law (ˈsɪvl lɔː): the part of the legal system that relates to personal matters,
such as marriage and property, rather than crime: Luậ t dâ n sự / luậ t hộ
8. Criminal law (ˈkrɪmɪnl lɔː): the part of the legal system that relates to punishing
people who break the law : Luậ t hình sự
9. Admiralty Law/maritime law (ˈædmərəlti lɔː): Luậ t về hà ng hả i
10. Consumer law (kənˈsjuːmə(r) lɔː): Luậ t tiêu dù ng
11. Commercial law (kəˈmɜːʃl lɔː): Luậ t thương mạ i
12. Family law (ˈfæməli lɔː): Luậ t gia đình
13. Environment law (ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt lɔː): Luậ t mô i trườ ng
14. Land law (lænd lɔː): Luậ t ruộ ng đấ t
15. Health care law (ˈhelθ keə(r) lɔː): Luậ t y tế/ luậ t chă m só c sứ c khỏ e
16. Immigration law (ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃn lɔː): Luậ t di trú , nhậ p cư
17. Intellectual property law (ˌɪntəˌlektʃuəl ˈprɒpəti lɔː): Luậ t sở hữ u trí tuệ
18. Marriage and family law (ˈmærɪdʒ ənd ˈfæməli lɔː): Luậ t hô n nhâ n và gia đình

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19. Patent law (ˈpætnt lɔː): Luậ t bằ ng sá ng chế
20. Real estate law (ˈriːəl ɪsteɪt lɔː): Luậ t bấ t độ ng sả n
1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘law’?

2. Why do we have laws?

3. What laws in your country do you hate?

4. Are there any laws in your country that you think should be made tighter?

5. Have you ever broken any laws?

6. Do you think all laws are good?

7. Do you think there are laws for the rich and different laws for the poor?

8. What would your country be like if there were no laws?

9. What laws do you tend to ignore?

10. What are gun laws like in your country?

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LESSON 5: /ɑː/ & /ʌ/

Car /kɑː/ Son /sʌn/

Bar / bɑː/ Sun /sʌn/

Far /fɑː/ Come/kʌm/

Heart /hɑːt/ Touch/tʌtʃ/

Father/ˈfɑː.ðə/ Mother/'mʌðər/

Hard /hɑːd/ Cousin/'kʌzn/

Smart /smɑːt/ Cover/'kʌvər/

Water/'wɑːdər/ Country/'kʌntri/

March /mɑːtʃ/ Hug/hʌg/

Large /lɑːdʒ/ Money/'mʌni/

Star /stɑːr/ Much/mʌt∫/

Guard /gɑːd/ Enough/i'nʌf/

Draught /drɑːft/ Nothing /'nʌθiŋ/

Farm /fɑːrm/ Wonderful /ˈwʌndəfəl/

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Practice with sentences:

 It’s a farm cart.
/ɪts ə fɑːrm kɑːrt/
 I park the car
/aɪ pɑːrk ðə kɑːr/
 Are the stars from Mars?
/ɑːr ðə stɑːrz frəm mɑːrz/
 The hard part is to start the car
/ðə hɑːrd pɑːrt ɪz tə stɑːrt ðə cɑːr/
 The dust is under the rug.
/ðə dʌst ɪz 'ʌndər ðə rʌg/
 He’s much too young.
/hiz mʌtʃ tuː jʌŋ/
 You’re in love with my cousin.
/jɔːr ɪn lʌv wɪð maɪ ˈkʌzn/
 I’d love to come on Sunday if it’s sunny.
/aɪd lʌv tə kʌm ɒnˈsʌndeɪ ɪf ɪts 'sʌni/

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LESSON 6: /ɒ/ - /ɔ:/

Dog /dɒg/ Door /dɔ:r/

Box /bɒks/ Chore /t∫ɔ:r/

Job /dʒɒb/ More /mɔ:r/

Cost /kɒst/ Ball /bɔ:l/

Hobby /'hɒbi/ Saw /sɔ:/

Coffee /'kɒfi/ Talk /tɔ:k/

Sorry /'sɒri/ Short/∫ɔ:t/

Doctor /ˈdɒktə(r)/ Water/'wɔ:tər/

Impossible /ɪmˈpɒsəbl/ Daughter/'dɔ:tər/

Shop /ʃɒp/ Corner/'kɔ:nər/

Long /lɒŋ/ Autumn/'ɔ:təm/

Comma /ˈkɒmə/ Wrong/rɔ:ŋ/

Stop /stɒp/ Fork /fɔ:k/

Robbery /ˈrɒbəri/ Pour /pɔ:/

Bother /ˈbɒðər/ Pause /pɔ:z/

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Practice with sentences:
/ɒ /
 John’s gone to the shops. 
/dʒɒnz gɒn tə ðə ʃɒps/ 

 Have you got a lot of shopping? 

/hæv ju gɒt ə lɒt əvˈʃɒpɪŋ/

 I took my dog for a long walk in the park. 

/aɪ tʊk maɪ dɒg fə(r) ə lɒŋ wɔːk ɪn ðə pɑːk/

 She said the coffee wasn’t very good, but I thought it was. 
/ʃi sed ðə 'kɒfi ˈwɒznt 'veri gʊd bət aɪ θɔːt ɪt wɒz/

 Mary took the wrong bus and got lost yesterday. 

/'meri tʊk ðə rɒŋ bʌs ən gɒt lɒst ˈjestədeɪ/

 It's all wrong.
/ɪts ɔːl rɔːŋ/

 Is Paul's hair long or short?

/ɪz pɔːlz heər lɔːŋ ɔːr ʃɔːrt/

 How much does coffee cost?

/haʊ mʌtʃ dəz ˈkɔːfi kɔːst/

 What is the reward for the lost dog?

/wɑːt ɪz ðə rɪˈwɔːrd fər ðə lɔːst dɔːɡ/

 George talked to Corey at the airport.

/dʒɔːdʒ tɔːkt tə 'kɔːri ət ði ˈerpɔːrt/

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LESSON 7: /æ/ & /e/

Rank /ræŋk/ Men/men/

Bank /bæŋk/ Ten/ten/

Candle /ˈkændl ̩/ Tent/tent/

Narrow /ˈnærəʊ/ Pen/pen/

Latter /ˈlæter/ Ben/ben/

Captain /ˈkæptɪn/ Bell/bel/

Pack /pæk/ Hell/hel/

Fat /fæt/ Dead/ded/

Snack /snæk/ Shell/∫el/

Sad /sæd/ Many/'meni/

Happy /ˈhæp.i/ Ready/'redi/

Man /mæn/ Jealous/'dʒeləs/

Pant /pænt/ Member/'membər/

Pan /pæn/ Met/met/

Bang /bæŋ/ Head/hed/

Hand /'hændl/ Bed/bed/

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Practice with sentences:

 Pack the bags!
/pæk ðə bæɡz/

Pat's cat is fat.

/pæts kæt ɪz fæt/

 Have a snack,
/hæv ə snæk, dʒæk/

 Sad is the opposite of happy.

/sæd ɪz ðɪ ˈɒpəzɪt əv ˈhæpi/

 There is a man with black pants.

/ðer ɪz ə mæn wɪð blæk pænts/
 Send his friend a letter!
/send hɪz frend ə 'letər/

 Let's rent a tent.

/lets rent ə tent/

 Ben never gets upset.

/ben nevər gets ʌp'set/

 Fred said it again and again.

/fred sed ɪt ə'gen ən ə'gen/

 Peg slept from six until ten and then left.

/peg slept frəm sɪks ʌn'tɪl ten ən ðen left/

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LESSON 8: / ɔi / & /ai/

Toy /tɔi/ Die /dai/
Choice /'t∫ɔis/ Dive /daiv/
Oil /ɔil/ Why /wai/
Royal /'rɔiəl/ Whine /wain/
Coin /kɔin/ Wine /wain/
Noisy /'nɔizi/ Wife /waif/
Boy /bɔi/ While /wail/
Voice /vɔis/ High /hai/
Destroy /di'strɔi/ Night /'nait/
Enjoy /in'dʒɔi/ Surprise /sə'praiz/
Appointment /ə'pɔintmənt/ Tour guide /tʊər
Employee /im'plɔi'i:/ Lie /lai/
Joy /dʒɔi/ Bike /baik/
Point /pɔint/ Child /t∫aild/

Poison /'pɒizn/ Drive /draiv/

Boil /bɔil/ Mind /maind/

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Practice with sentences:

 Boy's toys are noisy.
/bɔɪz tɔɪz ər 'nɔɪzi/

 Troy’s ploy was foiled.

/tʃɔɪz plɔɪ wəz fɔɪld/

 Those are coins, not toys.

/ðəʊz ər kɔɪz nɒt tɔɪz/

 The boy pointed to the poison.

/ðə bɔɪ pɔɪntd tə ðə 'pɔɪzn/

 The spoiled boys destroy Floyd’s joy

/ðə spɔɪld bɔɪz dɪˈstrɔɪ flɔɪdz dʒɔɪ/

 Drive on the right .
/draɪv ɒn ðə raɪt/

 Why don’t you try?

/waɪ dəʊnt juː traɪ/

 Do you like dry wine?

/du ju laɪk draɪ waɪn/

 I’m twice your size, Lisa

/aɪm twaɪs jʊr saɪz ‘lɪzə/

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 Vocabulary:
1. Crime (n): illegal activities: Tội ác
Ex: Unemployment is associated with a rising crime rate ( Thấ t nghiệp có liên
quan đến tỷ lệ tộ i phạ m gia tă ng )
2. Assassination (n): the murder of someone famous or important: Ám sát
Ex: President Kennedy's assassination had far-reaching repercussions. ( Vụ
á m sá t Tổ ng thố ng Kennedy có hậ u quả sâ u rộ ng )
3. Assault (n): a violent attack: Hành hung
Ex: He was charged with sexual assault ( Anh ta bị buộ c tộ i tấ n cô ng tình dụ c )
4. Abduction (n): the act of making a person go somewhere with you, especially
using threats or violence: Bắt cóc
Ex: There has been a series of abductions of young children from schools in
the area. (Đã xả y ra hà ng loạ t vụ bắ t có c trẻ nhỏ từ cá c trườ ng họ c trên địa
bà n.)
5. Burglary (n): the crime of illegally entering a building and stealing things: Ăn
trộm kiểu đột nhập vào nhà người ta.
Ex: Many people in the neighbourhood have been victims of burglary at least
once (Nhiều ngườ i trong khu phố đã từ ng là nạ n nhâ n củ a trộ m ít nhấ t mộ t
lầ n)
6. Blackmail (n): the act of getting money from people or forcing them to do
something by threatening to tell a secret of theirs or to harm them: Tống tiền
Ex: He used suicide threats to blackmail his parents (Nó đò i tự tử để tố ng tiền
bố mẹ mình)
7. Bribery (n): an attempt to make someone do something for you by giving the
person money, presents, or something else that they want : Hối lộ
8. Rape (n): to force someone to have sex when they are unwilling, using
violence or threatening behaviour: Hiếp dâm
Ex: She was pulled from the car and raped (Cô ấ y bị kéo khỏ i xe và bị cưỡ ng
9. Child Abuse (n): behaviour in which adults intentionally treat children in a
cruel or violent way : Ngược đãi, lạm dụng trẻ em
Ex: Children of any age can be victims of child abuse (Trẻ em ở bấ t kì độ tuổ i

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nà o cũ ng có thể là nạ n nhâ n củ a lạ m dụ ng trẻ em.)
10. Corruption (n): illegal, bad, or dishonest behaviour, especially by people in
positions of power: Tham nhũng
Ex: The film is about a young police officer and his struggle to expose
corruption in the force (Phim kể về mộ t cả nh sá t trẻ và cuộ c đấ u tranh vạ ch
trầ n nạ n tham nhũ ng trong lự c lượ ng)
11. Vandalism (n): the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to
other people: Phá hoại của công
Ex: Beset by violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas
in the city (Bị bao vâ y bở i bạ o lự c và phá hoạ i, đâ y là mộ t trong nhữ ng khu
vự c khó chịu nhấ t trong thà nh phố )
12. Human Trafficking (n): the crime of buying and selling people, or making
money from work they are forced to do, such as sex work: Buôn người
Ex: Human trafficking on the continent of Africa is very complex (Việc buô n
ngườ i bấ t hợ p phá p trên lụ c địa châ u Phi rấ t phứ c tạ p)
13. Smuggling (n): the act or process of taking things or people to or from a place
secretly and often illegally: Buôn lậu
Ex: The police found smuggling routes. (Cả nh sá t đã tìm thấ y cá c tuyến đườ ng
buô n lậ u)
14. Murder (n): the crime of intentionally killing a person: Giết người có chủ
Ex: He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a possibility that it
was murder (Anh ta chết trong hoà n cả nh bí ẩ n, và vẫ n có khả nă ng đó là mộ t
vụ giết ngườ i)
15. Money laundering (n): the crime of moving money that has been obtained
illegally through banks and other businesses to make it seem as if the money
has been obtained legally: Rửa tiền
Ex: According to anti-crime experts, there are many gaps in Vietnam's anti-
money laundering legal system. (Theo cá c chuyên gia phò ng chố ng tộ i phạ m,
hệ thố ng phá p lý chố ng rử a tiền củ a Việt Nam cò n nhiều kẽ hở )
1. Are there problems with drugs where you live?
2. Do you think abortion is a crime?
3. Do you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country?
Why or why not?

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4. Do you think prostitution is a crime?
5. Do you think there will be more or less crime in the future?
6. Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?
7. Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what did you do?
8. Have you ever witnessed a crime?
9. Is drunk driving a crime where you live? If so, what is the punishment?
10. What crimes do you think will increase and decrease in the future?
11. What kinds of crime are most common in your country? What are the
penalties for these crimes?
12. What would you do if you heard a burglar in your house?
13. Why do people commit crimes?
14. Do you think graffiti is vandalism or art?
15. What is the difference between crime and sin?

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I started university two years ago, when I was nineteen, and I’m doing a degree
in Spanish and French. The course lasts three years, and there are three terms
a year. I work in a library a lot because – like many undergraduates – I have to
write lots of essays. I also have to take exams, and last term I failed one and had
to take it again. I got the results two weeks ago. Fortunately, I passed this time.
When I’ve got my degree – a BA – I want to do research for a PhD.
1. Do a degree (v): study at university for 3 years or 4 years: Họ c lấ y bằ ng cử
nhâ n
2. Course (n): a number of classes on a subject. E.g: An English course: Khó a
họ c.
3. Last (v): To last is to continue for a period of time: Kéo dà i (trong 1 khoả ng
4. Term (n): A period of study, usually about ten weeks: Họ c kỳ
5. Library (n): A place you can read and borrow books: Thư viện
6. Undergraduate (n): A student doing a first degree: Sinh viên chưa tố t
7. Essay (n): A piece of writing on a subject: Bà i luậ n.
8. Fortunately (adv): happening because of good luck: May mắ n thay.
9. BA : Bachelor of Arts: Bằ ng cử nhâ n.
10. Do research: Study a subject for a long time to learn new information:
Là m nghiên cứ u.
11. PhD: Doctor of Philosophy: Tiến sĩ Triết họ c.

I. Circle the correct answer.
1. I want to do/make a degree in Maths.
2. A term/degree lasts about ten weeks.
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3. I study a lot in a bookshop/library.
4. A graduate/undergraduate has a degree.
5. Fortunately/Unfortunately, I failed the exam.
6. You can do a research before/after a degree.
II. Complete the dialogues:
1. Have you got a _________ ?~Yes, a BA.
2. Did she have to ________ an essay? ~ Yes, three, in fact.
3. Can you ________ research next year? ~ Yes, I want to.
4. Did he get his exam results? ~ Yes. _________, he passed.
5. How long does the course _____? ~ It’s only one term.
III. Questions:
1. Which university do/did you go to?

2. What is/was your major?

3. Do you love what you studied/ are studying?

4. What was your first impression when you saw your university?

5. What do you love about your university?

6. Which subject did you like to learn?

7. Was there any teachers that you would never forget? Why?

8. Do you have many friends in your university?

9. Did you have a girlfriend/boyfriend you studied in university?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Ocean (n): a very large area of sea: Đạ i dương
2. Fins (n): fins are finlike accessories worn on the feet, legs or hands and made
from rubber, plastic, carbon fiber or combinations of these materials, to aid
movement through the water in water sports activities such as swimming:
Châ n vịt đeo để bơi
3. Diving mask (n): A diving mask is an item of diving equipment that allows
underwater divers, including scuba divers, free-divers, and snorkelers, to see
clearly underwater: Mặ t nạ lặ n, kính lặ n
4. Sailboat (n): a small boat with sails: Thuyền buồ m
5. Surfboard (n): a long, narrow board made of wood or plastic, used for riding
on waves as they come in towards the beach: Vá n lướ t só ng.
6. Wave (n): a raised line of water that moves across the surface of an area of
water, especially the sea: Só ng nướ c.
7. Wetsuit (n): a piece of clothing, usually made from rubber, that covers the
whole body closely and is designed to keep you warm when you are
swimming, especially in the sea, for long periods: Quầ n á o lặ n.
8. Scuba tank (n): a gas cylinder used to store and transport high pressure gas
used in diving operations: Bình hơi oxy để lặ n.
9. Beach umbrella (n): Dù che nắ ng ở bã i biển
10. Sand castle (n): Lâ u đà i cá t
11. Cooler (n): a container like a box with a lid, used for keeping food and drinks
cool: Thù ng giữ lạ nh.
12. Sunscreen (n): a substance that you put on your skin to prevent it from being
damaged by the sun: Kem chố ng nắ ng.
13. Sunbath (n): the act of sitting or lying in the sun in order to make your skin
darker: Tắ m nắ ng.

14. Lifeguard (n): a person on a beach or at a swimming pool whose job is to

make certain that the swimmers are safe and save them if they are in danger:
Ngườ i cứ u hộ ở bãi biển.
15. Seashell (n): the empty shell of a small sea creature, often one found lying on

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the beach: Sò ố c
16. Bucket (n): a container with an open top and a handle, often used for carrying
liquids: Cá i xô .
17. Seaweed (n): a green, brown, or dark red plant that grows in the sea or on
land very close to the sea: Rong biển
18. Coral (n): a substance like rock, formed in the sea by groups of particular
types of small animal, often used in jewellery: San hô .
19. Tide (n): the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day: Thủ y triều.
1. Do you like to go to the beach? Why/Why not? (Bạ n có thích đi biển khô ng?
Tạ i sao/Tạ i sao khô ng?)
2. Who do you usually go to the beach with? (Bạ n thườ ng đi biển vớ i ai?)
3. Are there any beaches near your house? (Gầ n nhà bạ n có biển nà o khô ng?)
4. Do you prefer to spend more time on the sand or in the water? (Bạ n thích
dà nh thờ i gian chơi trên bã i cá t hay xuố ng nướ c?)
5. Where are some of VietNam’s best beaches? (Ở Việt Nam có nhữ ng bà i biển
tuyệt vờ i nà o nhỉ?)
6. What do we need to prepare before we go to the beach? (Trướ c khi đi biển thì
mình nên chuẩ n bị gì ta?)
7. What do you usually do at the beach? (Bạ n thườ ng là m gì ở bã i biển?)
8. When was the first time you went to a beach? (Lầ n đầ u bạ n đi biển là khi
nà o?)
9. What should people do to protect the beach? (Con ngườ i cầ n là m gì để bả o vệ
bã i biển?)
10. Could you tell one of the most memorable time that you had when you went
to the beach ? (Bạ n có thể kể về mộ t kỷ niệm đá ng nhớ bạ n đã có khi đi biển?)

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 Vocabulary:
1. Afford (v) /əˈfɔrd/: to be able to buy or do something because you have
enough money or time: Có đủ sức trả, có đủ tiền trả
2. Income (n) /ˈɪnkʌm/: money that is earned from doing work or received
from investments: Thu nhập
3. Pocket money (n) /ˈpɑkɪt ˌmʌni/: an amount of money that parents regularly
give to their child to spend as they choose: Tiền tiêu vặt
4. Bonus (n) /ˈboʊnəs/: an extra amount of money that is given to you as a
present or reward for good work as well as the money you were expecting:
Tiền thưởng
5. Inherit (v) /ɪnˈhɛrət/:to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they
have died: Hưởng, thừa hưởng, thừa kế
6. Commission (n) /kəˈmɪʃn/: a payment to someone who sells goods that is
directly related to the amount sold, or a system that uses such payments: Tiền
hoa hồng
7. Compensation (n) /ˌkɑmpənˈseɪʃn/: money that is paid to someone in
exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem:
Tiền bồi thường, tiền đền bù
8. Salary (n) /ˈsæləri/: a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an
employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month:
Tiền lương (tính theo tháng, năm)
9. Pension (n) /ˈpɛnʃn/: an amount of money paid regularly by the government
or a private company to a person who does not work any more because they
are too old or have become ill: Lương hưu
10. Profit (n) /ˈprɑfət/: money that is earned in trade or business after paying
the costs of producing and selling goods and services: Lợi nhuận, tiền lời
11. Cash (n) /kæʃ/: money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or
credit cards: Tiền mặt
12. Coin (n) /kɔin/: a small, round piece of metal, usually silver or copper
coloured, that is used as money: Tiền xu
13. Grant (n) /ɡrænt/: an amount of money given especially by the government
to a person or organization for a special purpose: Tiền trợ cấp

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14. Lend (v) /lɛnd/: to give something to someone for a short period of time,
expecting it to be given back: Cho vay
15. Borrow (v) /ˈbɑːr.oʊ/: to get or receive something from someone with the
intention of giving it back after a period of time: Mượn
16. Piggy bank (n) /’pigi bæɳk/: a small container, sometimes in the shape of a
pig, that is used by children for saving money: Con heo đất, lợn tiết kiệm.
17. Bankrupt (v) /ˈbæŋkrʌpt/: unable to pay what you owe, and having had
control of your financial matters given, by a law court, to a person who sells
your property to pay your debts: Phá sản, vỡ nợ
18. Wealthy (adj) /ˈwɛlθi/: Very rich: Giàu, giàu có
19. Poverty (n) /ˈpɑvərt̮i/: the condition of being extremely poor: Sự nghèo
nàn, sự nghèo đói
20. Earn (v) /ərn/: to receive money as payment for work that you do: Kiếm tiền
1. Do you enjoy spending or saving money?

2. What is the quickest way to make a lot of money?

3. Should we give money to homeless people?

4. What would you do if you found one million VND in the street?
5. When people say “money doesn’t grow on trees”, what do they mean?
6. Does having a lot of money make a person more attractive?
7. Have you ever been cheated by your love because of money?
8. In a restaurant, do you think the man should always pay for the woman?
9. Why don’t we just print money to end world poverty?

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1. Space (n): the empty area outside Earth's atmosphere, where the planets and the
stars are: Không gian
2. Solar System (n): the sun and the group of planets that move around it: Hệt mặt
3. Galaxy (n): a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust,
held together by gravitational attraction: Thiên hà
4. Orbit (n): the curved path through which objects in space move around a planet or
star: Quỹ đạo
5. Planet (n): an extremely large, round mass of matter, such as Earth or Mars, that
moves in a circular path around the sun or another star: Hành tinh
6. Sun (n): the star that provides light and heat for the earth and around which the
earth moves: Mặt trời
7. Star (n): a very large ball of burning gas in space that is usually seen from the
earth as a point of light in the sky at night: Ngôi sao
8. Moon (n): the round object that moves in the sky around the earth and can be seen
at night: Mặt trăng
9. Asteroid (n): one of many large rocks that circle the sun: Tiểu hành tinh
10. Comet (n): an object that moves around the sun, usually at a great distance from
it, that is seen on rare occasions from the earth as a bright line in the sky: Sao chổi
11. Meteor (n): a piece of rock or other matter from space that produces a bright light
as it travels through the atmosphere: Sao băng
12. Meteorite (n): a piece of rock or other matter from space that has landed on earth:
Sao chổi
13. Rocket (n): a large cylinder-shaped object that moves very fast by forcing out
burning gases, used for space travel or as a weapon: Tên lửa
14. Space Station (n): a vehicle in which people can travel round the earth, outside its
atmosphere, doing scientific tests: Trạm không gian

15. Observatory (n): a building from which scientists can watch the planets, the stars,
the weather, etc: Đài quan sát
16. Telescope (n): a cylinder-shaped device for making objects that are far away look

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closer and larger, using a combination of lenses, or lenses and curved mirrors:
Kính thiên văn
17. Satellite (n): a device sent up into space to travel around the earth, used for
collecting information or communicating by radio, television, etc: Vệ tinh
18. Alien (n): relating to creatures from another planet: Người ngoài hành tinh
19. UFO = Unidentified Flying Object : an object seen in the sky that is thought to
be a spacecraft from another planet: Vật thể bay không xác định.
20. Guardian Angel (n): a spirit who is believed to protect and help a particular
person: Vệ binh tinh tú, thiên thần hộ mệnh.
21. Planets that move around the Sun:
Mercury/ Venus/ Earth/ Mars/ Jupiter/ Saturn/ Uranus/ Neptune/ Pluto:
Sao Thủy /Kim/ Trái Đất/ Hỏa/ Mộc/ Thổ/ Thiên Vương/ Hải Vương/ Diêm Vương
1. How many planets travel around the sun? What are they?
2. Do you think that we are alone in the universe?
3. Have you ever seen a UFO or Alien? Do you believe that they really exist?
4. Have you ever wanted to be an astronaut?
5. Would you like to travel into space? Why an why not?
6. What do you imagine it would be like?
7. When was the earth formed? How many natural satellites of Earth are there?
8. Do you think spending money on space exploration is a waste?
9. Do you like watching the sky? How do you feel when you do it?
10. Are there any TV programs or movies about space that you like?
11. In the future, if the earth was actacked by some forces outside the universe, what
would you do?

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1. What is a team?

2. What factors makes a team successful?

3. Why do teams fail?

4. What can you accomplish together as a team that you can't accomplish alone?

5. What makes a good leader?

6. Are you normally very active in group discussions or do you prefer to listen?

7. What are some common causes of conflict within a team and what are the
best ways to resolve them?

8. What should you do if you disagree with an idea?

9. What is the best way to select the leader of a team?

10. Are teams better when everyone agrees?

11. What are some of your weaknesses as a team/individual?

12. What are some of your strengths as a team/individual?

13. What is the best way to handle a "weak" member in your team?
14. Can you think of some good team building exercises which might work?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Soldier (n): a person who is in an army and wears its uniform, especially
someone who fights when there is a war: Người lính, chiễn sĩ.
2. Gun (n): a weapon that bullets or shells (= explosive containers) are fired
from: Súng
3. Pistol (n): a small gun that is held in and fired from one hand: Súng lục.
4. Trigger (n): a part of a gun that causes the gun to fire when pressed: Cò súng
5. Barrel (n): the long part of a gun that is shaped like a tube: Nòng súng.
6. Rifle (n): a type of gun with a long barrel (= part shaped like a tube), fired
from the shoulder and designed to be accurate at long distances: súng
7. Shotgun (n): a long gun that fires a large number of small metal bullets at one
time, designed for shooting birds and animals: Súng ngắn, súng bắn chim.
8. Machine gun (n): an automatic gun that can fire a lot of bullets one after the
other very quickly: Súng máy.
9. Bullet (n): a small, metal object that is shot from a gun: Viên đạn
10. Bomb (n): a weapon that explodes and is used to kill or hurt people or to
damage buildings: Bom nổ.
11. Time Bomb (n): a bomb containing a device that makes it explode at a
particular time: Bom hẹn giờ
12. Detenator (n): an electrical device that is used from a distance to make a
bomb explode: Ngòi nổ, các kích nổ.
13. Grenade (n): a small bomb thrown by hand: Lựu đạn
14. Gas mask (n): a device worn over the face to prevent you from breathing in
poisonous gases: Mặt nạ chống khí độc.
15. Bomber (n): an aircraft that drops bombs: Máy bay dội bom
16. Fighter (n): a small, fast military aircraft used for chasing and destroying
enemy aircraft: Máy bay chiến đấu
17. Missile (n): a flying weapon that has its own engine so that it can travel a long
distance before exploding at the place that it has been aimed at: Hỏa tiễn.
18. Mortar (n): a large gun with a short, wide barrel (= a part shaped like a tube)
that fires bombs or other explosives very high into the air, or an explosive
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device shot from such a gun: Súng cối.
19. RPG (Rocket-propelled Grenade): a weapon that fires an exploding rocket (=
an object that flies very fast through the air) towards a target, usually a tank:
Súng tên lửa đạn đạo, súng bắp chuối.
20. Cavalry (n): the group of soldiers in an army who fight in tanks, or (especially
in the past) on horses: Kỵ sĩ.
21. Cannon (n): a large, powerful gun, usually attached to two or four wheels,
that was used in the past to fire heavy stone or metal balls: Đại bác
22. Tank (n): a large military fighting vehicle designed to protect those inside it
from attack, driven by wheels that turn inside moving metal belts: Xe tăng.
1. Have you ever been in the military?
2. Do you want to become a soldier?
3. What are some of the jobs that soldiers do?
4. Why does your country have an army?
5. Do many young people in your country join the army? Why/why not?
6. Has anyone in your family ever fought in a war?
7. Does war have any positive consequences for mankind?
8. What cause would you fight/die for ?
9. In the future, if your country is at war, will you volunteer to fight?
10. Imagine: You have a girlfriend, but you have to join the military for two years.
She said she would wait for you. After two years, you incidentally see her
holding her baby. What would you do/say?

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 Vocabulary:
I. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về các thuật ngữ trong kinh doanh (Business Terminology)
1. Business (ˈbɪznəs): Kinh doanh
2. Customer (ˈkʌstəmə(r)): khá ch hà ng
3. Sale (seɪl): Bá n hà ng
4. Launch (lɔːntʃ): Tung/ Đưa ra sả n phẩ m
5. Transaction (trænˈzækʃn): giao dịch
6. Cooperation (kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn): hợ p tá c
7. Economic cooperation (ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn): hợ p tá c kinh doanh
8. Conflict resolution (ˈkɒnflɪkt ˌrezəˈluːʃn): đà m phá n
9. Interest rate (ˈɪntrəst reɪt): lã i suấ t
10. Bargain (ˈbɑːɡən): mặ c cả
11. Compensate (ˈkɒmpenseɪt): đền bù , bồ i thườ ng
12. Claim (kleɪm): Yêu cầ u bồ i thườ ng, khiếu nạ i
13. Concession (kənˈseʃn): nhượ ng bộ
14. Indecisive (ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv): lưỡ ng lự
15. Proposal (prəˈpəʊzl): đề xuấ t
16. Withdraw (wɪðˈdrɔː): rú t tiền
17. Transfer (trænsˈfɜː(r)): chuyển khoả n
18. Charge card (tʃɑːdʒ kɑːd): thẻ thanh toá n
19. Account holder (əˈkaʊnt): chủ tà i khoả n
20. Turnover (ˈtɜːnəʊvə(r)): doanh số , doanh thu
21. Tax (tæks): thuế
22. Stock/ Capital (stɒk): vố n
23. Earnest money (ˈɜːnɪst ˈmʌni): tiền đặ t cọ c
24. Deposit (dɪˈpɒzɪt): tiền gử i, đặ t cọ c
25. Statement (ˈsteɪtmənt): sao kê tà i khoả n
26. Foreign currency (ˈfɒrən ˈkʌrənsi): ngoạ i tệ
27. Bankrupt (ˈbæŋkrʌpt): vỡ nợ , phá sả n

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28. Merge (mɜːdʒ): sá t nhậ p
29. Commission (kəˈmɪʃn): tiền hoa hồ ng
30. Subsidise (ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz): phụ cấp
31. Fund (fʌnd): quỹ
32. Debt (det): khoả n nợ
II. Từ vựng về các loại hình doanh nghiệp (Business forms)
1. Company (ˈkʌmpəni): cô ng ty
2. Enterprise (ˈentəpraɪz): tổ chứ c kinh doanh, xí nghiệp, hã ng
3. Corporation (ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn): tậ p đoà n
4. Holding company (ˈhəʊldɪŋ ˈkʌmpəni): cô ng ty mẹ
5. Subsidiary (səbˈsɪdiəri): cô ng ty con
6. Affiliate (əˈfɪlieɪt): cô ng ty liên kết
7. State-owned enterprise (steɪt əʊn ˈentəpraɪz): cô ng ty nhà nướ c
8. Private company (ˈpraɪvət ˈkʌmpəni): cô ng ty tư nhâ n
9. Joint venture company (ˌdʒɔɪnt ˈventʃə(r)): cô ng ty liên doanh
10. Limited company (Ltd) (ˌlɪmɪtɪd ˈkʌmpəni): cô ng ty trá ch nhiệm hữ u hạ n
11. Joint stock company (JSC) (ˌdʒɔɪnt ˈstɒk kʌmpəni): cô ng ty cổ phầ n
III. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về các chức vụ trong doanh nghiệp (Positions in
1. Director (dəˈrektə(r)): giá m đố c
2. Deputy/Vice director (ˈdepjuti /vaɪs dəˈrektə(r)): phó giá m đố c
3. General director (ˈdʒenrəl dəˈrektə(r)): tổ ng giá m đố c
4. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (ˌtʃiːf ɪɡˌzekjətɪv ˈɒfɪsə(r)): giá m đố c điều hà nh
5. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (ˌtʃiːf faɪˌnænʃl ˈɒfɪsə(r)): giá m đố c tà i chính
6. Chief Information Officer (CIO) (ˌtʃiːf ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn ˈɒfɪsə(r)) : giá m đố c bộ phậ n
thô ng tin
7. Manager (ˈmænɪdʒə(r)): quả n lý
8. The Board of Directors (ðə bɔːd əv dəˈrektə(r)): Hộ i đồ ng quả n trị
9. Founder (ˈfaʊndə(r)): ngườ i sá ng lậ p
10. Head of department (hed əv dɪˈpɑːtmənt): trưở ng phò ng
11. Deputy of department (ˈdepjuti əv dɪˈpɑːtmənt): phó trưở ng phò ng
12. Supervisor (ˈsuːpəvaɪzə(r)): ngườ i giá m sá t

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13. Clerk/ secretary (klɑːk/ ˈsekrətri): thư ký
14. Representative (ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv): ngườ i đạ i diện
15. Employee (ɪmˈplɔɪiː): nhâ n viên/ngườ i lao độ ng
16. Employer (ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)): ngườ i sử dụ ng lao độ ng
17. Trainee (ˌtreɪˈniː): ngườ i đượ c đà o tạ o
18. Trainer (ˈtreɪnə(r)): ngườ i đà o tạ o

1. Do you run your own business, or would you like to do so?
2. What kind of people are good at business?
3. Do you think women are as good manager as men?
4. What is the best age to become a manager?
5. Do you need to be an expert in your field to become a manager?
6. Do you believe that MBA studies may prepare you well for the job of a

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7. What is the difference between management and leadership?
8. What do you think are/would be the advantages and disadvantages of being
your own boss?
9. If you were the boss of the company, what would you change?
10. If you are presently self-employed - why did you decide to be so?
11. What do you have to do to become self-employed in your country?
12. If you are presently employed to then describe your present boss.
13. What is a recession?
14. What businesses will do well during the recession?
15. What businesses will have the most problems during the recession?
16. Has your country experienced recession? Did it affect your company?
17. What is a pyramid scheme? Are they legal in your country?
18. To whom should business be more responsible - to their employees, their
customers or their shareholders?
19. What are the problems and benefits associated with capitalism?
20. Do you think technology is a must to grow a business?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Accident (n): something bad that happens that is not expected or intended
and that often damages something or injures someone: Tai nạn
2. Arc /ɑːk/ (n): a powerful flow of electricity that goes across a space between
two points: Sự phóng điện hồ quang
3. CB- Circuit Breaker: a safety device that stops the flow of current in an
electrical circuit when there is a fault: Thiết bị ngắt điện
4. Electrocuted (adj): To be killed by letting electricity follow through their
body: Bị điện giật chết
5. Dielectric gloves/ foot-wear: Gă ng tay/ Ủ ng cá ch điện
6. Electric Shock (n) a sudden painful feeling that you get when electricity flows
through your body: Điện giậ t
7. Expired Air Resuscitation /rɪˌsʌs.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ –EAR: Hô hấ p nhâ n tạ o
8. Fuse (n): a small safety part in an electrical device or piece of machinery that
causes it to stop working if the electric current is too high, and so prevents
fires or other dangers: Cầ u chì
9. Local Area Network – LAN: Mạ ng nộ i bộ
10. Phase Tester (n): Bú t thử điện
11. Rescue (v): to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or
unpleasant situation: Cứu hộ
12. Resistance (n): Resistance is the degree to which a substance prevents the
flow of electricity through it: Điện trở
13. Insulation (n): the act of covering something to stop heat, sound, or
electricity from escaping or entering, or the fact that something is covered in
this way: Sự cách điện
14. Leakage Current (n): Dò ng điện bị rò rỉ.

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1. How does electrical shock occur and how can it be prevented?

2. How do electrical fires start and how can they be prevented?

3. Have you ever got an electric shock? What happened? How did you feel?

4. What are electrical safety devices?

5. What colour wire carries the high voltage in a electrical cable?

6. What are electrical safety tips?

7. Why is electrical safety important?

8. How can we save a person from electric shock?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Civil Education (n): Giá o dụ c cô ng dâ n
2. Ministry of Education: Bộ giá o dụ c
3. Certificate /səˈtɪf.ɪ.kət/ (n): Chứ ng chỉ
4. Drop out (phra v): Bỏ họ c
5. Cirriculum /kəˈrɪk.jə.ləm/ (n): Chương trình giả ng dạ y
6. Subject head (n): Chủ nhiệm/Trưở ng bộ mô n
7. Vocational /vəʊˈkeɪ.ʃən.əl/ Training: Đà o tạ o nghề
8. Plagiarize /ˈpleɪ.dʒə.raɪz/ (v): to use another person's ideas or work and
pretend that it is your own: Đạ o vă n
9. Class Observation (n): Dự giờ
10. Class head teacher: Giá o viên chủ nhiệm
11. School Records: Họ c bạ
12. Lesson Plan : Giá o á n
13. Textbook /ˈtekst.bʊk/ (n): a book that contains detailed information about a
subject for people who are studying that subject: Sá ch giá o khoa
14. High School Graduation Exam: Kỳ thi tố t nghiệp THPT
15. Skip class = Play Truant (v): Cú p họ c, trố n họ c
16. Illiterate (adj) unable to read and write: Khô ng biết chữ
17. Theory and Practice : Lý thuyết và thự c tế

1. How important is education?

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2. Does your country have a good education system? What are its strengths and
3. Which countries have the best schools and universities? Why are they
considered good?
4. Is education only for the young? What things should people learn as they
grow up? What should people learn after they have grown up?
5. Do you enjoy learning new things? Give an example if you can.
6. Does studying make you tired? Is it hard work? How can a student get energy
for study?
7. What characteristics should a good teacher have?
8. Have you ever considered becoming a teacher? Why or why not?
9. Who has taught you a lot in your life?
10. Some people learn on their own. What things, if any, have you learned without
teachers or formal education?
11. There are many education resources online such as videos or even full
university classes. Have you used the internet to learn? Give an example if you
12. Some people feel the education style of schools damages originality and
creativity. What do you think?
13. How do you feel about tests and examinations? Are they necessary?
14. What's your learning style? Do you learn best by listening, reading,
interaction, doing things, or by some other method?
15. Do you prefer to spend time with people of a similar level of education to
yourself? Why or why not?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Marketing (n): a job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or
service: Sự tiếp thị
2. Advertisement /æd.vɝːˈtaɪz.mənt/ (n): a picture, sign, etc. that is used to
make a product or service known and persuade people to buy it: Sự quảng
3. Benefit (n): a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help: Lợi ích,
lợi nhuận
4. Brand Equity (n): the value of a property after you have paid any mortgage
or other charges relating to it: Giá trị thương hiệu
5. Distribution Channels (n): a way of communicating with people or getting
something done: Các kênh (phân phối)
6. Consumer (n): a person who buys goods or services for their own use:
Người tiêu dùng
7. Copyright (n): the legal right to control the production and selling of a book,
play, film, photograph, or piece of music: Bản quyền
8. Cost (n): the amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something:Chi Phí
9. Coverage (n): the area in which a particular service is available, or particular
goods are sold: Mức độ che phủ
10.Discount (n): a reduction in the usual price: Giảm giá
11.Franchising (n) : the business of giving or selling a franchise (= the right to
sell a company's product) to someone:Chuyển nhượng đặc quyền thương
12.List price (n) : the price of something, suggested by the company that makes
it: Giá niêm yết
13.Need (n): a feeling or state of strongly wanting something: Nhu cầu
14.Promotion (n): activities to advertise something: Sự quảng bá

15.Retailer (n): a person, shop, or business that sells goods to the public: Nhà
bán lẻ
16.Satisfaction (n): a pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something
you wanted, or when you have done something you wanted to do: Sự thỏa

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17.Survey (n): an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking
people questions: Cuộc khảo sát
18.Trademark (n): a name or symbol on a product that shows it was made by a
particular company, and that it cannot be used by other companies without
permission: Nhãn hiệu đăng ký, tên thương mại
19.Transaction (n): an occasion when someone buys or sells something, or
when money is exchanged or the activity of buying or selling something: Giao
20.Value (n): the amount of money that can be received for something: Giá trị
1. What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘marketing’?
2. What marketing tactics do you think are very successful?
3. What do marketing executives do in their jobs?
4. How has the Internet changed marketing?
5. Is there too much hype in marketing?
6. What do you think of McDonalds’ marketing techniques aimed at attracting
7. How would you start marketing a product or idea you had?
8. What is your opinion of marketing in the era of globalization?
9. What’s the best marketing campaign you know of?
10. What’s the difference between marketing and advertising?
11. How much of marketing is lying?
12. Why are cigarette companies still so successful in their marketing?

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How important are books to you?
What would life be like without books?
What kinds of books do you like?
Do you prefer paperbacks or hardbacks?
If you wrote a book, what would you write about?
If you could only have one book for the rest of your life, what would it be and
7. Do you think the Internet will make books disappear?
8. What do you think of the idea of E-books?
9. What book would you recommend for children?
10. How many books have you read in English?
11. Who is your favorite author?
12. What do you think of Google’s idea to put all the world’s books on the
Internet, accessible for free?
13. Why doesn’t everybody enjoy reading?
14. Do you prefer to keep the books you read?
15. What’s the most number of times you have read the same book?
16. Which is better, the book or the movie?
17. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?
18. Do you spend a long time browsing in bookshops?
19. Do you ever read the last page before you start reading a book?
20. How often do you want the story in a book to never end?

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8 Easy Steps To Effective Reading:
1. Warm up your brain. Nothing numbs comprehension like rushing through a
to-do list at breakneck speed. Before starting your reading time, take a short
break after the last task, and let your mind relax. Then, ask yourself: What do I
already know about this text? What do I want to get from it (besides a passing
grade)? How is the topic relevant to my life? Pick up the reading itself only after
considering these questions.

2. Sweep the chapter. Call it “sweeping,” “skimming,” or “scanning”—but do a

quick all-over preview before actually reading. Note what jumps out at your
passing glance, especially anything that is visually emphasized; these are points
to keep in mind as you read the passage thoroughly.

3. Write as you read. Whether directly in the book or on a separate tablet,

underline or write down key points and what supports them. This not only
ensures you won’t lose them entirely; the physical action of marking helps your
brain store the information on the spot.

4. Look up words you don’t understand. Don’t (as Charles Schulz put it)
“bleep right over” strange-to-you words, nor rely solely on context to decipher
them; you may miss some important nuances. Many electronic files allow you
to simply tap for on-the-fly definitions; otherwise, if you don’t want to
interrupt reading flow by turning to a dictionary, add the word to your notes
and mark it “look up as soon as possible.”

5. Ask questions. Consider: Why do things unfold as they do? What

weaknesses does the hero have? Can you find points of empathy with the bad
guys? (Even in nonfiction, there are “good guys” and “bad guys,” in the form of
ideas that do or don’t support the author’s viewpoint.) Where do you agree or
disagree with the points the author makes? Why?

6. Look for answers. Going beyond points 4 and 5, note what you already
knew about the subject, what new facts or perspectives you have acquired, and
what else you want to look up. Then, consider how all this will help you
understand others and make your unique mark on the world.

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7. Turn chapter titles and headings into questions. To maximize your
learning experience, go over the reading once more, paying special attention to
titles and other headings—and covering any additional questions these bring
to mind. “Don’t Believe the Experts”—why? “Learn to Sew in Three Hours”—

8. Understand what you are reading. Finally, review your notes once more;
schedule next steps in solving any still-unanswered questions; define in 100
words or less what the author intended and what you’ve learned—and pat
yourself on the back for being an active reader!

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1. What can you do to earn money online?

2. What are the pros and cons of working online?

3. Do people do more work when working from home?

4. How will COVID-19 change the way people work?

5. Where is your perfect work location?

6. Is it better to be an employee or employer?

7. What are the best things about working from home?

8. What are the worst things about working from home?

9. Is video conferencing better than face-to-face meetings?

10. How good a worker are you?

11. Would you be a good boss?

12. What new skills did you learn during the time you worked online?

13. How do you check employees working from home?

14. How do you find working from home interview questions?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Paracel islands /ˈpɑːrɑsl/ /ˈaɪləndz/: Hoà ng Sa
2. Spratly islands /ˈsprɑːtli /ˈaɪləndz/: Trườ ng Sa
3. Sovereignty / ˈsɒvrənti /: the power of a country to control its own
government: Chủ quyền
4. Clash / klæʃ /: a fight or argument: Va chạ m
5. Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) / ɪkˈskluːsɪv ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk zəʊn /: Vù ng đặ c
quyền kinh tế
6. Nautical miles / ˈnɔːtɪkl̩ maɪlz /: a unit of distance used at sea that is equal to
1,852 metres: Hải lý
7. Maritime disputes / ˈmærɪtaɪm dɪˈspjuːts / :Vù ng biển tranh chấ p
8. Naval guard: / ˈneɪvl̩ ɡɑːd /: Cả nh sá t biển
9. Water cannon / ˈwɔːtə ˈkænən /: a device that sends out a powerful stream of
water and is used in order to make large groups of people move away: Vòi
10. Invasion /in’veiʤn/: an occasion when an army or country uses force to
enter and take control of another country: Sự xâm lược
11. Greedy /’gri:di/: a very strong wish to continuously get more of something,
especially food or money: Tham lam
12. Arsenal /’ɑ:sinl/ : a building where weapons and military equipment are
stored: Kho chứa vũ khí
13. Warmonger /’wɔ:,mʌɳgə/: a politician or other leader who is often
encouraging a country to go to war: Kẻ hiếu chiến
14. 9 dashes boundary / naɪn ˈdæʃɪz ˈbaʊndri /: Đườ ng lưỡ i bò
15. Lighthouse /ˈlaɪt.haʊs/ a tall building near the coast or shore with a flashing
light at the top to warn ships of rocks and other dangers: Hải đăng

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1. What do you think about the maritime sovereignity in Viet Nam now?

2. Why does China always want to invade Paracel islands and Spratly islands?

3. What did Viet Nam do to stop China?

4. Have you ever been to Paracel islands and Spratly islands? What would
you do if you come there?

5. Do you want to be a navy soldier? Why/Why not?

6. What should we do to protect the maritime sovereignity of Viet Nam?

7. Imagine: You are travelling on a cruise. Suddenly, a Chinese warship

attacks your yatch, what would you do?

8. What other countries do to protect their maratime sovereignity?

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1. Những từ vựng phỏng vấn tiếng Anh cơ bản
Từ vựng Nghĩa Phiên âm
Hire tuyển /ˈhʌɪə/
Interview buổi phỏng vấn/ cuộc phỏng vấn /ˈɪntəvjuː/
Appointment cuộc hẹn, cuộc gặp mặt /əˈpɔɪntm(ə)nt/
Company công ty /ˈkʌmp(ə)ni/
Human resources department phòng nhân sự
Director giám đốc /dʌɪˈrɛktə/
Boss ông chủ /bɒs/
Supervisors sếp, người giám sát /ˈsuːpəvʌɪzə/
Employer = Recruiter người tuyển dụng /ɪmˈplɔɪə/ /rɪˈkruːtə/
Employee nhân viên /ɛmˈplɔɪiː/
Team player đồng đội, thành viên trong đội
Staff nhân viên /stɑːf/
Candidate ứng cử viên /ˈkandɪdət/
Internship thực tập sinh /ˈɪntəːnʃɪp/
Job description mô tả công việc /dʒəʊb/ /dɪˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/
Work for làm việc cho ai, công ty nào /wəːk/
Apply to s.o for s.t ứng tuyển vào vị trí /əˈplʌɪ/
Work style phong cách làm việc
Work ethic đạo đức nghề nghiệp
Career objective mục tiêu nghề nghiệp /kəˈrɪə//əbˈdʒɛktɪv/
GPA (Grade point average) điểm trung bình
Graduated tốt nghiệp /ˈɡradjʊeɪtɪd/
Describe mô tả /dɪˈskrʌɪb/
Important quan trọng /ɪmˈpɔːt(ə)nt/
Challenge bị thách thức /ˈtʃalɪn(d)ʒ/
Belived in tin vào, tự tin vào
Peformentce kết quả
Eventually cuối cùng, sau cùng /ɪˈvɛntʃʊ(ə)li/
Asset người có ích /ˈasɛt/
Good fit người phù hợp

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Undertake tiếp nhận, đảm nhiệm /ʌndəˈteɪk/
Position vị trí /pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/
Level cấp bậc /ˈlɛv(ə)l/
Offer of employment lời mời làm việc
2. Một số từ vựng về phúc lợi doanh nghiệp
Từ vựng Nghĩa Phiên âm
To accept an offer nhận lời mời làm việc
Starting date ngày bắt đầu
Leaving date ngày nghỉ việc
Health insurance bảo hiểm sức khỏe /hɛlθ//ɪnˈʃʊər(ə)ns/
Bonus tiền thưởng /ˈbəʊnəs/
Welfare chế độ đãi ngộ /ˈwɛlfɛː/
Paid holidays ngày nghỉ vẫn trả lương
Sick pay lương ngày ốm, bệnh
Extra payment for overtime work Lương tăng ca
Salary = pay tiền lương
Working hours giờ làm việc
Maternity leave nghỉ thai sản /məˈtəːnɪti//liːv/
Promotion thăng chức /prəˈməʊʃn/
Salary increase tăng lương /ˈsaləri//ɪnˈkriːs/
Training scheme chế độ tập huấn /ˈtreɪnɪŋ//skiːm/
Part-time education đào tạo bán thời gian
Travel expenses chi phí đi lại /ˈtrav(ə)l//ɪkˈspɛns/
3. Thời gian làm việc
Từ vựng Nghĩa Phiên âm
Working hours thời gian làm việc
Full-time toàn thời gian
Part-time bán thời gian
Permanent workers nhân viên dài hạn /ˈpəːm(ə)nənt//ˈwəːkəz/
Temporary workers nhân viên thời vụ /ˈtɛmp(ə)rəri//ˈwəːkəz/

4. Từ vựng về kỹ năng (Skills)

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Từ vựng Nghĩa Phiên âm

Interpersonal skills kỹ năng giao tiếp /ɪntəˈpəːs(ə)n(ə)l//skɪlz/
Analytical nature kỹ năng phân tích /anəˈlɪtɪk(ə)l//ˈneɪtʃə/
Problem-solving giải quyết khó khăn
Soft skills kỹ năng mềm
Communication skills kỹ năng giao tiếp
Team work làm việc nhóm
Collaboration skills kỹ năng hợp tác

5. Tính cách

Từ vựng Nghĩa Phiên âm

Professional chuyên nghiệp
Confident tự tin /ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)nt/
Goal oriented có mục tiêu
Detail oriented chi tiết
Hard Working chăm chỉ
Independent độc lập

6. Từ vựng về thế mạnh

Từ vựng Nghĩa Phiên âm

Strengths thế mạnh, cái hay
Align sắp xếp /əˈlʌɪn/
Pro-active, self starter người chủ động
Work well làm việc hiệu quả
Under pressure bị áp lực
Tight deadlines thời hạn chót gần kề
Ambitious người tham vọng /amˈbɪʃəs/
Goal oriented có mục tiêu
Pride myself tự hào về bản thân
Thinking outside the box có tư duy sáng tạo
Teamwork làm việc nhóm /ˈtiːmwəːk/
Thinking outside the box có tư duy sáng tạo

7. Từ vựng về bằng cấp, kinh nghiệm

Từ vựng Nghĩa
Qualifications bằng cấp
Trained đã được đào tạo
Years of experience năm kinh nghiệm
Education level trình độ học vấn

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Elementary school tiểu học
Secondary school trung học cơ sở
High school trung học phổ thông
High school diploma bằng tốt nghiệp phổ thông
Undergraduate Trình độ đại học 4 năm
Bachelor of Science Kỹ sư các ngành học khoa học tự nhiên
Bachelor of Arts Cử nhân các ngành học khoa học xã hội
Áp dụng cho các ngành học sau đại học liên quan nhiều đến
Bachelor of Philosophy
nghiên cứu
Graduate Trình độ hậu đại học
Master of Arts Thạc sĩ các ngành học xã hội
Master of Science Thạc sĩ các ngành tự nhiên
Docterate Trình độ trên đại học
Doctor of Philosophy Tiến sĩ
Eperiences kinh nghiệm

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Why are you interested in this job?
3. Describe your strengths and weaknesses.
4. What experience have you had?
5. What are your short-term/ long-term goals?
6. Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
7. What motivates you?
8. What does success mean to you?
9. What are three of your greatest accomplishments?
10. Have you done any volunteer work?
11. What are your hobbies?
12. Tell me about your educational background
13. Describe your management style.
14. Why did you leave your previous job?
15. How would your co-workers describe you?
16. How do you feel about learning new things?
17.Have you ever had trouble with a boss? How did you handle it?

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IELTS Speaking is a face-to-face, informal discussion with an IELTS examiner, and
is the same for both Academic and General Training. The test is divided into 3 parts
and is designed to test your pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary.
 Top 5 IELTS Speaking Tips
Tip 1: Speak some English every day.
It is better to practice a little bit every day and improve your skills gradually than to
speak your native language all week until you have IELTS class.

Tip 2: Ask the examiner questions if you don’t understand.

Your IELTS Speaking test is meant to be like a normal conversation between 2
people. Therefore, if you don’t understand a word you can ask the examiner to
explain what it means. Just say ‘I’m sorry, could you explain what X means?’
You can also ask them to repeat the question. However, you can’t ask the examiner
to explain the whole sentence.

Tip 3: Do a 24-hour English warm up.

It takes most IELTS students 10-15 minutes to ‘warm-up’ and perform to the best of
their ability on test day. Just like an athlete needs to warm up before a sporting
event, you also need to warm up before your IELTS exam.
Therefore, you should speak, write, read and listen to English for 24 hours before
your IELTS Speaking test. Your family and friends might think you are crazy, but it
will make a huge difference to your score!

Tip 4: Give full answers.

‘Yes’ and ‘No’ are NOT satisfactory answers in your IELTS Speaking test – you
need to show the examiner how good your English is.

If you give very short answers, there is no way the examiner can know how good

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you are. Therefore, you should try to extend your answers with explanations and

Tip5: Correct your mistakes.

People make small mistakes when they speak all the time, especially when they are
nervous in an exam. By correcting your mistakes as you make them, you can show
the examiner that you really do know your grammar and vocabulary.
When you make a small mistake, simply say sorry and repeat the sentence correctly.
 IELTS Speaking Part 1
Part 1 is about YOU.
The examiner will ask you familiar, everyday questions about your life. This will
last around 4-5 minutes. See the links below for tips, sample questions and answers
for Part 1.
 IELTS Speaking Part 2
Part 2 is sometimes called the ‘long turn’.
You will be given a cue card and you will have 1 minute to prepare your answer.
You will then be asked to speak for 1 to 2 minutes.
 IELTS Speaking Part 3
Part 3 is more abstract.
This is your opportunity to really develop your answers and discuss the issues
brought up by the examiner. The topic will be linked to the topic you discussed in
Part 2, and this will last 4-5 minutes.

You can practice Ielts Speaking skills on these websites:

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 Vocabulary:
1. Comfort zone (n): a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which
your ability and determination are not being tested: Vùng an toàn

2. Fear (n): an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are
frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is
happening or might happen: Nỗi sợ

3. Overcome (v): to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something:

Vượt qua (điều gì đó)

4. Failure (n): the fact of someone or something not succeeding: Sự thất bại

5. Disappoint (v): to fail to satisfy someone or their hopes, wishes, etc., or to

make someone feel unhappy: Làm thất vọng

6. Phobia (n): a type of anxiety disorder (= a mental illness that makes someone
very worried and affects their life) that involves an extreme fear of
something: Nổi sợ về 1 thứ gì đó (ví dụ chứ ng sợ độ cao, sợ lỗ )

7. Look on the bright side of something: Nhìn về mặ t tích cự c củ a vấ n đề

8. Get obsessed with/by: unable to stop thinking about something; too

interested in or worried about something: Bị ám ảnh bởi thứ gì đó

9. Exaggerated (adj): seeming larger, more important, better, or worse than it

really is: được phóng đại, làm quá lên so với bình thường

10. Rise to the challenge : Thể hiện bả n lĩnh vượ t qua thử thá ch

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1. Why are you the way you are? Are you the 'who' that you want to be?

2. What are your fears?

3. What did you do this year that you didn't do last year?

4. Did you learn anything? Did you teach anything?

5. How many new people did you meet? Stay in touch with?

6. Did you work with more customers this year than last?

7. Were more of them happy with you than last year?

8. Did you take more time off than last year?

9. What was your #1 struggle last year? Did you have a different #1 this year?
Did you fix them?

10. So, how do you make this year better than last year and how much better
could it be?

11. What did you imagine others saying to you – or saying about you?

12. What did you say or do – in response – to ‘negative’ or ‘limiting talk?

13. What have you successfully accomplished that previously would have been in
the ‘too hard’, ‘ not possible for me’, or ‘you’re dreaming?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Artificial intelligence /ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪɡəns/ (n): the study of how to produce
machines that have some of the qualities that the human mind has, such as the
ability to understand language, recognize pictures, solve problems, and learn:
Trí tuệ nhân tạo
2. Activate /ˈæktɪveɪt/ (v):to cause something to start: Kích hoạt
3. Algorithm /ˈælɡərɪðəm/ (n): a set of mathematical instructions or rules that,
especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a
problem: Thuật toán
4. Automated /ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd/ (adj): carried out by machines or computers
without needing human control: Được điều khiển tự động
5. Automatic /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk/: (adj) An automatic machine or device is able to
operate independently of human control: Tự động (kiểu má y mó c chạ y tự
độ ng, khá c từ automated)
6. Cyber-attack /ˈsaɪbər əˈtæk/ (n): an illegal attempt to harm someone's
computer system or the information on it, using the internet: Tấn công mạng
7. Hacker /ˈhækə(r)/: someone who gets into other people's computer systems
without permission in order to find out information or to do something
illegal : Tin tặc
8. Incredible /ɪnˈkredəbl/ (adj): impossible, or very difficult, to believe: Không
thể tưởng tượng được
9. Malfunction /ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn/: to fail to work or operate correctly: Sự trục trặc
10. Technology Revolution /ˌrevəˈluːʃn/: Cuộ c cách mạ ng cô ng nghệ

1. What is artificial intelligence?

2. What are the dangers of artificial intelligence?

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3. Will artificial intelligence ever be more intelligent than humans?

4. How is artificial intelligence helping us today?

5. What do you know about the history of artificial intelligence?

6. What are the good things about artificial intelligence?

7. How intelligent will artificial intelligence become?

8. Is there a difference between artificial intelligence and robots?

9. What would it be like to study about artificial intelligence?

10. What are the differences between artificial intelligence and human

11. Will robots ever control the world?

12. How would you like artificial intelligence to help you?

13. What would our life be like without artificial intelligence?

14. Will people ever have artificial intelligence as part of their brains?

15. Will artificial intelligence ever replace the need for humans to work?

16. How intelligent are you?

17. What movies have you seen about artificial intelligence?

18. What three adjectives best describe artificial intelligence?

19. What will artificial intelligence be like in 100 years from now?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Physical violence (n): The act of hurting people by actions or objects: Bạo
lực thể chất
2. Domestic Violence (n): The act of hurting family members: Bạo lực gia đình
3. Sexual Violence (n): The act of forcing somebody to have sex without
permission: Bạo lực tình dục
4. Psychological violence (n): The act of hurting people by words and insults:
Bạo lực tinh thần
5. Ethnic Violence (n): Ethnic violence is a form of political violence expressly
motivated by ethnic hatred and ethnic conflict: Bạo lực sắc tộc
6. Threat (n): a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen,
especially if a particular action or order is not followed: Sự đe dọa
7. Hurt (v): to feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or cause
them pain: Làm tổn thương
8. Sexist (adj): characterized by showing prejudice (thà nh kiến), stereotyping
(sự rậ p khuô n), or discrimination (sự phâ n biệt đố i xử ), typically against
women, on the basis of sex: Thuộc về thành kiến giới tính
9. Disrespect (n,v): to speak or behave rudely to someone, or to show someone
no respect: Sự thiếu tôn trọng (n); Không tôn trọng (v)
10. Underestimate (v): to think that something is less or lower than it really is,
or that someone is less strong or less effective: Đánh giá thấp ai đó hoặc thứ
gì đó
11. Financial Burden (n): The hardness or stress related to finance: Gánh nặng
tài chính
12. Educational Base (n): The lowest part of education: Nền tảng giáo dục
13. Living Standard (n): the level of wealth and comfort people have in a
particular society: Mức sống

1. How often do you see violence in your country?

2. What makes people violent?

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3. Is there a cure for violence?

4. Do you think there’s too much violence on TV and in video games?

5. Do you think humans will ever be nonviolent?

6. Do you think men or women like violence more? Why do you think so?

7. Do you enjoy watching violence in real life or in the movies?

8. How big a problem is domestic violence in your country?

9. Does violence ever achieve anything?

10. Have you ever resorted to violence?

11. Is violent crime on the increase in your countries?

12. Do people learn to be violent?

13. Is there much ethnic violence in your country?

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 Vocabulary:
1. Superstition (n): belief that is not based on human reason or scientific
knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc.: Mê tín dị đoan
2. Unlucky (adj): not lucky, having bad luck: Không may mắn, xui xẻo
3. Belief (n): the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true: Niềm tin
4. Fact (n): something that is known to have happened or to exist, especially
something for which proof exists, or about which there is information: Sự thật
5. Ritual (n): a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly,
especially as part of a ceremony: Nghi lễ, nghi thức
6. Evil (adj): morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant: Tà ác
Some common superstition:
1. Baseball Bat: Spit on a new bat when using it for the first time to make it lucky.
2. Bed: It’s bad luck to put a hat on a bed.
3. Bell: When a bell rings, an angel has received its wings.
4. Cats: If a black cat crosses your path, you will have bad luck.
5. Clover: It’s good luck to find a four-leaf clover.
6. Knives: If a friend gives you a knife, you should give him/her a coin.
7. Ladybugs: It is bad luck to kill a ladybug.
8. Ladder: It’s bad luck to walk under a ladder.
9. Mirror: If you break a mirror, it’s seven years bad luck.
10. Salt: If you spill salt you must throw some over your left shoulder
11. Umbrella: It’s bad luck to open an umbrella in the house.
12. Wood: Knock on wood anytime you mention good fortune.
13. Yawn: Cover your mouth so your soul doesn’t go out of your body.
14. Itchy Ear: Someone is talking about you.
15. Friday the 13th: This day is traditionally unlucky unless you were born on it.

1. Are there any things that are bad luck in your country?

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2. Are there any unlucky numbers in your country? What are they?

3. Do you believe in any superstitions? What are they?

4. Do you have any good luck charms?

5. When was the last time that you had good luck?

6. When was the last time you had bad luck?

7. Do you believe in ghosts? If not, how do you explain people's claims to have
seen them?
8. Telepathy is communication directly from one mind to another. Is it possible
to communicate this way?
9. Can people predict the future? Have you ever had a feeling about the future
that turned out to be true?
10. Have you ever visited a fortune-teller? What methods did the fortune-teller
use to predict your future?
11. Have you experienced the feeling of déjà vu? How do you explain this strange
12. If you could time travel, when would you go to and what would you do there?
13. If you could have one superhuman ability, like flying or invisibility, which
ability would you choose to have? How would you use your power?
14. Someone says our world is an arcade world? What are your opinions?

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LESSON 9: /əʊ/ & /aʊ/

Go /gəʊ/ How /haʊ/

Road /rəʊd/ Now/naʊ/

Old /əʊld/ Mouse /maʊs/

Phone /fəʊn/ Sound /saʊnd/

Know /nəʊ/ About /ə'baʊt/

Shoulder /∫əʊldər/ Council/'kaʊnsl/

October /ɒk'təʊbər/ Mountain/'maʊntn/

Potato /pə'teitəʊ/ Loud /laʊd/

Load /ləʊd/ Count/kaʊnt/

Home /həʊm/ House /haʊs/

Coat /kəʊt/ Cow /kaʊ/

Boat /bəʊt/ Flower /'flaʊə/

No /nəʊ/ Out /aʊt/

Toe /təʊ/ Route /raʊt/

Most /məʊst/ Brow/braʊ/

Slow /sləʊ/ Allow/ə'laʊ/

Bowl/bəʊl/ Foul /faʊl/

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Practice with sentences:

 I don’t know.
/aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ/

 My toes are cold

/maɪ təʊz ər kəʊld/

 Is the window open?

/ɪz ðə ˈwɪndəʊ ˈəʊpən/

 She phoned me in October.

/ʃi fəʊnd mi ɪn ɒkˈtəʊbər/

 They showed us their home.

/ðeɪ ʃəʊd əs ðer həʊm/

 Our town house has a brown mouse.
/ˈaʊər ˈtaʊnhaʊs hæz ə braʊn maʊs/

 Are we allowed to speak aloud?

/ɑːr wi əˈlaʊd tə spiːk əˈlaʊd/

 We found our gowns downtown.

/wi faʊnd ˈaʊər gaʊnz 'daʊntaʊn/

 Shower the flower for an hour.

/ˈʃaʊər ðə ˈflaʊər fɔːr ən ˈaʊər/

 How’s the loud vowel sound?

/haʊz ðə laʊd ˈvaʊəl saʊnd/

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LESSON 10: /ei/ & /iə/

Pay /pei/ Here /hiər/

Shade /∫eid/ Hear /hiər/

Tail /teil/ Appear /ə'piər/

Eight /eit/ Disappear /,disə'piər/

Steak /steik/ Clear /kliər/

Hey /hei/ Beer /biər/

Face /feis/ Career /kə'riər/

Raise /reiz/ Engineer /endʒi'niər/

Amazing /ə'meiziη/ Volunteer /,vɒlən'tiər/

Straight /streit/ Really /'riəli/

Hate /heit/ Ear /iə/

Baby /'beibi/ Year /jiər/

Paper /'peipə/ Tear /tiər/

Later /'leitə/ Fear /fiər/

Potato /pə'teitəʊ/ Cheerful /'t∫jəfl/

They/ðei/ Period /'piəriəd/

Rain /rein/ Blear /bliə/

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Practice with sentences:

 He came a day later.
/hi keɪm ə deɪ ˈleɪtər/

 It was the grey day in May.

/ɪt wəz ðə ɡreɪ deɪ ɪn meɪ/

 Is this the way to the station?

/ɪs ðɪs ðə weɪ tə ðə ˈsteɪʃn/

 We pray the grey day will go away.

/wi preɪ ðə greɪ deɪ wɪl ɡəʊ əˈweɪ/

 Wait at the gate, I'll be there at eight.

/weɪt ət ðə geɪt aɪl bi ðeər ət eɪt/

 We're here.
/wɪər hɪər/

 Have a beer, cheer!

/ hæv ə bɪər tʃɪər/

 Is there a bank near here?

/ɪz ðeər ə bæŋk nɪər hɪər/

 The meaning isn't really clear.

/ðə ˈmiːnɪŋ ˈɪznt ˈrɪəli klɪər/

 I have these ears a hundred years.

/aɪ hæv ðiːz ɪərz ə ˈhʌndrəd jɪərz/

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LESSON 11: /eə/ & / ʊə/

Air /eə/ Tour /tʊər/

Care /keə/ Cure /kjʊə/

Hair /heə/ Poor /pʊə/

Share /∫eə/ Sure /ʃʊə/

Wear /weə/ Jury /ˈdʒʊəri/

Airport /'eəpɔ:t/ Tourist /ˈtʊə.rɪst/

Airplane /'eəplein/ Sewer /ˈsʊər/

Bear /beər/ Kualalumpur /Kʊələ'lʌmpə/

Bare /beər/ Cure /kjʊər/

Upstair /,ʌp'steə/ Spoor /spʊər/

Parents /'peərənts/ Tourism /ˈtʊərɪzəm/

Various /'veəriəs/ Moor /mʊər/

Area /'eəriə/ Truer /trʊər/

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Practice with sentences:

 He's very poor.
/hiz 'veri pʊər/

 I served on a jury.
/aɪ sɜːrvd ɒn ə ˈdʒʊəri/

 The dirty water goes into the sewer.

/ðə ˈdɜːrti ˈwɑːtər ɡəʊz ˈɪntə ðə sʊər/

 I take a tour to Kualalumpur.

/aɪ teɪk ə tʊər tə Kʊələ'lʌmpə/

 Will we be able to cure him, Doctor?

/wɪl wi ˈeɪbl tə kjʊər hɪm ˈdɒktər/


 The fair hair man ran in the sand.

/ðə feər heər mæn ræn ɪn ðə sænd/

 Where are the spare pairs Stan and Dan wear?

/weər ər ðə speər peərz stæn ən dæn weər/

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In this test, you would be provided with the pronunciation of words and phrases. Your
mission is to read, recognize and write out the word. There are 5 levels. Your teacher
will print out the test for all of you.


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