M Summative Test Mtec

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Which statement is true concerning a vessel of 75-meters in length at anchor?

All of the above

A vessel will not show sidelights when ____.

Not under command not making way

A 20-meter sailing vessel underway must exhibit a ___.


A power driven vessel not under command at night must show her sidelights when ____.

Making headway

Which vessel would display a cone, apex downward?

A vessel proceeding under sail and machinery

A vessel constrained by her draught may in addition to the lights prescribed for power driven vessels
exhibit where they can best be seen:

Three-all round red lights in a vertical line at nights and a cylinder by day

A vessel of less than what length when aground shall not be required to exhibit the lights or shapes for
vessel aground?

7 meters

In a sailing vessel of what length may combine its sidelights and sternlight in one lantern carried at or
near the top of the mast where it can best be seen.

Less than 20 meters

Which of the following vessels when anchored at night would not be required to show anchor lights?

A vessel engages in fishing

A vessel engaged in a towing operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in her
ability to deviate from their course shall when making way shows

The lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver

By day you slight a vessel displaying three shapes in a vertical line. The top and bottom shapes are balls
and the middle shape is a diamond. It is a:

Vessel engaged in replenishment at sea

A sailing vessel underway at night may show

None of the above

At night a vessel shall indicate that she is restricted in her ability to maneuver by showing in a vertical
line two ____.

Red lights

A vessel showing a green light over a white light in a vertical line above the level of the sidelights is ____.


A vessel 30 meters in length and aground would display a day shape consisting of ____.

One black ball

A 25-meter vessel trawling will show the day shape(s) consisting of ____.

Two cones apexes together

A vessel engaged in fishing and at anchor should exhibit:

Three lights and stern light

A vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity to other vessels engaged in fishing may exhibit the
additional signals described in ____ to these Regulations

Annex II

A vessel trawling will display a ___.

Green light over a white light

Working lights should be used to illuminate the decks of a vessel ____.

Over 100-meters at anchor

A vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled by machinery shall exhibit forward where it
can best be seen a:

Conical shape apex downwards

When anchoring a 20 meter vessel at night you must show

One all-round white lights

Which vessel must show a masthead light abaft of and higher than her identifying lights?

A 55-meter vessel trawling

A vessel aground would show the same dayshape as a _____.

None of the above

A vessel not under command shall display _____.

Two red lights at night and two black balls during daylight

A vessel engaged on pilotage duty which is at anchor must show which of the following lights at nights?
An all round white light over a red lights and anchor lights

A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a sternlight _____.

At anytime when underway

A 15-meter sailing vessel would be required to show ___.

Sidelights, sternlights but they may be in a combined lantern on the mast

What day shape would a vessel at anchor show during day light?

One black ball

What type of vessel or operation is indicated by a vessel displaying two cones with the apexes together?


Which vessel would exhibit sidelights when underway and not making way?

A pilot vessel

What day shape must be shown by a vessel 25-meters in length aground during daylights hours?

Three black balls

What dayshape must be shown by a vessel fishing which has gear extending more than 150-meters
horizontally outward from it?

One cone with its apex upwards

In the daytime you see a large sailing vessel on the beam. You know that she is also propelled by
machinery of she knows ____

A black cone

If a towing vessel and her tow are severely restricted in their ability to deviate from their course, they
may show lights in addition to their towing identification lights. These additional lights may be shown if
the tow is:

Towed astern

Which vessel would be required to show a white light from a lantern exhibited in sufficient time to
prevent collision?

A rowboat

A sailing vessel is not allowed to show the all-around red over green lights on the mast if ____.

Her sidelights and sternlights are combined in one lantern and shown on the mast

What is the minimum length of vessels required to show two anchor lights?

Which display indicates a vessel conducting mine clearance operations?

One ball near the foremast and one ball at each yardarm

At night you sight a vessel displaying a single green light. This is a ___

Sailing vessel

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