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Integrated Basic Education Department

Senior High School
Lagao, General Santos City

General Biology 1

Student’s Name: Joshua Miguel E. Henojosa Date: __________________

Grade & Section: Stem-1201 ST. Peter Channel Week No.: 7
Teacher/s: Zebred Joshua P. Bendijo
Joel R. Peñaflorida

Meaning Making in Cell Biology

CER Completion
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
● explain the relevance of understanding how key concepts in cell biology shape the plant,
animal and bacterial cell.
● realize the importance of stewardship for the integrity of creation by citing real life examples.
● complete the CER with Guided Generalization using provided videos.

A. Watch the video/s given and complete the CER below by providing the necessary information.
Video 1 link:
Video 2 link:

Essential Question: Why do the shapes of plant, animal and bacterial cells differ?

CLAIM (The answer to the question): answers should be in 3 sentences.

Video 1:
Each cell has a unique purpose and set of components; some include organelles,
while others lack even a nucleus. Some of these components share features with other
cells, while others are absent. for instance, although animal cells lack chloroplast, plant
cells do.

Video 2:
Instead of introducing animal and plant cells, this film emphasizes the
significance of genetic manipulation, which includes preventing pets from roaming free
and making some plants produce more vitamin A and develop quicker.

EVIDENCES (All of the evidence you’ve gathered from the videos that you have watched)
Video 1: Answers should be in 2 sentences.
Organelles in eukaryotic cells comprise the nucleus and other specialized
components. On the other hand, prokaryotic organisms lack membrane-enclosed
organelles and a nucleus.
Video 2: Answers should be in 3 sentences.
According to the video, corn used to be less productive and harder to find
because corn crops were eaten by caterpillars. However, after genetic modification
using the bacteria bacillus thuringiensis, which produces a poison harmful to
caterpillars, great corns were produced and the harvest increased. Similar results were
obtained with the rice experiment.

REASONING. The reasoning explains how the evidence helps answer the question.
Answers should be in 3 sentences or more.
Video 1:
This demonstrates that each cell has a specific role to play. Some just don't
produce a certain component because of how different it is from other materials used to
create plant and animal cells. This could also apply to microorganisms with various

Video 2:
This supports my assertion since it illustrates the breadth of what GM foods may
generate and highlights the ways in which other things can both aid and damage those
pests. This makes it clear that certain things that are excellent for us aren't always good
for all animals. The ability to modify our crops and other products to make them more
useful and palatable for the volume of demand has been made possible by GM.

Common Reasons. This will link the two videos. What is common based from your reasoning.
Answers should be in 1 paragraph. 4 pts.
The similarities between the two are that each of the three has a distinct function,
and these differences serve different purposes. For example, eukaryotic cells don't
have the factors that prokaryotic cells do, such as factors that produce a greenish color
where photosynthesis occurs, which only occurs in plants, and do have a nucleus.

Generalization. Make a generalization out of your common reasons (One sentence summary). 4 pts.
- Each sort of bacterial cell has a specific purpose.

Scoring Rubric. 32 points x 2

Total points = 64 points
Explanation shows in-depth inference that goes beyond class discussion of the
Enduring Understanding (EU) and other compelling evidence related to the topic.
Explanation shows no major errors or omissions regarding the Enduring
3 Understanding (EU). Justification shows logical reasoning with appropriate text
citation found from the given videos.
Explanation contains major errors regarding the EU. Justification is present but
there is lack of relevant citations from the videos to support the claim.
Explanation has no major connection to the EU. Justification lacks cohesiveness
and support from the given videos.
0 No explanation or justification was found in the answer.

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