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Parr 11-1} THR HYSORR GAZRTTR, NOVEMBER 18, 1971 i. 13 3 ‘ 5 6 1 so 19 T/C (1). Ningappa 1/3 Father Bharama 76/1B 77) 151B do 107 | 208 (2) Shivamuety 1/3} Rudrapurt (8) Bulappa 1/3 aif ; 20 75/1D Yamenappa Bherama Hudrepari self mic om 8/2 do 8 21 75/2 Danappa Saneaypa Kerorht WO 17 153 do 316 12169) Chenebimopa 172) Shankarappe 18/2 TT do 292 T410 (2) Rejantcker 1/2 Keroshi 23 84/1 Yamanappa Bharema Rodrapuri 8a 81/2 858 O13 op St tila Aerunphe Beasame Rede 82 ys SBA. 25 84/3 Shivappa Ningouda Rudrapuri 82 Hye 84/5 84/3 0-05 0.80 26 4/5 Khntalsa Ladea Basapur aay 84/6 A 9 & 10 81/2 1-33 * 2-00 27 84/6 Konopon Me'sgiri Badiger 83 aT Bay 0-95 23 84/9 Bhimapps Bharan a Badiver 84/5 84/10 87 & 8G 1-89 29 84/10 Konappa Melag ri Badiger self 85 «SH/IL BT & 6 1-83 3° 84/11 Bhivagoud. Shivalinea Rudrappagol self 84/6.» 84/ 1287 1-70 31 86/1 Bhimappa Senna Appsyya Badiger self En 86/2 86/8 164 32, 86/2 Adiveppa Sannappayya Badiger slf a 86/3 86/7 &8 1-46 $9 80/3 Bhimappa Bharamappa Badiger self ry 1 8h 181 34 86/4 Bharamappa Balappa Bedigor sit vy 86/5 86/9 1-10 35 86/5 a ipparya i adiger self 8 87 86,9 0-35: 30 86/7 Bharana Balapra Badiger solf 84/3 86/4 & 9 88/8 1-0 37 86/8 Kalleppa Balappa Baciger CLs 88/9 VB ot 1% judganatti 89 86/9 — Bhimoppa Balappa Badiger 0/4 86/5 do 8/8 0-01 0-08 45-23, By Order and in the name of tho President of Indiay BP, Karmm, e608 Under Seorstory te Goveroment, B.D) No. RD 449 AQL 71, dated 9th November 1971. Whereas by Notification No. RD AQL (A) ¢9, dated Nth Apr 1969 iesaed by the Governn.ent »nd published in the Mysore Gazette, ated 1°tb May 1989 Page 166 Part LIL-1 in Knglish version, it was norited under Seotion 4 of the Land Aoyutsition Aat, 1e94 (I of 1894) that the Inod specitied in the sobedule thereto was likely to be needed to be taken by the Goveranent for » publio purpose and perso ted in the said lands wore thereby warned that any contracts for the disposal °f the said Innde by sale, levee, mortgage, ssxigomeot, exchange of otherswise ot any improvements made therein without the sanetion of the Deputy Commissiev er, after the date of the Notineation would be virogarded 1a assessing compensation. itis bereby notited that the Government of Mysore is pleased to direct that the said Notifcation ‘ball be cancelled, By Order and in the name of the President of Indie, BLP. Kerusa, Onder sceretary to Government: B.D, 2018 No. RD 55 AQG 11, dated 2nd Novembsr 1071, Whereas by Notiflostion No. RD 90 AQK 10 dated 19th January 1971 issued by the Gov r ment and. publin shed in the Wysore Gazette dated 93th Jepuary 1971 No 293 part {11-1 1m Engh vers on it was acted under seotion 4 of the Land Aacguisitien Ack 194 (I of 194) that the lauds epeciued fa «he scheda'et here tv. ‘wre likely to be needed to be taken by Governinens for ‘© public purpose-and persons. inter sted in eh ade were thereby warced thas any contuota for the disposal of the said lands by tale, mortgage, asigment, exebange of otherwise or ny imporvnents ‘made thereit, witout sf the Deputy Commivsi ner afer the date of shat vocifieation would be disrigarded in ng compensation. Now, it is hereby notifed that the Goverament Mynore in ploused to direct that the said notneation shall be cancelled. By Onder and in the name of the President of Indie, BP: Karexay Under Reerstery te Goverstent, 2.3; 2031

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