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• Thready, increased pulse rate, decreased blood pressure and orthostatic

hypotension, flat neck and hand in veins in dependent positions, diminished

Fluid Volume peripheral pulses, decreased central venous pressure, dysrhythmias

Deficit • Increased rate and depth of respirations, dyspnea
• Decreased central nervous system activity, from lethargy to coma, fever,
“HypOvolemia” depending on the amount of fluid loss, skeletal muscle weakness
(Low fluid volume) Renal
• Decreased urine output
• Dry skin, poor turgor, tenting, dry mouth
• Decreased motility and diminished bowel sounds, constipation, thirst,
decreased body weight
Serum Blood Lab Findings
• Increased serum osmolality, increased hematocrit
• Increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
• Increased serum sodium level
• Increased urinary specific gravity
Memory Trick:
• If Osmolality is HIGH = Body is DRY
• If Specific gravity is HIGH = Body is DRY

• Bouding, increased pulse rate, elevated blood pressure, distended neck
and hand veins, elevated central venous pressure, dysrhythmias

Fluid Volume Respiratory

• Increased respiratory rate (shallow respirations), dyspnea, moist crackles

Excess on auscultation
• Altered level of consciousness, headache, visual disturbances, skeletal
“Hypervolemia” muscle weakness, paresthesias
(High fluid volume) Renal & Urinary
• Increased urine output if kidneys cannot compensate
• Decreased urine output if kidney damage is the cause
• Pitting edema in independent areas, pale cool skin
• Increased motility in gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea
• Increased body weight, liver enlargement, ascites
Serum Blood Lab Findings
• Decreased serum osmolality, decreased hematocrit, decreased BUN level
• Decreased serum sodium level
• Decreased urine specific gravity
Memory Trick:
• If Osmolality is Low = Body is Liquidy
• If Specific gravity is Low = Body is Liquidy

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