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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Part 1
– 5 questions –

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
There is one example.

a library a grandpa

a bottle a supermarket

a forest an elephant

a whale rice

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

This place is in the countryside. There are a lot of
trees here. a forest

1 This is the biggest animal in the sea.

2 This is a place. People sit inside this place and

read books.

3 This is a kind of food. It can be white, brown

or black.

¢ This man is your mother’s or your father’s father.

You are his grandson or his granddaughter.

5 You can drink water from this.

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Part 2
– 6 questions –

Read the text and choose the best answer.

Lucy: Where did you go on Saturday, Paul?

Paul: A I go to the park.

B I am in the park.
C I went to the park.

1 Lucy: Did you go with your friends?

Paul: A No, I went with my brothers.

B I don’t go with my friends.
C I didn’t go with my brothers.

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

2 Lucy: What was the weather like?

Paul: A It was sunny and hot.

B I liked the weather.
C I like sunny weather.

3 Lucy: When were you there?

Paul: A We played next to the café.

B We went by bike.
C We went in the morning.

¢ Lucy: Did you play basketball?

Paul: A Yes, we are playing basketball.

B No, we didn’t. We played football.
C No, we play football.

5 Lucy: I like going to the park. Let’s go on Saturday!

Paul: A Yes, I went last year.

B Sorry, I can’t. I’ve got homework.
C Sorry, I haven’t got one.

6 Lucy: Let’s go on Sunday, then. Let’s ask Peter to come with us.

Paul: A OK, we phone him.

B OK, Peter is phoning.
OK, we can phone him.

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Part 3
– 6 questions –

Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct
word next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.
Last year, I went on holiday to a farm . My Uncle Fred and
Aunt Lucy are farmers. They have got cows, sheep, (1)
and chickens.

One day, my uncle and I went to get some eggs. I found four
(2) eggs and only one white egg.

‘What’s the difference between brown and white eggs, Uncle Fred?’
I asked.

‘Some people say that brown eggs are better than white eggs,’
he answered. ‘But I don’t think there’s any difference.’

I was very careful when I put the eggs in a box. Then I (3)
them back to the farm slowly. But then Jack the dog jumped up at me
and I dropped the eggs!

‘There’s no difference between the white and brown eggs now!’

(¢) Uncle Jack.

‘The eggs are fine!’ said Aunty Lucy. ‘Let’s make a (5)
with them!’

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing


farm danced brown

cake onion carried

goats laughed grass

(6) Now choose the best name for the story.

Tick ( ) one box.

An exciting day at the farm
How to make a cake
Chickens are clever

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Part ¢
– 5 questions –

Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.


Example Sharks are part of the fish family. Their mouths are

1 very strong and they have teeth. Sometimes

2 sharks a tooth, but they can grow new teeth.

3 Some sharks can swim than dolphins and

sometimes they catch and eat them.

¢ Some sharks can jump of the water and

into boats. They can be dangerous and

5 they hurt people.

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Example in by of

1 a much many

2 lose losing lost

3 fast faster fastest

¢ from up out

5 sometimes never before

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Part 5
– 7 questions –

Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to complete
the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words.

Jim wants to make a cake

Jim lives in the countryside. He has an older brother called Peter and a sister
called Mary.
One day, Jim said, ‘I want to make a cake. Can you come to the shop with me?’
‘No,’ said Mary. ‘It’s raining. I don’t like rain.’
‘No,’ said Peter. ‘I’m tired.’
Jim walked to the shop. Peter and Mary watched television. When Jim came home,
he was cold and wet.

Jim’s home is in the countryside .
Peter is Jim’s older brother .

1 Mary rain.
2 Jim was when he came back from the shop.

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Jim put the food on the table. He put a bowl on the table, too. Peter and Mary
watched. Jim asked, ‘Can you help me?’
‘No,’ said Peter. ‘I have to do my homework.’
‘No,’ said Mary. ‘I don’t like cooking.’
Jim put the food in the bowl. He worked all afternoon. He made a nice
chocolate cake.

3 Jim’s brother didn’t help because he had to do .

¢ Jim’s sister didn’t help because she doesn’t like .

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

At the end of the afternoon, everyone was hungry. Mary ran to the kitchen.
Peter came, too.
‘Chocolate cake is our favourite. We’re really hungry,’ they said.
‘Oh no,’ said Jim. ‘You can’t have any cake. You didn’t help me.’
Jim’s brother and sister were surprised. ‘We’re sorry,’ they said.
‘Oh, OK,’ said Jim. ‘You can have some cake.’ Everyone was happy.
They all ate the cake.

5 All the children by the end of the afternoon.

6 The chocolate cake was in .

7 Mary and Peter’s favourite food is .

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Part 6
– 6 questions –

Look and read and write.

The people are in the park .
What’s the weather like? sunny

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CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing


Complete the sentences.

1 The man has got .

2 The name of the park is .

Answer the questions.

3 What is the boy wearing?

¢ Where are the birds?

Now write two sentences about the picture.

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