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First City University College CDIT434 Internet Technology

Faculty of Engineering & Computing Tutorial


1. Find THREE (3) examples of Dynamic Websites, and discuss the

reasons why they are called dynamic.

2. Find TWO (2) examples of Static Websites, and discuss the

reasons why they are called static.

3. Is Twitter a Static or Dynamic Website? State your answer and


4. Why Is It Better To Have A Dynamic Than A Static Website?

Suitable picture or diagram can be used to support your answer.

First City University College CDIT434 Internet Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Computing Tutorial

1. One of the common example of dynamic websites is Netflix. Netflix is a

platform that allow user to search for different genres of drama, movies and
variety show. Netflix is consider as a dynamic websites is because it will
update the latest film on the platform and also it will tend to suggest several
similar film based on the user previous watch show and film that are trending
on the website. The next example of dynamic websites is Facebook.
Facebook is a website that allow user to share their status , photo or video on
it. Also, if user want to post a photo or video on it user are allow to tag their
real-time location. Moreover, the contains of the main page will be different for
different user at different point on time based on what actions the users make
on the page. The preferences of the user alter what is displayed to them,
which can be an intricate process based on the sophistication of the website.
Lastly, the last example for dynamic website is Google Map. User are able to
use the google map to find the route to their destination with real time tracking
user’s location. So that the system are able to tell the user the direction.

Figure1.1 Interface of Netflix

First City University College CDIT434 Internet Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Computing Tutorial

Figure 1.2 Interface of Facebook

Figure 1.3 Interface of Google map

First City University College CDIT434 Internet Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Computing Tutorial

2. One of the example of static website is Samsung website. Samsung is a

brand that selling all the electronic gadgets. So that all the viewer can see that
the website are displaying the same information to every visitors because they
are selling the same brand products to their customers. Next , Nike is a
website that sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and so on.
On this website all of the information about their products are state detailly to
let the viewer view the information.

Figure 2.1 Interface of Samsung

Figure 2.2 Interface of Nike

First City University College CDIT434 Internet Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Computing Tutorial

3. Twitter is a dynamic website because it will update the latest information and
content and displays it based on what actions the users make on the page.
Also it allow user to share their status , photo or video and also real time
location or video (live).

Figure 3.1 Interface of Twitter

4. It is better to have an dynamic website than a static website because Dynamic

websites can dynamically change the content of the web page when the page
is running on the client’s browser. So that it can make sure all of the user are
interesting with the content that are showing to them. Also, dynamic website
are easier to maintain in the long run, they encourage efficient data
management, and you can expand them with extra functionality in the future.

Figure 4.1 static website vs dynamic website

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