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Assignment 2 (U1R2)

p.11 C. vocabulary (Explain in Chinese) (24%)
1 advocate 鼓吹者 7 funding 資金
2 authenticity 真實性 8 humanitarian 人道主義
3 cause 願景;目標 9 humility 謙遜
4 diverse 多元的 10 perceive 感覺;察覺
5 empower 賦權 11 personify 是…的化身
6 exponential 指數的(增加急遽) 12 phenomenon 非凡的人

p.15 B. vocabulary (Write a, b or c, the one that is incorrect.) (12%)

1b 2a 3a 4b 5a 6b 7a 8b 9a 10 c 11 b 12 a

p.16 C. Categorize (12%)

True statements: 1.、5.
False statements and correction:
2. The social entrepreneurs in the book have diverse goals.
3. The nonprofits in the book are focused on creating equal partnerships.
4. Some nonprofits are self-sustaining.
6. The heroes in the book won’t be satisfied with helping a small number of people.

p.18 B. compose: How do the volunteers help people? Who do they help? (12%)
Josh coombes Jade both
Notes from the video Give people free hair Look out the homeless Give people some help
cut/ the homeless people’s dog/homeless for free by using their
people’s dog skills/ homeless people

p.20 B. Identify (20%)

15 2 face up to
3 be confronted with sth 4adj.
5 intrinsic 6 ~sb(from doing sth)
73 8 from
92 10 sense of achievement

p.25 C. Analyze (8%)

a2 b4 c1 d3 e8 f6 g7 h5

p.27 B. Compose (12%)

2 Role models may inspire us to help people who cannot help themselves.
3 Role models have qualities that we would like to have.
4 To me, a person who inspires others to do good deeds is a role model.
5 Reading novels gives students something that they cannot get in the textbooks.
6 Caring for the environment is something that we all can do.
7 Someone who donates money to charity is a generous person.

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