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Assignment 3 (U6)

I p.154C Vocabulary (As is used in the reading. Explain in Chinese) (8%)
1 adjust 調整 5 expertise 專門知識(技能)
2 ambiguous 模稜兩可的 6 interpret 解釋
3 collaborative 合作的 7 pattern 方式
4 constant 頻繁的 8 transition 轉變

II p.157 B Vocabulary (12%)

1c 2c 3b 4c 5c 6b 7c 8a 9c 10a 11a 12b

III p.158 C Identify (6%)

1c 2c 3b 4a 5a 6b

IV p.163 C Vocabulary (6%) (As is used in the reading. Explain in Chinese)

1 acquire 獲得 4 permanent 暫時的
2 incentive 刺激、鼓勵(理由) 5 reluctant 不情願的
3 institution 機構 6 utilize 利用

V p.165 B Vocabulary (11%)

1 income 5 particular 9 approach
2 incentive 6 reluctant 10 institution
3 contact 7 permanent 11 acquire
4 enable 8 utilize

VI p. 166C Identify (7%)

a b c d e f g1 h

VII p.167 E (You don’t need to write down the paragraph number where the answer is found.)(16%)
True statements: ____________________
False statements and correction

VIII p.168 B Watch the video and take notes. Write down at least nine pieces of information(not
necessarily a full sentence) you learn about Roxana. (9%)
XI p.170 B Complete each pair of sentences with… (8%)
1a 3a 5a 7a
1b 3b 5b 7b
2a 4a 6a 8a
2b 4b 6b 8b

X p.173 B Identify Write down the answer…(6%)

1 2 3 4 5 6

XI p.173 C Read each sentence. Report the information… (4%)


XII p.174 D Read each sentence about blogger Devin Reams. Report… (7%)

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