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I. Complete the sentences with how much or how many and answer them
1. _________________ pizza do you eat ?
2. _________________ bananas do you buy for the week?
3. _________________ do you like on your hamburger?
4. _________________ cartoons of milk do you drink?
5. _________________ sugar do you put in your coffee?
II. Complete with container words.
1. A_________________ of chips.
2. A _________________ of wáter
3. A _________________ of soda
4. A _________________ of cookies
5. A _________________ of cereal
III. Complete with have / has
1. They/two /children -
2. She/a/swimming pool -
3. We/a/cute/pet -
4. You/a /pone message/from/mom/ -
5. Joeph /a DVD/player.
IV. Write questions with the cues use DO/DOES and answer them
1. Your country/have/9 cities/? -
2. Your/bedroom/have/furniture/? -
3. You/work/every day/on quarantine/? -
4. Your/parents/play/cards/ -
5. You/have/any/brothers or sisters/ -
V. Write about your bedroom use prepositions IN-ON-UNDER-BETWEEN-BEHIND
NEXT TO. Ex. In my bedroom there is a table on the table there is a laptop,
There is a bed between the wall and the night table

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