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WDouce Kreyòl Ayisyen: Bezwen bazik

Vokabilè /Vocabulary
Manje ak bwason/food and drink
dlo water
manje food
lèt milk
kafe coffee
te tea
vyann: meat
pen bread
sèl salt
bè butter
fomaj cheese
mayonèz mayonaise
sik sugar
ji juice
chokola chocolate
fri fruit
Pou pran swen tèt nou/To care for
sèvyèt towel
savon soap
pat dantifris toothpaste
bòs (dan) the toothbrush
Manm fanmi nou/Our family members
papa father
manman mother
frè brother
sè: sister
kouzen cousin (boy)
kouzin cousin (girl)
Neve nephew
Nyès niece
granpè grand father
granmè grand mother
pitit fi daughter
pitit gason son
Ekri non foto yo an kreyòl./ Label the Konplete fraz sa yo ki pale de fanmi
pictures in Creole. (Manje ak bwason). mwen./Complete these sentences about my family.
1. Pitit gason papa mwen se_______mwen.
2. Piti fi manman mwen se________mwen.
3. Pitit fi frè mwen se______mwen.
4. Pittit gason sè mwen se ________mwen.
5. Papa papa mwen se_________mwen.
6. Manman manman mwen se___________ mwen.

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