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My writing has been constantly elevating throughout the years.

Back in my freshman
year we wrote a poem for Ms. burger. It was called Passion. For what reason idk. You can
hardly read it because of all the misspelled words and the sentences that don’t make any sense.
I can tell by reading it that I thought it would be the best thing to have ever been read. But
looking back at it and re reading it again, well it is not good at all. Now moving on to Sophomore
year I think it improved a little bit. We wrote a research paper in your class and I wrote mine on
how sleep deprivation affects students. While it is an improvement from freshman year, it isn’t
much better. There wasn’t as much misspelling but the sentences just went on forever and I just
elaborated way too much on some of the points I was trying to make. Now onto Junior year.
This was from the Assignment The Jeff Walz rant & article response. This piece of writing was
much more improved and it just felt better reading it. Not any misspelled words or any
sentences that just go on forever. It was just more enjoyable to read.
Now after reading all those pierces from the past. I must say that my spelling has
improved. Just the wording has improved along with the way I put sentences together. Now
moving forward I still need to work on all the different parts of English. Like how to put together
better sentences and still need to work on spelling words right; because misspelling words I
think is really embarrassing and I tend to do it a lot which I hate. I am also proud of my past self
of how I always tried to use words I maybe wasn’t the most familiar with but still want to try to
work them in.

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