Values Reflection

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Values Tournament

My top sixteen values are family, adventures, loving, creativity, fun, charm, financial

independence, fitness, honesty, drive, harmony, order, humor, gratitude, joy, and faith. I have

picked all of those because they are essential to me and the values I strive to have.

In the first round, we have family going up against adventures. I have family winning this

one because it is genuinely one of the best values out there and without family, I would be

nothing. I love my family and they are super important to me. Next, I have loving and creativity

facing off. I have loving winning this round. Everyone needs to be able to love themselves and

love others. In the third round of this bracket, I have fun and charm going head to head. I have

fun moving on. You just need to be able to go out and have fun in your life otherwise life can get

boring. And for the last matchup on the left-hand side of the bracket for the first round, I have

Fitness vs. financial independence now these are both super important. You can’t be 32 and still

ask your mom and dad for money to get gas. Also, fitness is super necessary because I love to

go to the gym and work out a lot. Now even though these are both important, I am going to have

to go with fitness.

Now on to the right-hand side of the bracket. The first match-up is honesty vs drive. Now

drive is good and you need to want to better yourself in many different ways. Honesty is way

more important because if you can’t tell the truth then no one will believe anything you say and

that could ruin you and your career. People being able to trust you is so important. Next, we

have harmony and order facing off. I have harmony taking the huge lead and winning this round.

Nextly we have humor and gratitude. I have comedy-winning this one. Can’t be having people

out here that aren’t funny. Now onto our last match of the first round, we have joy and faith going

head to head. I have faith in taking the win today. Always need a base of faith.

Now onto the second round. We have some strong competition. We have family vs love.

Now, these are both super important. But the Family won this one barely. Nextly we have fitness
vs fun. They are both necessary for me at least to enjoy life and to feel happy. But I have fun

winning this one. While fitness is important to me fun is just more of a necessity. Like I can’t live

without having fun. Without fun, life is just all black and white. Onto the right-hand side of the

bracket. Honesty and harmony, now honesty nothing can compete with honesty. For the next

match which is the last match-up of the second round, we have a good face-off between humor

and faith. Now, these are two of the top five values in the tournament. I mean they came to play.

They both have a shot at winning this whole thing. But only one can advance. With that being

said I do have to take faith on this one. As stated before faith is just a huge value for me.

Now onto the third round of the Value tournament the values ultimately show down. To

start this matchup off we have fun vs family. Now they both bring everything you need to the

table. But as stated before only one can continue to move on into the finals. And that one will

have to be family. Fun was right there and definitely could have won it, but family is just too

important. You need family, you need to love and care for your family. In the next semifinal

matchup, we got another pair of complete powerhouses facing off on the big state. We have

honesty and faith. You know they were both top three coming into this tournament. And now

they are both in the semifinals. And I have to hand the win to honesty because with that there

isn’t any faith. Or at least for me, there isn’t any. Because you need to be honest in your faith. In

a way, they almost go hand and hand. And in this matchup honesty just had to come out on top.

Now onto the time that everyone has been waiting for. The finials of this year's Values

Tournament. From the left-hand side of the bracket, we have family. They have been strong this

entire tournament. Let's see if they can finish that way. But now onto the right-hand side of the

bracket, we have honesty. Honesty has handled the pressure well this tournament. They came

in ranked highly, and I don’t think many experts had them making it this far. They had the

toughest match in the semifinals and you know what they came out on top and they won. So

they truly deserve to be here and they have earned it. With all of that out of the way, I think it is

time to announce the winner of this tournament. But before that please take a second and listen
to this quick word from today's sponsor. Okay so now we are back here and the winner of this

year's Values Tournament is honsesty. And I mean who couldn’t see this coming after that

strong strong semifinals matchup. They just had all the momentum coming into this game and

they didn’t disappoint. And with all that being said this is Kadence from ESPN signing off.

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