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In general, Malays are an Austronesian ethnic group and country that originated in the Malay
Peninsula, eastern Sumatra of Indonesia, coastal Borneo, as well as the smaller islands that lie
between these places – areas that are collectively known as the Malay world.

During these occasions, it is typical to see diverse Malay kuih and local fruits offered
alongside classic Malay delicacies such pulut kuning (yellow sticky rice) with beef rendang,
nasi briyani, nasi minyak, lamb soup, kurma daging, and ayam masak merah.
Baju Kurung is the name of the contemporary traditional clothing worn by Malaysian ladies.
It may be regarded as the most well-liked traditional attire. A long-sleeved, knee-length (or
occasionally shorter) blouse with a long skirt known as kain make up the traditional Baju
All Malay people who live on the Malay Peninsula, in southern Thailand, the Philippines,
Singapore, central eastern Sumatra, the Riau islands, portions of the coast of Borneo, the
Cocos and Christmas Islands in Australia, and elsewhere speak the Austronesian language
known as Malay.

Additionally, it resembles Indonesian, sometimes known as Bahasa Indonesia locally.

The term "Malaysian language" (Bahasa Malaysia) is used to refer to the tongue in Malaysia.
The phrase, which was first adopted by the National Language Act of 1967, was widely used
until the 1990s, when most academics and government officials switched back to "Bahasa
Melayu," which is the term used in the Federal Constitution's Malay translation.

Zapin, joget, asli, and inang are just a few of the numerous and distinct traditional dances
performed by the Malay community in Singapore. Early in the 20th century,
Singaporealready had a thriving traditional dance scene.
Women must have a male guardian's permission before getting married, and unions are
registered with a religious leader, typically an imam. The families of the bride and groom
exchange many gifts during the engagement and wedding processes.

Given that the majority of people in Malaysia are Muslims, Hari Raya is one of the most
well-known holidays there. For one month, the ninth lunar month is devoted to the
celebration of Hari Raya.
If you want to impress a Muslim, stay away from anything with references to alcohol,
pigskin, or dogs; if the Hindu is a vegetarian, stay away from meat byproducts. Giving a
clock as a present to a Chinese person is frowned upon.

Other cultural presumptions include reverence for the family, community, and group;
respectful submission and deference to authority; acceptance of hierarchy; self-control; and
modesty and humility. A common value among most Malay people is their emphasis on
loyalty, unity, and respect for the elderly.

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