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Dear Scholarship Committee Members:

My name is Addison Kay Cotton. I am a senior at York High School and plan to attend Northeast/UNMC College of
Nursing next fall to pursue a BSN in Nursing. Helping others has always been my passion. I am excited that my future
career will help me to continue making a difference. I have taken advantage of many opportunities throughout high
school to best prepare myself for my future.

Although my primary focus throughout high school has been on taking college-preparatory classes, especially
healthcare-related classes, I have been very active in extracurricular activities. I am a three-sport athlete and proudly
qualified for the state track and field competition this past year. I’ve been an extremely active member of FFA where I
held an officer position for three years. I am currently our chapter’s Vice President. I am also involved with the
Fellowship of Christian Athletes along with the United Methodist Church, Sunday School, and Youth Group. I have
held leadership positions outside of school as well. I have been very involved with Nebraska’s Junior Angus
Association where I held the Membership Director position for two years, Communication Director for one year, and
am currently the Second Vice President. As an active 4-Her for ten years, it was an honor to be nominated as a Junior
Leader on York County’s 4-H Council for two years. These positions and opportunities have not only strengthened my
leadership skills and pushed me out of my comfort zone, but allowed me to develop better critical thinking,
decision-making, goal-setting, problem-solving, and communication skills.

I am not afraid of hard work. Throughout high school, I held several jobs. I’ve worked for an exterior house painting
company and at DC Tanning for the past two summers. I currently have a work-study at 4th Street Boutique, and also
work as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Working has taught me the importance of paying attention to detail and
perseverance. The many skills I’ve learned from these employment opportunities will, no doubt, be beneficial in my

Above all, I’m most proud that I’ve had the opportunity to put my hands to larger service in many ways. In 2019 I
helped spearhead a donation drive, along with my 4-H club, for the 2019 flood victims that resulted in 13 semi-truck
loads of supplies, hay, feed, and equipment to rebuild ranches and homes and spent days helping them rebuild their
lives. I’ve helped the elderly check their fire alarms, delivered to shut-ins, chaired beautification projects in my
hometown, and recruited donors for sixteen blood drives. A community service act that I developed myself was
painting the fingernails of oncology patients while getting lengthy infusions and elderly in nursing homes.  I also,
along with fellow FFA officers, organized a Pet Parade during Covid for our local nursing home. We paraded animals
around the outside windows of nursing home patients. The joy on their faces is something I will never forget. I have
learned that putting others above myself is deeply rewarding and has become a huge part of who I am.

As you are well aware, the cost of college is not easy for anyone. My mom fully supports my brother and me on her
own. My father has been absent in my life, especially in his financial obligation. College will be a huge financial strain
on my mom being a single parent. This scholarship would lessen the burden on her and greatly help me cover the cost
of college.

I would gratefully put this scholarship to use as I further my education at Northeast/UNMC College of Nursing
utilizing all I’ve learned from many great opportunities and supportive mentors. I’m excited to put my nursing degree
to work as a labor and delivery nurse. My true empathy for others is fueling this degree choice. Thank you for your
time, consideration, and investment in education at York High School and beyond.


Addison Kay Cotton

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