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Chapter 1

Question 1
What type of companies engage in marketing?
The type of companies that are engage in marketing are for-profit companies, non-profit organizations,
and even individuals. Everyone naturally needs to be engaged in marketing. A certain product or service might
not be bought by people without proper advertisement, promotion, or marketing strategy. How are they
supposed to buy the product, give support or hire your service without knowing anything about you, your
product, or what exactly the organization is about? Marketing is what makes the final output keeps on going and
‘living’. If you want anything to be known, be engage in proper marketing and that is why exactly everyone is
engaged in marketing; to be hired, to be able to sell, to be able to receive and give support, etc.
Question 2
What is the difference between non-profit marketing and social marketing?
Both do not directly engage and sometimes completely do not engage in monetary standpoint and trade.
But they differ in their objectives. Non-profit marketing focuses on campaigns or missions that intends to give
information or anything that gives a stand about what the organization is about. The campaign or mission is not
considered successful unless it is recognized and passed by professionals to other people. Social marketing, on
the other hand, encourage people to be part of or take part for a certain organization. It usually focuses on social
change or certain objectives people might or need to be part of. Its campaigns show the advantages and
disadvantages of services or things commonly done that points out why they must take part for.
Question 3
What can individuals do for themselves that would consider marketing?
Individuals are considered engaged in marketing when they ‘sell themselves’ to others. When an
individual gave information to others about himself for them to hire him, what he is doing is marketing because
those information about him gave out his value. And when he is already working for them and they give him
money in exchange for it but it is not enough for him so he works so much harder to earn a raise or a promotion
then that is another marketing he has done.
Question 4
Why study marketing?
Marketing is very important not just in the business industry but to different and various fields also. It
teaches us how to deal with people, hence the human interaction in contracts, negotiations, etc. needed in
closing any kind of a deal. Now, trade is one of the results of marketing and it evidently helped our nation’s
economy in different aspect there is. Also, it gives the product or service more potential to be known and be
acknowledged which makes it one of the reasons there might be increase in sales.
Question 5
How does marketing provide value?
For me, marketing is considered as part of the investment in selling out your products even if it takes
more or equal money than your raw materials and other expenses. No matter how good your product is but it is
not promoted or advertised and people know nothing about it, your product will rot. And everything you
invested in it minus the marketing is just a waste now. And that is how it provided value. If your product is
good enough and had a good and proper marketing strategy, then nothing could go wrong specially if
competitors are studied and acknowledged by the marketing strategy.
Question 6
Why does marketing cost so much? Is marketing worth it?
Marketing costs so much because it has a lot of aspects that needed enough materials and people to fill
in. Marketing is not just a plain idea but a complex one that requires effective and creative strategy. There is a
lot of gimmicks in there; posters, internet or television advertisements, -and for some-influential people. Things
which make the consumers be more interested in the products.
As mentioned above, it is part of the investment. It let the products be known and causes the widening of
market or consumer population. In addition, it helps the product be improved since marketing is also about
studying the consumers and other potential costumers.

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