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Dạng (Hiện Tại đơn) (Quá Khứ đơn)

Khẳng định S + V [-s/-es] S + V-ed / 2

Phủ định S + don’t / doesn’t + V(bare-inf) S + didn’t + V(bare-inf)

Nghi vấn Do / Does + S + V (bare- inf) …? Did + S + V(bare-inf) …?

Bị động …am / is / are + V-ed/Vpp… …was / were + V-ed/Vpp…

- yesterday
- always, usually, occasionally, often, …
- last : last week, last Sunday…
Nhận biết - every : every day, every year…
- ago : two months ago, five years ago…
- once…, twice…, 3 times…
- in the past


Dạng (Hiện Tại tiếp diễn) (Quá Khứ tiếp diễn)

Khẳng định S + am / is / are + V-ing S + was / were + V-ing

Phủ định S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + V-ing S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ing

Nghi vấn Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing …? Was / Were + S + V-ing …?

Bị động …am / is / are + being + V-ed/Vpp… …was / were + being + V-ed/Vpp…

- At that moment
- now, at present
- When / As + (simple past):
- at the / this moment
Nhận biết When I came, she was crying.
- Sau câu mệnh lệnh :
- While :
Keep silent! The baby is sleeping
A dog crossed the road while I was driving.


Dạng (Hiện Tại hoàn thành) (Qúa Khứ hoàn thành)

Khẳng định S + has / have + V-ed/Vpp S + had + V-ed/Vpp

Phủ định S + hasn’t / haven’t + V-ed/Vpp S + hadn’t + V-ed/Vpp

Nghi vấn Has / Have + S + V-ed/Vpp …? Had + S + V-ed/Vpp…?

Bị động …has / have + been + V-ed/Vpp… …had been + V-ed/Vpp…

- just, already, ever, yet, recent(ly), lately - after + (past perfect), (simple past)
Nhận biết - since, for : since 1995, for 9 years - before + (simple past), (past perfect)
- so far, up to now, from then - by the time/when ( Vpast), Had + Vpp


Dạng (Tương Lai đơn) (Tương Lai hoàn thành)

Khẳng định S + will + V (inf) S + will have+ V-ed/Vpp

Phủ định S + won’t + V (inf) S + won’t have + V-ed/Vpp

Nghi vấn Will + S + V (inf)…? Will + S + have + V-ed/Vpp…?

Bị động …will be + V-ed/Vpp… …will be + V-ed/Vpp…

- tomorrow
- by the end of this month
Nhận biết - next… : next week, next Monday
- by + (time in the future)
- in the future

Bảng động từ bất quy tắc cơ bản, thường gặp:

Dạng nguyên mẫu Dạng quá khứ Dạng quá khứ phân từ

awake = đánh thức Awoke awoken

be (là, thì) was, were been

beat =đánh, thắng Beat beaten

become = trở thành Became become

begin = bắt đầu Began begun

bend = bẻ cong Bent bent

bet = cá, đánh cuộc Bet bet

bid =đấu giá Bid bid

bite = cắn Bit bitten

blow = thổi Blew blown

break = làm vỡ Broke broken

bring =đem lại Brought brought

broadcast = truyền hình, truyền thanh broadcast Broadcast

build = xây dựng Built built

burn = làm bỏng, đốt cháy burned/burnt burned/burnt

buy = mua Bought bought

catch = bắt lấy Caught caught

choose = chọn Chose chosen

come =đến Came come

cost = tốn Cost cost

cut = cắt Cut cut

dig =đào (đào lổ) Dug dug

do = làm Did done

draw = rút ra Drew drawn

dream = mơ, mơ ước dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt

drive = lái xe 4 bánh trở lên Drove driven

drink = uống Drank Drunk

eat = ăn Ate eaten

fall = rơi fell fallen

feel = cảm thấy Felt felt

fight = chiến đấu fought fought

find = tìm thấy, thấy cái gì đó như thế nào found found

fly = bay flew flown

forget = quên forgot forgotten

forgive = tha thứ forgave forgiven

freeze =đông lạnh, đông thành đá froze frozen

get = lấy (tra từ điển thêm) got gotten

give = cho gave given

go =đi went gone

grow = trưởng thành, trồng grew grown

hang = treo hung hung

have = có had had

hear = nghe heard heard

hide = giấu, trốn hid hidden

hit =đánh hit hit

hold = nắm, cầm, giữ held held

hurt = làm tổn thương hurt hurt

keep = giữ kept kept

know = biết knew known

lay =đặt, để, sắp đặt (tra từ điển thêm) laid laid

lead = dẫn đầu, lãnh đạo led led

learn = học, học được learned/learnt learned/learnt

leave = rời khỏi left left

lend = cho mượn lent lent

let =để (để cho ai làm gì đó) let let

lie = nói dối lay lain

lose = mất, đánh mất, thua cuộc lost lost

make = làm ra made Made

mean = muốn nói, có nghĩa là meant meant

meet = gặp mặt met met

pay = trả giá, trả tiền paid paid

put = đặt,để (tra từ điển thêm) put put

read =đọc read read

ride = cưỡi, chạy xe 2 bánh rode ridden

ring = reo, gọi điện thoại rang rung

rise = mọc, lên cao rose risen

run = chạy ran run

say = nói said said

see = thấy saw seen

sell = bán sold sold

send = gửi sent sent

show = cho xem showed showed/shown

shut =đóng shut shut

sing = hát sang sung

sit = ngồi sat sat

sleep = ngủ slept slept

speak = nói spoke spoken

spend = xài, trải qua (kỳ nghỉ, quảng thời spent spent

stand =đứng stood stood

swim = bơi, lội swam swum

take = lấy, nhận (tra từ điển thêm) took taken

teach= dạy taught taught

tear = xé tore torn

tell = cho ai biết told told

think = nghĩ, suy nghĩ thought thought

throw = quăng, vứt threw thrown

understand = hiểu understood Understood

wake = thức dậy woke woken

wear = mặc(quần áo),đội(nón), xức (nước Wore worn


win = chiến thắng Won won

write = viết Wrote written

 Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete the blank in each of the following sentences
1. Up to now, we _______a lot of information about her.
A. will have learnt B. learnt C. have learnt D. would learn
2. When I _______ up this morning, my roommate _______ already.
A. am waking / leaves B. wake / has left
C. woke / had left D. was waking / left
3. I think we _________ from her soon.
A. hear B. will hear
C. have heard D. will have heard
4. When Jack _______ me, I _______ a letter.
A. phoned/ has been writing B. has phoned/ was writing
C. phoned/ was writing D. was phoning/ wrote
5. Be quiet! The baby _______.
A. is sleeping B. slept C. was sleeping D. Sleeps
6. My mother tells me that she _______since she was four.
A. has been singing B. has been sung C. sang D. had sung
7. Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow? – Sure. By then I _______ my exam.
A. will finish B. finished
C. will have finished D. have finished
8. At present Mary _______ her clothes. She _______ the clothes on Sunday.
A. is washing / often washes B. has washed / is often washing
C. was washing / has often washed D. washes / often washed
9. They _______ good preparations before they _______ their final examination yesterday.
A. made / had taken B. have made / take
C. had made / took D. will have made / have taken
10. He _______ for Canada two years ago and I _______ him since then.
A. left / did not see B. has left / have not seen
C. left / do not see D. left / have not seen
11. After Mary _______ her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company.
A. will finish B. is finishing
C. finishes D. will have finished
12. While they were laying the table, he _______ to the radio.
A. was listening B. listened C. has listened D. is listening
13. By the year 2020, many people currently employed _______ their jobs.
A. will have lost B. will be losing C. have lost D. are losing

14. I'm sorry that I _______ to you for ages.
A. don't write B. didn't write C. haven't written D. was writing
15. I haven't seen you lately. Where _______?
A. did you go B. have you gone
C. were you staying D. are you staying
16. Her husband _______ unemployed since they _______ to the countryside.
A. was / moved B. was / have moved
C. has been / moved D. has been/have moved
17. In 1966, my brother _______ at Harvard university.
A. studies B. is studying C. studied D. had studied
18. When I _______ Tom tomorrow, I _______ him of that.
A. will see / will remind B. see/ will remind
C. will see / remind D. see/ remind
19. Jane said she_______ 20 the following week
A. would be B. is C. will be D. was
20. They were too late. The plane_______off ten minutes earlier.
A. took B. has taken C. had taken D. was taking

 Exercise 2: Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences:

1. (A) Last year, my son (B) was lost (C) among the crowd when we (D) have gone shopping.
2. The problem (A) has turned out (B) to be more serious (C) than we (D) will have thought.
3. (A) Almost 300 million people (B) had visited (C) America’s national parks (D) every year.
4. They (A) have studied English (A) before they went (C) to London.
5. They (A) has got married (B) for 30 years (C) by the end of (D) this month.
6. They (A) will help you (B) whenever you (C) will ask (D) them.
7. (A) When Sam (B) will arrive, he will (C) open (D) the gift.
8. My father (A) has ever told (B) me honesty (C) was (D) the best policy.
9. Did you say (A) that you (B) will have a lot of things (C) to do the (D) following week?
10. (A) When we arrived (B) at (C) the station, the train (D) has already left.
11. (A) Did your doctor (B) recommend you that you (C) will stop (D) smoking?
12. (A) Up to now, there (B) had been (C) no woman (D) being chosen the US president.
13. The neighbors (A) are having a party and they (B) are making so (C) much noise (D) since 6
14. (A) Don’t (B) leave the house (C) until I (D) will get back.
15. I (A) was walking along the pavement (B) when I (C) realized that there (D) has been a man
following me.
16. Human (A) had struggled (B) against weeds (C) since the beginning (D) of agriculture.
17. Mary (A) said (B) that she (C) do jogging (D) every morning.
18. (A) At this time (B) next week, Peter (C) was working (D) in London.
19. I (A) had never seen (B) such a (C) good film like this (D) before.


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