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Imagine you are the instructor in this course and that you are trying to increase
students’ participation in class discussions. How would you use reinforcement to
achieve your objective?

 Natural & Direct Reinforcement : It will directly from the appropriate

behaviour. For example, interacting appropriately with peers in group
activities will lead to more invitations to join such activities. The natural
reinforcement for appropriate bids for attention, help, participation, is
providing the attention, help and opportunity to participate. The goals should
always be to move the student to natural reinforcement.

 Activity Reinforces : It’s very effective and positive for the students. Allowing
students to participate in preferred activities such as games, computer time is
very powerful. Especially if part of the reinforcement is being allowed to
choose a classmate with whom to participate in the activity.

 Token Reinforcement : It involves awarding points or tokens for appropriate

behaviour, reward can be exchanged.

2. Find two ads: one targeting the left side of the brain and another targeting the right
side. Explain your choices.

The Cesar dog food commercials – It’s an example for right brained advertising. The
commercial involves a man and a dog traveling around a city together. The man picks
up some flowers to take to a grave, where the dog offers his hand a comforting lick.
Afterwards they return home, and the man feeds his dog Cesar dog food. The
commercial ends with the caption “Love them back.”

The advertisement relies on the recognition of the bond between dog and man, as
well as the emotional scene at the grave, to encourage consumers to buy the dog

Right Brained : The creative personalities. Right brained individuals lean more toward
creative side of thing. These people are dreamers and enjoy a good story or unique
piece of art over hard fact and reason.

Verizon – It has also used quite a bit of left-brain marketing in an effective manner.
This commercial is very simple in design, with basic background and a focus on the
facts. A chart featuring what areas two different phone companies cover--those
being Verizon and Sprint--is behind the two individuals who present them, where
Verizon is shown to have a much larger coverage area than Sprint. The advertisement
ends with a listing of facts about Verizon’s wireless service.

The commercial relies very heavily on the reasons why someone should logically
choose Verizon over Sprint, and the straightforward, factual attempt to convince
consumers would appeal to a left-brained audience.

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In contrast to right-brained individuals, left-brained individuals tend to be very focused on
fact and reason.
The mind of someone with a left-brained individual is very logical, and tends to try and come
up with solutions to problems rather than focusing on an emotional response. They respond
best to data, statistics, and what would logically be the best choice, rather than to emotional

3. Which form of learning (i.e., classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning,

observational learning, or cognitive learning) best explains the following consumption
(a) Buying a six-pack of Somersby cider - Classical Learning According to Pavlion theory,
conditioned learning result when a stimulates paired with another stimulus that elicits a
kwon response serves to produce the same response by itself. The situation builds up
through repeated exposure.

(b) Preferring to purchase jeans at a Uniqlo - Cognitive learning. Theories believe that
learning occur through trialand-error process with habit formed as a result of rewards
received for certain responses or behaviors.

(c) Buying a smarthphone for the first time It can be under observation learning A process by
which individual observe the behavior of others, remember it, and imitate it. Also known as
modeling. People tends to prefer to a particular product through the observation result
(behavior of others) that they get from their close friends ,relatives and ads and etc

(d) Buying a new house - It can be instrumental learning. Learning occurs through trial-and-
error process with habit formed as a result of rewards received for certain responses or
behavior. This can be shown when the buyer or consumer will see the house and satisfied
with the result.

(e) Switching from one telco provider to another - Cognitive learning. The theory of learning
based on mental information processing, often in respond to problem solving. People tend
to switch the telco provider tp another regardless to the information processing ( the rate of
the bill charge /minute, the coverage signal of the phone service which can be consider
under respond to problem solving.

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