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His younger brother James AICHIN (d.

1803) was playing leading

386-451 (Leipzig, 1885). Only the more recent and accessible

persons, having violated the fundamental laws, and having

profession. Abbesses have a right to demand absolute obedience

over written speeches (a recently discovered fragment of

approximately. The dates rest, in the last resort, on the

at the time of his birth were quartered in the region now

group. It crystallizes in the cubic system, the common form

Probably also-- Ababwa

Asiatic wives. This policy did not allay the discontent of

located, between 18 deg. 40' and 20 deg. 30' N. lat., about 200 m.

C3H5(OH)2.O.CHO = C3H5OH+CO2+H2O

both exists and is conceivable. It is argued that we do in

1660. After teaching for some time at Lever's Grammar

societies, such as the Osterreichische Alpen-Zeitung

the intestinal tract or gut, extending from the distal end

FIG. 1. FIG. 2.

On the ritual changes which he introduced see W. R. Smith,

dissensions, which had been instigated by his concubine

near its eastern escarpment and on the direct road south

with.. From the southern boundary line for two and a half

suspected wine of another vintner, and to ascertain what

that when ready for treatment the solution contains about

a crushing defeat at Slankamen from the Austrians under

and sodium acetate (J. Tafel, Ber., 1886, 19, p. 1925; 1889,

great. To prevent this bill from passing into law, Charles

area of the district was 2678 sq. m., and the population

Martinique, the marquis de Bouille, had surprised the British

discerned in it the leaven of the Fraticelli or Franciscan

was there in Mr Pond's time''; and the transformation was

1904 petrol motors adapted for ploughing and other agricultural

a fresh act of aggression was committed. On the 13th of

the country, and in 1905 the total volume of trade exceeded

has a certain amount of trade. The old town contains one

forward to a quiet peaceful life. (See MOROCCO, History.)

arise by two successive divisions, in which case the arrangement

the area before the west front of the church. At Toulouse the

attention to drainage and general cleanliness. In addition

except shrapnel and high-explosive shell, which are fuzed only

B. Narthex. G. Nave. N. Abbey buildings.

reduced to their islands in the West Indies and French Guiana.

histories of philosophy by Zeller and Windelband, and Th.

when applied to the Academics or Peripatetics, the Stoics or

1904 593,409 42,256,291 301,313 1,954,604

scarcely any of the Puritan Nonconformists. Many who have

especially in Brooke's The Geography and Geology of Alaska.

or nameable which survive only in fragments, amount to over

the War of Devolution, was the outcome of that of St Germain

ascend to the Pongo de Manseriche, just above Achual Point

black hair. They are a branch of the Esquimauan family, but

Fellahin (Egypt)

the founding of the great mosque, now superseded by the

Kiretchhane and Yilderim are on the left bank of the Maritza,

the observer, and the great ``Nassau Balloon'' was employed,

The caeca exhibit almost every gradation of development,

taken at random out of scores, that this clause of the act

Ba-Nsinik Wa-Sagara
opposite shore, in Stirlingshire. Between Alloa and Stirling

if the aperture or field of view exceeds certain limits.

body. He had but a poor opinion of art, regarding it as a

is the form of adoration usually paid to Eastern potentates

displayed the same restless energy, and is said to have been

into aromatic groups ave: the action of carbonyl chloride on

AFRICAN LILY (Agapanthus umbellatus), a member of

man. His career shows no great political ideas, and none

of the Province of Maryland (1666), and Daniel Denton a

master in theological controversy, shunning not to cross swords

Lucknow, near the Cawnpore road, in the United Provinces of

AESTIVATION (from Lat. aestivare, to spend the aestas, or

journey. The essential parts of one form of Stirling's engine

the much-prized order of Maria Theresa. In 1850 he became a

The league prescribed uniform laws, standards and coinage; it summoned

many years. At the present time nearly every religious

Zealand and Canada (whose representatives are termed high

Das Deutschtum in Elsass-Lothringen (Munich, 1902). (P. A. A.)

given by F. Stromeyer in 1816, from the Gr. allos, another,

other upright slabs, was presented to the parish, and was

cleaned frequently in the usual fashion, no appreciable

constructed in such a manner that the unchanged chloride,

agitation of the Muwahhadis or ``Almohades'' (q.v.) in

acre share only when gradual improvement had made everything

failing, a rising, or a rising and falling one. Syllables in

in 965, the San Bernardino in 941; of course they may have

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