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Chapter 139 Sea Monster! Sea monster!

fish sea.

Within the waters of Kyushu Kingdom.

A warship in the West China Sea floated recklessly on the sea.

"Kyushu Guohai has been evacuated."

Soon, a signal was reported from this battleship...

Western country.


The Interim Defense Ministry of the West...

The Ministry of Defense of the West Country was originally deployed in the
Pentagon, but the Pentagon was destroyed by Su Ze, so he recruited another building
and deployed it.

At this moment, in addition to the newly-appointed military generals and the new
commander "Bamao" of the West Country's Provisional Ministry of National Defense,
there is also a mysterious person shrouded in black robes.

This mysterious man is less than five feet tall.

His figure is very thin, and the black robe draped over his body looks very loose.
The most terrifying thing is that his head is a circle larger than a normal person.

His body is not standing on the ground, but his feet are off the ground and
suspended in mid-air.

A pair of eyes, bulging out, the skin is full of wrinkles, not like the earth at

"My lord, the Kyushu army has withdrawn."

After receiving the news, the big bosses in Xiguo did not immediately issue
orders, but respectfully reported the news to this mysterious "envoy".

The people present were all senior officials of the Western Country, and they
naturally knew the identity of this "God Envoy".

More than a month ago, Su Ze rode a dragon across the ocean to Xiguo, slashed the
White House and the Pentagon in Xiguo, and killed many senior military leaders in
Xiguo, making Xiguo ... almost paralyzed for a while.

The major governors and the military in the western countries began to deploy and

At this moment, the scientists who started to explore and excavate the "Maya
Civilization Ruins" and "Atslanti" ruins many years ago made a major discovery!

They found the real "Maya Temple" in the "Remains of Mayan Civilization", but...
when they entered the "Maya Temple", they discovered...
It turned out that the "Mayan Temple" was a spaceship.

Compared with this spacecraft, Su Ze's spaceship is not worth mentioning at all...

This spaceship, in the shape of a pyramid, has a height of 3,000 meters...

Xiguo immediately started and sent a large number of people into the "Maya Temple"
in an attempt to control the spaceship. At this time... they discovered that there
were life fluctuations inside the "Maya Temple"...


The legendary high intelligent race!

"God already knew this."

The black-robed "Maya" didn't speak, but his powerful spiritual power resounded in
everyone's ears: "The Eastern Immortal Garden has fallen, and there is no strong
man in the Kyushu Kingdom, order your battleships... move on!"

The words of this "God Envoy" seemed to have an infinite magic power, and the
senior officials of the West Country directly issued the order without even
thinking about it.

fish sea waters.

A huge Western country battleship began to move forward...

Kyushu Kingdom.

"The warship of the Western Kingdom has entered the waters of the Kyushu

"They're still going..."

"Report sir, do you want to intercept the western warship immediately?"

In the Kyushu National Army, there has always been no shortage of iron-blooded
men. When these people saw the warships of the Western State entering the waters of
the Kyushu Kingdom so recklessly, their eyes were all red.

The maritime admiral of the Kyushu Kingdom even shouted, "I request to fight!"


"If Mr. Su... doesn't show up, it won't be too late to intercept the Xiguo
warship... Go ahead and let the sea side enter the S-class combat preparation!"

"Let the Air Force immediately dispatch the combat team to the coast of the Fish

An order was issued.

Some military generals expressed their inability to accept and understand.

Suddenly, a non-commissioned officer shouted: "Someone has appeared... The target

speed is very fast, reaching 9 times the speed of sound, and it is rapidly flying
towards the West Country battleship... The West Country battleship... is firing!"

The Sea of Fish, the waters of Kyushu.

A warship of the Western Kingdom moved forward quickly.

The commanders of these western warships are in constant contact with each other.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from a battleship at the forefront: "Oh, God, what
is that?"

"Someone is approaching fast!"

"It's the Eastern Devil, his speed is 9 times the speed of sound!"


The battleship that opened the way at the front suddenly trembled...

A cannonball blasted into the clouds.

Amidst the clouds, a thick sword light burst into the air, and with a single sword
blow, the shell exploded.


A mushroom cloud rises in the sky.

"Xiguo has started..."

At the same time, the world's major powers have seen this scene through invincible
detector monitoring.

"Hit the target!"

"Oh, NO!"

"The target is alive and unscathed!"

On the first battleship, another voice came over, followed by a panicked voice,


"What is that? An island? Oh... no, a sea monster!"


There was a loud noise in the ears of the commanders of many other battleships,
and then... and the first battleship completely lost contact.


fish sea waters.

Su Ze landed from the clouds.

He was covered in golden light, and on his body... a high-grade fairy weapon
defense suit emerged, turned into a set of golden armor, majestic and majestic,
like a god coming into the world.

The shell was split apart by him and exploded. The power of the explosion was
simply not enough to hurt Su Ze, who was wearing a top-grade fairy defense suit.

Holding the "Yuan Tujian", he suddenly sneered and shouted, "Dragon Turtle, come


Immediately, the world changed.

In the void, a huge figure like an island emerged.

This "island" smashed into the sea, setting off a hundred-zhang-high tsunami

【Adult dragon turtle】

"One of the four divine beasts in the Fengyun world."

"Age: 3000 years old."

"System prompt: Wind and Cloud World belongs to the world of martial arts. The
mythical beasts and dragon turtles are bound by the rules of the world and can only
grow to the level of Fish Leaping Realm."

"The system prompts that due to the suppression of the earth's rules, adult dragon
turtles can only exert the attack power of the Great Perfection of the Purple
Palace Realm, and the defense power and the mysterious laws remain unchanged."

"Dragon turtle, destroy it, destroy all these battleships."

Su Ze spoke lightly and sighed: "Damn, labor and capital have to go back to
Fengyun World to collect the top ten artifacts!" ..

Chapter 140 Mayan Temple


"what is that?"

"A sea monster?"

On the deck of the battleship, the sea of the West Country was almost scared to

The dragon turtle swallowed nearly half of the fish and shrimp in the waters of
the farm, and the body grew to nearly 100 meters... However, Su Ze still disliked
this evolutionary speed too slow.

He spent 50,000 planting points directly from the system mall to exchange an
[Evolution Pill] for the dragon turtle.

The four divine beasts of the Wind and Cloud World, the bloodline is not too
tyrannical, but an [Evolution Pill] directly made him reach the peak of adulthood!

An adult dragon turtle with a body length of 800 meters can set off a huge wave
when it moves casually in the sea water.
The most terrifying thing is that dragon turtles are naturally water beasts and
can control water.

The first moment it received Su Ze's order, it opened its mouth directly, and a
water column with a thickness of one kilometer was sprayed out.

How powerful is the great perfection of the Zifujing realm?

This water column, even if it hits a mountain peak, can instantly pierce the
mountain peak, let alone a warship?


This battleship was pierced in an instant, and a large amount of seawater spread
into it.

At the same time, on the battleship, a round of artillery shells fell on the
dragon turtle.

The dragon turtle controlled the water and formed a water curtain in front of it.
The power of these shells blasted the water curtain away and landed on the back of
the adult dragon turtle, but it did not cause any damage to the dragon turtle.

The dragon turtle is the most powerful divine beast among the four divine beasts.

Although its combat power was suppressed by the rules of the earth to the great
perfection of the Purple Palace, its defense power was not suppressed.

How strong is the defense of a dragon tortoise that leaps from the Fish Leaping
Realm to the First Layer of Heaven?

I am afraid that it is a human powerhouse that is comparable to the Great

Perfection of the Fish Leaping Realm.

To know……

The 4 million-ton level [Dongfeng-5A] intercontinental missile may not be able to

kill a monk who is good at defense.

Although these missiles are powerful, they are not comparable to the 4 million-ton
class [Dongfeng-5A].


A large number of missiles exploded all over the body, making the dragon turtle
fierce. It roared repeatedly, setting off a tsunami hundreds of meters high, and
instantly annihilated the battleship.

None of the Western guards on the battleship survived.

All other battleships discovered the appearance of Dragon Turtle and Su Ze.

Above the battleship, armed helicopters hovered, strafeing with weapons and
throwing artillery shells.

Those warships, the guns fired in unison, the scene is very spectacular.

Moreover, in addition to the battleship, there were submarines lurking on the

bottom of the sea, and the fish fired at the adult dragon turtle.

The dragon tortoise roared again and again, and the whole body tsunami swelled,

Suddenly, in all directions, walls of water rose out of thin air.

These water walls, although unable to resist the power of those shellfish, can
play a "blocking" role.

Once the shells and fish hit the water wall, they would explode immediately, and
it was impossible for them to fall on the dragon turtle.

The aftermath of the explosion generated by the long-distance explosion did not
damage the adult dragon turtle at all.

Da da da da da! ! ! !

A group of armed helicopters circled, and the heavy armor-piercing projectiles

carried by the helicopters shot down.

These Western guards found that ordinary attacks were ineffective against Su Ze
and the "sea monster", and immediately turned to Su Ze.

"act recklessly!"

Su Ze stood proudly, he spit out four words coldly, and suddenly a golden sword
light burst into the air in the purple mansion between the eyebrows!

The best immortal sword - the red gold sword.

Su Ze has never refined the "Yuantu Sword", so he can only use the Yuantu Sword to
slash, but the "Red Gold Sword" is different.

He used his divine sense to drive the red gold, and suddenly the golden light
shone on the sky and the earth, and a golden sword light pierced the sky at a
terrifying speed!

Bang bang bang! ! !

Thirty-eight armed helicopters in the cross-legged void exploded!

That golden sword light continued to skyrocket, turning into a kilometer giant,
and a sword in the sky directly cut a Western warship into two halves.

The second...

The third...

A full twelve warships of the Western Sea were all sunk to the bottom of the sea
under this sword.

And the dragon turtle, with a rumbling sound, set off the waves, dived into the
bottom of the sea, and started chasing the submarines.

Su Ze reached out and returned the red-gold sword to its sheath.

He looked up at the far west, and in his eyes, there was ice...

Western country?
Is this your trump card?

This scene was broadcast live by the world's major powers through the invincible
detector. When I saw it, I suddenly gasped, and I was shocked beyond recognition...

Destructive weapons are not available, what can stop Su Ze's sword in the world?


"No, God, the Eastern Devil has appeared..."

"Listen to all orders, attack, and destroy the Eastern Demons at all costs!"

"God, sea monster..."

West Country, Provisional Ministry of Defense.

A group of new bosses in Xiguo saw the battle process clearly. When they saw the
dragon turtle appearing in the world and easily catalyzing a naval battleship, they
immediately got down and said, "Prepare... the hair is super martial!"


The general who gave the order just finished speaking. In the live video of the
invincible detector monitoring the live broadcast, Su Ze cut the world-shattering

The place was silent.

A non-commissioned officer plucked up his courage and asked, "General, do you

still want to launch super weapons?"


The general who had previously ordered was furious, got up and threw the non-
commissioned officer to the ground, uttering Inge and foul language: "Shoot your

"Eastern Devil, you have escaped the super weapon attack twice in a row, this
time, are you sure you can hit it?"

The sergeant, was about to cry.

FUCK Nima!

Isn't it your order? This TM turned his face as a fart?

The West Country General turned around and bowed respectfully to the "God Envoy",
saying: "My Lord God Envoy, the Eastern Demon is very powerful, please ask the Lord
Envoy to take action."

"Please God Envoy to take action and destroy the Eastern Demon!"

One after another, the big bosses of the western country and the new commander of
the western country "Bamao" respectfully spoke in unison.


"These submarines actually want to play with dragon turtles in the water?"

"Don't they know that the sea is the main battlefield of the dragon turtle?"

Su Ze's mental power radiated out, observing the battle between the dragon turtle
and the submarine, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, his face changed greatly, and his pupils contracted violently.

"What is that? A... Pyramid?"

"No, it's a pyramid-shaped spaceship!"

In the depths of the ocean, the Mayan temple slowly rises. ..

Chapter 141 Flying Bat vs Mayan Temple

Deep in the ocean, a huge pyramid slowly rose.


"It's not a pyramid, it's a spaceship!"

Su Ze, who was exploring the battle between the submarine dragon turtle and the
Western Submarine with his spiritual power, couldn't help but change his face. This
spacecraft, nearly three kilometers high, was like a majestic mountain. In terms of
volume alone, it was ten times the size of the Flying Bat. more than twice.

Click click!

As soon as the pyramid-shaped spaceship appeared, a gun barrel protruded from the

This gun barrel, which is three or four meters thick and thirty or forty meters
long, gathers terrifying energy.

"not good!"

"System, gave me a dragon turtle!"

Su Ze's thoughts moved, and he gave an order in an instant.


The whole piece of Wang Yang seemed to tremble, and then, a thick beam of light
blasted past the sea area where the dragon turtle was previously.

This beam of light is different from the "laser cannon" launched by the Flying
Bat. It seems to be a kind of energy bombardment. It blasted nearly 10,000 meters
on the seabed before it exploded.


Tsunami continued.

Su Ze's pupils could not help shrinking...

The explosive power of this blow is still higher than the [Dongfeng-5A]
intercontinental missile. Although it is not comparable to the 30 million-ton
super-weapon explosion, at least it has a 10 million-ton level!

"This is the spaceship of the West Country?"

"Impossible... With Earth's current science and technology, how could it be

possible to develop such a high-end spacecraft?"

Su Ze thought secretly in his heart.

The Qinglian sword energy surged wildly in his body, and the top-grade defense
fairy armor on his body shone with golden light.

Ten thousand meters away from it, the huge spaceship in the shape of a pyramid
broke through the water and slowly rose.


"Is this the trump card of the West Country?"

Kyushu Guoguo, the No. 1 executive and the generals of Kyushu Guoguo, watched the
huge pyramid-shaped spaceship through the live broadcast of the invincible

Judging from the surveillance footage of the invincible detector, even if Su Ze's
whole body flickered like a goddess...

But he still looked too small in front of that spaceship.

Rakshasa country.


movie country...

All the major powers in the world are watching here.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... worthy of being the number one expert on earth, that divine
beast, Xuanwu, should have been raised by Mr. Su, right?"

Suddenly, inside the spaceship, there was a cold voice.


"What a powerful spiritual force."

Su Ze's eyes flashed.

But at the bottom of the pyramid spaceship, a "disk" with a diameter of more than
100 meters flew out. The bottom of the disk was shining with a strange luster, and
above it, more than 20 figures stood.

In front of these people are three "dwarfs".

They were wearing black robes, their feet were off the ground, and they were
suspended in the air. Their shriveled skin made people feel very uncomfortable.

Su Ze frowned, and also passed it out with mental power.

One of the black-robed "dwarfs" chattered endlessly and said in a high-spirited

tone: "Ignorant mortals, my god comes from the Mayan Empire, a distant cosmic

"Maya Empire?"

Su Ze sneered, suddenly drew his sword, and slashed towards the disc with a sword
in the air, sneering: "Go to Nima's Mayan Empire, dare to support Xiguo Yin Laozi
behind his back, even if the Jade Emperor is the Great Emperor, TM can't do it."


A huge sword glow went away.

"Tricks of the eagle... I'll fight you!"

This "God Envoy", while the spiritual power was fluctuating, had already flown out
of the disc.

The black robe on his body turned into a shady curtain that covered the sun, and
rolled directly towards Su Ze's sword glow.

This "envoy" of the Mayan Empire has his self-confidence.

The earth has become a "waste star", and the inheritance of the eastern world is
not there. How high can this world number one be?

Under the suppression of the rules of the earth, within the same realm, are these
ants on the earth the opponents of the masters of the Mayan Empire?


next moment……


The shady curtain that covered the sun was directly torn apart.


The angel with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly shouted.

A cyan misty sword energy directly tore him apart.

Within the same realm, Su Ze is enough to sweep the heavens and the world!

He held Yuan Tu, and his body exuded the destructive luster of a high-grade
immortal weapon defense suit. Within a thousand meters of his body, the azure misty
sword was like a dragon, and he took a step, which was a thousand feet away, and
directly killed in front of the disc.

Above the disc, the remaining two "Maya" people were taken aback.

One of them, the Maya called "God", slightly moved forward with the scepter in his

The mental power turned into a swamp field through the amplitude of the scepter,
blocking Su Ze.

Su Ze only felt that the pressure on his body had greatly increased, and his
speed, strength, and even his reaction had weakened a lot.

At this moment, the disk, with a shock in the void, flew directly into the pyramid

A gun barrel was aimed at Su Ze, and the terrifying energy gathered, turned into a
huge beam of light, and shot over.

"Flying Bat!"

Su Ze roared in his heart, and in front of him, the Flying Bat appeared out of
thin air.


The beam of light slammed on the Flying Bat, causing a violent explosion. For a
time, the tsunami rolled over, and the entire sea area boiled. The violent light
generated by the explosion of the beam of light covered a range of hundreds of

All the major powers in the world are monitoring the signal of the invincible
detector here, and they are broken at the same time.

Inside the Mayan Temple.

The "God Envoy" manipulating the spaceship sneered: "That spaceship is 300 meters
long, 80 meters high, and 153 meters wide... Judging from its size, it should be
[Yu] level. The spaceship can withstand a super-weapon explosion equivalent to
about 10 million tons."

"The conventional weapon energy cannon of the Mayan Temple can exert the power
equivalent to a 15 million-ton super-power explosion..."

"He will surely die."

Behind the envoy, there are strong men of the Western country who have been
transformed by them.

The Mayans are born with strong spiritual power. The Mayan Empire is also a
powerful country in the universe. They have a complete method of "spiritual power"
cultivation. With their spiritual power, they can completely awaken ordinary people
on earth to "superpowers".


The god holding the "scepter", the pair of light bulb-like protruding eyeballs on
the shriveled face, was full of inconceivable.


"He's not dead yet!"

Through the large electronic screen of the spaceship, he saw that a super weapon
was aimed at the "Maya Temple" and bombarded.

At the same time, the wind and cloud world.

On the top of the Tianshan Mountains, the headquarters of the Tianxia Association.

There is absolutely no god, and the army is joining forces to challenge Su Ze! ..

Chapter 142 Chao Wu Repeated Bombing

In the world of wind and clouds, at the top of the Tianshan Mountains, there is
absolutely no god and broken army.

Behind Jue Wushen stood Jin Chaluo and many Lingchaluo. They were all powerful.
Compared with Empress Wolf Slayer, Boya Hancock, Masako Kono, Mingyue and Yan Ying,
they were all powerful Appears softer.


"I heard that Young Master Su of the World Association is known as the number one
in the world. There are four hundred warriors under his command, all of them are
first-class masters in the arena..." Po Jun's eyes were unbridled, looking at the
five daughters of the Empress of the Wolf, and sneered: " What? Su Gongzi ran

He took a step forward, suddenly drew his sword, and grinned: "There is no god,
you pick two of these five beauties, and the remaining three belong to me."

The sword in Po Jun's hands is a heroic sword.

He teamed up with Jue Wushen and subdued Wuming, but...

The secret of Jianzong's secret "Wanjian Guizong" Jianhui was passed on to Wuming,
but not to his son Pojun, so Pojun did not kill Wuming, but abolished his
cultivation and wanted to ask questions. Come up with the cultivation method of
"Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect".

No gods looked at Po Jun's words.

There was a conspiracy in his eyes.

In the eyes of a hero who can "kill a division" for the sake of power, there are
only absolute interests, and there are no absolute friends at all... What's more,
he and Po Jun are not even friends.

At most, it was only to deal with the nameless, and temporarily formed an

In his eyes, lustful light flickered, his eyes swept over the Empress and the
other five women, and sneered: "How about me, three, and two?"

Po Jun laughed, and the two hit it off.

Jue Wushen waved his hand and said, "Go, grab them!"

Under his subordinates, many spiritual forks set off together, turned into
afterimages, and rushed towards the five women.

"court death!"
Boya Hancock snorted coldly, her figure instantly disappeared in place, and a
fragrant wind blew in between, and the dozen or so Lingchaluos who rushed to the
five women first, all petrified in place.

The Empress of Wolf Slayer patted Boya Hancock on the shoulder, and said lightly,
"Sister Hancock, stay behind, here... Leave it to me!"

Her breath suddenly changed, from a seemingly weak and ordinary girl, to a world-
leading emperor in an instant.


Heaven and earth change.

The entire sky was darkened.

The group of Lingchaluo who rushed forward couldn't stand the pressure of the
empress of the Wolf Slayer, and they burst open one by one.


There is absolutely no god and broken army, and his face has changed greatly.

They wanted to scream and escape, but found that their bodies were not even able to
move at all. Despair, panic, helplessness... All kinds of emotions spread to their

Buzz Buzz!

They saw a phantom of an oddly shaped earthen pot rising up.


All fixed at this moment.

pat, pat!

Jue Wushen and Po Jun's breath were instantly evacuated, and their bodies fell to
the ground.

Jin Chaluo and a dry spirit Chaluo... have all died.

The white-clothed plain dress of the Empress of Wolf Slayer looks like a slanderous
immortal descending from the sky. She put away her aura, and the shadow of the
"Swallowing Devil Pot" behind her slowly dissipated, and said lightly, "Dare to
attack the sisters' idea... Kill Wu Pardon!"

When she reached out, she took the hero sword into her hand, and smiled innocently
and brilliantly: "Well... my husband seems to be looking for this sword."

far away……

Xiao Sanxiao has been hiding around the World Association recently, watching here

After seeing this scene, he was so frightened that he lost his voice and said, "How
could this happen..."
"This woman..."

"That trick..."

His brows twitched non-stop, and he whispered, "This woman is stronger than that
monster, and her move is enough to kill me in seconds... No, I'm going back to the
mountain to retreat!"

He made up his mind and fled at once,

With the blood of a dragon and turtle, he can live forever, even in seclusion for
hundreds of years and thousands of years!



The Sea of Fish, the waters of Kyushu.


A huge mushroom cloud rose up, and the pyramid-shaped spaceship was blasted
directly into the sea.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, a huge tsunami swept through, directly

submerging an uninhabited island.

The explosion is over...

The "Mayan Temple" resurfaced from the bottom of the sea.

In the end, it is the spacecraft of the cosmic civilization country. Although this
"Maya Temple" is not as good as the "primitive universe" spacecraft, it is not bad.
Completely fall apart.

Although it has not completely fallen apart, the "Maya Temple" is not good.

Inside it...


A burst of mechanical beeps resounded.



"The spacecraft is seriously damaged..."

"The kinetic energy is less than 50%..."

"The defense system is automatically turned on..."

"The attack system has been shut down..."

The expressions of "God" and "God Envoy" changed greatly.

They never imagined that this would happen.

After all, with the ability of the "Mayan Temple", even if it is locked by Chaowu,
it can be moved to avoid or directly intercepted in an instant...

"A group of ants dare to call themselves a higher civilization?"

Su Ze has already entered the Flying Bat.

His voice, through the Flying Bat, diffused into the interior of the "Maya
Temple": "A B-class spaceship in the area dares to be arrogant in front of my
Flying Bat..."

He spoke lightly, and his voice resounded in the ears of the so-called "God" and
"God Envoy".



That god, screaming wildly, roared: "You can't kill me, you can't kill me, I am a
member of the royal family of the Mayan Empire, and as early as more than a month
ago, I passed the information back to the Mayan Empire... No Day, the Mayan Empire
will come to the earth, if you kill me, the army of the Mayan Empire will
definitely destroy the earth..."

Above the Mayan temple, a huge layer of energy mask rose up.


Su Ze's voice stopped.

The intelligent life of the Flying Bat shouted: "Master, I have invaded that low-
level spaceship and stole all the information about the Mayan Empire..."

"Super martial arts!"



Su Ze took a breath and directly fired all the destructive weapons in the "Flying

The sky is falling apart, as if the end of the world is coming!

The defense system of the huge "Mayan Temple" was completely shattered when the
third super weapon exploded, and the entire spaceship was directly annihilated...

"not good!"

"The tsunami broke out!"


Su Ze's face changed drastically.

The continuous bombardment of heavyweight and destructive weapons made the ocean
furious, and the huge tsunami waves rolled up to a height of a thousand meters and
radiated in all directions... ..
Chapter 143 Going to Dongzhou Country: Heavenly Blade, Greedy Wolf Sword

The sea area here is only a few thousand miles away from the coastal cities of
Kyushu. The outbreak of the tsunami will definitely affect the coastal cities.

"Dragon turtle!"

"Ruffian Dragon!"

With a thought, Su Ze released the two divine beasts directly.

The dragon turtle is a water-type divine beast, while the divine dragon can
control the water, and the two divine beasts quickly stabilized the tsunami.

Su Ze stepped on the blue clouds and stood proudly in the void. His eyes were
looking towards the West Country from a distance.

Western country.

Interim Defense Ministry.

The newly-appointed commander of the West Country, "Bamao", as well as many newly-
appointed leaders of the armed forces, were pale.

They monitored the filming through the invincible detector, and watched all the
fighting process in their eyes.


"God and God..."

"All defeated?"

Bamao jumped up directly and said loudly: "Damn Maya, I said, you shouldn't touch
the eastern demon..."

"Hurry up, put in the super weapon, put in the super weapon!"

A general of the Western Kingdom called out again and again.


Everyone didn't move.

An older general sighed: "The spaceship of the Eastern Demon can summon anytime,
anywhere... Chaowu, it doesn't work for him at all."


"From today onwards, no one is allowed to provoke the demons of the East or the
Kyushu Kingdom..."

The old general took off his military cap with a solemn expression, and said,
"We... can't be the sinners of the Western Kingdom!"

Many generals have all calmed down.

All of them were sitting in the temporary Ministry of Defense of the Western
Kingdom, and no one escaped.
Infected by this atmosphere, Bamao immediately spoke in a deep voice and said,
"The demon of the East is still in the waters of Kyushu Kingdom, it will take some
time for him to come over, let the other staff of the Ministry of Defense leave,
and immediately hold an information press conference... …to live globally.”


Su Ze turned into a sword glow and flew against the sea.

Under the suppression of the earth's rules, his limit speed can only reach six
times the speed of sound...

However, it was fast enough.

The entire sea surface was driven by high waves because of his extremely fast
flight. Looking from a high altitude, one could see that a sword beam was flying at
an extremely high speed, and after that... was a white wave line. (Refer to
Affordable Flight in Dragon Ball)

Suddenly, the intelligent life of the Flying Bat took the initiative to contact Su

"Master, I'll show you something good."


An electronic projection appeared in front of Su Ze. In the electronic projection,

there were the new commander of the Western Kingdom and the military bosses. After
they arranged everything, they started to hold a press conference and broadcast
live to the world.

In the live broadcast, Bamao and the military leaders looked sad.

"We are deeply sorry for this provocative act of the U.S. Navy entering the waters
of Kyushu."

"It's all the fault of the Mayans!"

"We were bewitched and controlled by the Mayans to do all this."

"We are willing to accept Mr. Su Ze's sanctions..."

"Also, in the past few years, we are willing to share with Mr. Su Ze all the
research results of the Maya people in the Western Kingdom...even with the Kyushu
Kingdom and the world."

"I just hope, Mr. Su Ze, that the innocent civilians of the West can be spared."

This live broadcast is open to the world.

"These guys in Xiguo's new position...they have good brains."

"They thought that by triggering a global fishing reel, they could stop me?"

Su Ze sneered.

What nonsense research results are just a bargaining chip for the West to win over
other countries.
Moreover, they hold live broadcasts that can generate a large number of social

After all, ordinary people don't know about this.

Su Ze would never harm innocent civilians. The senior officials of the Western
Country... know this very well. They do this just to save their own lives.

"Flying Bat!"

With a thought, Su Ze summoned the Flying Bat.

He dodged, entered the Flying Bat, and said, "Go to the West Country for a live
information conference."

He flies faster than taking off the Bat...

Still too slow.


The Flying Bat flashed in the air and disappeared in place in an instant. After a
while, the afterimage that remained in place just disappeared.


Western country.

Interim Defense Ministry.

Bamao, speaking.

In the face of reporters from all over the world who are stationed in Shengcheng,
the western country, he showed great grief.



A sword mark was cracked between his eyebrows, and a drop of blood flowed down
from the sword mark.

A Japanese male reporter with eyes held up the microphone and said indignantly: "I
believe that the power of man should not be above the state, and the devil of the
East has powerful power but does not have the sense of responsibility of a strong
man. ...he did something wrong, killing innocent people, the whole world should
unite to destroy...ah!!"

Before he could finish a sentence, Bamao's head suddenly burst open.

The white and red brains were splashed all over his face.

The Japanese reporter was trembling with fear.

"Really? It's up to you? What will you use to destroy me?"

Su Ze's voice came into his ears lightly, and then, a sword flash appeared and
directly killed the Japanese reporter.
Amid the screams of journalists from various countries, Su Ze flew down from the
Flying Bat.

He stepped on the void, and with a single sword, he killed Bamao, the commander of
the Western Kingdom, and all the newly appointed military bosses... all killed.

Looking at one of the cameras, Su Ze said indifferently: "People don't offend me,
I don't offend anyone, if anyone offends me... I will punish them!"


Su Ze flew into the sky and entered the Flying Bat, and then the Flying Bat
flashed and disappeared without a trace.


His words spread all over the world through live broadcast.


Wind and Cloud World.

On the top of the Tianshan Mountains, the Great Hall of the World Association.

"This is... a hero sword?"

Su Ze looked at the sword in his hand, couldn't help laughing, hugged the Empress
of Wolf Slayer in his arms, and kissed it fiercely.

Masako Kono recounted the story of Juewushen leading Jinchaluo and Lingchaluo to
the World Conference.


Su Ze's eyes were cold and his tone was calm, and he said, "Nannan, kill it well!"

His eyes, looking into the distance, whispered: "It seems that the wolf sword and
the sky-blade sword among the ten great soldiers of the wind and clouds are hidden
in the wolf valley of Dongzhou country..."

"Tomorrow we will leave for Dongzhou Country!" ..

Chapter 144 The First Swordsman of Dongzhou Country

"I'm going to Dongzhou Country... I only bring Mingyue alone. You stay at home and
guard the World Association."

Early the next morning, Su Ze said in the hall, "Wang Zhong, Zhong Yue, you
continue to inquire about the whereabouts of Heavenly Sin and the Great Evil King."

"Yes, Master!"

Wang Zhong and Zhong Yue took the lead.

Boya Hancock, Masako Kono and Yan Ying, stood beside him obediently.

As for the wolf queen?

After she killed Jue Wushen, Po Jun, Jin Chaluo and a thousand Lingchaluo with one
move, she began to retreat again.

The first empress of the ages, the breath is getting deeper and deeper, and Su Ze
even has the feeling that she can't see through her.

"Young Master Su, I...I'm going to pack up my clothes."

When Mingyue heard that Su Ze only took her to Dongzhou Country, her eyes
flickered, she looked a little surprised, and she quickly lowered her head to
perform her "handmaid" duties.

"No, we'll go now."

Su Ze laughed, he reached out and grabbed the bright moon in his arms, then rose
into the sky and disappeared above the clouds.

The whistling wind blew in his ears, feeling the strong and powerful arm,
Mingyue's face couldn't help turning red.

However, this kind of tenderness was quickly filled with excitement in his heart.

The girl looked at the rapidly retreating clouds beside her, overlooking the great
rivers and mountains of the Wind and Cloud World, and couldn't help but said,
"Young Master Su, are you an immortal?"


Su Ze smiled and said, "I'm not a fairy yet."

The cultivator cultivates, above the fish leaping realm, and the orientation is
"Earth Immortal".

Earth Immortals cultivate and survive the calamity before they can jump out of the
Three Realms. They are not in the Five Elements, but Heaven Immortals.

Mingyue didn't know what to think, suddenly lowered her head and said nothing, the
atmosphere seemed to be silent.

"Mingyue, you came to me, do you want to return to the world sword?"

Su Ze spoke lightly.

Mingyue was taken aback and said, "Young Master Su, Mingyue dare not."

"Why don't you dare?"

Su Ze laughed and said, "The Sword of Heaven is useless to you. I took the Sword
of Heaven just to understand the love in the city..."

Su Ze took out the Sword of Heaven and gave it to Mingyue, and then with a
thought, he directly introduced the cultivation method of [Lite Version of Allure
of Love] into Mingyue's mind.

Before Mingyue could react, Su Ze smiled and said, "The sea is here, let's go

The two figures fell directly to the edge of the sea in the south.


Mingyue suddenly knelt down on one knee and said, "Young master is so kind and
virtuous, Mingyue will never forget it. In the future, Mingyue will do her best to
be a cow and a horse for the son, and serve the son."

Allure of Love...

Su Ze's face was weird, and he said, "Why do you have to do your best in the

Mingyue blushed, but Su Ze took her into her arms.

He smiled domineeringly: "I am a person with strong possessiveness. Since you are
here, naturally I will not let you go..."

With a domineering kiss, the moon's legs softened.

There are fishermen fishing by the sea, and Su Ze naturally doesn't want these
fishermen to see it.

With a wave of his hand, the dragon turtle appeared. A man and a woman jumped up
and came directly to the back of the dragon turtle.

"This... what is this?"

Mingyue was taken aback.

With a pair of big hands, Su Ze attached to Mingyue's body, and said with a smile,
"It's just a pet I keep..."

How clever is his flirting technique?

In addition, Mingyue has long been convinced by Su Ze's god-like means. After half
pushing, her skin turned red and she whispered softly. With a thought, Su Ze
directly carried Mingyue into the farm.

all of a sudden...

Inside the farm, the voice that made people blush and heartbeat came out.


East Continent.



The huge dragon turtle like an island broke through the water, and some fishermen
on the coast who were about to go to sea screamed when they saw this scene.

Some people even knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the dragon
turtle, shouting "Sea God" and "Sea God".

Among the crowd, there was a figure with a sword on his back.
He has a strong aura and is full of momentum. He looked up at the sea and couldn't
help but move his eyes.

"Dragon turtle!"

"No, there is someone on the back of the dragon turtle!"

This person's eyes flashed and fell on the back of the dragon turtle.

On the back of the dragon turtle, Su Ze stood proudly with his hands on his back,
and on his side was the bright moon in a light plain skirt.


How huge is Su Ze's mental power?

Under the glance of mental power, the man with the sword on his back was like a
big sun, and his aura was incompatible with the ordinary fishermen around him.

"So strong!"

"His martial arts are not weaker than Jue Wushen!"

In Su Ze's mind, a person's name flashed - the number one swordsman in Dongzhou
Kingdom, Emperor Shadow!

"Dragon turtle, you play in the sea first."

Su Ze smiled faintly, then hugged Mingyue with one arm, jumped with a loud voice,
crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, and landed directly on the shore.

"What a handsome Qinggong!"

The shadow of the emperor with the sword on his back couldn't help but flicker.

In one leap, he spanned a distance of several hundred meters. Such a light effort
was indeed good. He frowned, walked out of the crowd, looked at Su Ze, and said,
"But a middle-earth warrior?"

The language of the wind and cloud world seems to be common.

At least... the language of the people of Dongzhou is no different from that of

the Middle Earth except for the difference in accent.


"It is said that..."

"When Emperor Shitian was still Xu Fu, he took 3,000 boys and girls out to sea to
find the real dragon's immortality medicine for Emperor Qin, but he swallowed Feng
Yuan himself... It seems that this is how the Dongzhou Kingdom developed. "

An interesting thought flashed in Su Ze's mind.

On Earth, there is also a historical record that King Qin ordered Xu Fu to find
the elixir of immortality...

Will the Japanese country on Earth also be passed down like this?
He looked at Huangying, nodded, cut to the chase, and said directly: "Are you the
number one swordsman in Dongzhou Kingdom, Huangying?"

Huang Ying was very proud in his heart.

He is the number one swordsman in the East Continent Kingdom, and his reputation
is far and wide. Even the masters of the Middle-earth martial arts know his name...

But the next moment.

His face changed greatly, but when he saw Su Ze, he reached out and grabbed it. In
the void, a palm with a size of several hundred meters pressed down directly
towards him.

"Since you are Emperor Shadow, then the knife on your back is the Jingjing knife?"


Heaven and earth change.

Emperor Ying, known as the number one swordsman in Dongzhou, was completely
suppressed by Su Ze's palm, and he couldn't even move.


With a palm of his hand, Su Ze directly abolished his life-long skills, grabbed it
lightly, grabbed the [Jingji Saber] in his hand, and said with a smile: "I didn't
expect that the Tianlang Valley has not yet been found, but the Jingji Saber has
not yet been found. Here it is." ..

Chapter 145 Heavenly Wolf Valley

The ordinary fishermen nearby fled in fright.

Of course……

Not all of these people were fishermen, but there were also many warriors from the
Eastern Continent Kingdom.

These Eastern Continent Kingdom warriors seemed a little excited when they heard
the name "East Continent Country's No. 1 Swordsman Emperor Shadow", and looked at
Emperor Shadow, full of admiration... But then, the color of the world changed, and
a Zhang Dashou directly slapped "Emperor Shadow" on the ground like a dead dog.

Su Ze put away the [Shocking Sword], glanced at the dozens of Eastern Continent
Nation warriors left on the scene, and said lightly, "Who of you know where the
Heavenly Wolf Valley is?"

Many warriors did not dare to look at Su Ze.

One of the elderly warriors changed his expression.


Su Ze grabbed it from the air.

That old martial artist flew directly to Su Ze's side, his expression changed
greatly, and he said in fear: "Sir, forgive me, I have elders and youngers..."
Mingyue on the side, burst out laughing, and said with a smile: "Uncle, are you

The old man was trembling and said, "I am seventy-three years old this year."

"Then your parents live long enough."

Mingyue was very upright, and the old man smiled awkwardly: "I said it

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Take me to the Heavenly Wolf Valley, and I'll give you a fortune."

Su Ze spoke coldly.

He grabbed it from the air again, grabbed a cheat book from the unconscious
Emperor Ying, and threw it to the elderly warrior.

This old warrior's pupils could not help shrinking.

He looked at the many warriors present.

Many warriors present were jealous, and some people even released murderous
intentions in the eyes...

Pretend to be guilty!

He has obtained the martial arts secret book on "East Continent Country's No. 1
Swordsman Emperor Shadow". These martial arts people dare not do it now. If they
dare to say a word... That master just needs to turn around and leave, and he will
pay attention to it. Being torn into scum by these martial arts people.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he respectfully said: "Sir, I have indeed heard
about the Heavenly Wolf Valley, and I can lead the way for you."


Su Ze flicked his fingers, and a green lotus sword qi wrapped the old man, took
Mingyue into his arms, flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in a blink
of an eye.

"This... flying in the sky?"

The elderly warrior was even more shocked.

His martial arts accomplishments are not very good, but he has lived for a long
time and has heard a little about some knowledge in martial arts.


He had never heard of it, in the martial arts, someone could travel in the sky
with two people.

"This method is almost immortal."

In the heart of the old man, Su Ze became more and more respectful.

Coming on a mythical beast, dragon turtle, and flying with an immortal sword,
isn't this what a fairy is?

"My lord, the Heavenly Wolf Valley is located in the back mountain of the
authentic martial arts. It is said that there is a fierce light that eats the sun
in the Heavenly Wolf Valley, and it is guarded by a pack of wolves. The pack of
wolves here is very tyrannical and almost like a monster."

The old man opened his mouth and said: "The authentic headmaster of boxing,
mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, and after the boxing is authentic and
there is absolutely no gods in charge, it was renamed the Temple of No God."

He glanced at Su Ze secretly, and said cautiously: "Sir, to go to the Heavenly

Wolf Valley, you must pass through the Godless Palace, and at the mouth of the
Heavenly Wolf Valley, there is always the guardian of Lingchaluo, the Godless
Palace... absolutely none. The people of the shrine are domineering and cruel, we
need to be careful."

"It's okay."

"Jesushen and Jin Chaluo, the palace masters of the Godless Palace, have already
been beheaded by their wives. If they dare to be presumptuous, they will be

call out!

The sword glow pierced through the sky, galloping directly in the direction of Jue
Wu Divine Palace.

There is no shrine, built at the foot of a mountain.

Its scale is very large. The buildings at the foot of the mountain are like a
small town, and there are also halls and attics on the halfway of the mountain.

Su Ze flew directly above the Godly Palace and came to the outside of the Heavenly
Wolf Valley.


As soon as the three of them landed, they saw more than a dozen "Ling Chaluo" at
the entrance of Tianlang Valley.

These Lingcha Luos are all dressed in black with hideous masks.

One of them stepped forward and said, "Who are you? Is there an order from the
palace master?"

"The palace lord's decree?"

Su Ze shook his head.

Jue Wushen was directly killed by the Empress of Wolf Slayer, where did he go to
the so-called Palace Master's hand?


"The Heavenly Wolf Valley is a forbidden area of the shrine, and there is no
palace master's hand, so dare to come to the Heavenly Wolf Valley and kill without
The Ling Chaluo punched in the air and slammed towards Su Ze.

With a flick of his finger, Su Ze killed him directly, then opened his mouth and
spit out a misty look of sword energy, instantly killing more than a dozen Lingcha
Luos, he sighed: "Damn, the Heavenly Wolf Valley is still alive. Has it become your

He stepped into the valley, and Mingyue and the old man followed closely.

But I saw the fog in the valley, and there was a depressing breath everywhere.

Vaguely, one after another wolf howling could be heard incessantly.

The cry of these wolves is very loud. Although they have not evolved into
monsters, they have become extremely fierce and powerful under the influence of the
"greedy wolf sword" and "heavenly blade sword" in the Dao Tianlang Valley all the
year round.


"You follow me."

Su Ze suddenly frowned and said.

He looked forward.



Ahead, the howls of wolves are getting closer and closer, rumbling... The earth
seems to be trembling faintly.

"Wolf Pack!"

The old man cried out.

I saw a pack of wolves with huge bodies like calves rushing towards them, each
with blood-colored eyes, looking extremely violent and ferocious.

"The sanity of these wolves has been greatly affected."

Su Ze said softly.

He slowly drew his sword and slashed out.

Qinglian sword song!

[Qinglian Sword Canon] The first volume of the ultimate group attack and ultimate


Suddenly, in the Heavenly Wolf Valley, countless azure misty sword qi rose into
the sky, covering the sun and the sun.

Sword rain fell.

Hundreds of wolves were killed instantly.

Su Ze's huge mental power swept out instantly, and then his figure flashed...


His body appeared directly in the depths of the Heavenly Wolf Valley.

There are more wolves here.

"Ruffian dragon, these wolves are handed over to you."

Su Ze waved his hand, and the ruffian dragon suddenly appeared.


As soon as the ruffian dragon appeared, he raised his head and shouted, and then
the head wolf also roared.


"These bastards dare to roar like Uncle Long?"

Su Ze's head was full of black lines.

Oh shit!

You are a dragon, learn to howl all day long, but you are not allowed to howl?

His eyes fell on a cave in the depths of the Heavenly Wolf Valley. Inside, there
was a strong sword gang and sword energy intertwined... Obviously, it was the aura
emanating from the Greedy Wolf Sword and the Heavenly Blade Sword. ..

Chapter 146 Tie Kuangtu Offering Sword

Su Ze walked towards the cave.


A black wolf flew over.

Su Ze moved his fingertips and directly cut the black wolf in half.

The wolves in the Heavenly Wolf Valley had already lost their minds, and they
could even ignore the ruffian dragon's mighty might.

This caused the ruffian dragon to show his might, and the wolf headed towards the
ruffian dragon like moths to the flames.


Inside the cave, sword gangs and swords rage.

Su Ze was surrounded by green lotus sword energy, and he stepped forward, his eyes
were looking inside the cave.

Inside the cave, a purple-gold long sword and a war saber exuding evil and fierce
light floated three feet above the ground.

"Heavenly Blade, Greedy Wolf Sword."

Su Ze's eyes moved.

"The power of this sword seems to be even higher than that of the Snow Drinking
Sword and the Huo Lin Sword... Why are the top ten gods of the wind and clouds,
they are only one when they are combined?" Radiated out, directly suppressing the
Heavenly Blade and Greedy Wolf Sword.

He reached out and grabbed the two ferocious beasts into the inventory, and
suddenly his eyes flashed, and he landed on the mountain wall behind the Heavenly
Blade and the Greedy Wolf Sword floating before.

On the mountain wall, one-style martial arts are depicted.

Kill the wolf!


"When the god-level martial arts cheats are detected to kill wolves, do you
consume 2,000 planting points and immediately cultivate them to Dacheng?"


Su Ze gave an order.

Although Killing Wolf was far worse than his Qinglian Sword Canon, the skill was
not overwhelming. With only 2,000 planting points, Su Ze could still afford it.

Planting point deduction.

Su Ze's mind suddenly flooded with a lot of information.


"This wolf killing is a few levels higher than the Eighteen Dragon Subduing

Su Ze's eyes lit up.

He punched in the air.

Between the fist and shadow, there was a faint sound of wolf howling.


With one punch, the entire cave completely collapsed.

Su Ze turned into a sword light and burst out of the ground. He couldn't help
laughing: "No wonder the Heavenly Blade and the Greedy Wolf Sword are integrated
into one, probably because of this way of killing wolves."

"Ruffian dragon, come back!"

Su Ze let out a low cry.


The ruffian dragon directly turned into a purple awn. During the flight, its size
continued to shrink, and finally it turned into a purple awn and got into Su Ze's

Su Ze rolled up his sleeves, rolled up the bright moon and the old martial artist,
and rose into the sky.

He threw the old man in a safe place, and then called out the dragon turtle and
returned to Middle-earth.

As soon as Su Ze returned to the World Association, he saw Wang Zhong coming to

report and said, "Master, a warrior came down from the mountain, claiming to be the
master of the Iron Gate."


Su Ze's eyes moved.

Iron Gate Master...

It seems that the "heavenly sin", one of the ten gods of the situation, is in the
hands of the master of the iron gate.

[Heavenly Sin] Known as the most murderous weapon in the Wind and Cloud World, it
was cast by the Iron Gate Sect Master "Tie Kuangtu".

[Heavenly Sin] It is neither a sword nor a knife. This weapon is called a "fierce

Its first form is the sword form, and the second form is the blade whip form. By
triggering the mechanism, it can change the best fighting form of [Heavenly Sin].

And the third form...

It is the form of a beast, which can be differentiated into a large number of

component reorganization forms.

"Let him come to see me."

Su Ze spoke lightly.

He knows Tie Kuangtu.

His cultivation is not high, and he is not even the first-class in the world, but
he is good at making weapons and equipment, and relying on equipment to improve his
combat effectiveness.

Tie Kuangtu walked in.

In his hand, he was holding a three-foot-long iron box.

"Iron Gate Sect Master Tie Kuangtu, I have seen Su Gongzi."

Tie Kuangtu, looking very respectful, said, "Tie Kuangtu heard that Young Master
Su is looking for the ten great soldiers of the wind and cloud, and came here on
purpose to offer his sins, and I hope Young Master Su will accept it with a smile."


Su Ze took the iron box and opened it, but it was a pile of components.
As soon as he swept away his mental power, he figured out the principle of using
"Heavenly Sin". When he touched the mechanism, many components flew out one by one,
and immediately formed a dark sword.

Once the long sword is turned, it changes into a war sword, and when the war sword
is turned again, it changes into an iron whip.

Su Ze triggered the mechanism again and threw the iron whip in his hand...


The iron whip disintegrated and reassembled in an instant, turning into a huge,
lifelike wolf-shaped beast.

"Wonderful, wonderful, indeed wonderful."

Su Ze put [Heavenly Sin] into the item column, and said with a smile: "No matter
the power, just by the ingenious changes of the Heavenly Sin's mechanism, you can
become one of the ten magic weapons."

Su Ze could probably guess why Tie Kuangtu came to offer his "heavenly sin".

In recent days, all of his achievements and his purpose have been spread in the
martial arts world.

Su Ze suspects...

It was the old thing that Xiaosanxiao deliberately spread it out.


If you come to visit the iron gate by yourself, I am afraid that the iron gate
will be bloody.

Su Ze put away [Heavenly Sin], looked at Tie Kuangtu, and said indifferently: "You
rely too much on external things, but your own strength is too weak."

"Tie Kuangtu, you have done good deeds for your sins, I will give you something
that can help you improve your strength."

Su Ze took out a "Xuanwu Fruit" from the item bar.

Xuanwu fruit, he harvested a total of 324 pieces.

Among them, 300 [Xuanwu Fruits] were used to cultivate [Undead Warriors], and
eight [Xuanwu Fruits] were traded to the military of the Kyushu Kingdom. Sixteen
[Xuanwu Fruits] were left on him.

Tie Kuangtu looked overjoyed, but after receiving the [Xuanwu Fruit], his
expression was bitter...

"Master this an apple?"

Aside, Wang Zhong sneered and stood up.

He is the peak of the Innate Realm, and in terms of cultivation, he is similar to

Tie Kuangtu.

puff puff...
Suddenly, Wang Zhong's breath increased sharply, and pieces of scale armor rose up
on his body, and he instantly became an [Undead Warrior]. His height reached four
or five meters. He looked down at Tie Kuangtu and sneered: " This fruit is the
spirit fruit of heaven and earth, which contains the blood of the legendary beast,
dragon and turtle, after taking it, you can transform into a basalt..."

Tie Kuangtu was directly scared to pee.


Legend has it that Su Ze has a group of monsters under his command, all of whom
are first-class in the arena. Now it seems that it is true.

Without [Heavenly Sin] in his hand, he has no confidence in defeating the monster
in front of him.

He couldn't wait to swallow the [Xuanwu Fruit], but he heard Su Ze ask: "By the
way, Tie Kuangtu, do you know the whereabouts of the Sword of Destruction and the
Great Evil King?" ..

Chapter 147 The No. 1 Evil Sword in the World - The Great Evil King

Among the top ten gods of the situation, Su Ze only had the [Sword of Destruction]
and the [Great Evil King] not yet available.


Tie Kuangtu, the head of the Tiemen Sect, heard the words, and quickly said: "It
is said that hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of Baijian Villa once obtained a
strange stone and wanted to cast the strange stone into a sword of extreme cold -

"It's a pity that the process of casting the Sword of Destruction is too evil.
Every time a sword is cast, it will cause casualties. The proud family gave up
casting the Sword of Destruction."

Tie Kuangtu looked at Su Ze cautiously, and said in a low voice, "Baijian Villa
has been destroyed by Su Gongzi... Under the heaven, how can there be a sword of

"Is there such a thing?"

Su Ze was slightly taken aback.

He tried hard to recall the plot of "Wind and Cloud"...

It seems...that it is.

The Sword of Destruction, under the normal development of the plot, should be cast
by Ao Bai, the son of "Ao Tian", the next-generation owner of Baijian Villa, in the

"It doesn't matter, I can do it if I can do it in Baijian Mountain Villa."

Su Ze waved his hand and motioned Tie Kuangtu to continue.

Tie Kuangtu frowned and pondered for a while, then finally shook his head and
said, "I've never heard of it, there is a magic weapon called the Great Evil

"Okay, back off."

Su Ze was lost in thought.

His understanding of the plot of "Fengyun" is only a few movies and TV series that
he watched in his youth...

He vaguely remembered the top ten magic soldiers of the situation and had seen
them on online forums.

The Great Evil King should be the weapon of Nie Feng's future son "Evil King Yi

This weapon seems to come from the legendary "Jiukong Wujie", but it was brought
out by "Blood Ancestor Wuhui" who strayed into Jiukong Wujie.

"I don't know, Blood Ancestor Wuhui, have you brought the Great Evil King out of
the Nine Void Boundaries?" Su Ze's eyes moved. Damn, he didn't know the plot at
all. He immediately got up, entered the farm, and started from the dragon From the
tortoise, a little blood was drawn and returned to the World Association.

Then, Su Ze cast a secret technique, using the blood of the dragon tortoise, to
sense the direction of the three smiles.


"This old thing actually ran so far?"

Su Ze used the technique, sensed it carefully, and finally caught the position of

He rose into the sky and flew directly to the east.

In the depths of the endless sea, an island shrouded in clouds and mists.

In the center of this island, there is a mountain peak, more than three hundred
feet high. The top of the mountain is lined with green trees, and there is a
thatched hut between the trees.

Xiaosan smiled cross-legged and closed his eyes, cultivating in the thatched hut.

In the battle with Su Ze, he suffered a dark wound, and even though he had been
cultivating with the dragon and turtle bloodline for many days, he could not
completely eliminate the dark wound.

"Oh shit!"

"How can there be such a monster in the world?"

"In his twenties... Even if he cultivated in his mother's womb, he couldn't be so

powerful, right?"

Smile three smiles until now, still a little unbelievable.

Especially when he recalled the attack of the Empress Wolf Slayer, even though he
was dozens of miles away, he still had a creepy feeling.
"Shut down!"

"This old man has been in retreat for three hundred years, and I don't believe
that those monsters will not die?"

Xiao Sanxiao didn't have the thought in her heart, she suddenly looked surprised
and looked up into the distance.

Then I saw a sword glow cut through the sky and fell directly.

"Su Ze!"

His brows jumped, and he lost his voice: "How did you find this place?"

Su Ze looked around and couldn't help but smile: "If I want to find someone, no
one can escape in the sky and the ground, laugh three times, you don't have to be
afraid, I came today to ask you about the Great Evil King. matter."

"Great Evil King?"

The face of Xiao Sanxiao turned gloomy.

He said solemnly: "Three hundred years ago, when the monk Wuhui passed away
because of his master, he never wore his mantle, slaughtered his fellow disciples,
and stepped into the devil's way."

"By chance, he strayed into the Nine Void Worlds, and everyone in the world
thought... Wu Hui was dead."

"I never thought that after half a year, Wu Hui returned from Jiukong Wujie with
[Jiewang]. He was fierce, killing innocent people, beheading thousands of people in
the rivers and lakes, and finally Yundingtian shot and beheaded Wu Hui, And got
[King of Tribulation]."

Xiaosan smiled and fell into the memory.

At first, he was in seclusion.

This matter was only heard by hearsay in the martial arts after he left the

He smiled bitterly and said, "I never thought that after Gentingtian, who is
reputed to be reborn as Xiang Yu, got rid of his blood ancestor Wuhui, his family
died violently in just two days. Gentingtian was furious and mad. The [King of
Tribulation] collided, and as a result, they formed the world's No. 1 evil sword,
the Great Evil King."

"Yundingtian fell into a demon and turned into an immortal demon. In the
continuous killing, he combined his terrifying demon heart with his extraordinary
martial arts cultivation, and created the world's number one evil art [Evil King
Ten Calamities] that no one can match. "

"Later, the ancestor of the Wu family, Wu Buer, followed the will of God and
fought against Gentingtian for ten days and ten nights. He just defeated
Gentingtian. The Great Evil King... It is very likely that he fell into the hands
of the younger generation of the Wu family."

Xiaosan smiled and saw Su Ze's eagerness to try, and quickly said: "Master Su,
this old man will help you with this matter. The ancestor of the Wu family, Wu
Buer, has contributed to the martial arts... His descendants practice in hidden
world, so don't disturb them. It's better to clean up."


Su Ze nodded.

How could he not understand the meaning of smiling three times?

This guy is obviously afraid of taking his own shot and destroying the Wu family.
His goal is the "Great Evil King". It is naturally best to have someone help him
run away.

Xiaosanxiao immediately crossed the sea and went to the Middle Earth, and Su Ze
simply entered the farm directly.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, pondered for a while, and took out the
"Peerless Sword".

Since Baijian Villa, I once wanted to use [Black Cold Stone] to forge the sword of
defeat... Does that mean... the materials of the sword of defeat and the peerless
sword are the same?



Su Ze's thoughts moved, Yuan Tu sword started, and cut down with one sword, cut
the peerless sword in half, and then planted it.


In the blink of an eye, two swords shot up into the sky.

Click click!

Two swords, breaking out of the ground.

"Sure enough."

The corners of Su Ze's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but let out a
long breath.

【Peerless Sword】

"One of the top ten magic soldiers in Fengyun World."

【Sword of Destruction】

"One of the top ten magic soldiers in Fengyun World."


"Congratulations to the host, the harvest was successful, and the middle finger
+2000 was obtained."


Su Ze pulled up both swords, and then continued to wait on the overseas island.
Finally... After three days, he smiled three times and returned with the [Great
Evil King]. ..

Chapter 148 The Talking Willow God

The top ten magic soldiers in the Wind and Cloud World, Su Ze have all gathered.


"Congratulations to the host, completing the task: collect the top ten magic
weapons in the wind and cloud world."

"Congratulations to the host, get a reward: +500000 planting points."

"Congratulations to the host, get a reward: Mysterious Seed*3."

"Congratulations to the host, get the reward: World Heart Fragment*1."

"Congratulations to the host, get a reward: mysterious soil * 20."


"The top ten magic weapons in Fengyun World are in the process of fusion... After
fusion level: ???"

"System prompt: Bringing the top ten gods into the farm can increase the fusion

A series of system prompts resounded in Su Ze's ears.


"The ten magic soldiers have actually begun to merge?"

Su Ze's eyes flashed, and he rose directly into the sky. In the clouds, his
thoughts moved and entered the infield.

Xiao Sanxiao wiped the sweat on his forehead and murmured: "Fortunately... this
evildoer hasn't made a move, otherwise this old man's Nandao City will probably be
bombed directly..."


In the farm, Su Ze slapped a big hole with one palm and sent down the top ten
magic soldiers one by one.

His eyes, with suspicion, fell on the so-called "World Heart Fragment" in the item

"The Heart of the World Fragment: The magical fragment formed after the rupture of
the ancient world. Collect ten fragments of the Heart of the World, which can be
turned into a big world."

The specific effect of this thing requires Su Ze to collect all 10 fragments

before it can be manifested, and the ten divine soldiers are still in the process
of fusion. Su Ze transformed into a sword beam, pierced the sky, and soon returned
to the World Association.

"The mission has been completed... In this wind and cloud world, there is no point
in continuing to stay."

Di Shitian?

Half God?

Su Ze was not interested in these.

Immediately, he thought of it, put everyone on the farm, and then walked out from
the "Orchard Entrance" and returned to Earth.

The time on earth is already the beginning of October, the scorching summer is
long gone, and the autumn breeze blows past, making people feel extremely

Su Ze pushed open the courtyard door and walked out.

It is the autumn harvest season, most of the people in the village are harvesting
corn in the fields, and there are very few people in the village.

Su Ze took a step and walked on the hardened road in the village.

On both sides are willow trees swaying in the wind.

At this moment, Su Ze's state of mind was unprecedentedly peaceful and relaxed.

Before he knew it, he had come to the entrance of the village.

At the entrance of the village, there are children playing and playing, old men
are playing chess and bickering under the trees, women are chatting with small
benches and melon seeds, and several elementary school students stole their
parents' mobile phones and squatted under the big willow tree. The wireless network
of Li Laosan's family uses the king pesticide.

"Xiao Su, are you back?"

Someone greeted Su Ze.

The people in the village, after getting along for this period of time, no longer
have that kind of fear for Su Ze, on the is a kind of randomness.

Of course, under this kind of randomness, there was a touch of awe and worship in
their eyes.

Western troops pressed against the border, and the Nile border provoked...

All this was solved by Su Ze.

On that day, the live broadcast spread all over the world. In the eyes of the
crooked nuts, Su Ze was a heinous murderer, but to the people of Kyushu... Su Ze
was a hero.


Su Ze's body, a momentum flashed away.


"My cultivation has actually broken through?"

Su Ze came back to his senses, and after looking at it for a while, he found that
his cultivation had actually broken through from the peak of the initial stage of
the Vientiane Realm to the peak of the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm... In an
instant, he had crossed a great realm.

You know, Earth rules are special.

Not to mention breakthroughs, all Vientiane Realms will be suppressed when they
come to Earth.

Of course, Su Ze's kind of epiphany is too special, it is rare to see it in a

thousand years, and it is rare to be able to make breakthroughs under the
suppression of rules.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, Su Ze took out his mobile phone and
dialed Xiao Zhanshen.

"General Xiao, tell the executive..."

"Willow Village, I want it."

"From now on, Willow Village will be my territory."



In the small courtyard, Su Ze was expressionless, looking at a group of beauties

chattering happily.

Boya Hancock, Kono Masako, Yan Ying, Mingyue...

As for the Empress of Wolf Slayer, she was already in the room next to her and
began to practice.

Su Ze's yard, left by the old man, has only three rooms.

The Empress of the Wolf Slayer occupied a room.

"The remaining to divide?"

Su Ze was very worried, and he sighed: "Tonight, you can spend the night first, and
we'll go buy a house tomorrow."

He turned around and walked into the farm.

Inside the farm, four hundred [Ultimate Warriors] lived on the Hawaiian Islands,
while the ruffian dragon and the dragon turtle lived in the sea.

Su Ze simply lay down under Liu Shen.


Suddenly, a crisp voice entered Su Ze's mind.


Su Ze was taken aback, and a carp flipped over.


He was indeed calling himself... But Masako Kono and the others didn't enter the
farm... Could it be...

Su Ze widened his eyes and looked at Liu Shen.

The huge inverted weeping willow, the willow branches swaying, exudes a green
luster in the night.

"'s me."

Another thought, fluctuating from Liu Shen, passed into Su Ze's mind.

"Liu Shen?"

"You can talk?"

Su Ze was stunned and said quickly, "You...are you a woman?"

Liu Shen's voice is very clear, but it seems to give people the feeling that he is
still young, just learning to speak and talking to people, it seems a little
difficult, but thinking about it is right...

The strongest creature in the plant kingdom, the growth cycle is in units of tens
of thousands or even tens of thousands of years. The current Willow God is indeed a

"By the way, Liu Shen, can you change shape?"

Su Ze vaguely remembered that under the shadow of the willow tree that stood above
the ground in outer space, the figure of the beautiful man...


"Too weak..."

Weak consciousness, fluctuations came.

Just as Su Ze was about to speak, a fragrant wind suddenly hit, but it was Boya
Hancock who got into Su Ze's arms.


"Sister Yan Ying is good or bad... She eats my tofu..."

"People are going to sleep with you today."

In addition to Boya Hancock, Masako Kono quietly followed behind her. She put on a
maid outfit and saw Su Ze's blood gushing out.


This is so fatal...


It's too immoral to do such a thing in front of Liu Shen, a "little loli",
right? ..

Chapter 149 Black Dragon Mountain Star Region


The world's first peak.

Facing the wind and snow, Su Ze stood proudly on the top of the mountain, with
Boya Hancock and the Empress of Wolf Slayer standing beside him.

It has been more than half a month since he returned to Earth.

"This is the first peak of the earth?"

The Empress of Wolf Slayer looked at Mount Everest, shook her head and sighed:
"The earth is not simple, there are many peaks and peerless masters in the time and
space of the ban, husband must hurry up and cultivate."

Su Ze smiled awkwardly.

His current cultivation base and combat power are really not comparable to the
Empress of Wolf Slayer.

The feeling of the Empress of the Wolf Slayer is like a fog in the clouds, making
people unpredictable.

Su Ze opened his mouth and said, "Improving my cultivation base is just like
eating and drinking water..."

He was so arrogant that he took out the remaining "Random World Free Pass" from
the item bar.

"Husband, don't you bring Mingyue and the others this time?"

Boya Hancock's eyes moved.

Obviously, she knew what Su Ze was about to do.

Su Ze shook his head and said, "Mingyue Yanying and the others are too weak. I
have a hunch... The Three Realms are about to be in turmoil, so they will stay on
Earth and improve their cultivation."

"I'll stay on Earth too."

Boya Hancock bit his lip and said, "My charm fruit and magnetic fruit abilities
have not been fully developed. Moreover, I found that the cultivation method of
Kunlun Wonderland is more powerful than my previous cultivation method. I want to
stay on Earth and continue to practice."

Su Ze stared at Boya Hancock.

There was a hint of reluctance on the girl's face... but her eyes were very firm.

He understood her mind.

The girl obviously didn't want to drag Su Ze back in the future.

The owner of Su Ze, Boya Hancock, lightly kissed his forehead and said with a
smile, "Well, you stay on Earth, and I can come back anytime, anywhere."

Boya Hancock tried his best to squeeze a smile, flew down Mount Everest, and
disappeared from Su Ze's field of vision.

"Nah, let's go."

Su Ze looked at the Empress of Wolf Slayer.

The Empress of Wolf Slayer looked calm and said, "The universe is big, I really
want to experience it..."

"System, activate the time and space shuttle skills!"

Su Ze gave an order...


"The time and space shuttle skill is activated..."

"It is detected that the host has a random world free pass. Do you give priority
to using the random world free pass?"

"Random World Pass, with instability, the destination cannot be determined..."


"Please host the items that you bring into the farm."

With a thought, Su Ze brought the wolf queen into the farm.

Immediately afterwards, dark clouds in the sky, a space-time channel, slowly


The Three Realms Universe...

Heavenly Court and the powerhouses hidden in the Three Realms once again noticed
this scene,

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor frowned.


"What is the origin of this Su Ze?"

"Every time he uses the great supernatural power of time-space shuttle, it will
inevitably cause time-space fluctuations, and it will put a lot of pressure on the
time-space ban on the ancestors... If there are more than a few times, I am afraid
that the time-space ban on the ancestors will be damaged in advance."

"Li Tianwang!"

The Jade Emperor shouted loudly.

In the main hall, Li Jing held the "Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda" respectfully
and walked up, but he heard the Jade Emperor say: "Li Tianwang, you arrange for two
people to go down to the Ancestral Star, and carefully check the time and space on
the Ancestral Star. Ban... Remember, don't disturb the existences in those time-
space bans."





Earth, Kyushu Country, Jincheng, Willow Village.

In the back hill of Willow Village, there seemed to be roars coming from the
depths of the earth.

In the underground palace, the white jade coffin of the demon god Chiyou suddenly
shook, and a black demonic energy rose into the sky and flew towards the south.

Southern Xinjiang, in a closed "Li" villa.


In a building, an old man of the Li ethnic group who was in seclusion suddenly
opened his eyes, and in his eyes, a hot color slowly rose, and he muttered: "The
cheers of the ancestors... I finally felt the cheers of the ancestors. already."

The old man, get out of the building.

His turbid eyes, bright and fortunate, said: "Where is my son of the Jiuli tribe?"

Suddenly, young men and women came running from all over the mountain village.

These young men and women are not very old, but they are full of momentum when
they are flying. Although they have not cultivated the inner strength true qi, they
are not inferior to the dark strength warriors.

Some of the outstanding ones are even comparable to martial arts masters.

"I sensed the call of the demon ancestor..."

"My son of the Jiuli tribe, you go down the mountain and look for the traces of
the demon ancestors. If anyone rescues the demon ancestors, he can be a demon
general, and he can follow the demon ancestors and conquer the world!"


hum hum...

Turn around.

This time, the "time and space travel" lasted longer than the last time.

half an hour...

Just now Su Ze felt his body light up and fell to the ground.

He stabilized his body, turned his head to look, but saw that Empress Wolf
Slayer's expression was also very unnatural. She took a deep breath, her chest
twitched, and she returned to normal.

"Husband, what is this place?"

The Empress of Wolf Slayer looked around.

Su Ze also looked around.

They were on a huge plain, which was vast and boundless, with huge boulders
erected everywhere.

In the center of the plain, there is a huge long river running through the plain.

Su Ze walked to the river, suddenly his face changed greatly, and he lost his
voice: "This river..."

"This river was not formed naturally, but was split by a strong sword."

The Empress of Wolf Slayer also had a solemn expression.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, this river is hundreds of miles long,
and its source and end are unknown, and a sword cuts out hundreds of miles or even
thousands of miles of long river.


"It doesn't necessarily have the strength of an immortal."

"The rules of the world are different."

"I feel that the suppression of the world rules in this world is much smaller than
that of the Three Realms Universe."

At this moment, a black shadow in the sky quickly fell.


The strong wind blew, but it was a spaceship that landed here.

The bottom hatch of the spaceship opened, and a young man and woman jumped down.

"My classmates, this river was split by my sword, Master Jian Wudi, the first
powerhouse of Frozen Mist Star. Master Jian Wudi is a domain master level ninth-
order powerhouse. In the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, his reputation is far
and wide... um Who are you, how did you come to Jianhe?" ..

Chapter 150 The peak genius battle of human beings in the universe

Judging from the dialogue, it should be a teacher who brought a group of disciples
to visit this so-called "Jianhe".

Black Dragon Mountain Star Region?

Domain master level ninth order?

"Could it be... is this the original universe?"

Su Ze's heart couldn't help but he didn't expect that he came directly to the
Primordial Universe, which is good news. He looked at the teacher and the disciples
and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, you guys continue to comprehend Jianhe,
I'm passing by by chance. here."

After Su Ze finished speaking, he sat down directly next to "Jianhe".

He would like to see...

What is the difference between yourself and the "Domain Master"?

He closed his eyes and rested his mind, comprehending the faint sword intent in


Beside the spaceship.

The teacher frowned slightly, while the students seemed a little dissatisfied.

One of them, a handsome man wearing an alloy battle suit and carrying an alloy
long sword stood up and said with a sneer, "You crazy young man, the teacher is one
of the top ten powerhouses in Frost Mist Star, and he is Frost Mist Star. The
founder of Changhe Martial Arts Academy, he doesn't know him?"

"It's just ignorant natives."

A female warrior also sneered again and again.

"All right!"

Although the middle-aged man had a displeased look on his face, he didn't have any
trouble in front of the students.

He is one of the top ten powerhouses of Frost Mist Star, a third-order cosmos-
level master, and a giant of Frost Mist Star.

He opened his mouth and said: "The once-in-a-million-year [Universal Human-Peak

Genius Battle] is about to be held, you are the arrogance of my Frozen Mist Star,
and the proud disciples of my Grace, so you can fully appreciate the Sword Intent
of the Sword River, if anyone can comprehend it With a trace of sword will from the
sword invincible, the teacher will reward you for being able to enter the top
100,000 people in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region."

Many disciples were suddenly refreshed.

Some laughed and shook their heads: "Teacher, the Black Dragon Mountain Star
Territory occupies countless galaxies, and within its jurisdiction, there are many
more powerful planets than my Frozen Mist Star. Can we enter the top 100,000?"

"Why not?"

The teacher glared and scolded: "Lord Jian Wudi, who rose in the past, even
reached a thousand names in the Heilongshan star field. Later, the immortal spirit
of the Holy Land of Heilong Mountain, took up Lord Jian Wudi as his disciple, Lord
Jian Wudi. You can do it, why can't you?"

Jian Wudi is a legend of Frozen Mist Star.

Affected by him, the young people of Bingwuxing all like to practice

swordsmanship. Over the years, there have been many masters of swordsmanship.
When these disciples heard the words, their fighting spirit was high, and they
stepped forward one by one, sitting cross-legged around "Jianhe", and began to feel
the sword intent of Jianhe.

Grace stood in the distance.

He sighed in a low voice: "It's too difficult..."

"Lord Jian Wudi's sword intent is too domineering. If it is at the cosmos level, I
can still understand a thing or two. They are only stellar..."

"It's too hard to understand."

"But if you can understand one or two, your strength will definitely increase
greatly, and you have the potential to attack the Black Dragon Mountain Starfield
to fight 10,000 geniuses... What?"

Before Grace's thoughts fell, his body suddenly shook. He looked up at Su Ze, but
saw a sword energy rising from Su Ze's body, and there seemed to be a domineering
sword energy tumbling in the Jianhe River, which was chasing him. The sword intents
of the swords compete with each other to prove it.


"This... This young man has realized the sword intent of Lord Jian Wudi?"



Su Ze sat cross-legged, and the sword intent of death with great perfection soared
into the sky. In an instant, the sword intent remaining in the Jianhe seemed to
feel the provocation of the sword intent of death, and it also rose into the sky.

"What a domineering sword intent!"

"Heavy... calm, this sword intent should go along the earth, but it also contains
a kind of sharp momentum, presumably the sword is invincible, and the law of gold
and earth should be cultivated."

Su Ze's thoughts flashed in his heart, and he urged the Sword Intent of Death to
confront that Sword Intent.

Loudly! ! !

In the void, there seemed to be a sound of steel clashing.

However, all the people present, except Su Ze, Empress Wolf and Grace, the
talented men and women of Frozen Mist Star couldn't sense this scene at all.


With a click, the sword intent in Qianli "Jianhe" was smashed by Su Ze's sword.
The entire "Jianhe" trembled slightly, and there was no longer that magical
artistic conception on the river surface.

Since then...
There is nothing special about Jianhe, it has become an ordinary river.

"Oh? Broken?"

"This sword intent should have been left behind when Jian Wudi was at the cosmos
level, but after so many years, the sword intent has become extremely weak..."

This confrontation gave Su Ze a general understanding of his own strength.

His cultivation base is roughly equivalent to the sixth-order stellar level of the
original universe.

Of course, with an emperor-level exercise and mastering the sword intent of death,
Su Ze can definitely sweep through all the stars in the original universe...


"Congratulations to the host, triggering the system task: the peak genius battle
of human beings in the universe."

"To win the champion of the peak genius of the universe human beings, you can
complete the task."

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Su Ze's mind.

The peak genius battle of human beings in the universe?

Su Ze's eyes lit up.

He also knew something about this.

This was jointly organized by the five giants, including the Primitive Universe
Human Group Virtual Universe Company and the Universe Galaxy Bank, for the purpose
of selecting peerless geniuses.

Su Ze stepped towards Grace and said with a smile: "Dude, ask, how should I
participate in the peak human genius battle in the universe?"


Grace came back to his senses, his Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was hoarse,
and said: "The peak genius battle of the universe human beings, you can enter the
virtual universe Heilongshan Starfield Virtual Universe Company Branch to



Jianhe's invincible sword intent...

It was actually torn apart!

In Grace's heart, it was as if the river was overturned.

What kind of peerless genius can smash the peerless sword intent of Lord Jian Wudi
with one sword?

"Virtual Universe Company?"

Su Ze frowned. Damn, he just came to the original universe, and he didn't even
know how to enter the virtual universe.

The Flying Bat should know, though.

Su Ze laughed and said, "Thank you."

He and the Empress of Wolf Slayer rose into the sky, and in a blink of an eye,
they disappeared from Grace's field of vision.

Grace looked at the group of students who were still sitting cross-legged on the
banks of the sword, trying to realize the "Sword Intent". Suddenly, in his heart,
there was no hope for them to participate in the peak genius battle of the
universe. He said hoarsely: "You don't need to realize the Sword Intent, we Back to
the martial arts hall."

Comprehend Sword Intent?

Oh shit!

The sword intent has been smashed and dissipated, and you still feel a wool? ..

Chapter 151 The Nuo Lanshan Family

"Flying Bat!"

In mid-air, Su Ze's thoughts moved, and he called out the intelligent life of
"Flying Bat".

The intelligent life yawned and manifested a projection in the void. He

deliberately made a sleepy appearance and said, "Master, which country are you
going to do this time? Are the Chaowu intercontinental missiles ready... eh? ?here
it is……"

"Original Universe!"

The little devil jumped straight up.

He looked around and laughed loudly: "Primitive Universe, haha, I didn't expect
that after I was sold by the Chaos City Lord, I would be able to come back..."

Oh shit.

What is this thought?

Su Ze said with a dark face: "Don't talk nonsense, we should be on a planet in the
Black Dragon Mountain star field. Can you enter the virtual universe and help me
sign up for the Universal Human Peak Genius Battle?"

"Master wants to participate in the peak human genius battle in the universe?"

The little devil's eyes lit up, and he looked very excited: "If you participate in
the peak human genius battle in the universe, you will definitely be able to
suppress everything, think about the expressions of those geniuses who are hailed
as rare in hundreds of thousands of epochs or even millions of epochs. A little

"I want to participate too."

The Empress of Wolf Slayer spoke lightly and said, "However, the star level is too
weak. I wonder if there is a cosmos level or domain master level talent selection

After all, the little devil is an intelligent life in the primitive universe, and
he has followed the human giant "City Lord of Chaos", so he has a good
understanding of many things about the human race.

Immediately smiled: "This is easy to handle, the owner only needs to go to the
household registration management center of this planet to apply for a household
registration, but after paying a certain fee, you can get the qualification to
enter the virtual universe."

"As for the talent trials at the cosmos level or the domain master
need to join the periphery of the virtual universe company and get the
recommendation qualification before you can participate..."

Frozen Mist is huge.

Its volume is more than ten times that of the earth, and its prosperity and
technological development are even more than that of the earth.

About four hours later, Su Ze and the Empress Wolf Slayer came to the main city of
Bingwuxing, "Icemist City", and went straight to the household registration
management center.

"Sir, what is your cultivation base? Which planet did you live in before?"

The staff of the household registration management center, the weakest are the
ninth-level planetary level.

The person who received Su Ze was a slender woman in work clothes. She took out a
form and handed it to Su Ze.

Su Ze thought for a while and filled in his own information.

Name: Suze

Repair: stellar fifth order

Age: 24 years old.

Birthplace: Galaxy Earth

"Oh? Earth..."

The staff member quickly entered information on his intellectual brain, and could
not help but frown slightly, and said, "It turns out that he is from the earth. No
wonder Mr. Su is already a star, and he has not yet checked in."

"I've heard... the earth is just an indigenous planet, but some time ago, someone
spent a lot of money to buy the earth..."

The female employee pointed to the manager's office and said with a smile, "Our
manager is very concerned about the earth's affairs, and I also learned from him
occasionally... By the way, miss, where's your information?"

The Empress of the Wolf Slayer also filled in the star level of her cultivation.
Otherwise, a cosmic level or domain master level will suddenly appear on this
small Frost Mist Star... I am afraid that it can disturb the highest level of
Frozen Mist Star.

Enter information on the brain...

After collecting the fingerprints and irises of Su Ze and the Empress of Wolf
Slayer, the female employee smiled and said, "Sir, Miss, the total fee for this
service is 800 Frozen Mist Coins, which is equivalent to 0.8 Black Dragon Coins."

Ice fog coins?

Black Dragon Coin?

Su Ze's brows could not help wrinkling.

In the warehouse of "Flying Bat", there are the remaining cosmic coins used by the
Chaos City Lord "Universe Venerable". There are about a hundred thousand yuan
units. This is the only primitive cosmic currency that Su Ze has.

As for Ice Mist Coins and Black Dragon Coins, he didn't have them at all.

"Flying Bat, how many black dragon coins are equal to one unit of mixed yuan?"

"Master, one unit of mixed yuan is equal to 1,000 billion universe coins, one
universe coin is equal to 1,000 dry witch coins, and 1 dry witch coin is roughly
equivalent to 1,000 black dragon coins."

"1 Black Dragon Coin is roughly equivalent to 1,000 Ice Mist Coins."

Su Ze is communicating with the intelligent life consciousness of Flying Bat.


In the eyes of other people, it seems to be stunned in place.

Next to it, a star-level spiritual teacher who handled business sneered: "I don't
know where the natives came from, where did the ice fog coins come from?"

Even some employees secretly snickered.

The employee who was very respectful before had a disdainful smile on his mouth
and said with a smile: "Sir, if you don't have money... I can't apply for the
qualification for you to enter the virtual universe."

This is not the first time this has happened.

Su Ze turned his head, looked at the star-level spiritual teacher, and said
lightly: "Sit in and watch the sky, ignorant rat."

With a flip of his palm, he took out a cosmic coin and threw it, sneering:
"Looking for money!"


"Cosmic coins?"

The female employee's eyes almost popped out. She is so big, she has never seen
Cosmic Coin, not only him... Nuo Da's Ice Mist Star, who has seen Cosmic Coin...

I'm afraid not really much.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone looking at Su Ze changed very subtly,

especially the spiritual teacher, who blushed and quickly lowered his head and

"what happened?"

At this time, the manager-in-charge of the Bingwuxing household registration

management center came out.

The female employee, sweating profusely, was calculating the exchange rate of
Cosmos Coin and Frozen Mist Coin.

1 Universe Coin is equal to 1000 Dry Witch Coins, and 1 Dry Witch Coin is equal to
1000 Black Dragon Coins...

1 Black Dragon Coin is equal to 1000 Ice Fog Coins.

1 Universe Coin is equivalent to 1 billion Ice Fog Coins!

"Sir... Could you please tell me about your bank account?" The female employee was
about to cry...

Su Ze shook his head and said, "It's okay, you can just find cash."

He suddenly remembered a piece of information...

A certain man pulled a car coin and went to the 4S store to buy a BMW...

Oh shit!

It turns out that it's not just spending money to pretend to be coercive. It's
also very fulfilling to let these bastards make change.

The female employee briefly explained the matter to the person in charge.


"You said he was... an Earthling?"

The person in charge, with a thin body, a pair of pointed ears, and a pale green
skin, moved his eyes and scolded: "Look, if you don't have enough money, go to the
bank to exchange..."

With that said, he turned to look at Su Ze, and said with a smile, "Sir, this way

Thoughts flew in his mind.

"Cosmic coins?"

"A life on an indigenous planet like Earth can actually take out cosmic coins? The
clan ancestor guessed it well..."

"The appearance of this person in charge is strange..."

"Pointy ears, green skin... It seems that in the devouring starry sky, the Nuo
Lanshan family looks like this." ..

Chapter 152 The Vibration of the Virtual Universe

Manager's Office.

Su Ze sat on the chair generously, while the Empress of Wolf Slayer stood beside
him obediently.

The person in charge took out his collection of fine wine, poured a glass for Su
Ze, slapped sideways, and said with a smile, "Sir, are you from the Milky Way

"That's right."

Su Ze glanced at the work card of the person in charge, and said with a smile:
"Dap. Nuo Lanshan? Manager Nuo Lanshan... As far as I know, the Ice Mist Star and
the Milky Way galaxy are far apart, and the Earth is only It's an indigenous
planet, but I didn't expect that Manager Nuo Lanshan would know about the earth?"

Nuo Lanshan's face was obviously stagnant.

He knew that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately separated a touch of
consciousness, quickly entered the virtual universe, and sent an email to "Nuo

"Grandpa Ancestor, I met a native of the Milky Way Earth in Bingwuxing, probably
with a fourth-order stellar cultivation base..."


in a distant galaxy.

"Nuo Lanshan" with a pair of pointed ears and pale green skin opened his eyes and
couldn't help laughing: "Dap's email? This kid seems to have made a big mistake and
was assigned to Bingwuxing... How do you remember? Did you email me?"

The Nuo Lanshan family is huge, and its members are spread across many galaxies,
but "Nuo Lanshan" is very clear about the talented disciples who are close to the

He entered the "virtual universe"...



Nuo Lanshan's face couldn't help moving.

Since the disciples in the family accidentally discovered the earth and the young
starry beasts hidden on the earth and the spaceships of the mechanical family, Nuo
Lanshan has always wanted to occupy the earth.

However, Luo Feng and his two brothers were too difficult to deal with, so they
actually applied directly to the official Heilongshan, bought the earth, and became
the "Lord of the Earth".

This made Nuo Lanshan fearful and did not dare to shoot directly.
"But the Earth Lord Luo Feng?"

Nuo Lanshan quickly contacted "Dap Nuo Lanshan".

"Grandpa Ancestor, it's not Luo Feng, but a stellar star named Su Ze..." While
chatting with Su Ze, Dapu separated a touch of consciousness and passed Su Ze's
information to Nuo Lanshan.

"Su Ze?"

"In the indigenous planet of Earth, there is another master... and he also carries
Cosmic Coins with him?"

Nuo Lanshan changed his mind and immediately said: "Dap, you think of a way to
hold me back, I will set off now and rush to Frozen Mist Star."


Nuo Lanshan rose into the sky and directly broke through a secret room. He
instantly got into the interior of a spaceship and rushed towards the "Ice Mist

"Mr. Su Ze, is this your first time to Bingwuxing?"

Dapu Nuo Lanshan looked very hospitable and said with a smile, "I'll get off work
after helping Mr. Su Ze with his business. I'll take Mr. Su Ze to visit Bingwuxing

Su Ze has already seen through everything, and said lightly: "Alright, I just
happen to lack a guide."


after an hour.

Dapu Nuo Lanshan and Su Ze walked out of the household registration management
center together.

"Hey... Mr. Su, where's your maid?"

Dapu Nuo Lanshan asked in surprise, thinking that the Empress of Wolf Slayer was a
slave purchased by Su Ze, but Su Ze didn't point it out and said with a smile, "Oh?
She has something to do, so she will go back first."

In fact, the wolf queen has already entered the farm.

She sat cross-legged under the willow god, and took out an ordinary intellectual
brain issued by the ice fog star.

"Link the virtual universe."

The Empress of Wolf Slayer gave an order.

This intellectual brain can be linked to the virtual universe, but its level is
too low, it has no ability to think, and the price is very cheap, only less than
10,000 "Icemist Coins".

"The virtual universe of this world is interesting. It can develop technology to
such an extent that it can simulate all the exercises and perceptions... Huh? No,
this is not pure high-tech!"

As soon as the Empress Wolf Slayer entered the virtual universe, she sensed the
special features of the "virtual universe" and said in surprise, "It's actually a
magical power. The combination of this magical power and high technology is

She wore a plain white dress, lightly tapped her fingertips, and couldn't help
laughing: "A magical power that is enough to cover the entire universe, although
the world rules in this world are weak... But this magical power, even if it is not
an emperor level, is not far behind. ."

As soon as she entered the virtual universe, the virtual universe immediately
began to analyze her physical fitness, law perception, etc...

However, all of a sudden, the entire virtual universe seemed to have

malfunctioned, and the force that was copying and analyzing the "Wolf Destroyer
Empress" suddenly dissipated. Then, this dissipating trend spread rapidly...

Frozen Mist...

Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory...

At this moment in the entire Qianwu cosmos country, everyone in the "virtual
universe" felt the invasion of this power.

"what happened?"

At this moment, the Chaos City Lord, who was far away from the Chaos City in the
initial universe, was shocked.

He also felt this change in the virtual universe...

However, he did not find that in the virtual universe, a transparent figure with a
puzzled face...

The original ancestor!

"how so?"

"There are still magical powers that [I for the universe] can't analyze?"

The original ancestor was an almost mythical figure. Back then, he created this
magical power to cover the entire primordial universe. He wanted to use it to seize
the "primitive universe origin consciousness", but was suppressed by the supreme

However, the magical power he created remained, and it was the current "virtual

It is by virtue of the "virtual universe" that human beings have gained a firm
foothold in the original universe and become one of the three peak groups in the
original universe.

At this time, in Bingwuxing, Su Ze's farm, the Wolf Slayer Empress smiled and
said: "This magical power is a little bit worse, and it is difficult to analyze and
calculate my swallowing magic art..."

With a thought, she deliberately revealed a flaw, and then...

The virtual universe just returned to normal.


Behind her, the phantom of a clay pot disappeared in a flash, and the Empress of
Wolf Slayer couldn't help but praised: "Yes, yes, I don't know, is there anyone in
this universe who can stop my swallowing devil? achievement?"

She directly entered the "trial field" of the "virtual universe".


"Mr. Su Ze, this is the largest auction venue in our Frozen Mist Star. It is said
that the owner behind it is Lord Jian Wudi from the Holy Land of Black Dragon

Dapu Nuo Lanshan led Su Ze to a huge auction hall.

He knew that a grand auction would be held today, and it would last for a week...

As long as Su Ze became interested, it was enough to drag him to "Nuo Lanshan". ..

Chapter 153 20 Billion


Su Ze was really not interested in this kind of auction.

In an auction of the ninth rank of the main level of the background just now, what
treasures can be auctioned?

Now, with more than a dozen Hunyuan units on his body, he went to find a "First
Bank of the Universe" to make a deposit, and he could immediately become a top-
level account, and he could enjoy the auction qualification of "The First Bank of
the Universe".


Dapu Nuo Lanshan has performed to this extent. If Su Ze doesn't cooperate,

wouldn't he be very sorry for him?

He nodded and smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you are idle, you are idle.
Maybe you can find treasures."

The two walked to the auction venue, found a seat and sat down.

Su Ze separated a ray of thought and entered the virtual universe, letting his
intelligent life "little devil" sign him up for the "Universal Human Peak Genius

Soon, the auction will officially start.

One item after another, the auction begins.

Dapu Nuo Lanshan, on the other hand, diligently introduced Su Ze...

Soon, the day passed.

Seeing that Su Ze was sleepy, Dapu Nuo Lanshan was afraid that Su Ze would leave
the stage halfway, thus disrupting the plan of his grandfather "Nuo Lanshan",
rolled his eyes, and said with a smile, "Mr. Su Ze, you are not ready. Shoot

Su Ze raised his eyelids slightly and said, "How can these rubbish things get into
my eyes?"

Dapu Nuo Lanshan looked startled.

Su Ze looked at his nose again, his nose looked at his heart, and sat in
meditation, while Dapu Nuo Lanshan separated a ray of consciousness and entered the
"virtual universe".

In the virtual universe, there is an email left to him by "Nuo Lanshan".

"Dapp, I have already set off for the Frozen Mist Star, and I will arrive in about
two days."

"You must hold Su Ze."

When Dapp glanced at the email, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The email was sent yesterday... In other words, Nuo Lanshan will arrive at Frozen
Mist in less than 20 hours.

He flipped through the auction book issued by the auction house in his hand,
looked at one of the auction items, shook his head and sighed: "This should be the
scale armor of a Juvenile Destroyer Behemoth... It's a pity, the Destroyer Behemoth
is a starry sky beast. One of the twelve peak bloodlines, he became a world master
when he was an adult, and the secret technique of talent is "time stands still",
but he didn't expect that he was killed when he was young."

Su Ze raised his eyelids and looked over.

Dapu Nuo Lanshan's eyes lit up...

There is a play!

He continued: "But I didn't expect that in a place like Frozen Mist Star, there
are also scales of the Juvenile Destruction Giant Beast for sale... Although this
scale is damaged a lot, it is difficult to understand the law of time contained in
it, but it can be bought and collected. , but also very good.”

"Destroy the giant beast when you were young?"

"One of the twelve peak bloodlines of the star beast?"

Su Ze's heart moved, and he immediately smiled: "Yes, yes, the starry sky beast is
very precious. It is not easy to encounter a broken scale armor in a place like
Bingwuxing where birds don't shit."

Dapu Nuo Lanshan's face darkened.

Frozen Mist?

Birds don't poop?

Damn, you are a native of the earth's indigenous planet, what qualifications do
you have to evaluate Frozen Mist Star like this?

The auction order of "Juvenile Destroying Giant Beast Scale Armor" is very late...

Thirteen hours had passed by the time this item came into play.

On the high platform of the auction house, an electronic projection projected the
appearance of "destroying the scales of the giant beast in childhood".

This scale armor is about ten feet long and wide, and the whole body is a dark
gray color. On the scale armor, there is a strange secret pattern. These are just
these secret patterns, and some places are severely broken and damaged.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this juvenile destroying giant beast scale armor was
obtained by chance when Lord Jian Wudi was practicing in the secret realm of the
Black Dragon Mountain..."

The master of ceremonies, who presided over the auction, explained eloquently.

"Although the scale armor of this childhood destroying giant beast is damaged, it
is difficult to understand the time secret pattern law contained in it, but how
cherished by the starry sky giant beast? Some starry sky giant beasts, roaming the
starry sky, will never meet a similar one in their lifetime... …”


"The scale armor of this juvenile destroying giant beast has a low price of 3
billion ice fog coins, and each time the price is increased, it must not be less
than 100 million ice fog coins."


at the same time.

Frozen star outer space.

The spaceship of the cosmic triangle shuttled out of the dark universe, and the
spaceship soon landed at the space port of Ice Mist Star.

Nuo Lanshan, came out of the spaceship.

"Dap, you hold him back, I'll find the lord of Frozen Mist Star... After all, I'm
doing it in his territory."


"Grandpa is here?"

Dapu Nuo Lanshan's eyes lit up.

At this time, Su Ze stared at the "juvenile destroying giant beast scale armor",
and his mind became active.

Most of the people in Frozen Mist Star do not know what a "starry sky beast" is.
However, this did not delay their bidding.

"4 billion!"

"4.5 billion!"

"5 billion!"

The price was quickly auctioned over 7 billion... At this time, there were
obviously fewer bidders, and the price increase for each auction was only 100
million Frozen Mist Coins.

The second floor of the auction house, the box.

A handsome man with a vertical mark between his eyebrows waved a folding fan and
said with a smile, "It's actually the scales of a young monster that destroyed the
beast... I didn't expect this kind of thing to come out of this place where the
bird doesn't shit?"

"Master Long, do you want to take a picture?"

The handsome man narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Isn't this nonsense?"

The old man behind the handsome man is a cosmos-level ninth-order cultivation
base, he said neither humble nor arrogant: "Master Long, the master ordered, he has
many enemies, it is better for you to keep a low profile when you walk..."

"10 million black dragon coins!"

The handsome man shook his fan, reported a number, and then smiled at the
housekeeper: "Isn’t Bingwuxing, why keep a low profile? Housekeeper, you are the
ninth-rank spiritual teacher of the cosmos. Unless Jian Wudi comes back, who is
you? opponent?"

The "Master Long" was very confident and said lightly: "What's more... even if
Jian Wudi comes back, I have to give my father some face."


"Black Dragon Coin? Could it be a big man from another planet?" Dapu Nuo Lanshan
raised his brows and said in a low voice.

Not only him, but many people present were heartbroken.

The people of Ice Mist Star naturally use "Ice Mist Coins" as currency.

Under normal circumstances, only people from other stars and planets will use
Black Dragon Coins... People who take out 10 million Black Dragon Coins in one go
are definitely not good people...

"20 Universe Coins..."

Suddenly, Su Ze floated a quotation...

10 million black dragon coins, equivalent to 10 billion ice fog coins!

And 20 universe coins is equivalent to... 20 billion ice fog coins!


"Cosmos Coin..."

In the box... that young master Long spit out the fine wine he just drank. ..

Chapter 154 The ninth order of the universe level? too weak!

Suddenly, the entire auction hall was silent, and everyone looked towards Su Ze.

Some people even whispered.

20 Cosmic Coins, equivalent to 20 billion Frozen Mist Coins, the big Frost Mist
Star, someone who can take out so much money in one go... If it is the original
inhabitant of Frozen Mist Star, at least it has a head and face.


Su Ze is also an outsider.

In the minds of everyone, a definition was made.


"It's him……"

In the box on the second floor of the auction house, a tall middle-aged warrior
wearing an alloy battle suit frowned. He stood by the window and looked down, his
thoughts flickering: "It seems that the evildoer should have a great background...

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"How dare you fight with me?"

The anger of the first young master of Long came up all of a sudden, and he said
displeasedly: "A small ice fog star, how could anyone dare to compare my wealth
with me? 30 million black dragon coins!"

Regardless of the butler's stop, he pushed open the window of the box and looked
at Su Ze, with a provocative smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly,
"This brother, I don't know what to call him?"

Su Ze didn't even look at the young master Long, and put up five fingers.

"50 Universe Coins!"

The host of the auction venue, his eyes lit up, and called out.

50 universe coins is equivalent to 50 billion ice fog coins, which is enough to

buy a huge business empire on the ice fog star.

Su Ze's ignoring attitude made the "Young Master Long" very unhappy. He sneered:
"With so much money, I also want to destroy the scales of the giant beast... 60
cosmic coins!"

However, before waiting for the host at the auction venue to make an offer, Su Ze
spoke lightly and interrupted him.
"I got it wrong."

"The price I just quoted was not 50 Universe Coins, but 5,000 Universe Coins..."


The microphone of the emcee of ceremonies fell directly to the ground.

5000 universe coins?

Isn't that 5 billion black dragon coins? Equivalent to 5 trillion ice fog coins...

5 billion Black Dragon Coins is enough to buy half a Frozen Mist Star!

Long Dashao, as if struck by lightning.

The audience was silent, even Dapu Nuo Lanshan, who was beside Su Ze, was a little

"Dap, I have already agreed with the owner of Frost Mist Star... This auction is
the industry of Jian Wudi, and it is inconvenient for me to do it inside, waiting
for him to come out..."

Nuo Lanshan has already arrived at the door outside the auction venue.

Inside the auction venue.

Someone sent the "scale armor of the destroying giant beast" to Su Ze.

Su Ze flipped his hand and threw the 5,000 universe coins directly.

He put away the scales, stood up, and walked directly outside the auction venue.

"Oh shit!"

"Being slapped in the face in this place where birds don't shit!"

In the box on the second floor, Young Master Long was so ashamed and angry, he
waved his hand and said, "Butler, let's go too."

There was a conspiracy in his eyes.

"Oh? So many people?"

Su Ze walked towards the outside of the auction venue, sensing the powerful breath
behind him, and the corners of his mouth could not help but lift up slightly...

Sixteen stellar grades, three cosmic grades...

The so-called wealth is not revealed...

The wealth that he has revealed seems to have made the greed in many people's
hearts difficult to control.

"Mr. Su, let's go this way."

Dapu Nuo Lanshan's eyes flickered, his expression a little unnatural, Su Ze's eyes
swept away, and his heart became alert.
As soon as he walked out of the auction hall, he saw Dapu Nuo Lanshan who was
beside him suddenly flashed and rushed towards the opposite side of the road. A
bang sounded, and he had already landed on a person whose skin was vaguely similar
to him. Next to a middle-aged man who is somewhat similar.


Dapu bowed respectfully, then looked at Su Ze with a sneer, and said, "Hmph, I'm
just an ignorant native, I think I'm really a character, I'll try my best to
accompany you, but I just want to delay you. …”

Nuo Lanshan also smiled and said, "Mr. Su, right? I've been waiting for you for a
long time."

He was at the entrance of the auction house and waited for about twenty minutes.


Su Ze laughed.

"Nuo Lanshan... This sentence should be said by me..."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

His tone suddenly became extremely stern, a sword intent slowly brewing and rising
from his body, his eyes were indifferent, he looked at Dapu Nuolanshan, shook his
head and said, "As for you... a dead person, you reload my crime. , I will forgive


Dapp spat out a mouthful of blood.

But it was Su Ze who had already buried a sword of death in his body, and when his
mind moved, it detonated directly, and instantly crushed all his internal organs.

Nuo Lanshan's pupils shrank, he was furious and shouted, "You are courting death!"

call out!

His cosmos-level ninth-order strength blossomed with all his strength, turning
directly into a stream of light, rushing towards Su Ze.

"Sword come!"

Su Ze let out a low drink.

On his body, the Great Perfection of Death Sword Intent rose into the sky, and
when he reached into the sky, he grabbed the Yuantu Sword, and the Qinglian Sword
Qi spewed out.

A thick sword light suddenly fell, and collided with the streamer made by Nuo


As if a comet hit the earth.

Nuo Lanshan turned into a streamer and flew out at a faster speed, hitting a
skyscraper in the distance. That building couldn't bear it and collapsed suddenly.

Su Ze's sword fell, and the sword was reckless, directly ploughing deep ravines on
the broad avenue.

Su Ze followed closely behind the sixteen stellar rank and three cosmic ranks,
each with a spiritual fetus.

They can naturally feel the terrifying aura contained in that stream of light...

The ninth order of the universe!

"how is this possible……"

"One sword... splitting the ninth rank of the cosmos?"

"His cultivation is really only stellar?"

Su Ze turned his head to look, smiled faintly, and suddenly cut out a "Qinglian
Sword Song" from the air.


The sky is hazy, please let the sword qi fall on your face.

Sixteen stellar grades were killed instantly, and three cosmic grades fell to the
ground with serious injuries.

As for Su Ze, he slashed out with a sword, and without turning his head, he rushed
into the ruins formed by the collapse of the building in an instant...


The earth's crust trembled, two figures hit the sky from the ground, Nuo Lanshan
roared loudly, and said, " are only a star-level sixth-order,
how could you possibly have such a powerful sword intent? "


Su Ze cut off his head with a sword.

He shook his head and sighed, "Ninth rank of the universe? Too weak..." ..

Chapter 155 Planting Starry Beasts!

"It's the giant axe warrior Nuo Lanshan!"

Long Dashao and his old butler, just walking out of the auction, saw Su Ze kill
fourteen stellar graders with one sword, seriously injure three cosmic grades, and
rushed into the ruins to fight Nuo Lanshan. up.

The butler's pupils contracted violently, looking at the dazed Young Master Long,
with a solemn expression: "Master, Nuo Lanshan is powerful, I am not his opponent,
that person must be hiding his cultivation... Let's go quickly, otherwise Once he
hates you, I can't stop him."

The so-called "giant axe warrior" is a title.

Only in the giant axe proving ground, and the same realm warriors undefeated in a
hundred battles, can only get this title.

Long Dashao, then petrochemical in the local.

The housekeeper grabbed him, and his mental power urged a power weapon, leaped up,
and quickly rushed towards the space port of Frozen Mist Star.



Su Ze threw Nuo Lanshan's head at will, looked towards the direction where the
young master Long fled, and smiled lightly, but did not pursue him. It was just a
playful young master who wanted to pretend to be coercive at the auction... He
slapped himself in the face, but it wasn't some deep hatred.

As for Nolan Mountain...

The strength of Nuo Lanshan is indeed strong, but unfortunately...

He was too careless.

To actually use the body to resist the "Yuan Tujian", isn't this courting death?

You must know that Yuantu Sword is an innate spiritual treasure. In terms of level
alone... I am afraid that it is stronger than the supreme treasure of the original
universe. How can his body be able to stop it?

Of course……

On the other hand, Su Ze's realm is too high.

Although the cultivation methods of the two worlds are different...

But the Great Perfection's Death Sword Intent, how strong is it? Coupled with the
Qinglian Sword Canon... Even if they fight normally, Su Ze is sure to defeat a
cosmic ninth-rank head-on.


Su Ze's body disappeared directly over Frozen Mist City.


within the farm.

The Empress of Wolf Slayer slowly opened her eyes, she looked at Su Ze, her
beautiful eyes flashed, and she sighed: "The cultivation method of the original
universe is quite interesting."


"Have you been to the virtual universe?"

Su Ze blasted a big hole in the farm with one palm, buried the scales of the
juvenile destroying giant beast, sprinkled it with catalyst, and asked with a
smile, "What's the effect?"

"not bad."
The Empress of Wolf Slayer smiled and said, "It's just that the practitioners in
this world are a little weak. After I challenged from the domain master level to
the world master level... there is no one to challenge."

Su Ze frowned.

He can use the attributes to interpret the current cultivation of the Empress of
Wolf Slayer.

Her cultivation base has only recovered a little, which is roughly equivalent to
the third-order domain master level of the original universe, but she can sweep the
domain master level and the world master, which must have caused a huge storm in
the virtual universe.

Su Ze didn't know...

The process of beheading fourteen stellar ranks, seriously injuring three cosmic
ranks, and beheading Nuo Lanshan with one sword was filmed into a video and passed
on in the virtual universe.

This matter quickly attracted the attention of many high-level officials and major


Black Dragon Mountain Holy Land.

An immortal god with a sturdy figure sighed and said: "Stellar-level sixth-order,
killing cosmic-level giant axe warriors... With such qualifications, it is
difficult to produce one person in a million eras..."

"It's a pity... such a genius is probably not something that I can possess in the
Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain."

This immortal god's eyes fell on another video.

This is the strong man under his command, collected for him.

Open and watch carefully...

The immortal god with a sturdy figure frowned, and said: "How is it possible..."

"How can there be such a strong cosmic level in the world?"

The picture in the video is the Empress of Wolf Slayer, who is challenging a
domain master-level giant axe warrior.

After she suppressed a domain master level, she began to challenge another world
master level...

Thirteen battles, thirteen victories, the Empress of Wolf Slayer, defeated three
domain lords, ten world lords, among them... there was even a world lord powerhouse
who had comprehended the laws of gold to a very deep level.

"Must report!"

"Such a genius is rare in the world, and it is impossible for one to emerge in
millions of epochs..."
"It must be a great achievement to report it!"

This stalwart immortal god entered the virtual universe for the first time.

The Heilongshan Starfield belongs to the human territory "Danwu Cosmos", but this
immortal god can't care too much at this moment. He is the immortal emperor, the
strongest in the Black Dragon Mountain Starfield, among the human giants. One's
"Virtual Universe Company" also has some friends.


The message went to Virtual Universe.

The top management of the virtual universe company was shocked, and many cosmos
sages immediately held a meeting and finally decided to send a cosmos sage to
personally contact the two peerless geniuses, hoping to win over the virtual
universe company.

Two videos were passed between the executives of the virtual universe company.

The original universe...

Chaos City.

"What a strong female doll... The exercises practiced by this female doll are so
domineering." Chaos City Lord, his eyes flickered, and a figure could not help
floating in his heart.

It was his most doting disciple ever, Coty.

A genius who is hailed as rare in ten million epochs...


In contrast, the Chaos City Lord found that Coty was not comparable to the woman
in the white dress in the video.

Coty is a genius...

However, the woman in the white dress and the plain skirt gave Chaos City Lord an
unfathomable feeling.

The owner of Chaos City sold it and looked at another video.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Fellow Daoist Su
Ze... It's actually Fellow Daoist Su Ze? He really is my human race... But, Fellow
Daoist Su Ze, why is there only a stellar sixth-order cultivation base?"


Virtual universe, purgatory.

"This virtual universe is really amazing. The original human ancestors are really
powerful. Before being suppressed by the supreme rules, they were able to release
such a magical power." Su Ze killed a third-order spiritual master of the universe
with a sword. , and then exited the purgatory.

He and the Empress of the Wolf Slayer encountered the same situation.
The level of the emperor-level exercise [Qinglian Sword Canon] is too high, and
the virtual universe is difficult to replicate and simulate... Fortunately, with
the experience of the wolf queen, Su Ze deliberately revealed a flaw, and the
Qinglian Sword Canon was able to function normally in the virtual world. Cast in
the universe.


"The plant is mature, please harvest the host as soon as possible..."

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Su Ze's mind. ..

Chapter 156 Starry Beast Alliance

The original universe, the Heilongshan star field, the Milky Way galaxy, the
earth, within an ancient castle.

"The third one!"

"A happy event, a happy event, the third child!"

Luo Feng, who was wearing a dark golden battle suit, was cultivating in the secret
room, preparing for the [Universal Human Peak Genius Battle], but when he heard a
loud cry, he couldn't help but flicker and flew out of the secret room.

In my heart, I am very suspicious...

"It's the voice of eldest brother. When did eldest brother... become as hot as the
second brother?"

Outside the castle, "Hong" in a black robe flew over quickly and landed in front
of Luo Feng. He smiled and said, "Third, great news, I just got the news... Nuo
Lanshan... is dead? "


Luo Feng's eyes were rounded...

At this time, Thor came over, he laughed, and couldn't be proud: "Boss, third,
there is something, I want to tell you... Hey, why do you have such expressions?"

Thor touched his bald head, glared his eyes, and said, "Damn, you already know?"

Luo Feng was watching the video...

"Stellar rank six?"


"What a strong star-level sixth-order!"

The photographer of the video should be far away. Although the picture is very
clear, the dialogue between Nuo Lanshan and the mysterious "star-level sixth-order"
expert in the video is very vague.

After watching the video, Luo Feng's expression turned serious.

He said solemnly: "It's too strong... stellar level, can it be so strong? Sure
enough... the universe is vast, there are countless geniuses, and the peak genius
battle has not yet started, so such a tyrannical genius has been revealed? ?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Lei Shen pouted and said, "Nuo Lanshan's death is always a big happy event. Today,
the three of us will not practice cultivation, let's have a good drink."

Luo Feng showed a smile and said with a smile: "I think too much, but this
Xiongtai killed Nuo Lanshan, which is considered a kindness to our earth. If there
is a chance in the future, we must meet."


"Oh shit!"

"Is this the juvenile star behemoth?"

In the farm, Su Ze was stunned, looking at the giant beast in front of him...

This giant beast has a black-gray body, about 300 meters long, and has strange
secret patterns on its body. It has four thick light gray thick hooves and a black
horn on its forehead.

[Destroy the giant beast (young)]

"The Destroyer Behemoth is one of the twelve subversive bloodlines of the starry
beast. It is a planetary star at birth, and it is a world master when it is an
adult. It masters the secret method of talent: time stands still."

Su Ze shook his head.

This starry sky behemoth looks incomparably mighty, but it is actually tasteless.
When he is an adult, he is a world master. Compared with the ruffian dragon, the
reincarnation of the ancient god emperor, the purple wind dragon is far worse.

Its innate secrets are awesome, but if it is placed in the Three Realms, which are
bound by higher rules...

I am afraid that it cannot be used at all, unless this monster of destruction can
reach the level of the master of the universe.

Cultivate a starry beast to the level of the master of the universe?

"With this resource, it is enough to make the ruffian dragon stronger... sold!"

Su Ze changed his mind and directly chose "sale on the shelves".


"The Juvenile Destruction Behemoth has been placed on the store shelf, please ask
the host to set a price for it."

"200,000 yuan unit."

Su Ze casually said a number.

"Received the video call from the initial cosmos Chaos City, do you choose to
accept it immediately?"


"Received a video call from the Star Behemoth Alliance, do you choose to accept it


"Received a video call from Wutan City, the world of war, do you choose to accept
it immediately?

A series of system prompts resounded in Su Ze's ears.

Su Ze's face darkened...

He can understand the call application between Chaos City and the Starry Beast
Alliance, but what is going on with Nima's victory over the world of Ulthan City?

If he remembered correctly, Wutan City should be the starting point for the rise
of the "Emperor Yan"...

It can be defeated, after all, it is a low-level world.

The rules of the world are too weak... The so-called "Doudi" may not be as strong
as the immortal gods of the original universe...

"Let's connect the call of the Star Beast Alliance first."

With a thought, Su Ze gave an order.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure was projected in front of his eyes. This
figure hovered in the cosmic starry sky. Its volume was larger than that of a
living planet. Those huge indifferent eyes were full of anger. , staring at Su Ze
through the projection, roaring: "Human... You are so brave, you dare to openly
sell the descendants of my tribe..."


"A cosmic venerable beast of destruction?"

Su Ze looked over, sneered, and said, "Why can't I sell the beast of destruction I
planted myself?"


The gigantic destroying beast roared in anger, and one of its hooves slammed into
the air, sending out ripples that directly collapsed several nearby planets.

It glared at Su Ze and roared: "Human, you are not afraid of the anger of my star
beast alliance..."


"I'm afraid of your uncle!"

Su Ze directly broke out a foul language and closed the video call.
Damn it!

Why don't you buy shit?

He chose to connect the video call of "City Lord of Chaos" again.


At this time, within the territory of the Starry Sky Giant Beast Alliance, a huge
monster of destruction roared and roared like crazy.

Its actions quickly attracted the attention of the Lord of the Universe who
destroyed the giant beast lineage.

The strongest man who destroyed the beast's lineage turned into a burly middle-
aged man, puzzled: "Moke, what happened?"

Destroy the giant beast "Moke" and talk about it.


"Someone actually sells my ruined lineage in public?"

The Lord of the Universe also looked angry... The starry sky giant beasts are very
rare, and some giant beasts, from birth to death, may not meet a similar...

The Starry Sky Beast Alliance, from the founding of the ancestors to the present,
did not know how many billions of epochs it had gone through to accumulate the
current batch of clansmen.


"In these recent eras, human beings have become less and less concerned about my
star beast alliance... I will report to the ancestors."



"Fellow Daoist Su Ze, the starry sky beast alliance is the most protective of
shortness... Do you want me to help you with this matter?"

After listening to Su Ze's words, the Chaos City Lord could not help frowning.

Su Ze smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, they can't help me."

Star behemoth?


After Su Ze returned the Immortal Execution Sword, Tongtian Sect Master owed him
three favors and was willing to take action for Su Ze three times.

In [Kunlun Wonderland], one shot, two remaining...

I don't know, who is the strongest in the ancestral universe of the saint and the
star beast alliance? ..

Chapter 157 Black Ice Demon Flame

This is called fearlessness!

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Su Ze... Are you in the Primordial Universe now?"

Chaos City Lord, step into the topic.

Su Ze nodded and said with a smile: "I've been bored recently, come and play. By
the way, what's your virtual universe number?"

Su Ze added the virtual universe number of the Chaos City Lord.

"By the way, Chaos City Lord, the peak genius battle of the universe human beings,
was organized by your virtual universe company? So, give me a place... how about
it?" Su Ze's old face was slightly red.

This is the first time he has done such a thing as going through the back door.

After all, it would be too much trouble for him to compete with those geniuses
round by round.

Chaos City Lord was stunned.

Immediately, he smiled and said, "This time the peak genius battle of human beings
in the universe is indeed organized by my virtual universe company. It is limited
to those below the universe level who can participate in the battle. If Daoist Su
Ze is interested, I can arrange it and let Daoist Su Ze participate in the final
battle. finals."

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Su Ze, I still have something to do. Venerable Wanjian
of my Virtual Universe Company will contact you about this later."

Chaos City Lord, hung up the video call.

His stalwart figure disappeared in front of Su Ze.

"By the way, there is also a video call to break the world."

With a thought, Su Ze gave an order: "System, help me connect to the video call of
Wutan City."


The farm was empty, and a projection appeared again.

In the projection, a figure with black hair and a stern face appeared, he looked
at Su Ze, clasped his fists and said, "Fellow Daoist, Xiao Yan... Dare to ask
friend, that... star behemoth, Can it be exchanged for something?"

Su Ze's eyes moved, and he said with a smile: "It turns out that Emperor Yan has
been looking up to him for a long time."

He carefully looked at the legendary "Emperor Yan".

Emperor Yan's breath is extremely deep.

His cultivation base is probably comparable to the Venerable Universe of the

Primordial Universe.
"It seems that I underestimated the World of Warbreaker..." Su Ze thought in his
mind: "Even if the rules of the World of Warbreaker are weak, it is possible to
reach the top in a fantasy world and become a great emperor, Emperor Yan... How can

Su Ze thought to himself, and said, "I don't know if Emperor Yan... What treasures
do you have?"

Xiao Yan let out a long sigh and couldn't help but feel relieved.

After he became the "Doudi Emperor", in order to seek a breakthrough, he traveled

through the chaotic void and forged several great enemies. These enemies were
powerful and one-on-one... He had absolute certainty to deal with them.

But the few of them joined forces, but Xiao Yan was not an opponent anyway.

Just today, when he retreated and cultivated and merged with the strange fire, the
sound of the avenue suddenly sounded in his mind, and then he saw the [Juvenile
Destruction Giant Beast].

When Emperor Yan traveled in the chaotic void, he also heard about the "starry sky

When he saw the "innate secret method" of destroying the giant beasts in his
childhood, his heart moved...

If this giant beast is cultivated by himself, and when he reaches adulthood, he

controls the innate secret technique [Time Stops], and when the two cooperate, how
can he be afraid of those great emperors joining forces?

When he turned his hand, a pure black flame appeared in his palm.

This flame swayed with the wind, and even the surrounding void was burned and
twisted and rippling.

An icy power radiated out.

"Fellow Daoist, this strange fire was discovered on the corpse of a demon god when
I traveled through the chaotic void. I call it the black ice demon flame. Once
activated, the power of ice that it emits can even Freeze to death Fighting Saint."

Xiao Yan sighed: "Unfortunately, the Black Ice Demon Flame is too domineering, and
it is difficult for me to merge with the other strange fires that I have mastered,
otherwise I would be afraid of that group of bastards?"

"Black Ice Demon Flame?"

Su Ze's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "Okay, it's changed."

Transaction complete.

The black ice magic flame floated into Su Ze's hands.

clack clack...

In an instant, the entire void of the farm began to freeze, and a layer of ice
mist spread over Su Ze's arm with the domineering power of ice emanating from the
black ice magic flame.

Empress Wolf Slayer's expression changed, and a tyrannical aura emanated from her
body, directly suppressing the power of ice.

The willow god is also swaying with branches and leaves, exuding a blue luster,
resisting the power of the "black ice magic flame".

"Oh shit!"

"It's careless!"

The icy fog on Su Ze's arm was suppressed by the Empress of Wolf Slayer, but the
power of the ice burning "Black Ice Demon Flame" was not only aimed at the flesh,
the "primordial spirits" in his Zifu began to become numb...

I am afraid that within a few seconds, his primordial spirit will be completely

At that time, even if he doesn't die, he will become an ice sculpture.


"Detected doubt [Black Ice Demon Flame], can be absorbed... Does the host choose
to consume 500,000 planting points and immediately absorb and refine?"

At this time, the system prompt sounded in my mind.


"Refine now!"

Su Ze's numb primordial spirit and consciousness gave orders before they were
completely frozen.


"Planting point - 500000 points."

"Successful absorption and refining...Congratulations to the host, obtaining the

magic fire [Black Ice Magic Flame]."

"Black Ice Demon Flame: After the death of the demon god who mastered the way of
ice and the way of fire in ancient times, under special reasons, the way of ice and
the way of fire in the body is combined, and the derived demon flame has the
ability to freeze and burn everything. There are three forms of ability."

"The first form: Frozen for nine days."

"Second form: Burning Flash and Cooking the Sea."

"The third form: Ice and Fire Nine Heavens."

After the black ice magic flame was absorbed and refined, the abnormality on Su
Ze's body was immediately lifted, and all the information about the black ice magic
flame was revealed in his mind.

"This business is worth it!"

Su Ze laughed, his thoughts changed, and he flew out of the farm with the wolf

Landed in "Ice Mist City".

At this time, the Ice Mist City has recovered its tranquility. Su Ze found a
company that sells and sells spaceship fuel kinetic energy, and directly purchased
enough power fuel for the "Flying Bat" to use for tens of thousands of years.

Right at this moment, suddenly...

Heaven and earth change.

Above the ice fog star, an incomparably huge figure emerged.

Star behemoth!

This figure is tens of thousands of miles long, covering the sun and the sun. It
has golden scales on its body, strong hooves and claws, and the top of its head...
is a single horn soaring to the sky.



"Dare to openly sell the behemoths of the starry sky..."


This starry sky beast roared and looked at Su Ze in the Frozen City with cold eyes.

Chapter 158

"My God!"

"what is that……"

"Is it the end of the world?"

The residents of the entire Frozen Mist Star fell into a great panic.

In the sky, that giant golden-horned beast, with a body length of tens of thousands
of kilometers and a volume alone, is larger than the Frozen Mist Star.


"Destroy that daring human being and that planet!"

The destroying giant beast "Moke" roared angrily at a distance of time and space.

This "Golden Horned Giant Beast" is also affiliated to the Golden Horned Giant
Beast Alliance. After it became an adult, in order to seek an opportunity to break
through "immortality", it wandered and experienced in the starry sky.

After it received the notice from the Starry Sky Monster Alliance, it immediately
crossed the starry sky and arrived at Frozen Mist Star.

The star beasts are extremely rare. They established the star beast alliance to
protect their own clansmen. Su Ze publicly sold the juvenile destroying giant
beasts. How could they not be angry?


This golden-horned giant beast roared in the sky, and when one of its thick hoofs
stepped in the air, it saw a thick golden light slam down and slammed towards the
Frozen Mist Star.

If it hits this time, the entire Frozen Mist Star will probably be smashed through.


At this time, behind Su Ze, the Empress of Wolf Slayer suddenly lifted into the
air, and behind her, the phantom of the swallowing magic pot suddenly manifested,
and a terrifying phagocytic force spread out, directly absorbing and swallowing the
golden glow.

The Empress of Wolf Slayer rose into the air and wanted to pursue her, but she saw
Su Ze incarnated as a sword light, soaring into the sky, and laughed loudly:
"Nannan, you swept the formation for me, I'll kill it!"


The golden-horned behemoth couldn't help being surprised when his attack
disappeared without a trace.

Its huge body trembled, and golden secret patterns appeared on the golden scales,
golden horns on its forehead, and a golden glow containing terrifying energy was



The golden-horned giant beast spit out human words, opened its mouth and roared,
but before its attack was released, it saw a sword glow and rushed up.

In the sword glow, a figure stood proudly.

That figure, in the eyes of the giant golden-horned beast with a length of tens of
thousands of kilometers, is so insignificant...

"It's him!"

"In the video from Lord Moke, he was the one who sold the Juvenile Destruction

The golden-horned beast roared, and the rays of light gathered from the golden
horns on its forehead were like laser cannons, piercing the starry sky and shooting
at Su Ze.

Su Ze was surrounded by black flames.

He slowly stretched out his hand and said loudly, "Black Ice Demon Flame...

Click click!
The golden light that came from the sky suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, there were ripples in the void, but a pure black flame
fell lightly on the huge body of the golden-horned behemoth.


"How can a stellar human be able to stop my attack... eh? What is this?"

The golden-horned beast roared...

After he discovered the "black ice magic flame" on his body, it was already too
late, and the black magic flame spread rapidly, and the black ice, in just a few
breaths, had frozen the golden-horned beast for thousands of kilometers. 's body.

It was startled, turned over, and was about to run away.


It's too late!

It just rushed out of the atmosphere and entered outer space, and the body of tens
of thousands of kilometers was completely covered by black ice, and all the
vitality was directly evacuated.

The world master-level peak golden-horned behemoth...


With a wave of his hand, Su Ze put the corpse of the huge golden-horned beast into
the item column, frowning secretly: "In my current state, it is still a bit
difficult to cross the universe physically..."


The Empress of Wolf Slayer came to Su Ze's back at some point, her beautiful eyes
flickering, and she was shocked: "When did my husband master such a terrifying
magical power... This black flame seems to be the legendary black ice magic

Su Ze was full of smiles and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the Starry
Sky Giant Beast Alliance would actually send a World Lord-level golden-horned giant
beast to die. Motivating the black ice magic flame, I am afraid that the third form
can block it."

He called out the Flying Bat and entered the spaceship with the Empress of Wolf

In just three seconds, the Flying Bat accelerated to the speed of light, and the
void shook, breaking through the space and entering the dark universe.

The Ice Mist Star, shrouded in darkness and panic, regained its light after the
body of the golden-horned giant beast was taken away by Su Ze.

However, several cosmos-level members of Frozen Mist Star frowned.

They recognized Suze.

After all, Su Ze showed his great power in Frozen City yesterday, and many people
have seen it...


Black Dragon Mountain Star Region.

On a living planet near the "Holy Land" of Black Dragon Mountain, there is a
castle that covers an area of dozens of acres. In the castle, Su Ze leaned
comfortably on a rattan chair, and on the table next to it, some fine wines were
placed. and food fruit.

These things are all cultivated and made from materials unique to the original
universe. In terms of taste alone, they are much stronger than the 82-year-old
mineral water and Lafite on the earth.

At this time, the Empress of Wolf Slayer walked out of the castle.

Su Ze smiled and said, "Nan, how is the battle?"

Empress Wolf Slayer looked disappointed and said, "Too weak..."

"Ordinary immortal level, the control of the law is not bad, but the secret
techniques and combat skills they master are too poor, and the combat experience
and skills are not mature enough. After my cultivation base has been improved
slightly, the ordinary immortal level is no longer mine. opponent."

Su Ze blinked and couldn't help asking, "Nannan, how far have you recovered your
strength now?"

"According to the realm of the original universe, it is probably the ninth order
of the domain master level."

In front of Su Ze, the Empress of Wolf Slayer showed the appearance of

Xiaojiabiyu, she tilted her head, thought about it, and just smiled: "Recently, the
Virtual Universe Company, the Giant Axe Fighting Arena, the Bank of the Universe
Galaxy, the First Bank of the Universe And the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance has sent
people to find me and want me to join them."

"That's natural."

Su Ze said with a smile: "With the talent you show, as long as you nod your head,
the five peak forces of human beings in the primitive universe will definitely use
the best resources to cultivate you."

The Wolf Slayer shook her head.


With the particularity of her "Swallowing the Heavens Magic Technique", and the
need for resources

What's more, she is the Great Emperor, the realm is high, the primitive universe,
who can teach her?

She looked at Su Ze and said, "Husband... I want to go to the battlefield outside

the territory!" ..

Chapter 159 The Domain of Sword Dao

"Extraterritorial battlefield?"

Su Ze frowned slightly. He naturally knew the extraterritorial battlefield. The

extraterritorial war was a racial battlefield opened up by the great power. Among
them, the powerhouses of the six peak races of Human Race, Monster Race, Zerg,
Machine Race, Crystal Race and Prison Race competed for each other. , extremely

Only the domain master level can enter the extraterritorial battlefield. Once you
enter it, you can only leave after completing the designated military exploits.


"Since it's here, I have to go to the outer battlefield for a walk."

Su Ze said with a smile: "NanNan wants to go to the extraterritorial battlefield,

I will accompany you. Anyway, the peak human genius battle in the universe has just
begun... Wait until the final finals, I am afraid it will take a few years."

Right now, Su Ze is most troubled by not being able to improve his cultivation.

After he refined the "Black Ice Demon Flame", his cultivation base has been raised
to the Great Perfection of Vientiane Realm, which is equivalent to the ninth
stellar level of the original universe.

His combat power, without using the "black ice magic flame", is comparable to the
ninth-level domain master!

It's just that once the cultivation level is improved, the "Universal Human Peak
Genius Battle" will not be able to participate, and the system will automatically
declare the mission failed. It only needs to wait a few years, and Su Ze can still
afford it.

However, not being able to improve the cultivation base does not mean that the
combat power cannot be improved. Su Ze vaguely felt that he could start from the
"Sword Intent" aspect.

The Great Perfection of Death Sword Intent will form the "Dao Domain of Swords"
after transformation. If he can enter the level of "Dao Domain of Swords", Su Ze is
sure to face the master-level masters head-on.

"Flying Bat, go to the extraterritorial battlefield."

Su Ze called out "Flying Bat".

As for castles on this planet?

It only cost Su Ze less than 100 universe coins, just throw it away.


"The extraterritorial battlefield is far away from the Black Dragon Mountain Star
Territory, and the dark universe shuttles through the phantom for one month and
three days..."

The Flying Bat broke through the void and entered the dark universe, while Su Ze
sent an email to the Chaos City Lord.

"Fellow Daoist Su Ze is going to the extraterritorial battlefield?"

Soon, Chaos City Lord replied to the email, and he initiated a video call
application to Su Ze through the virtual universe.

"Fellow Daoist Su Ze, there are many crises on the battlefield outside the
territory. Once you show your super talent, even those monarchs and immortal kings
will spare no effort to eradicate you... With your current cultivation level, going
to the battlefield outside the territory will be your best choice. It's too early."

Chaos City Lord, opened his mouth to discourage.

after all……

The talents displayed by Su Ze and the Empress of Wolf Slayer shocked the ages,
and the major human giants were shocked. Although they tried to recruit them to no
avail, they secretly observed and protected them, for fear of being assassinated by
spies and spies of other races.

Going to an extraterritorial battlefield, wouldn't it mean delivering food?

"It's okay."

Su Ze said with a smile: "City Lord Chaos can rest assured that with your Flying
Bat, even if King Immortal wants to kill me, it is not that simple."

The Chaos City Lord was slightly taken aback.


The Flying Bat can not only defend against material attacks, but also defend
against soul attacks.

Even the tyrannical Venerable Universe can hardly break through the defense.

"Okay, I will explain this matter. You can go to the military base in the
extraterritorial battlefield." Chaos City Lord nodded.


"The so-called Dao of Sword is actually an extension of Sword Intent."

"Husband, you have a very deep control over the sword intent... but your
understanding of the Tao is far worse."

Inside the Flying Bat.

Su Ze sat cross-legged, and the Empress of Wolf Slayer said.

Dao perception?

Su Ze's head was full of black lines, and his brows jumped...

Oh shit!

He has cultivated until now, has he realized it?

The Empress Wolf Slayer smiled and said, "My husband's cultivation speed is very
fast, and he must have an excellent talent. You can first try to comprehend other
avenues. A breakthrough opportunity."

Behind the Empress of the Wolf Slayer, a Taoist realm rose up.

In this Dao Territory, there is a khaki and misty luster, and there is a heavy and
steady power. She said: "Husband, please look, this is the Dadi Dao Territory."


As soon as she thought about it, the Dao Realm behind her changed, and the Dao
Realm changed into the Wood Dao Realm.

However, I saw a strong green luster flickering, and the Tao of Wood was full of
strong vitality.

Su Ze even had a feeling that even a seriously injured and dying person could be
revived if he was in the realm of the Wood Path of the Empress of the Wolf Slayer.

"This is the Domain of Fire!"

"This is the Golden Dao Domain!"

"This is the domain of the Sword Dao!"

The Taoist realm on the Empress Wolf Slayer kept changing and showed it to Su Ze.
In the end, she put away the Taoist realm and sighed: "The Taoist realm is just the
simplest and most basic perception and change of the Taoist Dao... I only give a
brief glimpse of these Taoist realms. I have a feeling... Husband, you still need
to experience everything yourself."


Su Ze had the urge to vomit blood.

The simplest and most basic change?

Feeling a little...

You TM have a little insight, and you have comprehended so many Taoist realms?

He squeezed out a smile and said with a smile: "It's just a small area. With my
aptitude, I can understand it in minutes."

The corner of Empress Wolf Slayer's mouth was slightly upturned, but she did not

However, Su Ze read her meaning, and immediately took a shot at the tun, and
sneered: "Dare to mock your husband? Well, I'll show you how powerful I am."

Su Ze thought about it and entered the farm directly.

He stepped to the edge of the farm, where a tea tree less than two meters high

[Enlightenment ancient tea tree (young)]

"One of the nine magical medicines in the world of Xintian, its tea has the
ability to enhance the perception of Tao."
"Age: 500 years old."

"The system prompts: The lower the cultivation base, the stronger the Dao
comprehension ability of the ancient comprehension tea tree."

"The system prompts: The ancient tea tree of enlightenment is in its infancy, and
its tea leaves have limited perception."

Su Ze reached out and picked a piece of tea.

"Infancy...Even an ancient tea tree of enlightenment...for a cultivator of my

realm, the improvement of perception should be scary, right?"

"The system is helping me exchange a teapot and a bucket of spiritual water."


In front of Su Ze's eyes, a quaint teapot and a wooden barrel of spiritual water

He activated his mana, boiled the spiritual water, poured it into the teapot, and
put the "Enlightenment Tea" in it.


A strong aroma of tea came to me.

Su Ze picked up the teapot, took a sip, and sighed, "Good tea!" ..

Chapter 160 Eliminate them at all costs!

The tea fragrance is refreshing!

With a sip of hot strong tea into his throat, Su Ze only felt that his pores were
stretched open, his limbs were covered, and he felt extremely comfortable and

His whole person seems to be integrated into the void avenue of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Su Ze has a feeling...

The obscurity and truth of the Dao in the past suddenly became simpler.

Buzz Buzz!

All over his body, the sword glow flickered, and a mysterious aura radiated out.

"Sword Intent..."

"The Dao of Sword..."

Su Ze drank and drank himself, and the whole person fell into a kind of wonderful
"epidemic". He sometimes clapped his hands and cried, and sometimes frowned and
pondered, but when he couldn't figure out the truth, he only needed to drink a sip
of the ancient enlightenment tea tree tea leaves. The strong tea comes out, you can
suddenly understand.

hum hum...
The whole body, sword intent soars to the sky.

The Great Perfection of Death Sword Intent intertwined vertically and horizontally
in the void, blooming with dazzling Sword Intent, and the farm of more than 10,000
hectares was directly shrouded in this powerful Sword Intent.

Suddenly, the Sword Intent of Death began to transform, suddenly turning into a
"Sword of Death".

In the Sword Domain, the sword energy is ups and downs, and there are vaguely
countless dead bones rising and roaring.

The Domain of the Sword!

Su Ze drank the strong tea in the pot in one gulp, stood up, and laughed: "Chao
Wendao, Xi can die... So this is Jianyu!"

Around him, the Dao of Sword domain slowly expanded, with a radius of about 3,000

Su Ze has a feeling that if an ordinary cultivator rushes into his sword domain,
his strength will be suppressed by at least 30%, and long-distance attacks will
consume more.

He is in the center of the sword domain, and he can also get a certain

The most important thing is that his sword domain also has a powerful and
terrifying destructive power.

"The Dao of the Sword is similar to the world power of the world master... It's a
pity that I initially understood the Dao of the Sword. A planet..."

"For example, the golden-horned giant beast at the peak of the world master level,
the power of the world can completely cover tens of thousands or even hundreds of
thousands of kilometers. With the power of the tyrannical world alone, it can fight
against ordinary immortality."

Su Ze made a quick evaluation in his heart.

Of course, the most powerful thing in the Dao of Sword Domain is its attack power
and flexibility. In this respect, the world power of the world master cannot catch

"not good!"

Suddenly, Su Ze's face changed greatly.

On his body, a blue misty sword energy rose up, and within the purple palace
between the eyebrows, Qinglian sword energy surged wildly.

He drank a pot of "Enlightenment Tea", and it was not only the "Sword's Dao
Domain" that he had improved, but his own cultivation was also advancing by leaps
and bounds.

"My cultivation base...I can't hold back anymore!"

Su Ze ran the Qinglian Sword Canon and tried his best to suppress the cultivation
base he wanted to break through. His face flushed, and he said, "It's too
difficult...why is my cultivation base improving so fast?"

"In my current state, I can only exert up to 60% of my combat power. Once my
strength is fully developed, I am afraid that I will not be able to suppress it
immediately and enter the Fish Leap Realm."

Su Ze took a step, walked out of the farm, and returned to the Flying Bat.

Empress Wolf Slayer turned her head to look, a look of astonishment flashed in her
eyes, and murmured, "Husband... Have you understood the realm of the sword?"

Su Ze coaxed coaxingly: "It's just the Dao of Swords, how can it be difficult to
live with me? By the way, how long will it take for the Flying Bat to reach the
battlefield outside the territory?"

"There are thirteen days and eight hours left."

The Flying Bat gave the most accurate answer.

"Nan, it's the so-called combination of work and rest... You can't do this kind of
hard work, why don't we go to the farm and discuss the philosophy of life?"

Su Ze coughed dryly and looked at the seductive and graceful figure of the Empress
Wolf Slayer.


at the same time.

Primitive universe, the vast territory of the demon race, on the throne of the
huge royal palace.

On the planet where the demon ancestor, the only "strongest man in the universe"
of the demon clan lives...

call out!

The lord of the demon ancestor universe, "Lord of the Wolf", turned into a
streamer and descended on this planet that was regarded as a sacred place by the
demon ancestors. He knelt down outside a palace and said solemnly: "Demon Ancestor,
there is news from Human Frontier No. 1... The human race has given birth to two


The demon ancestor, who was as tall as a mountain, overlooked the kneeling Lord of
the Heavenly Wolf, and said indifferently: "The human race has a large population,
and a few geniuses have been born, and it is not a climate... What? Do you need to
disturb me for such a trivial matter? "

His voice was flat, but the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf couldn't help but tremble,
trembling, and said, "The Demon Ancestor... this matter is extraordinary, these two
geniuses... have to be taken seriously?"

The demon ancestor moved slightly.

He spoke in a deep voice and said, "How talented are you? How does it compare to
Coty, the first genius since the 10,000-year-old?"
Coty, is a peerless genius, in the period of the world master, he can kill
ordinary immortals and even the immortal existences of the monarchs.

When he first entered immortality, his strength was comparable to that of a king,
and he was hailed as a human race with the hope of becoming the master of the

It's a pity that his brilliance was too dazzling, and he was killed by the Zerg in
a secret realm at all costs. Even the Chaos City Lord could not resurrect Coty
after reversing the time and space.

The Lord of the Heavenly Wolf, without thinking about it, said: "Compared to Coty,
he is only stronger or weaker. Coty, who is known as the first genius in the ten
million era... In front of these two geniuses, there is no light."

He handed the collected videos to Yaozu.


"The sixth order of the star era... One sword kills fourteen stars of the ninth
order, three universes of the third order..."

"Within ten breaths, forcefully slash a human cosmos-level ninth-order giant axe

Yaozu's voice trembled, he let out a long sigh, and said, "With such talent, it is
indeed comparable to Coty... eh? There is a video?"

"This is... a star-level behemoth at the world master level?"


"Stellar level ninth-level, kill the world's main-level peak star beast?"

The demon ancestor finally lost his voice.

The world-lord-level peak golden-horned behemoth is not weaker than ordinary

immortals... Does this mean that humans can kill immortal peers with a star level?

When the demon ancestors saw that the spies planted by the demon ancestors in the
human territory collected a video about the Empress of Wolf Slayer...

He was speechless again.

After a long while, he said in a hoarse voice, "At all costs, kill these two
people... Let No. 1 and No. 2 be ready to be exposed at any time..."

The face of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf changed.

number 1?

number 2?

"Yaozu, give up No. 1 and No. 2... Is it worth it?" ..

Chapter 161 System Reward Link

There are countless "spies" planted by the demon clan in the human territory, but
nearly 99% of them are at the bottom, and it is difficult to play a role in their
entire lives.

And "No. 1" and "No. 2" are arrangements made by Yaozu himself, and they all have
a pivotal position in the human race...

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf hesitated a little, and said hesitantly: "Yaozu, No. 1
and No. 2 have special identities, and exposing them for the sake of two human
geniuses... Wouldn't it be a bit uneconomical?"

Human beings have reproduced for hundreds of millions of times, and how many
geniuses have been born?

However, I don't know how many geniuses will disappear after all, and whether they
can achieve something in the end is simply unknown.

The aura on Yaozu's body turned cold.

The huge body looked down and said coldly, "Are you questioning my decision?"

"My subordinates dare not."

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf spoke quickly and respectfully stepped back.

The demon ancestor stared into the distance with a serious look in his eyes.

He has won it for too long, and he has seen too many peerless talents...

However, no one has ever been able to compare to the two human geniuses who
suddenly appeared.

At the same time, the top officials of the Prison Clan, Crystal Clan, Zerg Clan,
and Machine Clan received news one after another.

"Extraterritorial battlefield?"

"Immediately let the experts in the extraterritorial battlefield take action and
obliterate them..."

The senior leaders of all ethnic groups immediately issued an order, and the Lord
of the Heavenly Wolf, who had been paying attention to this matter, couldn't help
laughing: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no door to hell to
break in... It looks like, No. 1 And No. 2, you can not use it for the time being."


What if it's a rare sight in the eons?

Before they became successful, there were many strong people who could kill them
on the battlefield outside the territory!


Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.


The Flying Bat trembled slightly...

Immediately afterwards, the Intelligent Life Flying Bat reminded: "Master, the
extraterritorial battlefield has arrived, have you entered the human war base?"

Su Ze got up and looked forward, a huge war base was floating in the void.

The length and width of this war base are light-years away, and ordinary stars and
stars appear incomparably small in front of it.


The Flying Bat was just approaching, and at the entrance of the war base, a ray of
light shot out and scanned.

"What a big war base."

With the character of the Empress of the Wolf Slayer, Rao couldn't help but
praise: "The technological level of the original universe is the first among the
three thousand worlds, and the scale of this war base alone is comparable to some
smaller ones. the world..."

"That's natural."

As early as a month ago, the Chaos City Lord gave Su Ze a lot of information on
the battlefield outside the territory, and he mentioned in detail the terrible
things about this war base.

Even the Lord of the Universe...

It is absolutely not dare to rush to such a large war base.

Just as he and the Empress of Wolf Slayer stepped off the Flying Bat, they saw a
figure coming out of the sky and said with a smile, "But Mr. Su?"

This man has a tyrannical aura, and he is a cosmic sage.

The Venerable Universe cannot enter the extraterritorial battlefield, but it is

not a violation of the agreement between the six peak races to preside over matters
in the war base outside the extraterritorial battlefield.

Su Ze looked at the Venerable Universe, and a name came to his mind, and he
couldn't help laughing: "It turned out to be Venerable Fumo, and I am Su Ze."

His neither humble nor arrogant attitude made the brows of "The Demon Lord"
wrinkle slightly.

As a high-level human race, he naturally knows something about Su Ze.

He received an order from the Chaos City Lord to come to meet Su Ze and deal with
some things for him...

Originally, Venerable Fumo was very willing to serve human geniuses, but Su Ze's
attitude made him very unhappy. The mere stellar level gave him a sense of
superiority in the universe, Venerable Fumo, How can you feel better?

He snorted coldly, his attitude changed, and he said coldly, "I only want to enter
the extraterritorial battlefield in a mere star level? Su Ze, you and your friend
are afraid that they have already been targeted by the high-level officials of
other races. Once they enter the extraterritorial battlefield. , there are many
dangers, you can do it yourself."
He quickly obtained a pass for Su Ze to enter the extraterritorial battlefield.

"You two have not joined any superiors, so as long as you complete 1 billion
military merits, you can choose to withdraw from the extraterritorial battlefield
or continue to fight."

"Involved military merit can be exchanged for armed titles or items."

After the introduction of the system, Venerable Fumo gave Su Ze a cold look, and
said lightly, "You guys can do it for yourself."

Su Ze's temper suddenly came up, and he sneered: "Relax, Venerable Fumo, I, Su Ze,
have hard bones, probably on the battlefield outside the territory, and no one can
bite me."

He and the Empress of Wolf Slayer left the war base directly on the "Flying Bat"
and entered the extraterritorial battlefield.

Venerable Fumo stared at the back of Su Ze's departure, his expression suddenly
became extremely hideous, and said with a grim smile: "Genius? Just an arrogant
rookie, who doesn't even know how to buy detection equipment..."

"Two human geniuses have stepped into the extraterritorial battlefield."

Venerable Fumo quickly passed the news.

He is a human with roots and red roots, but... no one knows that as early as more
than a hundred epochs ago, Venerable Fumo was enslaved by the demon ancestor and
became the slave of the demon ancestor.



"Congratulations to the host, entering the system reward link."

Just after entering the extraterritorial battlefield, suddenly in Su Ze's mind,

the system prompt sounded.

"System reward link?"

Su Ze's eyes lit up... He hurriedly listened carefully, but he heard the system
continue to prompt: "The system reward link is the task of earning planting points
tailored by the system for the host."

"Mission description: Enter the battlefield outside the territory and kill

"Domain master-level alien: worth 1000-9000 planting points."

"Jiezhu-level alien race: worth 10,000-90,000 planting points."

"Ordinary immortal alien race: worth 100,000 planting points."

"Legion-level Immortal Alien: worth 300,000 planting points."

"Ordinary Marquis-level aliens: worth 500,000 planting points."


A series of data are listed.

Su Ze's eyes glowed, as if a hungry wolf had been staring at the most delicious


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and murmured: "Killing a Fenghou Peak, you can
get 1 million planting points... Killing a Fengwang Peak, you can get 10 million
planting points..."

"Oh shit!"

"Looks like a challenge!" ..

Chapter 162-163 Vientiane Senluo


"The mission is on..."

"Detection of alien approaching: a team of five aliens, of which the number of

ordinary immortal aliens * 1, the number of world master-level peak aliens * 4."

"Azimuth distance: Southeast, 480,000 kilometers."

At this time, the system prompt sound in my mind passed over again.

"Oh? System, you are in an extraterritorial battlefield, and you still have the
detection function?" Su Ze was refreshed, and then ordered: "Flying Bat, southeast,
move forward quickly!"

He looked at the Empress of Wolf Slayer, and said with arrogance, "Nan, when you
meet an alien team, you don't need to take action, just snatch the formation for


The Flying Bat instantly galloped away toward the southeast. On it, a layer of dull
luster flashed away, and then, the shape and volume of the Flying Bat changed

The "Flying Bat", which incorporates smart metal, can naturally camouflage itself.

Otherwise, Su Ze was driving the "F-class domain master spaceship" on the

battlefield outside the domain, and he was afraid that even the immortal king would
turn around and fly away when he saw it.


"Captain, the previous human legion was too weak..."

"Haha, the taste of the human race is really wonderful."

On a small domain master spaceship, several crystal clan masters sat in the cabin
chatting and laughing. These people were different in height, short, fat and thin.
In addition to the four Crystal Clan Boundary Masters, there are those who think
the Crystal Clan is immortal.

This immortal is about two meters tall, with a very thick waist, like a bucket. On
his forehead, there is a hexagonal spar mark. Hearing the chatter and laughter of
his subordinates, he immediately snorted and said, "Wan. Don't be careless, if you
are a little careless on the battlefield outside the territory, you will only have
a dead end."

"What are you afraid of?"

"With the captain here, who can threaten us in the periphery of the
extraterritorial battlefield?"

One of the world masters smiled and said: "What's more, the inner cabin of our
domain master spacecraft has been remodeled, which is enough to withstand all
attacks below the Fenghou level.

"Hey... boss, there is a situation!"

Suddenly, a Realm Master Crystal Clan lost his voice: "Fuck... the ninth-order
human star and the ninth-order domain master?"

His eyes were round, and he couldn't believe it.


The value detected by the detector is like this.

The other Crystal Clan members hurriedly checked the detectors, all of them were
full of bewilderment, and some did not know why.

"Star level? Domain master level?"

The immortal crystal clan gritted his teeth and said: "The domain master level can
enter the battlefield outside the territory, and the general domain master level
will follow the world master or the immortal to form a legion... This matter is
deceitful, we are careful."

This Crystal Clan is immortal and looks very cautious.

He entered the extraterritorial battlefield when he was a domain master, and

fought for several epochs in the extraterritorial battlefield until he became

If he hadn't been careful, he would have died dozens or hundreds of times!

"No, boss, that domain master spaceship is flying towards us!"

Suddenly, a world master shouted.

They all sensed the strangeness of the matter, and immediately turned around and
flew towards the other side. One of them gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, is that
master so brainless that he pretended to be a star level and wandered outside the
battlefield outside the domain. ?"

In the Flying Bat, Su Ze couldn't help but burst out a foul language and said,
"Flying Bat, don't chase."
The domain master spacecraft can fly at the speed of light without entering the
dark domain master. The domain master spacecraft has a small detector and found the
"Flying Bat" at a distance of 200,000 kilometers. Without hesitation, it turned
around. Just leave, Su Ze can't catch up at all.

"what is happening?"

Su Ze was puzzled and murmured: "I am only a star level, and Nannan is a domain
master level. In the field outside the domain, it can only be regarded as cannon
fodder among cannon fodder... Yes, a star level and a cannon fodder. It is doubtful
that the main level of the bit domain is roaming the battlefield outside the

With a thought, Su Ze opened the system mall.

He searched for a long time, and finally found a secret manual.

"Vientiane Senluo: Exchange price: 180,000 planting points."

[Wanxiang Senluo]: The top-level exercises of the magic way in the great world of
immortals, the cultivation of which can be accomplished, can change their
appearance, cultivation base, and life characteristics with magic energy. "

Su Ze glanced at the attribute panel.

There are only less than 250,000 of his planting points left. During this time,
the planting points can only go in and out, and the consumption is very large.



"Vientiane Senluo, the magic method, is detected. Does the host choose to consume
50,000 planting points to cultivate Vientiane Senluo to the state of mastery?"



Immediately, Su Ze only felt a huge message pouring into his mind, and then, a
demonic energy grew in the purple mansion between the eyebrows.

He controlled this demonic energy to travel all over his body, and his own aura
immediately began to change.


"Husband? You broke through?"

The Empress Wolf Slayer changed her expression and stared at Su Ze for a long time
before clapping her hands and said, "What a wonderful magic art, it can actually
change your breath into the peak of the Fish Leaping Realm..."

The cultivation system is different, the peak of the fish leap in the Three
Realms, in terms of breath alone, is comparable to the realm master level of the
original domain master.

Su Ze said with a smile: "If we don't change our breath, I'm afraid it will be
difficult to hunt and kill aliens. Nan Nan, would you like to practice it?"
"No need to."

The Empress Wolf Slayer shook her head, she sat cross-legged, and the breath on
her body suddenly began to change, rising from the ninth order of the domain master
level to the ninth order of the world master level in one breath.

Su Ze said in surprise: "Could it be that Nannan also has a method to change the
breath? Hey... No, you will directly upgrade your cultivation to the peak of the
world master level?"

He checked the attributes of the Empress of Wolf Slayer through the system, and
couldn't help crying.

The Empress Wolf Slayer slowly got up and said lightly, "It's only a slight

Su Ze frowned.

Slightly improved?

As everyone knows, the domain master level to the world master level is a huge
threshold. I don’t know how many warriors and spiritual masters in the original
universe are stuck in the ninth-level domain master’s life and it is difficult to
step into the world master level…

However, it is not surprising that this kind of thing happened to the Empress of
Wolf Slayer.

If she restores her strength directly, she can break through to the emperor level
in one breath.

The spaceship moves on...

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded in Su Ze's ear.


"Detected that the alien team is approaching: a team of 10 aliens, of which

ordinary immortal * 2, world master level peak * 8."

"Distance and bearing: northwest, 430,000 kilometers away." ..

Chapter 164 Black Ice Demon Flame Shows Prestige

"Captain, a human spaceship has been detected approaching."

"D-class spaceship, there are two life breaths in the spaceship, both of which are
the peak of the world master level."

Outside the outer battlefield, in the starry sky, a huge spaceship with a body
size of 800 meters is slowly advancing. Inside this spaceship, there are two
immortal demon ancestors and eight demon clan world masters.

Among them, a world master-level monster has a huge breath, and there is a vague
feeling that it is not weaker than ordinary immortality.

Although he has changed into a human form, there is a light blue scale between his
eyebrows. This scale, not only did not affect his appearance, but added a
mysterious and noble aura to him.

The demon world master with light blue scales between his eyebrows opened his
eyes, looked at the two immortals, and said with a smile: "Londo, Jia Suo, I
finally met two lonely world masters, you all swept the array for me. , I'm going
to the event."

"Young Master, don't be careless."

The two immortals looked at each other and said, "The realm master level who dares
to walk alone on the periphery must not be weak. If the young master makes a move,
he doesn't have to hide his strength."

The two immortals did not persuade them much.

This young master is a descendant of a cosmic sage of the demon race. His
bloodline is noble and powerful. He is at the peak of the world lord. His combat
power is not weaker than them, and he also has many trump cards bestowed by the
sage. If they want to fight for life and death, they must be the ones who die.

A world master of this level, placed on a human being, would be the arrogance

There are only two world masters, even if they can exert their immortal combat
power, they are enough to suppress them.

The spacecraft accelerated suddenly, reached the speed of light in an instant, and
rushed towards the "Flying Bat".

On the Flying Bat, Su Ze's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, the
value of planting some flowers in Vientiane Senluo."

He looked at the Empress of Wolf Slayer and said with a smile, "Nannan, wait for
you to sweep the formation for me, and watch me slaughter the Quartet."

He ordered the intelligent life of the Flying Bat, pretending not to have found
the other party, and continued to move forward at the current speed.


Suddenly, a laser bombarded, almost hitting the Flying Bat.

Immediately afterwards, the spaceship of the monster race appeared, two immortals,
and eight world masters flew out of the spaceship and stood in the void.


Su Ze and the Empress of Wolf Destroyer also appeared in the void.

"My body is too weak..."

"It was originally the cosmos, and the cosmos-level side can physically cross the
universe... Although I can barely cross the universe with my physical body, my
physical body is too weak to stay in the vacuum of the universe for a long time."

Su Ze let out a long sigh, and then said: "It seems that we have to make a quick
decision, and by the way, I am working on a body training method."

He looked at the demon camp in front of him.

In the demon clan camp, a world-lord-level peak powerhouse with cyan scales on his
forehead stepped forward and said with a sneer: "If you dare to go out with your
only son, you must be the peerless genius of the human race... Anyway, I want to
see, Is it the arrogance of the human race, or is it me!"


His aura exploded, his demonic energy surged into the sky, and he held a sword
more than 80 meters long and attacked Su Ze.

His body, while moving, also rapidly soared, reaching a height of about 100
meters. A knife cut through the void, and the power of his sword technique has
reached the immortal level!

"Immortal combat power?"

"It looks like a genius of the demon clan."

Su Ze's heart moved.

He needs to suppress the realm now, and he doesn't dare to use his full strength
to make a move, and his functions stimulate magical powers!

call out!

In the purple mansion between his eyebrows, a blood moon flew out instantly, and
it collided with the sword light.


The blood moon is broken!

This omnipotent magical power was directly smashed after touching the sword glow
that had reached the level of immortality. However, that sword glow also dissipated
in the void.

Both Su Ze and the monster world lord trembled.

"Immortal combat power?"

The Demon Race World Lord, licked his lips, and said with a wicked smile: "Since
you have immortal combat power, you are qualified to know my name. I am the son of
the Demon Race Demon Sword Venerable, Qinglin!"

He continued to kill Su Ze.

Su Ze's thoughts moved, Yuan Tu Jian started, broke out 70% of the combat power,
and greeted him.

As soon as his combat power broke out, the real aura of cultivation on his body
was immediately revealed.



Qing Lin swayed, almost fell from the starry sky, and lost his voice: "How is this
possible... the ninth order of stars?"
The other nine monsters were also taken aback.

One of them muttered: "Stellar ninth order...immortal combat power?"

"No, he has no immortal combat power at all."

Su Ze mobilized the blood moon of supernatural powers, so that he could burst out
an attack comparable to the ordinary immortal level, only under 70% of the combat
power, and the combat power could not even be comparable to the peak of ordinary
world masters.

However, he is armed with the innate spiritual treasure Yuan Tujian, and has a
high-grade defensive fairy armor, but he is not afraid of ordinary immortal-level
attacks. After a few touches, he knows that he is invincible. He came out and said
coldly, "Black Ice Demon Flame, frozen for nine days!"

The monster "Qinglin" slashed with a knife and said with a sneer: "Just a star
level, you want to block me too?"

In his heart, a monstrous wave has actually turned up.

Stellar ninth order?

World Lord combat power?

Occasionally, that blood moon is displayed, and it has an immortal-level attack...

How can he not be surprised?

Click click!

As soon as his sword light was cut out, it began to freeze, and then the layer of
black ice flames spread, freezing his body in an instant... The vitality, all
dissipated, even Qinglin, even the many trump cards that his father gave him, are
too late to use.


The other nine monsters were startled, and the immortal pupil named "Londo" shrank
suddenly, and said: "It's him, the genius of the human race, Su Ze!"

He immediately sent the message...

"Discovering the arrogance of the human race, Su Ze... The coordinates are XXX,
XXX on the periphery of the extraterritorial battlefield..."

Su Ze came to kill with a sword, laughing loudly, and said, "Monster clan is
immortal? Monster clan world master? Haha, all of you have to die today!"


Black flame spreads the void...

At this moment, the entire void began to freeze.

The monster clan world masters began to flee, and the two monster clan were
immortal, and each broke out the strongest combat power, trying to split the black
ice flames.
Click click!

However, all was in vain.

With Su Ze's current strength, the black ice magic flame is enough to freeze
everything that exists under Fenghou's immortality!

The two demon races were immortal and instantly froze. ..

Chapter 165


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed one of the world's
peak-level aliens (monsters), and obtained +90,000 planting points."


"Congratulations to the host, you successfully killed an ordinary immortal-level

alien (monster), and obtained +100,000 planting points."


"Congratulations to the host, you successfully killed an ordinary immortal-level

alien (monster), and obtained +100,000 planting points."

The system prompts sounded one after another in Su Ze's ears.

He stood proudly in the starry sky, with black flames burning all over his body,
like a demon god descended into the world, sneered and looked at the spaceship of
the demon race.

A little black flame fell on the spaceship.

"Quick, let's go!"

"This human being should be the peerless arrogant Su Ze who has suddenly appeared
in the human territory recently. Lord Longda has reported the news, and it will not
be long before a master will come to kill him!"

"Go, go!"

The seven monster clan world masters rushed into the spaceship and directly issued
orders to escape.


The intelligent life of the spacecraft did not respond.

In the cockpit, a layer of black ice flames appeared on the projected intelligent
life figure...

"What? What the hell is this? Why can even intelligent life freeze to death?"

A Monster Race World Lord, roaring in despair, his expression, still maintaining
an angry roar, turned into an ice sculpture, and beside him, the other six Monster
Race World Lords all froze to death.

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed one of the world's
peak-level aliens (monsters), and obtained +90,000 planting points."



With a thought, Su Ze took back the ice flame. He rolled up his sleeves and put
the monster spaceship and the many corpses formed into ice sculptures into the item
column, and said with a smile: "It is indeed a system reward link, such a planting
point can be obtained. The speed is too cool, isn't it?"

"Nah, go back to the spaceship."

He turned around, flew into the Flying Bat, and then went directly into the
infield to start taking stock of the harvest.


at the same time.

The core area of the extraterritorial battlefield, inside the Star Tower.

One by one, the demons who were walking in the Star Tower were immortal and
received a message.

These immortal kings immediately gathered together and flew towards the periphery
of the outer battlefield. In Calais, there were a total of 18 immortals, including
thirteen ordinary immortal kings, three medium immortal kings, and one high-level
immortal king. .

In addition to the monster clan, many masters from the Zerg clan, the mechanical
clan, the crystal clan, and the prison clan have all received instructions, and
more than 60 kings have rushed to the edge of the battlefield outside the

Human territory, initial universe, Chaos City.

After the Chaos City Lord learned that Su Ze was going to the battlefield outside
the territory, he issued an order.

Many alien kings in the Star Tower left together to go to the edge of the
battlefield outside the territory, and immediately alerted the human race masters,
and the news was reported layer by layer...

"No, it must be Su Ze exposed."

The Chaos City Lord's expression moved slightly, and he immediately gave an order,
saying: "Go ahead and let the human race kings on the battlefield outside the
territory immediately rush to the edge of the primitive universe."

Then, he entered the virtual universe and contacted Su Ze.

"Fellow Daoist Su Ze, I just got the news that many immortal kings from the
Monster Race, the Zerg Race, the Machine Race, the Crystal Race and the Prison Race
are rushing towards the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield..."

Su Ze was busy on the farm. He split open pits with several palms and buried the
immortal corpses of each demon world master.

Separating a ray of consciousness and entering the virtual universe, Su Ze smiled

and said, "The news of these alien races is very well-informed."

"You can still laugh?"

The city lord of Chaos glared and said, "I have already sent the human kings of
the extraterritorial battlefield to the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield.
Fellow Daoist Su Ze, don't be careless."

"You can rest assured that if I don't want people to be found, even if the
strongest person in the universe comes, I will never be able to find me. You let
those human races go back to the king, otherwise, how can I hunt and kill aliens?"

Su Ze's face was calm, and he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

He thought about it and said with a smile: "By the way, Chaos City Lord, do you
have the strongest Vulcan source crystal, give me a few hundred? Your flying bat
consumes too much, and you need to use the strongest weapon. Only the strongest
Vulcan source crystal can…”


The Chaos City Lord smiled bitterly: "The most powerful weapon of the Flying Bat,
once activated, can indeed kill the masters of the invincible level of the king,
but most of the masters of the general king have teleportation, and they are at the
first moment of perceiving the crisis. After a while, they will teleport away

"Fellow Daoist Su Ze, I will send the strongest Vulcan source crystal to the war
base, you must be careful."

Chaos City Lord hung up the video.

He pondered for a moment, and then gave another order.

extraterritorial battlefield...


"go back?"

One by one, the human beings were immortal, and they were extremely puzzled, and
finally returned to the Star Tower and the core area.

However, there are also some curious immortal kings who have not returned.

"The arrogance of the human race?"

"Actually attracted many alien kings to take action, but I want to see what the
talent of our human race is..."


On the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield, the inner cabin of the Flying

Su Ze's figure suddenly appeared. He smiled and said, "Nan, go to the farm first,
and some flies will come and be annoying later."

With a thought, he appeared directly inside the farm, and then put away the Flying
Bat and put it in the inventory.

On the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield of Nuoda, where is there any trace
of Su Ze?

Inside the field.

Su Ze knocked the seeds.

In front of him, there was a large pile of debris.

These sundries were all collected from the corpses of those monsters.

"System, scan and classify these things, keep the ones that are useful to me,
tighten the item bar for all that are useless, and sell them in the human
territory..." Su Ze gave an order.


"Scan ends..."

The system prompt sounded in Su Ze's ear, and then a force spread out, putting a
lot of sundries into the item column, leaving only three things in front of Su Ze.

The sword of the monster "Qinglin", a gray stone in the shape of a fist the size of
a heart, and a hexagonal flame spar. ..

Chapter 166 Super Vulcan Cannon, Launch!

"God-loving Demon Sword: Heavy Treasure Level, which can weaken the divine power."

Su Ze pouted and said speechlessly: "Chongbao? The world master has a heavy
treasure. It seems that this monster Qinglin has a small background... This effect
of weakening the divine body and divine power is very powerful."

Immortal gods, the power changes in the body are transformed into divine power.

Once the divine power is consumed excessively, the strength will drop sharply, and
even fall into a coma.

Of course, you can't be invincible by holding the [God-loving Demon Saber]. If the
difference in strength is too great, you will be suppressed when you turn your
hands. Even people's bodies can't be touched and broken, so what's the use?

Su Ze put away the [God-loving Demon Sword].

He picked up a heart-shaped gray stone and turned it over and over, but he
couldn't find any clue, so he couldn't help asking: "System, what is this thing?
What use is it for me?"

"Unknown item."

The mechanical voice of the system sounded: "The host can spend 1,000,000 planting
points to identify this unknown item. Do you want to identify it immediately?"

Su Ze's eyes lit up.

He practiced [Vientiane Senluo], and only more than 10,000 planting points were
consumed, but he killed two immortal monsters and eight world master-level peak
monsters, and got a total of 920,000 planting points.

One million is not far away.

Putting the gray heart-shaped stone in the item column, Su Ze's eyes turned to the
last item.

Vulcan Origin Crystal!

"Unfortunately, this Vulcan source crystal is a medium Vulcan source crystal...

The power can only kill ordinary Fenghou Immortal..." Su Ze picked up the Vulcan
source crystal and looked at it carefully.

The hexagonal Vulcan source crystal looks extremely beautiful and moving.


The power and power contained in it exploded in an instant, but it was enough to
blow up countless planets.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary Vulcan source crystals are enough to blow up
ordinary immortals within a certain distance range, while medium Vulcan source
crystals are enough to blow up seriously injured Fenghou immortals.

Once the high-level Vulcan source crystal explodes at close range, it is enough to
kill and injure the high-level Fenghou Immortal.

As for the strongest Vulcan source crystal...

Even the ordinary venerable cosmos has to shy away from the three houses, and the
king is immortal. If there is no heavy treasure to protect his body, he will
undoubtedly die.

"By the way, RMB can grow a cash cow, but I don't know what this Vulcan source
crystal can grow?" Su Ze's mind flashed.

A Vulcan source crystal is not very useful to him. If you plant it and try it,
there may be unexpected harvests.

Dig, plant, and sprinkle with medium catalyst.


"Congratulations to the host, the plant is mature, please harvest it as soon as



"Congratulations to the host, the plant is mature, please harvest it as soon as


"Congratulations to the host, the plant is mature, please harvest it as soon as


At this time, the system prompt sounded in his mind, and Su Ze turned his head to
look, but it was the ten monster corpses he planted that took root and grew into

Every corpse grew a ten-meter-high tree with a bare trunk, with either a giant egg
or a giant egg on it.

Su Ze stepped forward and broke open the giant eggs and eggs one by one, but eight
world master-level peak monsters and two ordinary immortals appeared in front of

The ten demon clan knelt down and shouted: "See the master."

"Oh shit?"

"Why do you grow so much garbage?"

Su Ze's head was full of black lines.

Of these ten demon races, Qinglin has some potential, and maybe they can be
cultivated a little...

The others, including those two demon clans, are not as good as the one hundred
dragon blood warriors and three hundred undead warriors under his command, but they
are better than nothing... In the original universe, it would be better to have a
few more people running errands.

"You guys, take a spaceship and go to the extraterritorial battlefield to find out
information for me."

With a thought, Su Ze sent the spaceship they originally rode on and the ten
monsters out of the farm.

About an hour later, the immortal "Londo" of the demon clan walked into the farm

He knelt on the ground with a bang, and said with a face full of self-reproach,
"Please, master, punish!"

He buried his head on the ground and said solemnly: "Master, it's my fault for
leaking the news. The immortal kings of the demon clan, prison clan, crystal clan,
zerg and machine clan are searching for you on the edge of the battlefield outside
the territory."


Su Ze said with a faint smile: "It's okay, just a bunch of immortal kings..."


"Congratulations to the host, the plant is mature, please harvest it as soon as

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Su Ze's mind. He turned his head to look,
but saw a small tree about three or four meters high growing from the place where
the "Vulcan Source Crystal" was buried before. .

This small tree is very strange. The trunk and branches are very lush, but there
are no branches and leaves.

Each branch is covered with peculiar patterns, branches, and then heavy hexagonal
flame spar.

【Vulcan Source Crystal Tree】

"The Vulcan source crystal tree is a magical tree that evolved from the Vulcan
source crystal combined with the mutation of the farm."

"Maturity cycle: one month."

"You can produce 100-120 Vulcan source crystals each time."

"Among them, there must be one strongest Vulcan source crystal, 4-5 high Vulcan
source crystals, 8-10 medium Vulcan source crystals, and the rest are low-level
Vulcan source crystals."

Su Ze's heart skipped a beat.

He guessed it well.


Because it was the first time to bloom and bear fruit, like the money tree and the
spirit stone tree, the Vulcan source crystals produced by the Vulcan source crystal
tree reached the upper limit.

Su Ze stepped forward and took off the Vulcan source crystals one by one.


"Congratulations to the host, the harvest was successful, and the planting point

"1 strongest Vulcan source crystal, 5 high Vulcan source crystals, 10 medium
Vulcan source crystals, 104 low-level Vulcan source crystals..."

Su Ze sneered again and again, and said to Rondo: "You continue to explore, and
once you find that some of those monsters have been ordered, notify me

He licked his lips, his eyes shining brightly.

The five peak races want to get rid of him?


They are afraid they don't know the horror of the Super Vulcan Cannon of the
Flying Bat!

Su Ze took out all the Vulcan source crystals and filled them in the Flying Bat.

The intelligent life of the Flying Bat shouted: "Haha, cool, it's really cool,
master, let me out, I'm going to kill the Quartet!"

"Not urgent."

Su Ze is as stable as Mount Tai.


seven days later.

A message came from Rondo: "Master, I found that four mechanical clan kings are
immortal. They are near the broken star belt. One of them is a high-ranking king,
and the three are a middle-ranking king..." ..

Chapter 167 Killing the Insect Queen Mother

"Master, a Zerg high immortal king was found on the edge of the extraterritorial

"Master, there are three demon kings in the XXX and XXX areas on the left."

One message after another, passed back.

"These kings are immortal, don't they take me too seriously?" Su Ze raised his
brows, but thinking about it is right...

Many kings are immortal, and there is a chance to put a star in their eyes?

The gap between the two is too great. If it wasn't for the high level of these
alien powerhouse races promising them a lot of benefits, they wouldn't even have
the intention to leave the Star Tower.

"Qinglin, send me the coordinates of that Zerg immortal king."

Su Ze issued an order.

Soon, the Monster Race World Lord "Qing Lin" returned the message and sent a
string of coordinates. He lowered his voice and said, "Master, this Zerg is
immortal and is a high-level immortal peak female insect..."

"It's okay."

Su Ze didn't care.

Zerg mother insect?

Can Zerg warriors be mass-produced?

The super Vulcan cannon that can stop labor?


Silently, the Flying Bat suddenly flashed out of the void, and then directly
transformed into a long rainbow, flying towards the coordinates sent by Qinglin.

"Flying Bat, fill the high-level Vulcan source crystal, prepare the super Vulcan

In just a few seconds, the Flying Bat reached the speed of light.


"Space fluctuations?"

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, a tall immortal king-level crystal clan

suddenly flashed his eyes and came to the periphery of the extraterritorial
battlefield, always turning on this spiritual power to perceive.

Almost after sensing Su Ze's breath, the Immortal Crystal Clan immediately
teleported and appeared in the direction where Su Ze was before.

"The breath of man..."

The Crystal Clan flashed and chased in the direction where Su Ze was heading.


On the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield, near the "Broken Star Belt", a
Zerg King Immortal is driving a spaceship and is slowly moving forward.

"Report to His Holiness, I am Tarina."

"No trace of that human genius has been found."

After the Zerg Feng Wang Gao hung up the call with the Zerg executives, he sneered
and said with disdain: "Your Excellency, they must have looked down on those two
human geniuses too much? Is it possible that the king is worse than other races?"

Zerg is indeed a special race.

The Zerg mother emperor of the world master level can cultivate overwhelming Zerg
warriors. As long as there are enough resources, it is even possible to cultivate a
million Zerg warrior army of the world master level. Together, they will destroy
the sky and destroy the earth, and the king will be immortal. Retreat from three

"Found a spaceship approaching..."

Suddenly, "Talina"'s face changed, and her spaceship made a harsh cry: "No, enemy

As soon as Tarina's mental power spread to the void of the universe, she saw a
thick beam of light cut through the void and slammed directly onto her spaceship.


The spaceship, which was enough to withstand the immortal full-strength blow of
Feng Wang Gao, was directly sent flying for tens of thousands of kilometers, and
finally burst into countless fragments.


Tarina's huge body floats in the void.

The Zerg mother emperor's combat effectiveness is not high, and their body is very
weak. If the spaceship just consumed almost all the attack power, I am afraid that
one blow alone is enough to completely destroy "Talina".

She is eighteen feet tall and looks like a giant, but she doesn't feel the
slightest burly and uncomfortable, instead it gives a perfect illusion. She stands
in the void, her face is hideous, and she roars: "Human genius, you dare to attack

The spiritual power she spread out immediately found Su Ze and the Empress of Wolf

Immediately, with a thought, Zerg warriors one after another were released from
the inner world.

One high-ranking Zerg warrior, eight ordinary Zerg warriors, and more than 120
ordinary immortal Zerg warriors.

"Blocked space fluctuations!"

Tarina's thoughts changed, and she secretly said: "Beheading these two human race
geniuses will get a lot of rewards. Once I get some rewards, Tarina can cultivate
more immortal Zerg warriors and even king-level warriors. Immortal Warrior!"

"Even, it is possible to step into the Venerable level in one fell swoop!"

"So... be sure to kill these two human geniuses before the other masters arrive!"


"That human spaceship!"

"Joint attack!"

Tarina, gave the order directly.


Many immortal Zerg warriors joined forces to strike, and all the attacks condensed
into one point and blasted directly towards the Flying Bat.

The entire space began to collapse and burst, and a huge space storm raged


"Such a powerful power? I'm afraid it is comparable to the immortal blow of a

high-level king, right?"

In the Feibat cabin, Su Ze sighed: "As expected of the Zerg king, a fight is a
group fight... Unfortunately, this kind of power is still too weak, and it can't do
any damage to the Feibat at all."

Su Ze said lightly: "Flying Bat, refill the firepower, and directly use... the
strongest Vulcan source crystal!"

Countless attacks completely annihilated the Flying Bat.

The corners of Tarina's mouth twitched up and she smiled, "Genius? Geniuses who
haven't grown up are just mediocre... eh? No, they're still alive!"
She suddenly changed her face, screamed, and saw a fire, rising from the sea of
attacks from the Zerg warriors she had cultivated, and slammed directly at her.

Tarina's comprehension of the "Profound Truth of Space Law" is not deep, and she
has not mastered teleportation, so she can only explode to the side with the
strongest speed.


It's too late.

Before she had flown 20,000 kilometers, that thick flame slammed into the void
where she had stood before.


Fire explosion!

The sky is falling apart, as if the end of the universe, the power of the "Super
Vulcan Cannon" under the kinetic energy of the strongest Vulcan source crystal has
turned everything within a radius of 100 million miles into nothingness.


"Congratulations to the host, you successfully killed a Zerg King High Immortal,
and got the system reward: 2,000,000 planting points!"

In his mind, the system prompt sound came, but Su Ze burst out a foul language:
"Fuck, nothing is left... I still want to plant a Zerg queen... Hey, what is that?"
. .

Chapter 168 Black Fragment, Secret Book of Nine Tribulations

In the aftermath of the explosion of tens of millions of kilometers, there is an

alloy fragment of about two meters.

"Flying Bat, fly over!"

Su Ze flew the Flying Bat and picked up the fragment.

【Broken Goggles】

"The goggles of the immortal 'Talina', the Zerg King, are stained with the blood
of 'Talina'."

After Su Ze read out the attributes, his eyes lit up, he laughed, and said, "Sure
enough, my lord, I am still blessed by God... Nan Nan, let's go to the farm."

With a thought in his mind, he took away the flying bat and entered the farm
together with the Empress of Wolf Slayer.

In the farm, Su Ze blasted a big hole with one palm and buried the [Broken Heart
Mirror] that was stained with the blood of the Zerg King High "Talina", he sighed:
"It's a pity... The system defaults to The Zerg warriors made by Tarina cannot get
planting points... Otherwise, the previous blow killed more than a hundred immortal
Zerg warriors, how many planting points would you get?"

outside world.


The immortal spaceship of the Crystal Clan flew quickly, a look of horror flashed
across his rude face, and he quickly stepped out of the spaceship, sensing the
aftermath of the violent battle explosion in front of him, and muttered: "The Zerg
seal Wang Gao, Tarina... is dead?"

"Could it be that the human genius is guarded by a super expert?"

The Crystal Clan was immortal and immediately reported the news.

"Your Honor, the Zerg King Gao Gao was killed!"

"Beside that human genius, it is suspected that there is a strong and invincible
king protecting him."

"The king is invincible..."

"Humans have produced such two peerless talents, and it is normal for the strong
to protect them secretly... I will send the strong people of my clan's invincible
level to the extraterritorial battlefield..."

Not only the Crystal Clan, but soon, the Prison Clan, Zerg Clan, Monster Clan, and
Mechanic Clan executives all gave orders.

Countless powerhouses swarmed, and the battlefield outside the territory was

"How did this kid do it?"

In Chaos City, the Chaos City Lord was puzzled: "I haven't found any records of
him buying Vulcan Source Crystal... Could it be that he didn't use the Super Vulcan


"Haha, it's done!"

Inside the farm, Su Ze stared at the extremely perfect Zerg King "Talina" that was
as high as 18 feet in front of him, and said with a smile, "Talina, you should
become smaller."

"Okay, master."

Tarina spoke softly.

Her voice was extremely soft and greasy, and she changed her body to become the
same size as Su Ze, tall and tall, not inferior to Boya Hancock, twisting the
willow branches, looking very charming.

"Talina, follow Qinglin and the others to check secretly. Once you encounter a
single immortal king, notify me immediately."

Su Ze gave the order.

"Yes, Master."
Then Tarina and Qinglin and other demon clan world masters, immortals, began to
wander on the edge of the battlefield outside the territory.

About a month later, Su Ze, who was busy taking care of the farm, suddenly became
shocked, and a message came in his mind...


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed the immortal one of the
ordinary Fenghou of the demon clan, and you will receive a reward: Planting Points
+ 500000 points."


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed an immortal one of the
middle-class nobles of the demon clan, and received a reward: planting points +
700,000 points."

Su Ze's eyes lit up: "Could it be that Tarina and the others killed them?"

Tarina was planted by him, so... the rewards obtained by the alien masters they
killed were also counted on Su Ze's head.

Immediately afterwards, Qinglin sent back a message: "Master, Tarina shot and
killed the two monster clan near the Fragment Star Belt... However, it has
attracted the attention of other monster clan masters, we are in the Fragment Star
Belt. hide."

He sent a coordinate.

Su Ze replied: "You wait for me there, I will come later."

He drove the Flying Bat and used the system's large-scale detection to avoid many
alien kings and immortals, and came to the Broken Star Belt, where he joined Tarina
and Qinglin.

They hid in the Fragmented Star Belt, and after about a year, they caught another
high-level mechanic.

With the help of the super Vulcan Cannon, Tarina forcefully consumed the immortal
body of the high-level mechanical race of the king to below 40%, causing him to
fall into a deep sleep.

Su Ze was about to bury it in the farm, and after about half a month, another
immortal king and high-level mechanical family grew again.

"Master, I have received news that many races have already dispatched masters at
the level of invincible kings to come to the battlefield outside the territory,
wanting to kill you at all costs."

This mechanical clan is immortal and respectfully speaks.

"Fengwang is invincible?"

Su Ze's face moved slightly.

To be able to claim the level of "Invincible Kings", the strength must be

incomparably close to the Venerable Universe. This type of powerhouse has almost
all treasures to protect himself, and the combat power is enough to sweep all the
Kings, comparable to ordinary Venerable Universe.

Even some special beings at the level of "Invincible Kings" have a record of
defeating or even killing the Venerable Universe.

For example, the "Zhenyan King" of the Chaos City in the initial universe is the
invincible level of the king. With his strength, killing Tarina and this high-level
mechanical clan immortal, I am afraid it only takes two strokes.

Su Ze said with a smile: "It's okay, even if the Lord of the Universe comes, he
has to find us and talk about it... Tarina, join hands and continue to hunt down
the lonely alien kings. I have something to do."

Su Ze ordered everything.

The Empress Wolf Slayer wore a white plain skirt and said lightly: "Husband... If
there is a strong person at the invincible level of the king, give it to me."

During this period of time, her strength has improved a lot, coupled with many
methods, she has the mood and experience of the emperor, and she has a great grasp
of dealing with the invincible king.


"Be careful."

Su Ze walked into the infield.

He took a deep breath and opened the system mall. After spending 2 million
cultivation points, he exchanged bags of mysterious soil and [Super Catalyst], and
then he dug a hole in the ground. Carefully, he took out a palm-sized black
fragment from the inventory.

This piece of debris looks ordinary, nothing special...

However, Su Ze knew...

Its value is definitely higher than all the Xeons in the original universe

Black Fragments, the Secret Tome of Nine Tribulations!

Su Ze dug a hole and planted the black fragments. ..

Chapter 169 The final is about to begin

"I just don't know if something like the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations can be

In Su Ze's heart, he was not completely sure.

After all, the level of the Secret Tome of Nine Tribulations is too high...

That is the God-King-level cultivation technique created by the "God King of


Su Ze reckoned that the God King of the Primitive Universe was probably stronger
than the Saint of the Three Realms Universe. Even in the heyday of Emperor Wolf
Slayer, he might not be the opponent of the "God King".
He sat cross-legged beside the soil buried with "black debris" and sprayed bottle
after bottle of "super catalyst" on it.

A full seven days have passed, and the "Black Fragment" has not moved.

"Shouldn't it... fail?"

Su Ze frowned, pondered for a while, and when he gritted his teeth, he poured out
the five bags of mysterious soil that he had exchanged.

"Oh shit!"

"With so many super catalysts and mysterious soil, even if it's a piece of shit,
labor and capital can grow flowers for him. I don't believe it.

"I can't bear that the child can't catch the wolf!"

"The big deal, these two million planting points are wasted!"

Su Ze gave up directly.

Two million planting points bet the secret book of nine robbery?

Anyway, it's a good deal!

The big deal, when the time comes, he will go to the various secret realms of the
Primitive Universe to find a few other pieces of black iron. With his familiarity
with the plot of the original universe... It shouldn't be difficult to find a few
other pieces of black iron.


Primitive universe, extraterritorial battlefield, broken star belt.

The immortal "Arthur", the king of the mechanical family, drove the spaceship and
slowly shuttled in the broken star belt.

The Broken Star Belt usually gathers many ordinary immortals. Among them, there
are twelve strongest ones, all of whom are at the rank of feudal lords, but
recently... these 12 feudal lords are immortal and dare not show their heads at

There is no way, the total number of kings from the Star Tower exceeds seventy,
and any one of them has the strength to sweep the Broken Star Belt.

"Master, I found out that the mechanical clan's king is immortal..."

In the cockpit, Arthur couldn't help but raise his brows. He raised his eyes and
looked into the distance, as if his eyes could penetrate the void. He couldn't help
but sneer and said, "It turned out to be this bastard Gongzang."


Tarina's voice rang out in Yasuo's inner world, and she said with a tender smile,
"Miyazang is a little genius of your machine race. His cultivation time is several
epochs shorter than yours... I heard that, Is there a deep conflict between him and
Arthur sneered: "The luck is better than mine... Tarina, get ready!"

Arthur drove the spaceship directly and approached the spaceship in the

Obviously, the other party also found Arthur.

However, due to the fact that the same camp outside the battlefield cannot attack
each other's targets, he did not intend to be cautious at all, and directly


Arthur flew out of the spaceship.

The other party is a steel man who looks like an Iron Man and is ten meters tall.
He looked at Arthur and said with disdain, "It turned out to be Arthur... What? Did
you find that human genius?"

"That's right."

Miyazo was just talking casually, and when he heard Arthur's answer, his pupils

Immediately afterwards, his body suddenly trembled and he lost his voice: "A
mental power attack? Such a strong mental power... Is it a Zerg?"

Gong Zang was taken aback and hurriedly flew his legs, but before he entered the
spaceship, he saw Arthur suddenly violently burst out with his strongest blow,
which suddenly shattered Gong Zang's body.

" are courting death!"

Gong Zang's body quickly condensed and let out an unbelievable roar: "If you are
in the same camp, the venerable and other immortal kings will not let you go!"

"Let me go?"

Arthur launched a storm-like attack, sneered again and again, and said: "If you
dare to deal with my master, you must have the consciousness of death!"

"Talina, you interfered with his spiritual power with a spiritual storm!"

Arthur shouted, the mother of the Zerg race, her body is weak, but her spiritual
power is very strong. She is a natural spiritual master. At the same level, Tarina
interfered with a spiritual storm, while Arthur attacked at close range. That
Gongzang couldn't resist at all.

"The Zerg Legion, attack!"

Suddenly, Tarina let out a low cry.

Nagongzang's pupils contracted violently, looked up into the distance, and

shouted, "No..."

In his pupils, dozens of immortal Zerg warriors were reflected. These immortal
Zerg warriors were uniform, launched an attack, and blasted directly at him.

Gong Zang's divine body was blasted away again.

Brush brush! !

Arthur held the "God-loving Demon Sword" given by Su Ze, and slashed with the
sword, but with dozens of swords, it directly lost 10% of Gongzang's divine power,
plus many Zerg warriors joined forces to strike...

Gongzang's divine power consumption has exceeded 15%, and his strength has dropped

He desperately resisted, trying to escape...

Unfortunately, in just two breaths, Gong Zang was beheaded to death.

"Arthur, Gong Zang must have reported this matter before he died. This time, it's
my turn, and you are hiding it." Tarina opened her mouth and took a breath, putting
away the fragments and many treasures left on Gong Zang's body. .

She took out a spaceship, drove the spaceship, and quickly left here, while the
immortal "Arthur", the high-ranking king of the mechanical family, hid in her inner

The two immortal kings joined forces, and three months later, they successfully
attacked and killed a common Zerg king.


And at this moment, within the farm.

"Fellow Daoist Su Ze..."

The Chaos City Lord, through the virtual universe, contacted Su Ze, and he said
solemnly: "Daoist Su Ze, the Vulcan source crystal you want, I have sent someone to
the war base... By the way, the peak human genius war in the universe has entered.
In the final period, the finals will be held at the headquarters of the Virtual
Universe Company, so you can come here ahead of time.”


The peak human genius battle in the universe is carried out in the virtual
universe, and the virtual universe... is like a virtual plane.

In the virtual universe, Su Ze is currently in the Black Dragon Mountain Star


Immediately, he separated a ray of thought, entered the virtual universe, and

began to hurry.

And his body is guarding the farm.

hum hum...

At this moment, suddenly, a strange movement came out from the soil where the
black fragments were buried...

Milky Way, Earth...

A secret universe...
Inside a huge Ice and Snow Palace...

Pieces of black fragments turned into phantoms and disappeared directly into the
cosmos starry sky.

"In the end what happened?"

In the cosmos starry sky, a towering figure sat cross-legged on the giant peak. He
suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of horror flashed in his eyes... ..

Chapter 170 Top Ten Geniuses? let's go

The gigantic figure sitting on the giant peak suddenly moved, and the surrounding
laws of the universe were vaguely distorted and changed.


He tore through the void and kept teleporting. After a moment, he landed on a huge
ice and snow planet.

Hell Star.

The Ice Prison Clan is a special race. This race does not like to deal with other

Ice Prison Star gave birth to two Cosmos Venerables. Among them, "Zhixi Kou
Venerable" has a very special identity. He is the Lord of the Cosmos, and he has to
give him some face.

He is the messenger of the "ancestral religion", favored and blessed by the origin
consciousness of the universe. In the primitive universe, his combat power is
enough to suppress the master of the ordinary universe.

"The Mountaineer."

Venerable Zixikou flew out of the Ice Prison Star.

The tall and majestic figure asked in a deep voice, "Sir Zixikou, what happened?"

Venerable Zixi Kou smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know either."

"I was cultivating before, and I felt a sense of it. I quickly left the customs
and found that the black fragment you handed me seemed to be pulled by some kind of
force, and it flew up automatically and disappeared into the cosmic starry sky."

The burly figure of the stalwart, let out a long breath, and said in a deep voice:
"It seems that my induction is indeed correct... those few fragments have all

This burly figure is impressively the most mysterious "the strongest man in the
universe" in the original universe.

In his previous life, he was the "God King of Jin" from the origin world. Later,
the Jin Kingdom was destroyed by the joint efforts of the two god kings of the Food

Under the madness, the "God King of Jin" wanted to enslave the "world beast" and
destroy the food country, but he violated the supreme rule. Mountaineer".
Zuoshan Ke is puzzled...he wants to go crazy...

This black fragment is the most important item he spent countless efforts to avoid
the rules of the universe to create the most important item for training future
disciples... Now that it has disappeared inexplicably, how can he not be crazy?

However, when his breath burst out a little, he saw the sky and the earth thunder
and lightning, and a great coercion descended from the sky.

The origin law of the universe and the supreme rule are obviously paying attention
to the mountaineer all the time.


Hurrying from the virtual universe is countless times faster than the original

The Black Dragon Mountain Starfield is extremely far away from the headquarters of
the Virtual Universe Company. It is separated by an unknown number of cosmic
kingdoms. Even if the dark universe is constantly advancing, it will take several
years. However, Su Ze is in the virtual universe and only has seven days to catch
up. to the virtual universe company headquarters.

The one who met him was the "Wanjian Venerable" of the Virtual Universe Company.

"Su Ze, the final is about to start, when are you going to play?"

Venerable Wanjian has a very cold attitude towards Su Ze.

After all, he is the top person in charge of this "Universal Human Peak Genius
Battle". How can he feel good about arranging Su Ze to go through the "back door"
during the finals?

The most important thing is that the universe kingdom behind each of the ten
Tianjiao who entered the final will definitely not be satisfied. Although they
won't say anything on the surface, they will definitely discuss themselves

It's just that Venerable Wanjian had to obey the order given by the Chaos City
Lord himself.

"The final is about to start?"

With a smile on his face, Su Ze said with a smile: "Since the finals have already
begun, it would be better. I am on the battlefield outside the territory, and there
will be a few tough battles later... Venerable Wanjian, why don't I play first?"

Venerable Wan Jian frowned slightly, and a hint of displeasure flashed in his

How many tough battles are there in the extraterritorial battlefield?

Oh shit!

It's too bragging, right?

He does know that Su Ze went to the extraterritorial battlefield, but with his
current stellar ninth-order cultivation base, even if he can exert the combat power
of the world master, he is only the bottom cannon fodder, and he is still fighting?
Due to the identity of the Chaos City Lord, Venerable Wanjian can only say: "Well,
I will take you to the finals now."


The finals of the Cosmic Human Peak Battle is actually a "ranking competition". At
that time, the Virtual Universe Company will arrange the top ten talents to enter
the "Four Secret Realms" of the Virtual Universe Company according to different

After reaching the last ten geniuses, they naturally knew the difference between
the four secret realms, and they all tried their best to reach higher rankings.


"The quality of this year's Universe Human Peak Genius Battle is extremely high.
Each of these ten geniuses has the strength of previous champions."

"I will add your name to the finals list and draw lots for the ranking battle

Venerable Wanjian said.

He took Su Ze to the specially opened finals venue. Someone was going to enter the
finals list and brought them over.

Su Ze took the list and glanced at it...

Bo Lan, Qian Shui, Luo Feng, Jiang Mo, Lancelot, Uka, Ai Chen, Long Yun, Opat,
Rong Jun...

"Oh? Or these ten people..."

"It seems that my arrival has not yet caused the butterfly effect."

Thoughts flashed in Su Ze's mind.

Venerable Wanjian flew into the ring and said, "Everyone, this is Su Ze, a genius
of my human race. He... Because of his privilege, he did not participate in the
competition, but went directly to the final..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the ten Tianjiao couldn't help
but move, and the human masters who were hiding around to watch the battle were
talking about it.

Seeing this, Su Ze shook his head, he jumped, jumped directly onto the ring,
looked around, glanced at the geniuses who entered the finals, and said loudly:
"Everyone, let's go together... I'm in a hurry. "


Venerable Wanjian's face turned green...

Oh shit!

Let ten Tianjiao go together?

This B is also too big, right?

Not only Venerable Wanjian, but also the lords of the various cosmic countries who
were hiding in the dark to watch the finals were also full of black lines.

The most important thing is that the final of the "Universal Human Peak Genius
Battle" was broadcast live...

The entire human territory, more than 1,000 cosmic kingdoms, hundreds of millions
of star fields, I don't know how many people... are paying attention to this place.
Su Ze made a strong debut, threatening to fight ten, immediately in the territory
of all human beings, causing a big wave of hype .

Among the ten arrogances, the barbarian prince Uka has the most anger, and he
directly shouted: "Arrogant and ignorant, I will teach you how to be a man!" ..

Chapter 171 All Repression

Uka is a barbarian prince, and his genetic blood is naturally strong. His
strength, among the ten talents, belongs to the middle level.

At this moment, he shot violently and slashed with a knife, the knife wind was

His knives and law perception are also extremely strong.

"You are too weak……"

Su Ze carried his left hand behind his back, flicked his right hand with a flick
of his right hand, and with a crisp explosion, he saw a blue misty sword qi fly out
from his fingertips, and with just one blow, Uka was knocked back thirty meters.

Uka's arm holding the knife trembled, his face changed greatly, he looked down,
and found that his tiger's mouth had been shattered. Although it was a virtual
universe, everything seemed so real.

He took the knife and went up again, and the strongest secret technique broke out.
Su Ze shook his head and waved his sleeve...


A strong wind blew up out of thin air, and in the strong wind, thousands of sword
lights raged, and with just one blow, Uka was blown off the ring.


"Uka... just lost like this?"

The pupils of the remaining nine geniuses shrank, and they were "Bo Lan" in a
white robe, and their brows twitched wildly.

Although the ten of them are divided into high and low, the gap between them is
not very big. No matter who shoots, it is impossible to defeat Uka so lightly.

The faces of the cosmos kings in the surrounding space and time also changed, and
the cosmos king who was doing witchcraft flashed his eyes, guessed Su Ze's
identity, and said with a smile: "It's amazing, it's amazing, I didn't expect that
I would do witchcraft. In the universe country, there is actually a genius who is
more amazing and brilliant than Luo Feng."
As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the cosmos kings moved in

The matter of Su Ze and the Empress of Wolf Slayer is not a secret among the high-
level human beings...

After all, even the other five peak races know about this matter, and many cosmos
kings have heard a little about it. At this moment, when they hear the words of the
master of the cosmos, they immediately react.

"It was him..."

"Su Ze!"

"It is said that he mastered a magical black ice flame. When he was at the sixth
stellar level, he killed a golden-horned beast at the peak of the world master..."

"His strength is probably comparable to that of the world master. Why did he come
to participate in the peak genius battle of the universe?"

Hearing this sentence, the Lord of the Universe Kingdom immediately became
unhappy, his eyes widened, and he said: "Su Ze is also a star, and meets the
conditions for the peak human genius war in the universe, why can't he participate
in the peak human genius war in the universe? ?"

"This guy."

All the cosmos country lords couldn't help laughing, and one of the tauren
jokingly said: "This year's champion, you must be the cosmos country, but... he
wants to use his own strength to defeat the ten Tianjiao, I'm afraid it's
impossible, right?"


"The feeling this kid gives me... is unfathomable."

All the kingdoms of the universe looked at them one after another.

But he saw Su Ze standing on the ring with his hands on his back, his eyes
squinting, and he glanced at the ten talents, and said lightly: "You guys should go

"Mr. Su."

Suddenly, a figure leaped up and landed opposite Su Ze.

This man was dressed in an alloy battle suit, with black hair and black pupils,
his eyes were bright, he folded his fists towards Su Ze and bowed slightly, saying,
"Mr. Su, I always wanted to say thank you to you face to face, but I didn't expect
that it would be possible. I met you here."


Su Ze's eyes flashed, he guessed the identity of this person, and said with a
smile, "You are the Earth Lord Luo Feng, right? It's okay, Nuo Lanshan offended me,
I killed him, just right."

Luo Feng took out the alloy sword and said with a loud laugh, "If you kill Nuo
Lanshan, you will be kind to the earth. Mr. Su, when it's over, I'll treat you to a

In his heart, there are many questions, and he wants to ask Su Ze...

For example, why does Su Ze call himself an "earthman", and even the primitive
inhabited planet written on the household registration handled by Bingwuxing is the

Luo Feng attacked with a knife, and at the same time his mental power exploded,
urging the "Spirit Soul Soldiers" to attack Su Ze in pairs.

Su Ze used the sword to refer to, and two consecutive sword beams disintegrated
all Luo Feng's attacks. He took a step forward and slammed the "kill the wolf"


Luo Feng was directly blasted away.


"not good!"

Suddenly, Su Ze's face changed greatly. He found that the "Qinglian sword qi" in
the purple mansion between his eyebrows began to surge wildly, and there were signs
of breakthroughs anytime, anywhere.

During this period of time, he has been suppressing his cultivation, and

All his suppression has reached a critical point, and he wants to explode
completely at this time!

"No, the battle must be resolved before the breakthrough."

Su Ze roared and suddenly rose to the sky. He stepped on the sword beam, looked
down at Bo Lan, Qianshui, Uka and other geniuses, and sneered: "Since you are
reluctant to do it... then don't blame me for your future cultivation. Shadows are
left on the road!"


Su Ze's momentum is getting stronger and stronger!

He must make a shot before breaking through to complete the task.

The ten geniuses had solemn expressions on their faces. Su Ze's aura completely
enveloped them all. The terrifying aura made them feel a faint sense of fear in
their hearts.

"It's a virtual universe anyway!"

"I killed them without threatening their lives."

"As for leaving a shadow on them... Hmph, if you don't even have this will, no
matter how talented you are, it won't be a big deal."
Su Ze used his finger as a sword, and cut out with one sword...


The blue misty sword energy poured down the sky.

The most powerful ultimate ultimate move in the first volume of Qinglian Sword
Classic - Qinglian Sword Song.

"not good!"

The ten arrogances changed greatly.

They each offered their strongest unique skills and blasted towards Su Ze's
"Qinglian Sword Song".


How are they Su Ze's opponents?

Even if ten people join forces, they are still inferior to Su Ze.


The sky is falling apart, and the final arena specially created by the virtual
universe cannot withstand the Qinglian sword energy at first, it cracks and
disintegrates, and then it completely collapses and explodes.

Of the top ten masters, seven fell, and only Luo Feng, Bo Lan, and the burly Rong
Jun could barely stand.

They are the three most powerful people in the world.

Although they could keep standing, their bodies were covered with scars, and they
had already lost their combat effectiveness.


"Congratulations to the host, overcoming the heroes and winning the championship
of the peak genius battle of the universe..."

In Su Ze's mind, a system notification sound came out, and his figure disappeared
in the virtual universe in an instant.


The mission is finally done!

Labor and management no longer have to suppress repairs! ..

Chapter 172 Cultivating the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations


"Congratulations to the host, overcoming the heroes and winning the championship
of the peak genius battle of the universe..."

"Congratulations to the host, get a reward: planting points + 1,000,000 points."

"Congratulations to the host, get a reward: Mysterious Seed*2."

"Congratulations to the host, get the reward: supernatural power seed *1."

"Congratulations to the host, get the reward: World Heart Fragment*1."

A series of system prompts resounded in Su Ze's mind.


With a thought, he left the virtual universe directly.

"Failed... defeated..."

The countless human beings watching the live broadcast of the "Universal Human Peak
Genius Battle" are dumbfounded, and the top ten talents, any one of them is a
peerless genius rarely seen in tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even
millions of epochs, but...

But it was suppressed by the sudden appearance of Su Ze, how can it not be

Even the lords of the universe are full of shock.

The tauren who mocked the lord of the cosmos country of Qianwu murmured, "Damn, is
this still a human?"

"So strong!"

"No wonder he is so proud... Chaos City Lord will value him so much."

Venerable Wanjian's pupils contracted violently, and thoughts flew in his heart.

In his long years, he has seen countless geniuses, but he has never imagined that
there is such a genius as Su Ze in the world that has never been seen before... No,
genius, it is impossible to describe him.



In the farm, Su Ze's whole person is like a volcano erupting, his breath is like a
straight wolf smoke, rising into the sky, the whole person's body inflates a few
times, like a balloon, it will explode at any time.

"Can't hold back!"

"If I hold on any longer, I'm afraid I will really be held up and explode!"


Su Ze sat cross-legged on the ground, and with a thought, he dragged the Qinglian
sword energy in the Zi Mansion between his eyebrows and swam all over his body.

Moreover, after rushing into the Yuyue Realm, Su Ze's improvement did not stop, and
his breath continued to climb, and soon reached the level of Yuyue Realm Great
"My background is too deep."

Su Ze couldn't help sighing.

Around him, the "Domain of the Sword" slowly spread, and soon reached a distance of
10,000 zhang.

In the purple palace between his eyebrows, the Yuanshen with a height of one foot,
under the nourishment of the dense green lotus sword energy, rapidly soared, and
soon reached a height of seven feet.


He came out of the body, circled in the farm, and then turned into a dark cloud
with a clatter, rolled up his body, and flew over the Hawaiian Islands.

"I'm cultivating emperor-level exercises, and the primordial spirit condensed is

naturally stronger than the primordial spirit cultivated by ordinary exercises."

Su Ze's thoughts moved, and the huge dark cloud re-entered the purple mansion
between his eyebrows. He fell from the sky and sensed his own changes.

"My current cultivation base is probably equivalent to the domain master level of
the original universe..."

"However, my combat power should be able to crush all the world masters, and it is
slightly stronger than ordinary immortals."

There was a smile on Su Ze's mouth.

His strongest unique skill now is not the [Qinglian Sword Canon], but the
supernatural power [Blood Moon].

With his ability, he can mobilize [Blood Moon] at close range. Even if the
ordinary rank is immortal, he is afraid that he will suffer a big loss. Moreover,
[Blood Moon] is a magical attack, which has special damage to the immortal "divine
body". .

Su Ze estimated that ordinary immortality, fearing that if he could not endure a

few [Blood Moon], his body would be greatly damaged, his strength would be greatly
reduced, and he would even fall into a deep sleep.

He flipped his hand and took out a scroll of jade.

In my mind, the system prompt sound suddenly came out.


"Discovering the third volume of the emperor-level exercise [Qinglian Sword

Canon], did the host choose to consume 500,000 planting points to immediately
cultivate it to the top?"


Su Ze gave an order.

500,000 planting points were deducted, and then, Su Ze's momentum changed, and
countless messages flooded in his mind.
He took out the Yuan Tu sword, laughed loudly, and said, "The third volume of the
Qinglian Sword Canon is really good... With this sword technique, even if I don't
use supernatural powers, I can kill ordinary immortals and even immortal legion


"The plant is mature, please harvest the host as soon as possible."

At this moment, another system prompt sounded in Su Ze's mind. Su Ze's expression
changed, and he quickly looked in the direction where the "black fragments" had
been planted before, but saw a strange small tree with knots on its trunk. Growing
there, on the branches, there are nine black fragments hanging.

"The Secret Book of Nine Tribulations!"

Su Ze's eyes lit up, he looked intently, and read out the attributes of the black

【The Secret Book of Nine Tribulations】

"The unique skills of the god-king of Jin in the origin world, after cultivation,
can improve the genetic level of the body."

He stepped forward and took off the nine "black fragments" one by one.


"Successful harvest, planting points +100000 points."


"When the emperor-level practice [Secret Book of Nine Tribulations] is detected,

does the host immediately consume ** points of planting points to cultivate to
Dacheng immediately?"


"System prompt: The host can choose to practice in separate volumes. To cultivate
the first volume of the Secret Tome of Nine Tribulations to the highest level,
500,000 planting points are required."

500,000 planting points?

Su Ze frowned... Then, his brows stretched, and he laughed: "That's right, it's
also an emperor-level exercise, and there are high and low strengths. It seems that
the secret scripture of the Nine Tribulations is still above the Qinglian sword
scripture. The cultivation price of the first volume alone is comparable to the
second volume of the Qinglian Sword Canon."

Su Ze gave an order in his heart.


"Planting point - 500000 points."

"Volume 1 of the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations...I'm cultivating."


Just when Su Ze chose to practice the first volume of the [Secret Book of Nine
Tribulations], the sky of the entire primordial universe suddenly changed color,
and a huge dark cloud vortex appeared over the extraterritorial battlefield.

"What's this?"

On the periphery of the extraterritorial battlefield, many alien kings are looking
for traces of Su Ze and the Empress of Wolf Slayer.

At this moment, they all changed color, and they couldn't help but look up at the


On the Ice Prison Star, Venerable Ziyou Kou walked out of the hall and looked up
at the sky with a solemn expression.

"I sense the anger of the origin consciousness of the universe..."

Cosmic starry sky.

The stalwart figure "Zuoshan Ke", who was sitting cross-legged on the giant peak,
changed his face and lost his voice: "The origin consciousness of the universe...
Someone is cultivating my secret book of nine calamities!"

at the same time……

Ancestral religion.

The three sect masters also raised their heads and looked at the sky. ..

Chapter 173 The gene of life, 6400 times!

"So what happened?"

The ancestral religion is a very special force in the primitive universe, and the
three leaders of the ancestral religion are favored by the origin consciousness of
the universe, and they are the messengers of "heaven".

Although they are the masters of the universe, in the original universe, they can
exert the power of the strongest in the universe.

Six subversive races, no one would be willing to provoke the ancestral religion.

However at this moment...

The three leaders of the Ancestral God Sect changed their color in unison.

They received the will of "the origin of the universe", and one of them got up and
said: "The accident should be on the battlefield outside the territory... But what
happened, I don't even know the origin law of the universe... I will go outside the
territory. battlefield."


The origin consciousness of the universe cannot find Su Ze who is staying in the
farm at all.
At this time, Su Ze was sitting cross-legged on the ground. His whole body only
felt that the pores all over his body were dilated...

The improvement of one's own genes, the mysterious and mysterious feeling, is
simply too comfortable!

Su Ze only felt that his physical appearance was becoming more and more perfect.

Of course.

Physical fitness and appearance are just the most external and common changes.

The most important thing is that the improvement of his body's genes has caused
subtle changes in his body's inner cells and even the level of life...

The gene of life is rapidly improving...

The genetic level of the human race is ordinary, and it is the limit that can be
raised to a hundred times that of ordinary life in the universe...

However, the Secret Tome of Nine Tribulations can completely break this shackle.

10 times……

100 times……

500 times...

Soon, Su Ze's life gene level was raised to 500 times that of ordinary life in the
universe. He only felt that his physique seemed to have undergone some subtle

His own Dantian Qi Sea, the Purple Palace between the eyebrows, has actually
expanded by a factor of 100!

Dantian Qi Sea and Meixin Zifu are the "containers" that store "Qinglian Sword

Su Ze practiced the Qinglian Sword Canon, with strong mana, which was several
times that of a cultivator of the same realm. Now, his Qi Sea and Zifu have
expanded again... This means that the mana he possesses is good in Qinglian Sword
Qi, and will It will be hundreds of times more than the monks of the same realm!

What is the concept of hundreds of times?

I'm afraid that without any moves and mysteries, a tenth will be enough to crush
all the monks of the same level, and it's not a problem to challenge more.

"Continue to practice!"

Su Ze consumed all the planting points he had accumulated in one breath, and
finally cultivated the "Secret Book of Nine Tribulations" to the fifth robbery, and
his genetic level had increased by a factor of 6,400.

His Qi Hai Zi Mansion has expanded 640 times on the original basis!

Looking at the huge empty sea of Qi and Zi Mansion, Su Ze couldn't help sighing
and said, "Damn, with such a huge Zi Mansion and Qi Mansion, how long will it take
me to cultivate to completeness?"

Qihai and Zifu are not as powerful as possible. Although the mana they contain is
strong, it is difficult to cultivate successfully. Even if the cultivation is
successful, it is extremely difficult to break the shackles.

However, all this is not difficult for Su Ze.

He walked out of the farm and found the immortal "Talina" of the Zerg King High.

"Talina, what is the situation in the extraterritorial battlefield now?"

Tarina looked solemn and said: "Master, the invincible kings of other races have
arrived, and almost all immortals in the extraterritorial battlefield are all
looking for you."


Su Ze frowned and said in amazement, "So inspiring people... These five pinnacle
races don't value me too much, don't they?"

Tarina handed over a video.

In the video, the scene of Su Ze suppressing the top ten geniuses with one move is
being played, her beautiful eyes flashing with scorching heat, and she said:
"Master, the talent you have shown has never been seen before, and the future has a
bright future. Limited..."

"How many races can you allow you to continue to grow?"

"If you hide in human territory, they may still plan for a long time and look for

"However, you are now on the battlefield outside the territory, and the major
races are well known. They naturally want to eradicate you at all costs."

Su Ze raised his brows, thinking about it carefully, it really makes sense.

He smiled lightly: "Since several major races want to get rid of me, if I sit
still and don't fight back, wouldn't it be too disrespectful to them?"

After pondering for a while, Su Ze smiled and said, "Let's go back to the war

The most powerful Vulcan source crystal purchased by the Chaos City Lord for Su Ze
has been sent to the war base, and... Su Ze is now, the sea of Qi Zi Mansion has
dramatically increased...

His strength needs to be improved.


The Flying Bat appeared in the starry sky and flew towards the human war base
outside the outer battlefield at the speed of light.

Su Ze did not bring Tarina and other men with him, but let them find the way for

It is two days away from the war base, and the extraterritorial battlefield,
because of the space storm left over from the previous war, cannot enter the dark

two days...

Maybe it will be discovered by alien powerhouses.


After flying for about thirty hours, the time and space suddenly fluctuated, and
then, the speed of the flying bat, which was moving at the speed of light, suddenly
slowed down, as if it had fallen into a swamp.

The little devil exclaimed: "No, master, there is a strong blockade of time and


Su Ze's expression changed, and then, a huge coercion descended from the sky, and
an arrogant laughter was directly introduced into the Flying Bat.

"Haha, human genius..."

"Since you have come to the battlefield outside the territory, why do you have to
leave in such a hurry?"

Outside the Flying Bat, a burly figure appeared. This figure was wearing a white
alloy battle suit. Under the battle suit, there was no flesh and blood, but it was
a dead bone.

His eyes were also empty, with a little green flames floating in them.

"The Skeleton King!"

Su Ze's eyes narrowed, and he said solemnly: "King of bones, you dare to block my
way, and you are not afraid that I will kill you with a super Vulcan cannon?"

"Bomb me?"

The Skeleton King Jie Jie sneered and said, "What you rely on is just your F-class
spaceship, right? It's a pity... I have mastered the time-space blockade and
teleportation. With your ability, even if you urge an attack, it is difficult to
hit me. …”

"Husband, I'm going to kill him!"

At this time, the Empress of Wolf Slayer stood up, her eyes were deep, and she said
lightly. In her tone, there was a chill, as if the black ice magic flame could be
frozen for nine days! ..

Chapter 174 F-class nutrient tank and 700 tons of nutrient solution

The Skeleton King was stunned for a moment, and then he said loudly: "Kill me?
Haha, the juniors of the human race, you want to kill me too?"

Although the Bone King is not Feng Wang Invincible, his strength is not weak, only
slightly inferior to Feng Wang Invincible.

He was disdainful on the surface, but extremely cautious in his heart.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, Su Ze conquering the Zerg King
High "Talina" and the immortality of the Mechanic have spread...

Before the mere immortality is achieved, it is possible to conquer and control two
high-ranking kings. How can it be simple?

"Kill you like a butcher dog."

The Empress of Wolf Slayer flew out of the Flying Bat. She was dressed in a white
dress, her black hair was flying, and her aura began to skyrocket wildly. In an
instant, she actually broke through the "world master level" and reached the
ordinary immortal level.

Behind her, a phantom of a spiritual face mask was rising, and the spiritual face
mask seemed to be crying but not crying, smiling but not laughing.

"What's this?"

The Skeleton King's face changed greatly. He found that the spiritual face mask
actually caused an extremely miserable and sad feeling in his heart, and his own
strength decreased a lot.

"Ordinary immortal, dare to be arrogant in front of my Skeleton King!"

He punched out from the air, and the mighty divine power swept all directions.

However, behind the Empress of Wolf Slayer, another phantom that swallowed the
heavenly jar rose up, swallowing all the fist power of the Skeleton King in an


The Empress of Wolf Slayer said coldly.

The coercion of the emperor rose from her body.

Seeing this scene, Su Ze couldn't help but secretly thought: "The strength of the
wolf queen has recovered to this level? The skeleton king... is dead!"

Sure enough, in just a few dozen breaths, the Skeleton King was smashed to pieces
by the Wolf Queen.

His divine body wanted to re-condense and recover, but he saw the phantom of the
swallowing devil pot behind Empress Wolf Slayer reappeared, and actually absorbed
all of the shattered divine body of the Skeleton King.

The Empress of Wolf Slayer, return to the Flying Bat.

Above his head, the phantom of the swallowing magic pot kept jumping and
struggling, and inside, the sound of the roaring and struggling of the Skeleton
King kept coming out...

"As expected of a famous expert on the battlefield outside the domain, with my
current strength, I won't be able to train him to death in a while... Husband, the
battle just now has probably attracted the attention of others. I will refine the
Skeleton King, and you will return to the war as soon as possible. base."

Su Ze said, "Flying Bat, go at full speed."

About six hours later, a system prompt sounded in Su Ze's mind...


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed the limit of the king,
and you will get a reward: planting points + 3000000 points!"

Su Ze's expression changed: "It seems that the Empress of Wolf Slayer has already
killed the Skeleton King."

He continued to drive the Flying Bat, and soon, he entered the war base.

The one who greeted him was still Venerable Demon Lord.

Venerable Fumo saw that Su Ze had returned safely, and his breath had reached the
"Domain Lord level", so he couldn't help frowning and said, "Su Ze, you are already
the Domain Lord level?"

Su Ze was not very interested in Venerable Fumo, and said lightly: "It's just a
little breakthrough."

A little breakthrough?

I'm slightly paralyzed by you!

Venerable Fumo almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Su Ze entered the extraterritorial battlefield, and he was the one who handled it.
At that time, Su Ze was only the ninth stellar level...

How long has it been since this TM?

"Su Ze, the strongest Vulcan source crystal prepared for you by the Chaos City
Lord has arrived, when do you need it?"

"Get it now."

Su Ze said that the strongest Vulcan source crystal will be his biggest trump card
at present. Once it is used as kinetic energy, the friendly F-class spacecraft
"Flying Bat" launches bombardment, even the cosmos sage will have to retreat.

Venerable Fumo did not change his face, and immediately arranged for someone to
pick it up.

Soon, one hundred and eight strongest Vulcan source crystals were delivered to Su

With a wave of his hand, Su Ze put away the 108 most powerful Vulcan source
crystals, and then said: "By the way, Venerable Demon Lord, how to calculate the
military merit in the extraterritorial battlefield? I want to use the military
merit to exchange for F-level nutrition. The right to use the warehouse. If the
military merit is not enough, I will make up for the rest."

Su Ze now, Qihai and Zifu have expanded by 640 times, they are empty, and they
urgently need to replenish their cultivation base mana.
And soaking the "nutrition cabin" is undoubtedly the fastest way.

F-class nutrition capsules are the most precious nutrition capsules in the vast
universe of human races. The purchase price in the virtual universe company has
reached a high of 17 trillion. This price is enough to buy seven or eight cheap and
desolate galaxies.

"By the way, help me prepare 700 times the nutrient solution."

"What? Seven hundred times?"

Venerable Fumo almost fell to the ground.

Generally speaking, when purchasing an F-level nutrient capsule, one ton of

nutrient solution will be equipped. This ton of nutrient solution alone is enough
to buy hundreds of cosmic-level slaves and tens of thousands of life planets.

700 times, that's 700 tons...

700 tons of nutrient solution is enough to directly elevate a planetary-level

warrior to the world master level... and, I am afraid there will be a lot of

"Su Ze, the F-level nutrient capsule alone is sky-high, and 700 tons of nutrient
solution is more valuable. In addition to military merit, you also need to prepare
3.88 million yuan units, and, for such a large amount of nutrient solution, I need
to apply for it. "

Su Ze said with a smile: "During this time, I killed several alien masters on the
battlefield outside the territory. The combined wealth of them should be enough to
pay for 700 tons of nutrient solution."

"Okay, you go to the camp first. I will send someone to send the nutrition cabin
to it in about a week."

An imperceptible doubt flashed on Venerable Fumo's face... After all, in his

perception, Su Ze's cultivation base is already "the ninth rank of the domain
master", and he wants to order a nutrition capsule, is it possible to break through
to the World Lord?

But even if you upgrade from the first rank of the world master to the peak of the
world master, you can't use 700 tons, right?


"This matter must be reported to the master. If this kind of genius continues to
develop... I am afraid that the future achievements will be immeasurable, maybe it
will be another human giant axe!"


"The camp conditions at the war base are quite good."

When he came to the camp, Su Ze was everywhere and couldn't help sighing.

He came to his own military tent, and then began to organize all the materials.
Among these materials, the most skeleton king's property was taken. He was carrying
a heavy treasure, and a single heavy treasure was worth millions of yuan units. ..
Chapter 175 The Nine Secrets Are Planted

The five peak forces of the human race have specialized acquisition agencies in
the war bases of the extraterritorial battlefields.

Su Ze sorted out all the spoils, and then sold them all to the Virtual Universe

The virtual universe company is responsible for the acquisition of an immortal at

the extreme level of the king at the war base, and his eyes are straight.

Looking at the mountain of objects that Su Ze took out, he murmured, "As expected
of a peerless genius that has never been seen in the original universe... Su Ze,
what did you do in the extraterritorial war?"

Su Ze smiled and said, "I didn't do anything, I just killed a few immortals..."



This immortal king's limit is full of black lines, Nima, you are the ninth rank of
the domain master, okay...


Domain master level ninth order?

When he participated in the "Universal Human Peak Genius Battle" a few days ago,
was there only a star level ninth order from time to time?

Suddenly, the King Fengji exclaimed: "This is... the treasure of the Skeleton

Su Ze looked indifferent and said, "When I returned to the war base, the Skeleton
King blocked time and space and wanted to kill me, but was killed by my daughter-


The Immortal Emperor Feng looked at the Empress of Wolf Slayer who was standing
aside with a cold expression that made him a little unpredictable. Only then did he
remember that this woman was not inferior to Su Ze at all, but even more amazing
and brilliant.

It's just that Su Ze has some inexplicable and wonderful relationship with a giant
like Chaos City Lord, and participated in the "Universal Human Peak Genius Battle",
so he is more famous.

"The Bone King is a powerhouse at the ultimate level of the king!"

"The strength is no less than mine...even slightly stronger!"

"He has mastered space teleportation. Even if he wants to kill him at the level of
Fengwang Invincible, it is extremely difficult. Could it be that this woman already
has the strength of Fengwang Invincible?"

His attitude towards Su Ze and the Empress of Wolf Slayer immediately changed a

Statistics are over.

"Su Ze, according to the customized price of the virtual universe company, the
price of these items is about 5.44 million yuan units. In this way, I will make up
for you and count them as 5.5 million yuan units. How about?"


Soon, Su Ze's account added 5.5 million mixed yuan units.

He handed over the 3.88 million Hunyuan unit to Venerable Fumo before returning to
the camp.

"The nutrient capsule will be delivered in about seven days... Let me see what
these two mysterious seeds can grow."

With a thought, Su Ze entered the farm.

He took out a mysterious seed, planted it, and then passed the farm and returned
to Willow Village.

The house is quiet.

"Huh? What about people?"

Su Ze's mental power spread out, and instantly covered the entire Jincheng area.

The four hundred ultimate warriors are actually stationed in the back hill of
Willow Village, guarding Chiyou's tomb... This is probably the attention of Boya

And Boya Hancock, Yan Ying and Kono Masako are taking the ruffian dragon shopping
in Jincheng.

Mingyue is alone, staying at home.

She should have just finished practicing, leaning on the sofa and sleeping

Doing as the locals do, after Mingyue came to Earth, she fell in love with Earth's
clothes, wearing a floral skirt, snow-white calves, and sitting on the sofa, maybe
because she was the only one in the family, Mingyue was very open...

She had one leg on the sofa and the other lay on her side...

From Su Ze's point of view, the scenery at the bottom of her skirt is

Su Ze walked over slowly.


After all, Mingyue is a master of martial arts. After this period of training, her
martial arts cultivation base is almost entering the realm of gods. Su Ze just got
close, and she woke up from her sleep. She opened her eyes and saw that it was Su
Ze. He couldn't help blushing and shouted, "Young Master Su..."
She wanted to stand up and salute, but Su Ze stopped her: "Don't move, keep this


"Your panties are quite good. Hancock bought them for you, right?"


"Master Su..."

"Don't look... ah, don't touch."

Su Ze's beastly fluttered, he straightened his weapon straight up, and after a
while, Mingyue kept begging for mercy.

Su Ze has a general understanding of the current situation of the earth. At this



"Congratulations to the host, the plant is mature, please harvest it as soon as


In my mind, the system prompt sound came out.

"Mingyue, I'll go to the orchard first, and when Hancock and the others come back,
let me go to the orchard."

Su Ze laughed, tapped Mingyue Qiao's Tun, and walked directly into the farm.

Inside the farm, where the "mysterious seed" was previously buried, a white jade
altar stood there. The white jade altar was three feet high and carved with sacred
beasts such as dragons, vermilion birds, basalts, white tigers, and unicorns.

A dense mist floated on it.

Su Ze looked intently, and found a dilapidated and yellowed ancient book on the
top of the altar.

He jumped up, came to the altar, looked at the ancient book, and his eyes lit up.

【Nine secrets of the sky】

"Pro, soldiers, fight, people, all, array, column, front, line."

"Soldiers: Manipulate weapons. If the realm is extreme, you can manipulate any
foreign object, and even control the opponent as a weapon."

"Dou: The fighting method, practiced to the extreme, can simulate any attack."

"Who: Repair your own body, cultivate to the extreme, you can repair any injury."

"Ji: You can instantly increase your combat power by 10 times."

"OK: The fastest secret technique, cultivated to the extreme, can even stop time."

"Front: Foreseeing good and bad luck, good and bad, practicing to the extreme, and
even predicting the future."


"Nine Secrets?"

"It's actually the Nine Secrets of Xintian!"

Su Ze laughed, reached out and grabbed the ancient book in his hand.


In an instant, the altar collapsed, and the system prompt sound came again in my


"Congratulations to the host, the harvest is successful, the planting point +10000

"Detecting the emperor-level practice [Nine Secrets], does the host choose to
consume ** points and immediately cultivate [Nine Secrets] to a state of complete

"If there are not enough planting points, the host can choose to spend 3,000,000
planting points to cultivate one of them to a state of perfection?"

Su Ze smiled and said with a smile: "3 million planting points? This is the price
of conscience... Let's practice all the secrets, the secrets of the fighting, the
secrets of the lines and the secrets of the former." ..

Chapter 176 The Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations

It is also an emperor-level exercise. The price of the first three volumes of

[Qinglian Sword Canon] is still cheap. Starting from the fourth volume, if you want
to cultivate to the state of mastery, the price is getting higher and higher, and
it is often millions of planting points.

And the "Secret Book of Nine Tribulations", the cost of planting points is also
extremely terrifying.

Each secret of the nine secrets requires 3 million planting points, a total of 27
million. In really isn't that much.

During this period of time, in the extraterritorial battlefield, Tarina, the

Immortal of the Machine Race, and the Qinglin of the Monster Race, although they
did not kill the Immortal King, they also destroyed an ordinary immortal prince,
seven ordinary immortals and A legion of seventy or eighty world masters.

This time alone, nearly 10 million planting points were obtained.

In addition to the Skeleton King, Su Ze's planting point, after cultivating the
Secret Book of Nine Tribulations, he has accumulated more than 13 million.

He consumed a full 12 million planting points, and cultivated Jijiji, Doujiji,

Xingjiji, and former Jiji to a state of mastery.

"This mysterious seed has nine secrets... I wonder what kind of surprise the
remaining one will bring me?"
Su Ze was full of expectations and planted another mysterious seed.

At the same time, in the starry sky outside the war base...

Inside a floating dead planet of death, Venerable Demon Lord sat cross-legged, and
in front of him stood a stalwart figure.

"Lord Sirius, why did you call me?"

Venerable Fumo, his tone was a little displeased: "The war base has human
surveillance everywhere. If my identity is revealed, I am afraid I will be smashed
into scum in an instant."

Venerable Fumo is the servant of the demon ancestor of the demon clan. He is not
particularly fearful and respectful to the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf.

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf turned around and said with a faint smile, "I'm here
because I have something for you."


He used his magical powers, and a water curtain appeared in front of him.

In the water curtain, the demon ancestor looked at Venerable Fumo and said
solemnly: "You have been lurking in the human race for thousands of epochs... Now,
it's time for you to play a role."

"go with!"

"At all costs, kill the two geniuses of the human race."

"I got the news that they are at the war base."


The water curtain dissipated.

Venerable Fumo's face was calm, and he respectfully kowtowed to the direction of
the water curtain just now: "Fumo... as ordered."

He knew that once he made a move, he would definitely be detected, and his identity
would be revealed without a doubt...

However, Venerable Fumo did not hesitate.

Demon ancestor...

is his master.

Being enslaved, he will follow all the orders of the demon ancestor, even if he is
to die immediately.


Venerable Fumo rose into the sky from the depths of the planet and flew towards the
war base. The Ze couple..."

"This kid must have a peculiar way of hiding."

"I want to get rid of him..."

"I have to do it in the war base!"

Venerable Fumo soon came to the war base, and he changed his mind: "Once I start in
the war base, I am afraid that within 0.5 seconds, I will be found and killed..."

"So, I must kill Su Ze within 0.5 seconds."

In his mind, he made various plans.

With the strength of the Venerable Demon, even among the Venerable Universe, he
belongs to the middle level. He has absolute confidence that as long as he gets
close to Su Ze, he can make a one-hit kill.

"The nutrient capsule still has six days to arrive."

"Six days later, I will deliver it to Su Ze in person."

In front of Venerable Fumo, the appearance of the Wolf Slayer Empress appeared
again. I have to say that the Wolf Slayer Empress killed the Skeleton King, which
had a great impact on him.

Such a pair of arrogances that have never been seen in the ancient times actually
appeared in the human race together, and they became husband and wife...

It's so rare.

There are many emotions in his heart.

It's just that when he was immortal, he was enslaved. From the bottom of his
heart, the demon ancestor was the first...

He couldn't resist any of his orders.


inside the farm.


"Congratulations to the host, the plant is mature, please harvest it as soon as


The war base, in the domain master camp...

The speed of roaming the virtual universe with the Empress of Wolf Slayer suddenly
looked shocked, and quickly returned to the farm.

Another mysterious seed is ripe!

When he returned to the farm, he saw a small pill furnace growing in the soil
where the "mysterious seeds" had previously been buried.

The Dan furnace is about three feet high, and the whole body is made of bronze.
Below it is a furnace that burns slowly. Inside, a faint fragrance blows...

Danxiang alone lifted Su Ze's spirits, and he felt that his "primitive spirit" was
just about to move.

【Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations】

"The Myriad Tribulations Soul Refining Pill from the hands of the ancient pill
emperor, the user can experience the catastrophe of the world, temper the soul, and
make the essence of the soul, a qualitative leap and breakthrough."

"The system prompts: The Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations is
unstable, and the user who takes it is very likely to fall into the cycle of
eternal life, fall into eternal life, and it is difficult to extricate himself."

Su Ze frowned.

He stepped forward and opened the pill furnace.


A brilliance soared into the sky.

Su Ze reached out and grabbed the ray of light in the palm of his hand, but it was
an elixir full of strange textures, lying tightly in the palm of his hand.

This medicinal pill has seven holes on it, corresponding to the seven orifices of
the human body. It seems to be breathing and keeps squirming.

"Detecting the emperor-level medicinal pill [Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand
Tribulations], does the host choose to consume ** planting points to immediately
refine and absorb [Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations]?"

"Husband... save me!"

"Hey... Su Ze, do you have me in your heart?"

One after another phantoms evolved in front of Su Ze's eyes, and there was a demon
god who was shrouded in black mist and blood, and slashed himself in half with a

"Detecting the emperor-level medicinal pill [Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand
Tribulations], does the host choose to consume ** planting points to immediately
refine and absorb [Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations]?"

In his mind, the system prompt sounded... Su Ze's body shook, and he woke up from
the illusion.

His face was bloodless, sweating profusely, and he muttered: "What a terrifying
illusion... This Myriad Tribulations Soul Refining Pill, with my current
cultivation will, if I want to refine it with my own ability, I will definitely

Su Ze let out a long sigh and put the [Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand
Tribulations] into the item column.

Suddenly, an inexplicable thought flashed in his heart. He calculated the word

"before" to the extreme, and couldn't help but smile: "Oh? It's just a momentary
fantasy... It's been six days?"

With a smile on his face, he strode out of the camp and said with a smile: "Venor
Fumo, it's just a nutrient capsule and a little nutrient solution, how dare you
bother to send it in person?" ..

Chapter 177 Exceeding the speed of light?

The word "Qian" is secret, and if you practice to the extreme, you can predict bad
luck, good luck, bad luck, and even the future.

Su Ze vaguely felt the danger of life and death. In the dimness, he seemed to see
the "Venor of Demon Vanquishing" attacking him. Immediately, his mind moved, and
the top-grade defensive fairy battle suit had already covered his whole body.

He was on guard and went up to meet him.

However, Venerable Fu Mo smiled and said: "Mr. Su and his wife are the arrogances
of my human race that have never been seen in the ancient times. Their future
achievements are limitless, and they will become the masters of the universe in the
future. ?"

Su Ze sneered in his heart, but on the surface he appeared flattered.


Oh shit!

Do you need to be so straightforward?

What's more, after being relieved with this bastard several times, his attitude
towards himself has always been cold and indifferent, but now the sudden change has
made Su Ze more cautious.

The two came to the camp, and Venerable Fumo waved his hand and placed an F-class
nutrition cabin on the ground.

He took out another world ring and handed it to Su Ze, saying, "This world ring
contains 700 tons of nutrient solution, and the total value of 700 tons of nutrient
solution and F chicken nutrition cabin is higher than your military merit, you
still need Turn over 3.8 million Yuan Yuan units of Cosmic Coins."

Su Ze took out the account of the first bank of the universe, and soon transferred
3.8 million yuan units to Venerable Fumo.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the world ring and the nutrition capsule, and
said with a smile, "Sir, if there is nothing else, I will go to practice first..."

Venerable Fumo, but his heart skipped a beat.

He didn't see "Wolf Destroyer Empress".

It was precisely because I didn't see the "Wolf Destroyer Empress" that I didn't
do it directly.

His time is only 0.5 seconds. If he can kill the two great talents of the human
race with one blow, it would be best, he couldn't help but smile and said, "The way
of cultivation requires relaxation and relaxation... By the way, Su Ze, where is
your daughter-in-law? "

With a wave of Su Ze's hand, the Empress of Wolf Slayer appeared beside him.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Venerable Fumo's aura suddenly erupted like
a silent volcano, and the terrifying aura pressed directly towards him.

In his hand, a dark sword appeared, and the sword ripped apart time and space and
slashed at him.

"The line is secret!"

Su Ze let out a low voice, swiped, and took the wolf queen directly to the other
end of the camp.

Far away, he stared at Venerable Fumo and sneered: "Sister Fumo... Haha, young
master, I already knew you were going to do something to me."


Venerable Fumo's pupils shrank, and he lost his voice: "Impossible...I just
smashed space and time with this knife, and those who are not as good as me in the
laws of space and time can't teleport at all... How did you escape?"

He did his best and cut out with one knife. As long as he couldn't teleport, it
was impossible to avoid that knife.

after all.

In the primordial universe, even the Lord of the universe, the maximum flight
speed cannot exceed the speed of light.

Su Ze didn't answer him, but looked up at the sky.

In the sky, there was a faint roar of anger, and then, a big hand fell from the

"Sure enough, the war base is hosted by the Lord of the Universe."

Su Ze's heart moved.


Just as the big hand fell, Venerable Fumo let out a low voice and said,
"Everything is for the demon clan!"

His breath dissipated in an instant, but it was himself that directly shattered
all his vitality.

A figure fell from the sky.

This person was wearing a black robe, his expression was cold, and his breath gave
people the feeling that it was like an iceberg that was immortalized. "

He turned his head and looked at Su Ze.

Su Ze guessed the identity of this person, clasped his fists and said, "The Lord
of Bingfeng."

"You actually recognize me?"

The black-robed man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's right,
you have a good relationship with your senior brother, and it's normal to know me."
The Lord of Bingfeng is one of the three major disciples of the "Original
Ancestor" of human beings, and the junior brother of the Chaos City Lord.

He looked at Su Ze and said in surprise, "You can actually dodge the full blow of
Venerable Demon Vanquish unscathed... It seems that there is a reason why Senior
Brother attaches so much importance to you."

"The Lord of Bingfeng is joking, I'm just lucky."

The Lord of Bingfeng laughed without saying a word, and he also didn't believe Su
Ze's words.

He only moved here after realizing the murderous intention of Venerable Fumo. He
did not see with his own eyes how Su Ze avoided the full blow of Venerable Fumo,
but he did not ask, but said: "You go to practice. That's it, I'll take care of

A murderous intent appeared on his body, his eyes were deep, and he looked into
the distance: "It seems that the five peak races, except for your heart, are not
allowed to die. The masters of the five peak races will inevitably have the means
to make the King Invincible to exert a stronger combat power as a cosmic sage..."

To Su Ze's surprise, after the Bingfeng Lord said these words, he did not persuade
Su Ze to leave the extraterritorial battlefield, but smiled: "You can enter the
extraterritorial battlefield with confidence... If there is an accident, I will be
the first. Time will come."

Su Ze's face was indifferent, not at all afraid, and smiled: "Thank you, Lord of
Bingfeng, but it's just a mere group of kings, I can still deal with it."

Not to mention that the system is in place, and the "reward link" has been opened.
Su Ze is on the battlefield outside the territory and can find any enemy

The secret word "front" alone can allow him to predict good fortune and good
fortune in advance.

Su Ze has mastered the secret of the word "xing" again, and his speed is
unparalleled. Even in the primitive universe, the speed of the physical body can
exceed the speed of light, and he has a high-grade fairy defense suit... To be
honest, his strongest is not combat power, but life-saving ability.

Su Ze came to a secret room and began to practice.

He took out the F-class nutrition cabin, took off his clothes, and got straight
into the nutrition cabin.

A crisp, numb feeling spread all over the body...

At the same time as the body was transformed and evolved, a large amount of
nutrient solution was transformed into the purest energy, entered into Su Ze's
limbs and meridians, and then transformed into "Qinglian Sword Qi".

The wisps of "Qinglian Sword Qi" filled the empty sea of Zifu Qi.


And this time.

The territory of the demon clan, the palace of the demon ancestor.

The demon ancestor sat cross-legged on the throne and said solemnly: "Venor

"You should arrange it immediately. At all costs, be sure to kill Su Ze... This
son, the feeling it gives me is too weird. I don't like this feeling very much." ..

Chapter 178 1280 times the power of the world master

In the F-class nutrient cabin, Su Zechi rubbed his body and soaked in the nutrient

puff puff...

The activity of his body cells is constantly changing, and his muscles, bones, and
fascia are all undergoing qualitative evolution.

"One ton of nutrient solution only fills about one-sixth of my Zifu Qi Sea."

Soon, a ton of nutrient solution was consumed.

In the nutrition cabin, clear water spurted out, cleaning up the impurities that
ooze out of Su Ze's body. He jumped out of the nutrition cabin, and slammed a fist
into the air...


In an instant, the air burst, and the space trembled faintly.

If it weren't for the special secret room, Su Ze estimated that... his punch would
be enough to blast an asteroid, and an ordinary world master would be directly
killed by a punch.

"I practice the emperor-level martial art Qinglian Sword Canon. The sword energy
is extremely high in both quality and quantity. The current cultivation level is
equivalent to the peak of the domain master level, but it is completely comparable
to the peak of the world master level."

"And now I... After absorbing a nutrient solution, my power is double the power of
the World Lord."

Su Ze thought of this, and his heart couldn't help but get hot.

If his Zifu Qi Sea is completely filled, doesn't it mean that... it can be

equivalent to 1280 times the power of the World Lord?

Domain master level, with 1280 times the power of the world master, what is this

You must know that ordinary Fenghou is immortal, and the divine power possessed by
his body is probably between 1000-10000. That is to say, once Su Ze completely
fills the Zifu Qi Sea, his strength alone is completely comparable to that of
ordinary Fenghou Immortality.

With the secret of the word "all" in his body, he can increase his combat power
tenfold, which is comparable to the peak of Fenghou.

Coupled with the supernatural powers of "Blood Moon", "Xing", "Dou", and many
ultimate moves of Qinglian Jiandian... Even if he encounters a low-level immortal
king, Su Ze can let go of the battle head-on. .

"If I break through to the world master level, wouldn't it be comparable to the
immortal state of the emperor?"

Su Ze was full of interest, and immediately jumped into the F-class nutrition
cabin and began to absorb the refining "nutrient solution".

One ton after another, the nutrient solution was absorbed and refined by Su Ze,
and transformed into the purest mana Qinglian sword qi. Although his cultivation
realm has not improved, the Qinglian sword qi in the Zifu Qi sea is getting more
and more Strong, more and more abundant, has reached a terrifying level.

A month later...


Su Ze jumped out of the F-ji nutrition cabin.

In the past month, Su Ze has absorbed 640 tons of nutrient solution. His Qinglian
sword energy has reached an incredible level, and his strength has been increased
to 1280 times that of the world master. force.

Moreover, in the process of absorbing the nutrient solution, Su Ze's body skin,
muscles, fascia, and bones are constantly evolving, Su Ze estimates...

His physical strength alone is comparable to ordinary immortality.

after all……

Draw 640 tons of nutrient solution...

But not everyone can be so extravagant.

"After training, it's time to go to the extraterritorial battlefield."

In Su Ze's eyes, a flash of icy murderous intent flashed. The five peak races sent
masters to look for him, and there was also a demon slave spy "The Demon Lord" who
attacked him brazenly at the war base. With his character, he naturally wanted to.
Fight back.

On the same day, Su Ze found the senior management of the war base and put forward
a request to buy "nutrient solution".


The Lord of Bingfeng appeared directly in front of Su Ze.

His eyes swept away, and his face changed slightly.

"This kid..."

"His cultivation base is only the ninth rank of the domain master... How does it
give me the feeling that it is stronger than the immortal power?"

What kind of realm is the Lord of Bingfeng?

Naturally, this kind of surprise will not be too much. On his cold face, a rare
smile appeared, and he said with a smile: "Su Ze, you are the champion of the peak
genius of the universe, and according to the rules, you should be virtual for me.
The core elite disciples of the secret realm in the very beginning of the universe
have the qualifications to apply for the use of nutrient solution."

The Lord of Bingfeng did not know that Su Ze had applied for 700 tons of nutrient
solution before, he waved his hand, and said with great arrogance: "In this way,
how much nutrient solution do you need, just say it."


The Cosmos Venerable, who was arranged by the Virtual Cosmos Company to take over
the position of "The Demon Lord", almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He was about to speak, but was interrupted by Su Ze.

Su Ze smiled very innocently, and said, "Since the Lord of Bingfeng has spoken,
then I'm welcome... just follow the amount last time."

"Vajor King Kong, according to the last time, prepare for Su Ze."

The Lord of Ice Peak said lightly.

On the side, Venerable King Kong frowned and muttered, "Last time he applied for
700 tons..."

"700 tons?"

Rao is the city mansion of the Lord of Bingfeng, and he couldn't help but shout,
but since he has said it, he will naturally not regret it, and immediately ordered
Venerable King Kong to prepare...

Soon, 700 tons of nutrient solution were delivered to Su Ze.

"Thank you, Lord of Ice Peak."

Su Ze laughed, took the Empress of Wolf Slayer directly, drove the Flying Bat, and
left the war base.

As soon as he left the war base, he contacted the immortal "Talina" of the Zerg
King High-level and said: "Talina, where are you now?"

"Okay, wait for me in the Broken Star Belt. After three days, we will meet... By
the way, you can collect the information on the experts of various races in the
extraterritorial battlefield... This time, I want to kill!"


three days later.

Fragmentation belt, inside a large meteorite fragment.

Tarina and the mechanic were immortal and handed a document to Su Ze.

What surprised Su Ze was that the monster "Qinglin" actually broke through to the
Immortal Rank during this period.

This group of subordinates are disgraced and embarrassed. Su Ze estimates that
they have been hiding here for some time.

"Master, Tarina and I, the sneak attack on the Zerg Machine Race's immortal king
has been passed on. Now all the experts on the battlefield outside the territory
know that we have taken refuge in you..."

"A lot of information, we dare not go out to inquire... Once those masters find
us, they will immediately encircle and suppress us."

Qinglin smiled wryly and said, "More than a month ago, I went to the edge of the
battlefield with Tarina and the others, but they were pursued by three high-ranking
kings... Under the crisis of life and death, this breakthrough was immortal."

Su Ze was holding the information, his finger suddenly pointed to one of the
names, and said with a faint smile: "The Prison Suppression King of the Prison
Clan? .

Chapter 179 Killing the Prison King

Extraterritorial battlefield, broken star belt.

Above a huge piece of planetary debris, there is a magnificent cave.

This cave was originally occupied by the twelve strongest princes of the Fragment
Star Belt. They formed an alliance and ran rampant in the Fragment Star Belt...
However, now, the twelve princes have already been controlled by the "Prison King".
Killed, this cave mansion, naturally belongs to the "Prison King".

On the throne, the King of Prison Suppression sat on it with a golden sword, and
on both sides of his men were several immortal servants who were enslaved.

Among them, there is one Fenghou dianfeng, and three ordinary Fenghou.

In the hall of the cave, there are graceful dancers.

These dancers were plundered by the "Prison King". They usually live in his "world
ring". ...

For the "Prison King", these dancers who are not even at the cosmos level are not
life at all...

"Master, I have never found any trace of Su Ze."

Several servants passed on the information they found.

The King of Prison Suppression frowned slightly and said, "This human boy is quite
good at hiding... But the five dianfeng races, many masters, spread out to find
him, even if the needle falls into the sea, it can be found."

The Prison King's brows widened, and he said with a smile, "We don't have to
bother, we'll search, we just need to wait here. Once we find the information about
the human kid, we'll rush over there..."

"There are too many masters who want to kill them in exchange for merit."

"We may not have this opportunity."

The King of Prison Suppression stood up and sneered: "However, it's not my
character of King of Prison Suppression if you don't fight for it... You arrange
for people to go down and search for news everywhere. Once someone finds the trace
of Su Ze, report it immediately..."

"Yes, Master."

Several immortal lord-level servants took orders and were about to retreat when
they heard a fluttering voice that entered the hall.

"Prison Suppression King...don't be so troublesome."

"I've already arrived."

Su Ze's figure landed on the meteorite fragment.

Behind him, the Empress of Wolf Slayer, Tarina, who had already been named King
Gao Gao from the Mechanical Race, followed behind.


When the prisoner king heard Su Ze's voice, his face couldn't help but change
greatly. He quickly flew out of the cave and came to Su Ze. He was shocked and
said, "This kid is only the ninth rank of the domain master, and he dares to face
me directly..."

"Is it possible, what cards does he have?"

On the surface, the King of Prison is carefree, but he is extremely cautious in his
heart. He glanced at Tarina and the mechanical clan King Gao Gao, and sneered:
"Human boy, how dare you show your face?"


"Your confidence... Are you two traitors, Tarina?"

Secretly, the news has been completely spread out.

"The arrogance of mankind has appeared, and the coordinates are XXXX, XXXX of the
Broken Star Belt..."

Su Ze looked at the King of Prison Suppression and said lightly, "The Prison Clan
is immortal and has no heavy treasure... I have never mastered space

Suddenly, his breath, like a volcanic eruption, shouted loudly, "Do it!"


Void chandou.

The Zerg King High Immortal Tarina and the Machine Race King High Immortal all
started together...

And Su Ze, holding the Yuan Tu sword, stepped out in one step, killing the King of
Prison Suppression directly.

Night long dreams.

Su Ze naturally understands this truth.

Now, for the masters of the five dianfeng races, he is a sweet treat... How dare he
be blind with the King of Prison Suppression here, otherwise if he drags it out a
little, maybe there will be masters teleporting to arrive, even if he wants to.

I'm afraid it will be difficult.


The King of Prison was shocked. He burst out with all his strength and blocked the
immortal attacks of Tarina and the King Feng Gao of the Mechanical Race.


The meteorite fragments were knocked out of a deep pit.

The King of Prison Suppression flew out of the deep pit and lost his voice:
"Impossible... How can your strength reach this level?"

Su Ze's attack just now definitely has the power to seal the king.

Domain master...

King's fighting power?

Is it crazy to paralyze the world?

With 1280 times the power of the world master, and the ten times the combat power
of the "all" word secret, how can Su Ze's combat power be handled with common

He joined forces with the two servants, and the Prison Suppression King had no
power to fight back at all.


With a snort, a blood moon flew out, directly smashing the prison king's divine
body, and his divine body and divine power directly lost 1%!

"Swallow the devil pot!"

The Empress of Wolf Slayer made her move brazenly, and a phantom of a swallowing
devil pot rose up behind her, and instantly swallowed the King of Prisoner, who had
not recovered his divine body, into it.


With a wave of Su Ze's hand, the Flying Bat appeared out of thin air. A group of
four got into the Flying Bat and fled in an instant.


Several powerhouses who mastered space teleportation rushed to this place and saw
that the ground was in a mess, and some did not understand what happened.

One of the prison clan immortal frowned and said: "The news just now came from the
prison king, and the prison king is not going to make up fake news to deceive us...
There is a big battle here, could it be that the prison king has already killed it?
The boy of the human race... No, this is the servant of the King of Prison

The master of the prison clan had already devoured it, and flew on top of the
meteorite fragments, staring at the several corpses on the ground and lost his
voice: "Dead... all dead!"

As servants of enslaved souls, in the case of mortal death, the master can smash
their souls and make them disappear from the world completely.

Obviously, this is the case with these servants.

"Prison Suppression King... is dead?"

Many immortal kings who came early, only felt a little dry.

Tarina and the high-ranking king of the mechanical race surrendered to Su Ze, and
they can also understand that Su Ze was given the means by the high-level people of
the human race, or even secretly guarded by a strong person...

But now, the death of the Prison Suppression King makes many strong people feel a
little scalp numb.

Thirty-eight billion miles away from the star fragment, the Flying Bat was hidden
on a meteorite fragment.

In the Flying Bat, Su Ze sneered: "Before he died, the King of Prisons must have
passed the news. We will stay here... Maybe we can meet the immortal king who is
rushing over there... eh? You are strong. Here are the three high-ranking kings!"

In my mind, the system prompt has already passed over.

Su Ze restrained his breath and waited until the immortality of the three kings was
approaching hundreds of thousands of miles before he shouted in a low voice:
"Flying Bat, fill the strongest Vulcan source crystal, and fire!" . .

Chapter 180 Go to the Star Tower

The strongest Vulcan source crystal, once it explodes, even if the king is
invincible, it has to retreat.

King's limit?

Feng Wang high?

If you are not careful, you will be directly killed!

And after the addition of some "Super Vulcan Cannons" on the "Flying Bat", its
explosive power is stronger!


Time and space were torn apart, and a thick column of flame light blasted towards a
spaceship galloping in the distance.

"not good!"

"Enemy attack!"
In the huge spaceship, the three demon clan kings were high, and their faces were
pale with fright. One of them quickly teleported and took the other two companions
to several million miles away.


The E-class spacecraft was torn apart in an instant and turned into powder. Even
the inner cabin that could withstand the full blow of the king's invincible level
was directly torn.

"What kind of attack is this?"

The three demon kings, standing proudly in the starry sky, looked millions of miles
away, but saw a spaceship that quickly left.

"It's the spaceship of the human that the arrogance of the human
race...the King of Prison Suppression, didn't kill him?"

The three demon clan kings wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

In my heart, I was extremely afraid.

The power of the blow just now made their heart skip a beat. If it wasn't for one
of them, he would take them away in an instant when he mastered "space

That blow, even if it didn't kill them, would greatly damage their bodies, and
they would fall into a deep sleep.

"The second, the third..."

"I decided to go back to the Star Tower."

"There are many masters chasing and killing that human race, not less than the
three of us."

A demon king, with a hoarse voice, his two brothers nodded in agreement, and one
of them pondered: "Brother, do you want to spread this matter... The weapon carried
on the spaceship of the arrogance of the human race, attacking the mighty Can... it
seems to be above the level of invincible kings."

"Why say it?"

The other two sneered.

In the "Flying Bat", Su Ze shook his head and sighed, saying: "At the level of
being a king, there are too many masters who master teleportation... Some strong
people, even if they haven't mastered teleportation, will make friends with masters
who can teleport and reach an alliance. ."

"It seems that I have to master a method that can block time and space."

After missing the hit and discovering the three monsters, Su Ze immediately gave
up and continued to pursue.

Continuing to pursue, it is useless, but they may spread the news and cause the
attack of the five peak race masters.

"It was detected that the immortal approach of the mechanic clan... A total of two
people, the king's limit level * 1, the king's high level * 1, the distance and
direction: 3.8 million kilometers away from the southwest."


"The limit of being a king?"

Su Ze's eyes lit up, and he immediately ordered the Flying Bat to quietly approach
the past. He sighed: "For the Super Vulcan Cannon, there is no difference between
the King's Limit and the King's High... I just hope that they will not teleport. ."


Get closer!


A huge flame of light tore through the void and bombarded the spaceship of the

The violent aftermath of the explosion radiated tens of millions of miles in an


The immortal mechanic of the high-level king, although he has left the center of
the explosion for nearly a million miles, the powerful explosion still tore his
divine body and completely annihilated all his divine power.


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed a high immortal

(mechanical family) of the king, and received a reward: planting points + 2,000,000

With one blow, the mechanical family Feng Wang Gao directly fell to his death, and
2 million planting points were recorded.

Su Ze's figure flashed, and he displayed the "Xing" secret, directly surpassing
the speed of light, chasing the immortal mechanical clan powerhouse at the limit
level of the king.

At this moment, the king's ultimate powerhouse, his breath is declining, and the
armor on his body is broken into countless pieces.

The super Vulcan Cannon with the strongest Vulcan source crystal as kinetic energy
almost killed him with one shot.

Even if he used all the defensive methods, the loss of the divine body still
exceeded 30%!

His strength at the moment is not even at the level of the Marquis limit.

"Human pride!"

The extreme powerhouse of the mechanical race, Fenghou, who was fleeing, couldn't
help shrinking his pupils after seeing the sword light rushing from millions of
miles away, but then he was overjoyed: "Human Tianjiao, how dare you step out of
the spaceship? "

The strong mechanical clan shot instantly, holding a worn-out sword, and killed Su

This sword is a treasure.


Just now, under the violent explosion of the Super Vulcan Cannon, a piece of it

"If I can kill the arrogance of the human race, the rewards given by the clan will
be enough to make up for all my losses. There is a domain master level in other
areas... eh? The domain master level, how can it be possible to have such a speed?"

Su Ze came with a sword, 1280 times the power of the world master leaned out, and
instantly opened the "all" word secret, and the combat power directly reached 12800
times the power of the world master.

10,000 times the power of the world master, this is the level of the king.

12,800 times the power of the world master...

In addition to the comprehension of the law, in terms of power alone, after Su Ze

opened the secret of the word "all", even in the immortality of the king, he could
not be regarded as the bottom.

"Qinglian breaks the sky!"

"Blood Moon!"



This was completely a one-sided crushing and annihilation, and the immortal
strength of the mechanical clan’s titled king was greatly damaged. At this time,
the combat power was not enough for the title of the prince... Moreover, many of
his methods were used in the explosion of the Super Vulcan Cannon just now. Among
them, this led to him being completely suppressed by Su Ze.

His divine body and divine power, which was already extremely depleted, flowed

"Destroy it!"

"Black ice magic flame, burn the flash to boil the sea, burn the nine heavens!"

Suddenly, in Su Ze's palm, a black magic flame rose up, and he directly activated
the second form of the black ice magic flame, but when he saw the black flames
rolling in the sky, it exuded a temperature that was enough to incinerate the

This immortal divine body of the mechanical family was directly annihilated.

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed one of the king's
extreme immortals (mechanical family) and received a reward: planting points +
2,500,000 points."

Su Ze returned to the "Flying Bat", shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity... the
black ice magic flame is too domineering. After I improved my cultivation, I
motivated the black ice magic flame to incinerate everything... I didn't even have
the slightest trophy. stay."

"It seems that I will use more ice flames instead of flames in the future..."

"In just a few seconds, the planting points have increased by 4.5 million... It
seems that the reward link is really the best way to increase the planting points."

Su Ze said lightly, "Flying Bat, go to the Star Tower..." ..

Chapter 181 Fire Festival North - Festival Tower


"The jihad king of the mechanical family and the giant snake king died?"

Soon, the news of the fall of the two powerhouses of the mechanical race was spread
on the battlefield outside the territory, and countless powerhouses were shocked
and moved.

"The arrogance of the human race, is it really that strong?"

"Prison Suppression King, Holy War King, Giant Snake King..."

"In one day, two high-ranking kings and one king's limit... This human race is
arrogant, not easy to mess with."

Many kings have such thoughts in their hearts.

They have been able to survive in the extraterritorial battlefield until now, which
one is not the cautious generation? Immediately, many strong kings gave up the idea
of looking for Su Ze.

"The arrogance of this human race has a strange trail, a battlefield outside the
territory, and a vast expanse. If we look for it like this, we are undoubtedly
looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Suppressing the stars, even the Venerable Universe can be suppressed, how is it so
easy to obtain? However, during this time, the masters in the Xingchen Pagoda came
out together, even the king of the "Flame Sacrifice to the North", which was also
reduced by 7%. There are as many as ten, and the seven of us brothers will go to
the north to sacrifice to the flames, and maybe we will have some opportunities."

In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed since the fall of the Prison
Suppression King, the Mechanical King of Jihad and the Giant Snake King.

Today, another earth-shattering news came...

The two kings of the demon clan have fallen to the limit!

Many kings were shocked.

Originally, some invincible kings who didn't care much about Su Ze immediately
cheered up.

Immediately afterwards, there were news that the kings of various ethnic groups
were killed one after another, but in more than three months, a total of twenty-
seven kings of the five peak races fell.

During this time, many kings finally discovered Su Ze once.

A full eight kings, thirty-seven high-ranking kings, and more than sixty ordinary
kings are immortal, and they work together to encircle and suppress Su Ze.

They block time and space, launch attacks, just...

What shocked everyone's eyes was that Su Ze actually broke the speed of light with
his physical body while blocking the time and space, thus escaping the encirclement
and suppression circle.

The Empress of the Wolf Slayer, showed her great power, and killed eighteen kings
in one fell swoop!

The extraterritorial battlefield shakes!

The news soon returned to the six peak races...

Of the six pinnacle races, all high-level officials were shocked.

Human territory, initial universe, Chaos City...

The Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Bingfeng are sitting together, and below is the
disciple of the Lord of Chaos. He will report the information about Su Ze recently
collected one by one.

"This...nearly a hundred kings?"

"How many king limits are included?"

The Bingfeng Lord couldn't sit still, and murmured: "How is it possible... Even if
he is a genius that I have never seen before in the human territory, can only the
domain master level be able to do this?"

He looked at the Chaos City Lord and said, "Senior brother, could it be that there
are other secret weapons on your Flying Bat?"

He and Chaos City Lord, who are disciples of the "Original Ancestor", naturally
know the Flying Bat.


These achievements, even the "Super Vulcan Cannon" of the Flying Bat, can't be
done, right?

Moreover, according to sources, there were several kings, and even Su Ze

personally killed them.

Domain owner?

Frontal beheading Feng Wang Gao is immortal?

This world is so crazy.

The Chaos City Lord was not surprised at all. He looked at the Lord of Bingfeng
and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Su Ze, it is still within my expectations...
Junior Brother, Fellow Daoist Su Ze's identity is unusual... If you tell me I, he
killed a Universe Venerable, I wouldn't be surprised."


The Bingfeng Lord stared at him and said in surprise, "You can call me a fellow
Daoist with my senior brother... What is the origin of this Su Ze?"


within the farm.


Su Ze let out a long sigh and jumped out of the F-class nutrition cabin.

His red body became more and more line-like, and that bronze skin, combined with
Zhuo Ran's temperament, it is estimated that just showing it in the crowd will
cause countless nymphos to kneel and beg.

Of course, as Su Ze, he naturally disdains to do such a thing.

"Husband... Your cultivation base..."

On the side, Empress Wolf Slayer saw Su Ze's body, her face blushed, took a piece
of clothes, and approved it.

Su Ze didn't put on his clothes, but made a gesture and embraced the Empress of
Wolf Slayer in his arms.

He smiled and said, "My cultivation is still at the peak of the Fish Leap Realm,
which is equivalent to the ninth-order peak of the domain master level in the
original universe... But my combat power has increased several times."

A pair of big hands clinging to the body of the Empress of Wolf Slayer.


A red-faced voice came from the farm.

During this period of time, Su Ze hunted around the immortals of the five peak
races and obtained a large number of planting points. He spent millions of planting
points to put the fifth, sixth and seventh robbery of the "Secret Book of Nine
Tribulations". Stage cultivation has reached a state of great achievement.

His life gene has reached 12,800 times that of ordinary life in the universe, and
the Zifu Qi Sea has expanded again, and it has doubled on the basis of 640 times.

At this time, Su Ze, even without using any trump cards, has 12,800 times the
power of the world master, and his combat power is stronger than the ordinary
immortal king.

Once the "all" word secret is used, Su Ze's combat power soars tenfold, and he can
even kill some high-ranking kings head-on.

"Master, the Flame Festival has arrived in the north."


A message was passed to Su Ze.

Su Ze sorted out his clothes and moved directly from the farm to the interior of
the Flying Bat.

Immediately afterwards, the empress of the wolf slayer in white and plain skirt
also appeared beside Su Ze. She asked in confusion: "Husband, isn't your goal the
Star Tower? Why are you going to the north of the Yan Festival? According to the
information, There are not many strong people in the north of the flame sacrifice."

Su Ze smiled mysteriously.

He opened his mouth and said, "The original inhabitants of the north of Yanji can
trace their existence back to before the opening of the extraterritorial
battlefield... Although they were eliminated by the masters of the six peak races,
some treasures remained."

"I'm going to the north of the flame sacrifice, I'm going to get a treasure
house... If it is successful, then... even if I master the immortality of
teleportation, it will be difficult to escape in front of me."

In Su Ze's mind, a plot flashed through...

Fire Festival North...

sacrificial tower!

The sacrificial tower is the survival base of the Yanji northern natives when they
fled. There are a lot of treasure houses in it... If Su Ze remembers correctly, in
that base, in addition to the inheritance of the Yanji northern natives, the
strongest treasure , it is a treasure "armguard".

The armguard is activated, which can block time and space. ..

Chapter 182 Super Detector

Chapter 34: Super Detector (customized)

The primordial universe is divided into five levels for the immortality of the

Ordinary king, king high, king peak, king limit, and king invincible, the
difference in strength of king immortality is also worlds apart.

Possessing 10,000 times the power of a world lord can reach the threshold of
immortality for a king, and at the invincible level of a king, he can even have 1
million times the power of a world lord, some enchanting heaven-defying kings or
powerful special beings, and the combat power is even It can surpass 1 million
times the power of the world master.

Under normal circumstances, a high-ranking king will inevitably comprehend one of

the three mysterious laws of space (space teleportation, space blockade, and space
At the peak of Fengwang, you can even comprehend two of them.

The king's limit, the king's invincible level, and even three levels of
comprehension can be achieved.

Su Ze's current combat effectiveness can reach the peak of the king's crown when
all the cards are played... But, in terms of the mysterious laws, the tea merchants
are not good enough.

Most of the peak kings mastered "space teleportation". Even if Su Ze was bombarded
with super Vulcan, as long as it was not fatal or the injury of the divine body and
divine power was too severe and he fell into a deep sleep immediately, he could
escape instantly.

If you get that lockout armguard...that's different.

At least for the strong who can "space teleportation", it is also a great shock.

In the Feibat cabin, Su Ze sat cross-legged on the ground, trying hard to recall
the story of the devouring...

The sacrificial tower in the north of Yanji is very special.

Even if it is right in front of the eyes, it is difficult for the detector and
divine power to detect its position.

In the original plot, it seems that the "King Yechen" of the human race fought
with the "King Zizhong" of the demon race, and the sacrificial tower was
accidentally discovered...

"King Yechen..."

"Purple Bell King..."

"According to time speculation, the current sacrificial tower should not have been
discovered yet? What should I do?"

Su Ze frowned.

At this time, a system prompt sounded in his mind.


"Congratulations to the host, triggering the system random quest - Fire Festival
North [Sacrificial Tower]."

"Mission description: The sacrificial tower is the living base of the aboriginal
residents in the north of Yanji. The inheritance and treasures of the aboriginal
residents in the north of Yanji are stored inside. The host is asked to find the
sacrificial tower and get the treasure."

"Task duration: one month."

Su Ze's eyes lit up.


The fact that the detectors and divine powers of the original universe could not
find the sacrificial tower does not mean that the system could not find the
sacrificial tower. He immediately said, "System, is there any way to find the
sacrificial tower?"

The mechanical voice of the system resounded in Su Ze's mind.

Two methods are presented.

"Method 1: The host can choose to consume **10,000 planting points to directly
mark the location of the northern sacrificial tower of the Flame Festival."

"Method 2: Super detector: Exchange price: 50 million planting points."

Su Ze looked at the "Super Detector".

This kind of detector is the same as the "detector" of the original universe. Its
detection range is affected by the rules of the world. In the original universe,
the detection range is 30 million kilometers.

Su Ze took another look at his attribute panel.

He now has 48 million planting points.

"Oh shit."

"I'm still going to accumulate enough 50 million planting points to directly

refine the Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations..."

Su Ze muttered.

Although there was a lot of slander in my heart, I still chose to exchange the
"Super Detector".


"Planting point - 5000000 points."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the [Super Detector]."

The super detector is in hand, but... the exploration range of the super detector
is not worth mentioning at all compared to the "Flame Festival North", which is
light-years away.

How to detect it is the question.

"My Flying Bat is already known by the powerhouses of the five peak races. If I
explore with a spaceship, I will definitely be discovered."

In Su Ze's heart, he secretly thought: "At that time, if there is a wave of siege,
just join the two powerhouses of the invincible level of the king... It may be
possible to escape."

With a thought, he went straight out of the Flying Bat.

With his feet on the land of "Flame Festival North", Su Ze waved his hand, and put
the Flying Bat and the Empress of the Wolf in the Flying Bat into the farm.

A monstrous demonic energy rolled around him.

The magic rolls...

Immediately afterwards, Su Ze's breath kept changing, and finally stopped at the
high level of Feng Wang.

The magic method [Vientiane Senluo] can change the breath at will.

"Even if the king is invincible... I'm afraid he will only think that I am a high-
level king, right?"

Su Ze smiled lightly and said, "However, this is not enough... I should be

recognized by the powerhouses of the five peak races."

He reached out and grabbed it in the item bar, and a cheat book appeared in his

Seventy-two transformation techniques!

This book of seventy-two transformation techniques was exchanged by Su Ze who

planted the "Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod" with "mysterious seeds" and exchanged it with
Monkey King Monkey King.

I have been throwing it in the item bar before without training, but now it comes
in handy.


"Detecting the technique of seventy-two changes, does the host choose to consume 5
million planting points and immediately cultivate it to a state of perfection?"



"Planting point - 5 million!"

Suddenly, a large amount of information poured into Su Ze's mind crazily.

Su Ze laughed and said, "Change!"

He was transformed into a boulder!




He transformed himself into a towering tree.

With the rise of Su Zewan and various changes, he finally turned into the
appearance of "Monkey King", and said with a smile: "Well, I will borrow the
appearance of the great sage to break into the north of the flame sacrifice in the
original universe."

As soon as his thoughts moved, Su Ze directly used the "Xing" word secret, and
rushed towards the distance in an instant.

"System, turn on the super detector."

The Yanji North is too big, and the detection range of the "super detector" is too
small, so Su Ze can only choose this stupid method.

While flying at extreme speed, you can detect it at the same time.

after one day……

"Didn't the kings of the five peak races encircle and suppress me? How come there
are so many kings in the north?"

In one day, Su Ze found more than 30 immortal kings.

In the outside world, in a star field, it is difficult to see the immortality of

the king, but in the north of the flame sacrifice, there are as many as the hair of
a cow.


"Someone fights."

Suddenly, Su Ze's eyes moved, and under the detection of the super detector, 26
million miles away, there were three demon kings, chasing and killing a human king.

Chapter 183 The True Strength of King Zizhong

Su Ze has been in the extraterritorial battlefield for so long, and he has

collected information on the masters of the extraterritorial battlefield.

"It's King Yechen!"

"Chasing him..."

Su Ze's eyes flashed.

Among the three monster clans who hunted down King Yechen, there was "King
Zizhong"... Presumably, the Liangzi of these two kings were formed here... Then,
there was an endless battle, and the Under the ground, the "Sacrificial Tower" was

Su Ze deliberately pretended not to notice them and continued to fly forward.


How fast is Feng Wang Gao flying?


The figure of King Yechen first appeared in Su Ze's sight.


The face of King Yechen, who was flying at high speed, changed greatly, he changed
direction quickly, and muttered: "Why am I so unlucky? There is another demon clan
in front of me... Monkey demon clan... Which king is this, why have I never heard
of it? Said?"

King Zizhong, who was chasing behind him, apparently also found Su Ze, and
immediately said with divine power: "Friend, help me stop King Yechen of the human
race. After this is done, you can take 20% of his wealth."


Su Ze responded directly.


He used the word "Xing" to execute at a very fast speed, and quickly chased
towards King Yechen.

"I go!"

A Feng Wang Gao who chased Yechen King together with Zi Zhong Wang burst out with
a foul language and shouted: "This is the master of my demon clan, flying so

King Zizhong was even more excited, he laughed, and said, "Haha, King Yechen, if
you can't escape, just capture it."

"A group of demon clans also want me to be captured without a hitch. The big deal
is that the fish will die and the net will be broken."

Yechen Wang sneered.

How could he bow his head in the race?

At this time, a voice sounded in his mind: "King Yechen, in fact, I am a human

call out!

Su Ze, who had almost caught up with King Yechen, suddenly changed direction, and
his flight speed broke through the speed of light instantly, killing King Zizhong
and others.

The word "all" broke out!

The combat power has increased tenfold!

Supernatural powers, blood moon!


The space was like a piece of paper, and it was torn directly by a gap. A Feng
Wang Gao, who was next to King Zizhong, was directly smashed to pieces before he
could react.


King Zizhong and another demon king were startled and stopped immediately.

They looked at Su Ze and said, "Friend, what are you doing?"


The two of them exuded a strong murderous intent.

In the battlefield outside the territory, fighting with the same faction is

So they had no defense against Su Ze before, and Su Ze's speed was too fast,
instantly approaching the "Blood Moon", and they never reacted at all.

King Yechen also stopped.

He looked at Su Ze, his eyes flashed, and he muttered: "The physical body can
break the speed of light... The blood moon attacks... the human race..."

"Could he be the rumored arrogance of the human race?"

"It's impossible...isn't he at the domain master level? How can...become a high-

ranking king?"

"You are Su Ze!"

The demon king who was shattered by Su Ze's divine body instantly condensed his
divine body. He looked at Su Ze, his pupils could not help shrinking, and he cried

His breath was significantly weaker than before, and his breath dropped...

Su Ze's supernatural power "Blood Moon" has a bonus to divine body damage. The
blow just now annihilated 3% of his body.

"Su Ze?"

"The arrogance of the human race?"

King Zizhong and another demon clan also reacted.

However, Su Ze laughed: "I didn't think about my prestige, my grandfather, it's

already famous in the original universe?"

He reached out and turned it over, the Yuantu sword started, holding Yuantu, and
rushed away.

In the center of his eyebrows, another golden light burst out, but it was the top-
quality immortal weapon "Golden Splitting Sword".


"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door to break in, Su Ze... As long as
you kill you, the three of us will be granted the title of the demon ancestor!" The
three kings of Zizhong burst out with all their fighting power in an instant. ,
came up.

Secretly, the news has been spread.

Naturally, Su Ze would not fight with them for a long time. With his full
strength, he killed the demon ancestor Feng Wang who had previously damaged his
divine body and divine power.

The high-ranking king raised his sword to meet...


Yuan Tu sword slashed, and his sword was instantly folded in half.

His divine body was torn apart again.

"Qinglian Sword Song!"

Before his broken body was condensed, he saw a blue misty sword shrouded down, and
then, another "Sword Dao Domain" suppressed...


"help me!"

His divine body was difficult to condense at all, so he was completely suppressed
and annihilated by Qinglian sword qi and the "Domain of the Sword".

In an instant, a high-ranking king fell.


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed one of the immortals
(Monster Race) of Feng Wang Gao, and got the reward: Planting Points + 2,000,000


King Zizhong and the King Feng Gao were taken aback, turned around and left.

"Want to go?"


Ye Chen Wang laughed.

He is a high-ranking king. Although he has not grasped the "space teleportation",

he has mastered the "space blockade".

Immediately blocked the space, shaking King Zi Zhong.

Space is blocked, and teleportation cannot be performed. In terms of flight speed

alone, in the primitive universe, in addition to the existence of the physical body
that can break through the dark universe, who can be comparable to Su Ze?

He held Yuan Tu, with a "cracked golden sword" on his head, stalking him.

With 12,800 times the power of the world master, combined with the ten-fold
increase in the combat power of the word "all", his combat power directly
overwhelmed that monster clan king.

"Blood Moon!"

call out!

A blood moon directly shreds the divine body of this high-ranking king.

"Qinglian Sword Song!"

"Sword Domain!"

He did the same, and killed another king named Gao Gao.


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed one of the immortals
(Monster Race) of Feng Wang Gao, and got the reward: Planting Points + 2,000,000

On the side, King Zi Zhong looked solemn.

"This arrogant human being is so arrogant?"

"Killing Wang Gao is like killing a dog?"

"It seems... I don't show my real strength... I'm not his opponent at all!"

He forced King Yechen back with a knife, and the aura on his body suddenly
increased sharply, and on the surface of his body, a simple purple bell shadow

King Yechen was taken aback and lost his voice: "Fengwang Peak... Chongbao?"

King Zizhong laughed, turned his eyes, looked at Su Ze, and said with a sneer:
"Human Tianjiao... You are indeed very strong... However, you are not my opponent.
Tell me, how do you want to die?" ..

Chapter 184 Killing the Purple Bell King

Zi Zhong Wang is indeed very tolerant.

He clearly has the strength of the peak of the immortal king, but he has always
shown his enemy to be weak, and he has never been exposed several times of life and

Moreover, he has a great treasure.

At the peak of the immortal king, he has a treasure... The combat power is
absolutely comparable to the limit of the king.

Su Ze's expression did not fluctuate, he looked at King Zizhong coldly, and
faintly spit out two words: "Shabi!"

On his body, the sword intent is soaring to the sky.

Slowly falling down, he opened his mouth and said, "King Zizhong, it seems that
your news is a little blocked... Maybe you don't know that the Skeleton King was
killed by Lao Tzu. How do you think it is compared to the Skeleton King?"

Zi Zhong Wang's face couldn't help moving.

Not only was he forbearing, but he was also very cautious. Hearing Su Ze's words,
he immediately retreated.

It's just, a peak king...

With more than 2 million planting points, how could Su Ze let him go?
What's more, this Purple Bell King, just pretended to be in front of him?

court death!

"With my current strength, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to kill the
immortal king peak with the heavy treasure... Wolf Slayer Empress, come out!"

Su Ze's thoughts moved.

The Empress of Wolf Slayer, dressed in white and plain, appeared beside her.


Su Ze shouted angrily, and the Yuan Tu sword in his hand cut through the void and
slashed at King Zizhong.

The purple bell king quickly used his divine power, and the simple purple bell
shadow around him became more and more real, blocking Su Ze's blow.

Buzz Buzz!

The Empress of Wolf Extermination was also an instant shot.

"Su Ze, I'm here to help you..."

In the distance, King Yechen, who was blocking time and space, shouted and flew
quickly. However, just as he set off, he stopped in the void, his eyes widened,
staring at the huge phantom of the magic pot in the sky, unable to bear it. A foul
language burst out: "Fuck!"

"Purple Bell King..."

"Is it suppressed like that?"

Su Ze took action and fought against King Zizhong, while the Empress of Wolf
Slayer directly displayed the phantom of the Swallowing Devil Pot to suppress her.
Now her strength has soared, and King Zizhong was smelted to death. It only took a
dozen breaths before she died. The treasure that belonged to King Zizhong was
completely refined.

"This this……"

"He was not suppressed... but was directly killed?"

King Yechen wiped the sweat on his forehead.

At their level of cultivation, even if there is a gap in strength, it is difficult

to kill each other...

But now, I have a feeling that I will be like ants in front of these two people
who have suddenly appeared recently. It seems that the other party will be crushed
to death if they probe their fingers.


"Congratulations to the host, the successful kill..."

In my mind, the system prompt sound came out.

With a thought, Su Ze brought the Empress of Wolf Slayer into the farm. He
transformed himself into the appearance of King Zizhong, and said with a smile,
"King Yechen, King Zizhong must have notified many experts in the north of Yanji,
you should leave quickly. Well, otherwise, when many monster clan masters arrive...
if you want to leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave."

King Yechen just woke up from his shocked petrification state, and quickly clasped
his fists and said, "Today...Thank you, Su Ze, don't worry, I will keep this matter
a secret for you."


King Yechen, leave quickly.

After he left, the blocked time and space were automatically lifted.



A figure appeared beside Su Ze.

But it was a Tauren at the peak of the immortal king of the demon race. He glanced
at the battlefield where time and space were shattered, looked at Su Ze coldly, and
said, "King Zizhong, where is the arrogance of the human race?"

Brush brush brush brush! ! !

Then, one after another, the demon kings appeared in front of Su Ze.

Some of these kings have mastered teleportation, and some were brought here by
their friends. They are all in the north of Yanji, and the distance is relatively
close, so they can arrive at the first time.

"King Zizhong, what happened?"

"What about the arrogance of the human race?"

Su Ze swept his gaze, looked at the demon kings, deliberately simulated the voice
of King Zizhong, shook his head and sighed, "Run away..."

"The Human Race King, whose combat power is comparable to the King's High, there
is another Zerg Immortal King's High and a Mechanical Race's High-class servant,
plus the Human Race King Yechen... I couldn't keep them."

In his heart, he secretly changed his mind.

"A total of forty-eight monsters are immortal, of which twenty-three are Fenghou
Peak, sixteen are ordinary kings, and nine are high-ranking kings..."

"If I join forces with the Empress of Wolf Slayer, I will definitely be able to
slaughter them all..."

"However, it takes time. Once they are dragged down, there will be King Feng Wudi
teleporting from other places, plus the means given by the Lord of the Universe and
even the Venerable Universe... I'm afraid it will be difficult to get away."

He simulated King Zizhong's breath and voice, flew into the distance, and said,
"Everyone, I advise you not to get involved in this matter, that human race genius,
the growth rate is too unbelievable, in a short period of time, From the star level
to the high level of combat power to kill the king."

"Maybe that day, the king will be invincible, and when the time comes, who can be
the enemy?"

Su Ze flew away directly from here.

no way.

These kings and feudal lords are at their peak, or master teleportation, or their
companions, life and death brothers, master teleportation...

Even if the "Super Vulcan Cannon" is used, it is difficult to kill them.

He continued to walk in the north of Yanji with the breath of King Zizhong, and
searched around. After another three days, he was blocked by two Zerg Feng Wang Gao
Gao. As Su Ze took action, he said with a wicked smile: "King Zizhong, if you
didn't make trouble last time, my brother wouldn't die..."

"Suffer to death!"


"This King Zizhong has such a bad reputation?"

Su Ze moved directly into the farm.

For Zerg masters, the most terrifying thing is Zerg sea tactics. A Zerg mother
emperor with a high level of immortal title can completely train hundreds or even
thousands of immortal Zerg warriors. They are lurking here and have already
arranged layers of traps. Come on, Su Ze doesn't dare to care.



"No, we have blocked time and space, how could he teleport?"

"what is that?"

The moment Su Ze disappeared, the Flying Bat appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, a thick flame beam slammed down!

Space-time shatters...

One of the Zerg Immortal Kings was torn into pieces in an instant, and the other
one was instantly teleported to escape. He spread the news immediately.

"The arrogance of the human race appeared in the north of Yanji."

"Monster King Zizhong, suspected of being enslaved..." ..

Chapter 185 The five kings are invincible

The Queen of Zerg is good at mental power, but the physical defense is too weak,
how can she stop Su Ze's "Super Vulcan Cannon"?

The super Vulcan Cannon was so powerful that it not only completely annihilated
the Zerg mother emperor, but also the many immortal Zerg warriors she summoned were
all annihilated into nothingness.


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed an Immortal King High
(Zerg) and received a reward: 2,000,000 planting points."

Su Ze changed his body again and turned into the appearance of this Zerg queen.

With "Vientiane Senluo", he can simulate and change anyone's breath, and the
seventy-two changes can be ever-changing.

"By the way, the Dou Zi Mi in the Nine Secrets of Xintian can simulate any

Su Ze's thoughts moved.

He continued to move forward, and on the way, spent another 3 million planting
points to master the secret of the word "dou".

Although the word "dou" did not improve Su Ze's combat effectiveness, it greatly
increased his fighting methods. Fighting with people and using the same way to
fight others, he could catch the opponent by surprise.

He continued to search the north of Yanji, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration
and learned the secret of the word "Zhi".

The word "person" is secret, and the secret method is restored.

If you cultivate to the extreme, you can have an immortal body, and even if there
is only a drop of blood left, you can be resurrected again.

This made the gap between Su Ze and the immortal gods even smaller.

Three days later...

Su Ze kept flying at a speed close to the speed of light all the time, and the
"super detector" was turned on every minute and second.

this day...

Su Ze was flying when suddenly, a strange sound came from his ear.

"Drip Drip Drip!!!!"

"Unknown substance found."

"Orientation: 12 million miles to the southeast, 9,000 miles underground."

Su Ze's eyes lit up.


Been looking for so long!

Finally found the tower.

He quickly changed direction in the void and flew toward the southeast, but after
a while, he landed directly, performed the "Earth Escape Technique", and drilled
into the ground.

deep underground...

"This... is this the sacrificial tower?"

Su Ze looked at the huge sacrificial tower standing deep in the ground in front of
him. Because of the cover of the surrounding soil and rocks, he could only see the
tower body of several hundred meters. Above the huge sacrificial tower, there was a
circular portal.

This door is closed.

You can only enter it if you get the letter.


With a thought, Su Ze summoned Tarina directly, and said, "Try to look at the
sacrificial tower in front of you with your divine power and detector."

"Yes, Master."

Tarina first detected with divine power, and then with detectors—

A look of astonishment flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Master, I can't detect
it, but I only found that the surrounding area is all covered with mud."

She looked at the tower exposed from the soil, and said in surprise: "This is the
sacrifice tower for the aboriginal residents in the north of the flames? It's
really amazing... It's right in front of you, but with divine power and detectors,
you can't detect it at all."

"If it is so easy to detect, after countless epochs, the sacrificial tower in the
north of the flame sacrifice, I am afraid that it has been emptied long ago?"

Su Ze said with a smile.

Tarina stood on the side, nodded and said, "That's right... It is said that since
countless epochs, a total of 12 sacrificial towers have been discovered in the
north of the flame sacrifice, and each of them contains a lot of wealth... "

"After all, it is the heritage of a race."

Su Ze looked forward.

Outside the sacrificial tower, there are six corpses.

These six corpses have fallen for many years, but the corpses have not rotted, and
there is a strong aura of divine power left on the corpses.

"In front of these corpses, at least the king is immortal..."

Su Ze made an instant judgment based on the aura of divine power remaining on the
According to memory-

Each of the six corpses has a letter talisman, and all six letter talismans must
be collected before entering the sacrificial tower.

"Master, do you want to call Qinglin and the others out?"

Tarina asked.

Su Ze waved his hands and said with a smile: "No, in fact, it's useless to collect
all six letter talismans. After entering, if you want to open the treasure house of
the sacrificial tower, you must have the original inhabitants of the north. "

He stepped forward, put the corpses into the farm one by one, and then moved one
and walked into the farm.


With six palms in a row, he blasted six large pits in the farm, and put the bodies
of the six native residents of the north of Yanji into them.


And this moment.

Fire Festival somewhere in the north.

A statue with cyan scales on its forehead and a face somewhat similar to Qinglin's
immortal standing proudly in the void, with hundreds of demon kings standing on its
left and right.

The monster "Jinpeng King"!

The powerhouse of the invincible level of the king.

King Jinpeng and Qinglin belong to the same clan. They are the "royal clan" of the
demon clan, called the "Dapeng clan". The strongest in the clan is the master of
the universe and has a pivotal position in the demon clan.

Qinglin is one of the twelve branches of the Dapeng clan. His grandfather is the
Venerable Universe, and "King Jinpeng" is his uncle.

Brush brush!

Suddenly, time and space were torn apart, and one after another, the powerful
kings appeared in teleportation.

"Bone King, Divine Prison King, Yanjing King, Nine-headed King, are you all here?"

King Jinpeng turned his head to look.

Four invincible kings appeared not far away. Behind these four powerhouses, they
each followed hundreds of kings and powerhouses, each with a breath of air, very

"I didn't expect them to come!"

"The White Bone King, the Divine Prison King, the Yanjing King, the Nine-Headed
King... These are the four wolves!"

Under the command of King Jinpeng, many immortal kings communicated with each
other through voice transmission.

These four kings are invincible, and before many epochs, they have also roamed the
battlefield outside the territory. In the battlefield outside the territory, they
have left a splendid name.

The most terrifying among them are the "God Prison King" of the Prison Clan and
the "Nine-Headed King" of the Zerg.

The Divine Prison King is not a real Prison Clan. He is a special being born in
the Prison Clan's territory. The level of life genes is inherently powerful.
Ordinary Universe Venerables can only escape when facing him.

The "Nine-headed King" of the Zerg is more special.

He was originally a Zerg warrior who was trained by a Zerg mother emperor, but he
gave birth to spiritual wisdom and evolved into a special race "Nine-Headed
Insect", which also has the ability to fight against the sky.

At this moment, in order to deal with Su Ze, the five invincible kings actually
started to join forces.

The five kings are invincible, and nearly 600 kings are masters...

Such a campaign is enough to sweep the battlefield outside the territory. ..

Chapter 186 Secret Pattern Weapon - The Arm of Locking the Sky!


"The plant is mature, please go to harvest as soon as possible."



Six consecutive system beeps rang out in Su Ze's ears.

When Su Ze entered the farm again, he saw that six sarcophagi had grown in the
place where the corpses of the six native residents of the north were buried. On
each sarcophagus, there were totem carvings unique to the native residents of the
north of Yanji.


"Six coffins grew out?"

This is the first time Su Ze has encountered coffins growing on the farm, but he is
not surprised. After all... he is used to it.

With a flick of his finger, a sword light flew out from his fingertips, cracking,
cracking open the six coffins.

Like zombies, six corpses stood up from the coffins.

Perhaps because of the fact that countless epochs have fallen, these six corpses
look a little shriveled...

It's just that this shriveling began to change the moment he just stood up.

A surge of vitality emerged from the corpse.

In just a few breaths, the aura of the peak of the six kings rose into the sky, and
the original residents of the north of the six major flame sacrifices were
completely resurrected. They flew out of the coffin, knelt on the ground, and said,

"I thought it was six high-ranking kings... but I didn't expect that six peaks of
kings were created directly."

Su Ze was happy in his heart.

Among the six peak kings, some master space teleportation, some master space
blockade, and some master space strangulation, which is undoubtedly a great help
for him.

"Get up."

He spoke lightly and said, "Bring the sacrificial pagoda letters on your body, go
to the sacrificial pagoda, and bring me all the treasures in the sacrificial

"As ordered!"

With one thought, Su Ze moved the six native residents of the Northern Flame
Festival out of the farm, and he also flew out with him.

The six of them each took out the letter talisman and came to the closed huge
passage, chanting words in their mouths.


A strange force emerged from the six letter talismans, rose into the sky, and
landed on the portal of the huge sacrificial tower.

Immediately after...

Click click!

I don't know how many epochs, the gate of the sacrificial tower that has never been
opened, actually slowly opened.

"Master, please."

The six native residents of the northern part of the Yan Festival came to Su Ze

Su Ze stepped inward, and the six of them followed behind Su Ze.

One of them explained: "In the battle against the six peak races, I was completely
defeated by the original inhabitants of the North, and finally formulated a plan to
preserve the heritage of the race and built many sacrificial towers..."

"It's just that after a powerful shot, he directly launched a soul attack, a large-
scale attack, and most of the original residents in the sacrificial tower fell

"I see."

Su Ze said with a smile: "By the way, you should have descendants who escaped from
the original inhabitants of the north of the flame sacrifice... What? Didn't they
think about coming to find the inheritance in the sacrifice tower?"

According to memory...

In the original plot, it seems that many years later, the lord of the galaxy "Luo
Feng" entered the sacrificial tower with King Yechen and King Zizhong by chance,
and the original residents of the north of the Yan Festival appeared.

There were six slaves of the original residents, and Su Ze was not worried at all.

And the process of opening the treasure house is also extremely easy.


The treasury opens.

"Master, this is the most precious treasure in the sacrificial tower."

At this time, a servant of the native residents of the north of Yan Zhai came

In his hand, he was holding a treasure chest.

The treasure chest is locked.

If you want to open the treasure chest, you must sacrifice the original residents
of the north, and you can do it with a letter talisman.

"You, open it and see."

Su Ze looked at a servant.

He held the letter talisman and went to go in the morning...


"The breath of life...conforms to..."

"The letter symbol...conforms to..."


With a crisp sound, the treasure chest opened.

Inside the treasure chest, lay three world rings quietly.

Su Ze took out a world ring, held it in his hand, and said in his mind, "Look at
it one by one..."

His spiritual power penetrated into it.


Su Ze's eyes lit up, and his whole face was full of shock. He "looked" at the
boundless world on the side of the world ring. He saw metal mountains and lakes
formed by countless rare liquids. Spaceships are densely packed like locusts...

All are massive items!

Su Ze was completely stunned.

Even if he knew that there were a lot of treasures hidden in the sacrificial
tower, when he saw it with his own eyes, the shock in his heart could not be

Just like...

We all know that 10 billion is very, very much, but when 10 billion in cash is
piled up in front of us, the shock... still exists.



"Treasure of a group... How can the accumulation of a race be comparable to an

individual? The treasure in this world ring alone... is enough to make my wealth
instantly reach the level of the lord of the universe, right?"

With excitement, Su Ze opened the second world ring.

Immediately after...

The third world ring.

Su Ze flipped his hand and took out the three metal pieces stored in the world

On the metal sheet, there are densely packed and ancient texts of the ancient
inhabitants of the Fire Festival in the north...

"Look, what's written on it?"

Su Ze handed the metal fragments to the three servants of the aboriginal residents
in the north of Yan Festival, and one of them said...

"The surviving clansmen, this world ring stores various treasures for the clansmen
at the world master, domain master, cosmic level, star level, and planetary level."

"You must use it carefully. You need to consider that the ethnic group will have
to go through hundreds of millions of years to slowly rise. You must control the
output of the amount. The cultivation of offspring is the most important, because
these weak and growing clansmen are the future of our clan. This The World
Ring...represents the future."

Immediately afterwards, another servant of the native residents of the north of

the flame sacrifice also read: "In this world ring, there are resources for the use
of immortal gods..."

In the third storage ring, a set of [Secret Pattern Weapons] is stored.

"Secret pattern weapon..."

"The treasure of the town clan is the highest achievement of the countless epochs
of the original inhabitants of the north of the Yan Festival!"

"The value of this secret pattern weapon alone far exceeds the sum of the first
two world rings."

Su Ze opened the third world ring and took out the [Secret Pattern Weapon].

The lock arm! ..

Chapter 187 Fellow Daoists, what do you want?

"Is this the arm of the lock?"

Su Ze couldn't help but move. The reason why he came to the sacrificial tower was
to spend 5 million planting points in exchange for the super detector, wasn't it
just for this treasure?

He looked at it intently, and in his eyes, the attributes of the arm of the lock
jumped out.

【Airlocking Arm】

"Fire sacrifices to the ancestors of the north, the weapons refined."

"Function: In the divergent area of the sacrificial secret pattern, all spatial
fluctuations will be locked, and within the area, you cannot teleport."

"The divergence range is divided into three grades."

"Grade 1: The divergence radius is 10,000 kilometers."

"Second grade: the divergence radius is 100,000 kilometers."

"The third grade: the divergence radius is 1 million kilometers."

"System prompt: The larger the dispersion area, the greater the energy
consumption. Since the energy consumption of the lock arm is extremely amazing, the
user must remember to use the immortal crystal to activate it, and must not use his
own divine power to activate it."

Su Ze smiled.

Lock empty?

He has the secret of the word "walk", and his flying speed can break the limit of
the speed of light. In normal fighting, even if the realm strength and combat power
are almost the same, Su Ze can rely on speed and flexibility to gain the upper hand
and even win.

However, there is no way to deal with masters who have mastered "space

Now, holding the "Air Locking Arm" and teleporting in space, it will become a joke
in front of him.

Once the space is locked, it is a nightmare for those who are good at the laws of

Their supernatural power laws will be greatly weakened or even impossible to use.


"Refining the arm of the lock, requires the power of the world?"

Su Ze thought for a while: "My domain power is similar to the power of the
world... I don't know if it can be successful."

He unleashed a field of power...

Soon, the arm of the lock was completely refined.

As soon as the thought moves, the arm of the lock will be integrated with the arm.
If you want to use it, it is also a matter of thought.

"If you want to activate the secret pattern, it takes a lot of divine power... But
fortunately, I have a Vulcan source crystal tree, plus the treasure I got in the
sacrificial tower, even if I open the arm of the lock anytime, anywhere, anytime ,
but it was enough."


Fire Festival North.

The five invincible kings, headed by King Jinpeng, King White Bone, King God
Prison, King Nine Heads, and King Yanjing, launched an overwhelming search in the
north of Yanji.

They each have more than 100 master kings, many kings, and they drive the flames
to sacrifice many princes and kings in the north...

With tens of thousands of immortals, a carpet-like search was launched in the

north of the Flame Festival.

Heaven, underground, secret realms everywhere.

deep underground.

Dozens of immortal princes and princes who are good at the law of the earth are
moving forward quickly.

They were separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers from each other, and
their divine power was completely released...

"When will this method of finding a needle in a haystack be found?"

"I heard that the arrogance of human beings, but the cultivation of the domain
master level, can kill Feng Wang Gao, we are only the peak of Fenghou... You said,
will not meet him?"

A group of immortals, talking to each other.

"This... what is this?"

Suddenly, a mechanic at the peak of the immortal Fenghou lost his voice: "Oh my
god...the sacrificial tower..."


Under the conversation of divine power, the two immortals on the left and right
rushed over immediately.

These two immortals, one is the monster clan, the other is the crystal clan.

"The sacrificial tower, it really is an altar."

"The power scan can't find it, and the detector can't detect it..."

"However, why is the gate of the sacrificial tower opened? Has it been swept

Soon, other immortals also rushed over.

They communicated with each other, and their eyes flashed with greed. One of them,
Feng Wang Gao Gao, gritted his teeth: "Everyone... our chance is here!"

He glanced at many immortals and said: "I know that everyone is from different
races, and they must be thinking of reporting this matter as soon as possible to
get credit..."

"But have you ever thought about how much of the treasures in the sacrificial
tower will we get once King Jinpeng, the King of Divine Prison, the King of White
Bone and other King Wudi know about this?"

He stood at the entrance of the sacrificial tower, checked it carefully, looked

overjoyed, and said excitedly: "This sacrificial pagoda should have just opened..."

Many immortals, his face is also a joy.

Another King Feng stood up and expressed his approval for the words of the
mechanical family Feng Wang Gao.

As soon as he appeared, a group of immortals, the greed in their hearts broke out
completely, and everyone nodded in agreement to express their agreement.

They are not stupid either.

Who doesn't want to get some opportunities in the universe?

If this matter is reported, the kings are invincible to eat meat. They are afraid
that they will not even be able to drink soup, so they might as well take a gamble
and do it themselves.


"You want to sacrifice the treasure in the tower?"

At this time, a light and fluttering voice passed into the ears of many strong
men, and then, a dazzling sword light cut out from the passage of the sacrificial

The mechanical family Feng Wang Gao was standing at the entrance of the passage.
He was unprepared. At this time, he hurriedly transported all the magical powers,
but unfortunately it was too late!

The ultimate ultimate move in the second volume of Qinglian Sword Canon - Qinglian
Breaking the Air, is good at speed.



This sentence cannot be established in the original universe, but when the speed
exceeds the limit, under the same cultivation level or even a little suppression,
all defenses will appear so pale.

With just one sword, the body of the King of the Machine Race was torn apart

Su Ze held Yuan Tu and stepped out. Around him, a sword domain was directly
suppressed. He swung his sword and slashed again. Countless dazzling blue sword
energy directly annihilated the broken body of the immortal king of the mechanical
family. .


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed one of the Immortal
King Feng Gao (Demon Race), and received a reward: Planting Points + 2 million."

Su Ze stepped out of the sacrificial tower, glanced at the many immortals with
shocked faces, and said with a faint smile: "The treasure in the sacrificial pagoda
has been in my hands, fellow Daoists... Do you want to?"



Behind him, heavy footsteps came.

The six major flame sacrifices to the original residents of the north followed

The breath of the peak of the six immortal kings rises into the sky.


"The peak of the immortal king?"

Many immortals were startled, and among them were masters who had mastered space
teleportation, and even wanted to teleport away for the first time...

There is even more immortal who recognized Su Ze and lost his voice: "The
arrogance of the human race!" ..

Chapter 188 Invincible against King Feng!

"Yes, it is the arrogance of the human race!"

"Incorrect information!"
"I've already passed the news, let's go!"

"Mom sells the batch, the arrogance of human beings, when did the six immortal
king peak helpers... Moreover, their breath seems to be the original inhabitants of
the north of the Yan Festival? The original inhabitants of the north of the Yan
Festival dare to appear on the battlefield outside the territory. ?"

This group of immortals from the monster clan, prison clan, crystal clan, zerg
clan and machine clan were shocked.

Of course, some of them are not the five peak races, but the vassal groups of the
five peak races... Human beings also have many vassal groups, such as the Golden
Horns, which are the vassal groups of mankind.

In the vast universe, there are too many races, and some weak races, in order to
survive and inherit, generally voluntarily become vassals of peak groups.

Even a race that is too weak is not qualified to become a vassal race of the peak


A group of immortals from the five peak races saw that the Immortal King of the
Machine Race was killed instantly, or rose into the sky, trying to escape, or
directly cast space teleportation...

"Want to go?"

Su Ze sneered and ordered: "Shoot and kill them."

To deal with this group of immortals, Su Ze didn't even activate the [Arms of
Locking the Sky].

The six servants of the original residents of the north of Yanji have mastered the
"space blockade".

Their six immortal Fengfeng Peaks shot in an instant, blocking time and space, but
within a few breaths, they killed thirteen immortal Fenghuangfeng peaks in the
team, and one of them Immortal Fengwang Elementary was also instantly killed. .

And Su Ze, holding Yuan Tu, like a tiger entering a flock, killing all directions.


In the depths of the ground, the roar continued, and the battle continued to rush
towards the surface from below. Then, the earth burst, and tens of thousands of
kilometers of huge cracks spread open in an instant, and each immortal, rushed out
from it.

"The mere immortal king's first grade, you dare to attack me?"

In Su Ze's eyebrows, a blood moon rose into the sky, directly smashing an immortal
Fengwang Elementary class who rushed behind him.

This mechanical race was immortal and was first graded as a king. After the divine
body was smashed, it regained its cohesion as soon as possible. His breath became
extremely weak, and he cried out: "My divine power... annihilated 18%..."

"What kind of attack are you doing?"

The magical blood moon has a bonus to the physical damage of the immortal gods.

Even if he is a high-ranking king, if he suffers a "blood moon" from Su Ze, his

divine body and divine power will be instantly annihilated to 1%-5%, let alone an
immortal first-ranking king?

He recorded the magical power "Blood Moon" three times in a row, and then he beat
the immortal Fengwang Elementary into a deep sleep, and then flicked his finger,
and the sword qi at his fingertips swept across, annihilating him.


"Congratulations to the host, you successfully killed one of the Immortal King
Elementary (Mechanical Race), and got a reward..."

One after another system prompts were heard endlessly, but in a short period of
time, there were only six immortals left on the scene.

These six are all high-ranking kings and powerful. They have a very deep
understanding of the "law of soil" and have a strong defense. Although they are not
the opponents of the six Yanji northern aboriginal residents for the time being,
they are servants of the six Yanji northern aboriginal residents. , and can't kill
them temporarily.


Suddenly, time and space were torn apart, and a tall voice and shadow appeared
from the sky.

He had golden wings on his back, and his demonic aura shot straight into the sky
like wolf smoke. Holding a sword in his hand, he slashed and slashed at the six
native servants of the northern inhabitants of the Yan Festival.


With a knife, the space was torn apart like a curtain, and the six immortal king
peak-level servants were forced back with a knife.


Su Ze's pupils shrank, and he quickly ordered: "Come back!"

The six great servants quickly returned to his side, and the servant who had
previously displayed the "space-time blockade", said in a low voice, "Master, it is
King Feng Wang Wudi... His understanding of the laws of space is beyond mine. Come
on, my space blockade was broken by him... There must be more masters teleporting
here, do we want to withdraw?"


Without waiting for Su Ze to speak, the demon king with golden wings on his back
fell down. He was 10,000 miles away from Su Ze and looked at Su Ze with a sneer:
"If you let you escape, what is the face of my King Jinpeng? ?"

A mysterious aura emanated from his body.

Then, the fluctuating space immediately stopped.

Time and space blockade!

Generally speaking, those who are invincible and strong will definitely be able to
master the three mysteries of teleportation, blockade, and strangulation of the
laws of space.

Brush brush! ! !

"King Jinpeng, you don't know that you will block time and space when I come."

A sound of breaking the air sounded, but I saw a powerful Zerg immortal and
invincible coming out of the sky. He had nine heads, each of which was more
terrifying than the other. After the Zerg immortal and invincible king, there were
King Yanjing, The Prison King and the White Bone King led many Feng Wang Xun to fly

They spread out and surrounded Su Ze, all staring at each other with killing

Su Ze looked around.

The five kings are invincible, each occupying a position, and there are many high-
level kings, peak kings and even the ultimate kings to arrange means to block a
piece of iron barrels around 100,000 miles away, and want to rush out with speed...

It's simply impossible.

As for space teleportation?

Don't say he won't, even if...

Under the time and space blockade of "King Jinpeng", he couldn't teleport at all.

However, there was no fear on Su Ze's face.

His face was indifferent, his eyes swept over the five invincible kings, and he
smiled lightly: "The five invincible kings are dispatched... The five peak races
are very worthy of me."

King Jinpeng smiled lightly: "The five major races, the geniuses that have not been
seen in countless epochs in the primordial universe, must be taken seriously.
Otherwise, if the human race grows a giant axe, how can I survive the five peak

Su Ze looked at King Jinpeng, his body was full of fighting spirit, Yuantu pointed
at Jin Peng in his hand, and said with high fighting spirit: "Little golden bird,
let's take action, I want to see, Feng Wang is invincible, how much is it?

"court death!"

King Jinpeng's pupils shrank!

As a Dapeng family, he has a noble bloodline, and is the royal family of the
demons. The most angry thing is that some people call him "bird"!


With a double-wielding display, his wings cut through time and space, and with a
slam, he slashed towards Su Ze at a speed close to the speed of light. ..

Chapter 189

Su Ze knew that he was only at the peak of immortal kingship at most.

However, he has many trump cards such as the Yuan Tujian, the best defense fairy,
and the nine secrets. He really wants to try it. He is invincible with the king.

On his body, the vast Qinglian sword energy surged out instantly, and the power of
12,800 times the world master burst out.

"All" is a secret!

Tenfold increase in combat power!

On the surface of his body, a layer of immortal light flickered, and the top-grade
defensive fairy weapon battle suit directly appeared on the surface of his body.

His cultivation realm is only at the peak of the domain master level, but the
breath exuding from his body at this moment makes many immortal kings and seniors


A demon clan's Adam's apple at the peak of immortal Fenghou rolled, and a pair of
basketball-sized pupils stared round, and murmured: "Domain master level? Immortal
Fenghuang peak combat power... I finally have some understanding, why the above
should do anything at all costs. , eradicate the arrogance of the human race."

Su Ze held the Yuan Tu sword and directly greeted him.


The Yuantu sword collided with the wings of King Jinpeng.


The blocked time and space actually trembled under this powerful blow. The huge
collision force made Su Ze's body fly thousands of miles away.


His throat was sweet, and a stream of blood spit out.

"It is worthy of being the invincible king... If you don't say it, it is
mysterious. This King Jinpeng's combat power is close to the power of a million
world masters... Even if I use all the secrets, it is less than one-ninth of his."

Su Ze wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and ran the "Zhi" secret, and
the turbulent qi and blood in his body was immediately suppressed.

The collision just now, if it weren't for the Yuantu sword and the defensive
battle clothes on his body, it would be enough to blast himself.


King Jinpeng was not feeling well either.

His face was full of astonishment, staring blankly at his feather wings, and
murmured, "You... you can actually hurt me?"

His wings were directly torn by Su Ze's sword.

Although Su Ze has not refined the Yuantu sword, but the Yuantu sword is after all
a "congenital treasure".

"Come again!"

Su Ze roared.

On his body, the Dao of Sword Domain extended directly, and in the Purple Mansion
between his eyebrows, the Blood Moon Divine Ability erupted.

In his hand, the Yuantu Sword burst out with countless blue misty sword energy.

Qinglian Sword Canon's ultimate ultimate move "Shattering the Sky" in the third

The ultimate ultimate move in the second volume of Qinglian Sword Canon is
"Breaking the Air", which emphasizes the ultimate speed, the world's martial arts,
only fast is not broken, and speed is used to suppress everything.

And the ultimate ultimate move "Shattered Space" in the third volume has already
involved a point of space mystery.

A sword slashed out, time and space shattered.

King Jinpeng's "space blockade" was torn apart.

"You dare to hurt me, court death!" King Jinpeng roared again and again, and
attacked again, the golden wings on the left and right sides burst into dazzling
light, instantly shattering Su Ze's attack.

call out!

He swooped directly and charged again.

"The difference in strength is too great."

Su Ze changed his mind.

His use of the word "all" is only 128,000 times the power of the world master,
while Jin friends is close to 1,000,000 times the power of the world master... This
gap can no longer be made up by treasures and moves.


Su Ze soared into the sky.

His physical body directly broke the speed limit of light and avoided King
Jinpeng's blow.

Su Ze laughed loudly and said loudly: "King Jinpeng, I heard that your speed and
flexibility are ranked first among the invincible kings... However, it seems that
it is still worse."

King Jinpeng went crazy and chased after him again. The wind was blowing under Su
Ze's feet, and he was tens of thousands of miles away with a slight dodge.

"God Prison King, help me!"

King Jinpeng roared.


But when he saw the stalwart King of Divine Prison step out, he made a move in the
palm of his hand, and a jade pagoda rose up.

This jade pagoda bloomed into a huge field, and the field instantly covered
hundreds of thousands of kilometers of starry sky...


Su Ze's speed slowed down.

"The binding force in this field is too strong... No, King Jinpeng is here!"

Before the thought in his mind could settle, he saw King Jinpeng aggressively
rushing towards him.

"Just because of you, you want to kill me too?"

Su Ze sneered, his figure flashed, and he disappeared directly in place.


King Jinpeng smashed the void with one blow, but in the shattered void, where is
Su Ze's figure, his eyes narrowed, and he lost his voice: "This is impossible...
under the shackles of my space blockade and the shackles of your realm. , how could
he be able to teleport?"

The King of Divine Prison flew over, his face was gloomy, and he said solemnly:
"This is not teleportation... It should be some kind of concealment method."

The King of Flame Crystal and the King of Nine Heads flew to...

The five kings were invincible, and all of them looked ashen.

The Divine Prison King pondered for a moment and said, "Everyone, this human
genius should have mastered a means of concealing the figure. Everyone, immediately
block the time and space with all your strength, and search for it inch by inch."

The five kings were invincible and ordered immediately.

The five of them are at the level of invincible kings, and they are the most
powerful beings among the immortal races of the primordial universe...

The five joined forces, and there were hundreds of immortal kings plundering the
formation. If Su Ze was allowed to escape...

Spread it out, I'm afraid you will be laughed out of your teeth.


among the farm.

Su Ze's face was cold.

He took a deep breath and sighed, "My strength is still too weak..."

His farm is very mysterious.

Enter the farm, whenever and wherever, just a thought.

Let's get up, his farm, let's say it's in this time and space... But it's not in
this time and space, let alone many kings, even if the strongest person in the
universe is there, he can't find Su Ze.

"Upgrade your strength!"

Su Ze made up his mind!

On the side, the Empress of Wolf Slayer walked over in a white dress and said
softly, "Husband, do you want me to take action and kill them all? My strength has
improved a little recently, and it's easy to kill Feng Wang Wudi."


"NanNan unblocked some power again?"

Su Ze smiled and said: "It's a good thing that your strength has improved, but you
don't have to take action in this matter. A group of kings can't beat me."

Su Ze took a step and came to the "Enlightenment Ancient Tea Tree".

He reached out his hand and plucked one piece of ancient enlightenment tea after

"My strength is already the ninth rank of the domain master level, and I have
absorbed more than 1,200 tons of nutrient solution, which has made my Qi Hai Zifu
tend to be saturated... What I lack now is the understanding of the Tao!"

"As long as I break through to the Vientiane Realm, all the kings will become
vulnerable in front of me!" ..

Chapter 190 Earth Wonderland!

The cultivation base has accumulated enough.

However, Su Ze's perception was too poor to break through the shackles of the
Vientiane Realm.

He picked off the tea leaves from the ancient tea tree for enlightenment, sat
cross-legged under the tea tree, boiled a pot of hot strong tea, and began to drink

"My husband is simply too extravagant."

"The ancient tea tree of enlightenment is the medicine of immortality. Even if it

is an emperor-level, drinking tea can improve a certain perception..."

"However, husband has an entire ancient enlightened tea tree, but you don't have
to worry about the problem of insufficient tea leaves."

The Empress Wolf Slayer stood aside and poured tea for Su Ze.

"Why the Tao?"

Every time Su Ze takes a sip of tea, he has more and more understanding of "Dao"
in his heart. The more he understands about Tao, the more doubts he has in his


What is Tao?

As the ancients said, if you hear the word in the morning, you can die in the

Do not pass it lightly.

This kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious, and it is difficult to describe

it. It can only rely on one's own comprehension.


A muffled sound like thunder wafted around Su Ze's body. In his body, the surging
power like an ocean was bouncing, constantly scouring and hitting the shackles of
"Earth Wonderland".


Stained with the word "immortal", this realm has already broken away from the
category of "mortals", and is extraordinary and holy.

There are countless monks in the nine regions of Kunlun Wonderland. There are
nearly a hundred monks at the peak of Yuyuejing in the "Sword God Sect" alone. In
the northwest region of Nuoda, there are probably no less than four or five hundred
monks at the peak of Yuyuejing.

Among them, some are even trapped in the peak of Yuyuejing Realm for hundreds of
years, and it is difficult to step into the "Earth Wonderland", which shows that...

How difficult it is to step into the fairyland from Yuyuejing.

However, under a pot of "Enlightenment Ancient Tea", Su Ze's aura rose, and a
mysterious fairy family flavor gradually appeared in his aura.


Suddenly, an even more vast force rose up into the sky.

"Earth's done."

Su Ze woke up from the meditation, felt a little, and couldn't help but smile:
"It's too difficult..."

"The divine artifact of enlightenment ancient tea, I am afraid that it is an

ordinary monk at the peak of the fish leaping realm. You can feel the realm of the
earth immortal just by drinking a cup... And I, in fact, when I drank one-fifth of
the pot, Then I realized the realm of Earth Immortal."
"It's just that my cultivation is too strong..."

"My cultivation base is now stronger."

Su Ze's brows jumped, and he suddenly thought of the most crucial point...

After breaking through to the "Earth Wonderland", his cultivation strength has
increased fivefold, becoming more powerful, and he can continue to practice the
eighth robbery of the "Secret Book of Nine Tribulations" to improve the level of
life genes.

At that time, the Zifu Qi Sea will expand again...

"Damn, how should I break through then?"

"It doesn't matter, practice first, and then kill this group of invincible kings!"

Su Ze took a long breath and began to practice the eighth robbery of the "Secret
Book of Nine Tribulations".

He now has more than 60 million planting points, and 8 million planting points for
the eighth robbery of the ninth-order secret scriptures are a drizzle for him.


"Planting point - 8,000,000 points, the eighth robbery of the emperor-level

exercise [Secret Book of Nine Tribulations] has been successfully cultivated to a
perfect state."

"Nutrition liquid!"

Su Ze opened the "F-level nutrient cabin" again and began to absorb the nutrient

He has only 1,400 tons of nutrient solution in total, 1,280 tons have been
refined, and only 120 tons are left.

It took Su Ze several hours to absorb 119 tons of it and increase his power to
more than 70,000 times the power of the world master.

"Only a ton of nutrient solution left."

Su Ze jumped out of the nutrition cabin.

After a meal of nutrient solution, after he absorbs and refines it, the power to
improve is limited.

Originally, he had 12,800 times the power of the world master. After breaking
through the realm, his cultivation base increased five times to 64,000 times. His
background was too thick, so after the breakthrough, his cultivation base instantly
reached its peak.

But after cultivating the eighth robbery of the secret scripture of the Nine

The expanding Zifu Qi Sea is empty, and it needs to absorb the "nutrient solution"
to quickly increase the cultivation base.

[Secret Book of Nine Tribulations] In the eighth robbery, Su Ze's Zifu Qi Sea
doubled, reaching 128,000 times the power of the World Lord.

Su Ze needs at least 1,000 tons of nutrient solution before he can raise his
cultivation to the peak.

"It's just that I'm in an extraterritorial battlefield now. Is it possible to go

back to the war base to get nutrient solution?"



Suddenly, Su Ze's eyes flashed.


The nutrient solution is liquid, liquid. He has never planted it before, so he

immediately asked, "System, how should the nutrient solution be planted?"

"The host can spend the planting points to transform the waters in the farm. After
the transformation is completed, the nutrient solution can be planted."

The water within the farm, of course, refers to the sea water that is moved into
the farm along with the Hawaiian Islands.

The sea water is not big, but it is equivalent to a lake.


"Remodel now!"

2 million planting points were spent, and almost instantly, that area of water was

Su Ze came to the seaside, looked around, and saw that the original seawater had
undergone wonderful changes. The fish and shrimps living in the seawater had
actually transformed rapidly, evolving into powerful monsters one by one.

As for the "adult dragon turtle" living in it, the size of it began to skyrocket
again. In a short period of time, its size increased by about 300 meters, and the
aura of a barbaric beast emanated from its body.


Su Ze directly poured the remaining nutrient solution into the seawater.

Then, rumbling...

The sea rolled, as if it were boiling.

The eye color of the sea is a jewel-like blue.

The nutrient solution is filled with a pale white color.

This pale white color spread rapidly as the sea water rolled, and in just half an
hour, it completely dyed the sea area white.

"The plant is mature, please harvest the host as soon as possible."

In my mind, the system prompt sound came out.

Su Ze blinked and said in amazement, "I'll let it go... How am I going to harvest
this? Shouldn't this piece of seawater be turned into a nutrient solution?"

His heart was beating wildly.

A ton of nutrient solution can replace a relatively barren galaxy.

With so much nutrient solution, how many star fields can I change?

Su Ze stripped off his clothes and jumped into the water with a thud. He ran the
"Qinglian Sword Canon" and quickly absorbed the "nutrient solution" in the


"I haven't found it yet!"

"Look, keep looking for me!"

"The time and space with a radius of one million miles, the copper wall and the
iron wall blocked by us, even if a speck of dust falls, you can detect that the
arrogance of the human race... is definitely still here!"

Outside, King Jinpeng and the others were trembling with anger.

A group of subordinates searched for eight days, but they couldn't find Su Ze!


Suddenly, King Jinpeng, who was controlling the "space blockade" all the time,
moved his eyes and looked at a starry sky 100,000 miles away, and said loudly: "The
arrogance of the human race!" ..

Chapter 191 Scare them away?

With King Jinpeng's accomplishments in the laws of space, it is easy to block a

million miles of time and space.

Within the time and space he blocked, he could easily detect all movements.

Su Ze's appearance was naturally hidden from him.

call out!

The one closest to Su Ze was a prisoner who was immortal king and first class.
When he saw Su Ze's appearance, his expression changed greatly, and he quickly
retreated to the back...

However, it's too late.

How could his speed be comparable to Su Ze?

The word "Xing" opened instantly, Su Ze held Yuan Tu and stepped out in one step,
tearing the immortal Prison Clan with a single sword.
The domain of the Sword Dao, suppress it!


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed one of the Immortal
King Elementary (Prison Clan) and received a reward: 1,000,000 planting points."

With a single sword, kill the immortal king first-class powerhouse in seconds!


"The Titan King is dead?"

"It's impossible... A sword can annihilate the divine body of the immortal king's
elementary level, even if the king is invincible!"

Many peak Fenghou, Fengwang Elementary, and High Immortal were so frightened that
their eyeballs popped out.

Even the five invincible kings, including King Jinpeng, the King of Divine Prison,
and the King of Nine Heads, who flew towards Su Ze quickly, had a slight pause.
Among them, the Bone King's spiritual sense fluctuated and said in amazement, "Why
is his strength so strong? stronger?"

The Divine Prison King and the Nine-Headed King are tyrannical, disapprovingly,
and sneered: "What if the strength is strong? Can a mere world master level be
stronger than the Universe Venerable?"

The Prison King is a special life, and the Nine-Headed King evolved from a Zerg
warrior, and it is also a special life.

Both are powerful, and both have the combat power to kill ordinary cosmos sages.

"It's best to be cautious."

A million miles of time and space was blocked by King Jinpeng. He sensed Su Ze's
combat power from the fluctuations in time and space just now, and said with divine
power: "He was at the ninth rank of the domain master before, and he can play the
immortal king. The fighting power of the peak of the king..."

"At this time, it is already the peak of the world master level, I am afraid that
it has the combat power of the limit of the king."


How fast is the flying speed of the invincible powerhouse?

At the moment when the divine power was transmitted, the five kings were
invincible, and they surrounded Su Ze.

However, Su Ze sneered, and directly used the word "Xing" secretly, like an
unclean thing, and quickly avoided the encirclement of the five invincible kings at
a speed exceeding the speed of light.

He slashed and slashed with his sword, and with three consecutive swords, he
shattered the divine bodies of the six alien powerhouses gathered together.

Immediately after...
The Dao of Sword domain was suppressed.

Completely annihilated.


"Congratulations to the host, you successfully killed one of the Immortal King
Elementary (Monster Race), and got a reward: Planting Points + 1,000,000 points."


"Congratulations to the host..."

A series of system prompts resounded in Su Ze's ears.

He didn't stop, his figure flashed again, and he continued to chase, but in the
blink of an eye, eighteen immortals of alien races had already died under Su Ze's
sword. In order to achieve instant kills, he chose Fenghou Immortal. Peak and
Fengwang are elementary, put away the sword and fall, and the heads are rolling.


"Have the ability to fight me head-on!"

King Jinpeng and the others were invincible and roared in anger.

The White Bone King shouted loudly: "King Jinpeng, don't remove the time and space
blockade, God Prison King, you sacrifice the treasure field and suppress Su Ze!"


As soon as the time-space blockade was broken, many alien kings who had mastered
teleportation immediately began to teleport away with the strong men beside them.

His planting points skyrocketed wildly.

Immediately afterwards, the King of Prison's Treasure Domain was suppressed, which
slowed Su Ze's action a lot.

Su Ze looked at the many alien powerhouses who had fled far away, and couldn't
help but let out a long breath.

He turned around.

The five invincible kings had already flown to him and surrounded him.


King Jinpeng's thoughts moved, and the surrounding space of 100,000 miles
immediately turned into countless fragments!

"Space strangulation!"

He smashed time and space, mainly because he was afraid that Su Ze would use the
previous concealment method again.

The nine-headed king sneered again and again. His nine-headed head was
incomparably tall, and he held a mysterious law in various ways.
"You killed my Zerg people, today..."

"This king will kill you!"

"kill me?"

"It's just you?"

"You think that I can't beat you by flying around and killing those rubbish...
Hehe, I'm afraid that I will scare them away if I burst out with real combat

Su Ze sneered disdainfully. On his body, 128,000 times the power of the world lord
suddenly burst out. Then, the word "all" started secretly, and the combat power
increased tenfold again at the level of 128,000 times the power of the world lord!

The power of 1,280,000 world masters!

Su Ze slashed out with one sword, annihilating all the attacks of the Nine-headed


Time and space were torn apart, and under the carelessness of the Nine-Headed
King, a head was directly cut off.

He madly retreated, his eyes were horrified, and he lost his voice: "This is
impossible... Your strength... has reached an invincible level?"

Only Feng Wang Invincible can hurt him.

"The king is invincible!"

"Invincible level of power!"


"The realm of the world master, the invincible power of the king... Is this Su
Ze... still a human?"

A group of aliens was directly frightened.

Human beings are born with a low genetic level. The reason why they can rise in the
primitive universe and become one of the six peak races is nothing more than the
powerful reproduction ability of the human race and the virtual universe left by
the "primitive ancestor".

To know.

Some special races give birth to an offspring, and the time is measured in thousand
years, ten thousand years, or even epochs.

And tens of thousands of years...

I am afraid that it is enough for a family with only a few hundred people to
develop into a galaxy densely populated by clansmen. Although the level of life
genes is poor, such a huge population base can naturally give birth to a large
number of strong people.
"Invincible level!"

King Jinpeng and others were invincible, and their pupils shrank.

The nine-headed king that flew upside down exploded with divine power, and a head
grew again.

His divine body quickly grew bigger, like a star, reaching tens of thousands of
miles, his voice roared like thunder, overlooking Su Ze, roaring: "Okay, good, very
good... Such a genius, after killing him, he will definitely It will be very

His divine body was huge and his divine power was vast. One head was beheaded,
which had no effect on his divine power at all. The nine heads moved in unison,
bursting out with real fighting power, killing Su Ze. ..

Chapter 192 Beheading the Invincible King!

"Good come!"

Su Ze was not afraid, and the Qinglian Sword Canon opened in an instant, and the
whole person turned into a sword light, standing with the nine-headed king.


The nine-headed king roared.

His divine body has grown larger, reaching a height of tens of thousands of miles,
and the huge ocean of divine power is fully exerted. Because of the special life,
the power he can burst out even surpasses Su Ze's 1,280,000 times the power of the
world master.


Divine body is too large, it will lead to reduced flexibility.

He was as high as tens of thousands of miles, but Su Ze turned into a ten-meter-

long sword beam. His attack could not touch Su Ze at all.


The divine body of the Nine-Headed King instantly shrank, and he roared, "In my
domain, do you also want to escape?"

One of his heads opened his mouth wide, releasing the mysterious laws of space, and
another head opened wide, releasing the mysterious laws of gold, all kinds of
attacks, and slammed into Su Ze.

Su Ze held Yuan Tu and smashed his attack, but the next attack came again.


Suddenly, his body was directly knocked into the air by a divine force, flying tens
of thousands of kilometers away.


"The divine power of this nine-headed king is too powerful, isn't it? Ordinary
cosmic sages are not so terrifying!"
Su Ze froze and gritted his teeth.

The most important thing is that his heavy treasure, the domain suppression is too
strong, which greatly reduces Su Ze's speed.

"You can only use this trump card!"

Su Ze looked at the nine-headed king who rushed towards him, and the corners of
his mouth suddenly turned up.

Nine secrets of the sky, the word "soldier" is secret!


Suddenly, the speed of the rushing nine-headed king was greatly reduced. His nine
heads and nine faces were all discolored, and he lost his voice: "What? My treasure

But seeing the heavy treasure he sacrificed, the released domain suddenly
trembled, and its force actually directly affected the Nine-Headed King himself.

This is, in the hands of Su Ze, the Yuantu Sword suddenly flew up and turned into
a black cloud.

The black dark clouds covered the sun, and the shadows within it were dense and
murderous, covering the area of hundreds of millions of miles.

How strong is this murderous aura?

As soon as the murderous intent came out, King Jinpeng and the others, who were
standing hundreds of thousands of miles away, all changed their expressions in
horror. They only felt the cold to the bone, and all the fighting intentions in
their hearts collapsed.

call out!

In the dark clouds, the shadows are thick, and a dark sword curtain cuts through
the sky.

A sword!

The Nine-headed King Divine Body shattered!

Before his broken body was reunited, he was directly crushed by the terrifying
killing intent.

A generation of King Wudi, who was comparable to the Venerable Universe and even
killed ordinary Venerables, was killed directly.


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed the Immortal King
Invincible (Zerg), and received a reward: Planting Points + 3 million!"

In my mind, the system prompt sounded.

Su Ze's head was full of black lines, and he said speechlessly: "Damn, system, is
there a bug in the reward environment, doesn't it mean that if I kill a king peak,
I can reward 10 million planting points?"

"TM's labor and capital have now killed an invincible king, and only rewarded 3
million planting points?"

"Because the strength of the host has increased, the difficulty of killing the
immortal king has decreased, and the reward value has been adjusted."

The system responded.

Of course.

This question and answer is just a matter of rethinking.

"This this……"

"Xeon Supreme Treasure?"

King Jinpeng, the invincible kings, cried out in disbelief.

"The Nine-Headed King... is dead?"

"Come on!"

They communicated with their spiritual thoughts, and they made a decision in an
instant, and they were going to use "space shift" to escape... However, it was too

On Su Ze's arm, the "Air Locking Arm" appeared.


In the center of the "Arms of Locking the Space", a groove opened, and Su Ze
directly stuffed the two strongest Vulcan source crystals into it.

"Block time and space!"

"The third form!"

"Turn on!"


A peculiar spatial fluctuation was transmitted, and the space-time with a radius
of one million kilometers centered on Su Ze was directly condensed.

The four invincible kings who were preparing to perform "space shift", as well as
many immortal kings, changed their faces greatly.

"Ha ha!"

"Want to kill me?"

"Today, I'm going to start a killing spree!"

He used the word "soldier" to control the spread of the nine-headed king's
treasure field, and under the blockade of time and space, the flying speed of many
alien powerhouses was greatly slowed down.
As soon as his thoughts moved, the Yuantu Sword turned into a black awn and flew
out, slashing towards the peak Fenghou, Fengwang Elementary, Advanced and peak

The Yuan Tujian is an innate spiritual treasure!

Its level is comparable to the Xeon Supreme Treasure.

Su Ze's realm was too low to refine the Yuantu sword, so in the previous battle,
he could only hold the Yuantu sword for the simplest and most direct attack.


In this retreat, he directly spent 50 million planting points to refine the Yuan
Tu sword. The power of this innate spiritual treasure, which is the main killing,
finally bloomed in Su Ze's hands.

As if chopping wood and cutting melons, immortal powerhouses were killed by Su

Ze's Yuan Tu sword.


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed an immortal Fenghou

Peak (Monster Race) and received a reward..."


"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed one of the Immortal
King Feng Elementary (Prison Clan) and received a reward..."


"Congratulations to the host..."

A series of system prompts resounded in Su Ze's ears.

Originally, after he spent 50 million planting points to refine the "Yuan Tujian",
the remaining planting points were only more than 2 million, but in a short period
of time, it skyrocketed wildly, breaking through 10 million in an instant. close……

Twenty million...

thirty million……

"I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf, Yuan Tujian, I hope you won't let
me down..."

Su Ze used two things with one heart, and sacrificed the Yuantu sword to kill many
kings and princes from a distance.


"Join us!"

The four kings including King Jinpeng were invincible, and their faces were

Originally, they thought that they could crush Su Ze to death... Naturally, they
disdain to join forces to kill Su Ze.
But now, Su Ze's strength has threatened their lives.

"Qinglian Sword Song!"



Su Ze held the top-quality fairy sword "Cracking Gold", bursting out a bright

He knew in his heart that Yuan Tujian was not there, and fighting alone, he might
be able to kill a King Invincible, and he could defeat four..., it was a bit

However, what Su Ze has to do at the moment is to hold them back!

When the group of alien powerhouses are killed and the Yuan Tu sword starts, he
will be able to sweep everything! ..

Chapter 193 Forcing Feng Wang Wudi to self-destruct!


"What a powerful attack power!"

"The sword in this kid's hand is definitely a treasure, and its level is still
above the real treasure of the Nine-Headed King!"

King Jinpeng, King of Divine Prison, King of White Bone, and King Yanjing, after
all, are the invincible and invincible kings who have been famous for many years.

In their hands, they also hold a heavy treasure.

The strongest God Prison King even possesses two treasures, one for attack and one
for defense.

At this moment, even if Su Ze erupted with 1,280,000 times the power of the world
master, and used the word "soldier" to control the treasure field of the fallen
nine-headed king, all kinds of secret techniques were released, and in a short
period of time, they would be helpless.

However, they could not help Su Ze.


The four kings can only be passively defended.

Su Ze's speed is too fast, and there are too many methods. Although the "splitting
gold" immortal sword in his hand is much worse than the Yuantu sword, it is
stronger than the ordinary heavy treasure of the original universe. The most
important thing is...

Jiu Mi, it's terrifying!

He came out with nine secrets, the "All" word secret can increase his combat power
tenfold, and the "Xing" word secret gives him unparalleled speed.
And the "front" word secret was pushed to the extreme by him, and he could even
attack himself threateningly, producing a kind of prediction in advance.

The word "Bing" is secret, and even King Jinpeng's weapons can be manipulated,
causing the weapons to backfire.

The word "Zhi" is secret, making Su Ze almost immortal, and any injuries can be
quickly recovered.

The most terrifying thing is that Su Ze's "dou" is secret, which can simulate all

This made King Jinpeng and others extremely fearful.

All the mysterious laws they used, Su Ze could use at his fingertips to
counterattack with the same attack.


"Why is he so strong?"

"My unique skill... he actually can?"

"My weapon..."

The four kings are invincible, and there is a feeling of collapse.

They are confident that working together can definitely contain or even kill an
ordinary cosmos sage, but facing Su Ze, they have a sense of powerlessness...


"Wait until his Xeon Supreme Treasure kills all the other powerhouses, the four of
us will surely die!"

The Prison King let out a low growl.

His combat power was similar to that of the Nine-Headed King, and he had a record
of killing ordinary cosmos sages. He immediately burned his divine power and
exploded a terrifying blow, forcing Su Ze away, turning around and fleeing.

How dare King Jinpeng, King White Bone, King Yanjing stay longer?

They escaped separately, passing the message on at the same time.

"The information is wrong!"

"The arrogance of the human race has the combat power to kill the invincible

"The Zerg King Invincible Nine-headed King has fallen!"

The four invincible kings burned their divine power and broke free from the
shackles of the Treasure Domain. Among them, the Prison King and the Jinpeng King
were the fastest, followed by the White Bone King and the Yanjing King.

"Want to go?"

Su Ze sneered, his thoughts moved, and beside him, the Empress of Wolf Slayer
suddenly appeared.

"Nan, let's go."

The space blocked by the "Space-locking Arm" is limited. The four of them escaped
with their burning divine power. Once they escape the range of the time-space
blockade, they can perform space teleportation. At that time, even if the Yuan Tu
sword is in hand, Su Ze can only kill at most. one of them.


The Empress of Wolf Slayer also mastered the secret of the word "Xing".

She moved her eyes and chased after the King of Divine Prison. Behind him, the
phantoms of the swallowing magic pot and the spiritual face mask rose up.

At the same time, Su Ze waved his hand and said loudly, "Yuantu!"

"call out!"

The black sword glow fell into Su Ze's hands instantly.

The more than 100 alien powerhouses from the Immortal Peak of Fenghou, Fengwang
Elementary, Fengwang Advanced, and King Fengfeng were killed by Su Ze slaughtering
more than 80 people, bringing nearly 100 million to Su Ze. Planting point.


Su Ze pursued with his sword, but after a few breaths, he came to the back of the
White Bone King.


The White Bone King screamed in fear, but he still could not escape death.

"The Bone King is dead?"

King Jinpeng's pair of golden wings incited frantically and rushed forward
quickly. After he noticed the movement in the other direction, he was so frightened
that his heart was torn apart, a million puzzled in his heart, and then he said,
"How could this be..."

"Even if he is a genius that the human race has never seen before."

"It is sheltered by the high-level human race, but... how can it be possible to
motivate the Xeon Supreme Treasure?"


Suddenly, King Jinpeng screamed and turned his head to look into the distance.

However, I saw the woman in the white dress and the plain skirt with a huge magic
pot on her head.

Next to the magic pot, there was another mask that seemed to be crying but not
crying, and smiling but not smiling.

"Is it also the aura of a supreme treasure?"

"Xeon Supreme Treasure... When did it become Chinese cabbage?"

Just as King Jinpeng thought about it, the King of Divine Prison was directly
swallowed by the magic pot.

"It's over..."

King Jinpeng, all thoughts are despairing.

He knew there was no way out for him.

The two human geniuses both possess weapons that are suspected to be at the level
of "Xeon Strong and Supreme Treasure".

"call out!"

Behind him, a sword glow came galloping.

Su Ze chased after him.

Suddenly, King Jinpeng's flying speed of burning divine power slowed down, but the
breath on his body became more and more terrifying, and his divine body began to
expand, giving people a feeling that a volcano was about to erupt.

Su Ze quickly stopped his figure and looked at it from a distance.

King Jinpeng sneered: "The arrogance of the human race... I have to say, your
strength is far beyond everyone's imagination..."

"This time, I admit it."


King Jinpeng's divine body exploded.

"Si... blew yourself up?"

Su Ze hurriedly activated the Yuan Tu sword, turning it into a sword curtain,

blocking the aftermath of King Jinpeng's self-destruction.

A king is invincible, how vast is the divine body?

The power of his self-destruction was so tyrannical that the time and space of
millions of miles around were completely annihilated.

"The time-space blockade has been lifted?"

King Yanjing's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, the arrogance of human
beings, you can't kill me, you can't kill the king of hell, King Jinpeng and the

He grabbed his arms sharply forward, and actually tore a space-time channel
directly in this broken space-time full of space storms, and teleported away...

"Want to go?"

A faint voice resounded.

The Empress of the Wolf Slayer was dressed in a white dress, like a banished
immortal who didn't eat the fireworks of the world. She reached out and grabbed it
in the air, and she actually grabbed the King Yanjing who had teleported back. ..

Chapter 194 Star Tower


King Yanjing, roaring constantly, his eyes are full of disbelief.

Teleport was interrupted?

Can this TM be trusted?

Even the Lord of the Universe has no such means, right? You must know, with his
mysterious insights on the "law of space", although Jinpeng Wang Qiang, who is not
a major in the way of space...

But a teleport, after all, is measured in light years.

Now, he was actually caught by someone abruptly?

Su Ze stepped forward, slashed down with a sword, and shattered King Yanjing's
divine body. He stared at the re-condensed body and said with a smile, "King
Yanjing, you must underestimate me, Su Ze..."

"That's right."

"As you are, after death, the lord of the universe of the monster clan will indeed
reverse the time and space and resurrect you..."

"But what if I control and enslave you?"


King Yanjing knew that even if he reorganized his divine body, he would not be Su
Ze's opponent. He roared and shattered his soul.

Soul dies.

Natural fall.


"Congratulations to the host, you successfully killed the immortal king and
invincible one, and got the reward: planting points + 3000000 points."

Su Ze shook his head and sighed, "Do you think that if you commit suicide, you
will be free from enslavement and have a chance to be resurrected by the Master of
the Universe of the Demon Ancestor after countless epochs?"

He reached out and grabbed a piece of the divine body of King Yanjing, and
collected the fragments of the divine body of King Jinpeng, King of Divine Prison,
King of White Bone, and King of Nine Heads, and immediately summoned the Flying

At this moment, the pilot of the Flying Bat is the "Talina" of the Zerg Immortal
King High.

Her body shape changed to the size of a normal person, and she had a lot of
amorous feelings. She said diligently, "Master, how is the battle?"

Before Su Ze took them into the farm together with the Flying Bat, Tarina was
naturally unaware of the battle outside.

Su Ze spoke lightly and said, "It's just a group of turkeys, all of them were


Tarina's red lips parted slightly, and she froze in place for a moment.

Su Ze again instructed: "You control the spaceship and go to the Star Tower... I
have some things that need to be dealt with."


As soon as he moved, he entered the farm directly, and with a flick of his finger,
the sword qi plowed out five large pits in the farm.

Su Ze buried five pieces of his body into the soil, and just then clapped his
hands and smiled: "Self-destruction? Soul annihilation? Do you think...that will
give you a chance to be resurrected by the Lord of the Universe?"


at the same time.

war base.

The Bingfeng Lord, who was always watching Su Ze, was stunned.

"All... all killed?"

"Xeon Powerful Treasure..."

"He actually owns a Xeon Supreme Treasure? And... can it be refined and used?"

"That woman actually has two Xeon Supreme Treasures... No, those two Xeon Supreme
Treasures should be just projections."

The Lord of Ice Peak took a deep breath and suppressed the greed in his heart.

After all, he is a human race. As the lord of the universe, he is a high-level

human giant. If he tries to capture the treasures of the human descendants, I am
afraid that his senior brother Chaos City Lord and the giant axe will be the first
to spare him.

His clone in Chaos City immediately told the Lord of Chaos about this matter.

Chaos City Lord's eyes moved and he sighed: "As expected of fellow Daoist Su

In fact, there was also a flash of greed in the Chaos City Lord's heart, but this
kind of greed was completely erased by him immediately.

That is the Xeon treasure!

Who doesn't mind?

You must know that the human race in the primitive universe, thousands of cosmic
kingdoms, countless star fields... There are also a number of Xeons and treasures.
Even the masters of the universe, such as the Lord of Bingfeng, do not have Xeons
and treasures.

Just considering Su Ze's mysterious and unpredictable identity, the Chaos City
Lord gave up this idea.

He directly contacted Su Ze through the virtual universe.

"Fellow Daoist Su Ze, are you still on the battlefield outside the territory?"

"It turned out to be the Lord of Chaos."

During the video call, Su Ze said with a smile: "Yes, Yanji North has already
passed through it, but since you are in an extraterritorial battlefield, how can
you not go to the Star Pagoda, I heard that the treasure of the Xingchen Pagoda is
very impressive. , maybe give it a try."

Chaos City Lord laughed dumbly.

Star Tower?

Back then, in the Primordial Universe, I don't know how many powerhouses tried to
collect the Star Tower, but none of them were successful.

No matter how mysterious Su Ze is, how could a mere world master succeed?

He immediately said sternly: "I am afraid that you have beheaded the invincible
kings of the five peak groups, killed more than 100 immortal kings in a row, and
possessed the most powerful treasures, I am afraid that the matter has spread to
the five peak groups..."

"Xeon and treasure, the temptation is too great."

"I'm afraid that the masters of the five peak groups will all appear and snatch
your Xeon treasure..."

Chaos City Lord said solemnly: "Because of the supreme oath of the year, they
can't enter the battlefield outside the territory, but they will definitely stay
outside... Fellow Daoist Su Ze, do you need me to come forward and take you away?"

Su Ze waved his hand and said, "Once you come forward... I'm afraid it's not as
simple as they snatch my Xeon Supreme Treasure. At that time, a racial battlefield
will inevitably be set off."

Su Ze said with a smile: "But it's okay, let them waste their time. When I go to
the Star Tower, I'm going to leave here, Chaos City Lord, we will talk later when
we have time."

Su Ze directly hung up the Le video call.

The five peak race masters are all out?

Su Ze naturally expected this matter.

How about they all come out?

At that time, if you return directly to the earth, even if these cosmos masters
and the strongest in the cosmos have the means to reach the sky, it is impossible
to reach out to the earth of another cosmos.

In a blink of an eye...

The Star Tower has arrived.

Outside the Star Tower, Su Ze looked up at the majestic behemoth that was nine
light years tall, only to feel that his genetic cells were beating wildly.


"The Star Pagoda was prepared by Sishan Ke to train disciples!"

"Luo Feng, Lord of the Galaxy, got the Star Tower in the future because he
practiced the first robbery of the Secret Tome of Nine Tribulations... He was moved
to another dimension by the Star Tower, and he finally succeeded by relying on his
tyrannical will and soul. "

"I have successfully cultivated all the first eight tribulations of the Secret
Tome of Nine Tribulations, and the shaking caused by the Star Tower is probably
stronger than that of Luo Feng in the future."


Just as Su Ze stepped into the Star Tower, the entire Star Tower trembled

Then, the time and space reversed, and Su Ze's body was directly swallowed into a
time and space vortex. ..

Chapter 195

"what happened?"

"What the hell happened?"

At the same time, many spaces in the Star Tower have undergone changes. Suddenly,
the number of "monsters" in the many spaces of the Star Tower has increased several
times, and the overall strength has increased by several percent.

"Zhen Feng Xingchen!"

Just a moment...

There was news of the birth of the Zhenfeng stars, and then, one after another,
the news of the birth of the Zhenfeng stars was passed on among the many
powerhouses in the Star Tower.

The weakest person who can enter the Star Tower is Feng Wang.

At this moment, these kings are all going crazy, one by one, they have lost their
minds, and in order to compete for the stars, they have set off a battle.

Almost every day, in the Star Tower, there is news of the fall of the king.
after all……

The value of the seal star is too high. A seal star is comparable to the entire
net worth of an ordinary cosmos sage. How can these kings not be crazy?

Su Ze, who caused all this, is standing in a special space at this moment.

In front of him sits a towering and huge figure.

"You finally came……"

Although the figure has restrained his breath, the coercion on his body still
makes Su Ze feel palpitations.

"The Lord of the Universe!"

Su Ze's eyes moved.

He guessed the identity of this person - the eldest disciple of Zuoshanke, "Puti",
the master of the universe.

"Human... You don't seem surprised at all when you see me?" Puti looked down at Su
Ze, but Su Ze was neither humble nor arrogant, and said, "Why should I be afraid?"

"This kid, there really is a problem."

Puti couldn't help but feel that Su Ze's performance was too calm, so calm that he
seemed to have foreseen everything.

At this time, Su Ze spoke again.

He actually slowly floated up into the air, reaching the point where he was
parallel to Puti's line of sight.

"I don't like being looked down on like that."

Su Ze smiled lightly, looked at Puti, and said, "You are the eldest disciple of
the mountain guest... The Lord of Puti, right? I know that you are here to guard
the Star Tower and help your master choose disciples..."


Puti's face changed again, and the aura that belonged to the Lord of the Universe
came out from his body.

This palpitating breath made Su Ze a little unbearable.

He only felt that it was as if a lofty mountain peak was pressing on his back, but
Su Ze's surface was still light and cloudy, and said with a smile: "Lord Puti,
where is your master, a mountain guest?"

"The juniors of the human race!"

The Lord of Puti was furious and shouted: "How can you call the name of my master
at will?"


He reached out and grabbed it, and a big hand covered the sun and pressed it down
towards Su Ze.

What is his status?

This human race boy, a mere world master, dares to disrespect him, the master of
Puti, how can he not be angry?

However, before this palm fell, a tall figure came out of the sky.


In the void, there seemed to be a wave of water rolling through, directly breaking
the big hand.


Puti's face changed, and he said quickly.

Su Ze looked up...


Zuoshan Ke restrained his breath and looked ordinary, but the laws of the universe
disappeared around him. His existence seemed to be an oppression to the
consciousness of the origin of the universe.

The strongest in the universe!

The strongest person in the universe, the most terrifying thing is to "follow the

He can even change the laws of the universe within a certain range of himself. He
said that water is solid, and water is solid. He said that fire is cold, and fire
is cold.


Zuoshan Ke looked at Su Ze and said solemnly, "You took away my Secret Book of Nine

"That's right."

Facing the mountain visitor, Su Ze was still a little palpitated.

If this bastard takes action against him, he doesn't know if he can escape in time,
but he is very confident...

He knew the mountaineer.

He immediately smiled and said, "Zuoshan Ke, I know your thoughts and your origins.
You have spent countless efforts to create the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations,
change the earth, and refine the Star Pagoda... nothing more than trying to
cultivate a disciple. ."

Zuoshan Ke's pupils shrank.

He immediately regained his calm, and said lightly, "Many people know my origin,
and it is nothing more than a special being, the strongest person in the
universe... As for spending time and effort, cultivating disciples, I just want my
inheritance not to be cut off. ."

Su Ze stepped on the void and walked towards the mountain guest step by step.

His lips wriggled and he spat out four words: "God King of Jin!"


As soon as this statement came out, the heaven and the earth changed greatly, with
a rumbling sound, the countless thick and billions of miles of thunder in the sky
flickered, and the origin consciousness of the universe and the supreme rules all
turned their "eyes" here.

Zuoshan Ke could no longer keep his composure, his face changed greatly, his breath
fluctuated, he looked at Su Ze, and said, "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm just an idler."

Su Ze said with a smile: "I have practiced your Secret Book of Nine Tribulations,
and it can be regarded as a cause and effect with you. No matter what, I took the
Star Tower today. If I have the opportunity to go to the north of the origin in the
future, I will help you kill Shiguoguo. host."

"Of course, I won't be a teacher, this is just a transaction."

The mountaineer stared at Su Ze closely.

After a long while, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Okay, deal!"

He didn't know Su Ze's origin, but he could see that Su Ze was only at the world
master level.

world leader...

However, he has such courage and courage, and he is able to cultivate into the
"Secret Book of Nine Tribulations"... This son, I am afraid it is not easy.

The most important thing is that Zuoshan Ke recalled that the "black fragments" he
had placed all over the universe flew away automatically... That scene is
definitely not something that a master of the universe can do.

Even now, I can't do it.


He spent countless costs, trying to cultivate a qualified disciple, for what?

It is nothing more than holding on to the hope that one day, one's own disciples
can go back to the north of the origin and avenge themselves.

The breath of the mountain guest gradually calmed down.

He looked at Su Ze and said, "Senior of the human race, although you have
practiced the Secret Tome of Nine Tribulations... But the Star Tower, in the
process of refining, there are some problems, can you take it away... It depends on
your ability. ."

"Before you, there were two geniuses on earth, unfortunately..."

"They all failed."

Su Ze smiled lightly and said with a smile: "The reason why they failed is because
their willpower and soul power are too weak..."

When he turned his hand, a pill appeared in his hand.

Ten Thousand Tribulations Soul Refining Pill! ..

Chapter 196 Successful recognition of the Lord, Star Tower!

【Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations】

"The Ten Thousand Tribulations Soul Refining Pill from the hands of the ancient
pill emperor, the user will enter the eternal reincarnation, experience the world's
ten thousand catastrophe, temper the soul, and make the essence of the soul, make a
qualitative leap."

"The system prompts: The Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations is
unstable, and the user who takes it may fall into the reincarnation of all ages,
sinking for all ages, and it is difficult to extricate himself."

Su Ze vaguely remembered...

At the world master level, only a cosmic sage whose willpower is comparable to a
powerful one can recognize the main star tower.


At the very least, it requires the will of the Lord of the Universe to succeed.

The higher the cultivation base, the harsher the conditions for recognizing the
star tower. The lord of the universe must at least have the strongest willpower in
the universe to be successful in recognizing the master, and the master of the
universe...unless the willpower is comparable to the strongest in the universe A
higher-level "Void True God"...

Otherwise, it is impossible to get the Star Tower.

To know……

In the vast primitive universe, the strongest person in the universe is already
the limit, and no one has cultivated into the "Void True God".

Not to mention the original universe, the powerhouses of the three eras in the
universe have never conceived a "Void True God".

Once you cultivate to the level of the true god of the void, it means that you
have the strength to "break through reincarnation".

Su Ze opened his mouth and directly swallowed the [Ten Thousand Tribulations Soul
Refining Pill].


"Detecting the emperor-level medicinal pill [Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand
Tribulations], does the host choose to consume 50 million planting points to
immediately absorb and refine [Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations]?"
"System prompt: Spending planting points to refine the Soul Refining Pill of
Myriad Tribulations can prevent the host from going crazy and sinking forever..."

Su Ze thought silently in his heart and gave his thoughts.

The effect of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Soul Refining Pill immediately began
to spread, and a mysterious and huge force began to transform the "soul" of Su Ze.

Before his eyes, scenes of illusions began to flicker.

Every fantasy scene has different scenes, and in different scenes, there are
different worlds... Su Ze's identity is also very different.

Generals, emperors, beggars, peasants, teachers...

Ten Thousand Tribulations Soul Refining Pill, Ten Thousand World Reincarnation...

Under the powerful effect of the system, the reincarnation of this world has been
shortened in just seven days.



























他一挥手,以 1:1000 的时间流速,布置了一座时间加速法阵。







“如果我没有记错的话,认主星辰塔,需要近 6100 年,岂不是说,我要枯坐在这里六年多?”

苏泽分出一道神念,传音给座山客:“座山客道友,再快一点,大概保持在 1:6000 的时间流速便可……”























“尼玛?这就认主成功了?” ..

第 197 章 星辰塔没了?














































































“挪移神王至宝,需要 5000 万种植点,宿主是否愿意消费 5000 万种植点,立刻将星辰塔挪移进道具栏内?”


















原始宇宙震动! ..

第 198 章 地球的变化
















































































苏泽突然冷笑一声:“在地球上,居然还有人敢动我苏泽的人?真是活的不耐烦了!” ..

第 199 章 陈雪瑶!





















他将“F 级营养舱”拿了出来,递给王钟,道:“此乃另外一座宇宙的高科技产物,单以价值而论,比整个昆仑









第二天,苏泽睡到 10 点钟才起床,洗漱过后,吃完早餐,苏泽将停在院子里两年没动的奔驰开了出来,独自一






苏泽将车停在了郊区的 4S 店做保养,他自己,则是顺着大道,迈步向着市区走去。

他的步伐看似极慢,可实际上却是“缩地成寸”,速度比起 80 迈的轿车还快。































"Now, Su Ze disappeared for two years... Probably died in Kunlun Wonderland... Who
can protect you?"

Chen Xueyao, facing Zuo Lengqun's blow, had no resistance, she simply closed her
eyes and waited quietly to die.

After hearing the word "Su Ze", an inexplicable emotion flashed in her heart...

"Is this what death feels like?"

"Su Ze... It's a pity that I will never see you again!"

call out!

Suddenly, a sword beam, extremely bright, came from the sky! ..

Chapter 200 If Life Was Just Like First Seen

Chen Xueyao could almost feel the strong wind from Zuo Lengqun's claw.

One blow from the invincible master is enough to open the monument and crack the

She is a martial arts master at the peak of dark energy, and she can't stop it at

"Zuo Lengqun!"

The seriously injured Xiang Wentian let out a low roar, he wanted to rush forward,
but just as he used his inner strength, his throat became sweet, and with a puff, a
mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground.

His injury is too serious.

At this time, a sword beam came out of the sky, puff...

Zuo Lengqun grabbed Chen Mengyao's claws and fell directly to the ground. His
expression changed drastically, he quickly retreated a few steps, luck sealed his
bloody arm, and lost his voice: "Who... in the end is that senior and Is someone on
the left joking?"

Zuo Lengqun looked around.

That sword beam came from across the sky, but its owner was not seen. It was
obviously a sword-wielding technique...

Only in the realm of the gods, can you master the art of sword-fighting,

In Zuo Lengqun's eyes, there was a trace of awe and fear, and said solemnly:
"Senior, this is a matter between my Shuanghehui and the Chen family, and I hope
that senior will give the Shuanghehui a face..."

Da da da.

Footsteps sounded.

Su Ze wore a set of casual sports clothes and white canvas shoes, dressed like a
little brother next door, and walked in from the door.

With his hands on his back, he has an extraordinary bearing, and said lightly:
"Shuanghehui? What is it? Why should I give Shuanghehui a face?"

Zuo Lengqun's pupils shrank.

"Such a young god?"

"However, in the past two years, the earth has changed, and it seems that the
number of powerhouses emerging from various places has more than doubled than

He looked at Su Ze and sneered: "Young man, don't think that if you achieve the
realm of God, you can be unscrupulous. The Shuanghe Society has been inherited for
hundreds of years. How can you imagine its heritage?"

"Today's matter, I admit it, I Zuo Lengqun, give you a face, the girl of the Chen
family, I will not continue to shoot him."

Zuo Lengqun's figure flashed and he was about to run away.

"You... you are... Su Ze?"

Xiang Wentian, who was paralyzed on the ground, cried out.












































李天龙瞳孔不由一缩,开口道:“这份视频,列入 S 级保密权限,切记,不能外传。”




















“双合会的人,好大的胆子!” ..

第 201 章 金城首富之子?

















































别墅,是郊区朝霞山的半山别墅,售价 8888 万,小兄弟,你买得起嘛?”


















魏子岳冷笑道:“我倒是要看看,金城我不认识的人中,谁 TM 这么有财力。” ..

第 202 章 半山别墅?连山一起买了




说着,回头对那售楼小姐道:“我的车在 4S 店维修,你们店里派辆车吧。”



“苏先生,这座半山别墅,始建于 2015 年……”

机,想要买朝霞山的地皮,只可惜 2019 年 6 月,也就是去年……”

















直接拿出近 9000 万,买一座别墅?














苏泽直接将 8888 万,转到了公司账户……







“8888 万,已经到账了!”


































魏子岳,直接跪在了地上。 ..

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