Fuerzas Dispersivas y Polares

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ive Forces at Interfaces

.- , I
useful but not necessary to the argument to consider the
calculation of ii new'^Prop- origin of surface tension in a liquid surface. It is normal
to consider that the tension resides in the surface mono-
erty unifies several previously layer, although in some system it has been demonstrated
to have contributions from second or third layers. We
unrelated fields of surface shall use the term "surface region" or "interfacial region"
chemistry and permits rapid to represent not only the surface or interfacial mono-
layers but also those adjacent parts of the bulk liquid in
determination of several de- ?~."*>,$ which part of the surface tension resides. Molecules in

1 sign variables. Most note-

the surface region of the liquid are subject to attractive
forces from adjacent molecules which result in a net
attraction into the b u k phase in the direction normal
worthy of these are the heats to the surface. The attraction tends to reduce the num-
and freeenergiesof adsorption. ber of molecules in the surface region, and results in an
increase in intermolecular distance. The extension
(as in the case of a spring) requires work, and retnrns
work to the system upon release. The analogy with
on a simple model of surfaces and
. based
mterfaces have been found useful for relating
the spring is complete-it explains why tension exists
and why there is a surface free energy.
quantitatively several previously unrelated ficlds of
The intermolecular attractions which cause surface
surface chemistry (70-73). These equations introduce
tension result from a variety of well known inter-
a new term-the London dispersion force contribution
molecular forces. Most of these forces, such as the
to the surface free energy (yd)-and make use of this
metallic bond or the hydrogen bond, are a function of
term for the accurate calculations of surface tension,
specific chemical nature. On the other hand, London
interfacial tension, contact angles, heats and free energies
dispersion forces exist in all types of matter and always
of immersion, heats and free energies of adsorption,
give an attractive force between adjacent a t o m or
and the long-range van der Waals attractive forces.
molecules no matter how dissimilar their chemical
The accuracy of predictions of values verifiable by
natures may be (28). The London dispersion forces
experiment lead one to expect that predictions of un-
arise from the interaction of fluctuating electronic dipoles
verifiable quantities, such as the magnitude of attractive
with induced dipoles in neighboring a t o m or molecules.
forces at solidsolid interfaces, are to be trusted.
These forces depend on electrical properties of the
This approach should appeal especially to those who
volume elements involved and the distance between
need to use the results of surface chemistry and would
them, and are independent of temperature. I n a liquid
prefer to calculate from existing values rather than make
such as mercury there are two main interatomic forces,
new experimental determinations. It should also appeal
the metallic bond and the London dispersion forces.
to those teaching surface chemistry in that it relates for
Consequently the surface tension of mercury can be
the first time several widely separated fields of surface
divided into two parts, the part due to dispersion forces
chemistry. Most noteworthy is the abdity to calculate
and the part due to metallic bonds.
heats and free energies of adsorption of gases on solid
surfaces directly from measurements of surface tensions ?"g = f TEz"
and contact angles. The calculation of the long range A similar equation may be written for the surface tension
van der Waals attractive constant, A, from values of yd of water or of any other polar liquid.
is also very attractive. Let us consider the interface between mercury and a
suitable reference liquid, preferably a saturated liquid
Model and Basis Assumptions hydrocarbon, as in Figure 1. Liquid saturated hydro-
We will start with a discussion of liquid surfaces and carbons are useful as reference liquids because the inter-
liquid-liquid interfaces and then proceed to liquidsolid, molecular attraction in these liquids is, for all practical
vaporsolid, and solid-solid interfaces. First, it is purposes, entirely due to London dispersion forces.



Figure 7 . Although n M T simple

~ model of the intmfae is used, it gives accuratc predictions of wetting, adsorption, and spreading
behavior for many Juidr. At the interface between mercury and a sotwatcd hydrocarbon the molecules in the two “interfaid
region.?’ are subject to the multont force j d d mode up of components arising from bulk athactivc forces in each phme, and the
London di@msion forces operating ncro~sthe inttrface itself

VOL. 5 6 NO. 1 2 DECEMBER 1964 41

Furthermore the only appreciable interfacial interactions insertion of the proper values for water (011 = 1.48 A.3,
to which these standard liquids are subject are the London I
1 = 12.6 volts, ATl = 3.34 X loz2, r l l = 2.76 A.) gives
dispersion forces. The interface is composed of the two 25.4 ergs per sq. cm. as the dispersion force component
adjacent interfacial regions, and the interfacial tension of the surface energy of water.
must therefore be the sum of the tensions in each of these In a similar fashion, one can determine the interaction
regions. I n the interfacial region of the hydrocarbon, between dissimilar phases (at an interface) with volume
the molecules are attracted toward the bulk hydrocarbon elements of such a size that the volume elements in the
by intermolecular forces which tend to produce a tension surface still have twelve nearest neighbors. Under
equal to the surface tension of the hydrocarbon (71). these conditions the energy of interaction of the volume
However, at the interface there is also an attraction by elements in the surface of phase 1 is.
the London dispersion forces of the mercury for those - 7i- Nln',
.- IJZ
hydrocarbon molecules in the interfacial region. These
molecules are in a different force field than those at the
4 r1z2 I1 I2
surface of the hydrocarbon because of this interaction, If we use the geometric mean relationship of Ber-
and therefore the tension in this layer is a function of the thelot, London, Hildebrand, etc., and write
difference between the surface tension of the hydrocarbon
and the attractive force exerted by the London dispersion
force interaction between hydrocarbon and mercury.
For those acquainted with the success of the solubility we may now compare Equation 5 with Equation 6 to
parameter for predicting the solubility of nonelec- see what errors arise in the use of the geometric mean
trolytes (23, 24), it is expected that the geometric mean relationship. Obviously if Arl = N z , r l l = r22, and I1 =
of the dispersion force attractions should predict the Iz,the two equations are identical. I t can be shown
magnitude of the interaction between these dissimilar ma- that even a 5070 difference in ionization potential will
terials, as was done by Girifalco and Good (75). cause an error of only 2y0. By proper choice of the size
This point is justified in the following section. The of volume elements in the two phases, errors due to a
effect of interfacial attraction on the tension in the disparity in the interelement distances can usually be
interface can be predicted by the geometric mean of the made negligibly small. For instance, in the case of
dispersion force components of the surface tension of the saturated hydrocarbons, the volume element to be
hydrocarbon and of the mercury ( d ~ I ~ y 2 ~ Thus
) . the summed will be the CH2 group, and in the case of
tension in the interfacial region of the hydrocarbon is aromatics, the CH group. Fortunately, all of these
equal to 71 - w. Similarly in the interfacial
region of mercury the attractive force of bulk mercury
have very nearly the same radius as the water molecule
or the mercury atom. However, there may be some
difficulty in the case of fluorocarbons where the radius
is partially balanced by the attractive force of the
of the CFZ group is a bit larger, and it may be that part
hydrocarbon and the tension in this layer is equal to
of the overestimation of the interaction at interfaces
y2 - d 7 l d y z d . Since the interfacial tension y12 is the
(discussed later) and the overestimation of the solu-
sum of the tensions in these two layers bility of fluorocarbons in hydrocarbons could result from
Y l 2 = y1 +y2 - 2 d r n (11 treating these interactions as though the distance be-
tween interacting volume elements is negligibly different,
The use of the geometric mean relationship to predict
when in fact this is not the case.
intermolecular forces is based on certain assumptions
The above arguments show that, with the possible
and has certain limitations. ,4 calculation of these
exception of hydrocarbon-fluorocarbon interactions,
forces by summation of pair potentials illustrates the
the interaction energies due to dispersion forces at an
principle and demonstrates some limitations. The
potential for the interaction between volume elements
in liquid 1 is given by
(Ergs/Sq. Cm. at 20' C . )

where 011 is the polarizability, I1 is the ionization poten-

tial, and r l l the intermolecular distance. If one sums 210
up the pair potentials of all of the surface volume ele- 199
ments with all of the volume elements below the surface 194
(5, 28), one obtains the following estimate for the Toluene 28 5 359 208
dispersion force contribution to the surface energy o-Xylene 30 1 359 200
m-Xylene 28 9 357 21 1
#-Xylene 28 4 361 203
(3) n-Propylbenzene 29 0 363 194
n-Butylbenzene 29 2 363 193
Equation 3 gives the surface energy in electron volts
- 200 & 7
per sq. cm.; when multiplied by 1.602 X it gives
ergs per sq. cm. This equation is realistic in that

interface can be reliably predicted by the geometric is evidence that the interaction between water and
mean of the dispersion force components of the surface mercury is almost entirely due to dispersion force inter-
energies of the two substances. Since the dispersion actions, and therefore the dipole-metal image forces are
force contributions to surface energy calculated with comparatively very weak.
Equation 3 take into account the density (and its change
Calculation of Spreading Coefficients
with temperature) these are essentiaw surface free
energy terms (or surface tension terms), and the geo- The spreading coefficient of oil on water is given by
metric mean of y l d and r;' may be used to give the the equation
magnitude of the interfacial attraction resulting from dis- s = Y w - (70 + T o w )
persion forces between adjacent dissimilar phases. If we substitute Equation 1 into the above expression:
Calculation of Intotfacial Tension
s=2 4 G 7 - 2% (6)
Equation 1 can be tested with the known values of
surface and interfacial tension for a variety of hydro- This equation holds for pure hydrocarbons and shows
carbons with mercury. Since with these hydrocarbons that the spreading coefficient of an oil on water is a
ya = ysd, there is only one unknown in the equation,
single-valued function of the surface tension of the oil.
However, for the case of mixed oils, where there is some
,:y the dispersion force component of the surface tension
of mercury. Table I shows the results of fitting known degree of adsorption at either the surface or the interface,
the results are slightly modified. In Figure 2 we see
values of surface and interfacial tension into Equation 1
for a series of ten different hydrocarbons with mercury the results obtained with pure hydrocarbons and some
at 20' C. Although the value of rrr$is very sensitive to obtained with mixed hydrocarbons. If aromatics are
present, the interfacial tension is lowered and the points
differences in interfacial tension, this value is seen to be
fall below the predicted line. However, if there are no
remarkably consistent with these ten different bydro-
carbons, having a standard deviation of only 3.5%. aromatics present and there is a variety of saturates,
A similar test of the equation using the surface and the low molecular weight saturates give a low value of the
interfacial tensions of several hydrocarbons with water is surface tension and the spreading coefficients are seen
shown in Table 11. The values of ym,od obtained by to fall above the line.
the different hydrocarbons at 20" C. average 21.8 dynes Calculation of Contact Angler
per cm. with a standard deviation of 0.7 dynes per cm. The Young equation for the contact angle 0 of a liquid
or about 3%. This close agreement of the values of L on a plane surface S is
yH,d and yH,odderived from interfacial tensions with a
variety of hydrocarbons illustrates the usefulness of the yL COS e = Ys - yLS - (7)
concept of y d and of the model which leads to Equation 1. where xa is the equilibrium film pressure of adsorbed
This also demonstrates that with Equation 1 we can vapor on the solid surface. For solid-liquid systems
calculate interfacial tensions between water or mercury interacting by dispersion forces, one can use Equation 1
and any saturated hydrocarbon of known surface to predict yLs:
One may also use the values of yHSO d
and rH.din
yL cos e = -yL + 2- - x. (8)
Equation 1 to calculate the interfacial tension between For the contact angles of a series of liquids on a given
water and mercury on the assumption that the inter- solid, such as measured by Zisman (37),where y L > ys
action between these two liquids is entirely due to and consequently (as explained later) r. is zero:
London dispersion forces. The calculated value is
424.8 dynes per cm. with a standard deviation of 4.4 cos e = -1 + 2dYsd
dynes per cm.; this agrees very well with the best
experimental values of 426-7 dynes per cm. This result


(Ergs/Sq. Cm. at 20" C.)

n-He-e 18.4 51.1 21.8

,,-Heptane 20.4 50.2 22.6
. 25 yc DYNESltM.
Decalin 29.9 51.4 22.0 Figure 2. Relalion o/ spreading coc$iciLnt to surface t m i o n of oils.
White oil (25 ") 28.9 51.3 21.3 The circles represent pure hydrocarbons, tha squares r&ad oils; Z
AVeragC 21.8 f 0.7 refer3 to m~urancntsmade by W . A. Ziimon, L b j I. Langmuir,
71 = 72.8 ergs/sq. cm. of 20' C.
S by W. M . Sawyer. Thc open circle at about 37 dyncs/cm. is for
Sls Illfa..c 77. decalin, memured by Sawyer

VOL. 5 6 NO. 1 2 DECEMBER 1 9 6 4 43

A plot of cos 8 us. d y x should give a straight line It is also of interest that ?sd values can be obtained by
with origin at cos 8 = - 1 and with slope 2 f l . Since other measurements such as heats or free energies of
the origin is fixed, one contact angle measurement is immersion or adsorption (as shown later). Thus Equa-
sufficient to determine the dispersion force component tion 9 can be used to predict wntact angles quite accu-
of the surface energy of the solid (ysa). rately without any adjustable parameter. For example,
Some comment should be made on thereasons for Graham's recent adsorption studies of argon and nitrogen
predicting that xa is zero when high energy liquids are on polypropylene predict ysa to be 26-28.5 dynes/cm.
brought in contact with low energy solids which have for this solid at 78" to 90" K. At room temperature rsd
only dispersion force interactions (such as waxes and should be slightly less; since the surface tension of any
hydrocarbon polymers). The basic reason for this liquid hydrocarbon is exactly proportional to the fourth
power of the density over a wide temperature range, this
assumption is that all theoretical and experimental
evidence predicts that adsorption of high energy material principle can predict changes in ysawith temperature. .
cannot reduce the surface energy of a low energy ma- There have been many arguments in the literature
terial. For example, the surface tension of a liquid against the use of contact angle as a thermodynamic
hydrocarbon is never reduced by adsorbing water; quantity and against the use of the Young equation;
since Equations 8 and 9 can be used to calculate contact -.
this point has been verified by experiment. The fact
that a given liquid has a contact angle greater than zero angles from other thermodynamic measurements, the
degrees on a given low energy solid is evidence that the contact angle is established as a true thermodynamic
liquid is a higher energy liquid and therefore a. should quantity. Some ysd values obtained from contact angle
be zero. This rule holds for all solids that interact by measurements are shown in Table 111.
dispersion force only. It does not hold for high energy Calculation of Free Energy of Adsorption of Vapors on Solid
solids such as metals or graphite; water doesn't wet In most studies of physical adsorption of vapors on
these solids but it does adsorb and produce appreciable solids the adsorbates are nitrogen, argon, or hydro-
values of ra. The solids on which water produces carbons which interact internally and externally by
film pressure x. have surface energies considerably in London dispersion forces. Consequently these inter-
excess of water. actions can be related quantitatively to ysa for the
Zisman and co-workers at the Naval Research Labora- adsorbent and yzd for the adsorbate. The easiest
tory have accumulated extensive tables of contact angle relation is obtained when the adsorbate is in equilib-
measurements on low energy solids (37). For each rium with liquid adsorbate; under these conditions the
solid surface the contact angles of many liquids have total reduction in surface energy of the solid resulting
been determined. Many of the liquids are hydro-
carbons or esters consisting largely of hydrocarbon 7:
structures. When these data are plotted according to 0 30 2C IO
Equation 9 as in Figure 3, they give a simple fan of
straight lines with common origin, for Equation 9 has
only a single parameter (the slope 2 m Here ysa
is the dispersion force contribution to the surface free
energy of the solid, rather than the total surface free
energy. This is a most useful concept, for this is a
quantitative measure of the available energy of this
solid surface for interaction with adjacent media.
Zisman and co-workers plot cos 8 us. yz and the value
ofyz at the interceptwhere cos 8 = 1 is termed the critical
surface tension for wetting (ye). If yc for a given solid
has been determined with liquids having only dispersion
force interactions (such as hydrocarbons), it equals rsd,
unless long extrapolations have been made. The plot of
cos 8 us. yL gives two-parameter straight lines at best and
sometimes extrapolation of such lines obtained with a
homologous series of hydrocarbons predicts cos 0 for
water < -1 and cos 8 for mercury as low as -20 (74).
I n Figure 3 the value of ysd obtained with liquid hydro-
carbons on paraffin wax predicts the contact angle of
water to be 1 1 l 0 , in excellent agreement with the experi-
mental 108°-1120 values (8, 37). On the other hand
cos 8 for mercury is predicted to be -0.8 whereas -0.9 Figure 3. Contact angles of a number of lipuidr on four low energy
surfaces. Triangles rcfn to polycthybnc, open squares to pma#n wax,
is observed; it is possible that some wax spread on
open circles t o , CS&P, and black squares to Jworododecanoic acid
mercury resulting in a decrease in surface tension and monolayers on platinum. All points below anow are contact "glcs
therefore too high a contact angle. with w a t n


TABLE 111. VALUES OF ysd OF LOW ENERGY SOLIDS Table I V is a useful guide in comparing the adsorbent
properties of materials. All of the materials listed have
+Dodecanoic acid on Pt 1 0 . 4 ergs/sq. cm. higher yd values than any organic substance measured so
+Dodecanoic acid on Pt 13.1 far. This means that hydrocarbons will adsorb more
Polyhexafluoropropylene (HFP) 18.0
Polytetrafluoroethylene (TFE) 19.5
strongly on any of these materials than on organic solids.
n-CS6H,4 wax crystal 21 .o Of the materials listed graphite is the strongest adsorbent
n-Octadecylamine on Pt 22.1 ( y s d = 122) with tin oxide and titanium oxide (anatase)
Paraffin wax 25.5 second best. Surprisingly silica, a favorite adsorbent,
Polytrifluoromonochloroethylene ( Kel-F) 30.8 is seen to be a much weaker adsorbent than these (ysd =
Polyethylene 35.0
Polystyrene 44.0 78), about the same as barium sulfate. There is a
rather wide spread for the metals: copper (60); silver
(74) ; lead, tin, and iron (100) ; and, of course, mercury
from adsorption is often referred to as A,, the equilibrium (200). In the adsorption studies on these metals (27),
spreading pressure of the adsorbed film. Harkins (79) a, values were determined first on metal powders with
has demonstrated that oxidized surfaces and then after hydrogen reduction ;
r e = YS - (YL + YSL) (10) there was little change but A, values always decreased.
The values of A, (in ergs per sq. cm.) went from 33 to 29
If we substitute Equation 1 into 10 we obtain
(ysd = 67 to 60) for copper, from 38 to 37 ( y s d = 76 to
a, = 2 d X - 2 YL (11) 74) for silver, from 51 to 49 ( y s d = 103 to 99) for lead,
Y s d = (a, + 2Yd2/4YLd (12)
and from 54 to 53 ( y s d = 110 to 108) for iron. These
values indicate that copper should be the more easily
It is of interest to compare values of 7 2 obtained from outgassed (of hydrocarbons) in a vacuum system, for it
a, determinations in adsorption studies with values of should have the weaker interaction with adsorbed
ysd obtained by contact angle measurement. Recent hydrocarbon vapors.
adsorption studies by Graham (76) give revalues of 12 The study of adsorption potentials of metals and
and 13 ergs per sq. cm. for nitrogen (yL = 10.5 ergs oxides should eventually be done on ultraclean surfaces
per sq. cm.) and argon (yL = 11.9 ergs per sq. cm.) of known orientation. The values calculated from A,
on polypropylene; with Equation 12 these data give measurements of adsorbed vapors on powdered solids
Y~~ values of 26 and 28.5 ergs per sq. cm., respectively. are an average of several crystal faces and very probably
These are very reasonable values, as can be seen by have a high density of dislocations; however, there is
comparison with Table 111. Another comparison is every reason to believe these surfaces to be very clean by
available with graphite, where various measurements of virtue of their very large surface area. Perhaps the
A, (see Table IV) give Y~~ values averaging 122 ergs contact angle method in ultraclean vacuum equipment
per sq. cm. These compare with the 109 ergs per sq. will prove better for confining measurements exclusively
cm. obtained with Equation 8 using the contact angle to certain crystal faces.
of water (85.7") (8) and a, of water on graphite (19 ergs Table I V shows ysd values measured at 78' and 90'
per sq. cm.) (79). K., 0' and 25' C . As mentioned earlier these should
Some additional calculations of ysd with Equation 12 be easily related by the relation of y d to the density of
using a, measurements from the literature are shown in the material. One useful relation is the well known
Table IV. The ysd values obtained with various dependence of the surface tension upon the fourth
adsorbates on a given adsorbent are seen to agree well. power of the density of hydrocarbons (7). This does not
Adsorbent Adsorbate Reference Temperature Se 1 ErgslSq. Cm.
Polypropylene Nitrogen 78" K. 12 26
Argon 90" K. 13 28.5
Graphite Nitrogen 78' K. 51 123
n-Heptane 25' C . 63, 56, 58 132, 115, 120
Copper n-Heptane 25' C. 29 60
Silver n-Heptane 25 C . 37 74
Lead n-Heptane 25" C . 49 99
Tin n-Heptane 25' C . 50 101
Iron n-Heptane 25 C. 53 108
Argon 90' K. 47 106
Nitrogen 7 8 " K. 40 89
Ferric oxi ~ n-Heptane 25' C . 54 107
Anatase (TiOn) n-Heptane 25' C . 46 92
Butane 0 " c. 43 89
Nitrogen 78" K 56 141
Silica n-Heptane 25' C. 39 78
Stannic oxide n-Heptane 25" C . 54 111
Barium sulfate n-Heptane 25 O C . 38 76

VOL. 5 6 NO. 12 DECEMBER 1 9 6 4 45

agree with Equation 3, however, for here we have cal- This equation can be evaluated from the same informa-
culated an 8/3 power dependence on density. Of tion needed for Equation 12, and ysd values can be
course Equation 3 does not include any configurational readily determined for solids immersed in reference
entropy change but only a concentration entropy effect. liquids.
Thus for many solids the 813 power may be the more Figure 4 shows calculated heats of immersion for
appropriate. However, let us compare these estimates graphite and rutile (TiOz) in saturated hydrocarbon
for graphite, iron, and silver. If ysd is measured at 78" liquids for a range of y s d values. The value of AH, is
K. with liquid nitrogen, it must be decreased when shown to be rather sensitive to -ysd but not very sensitive
adjusted to 25' C. The fourth power rule gives a to y L d . Thus A H , for hexane, heptane, and octane
greater decrease than the 8/3 power rule; for graphite should be nearly identical, as was observed by Healey
-2.270 us. -1.6y0, for iron -2.7y0 us. -2.170, and for (22) for rutile (shown as squares), though not for graphite
silver -4.3% us. -3.1%. These values are small; (shown as circles). These observed values of heats of
however, for soft organic materials much larger de- immersion for graphite indicate that y/ lies between 97
creases may be expected. and 120 dynes per cm., which agrees well with the 109
obtained by contact angle measurement, the 108 ob-
Calculation of Heats of Adsorption tained by heat of adsorption, and the 115 to 132 ob-
The integral heat of adsorption AHoads of vapor L on tained by redeterminations for adsorbed vapors.
adsorbent S at p / p o = 1 is easily derived from Equation It is interesting to note with two different forms of
11 : titanium dioxide the high and reproducible values of
y s d for rutile (139 to 148 ergs per sq. cm.), as compared
AFoads = 2yL - 2 d y S d y L d
to the lower values (about 90 ergs per sq. cm.) obtained
by x , measurements on anatase.
Calculation of long Range Attractive Forces

As has been shown by London (28) and Hamaker

(17),dispersion forces operate over longer distances than
For systems of known y s d , y L d , and their temperature other intermolecular forces. Between flat plates sepa-
coefficients, M o a d e is easily calculable. Temperature rated by distance d in vacuum the attractive forces (in
coefficients of y L are normally available, but in the case dynes per sq. cm.) is A/6xd3, where A is the attractive
of polar liquids and solids the temperature coefficients constant (in ergs). The value of A can be calculated by
of y L d and y s d must be estimated from the fourth power summing the pair potentials ( p ) between volume ele-
of the density. Since these are small, errors arising from ments having polarizability a , ionization potential I,
such estimates must be even smaller. and distance of separation r:
From measured values of A H o n d s with reference -3 a1211
adsorbents (having only dispersion force interactions) lill =
4 r116
one can also calculate y s d . For example, Isirikyan and
Kiselev (25) have determined AHoads for n-hexane on This summation by Hamaker (17) gives
Graphon, a graphitized carbon black. From their 3
values of the area per molecule occupied by a-hexane A1 = x 2 Ar12 elzIl (15 )
(54 A.) and of 5.0 kcal. per mole for AHoade, Equation
13 gives y s d = 108 ergs per sq. cm. for Graphon. This where it' is the number of interacting volume elements
compares very well with the 109 ergs per sq. cm. ob- per cubic centimeter.
tained from contact angles on graphite crystals and the When particles of substance 2 are immersed in sub-
122 ergs per sq. cm. obtained from x , measurements on stance 1, according to Hamaker
Graphon powder.

Calculation of Heats of Immersion

The calorimetrically obtained heats of immersion of As pointed out by Vold (35),

when 1 and
I Zz are not too
powdered solids in aqueous and nonaqueous liquids different
are a very good means of determining solid-liquid
interactions ; these values are calculable from the free
A12 = (dx- dz)2 (17 )
energy of immersion (AF,) in the same manner as for the The evaluation of these interaction parameters is not
heats of adsorption : simple, however. The use of ionization potential is an
d d
approximation in the first place, but to obtain suitable
= YSL - Ys = Y L - 2 d Y S 3 L values for ionization potential and polarizability for a
wide variety of solids and liquids is nearly impossible.
Another means is needed for evaluating the attractive
force constant A . It now appears that this can be done
experimentally by using the dispersion force contribu-
tion to surface free energy ( y d ) . An equation for


evaluating yd by summation of pair potentials has

already been developed (Equation 3).

Yld =
-7 Ni2 at' I1
8 1112

It can be seen that substitution of the above equation

j 140 into Equation 15 cancels out the polarizability a and

the ionization potential I, which are so difficult to obtain
experimentally. The result is
A1 = 6~ rllz yld
and for two-phase systems where Il and Is are not too
- 120
$ A12 = 67r r l l (dg- d?)' (19)
For water and systems with volume elements such as
2 110
oxide ions, metal atoms, CH2 or CH groups which have
nearly the same size, 6nr11' = 1.44 X lo-". Figure 5
100,; shows Ala for such materials (2) immersed in water (1)
20 22 24 26 28
Y,, DYNES/CM as a function of the y/ values which have been deter-
mined independently, and are listed in Table V.
Figure 4. Dcpmdence of thz h a t s of immersion on ygd and YL.
Obviously AlZ drops to zero at 7;' = yt, which is
Spumes refer to &le, c&cles to graphite
21.8 ergs per sq. cm. for water, 37 ergs per sq. cm. for
glycerol, etc. Three well justified experimental points
are found to fall on the predicted curve; one is for
arachidic acid solutions (30)where A12 = 3 to 8 X
and r / should be between 25 and 30 ergs per q.
cm., another is the 5 to 6 X 10 -14 measured for poly-
styrene by Watillon of Brussels (private communication),
and the other is 3 to 5 X measured for silver
iodide (37) where the 7," has yet to be measured but
probably is 80 to 100 ergs per sq. cm., just below the
metal oxides.
It is possible to take experimentally determined values
of A l z from the literature and calculate yd values from
these. For instance, in the paper of Reerink (37) there
are listed some values obtained with selenium (Aiz =
2 X l0-la) and with gold (Al2 = 1 to 6 X lo-'')).
I These would correspond to 7; values of 72 ergs per sq.
cm. for selenium and 60 to 120 ergs per sq. cm. for gold.
I n both cases we have no check yet on t h e y 2 values by
other methods, but the magnitude is very reasonable.

Polyhexafluoropropylene 18 2 x lo-"
Polyteuafluoroethylene 19.5 8 x 1o-'e
Paraffin Wax 25.5 2 x 10-1s
Polymonochlorotrifluoroethylene 30.8 I x 10-14
Polyethylene 35 2 x 10-14
Figwt 5. Long rmge ottroctivz form conrkznt for solids suspended in Polystyrene 44 5 x10-14
w&r of 20' C., (LT gi>m by Equation 19 Copper 60 14 x 10-18 '
Silver 76 2.5 X
Anatase (TiOd 91 3.5 x 10-1s
Iron 98 4 x lo-'%
Lead 99 4 x 10-'8
Furic oxide
1 101

x 10-13
4 . 5 x 10-1s
x lo-'*
Stannic oxide 118 5.5 x 10-13
Silica 123 6 X lo-"
AUTHOR Fredmck M . Fowkes is Director of Research, Rutile (TiOz) 143 8 X
Sprague Electric Company, North Adams, Mass. Mercury 200 1 . 3 X 10."

VOL 5 6 NO. 1 2 DECEMBER 1 9 6 4 47

for Polar Liquids
Evaluation of 71,~
I t has already been shown how the dispersion force a-SROMONAPHTHAltNE
contribution to the surface free energy (yLd) can be
determined for polar organic liquids from interfacial
tension measuremen& between polar liquids and refer-
ence (saturated hydrocarbon) liquids. Although this
procedure works very well for water and mercury, it is
not satisfactory for most polar organic liquids because
they are too soluble in the reference hydrocarbons.
One way out of this situation is to use solid hydro-
carbons as the reference phase and determine ?,“ from
contact angle measurements. Some of these are illus-
trated in Figure 6. In this figure, nine reference
solids have been used. The y / values of these solids
have been determined with liquid hydrocarbons or with
esters which are largely hydrocarbon in nature. By
Figure 6. Method of determining y L d of polar liquids by contact
angle mearurmenfs. Numbers abow the grid refer to the following
plotting the contact angles of polar liquids on the lines low crurgv mrfacer; I--poIyethybne; 2-Kd-F; 3--para@ wax;
representing the standard reference solids, one obtains 4-C~aHa7NH2 monolayer on Pt; 5-CasH7r; 6-Te$on; 7’--ply-
from the abscissa the value of G / y L . It can be kxaJ?uoropropylene; S-CflnCOOH monolayer on Pt; Q-CnFw
C O O H monolnytr on Pt
seen from this figure that the measured values are
reasonably reproducible. In Figure 6 a calculated scale
of yLd is inserted below the arrow for each liquid.
Thus in the case of water, a scale from 15-30 ergs per sq. dipole-dipole interaction in this liquid increases the
cm. is shown and the experimental points for the contact surface energy by 2 ergs per sq. cm. over the 17 ergs per
angle of water are shown to predict that y,” for water is sq. cm. contributed by the dispersion forces.
between 20-25 ergs per sq. cm. This compares well The yLd values for glycerol and formamide (37 and
with the 21.8 ergs per sq. cm. obtained from the inter- 39.5 ergs per sq. cm., respectively) show that in these
facial tension measurements against liquid hydrocarbons, liquids the dispersion force interactions are much stronger
but shows that the contact angle method is not as than in water. In both liquids the dispersion force
precise as the interfacial tension method for measuring interactions are somewhat stronger than the sum of the
7,“. A summary of such measurements, including the dipole and hydrogen bonding interactions.
standard deviation of yLd, is shown in Table VI.
It is of especial interest that for large organic molecules Evaluation of Polor Interfacial Interactions at Liquid/Liquid
with small polar substituents (such as tricresyl phosphate, Intelfacer
a-bromouaphthalene, trichlorobiphenyl, and polydi- One of the virtues of expanding surface and inter-
methyl siloxanes) the yLd values are not distinguishably facial energies into a series of terms for each type of
different from yI,. Although there must be dipole- molecular interaction is that we can now evaluate
dipole interactions in some of these liquids, the magnitude quantitatively the yd terms for any liquid or solid and
of this interaction appears to be negligible when using then compare these with the total energy observed by
the contact angle method for determining yLd. If a interfacial tension, contact angle, and free energies or
method with a standard deviation of 1 or 2% were heats of adsorption or of immersion. In this way we
available, these effects should become measurable, but can determine the magnitude (in ergs per sq. cm.) of
with several polar liquids the contact angle method gives the polar interactions at these interfaces.
standard deviations (in yLd)of about 10%. For some There are many experimental values in the literature
polydimethyl siloxanes there is a large number of con- for the interfacial tension between mercury and polar
tact angle measurements available; here the standard organic liquids. Some of these are listed in Table V1I.
deviation in yzd is about 3% and it can be seen that the Values of y / are assumed to equal y L ; as shown in the
previous section, this is a reasonable assumption for
TABLEVI. EVALUATION OF-v’dFOR POLARORGANIC many polar organic liquids. For each polar organic
ON REFERENCE SOLIDS liquid the interfacial tension (712) is shown, and t h i s is
compared with the interfacial tension (71;) calculated
as if there were only dispersion force interactions. The
difference is shown in the right-hand column; a positive
Tricresyl phosphate 40.9 39.2 +4 value means that there is an interaction between mercury
ar-Bmmonaphthalene 44.6 47 *7 and the organic liquid over and above the dispersion
Trichlorohiphenyl 45.3 44 =t 6
force interaction. Because of difficulties in measuring
Methylene iodide 50.8 48.5 =t 9
Glycerol 63.4 37.0 zt 4 interfacial tensions with mercury, differences of less than
Fomamide 58.2 39.5 *7 10 ergs per sq. cm. are not considered significant.
Dimethyl siloxanes 19.0 16.9 zt 0 . 5 The interactions of mercury with polar organic liquids
Fluorohbe FCD-330 20.2 14.0 zt 0 . 2 may be summarized as follows. In all cases the dis-


TABLE VII. ENERGY O F MERCURY-ORGANIC LIQUID persion force interactions provide most of the energy of
interaction (about 120 ergs per sq. cm.). The strongest
/Sq. Cm.2)
polar interactions occur with alkyl iodides, mercaptans,
and nitro derivatives (50 ergs per sq. cm.). Mercury
also interacts with carboxylic acids (33 ergs per sq. cm.)
Liquid No. 2 YS Yl2d Y 12 and to a lesser extent with some alkyl chlorides. Negligi-
Dichloromethane 23.0 372 343 f29 ble polar interactions occur with organic bases (aniline,
Chloroform 27.1 364 357 + 7 diisoamylamine, and diethyl ether). The interactions
Carbon tetrachloride 27.0 364 359 + 5
of aliphatic alcohols are also negligible. I t appears
24.6 368 337 4-31
1,2-Dichloroethane 32.2 357 358 - 1 that maximum interactions occur with highly polarizable
Chlorobenzene 33.2 354 360 - 6 organic molecules, especially those which are electron
1,2-Dibromornethane 38.7 346 346 0 acceptors. Electron donors appear to have no inter-
1,1,2,2-Tetrabrornomethane 49.7 334 293 f41 action, and in general the interaction of dipoles with
Bromobenzene 36.3 350 350 0
Methyl iodide
mercury appears negligibly small.
30.1 359 304 $55
Ethyl iodide
Ethyl mercaptan
+ 40 In similar fashion the polar interactions at the inter-
face between polar organic liquids and water can be
Nitrobenzene 43.9 340 350 -10 determined. The accuracy of measurement of inter-
Nitroethane 32.2 356 306 +50 facial tensions for these systems is very much greater than
Aniline 42.9 341 341 0 for mercury, and consequently the significance of differ-
Diisoamylamine 24.2 369 372 - 3
Diethyl ether 17.0 384 379 + 5 ences is much greater. Table VI11 shows the observed
n-Butyl acetate 25.2 367 375 - 8 interfacial tensions and the interfacial tension (y 12)
Methanol 22.6 372 383 -11 calculated by considering only dispersion force inter-
Ethanol 22.7 372 389 -17 actions at the interface. For all the compounds listed,
n-Propanol 23.8 370 378 - 8 71: is significantly greater than ylz and the excess is a
n-Butanol 24.6 368 375 - 7
Isobutanol 23.0 371 343 +29
measure in ergs per sq. cm. of the energy of interaction
Isopentanol 25.7 366 374 - 8 due to interactions involving various polar interactions.
n-Hexanol 25.8 366 372 - 6 In the case of benzene, toluene, and mesitylene, the polar
sec-Octanol 26.5 365 348 4-17 interaction of water involves a pi-bonding interaction
n-Octanol 27.5 363 352 +I1 which is shown to result in an interfacial interaction of
Cyclopentanol 32.0 356 365 -9
Acetic acid 27.8 363 329 + 34
about 15 ergs per sq. cm. In the case of carbon tetra-
Valeric acid
Undecylinic acid
+ 33 chloride and carbon tetrabromide, the dipole interaction
of water with an induced dipole in the organic phase
Oleic acid 32.5 355 322 +33 results in an interaction energy of 6 ergs per sq. cm. In

the case of butyronitrile, the dipole-dipole interaction

gives rise to an interfacial interaction of 23 ergs per sq.
TABLE V I I I . ENERGY O F WATER-ORGANIC LIQUID cm., whereas in the case of the silicones the dipole-dipole
INTERACTION interaction with water gives rise to an interfacial energy
(Ergs/Sq. Cm. at 20° C.) of interaction of 12 ergs per sq. cm. Organic molecules
Liquid capable of hydrogen bonding (aniline, di-n-butylamine,
No. 2 YZ Y12 YlZd Excess 2 4 2 7 2 octanoic acid, and cyclohexanol), have the strongest
Benzene 28.9 35 51.5 +16.5 50.2 interactions with water (40-48 ergs per sq. cm.). In all
Toluene 28.5 36.1 51.5 f15.4 50.0 examples studied the dispersion force interaction was the
Mesitylene 28.8 38.7 51.4 +12.7 50.1 largest single contribution to interfacial attraction,
Carbon tet- although in the case of the hydrogen-bonded materials
rachloride 26.9 45.0 51.3 f 6.3 48.4 the attractive forces resulting from dispersion forces and
Carbon tet- from hydrogen-bonding are approximately equal.
rabromide 49.7 38.8 56.5 + 6.8 66.0
Butyronitrile 28.1 10.4 51.3 f23.2 49.6
Aniline 42.9 5.8 53.7 f47.9 62.0 Evaluation of Polar Interfacial Attractions at
Di-n-butyl- Solid/Liquid Interfaces
amine 22.0 10.3 51 .0 +40.7 43.8 The interface between polar organic liquids and high
acid 27.5 8.5 51.3 f42.8 49.0 energy solids can be evaluated in the same way we have
Cyclohex- evaluated the liquid-liquid interface, using the -y/
anol 32.7 3.9 51.9 f48.0 53.6 values determined by free energies and heats of adsorp-
Polydime- tion and from heats of immersion. One method of
t hylsilox- evaluating the interaction of polar organic molecules
anesa 15.7 41.3 53.9 4-12.6 34.6b with polar inorganic solids is to use r evalues determined
16.8 41.3 53.6 f12.3 36.0b by adsorption of polar organic vapors on powdered
19.4 41.3 53.2 +12.1 39 .Ob solids (79) according to Equation 11
a yzd u e e s t i m a t e d as 7 2 - 2 ergs/sq. cm. (see Table V I ) . b Actu-
OILY 2.\/rldYed

VOL. 5 6 NO. 1 2 DECEMBER 1964 49

The above equation applies only when the interfacial
interactions are confined to dispersion forces. If addi-
tional interactions occur, ?re will be larger. Table IX
shows some of the ?re determinations (from the literature)
involving polar interactions at the liquidsolid inter-
face. The values of dispersion force-interactions
( 2 d m ) are shown in one column and the adjacent
column is headed ?re + 2y., If only dispersion force
interactions occur, the value of ?re + y L will equal
Zdysdrlp, but if additional interactions occur, the
excess, shown in the last column, is a measure of the
polar interaction in ergs per sq. cm.
It can be seen from Table IX that benzene interacts -1
with graphite and with oxides with an interaction energy 0 0.1 0.3
of 20-25 ergs per sq. cm. in excess of the dispersion force
interaction. This is probably due to pi-bonding between Figure 7. Contact an& a j liquid juorocarbonr on solid juoro- -
the benzene ring and the oxide surface. This interaction carborn. Solid limx mfu to values predicted from yzd &tmincd
with liquid hydrocarbons; dashd Iims represcnt cxpm'mental memure-
can be compared with that already discussed for the mcntr
interaction between aromatics and water where the pi-
bonding results in a 15 ergs per sq. cm. increase in inter-
Similar findings arise in contact angle studies with
action energy. It is a little surprising that benzene solid fluorochemicals (4, 74, 78, 32, 33). Contact angles
interacts more strongly with graphite than predicted of hydrocarbons on these surfaces, when graphed as in
by dispersion force interactions. This finding suggests
Figure 3, give very low 72 intercepts. However,
that the surface of graphite was not clean but covered contact angles of highly fluorinated liquids on these
with an oxide film for these measurements. Propanol, surfaces lead to larger 7 : intercepts (Figure 7). One
which is capable of interaction with oxide surfaces by might question which ygd really involves only dispersion
dipoledipole interaction, iondipole interaction and force interactions. It is assumed that the lower value
hydrogen bonding, shows a polar interaction energy (in obtained with liquid hydrocarbons is the better measure
excess of the dispersion force interaction) of 54-96 ergs of dispersion force interaction with all materials other
per sq. cm. The interactions of water with these oxides than fluorocarbons and the larger value obtained with
is extremely strong and probably results from dipole- liquid fluorocarbons is the proper value to use ior pre-
dipole interaction, iondipole interaction and hydrogen dicting interactions with fluorocbemicals.
bonding. The polar interaction term is remarkably Very similar findings resulted in a contact angle study
constant for all four oxygen-containing surfaces (336-368 of a perfluorinated lubricating oil on paraffin wax.
ergs per sq. cm.) and is very much larger than the dis- The surface tension, y L , was 20.2 dynes per cm., but the
persion force interaction (94-102 ergs per sq. cm.). contact angles on two wax surfaces gave yLd values of
The magnitude of this interaction is enormous compared 13.5 dynes per cm. (see Figure 6).
with all other interfacial interactions studied so far. As discussed earlier in the development of Equation
Fluorocarbon-Hydrocarbon Interoctionr 5, these deviations from predicted values could arise
partly from differences in ionization potentials (since
The interaction of fluorocarbons with hydrocarbons
fluorocarbons have ionization potentials of about 15
in solution is not well understood (23). Their deviations
volts as compared with about 10 volts with hydro-
from predictions of solubility are much greater than with
carbons) or from the disparity in size of volume elements
other nonelectrolytes. Fluorocarbons are poorer sol-
acting at the interface. As mentioned earlier, the CF,
vents for hydrocarbons than predicted by heats of
group is somewhat larger than the CHe group, and con-
vaporization; this means that the actual interactions
sequently the geometric mean approximation may be
are weaker than predicted. The same is observed at
slightly in error (see Equations 4 and 5). The magni-
interfacesfor example, a fluorinated lubricating oil
tude of difference shown in Figure 7 is 3-5 ergs per sq.
was found to have a surface tension of 22.4 dynes per
cm. which corresponds to 20 to 25% of the interaction
cm. (9). If we assume that the intermolecular forces are
energy. This difference seems larger than one might
entirely dispersion forces (7, = yLd), then the inter-
explain on the basis of differences in ionization potential
facial tension with water should be 50.3 dynes per cm.,
or differences in size of volume elements, or both.
according to Equation 1; however, the experimental
interfacial tension is 57.7 dynes per cm., which indicates Application to Problems in Adhesion
a weaker than predicted interaction with water. If The foregoing tables and discussion give a background
7," is calculated with Equation 1 using the interfacial which should be useful in deciding what molecules or
tension of 57.7 dynes per cm. the result is 15.4 dynes per chemical groups should bond most strongly to a given
cm. as compared with the experimental yL of 22.4 substrate, and also what contaminants are most liiely
dynes per cm. These findings, in good agreement to be strongly bonded to surfaces or are capable of
with solution studies, do not explain the discrepancy. penetrating into interfaces.

The predictions of Zisman (38) on the importance of water in laboratory air. The type of cleaning used in
wettability in adhesion have been recently confirmed by these experiments is generally to rub a powder (of no
Sharpe and Schonhorn (34) for adhesion to low-energy particular cleanliness) on these surfaces. It appears
polymers. The wettability of a solid, S, by a liquid, L, that these crude experiments are subject to very much
is predicted by the spreading coefficient, S more contamination than those specifially designed for
s = Ys - (YL - Y S L ) the elimination of adsorbed materials. It is very
and in the case of solid-liquid systems which can interact educational to note that in the case of mercury-water
only by dispersion forces, then interfaces where exact measurements are available, the
adsorption of a monolayer of benzene occurs at the
s= 2/yLdy,d - 2y, mercury-water interface with a 30 ergs per sq. cm.
With this equation, we can determine how large a value reduction of interfacial tension (77). This decrease is
of ysd is required for various liquids to spread on solids easily calculated and has been experimentally observed.
when only dispersion force interactions occur. For This reduction can increase the spreading coefficient of
example, with water positive values of S (which indicates water on mercury from a value of -1.1 ergs per cm. to
that spontaneous spreading occurs) will result only when +1G ergs per sq. cm., providing the benzene is present
ysd exceeds 243 dynes per cm. We can see from Table in such small amounts that it is confined to the mercury-
I V that water will not spread on graphite or on any water interface. Additional benzene in the system
of the oxide-free metal surfaces listed in that table. would tend to reduce the surface tension of mercury and
We can also see from the values in Table VI that with prevent spreading. Thus, small amounts of contamina-
formamide positive values of S will occur only when tion (especially by aromatic hydrocarbons) can be
y / exceeds 85 dynes/cm. Formamide should spread on clearly predicted to have the surprising effect of promot-
graphite, lead, tin, and iron, not on copper or silver. ing the wetting of metal surfaces by water.
The above predictions on the nonwettability of pure The enhancement of the attractive forces between
metal surfaces by water have been verified by experiment. liquids and solids resulting from hydrogen bonding or
FYhite (36) of the Bell Telephone Laboratories has dipole interactions are indicated quantitatively from the
found that in ultraclean vacuum systems water will not values shown in Tables VII, VIII, and IX. At inter-
wet gold. He found that water did wet gold oxide faces between organic solids having hydroxyl groups
prepared by anodization in nitric acid ; however, a in the surface and liquids having similar groups the
heat treatment in the vacuum system removed the un- attraction can be enhanced (over and above the dis-
stable gold oxide, and the resulting clean surface was no persion forces) by about 40 ergs per sq. cm. as shown in
longer water-wet. Similar results have been obtained Table VI11 for the interface between water and butyro-
by R. A. Erb (7) at the Franklin Institute who has nitrile, or between water and di-n-butylamine. Simi-
found that with rigorously clean metal surfaces the larly, the enhancement of the attraction of polar sub-
contact angles of water range from 50-85' for rhenium, stances to metal surfaces (over and above the dispersion
silver, platinum, palladium, and gold. These findings, forces) may be estimated by the value shown for the
made in equipment designed for providing clean metal mercury interface with polar organic liquids in Table
surfaces, appear to conflict with some observations made VII. The much stronger bonds established between
in laboratory air. Various investigators have found polar liquids and ionic solids are shown in Table IX.
that freshly "cleaned" metals are immediately wet by Consider adhesion of materials to solid fluorocarbons.


Solid Liquid "6 + 27, Excess

Graphite n-Heptane (std.) 96 96 0
Benzene 114 134 20
Anatase n-Heptane (std.) 99 99 0
Benzene 116 142 26
n-Propanol 106 162 56
Water 102 446 344
Silica n-Heptane (std.) 100 100 0
Benzene 118 138 20
Acetone 98 156 58
n-Propanol 98 182 84
Water 94 462 368
Bas04 n-Heptane (std.) 99 99 0
n-Propanol 106 202 96
Water 102 464 362
SnOp n-Heptane (std.) 98 98 0
Beni-ene 108 134 26
n-Propanol 98 152 54
Water 102 438 336

VOL. 5 6 NO. 1 2 D E C E M B E R 1 9 6 4 51
These surfaces bond more strongly to other fluorocarbons NOMENCLATURE
than to hydrocarbons; the forces of attraction between YI = surface free energy of substance 1
fluorocarbons are about 25y0 greater than calculated for yo = surface free energy of organic liquid 0
dispersion force interactions, using the values of y/ and yiir = surface free energy of water
*fs = surface free energy of solid S
yLdshown in these tables. YL = surface free energy of liquid L
In a number of the above examples, we see that the Yc = Zisman’s “critical surface tension for wetting” of
simple rule that a low-energy liquid will wet and given solid
712 = interfacial free energy between substances 1 and 2
strongly adhere to a high-energy solid only holds if the yld = dispersion force contribution to the surface free encrgy
intermolecular forces in the solid and liquid can interact of substance 1
with each other. If these forces cannot interact, the y12d = dispersion force contribution to the interfacial frcc
energy between substances 1 and 2
simple rule breaks down. Thus the prediction and ob- 011 = polarizability of substance 1
servation that water will not spontaneously wet an oxide- pI, = London pair potential between two volume elcments of‘

free metal surface appears to break the simple rule since substance 1
I1 = ionization potential of substance 1
the surface energy of these metals is much greater than i-11 = distance between centers of volume elements in sub-
that of water. However, since only the dispersion forces stance 1
can interact at these interfaces, the simple rule no longer r12 = distance between centers of volume elements a t iuterfacc
between substances 1 and 2
holds and predictions of wettability can only be made by = number of volume elements per av. cm. of substance 1
the spreading coefficient calculated with the dispersion Zizd = summation of London pair-potentials of a monolaycr
force contributions to surface tension. of substance I with adjacent bulk liquid 2
S = spreading coefficient
Ultimate Tensile Strength of Interfaces Te = decrease in surface free energy of substrate resultiiig
from adsorption of another substance
The magnitude of interfacial attraction between two 6 = contact angle
phases interacting by dispersion forces can be estimated AF’ads = free energy change (per sq. cm.) of solid surface upon
from the energy of attraction ( 2 d a )between the adsorbing vapor (in equilibrium with liquid) onto
bare solid surface
two interfacial monolayers, by differentiating Equation AH‘,a, = enthalpy change (per sq. cm.) of above process
5 with respect to intermolecular distance (r12) : AFi = free energy change (per sq. cm.) of bare solid surface
when immersed in liquid
AH, = enthalpy change (per sq. cm.) of above process
AI = attractive constant between two bodies of substancc 1
(in vacuum)
where El: is a best estimate of the value of d y t y ; . A12 = attractive constant between two bodies of substancc 2
(in liquid 1 )
However, this derivation assumes that the number of
volume elements per cu. cm. is unchanged during tensile LITERATURE CITED
stress and the only change in intermolecular distance (1) Adam, N. K., “The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces,” 3rd ed., p. 166,
occurs at the interface. If the changes in intermolecular Oxford, London, 1941.
(2) Armbruster, M. H . , Austin, J. B., J . B m . Chem. Soc. 6 6 , 159 (1944).
distance also occur in the bulk materials, then iV of (3) Basford, P. R., Harkins, W.D., Twiss, S. B., J . Phys. Chem. 58, 307 (1954).
Equations 2, 3, and 4 decreases with increase in r 1 2 . (4) Bernett,M. K., Zisman, 14‘. A , , J . Phjs. Chem. 65,2266 (1916).
(5) deBoer, J . H . , Trans.FarndnySoc.32 1 0 (1936).
If rll, r 2 2 , and r12 all increase equally under tensile stress, (6) Boyd, G . E., Livingston, H . K., J . Am. Chem. Soc. 64, 2383 (1942).
( 7 ) Erb, R . A., submitted to J . Phys. Chem.
( 8 ) Fowkes,F. M.,Harkins, W.D., J . Am. Chem. Soc. 62,3377 (1940).
( 9 ) Fowkes,F. M., Sawyer, W.M., J. Chem. Phys. 20, 1650 (1952).
(10) Fowkes, F. M . , J . Phys. Chem. 6 6 , 382 (1962).
while if only r l l and r12 change (for an elastic material (11) Fowkes,F. M., Zbid., 67, 2538 (1963).
(12) Fowkes, F. M., in “Adhesion” ASTM: Spec. Tech, Pub. No, 360 (1964).
on a rigid substrate), it is reasonable to estimate that (13) Fowkes, F. M., Advances in Chemirfry 43, 99-111 (1964).
(14) F o x , H . W., Zisman, W.A,, J. ColloidSci. 5 , 514 (1950); 7, 428 (1952).
d- = - -3.5
dri2 r12
El2 (15) Girifalco, L. A., Good, R . J., J . Phys. Chcm. 61, 904 (1957).
(1G) Graham, D., J . Ph>’s.Chem. 68, 2788 (19154).
(17) Hamaker, A. C., Phyiica 4 , 1058 (1937).
For the ultimate tensile strength of polyethylene (18) Hare, E. F., Shafrin, E. G . , Zisman, W.A., J . Phyr.Chem. 58, 236 (1954).
(19) Harkins, W .D., “Physical Chemistryof Surface Filrns,”Reinhold, N.Y., 1952
(20) Harkins, W.D., Jura, G., Loeser, E. H., J . A m . Chem. Sac. 68, 554 (1946).
(21) Harkins,W.D., Loeser, E . H . , J. Chem. Phyr. 18,556 (1950).
(22) Healey, F. H., Chessick, J. J., Zetrlemoyer, A. C., Young, A . C., J . Phyi. Chem.
5 8 , 887 (1954).
For r l l = 4 A. this gives 70 x IO8 dynes per sq. cm. or (23) Hildebrand, J. H . , Scott, R. L., “Solubility of Non-Electrolytes,” 3rd c d . ,
Reinho1d.N. Y . . 1950.
105,000 p.s.i. For the polyethylene bond to iron ~ ~~
, I

(24) Hildebrand, J. H . , Scott, R . L., ”Regular Solutions,” Prentice-Hall, E d g i -

( d y x = 60 ergs per sq. cm.) the ultimate tensile wood Cliffs,N. J., 1962.
(25) Isirikyan, A . A,, Kiselev, A . V., J . Phjs. Chem. 66,210 (1962).
strength should be : (26) Jura, G., Harkins,\&‘. D.: J . A m . Chem. SOC.66,1356 (1944).
( 2 7 ) Loeser, E. H . , Harkins, W . D., Twiss, S . B., J . Phys. Chem. 57, 251 (1953).
(28) London, F., Trans. Furoduy Sac. 33, 8-26 (1937).
(29) Melrose, .I. C.! Advances in Chemistry 43, 172 (1964).
(30) Ottewill, R. H., Wilkins, D. J., Trans. Faraday Sac. 58,608 (1962).
(31) Reerink, H., Overbeek, J. Th. G., Disc. Fornday Soc. 18, 74 (1954).
or 105 X IO8 ergs/sq. cm. (157,000 p.s.i.) at r12 = 4 A . (32) Schulman, F., Zisman, W. A,, J . ColloidSci. 7 , 4 5 (1952).
This is greater than that of the polymer, even when the (33) Shafrin, E. G., Zisman, W.A , , Zbid.,7, 166 (1952).
strain is not shared between substances. Of course the (34) Sharpe, L. H . , Schouhorn, L., Adoances in ChemirWy 43,189 (1964).
(35) Vold, M., J . CdloidSci. 16, 1 (1961).
measured tensile strengths are an order of magnitude (36) White, M . L., J . Phys. Chcm. 68, 3083 (1964).
lower, since failures are not the result of concerted (37) Zisman, W. A , , IND. ENG.CHEM.5 5 , 19 (1963).
(38) Zisman, W .A , , in “Adhesion and Cohesion,” ed. by P. Weiss,pp. 176-208
breaking of bonds, but of crack initiation. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1962.


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