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ABAB Patterns with Manipulatives Date November 24 and 25

Subject/ Time
Kindergarten 30-35 minutes
Grade Level Duration
Unit Math Teacher Miss Agnew


Learning Use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems.
Specific Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two or three elements) by
Learning identifying, reproducing, extending, and creating patterns using manipulatives, sounds and
Outcomes: actions.
SMART LEARNING OBJECTIVES (specific, measurable, action word, relevant, timely)
Students will create multiple ABAB patterns with different kinds of manipulatives.

 What is a pattern?
Key Questions:
What about this matters?
 What is an ABAB pattern?
Why does it matter?  How can we make patterns using different kinds of manipulatives?

Observations,  I will circulate and observe students as they create ABAB patterns
Products, and/or  Students will show me the patterns they create and explain what the pattern is
Trays of different manipulatives

Introduction Time

“Okay Kindergarten I want everyone to think back to Monday when we

learned about patterns and made patterns using blocks. Can anyone
remember what a pattern? Take it and raise it.” “So as a reminder everyone,
a pattern is the same thing repeated over and over again.” “Can anyone
Set the objective, 5-7
purpose, interest remember what patterns they made last class with the blocks?” (I will use
the examples of patterns they say to create patterns with the blocks)
“We are going to watch a short video and I want everyone to try and guess
what the next piece of the pattern will be.”

Body Time
Scaffold the steps to the “Okay Kindergarten today we are going to make patterns again but this time 20-25
end goal.
we are going to use different kind of objects. Can anyone think of some minutes
objects we could use to make patterns with? Take it and raise it.”
I will show the students some of the objects we will be using to make
patterns and I will make different ABAB patterns for them to see.
“At each of your tables are trays full of different objects to use to make
patterns. When you make a pattern, I want you to choose two objects and
make a pattern. Your patterns must be 6 objects long. When you finish
making your pattern I want you to raise your hand like last time and I will
come over and ask you to show me your pattern and explain to me what
your pattern is. I want you to make at least 3 different patterns with the
objects in the tray. When I clap my hands I want everyone to stop what they
are doing and clap back. After I clap I will have everyone clean up their
patterns and put the objects back on the tray so that we can switch the
trays. After I switch the trays I want you to make 3 different patterns again
with the different objects and raise your hand when you are finished.”
Students will be given 3-5 minutes to make the patterns. I will judge the
time they need based on how quickly students are making the patterns.
“Okay Kindergarten this is the last time we will switch the trays. After you
finish with these last trays I want you to help clean up the tables then join
me on the floor for a quick wiggle break.”

Closure Time
Just one “Good work today Kindergarten on making patterns. I want to show you
Solidify how we can label patterns with letters now. Let’s say this object is called A.
Is the next object the same object? No! So, do you think we should call it A
3 minutes
or should we call it something else? Right, we should label this object a
different letter, so we can call this object B. So this type of pattern is called
an ABAB pattern.” (I will have cut outs of A and B)


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