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SWK 4450 HBSE Reflection

Holly Thompson
Fall 2022
Human Behavior and Social Environment discussed the impact of client’s environment

and how it plays a role in daily life. Dr. Thomas’s class thoroughly involved the PIE (Person-in-

Environment) perspective and how disparities and indifferences in communities contradicted

service delivery. Many clients in the social work setting are often underserved and their place of

residency can impede their well-being and outcomes. Belonging in groups and establishing

positive interactions is paramount and the internal and external factors are often a major

implication for client’s needs. It is imperative to recognize environments as social workers and

understand how clients and constituents may be afflicted in the social work setting.

The portfolio assignment addressed the various theories such as systems and

empowerment. I also discussed the strengths and limitations of each theory as well. My paper

focused on mental health and adolescents and how there has been an increase in mental health

issues over the last several years, particularly during the pandemic. Many adolescents who live in

poverty that may suffer from mental instability often at times are unable to seek treatment due to

cost and lack of availability which can hinder social service delivery.

This assignment also discussed policy and implications on a local, state, and federal level.

On a local level, in Robeson County many mental health therapeutic providers are often

privatized which means many therapists only accept insurance and private pay. In the state of

North Carolina, there are policies enacted such as the Psychiatric Advance Directives. There are

also federal policies regarding treatment of mental health as well. This assignment incorporated

Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice because it involved writing about social and economic

policies on a local, state, and federal level. It also discussed aspects of Competency 6: Engage
with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities, which is the PIE (Person-

In-Environment) perspective regarding human behavior and social environment. Another

competency addressed was Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations,

and Communities as well as Competency 8: Intervene with individuals, Families, Groups,

Organizations, and Communities.

I learned a lot about environments and theories while partaking and researching topics

pertaining to this paper which enlightened me of the importance of communities, groups, family

interactions, and policies which have significant influence on clients. There can be positive and

negative aspects which can influence the outcomes of clients and whether services rendered were

achievable for client satisfaction and constituents.

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