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Cyber bullying survey 18-10-2022

Administered by :
............................................Table of contents........................................

1- Executive summary........................................................................

2- Background and objectives............................................................

3- Methodology...................................................................................
3-a) Participants demographics : gender, age ,geographical area
3-b) Internet safety.................................................................
3-c) Experienced being cyber bullied.....................................
4- Recommendation............................................................................
5- References.....................................................................................

7- Executive summary :

We conducted this survey in order to study the cyber bullying in

universities besides ESPRIT. We collected data from different
responses that we received
To start with, the majority of participants were victims of cyberbullying.
Offensive name-calling, spreading rumors, etc .. have long been an
unpleasant experience for them.
While some of them didn’t care, others felt sad, scared and embarrassed as
well. In addition, statistics show that half of the respondents didn’t speak to a
counselor for the same reasons.
Therefore, we suggested organizing awareness campaigns against
online bullying. Moreover, establishing a school safety committee at
universities with strict policies and rules is clearly a solution too.
To sum up, cyber bullying turned into the biggest online concern
threatening users .That’s why we should put an end to it -hopefull
1. Background and Objectives :

Thanks the development of technology, people opt to use social

media, chat rooms, e-mail, webcams etc for the purposes of
communication.While these new tools are accessible to anyone
anytime, anywhere , they can prove also be a toxic environment where
users are faced with various forms of bullying .

We conducted this survey on the many aspects of cyber-bullying in

order to understand the nature and the impact of this phenomenon .

2. Methodology :
Along this study, we administered an online survey from the 7th to the
20th of october 2022.The participants in the study were drawn from
different universities besides ESPRIT.The survey is composed of 14

Moreover, in order to collect more data, we share it with our friends and
peers via email and social media. Overall we ended up obtaining 30

In addition, after verifying validity of the data , we compiled all the

information acquired from this questionnaire were in the form of
charts , diagrams and statistics.

3. Conclusion :

a- Participants demographics :
Gender :
Participants in Total number percentage %
Female 17 57.1%
Male 13 42.9%

Following our sample showed that the majority of the participants was of the
female gender which helps us leading to our next point

b- Experienced being cyber bullied :

Of our participants 78.6% of them answered that they were victims of some form of cyber_bullying
Which the reason for a lot of trauma to teens and young adults alike

incidents number percentage

A friend 1 10%
A classmate 3 30%
A stranger 1 10%
Don’t know 3 30%
Not mentioned 2 20%

And terrifyingly as shown by the previous table some of the victims were the subjects of some of their closest
people being their friends and classmates or they are scared to mention

That is in addition to a staggering 66.7% of them also feeling at risk while browsing the web which is coming
from a lot of parties setting teens and early teens as targets as shown by the following graph
That a majority of the victims(53.6%) are those under the age of 20 which is the demographic
age of teens with a measly 10.7%for adults and a 35.7% for young adults who all have a fear
of being bullied or hacked or have been victims and are still scared

c- Internet safety :

The following graph chart shows that the main source of toxicity and bullying online is surprisingly high
in social media as facebook alone accounted for most of the toxicity as 70% of victims admitted to
being attacked on it following it are instagram and twitter with 45% and 40% of participants having
faced a threat on them

incidents number percentage

Facebook 2 50%
Instagram 1 25%
Others 1 25%

Reasons and effects of online bullying :

incidents number percentage

Appearance 5 62.5%
Race 1 12.5%
Performance in class 2 25%

As stated by the previous table the main reasons for harassment are based on appearances as in collective
about 75% of the incidents are due to an apparent factor like fashion or race or cultural clothing while only 25%
Were caused by academic factors which also explains a lot about our modern society
How did they feel :

This data is shared anonymously for scientific purposes only!

Did they wanted to speak with a counselor :

- Statistics show that half of the respondents refuse to/didn’t

speak to a counselor for different reasons:
● They are afraid or ashamed+lack of confidence and good guiding
● It didn’t bother them.
● They believed that what the bullies were saying was true.

As said before whether they spoke to a professional or not 96.4% of people admit that cyberbullying and internet
toxicity in general affected their state of mind or altered it beyond recognition
When asked for the reasons towards why people resort to the internet to torment others a surprisingly horrifying
60.7% answered that the driving cause is revenge while 21.4% were trolls and sadists fooling around leaving the
other 37.9% for some other horrible stuff like illegal uses as in threatening ,stalking,personal gain or for just
being plain evil and wanting to watch others suffer

4- Recommendation :

Fortunately, there always exists a solution!

- We can start by organising Anti-cyber bullying campaigns in

order to raise awareness about cyber bullying.
- We can establish a school safety committee at ESPRIT. Severe
policies and rules must be created .Besides, teachers or
administrators can participate in training on cyberbullying
prevention to better understand it and learn strategies for
addressing it.
- Students need to stop rewarding this behaviour.They need to
not be afraid standing up for the person being abused rather
than standing by.

5- References :
● Our Group survey:
● prevention-and-support

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