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Name: Alfred Luis Ordonio Date: 11/4/2021

Section: STEM 204 Score:

Instructions: Read and annotate the text below. Then, outline it. Lastly, form a
summaryfrom the outline that you made (50 points).

Title: Inside the Moon Annotation

The Moon is a differentiated world. This means that it • Seismic – vibration of
is composed of different layers with different the earth and it’s
compositions. The heaviest materials have sunken crust (earthquake)
down into the Moon’s center, and the lightest materials • Gravity – the force by
have risen to the outermost layer. Seismic, rotational, which a heavenly
and gravitymeasurement studies have allowed us to object pulls toward its
gain insights into the different layers within the Moon. center
• Dense – mass per
At the center is the Moon’s dense, metallic core. The unit volume.
core is largely composed of iron and some nickel. The • Diameter - the
inner core is a solid mass of about 480 km in diameter. distance through the
Surrounding the solid inner core is a fluid outer core, center of an object
thatbrings the total diameter of the core to about 660 from one side to the
km. The Moon’s core is small (about 20% of the Moons other.
diameter) as opposed to other terrestrial worlds (like • Terrestrial – relating
theEarth) with cores measuring closer to 50% of their to Earth or its
diameters. inhabitants.
• Magma - extremely
Above the core are the mantle and crust. Differences hot liquid and semi-
incompositions between these layers tell a story of the liquid rock located
Moon being largely, or even completely, composed of under Earth's surface
agreat ocean of magma in its very early history. As the • Olivine – A rock-
magma ocean began to cool, crystals began to form forming mineral
within the magma. Crystals of denser mantle minerals,
• Pyroxene - group of
such as olivine and pyroxene, sank to the bottom of
dark-colored rock-
the ocean. Lighter minerals, notably anorthositic
forming minerals
plagioclase feldspar, crystalized and floated to the
found in igneous and
surface to form the Moon’s crust. The mantle, with a
metamorphic rocks.
thickness of roughly 1350 km, is far more extensive
• Anorthositic
than the crust, which hasan average thickness of about
plagioclase feldspar -
50 km. Interestingly, the crust of the Moon seems to
type of intrusive
be thinner on the side of theMoon facing the Earth, and
igneous rock
thicker on the side facing away. Researchers are still
composed predomin
working to determine why this might be.
antly of calcium-rich
Seismometers left on the surface of the Moon by the plagioclase feldspar.
Apollo astronauts have revealed that the Moon does • Seismometers - an
experience moonquakes. Deep moonquakes, instrument used to
occurringbroadly around 700 km beneath the lunar detect and record

02 Worksheet 2 *Property of STI

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surface are tidal events, caused by the pull of Earth’s earthquakes.

gravity tuggingand stretching the internal structures of • Moonquakes –
the Moon. Meteoroid impacts with the Moon can cause vibration of the moon
moonquakes originating on or near the surface. and it’s crust.
Anotherextremely shallow moonquake can come from • Tidal Events -
thermal expansion and contraction of rock on or near occurs when a star
the surface as it goes from the extremely frigid lunar approaches
night to the veryhot lunar daytime. The fourth type of sufficiently close to a
moonquake originates at the moderately shallow supermassive black
depths of 20-30 km,can register up to a startling 5.5 on hole and is pulled
the Richter scale, and can last for over 10 minutes! apart by the black
The causes of this fourth type of moonquake are still hole's tidal force,
being investigated. experiencing
• Meteoroid - is a
small rocky or
metallic body in outer

I. Layers of the moon and its components
a. Core
i. Iron
ii. Some nickel
b. Mantle
i. Magma
ii. Olivine
iii. Pyroxene
c. Crust
i. Anorthositic plagioclase feldspar
II. Layers of the moon and its diameter
a. Core
i. 480 km
b. Mantle
i. 1350 km
c. Crust
i. 50 km
III. Causes of Moonquakes
a. Tidal events
b. Meteoroids

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The moon is composed of three layers: the crust, mantle, and core. The outer
layer, crust, is composed anorthositic plagioclase feldspar and is only 50 km in
diameter. Just below the crust is the mantle, which is a great ocean of magma with
olivine and pyroxene and is the largest layer of the moon with a 1350 km in diameter.
Lastly, the moon’s center layer, the core, is composed of mainly iron and some nickel,
and is 480 km in diameter. Vibration of the moon’s surface are also have been observed
– moonquakes. Scientists say that it is caused by the tidal events and meteoroids
floating in the space.

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