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An automobile manufacturer claims to create more than twenty thousand

direct jobs. Use digits to write this number


2. By its own claim, HFS, Inc., is the world’s largest hotel franchising
organization. It claims to have five thousand, four hundred hotels with four
hundred ninety-five thousand rooms in over seventy countries, and more than
twenty percent of the franchises are minority-owned. Use digits to write each
of the numbers.

5,400 hotels
495,000 rooms
70 countries
20 percent minority- owned

Write the word name for the number.

1. LVMH had a gain of $30,860,000,000 in a recent year. Show how you

would read this number.

Thirty billion, eight hundred sixty million dollars

2. Delta Airlines had an annual loss of −$8,922,000,000 in a recent year.

Show how you would read this number.

Negative eight billion, nine hundred twenty-two million dollars

Round to the specified place.

1. 9,374 (nearest thousand)


2. 348,218 (nearest ten-thousand)


3. A color video surveillance system with eight cameras is priced at

$3,899. Round this price to the nearest thousand dollars.
3,899; 3 is in the thousands place. 8 is to the right and is more than
5. $4,000.

Round to the specified place.

1. A black-and-white video surveillance system with eight cameras is priced

at $2,499. What is the price to the nearest hundred dollars?

4 is in the hundreds place. 9 is to the right and is more than 5.

Round to the first digit.

1. 3,784,809


2. 2,063,948


22. 47 + 385 + 87 + 439 + 874
47 + 385 + 87 + 439 + 874 = 1,832

24. 72 + 385 + 29 + 523 + 816

72 + 385 + 29 + 523 + 816 = 1,825
1. Mentally estimate the sum by rounding each number to the first digit. Then find the
exact sum.
74,374 70,000
82,849 80000
72,494 70000
+ 89,219 +90000
318,936 310,000

2. Mentally estimate the sum in Exercise 28 by rounding each number to the

nearest hundred. Then find the exact sum.
747 700
854 900
324 300
+ 687 700
2,612 2600
3. Kiesha had the following test scores: 92, 87, 96, 85, 72, 84, 57, 98.
What is the student’s total number of points?

92 + 87 + 96 + 85 + 72 + 84 + 57 + 98 = 671

Kiesha had 671 points.

4. A furniture manufacturing plant had the following labor-hours in one

week: Monday, 483; Tuesday, 472; Wednesday, 497; Thursday, 486; Friday,
464; Saturday, 146; Sunday, 87. Find the total labor-hours worked during
the week.

483 + 472 + 497 + 486 + 464 + 146 + 87 = 2635

The total labor-hours worked was 2,635
5. Estimate the difference by rounding each number to the first digit. Then
find the exact difference.

9,748 10,000
5,676  6,000
4,072 4,000
6. Estimate the difference by rounding each number to the first digit. Then
find the exact difference.

83,748,194 80,000,000
27,209,104 30,000,000
56,539,090 50,000,000

7. Estimate the difference by rounding each number to the first digit. Then
find the exact difference.

12,748 10,000
 5,438  5,000
7,310 5,000
8. Sam Andrews has 42 packages of hamburger buns on hand but expects
to use 130 packages. How many must he order?

130  42 = 88
Sam must order 88 packages.

9. Frieda Salla had 148 tickets to sell for a baseball show. If she has
sold 75 tickets, how many does she still have to sell?

148  75 = 73
Frieda still has 73 tickets.
10. Add or subtract the integers as indicated.
a. (32) + (27)
(32) + (27) = 59

b. 14  (12)
14  ( 12) = 14 + 12 = 26

c. 46 + (58)
46 + (58) = –12

d. 37 – (21)
37 – (21) = 37 + 21 = 58
11. Multiply and check the product.
 835
 835
29 655
177 93
4 744 8 .

12. Multiply and check the product.

33  500
 500

13. Multiply and check the product.

 839
 839
50 085
166 95
4 452 0 .

14. Multiply and check the product.

283  3,000
 3000

15. Mentally estimate the product in Exercise 15 by rounding each number

to the first digit. Then find the exact product.
7,489 7,489
 34  34
 30
29 956
224 67 .
16. Mentally estimate the product in Exercise16 by rounding each number
to the first digit. Then find the exact product .
400 378
 576
 500  576
200,000 2 268
15 12
189 0 .

17. A day-care center has 28 children. If each child eats one piece of fruit
each day, how many pieces of fruit are required for a week (five days)?

28  5 = 140
The center requires 140 pieces of fruit.

18. Auto Zone has a special on fuel filters. Normally, the price of one filter is $15, but with
this sale, you can purchase two filters for only $27. How much can you save by purchasing
two filters at the sale price?

2 × $15 = $30;
$30 − $27 = $3
Two filters can be purchased at a savings of $3.

19. Divide and check the quotient.

1,232  16

20. Estimate the quotient in Exercise 20 by rounding the divisor to the first
digit. Then find the exact quotient. Write the exact answer with a whole-
number remainder.
505 R161 500
346 174,891
346 174,891 300 174,891
21. 483,000 ÷ 3,000

483,000 ÷ 3,000 = 483 ÷ 3 = 161

22. 835,000 ÷ 5,000

835,000 ÷ 5,000 = 835 ÷ 5 = 167

23. A parts dealer has 3,420 bolts. The bolts are packaged with 12 in each package.
How many packages can be made?
3,420 ÷ 12 = 285
The dealer can make 285 packages.

24. A stack of countertops measures 238 inches. If each countertop is 2 inches thick,
how many are in the stack?
238 ÷ 2 = 119
The stack has 119 countertops.

25. Carissa’s Fashions sold 138 jackets at a loss of $7 ,($7) each. What was
her total loss?
138($7) = $966 loss

26. Soledad’s Tamale Shop had an annual loss of $10,152,(−$10,152). What

was her average quarterly loss for each of the four quarters in the year?
−$10,152 ÷ 4 = −$2,538

Perform the operations according to the standard order of operations.

27. 34  3  7
34  21 = 13

28. (–3)(–12) – 5
36 – 5 = 31

29. 63 + 126 ÷ 7
63 + 18 = 81

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