08 OHS Hazard Assessment

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Part 1a. Health & Safety Risk Assessment

Using the Hazard Identification Register as basis, formally risk assess each activity and risk, and implement the necessary controls as appropriate.
Provide awareness briefings to all affected workers and contractors, use the briefing record overleaf to capture their names.


Prepared by (Name): Approved By (Name): Date:

Pre-Control Evaluation New controls and further Post-Control Evaluation

Activity/ Describe the Who or what might be Provide details of
action required
Process foreseeable hazard affected and how? existing controls S L R Risk Level S L R Risk Level
(By who and when)

5 5 25 High 2 1 3 Low

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Part 1b. Briefing Record

If the risk assessment is updated the briefing of the changes must be recorded in Part 2b.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received a health and safety briefing on the topic(s) covered by the above risk assessment
First name Surname Signature Time Date First name Surname Signature Time Date

Guidance Notes – Remember if – you feel at risk at any time, you must stop work and seek advice

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Part 2a. Dynamic & Non-routine Situation Assessment

Efforts should be made in advance of the activity taking place to prepare for potential emergency situations. These may be contained in the
Hazard Identification Register. If, during this activity risk assessed in Part 1a, changes occur which present previously unforeseen hazards, then the
following action should be taken:
1. Reassess the risks and implement necessary controls as appropriate.
2. Keep a record of changes that have occurred and the controls implemented to avoid risk from the changing circumstances. (Details below).
3. Assess the reasons and causes of the changes and factor into future risk assessments. Additional training may be required as a result.
Pre-Control Evaluation Detail additional control Post-Control Evaluation
Activity/ Describe the changing Who or what was Provide details of
measures implemented
Process circumstances affected and how? existing controls S L R Risk Level S L R Risk Level
to avoid new risk

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Part 2b. Briefing Record

If the risk assessment is updated the briefing of the changes must be recorded.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received a health and safety briefing on the topic(s) covered by the above risk assessment
First name Surname Signature Time Date First name Surname Signature Time Date

Guidance Notes – Remember, if you feel at risk at any time, you must stop work and seek advice from your Supervisor or Health & Safety Advisor.

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Part 3. Scoring Matrix

Risk Level (S1)
Likelihood of Severity of Impact
Occurrence Negligible Minor Serious Major Catastrophic
Remote 1 2 3 4 5
Unlikely 2 4 6 8 10
Likely 3 6 9 12 15
Highly likely 4 8 12 16 20
Almost certain 5 10 15 20 25

Likelihood (S2)
Likelihood Rating
Score Likelihood
Description Percentage Probability
1 Rare May only occur in exceptional circumstances <0.1% 1 in 1,000
2 Unlikely Could occur during a specified time period 1% 1 in 100
3 Possible Might occur within a given time period 10% 1 in 10
4 Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances 50% 1 in 2
5 Certain Expected to occur in most circumstances >95% 1 in 1

Severity (S3)
Severity of Impact
Score Impact
Degree of Harm
1 Minor Minor injury not requiring first aid or no apparent injury/adverse outcome, near miss
2 Moderate Temporary minor injury/illness/first aid treatment needed, referral to A&E or GP
3 Serious Semi-permanent injury, over 3-day reportable injury. RIDDOR reportable
4 Major Major injury, or long-term incapacity/semi-permanent injury, hospital >/= 3-day absence
5 Catastrophic Death or major permanent incapacity. Multiple fatalities. Multiple permanent disabilities

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Exposure (S4)
Impact Exposure
Score Exposure
Management Control Action (MCA) Timeframe
Take reasonable steps to mitigate and monitor the risk. Institute permanent
1 to 2 Very low controls in the long term. Permanent controls may be administrative in nature 2 years
if the hazard has low frequency, rare likelihood and insignificant consequence.

Take reasonable steps to mitigate and monitor the risk. Institute permanent
3 to 4 Low controls in the long term. Permanent controls may be administrative in nature 1 year
if the hazard has low frequency, rare likelihood and insignificant consequence.
Take reasonable steps to mitigate the risk. Until elimination, substitution or
engineering controls can be implemented, institute administrative or personal
protective equipment controls. These lower level controls must not be Within 3
5 to 9 Moderate
considered as permanent solutions. Interim measures until permanent months
solutions can be implemented, develop administrative controls to limit the use
or access. Provide supervision and specific training related to the issue.
Act immediately to mitigate the risk. Either eliminate, substitute or implement
engineering control measures. If these controls are not immediately accessible,
set a timeframe for their implementation and establish interim risk reduction
10 to 17 High Immediate
strategies for the period of the set timeframe. An achievable time frame must
be established to ensure that elimination, substitution or engineering controls
are implemented.
Act immediately to mitigate the risk. Either eliminate, substitute or implement
Very engineering control measures. Remove the hazard at the source. An identified
20 to 25 Immediate
High very high risk does not allow scope for the use of administrative controls, even
in the short term.

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