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In Partial Fulfilment as a Requirement for the

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering- 3A Student


Research Adviser

October 16, 2022

Data Gathering Techniques

The study entitled, "Development of A Defeathering Machine from Locally Sourced

Materials" by Awotunde et al., is a research study that was carried out for the purpose of using
materials that are locally sourced to fabricate a de-feathering machine for chickens having a
water reservoir and driven by an electric motor whose plucked feathers discharge continuously
throughout the duration of the process. The researcher employs a variety of data collection
techniques in the study. This includes surveys, observations, and secondary data.

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS/USDA) conducted a survey to assess total meat
consumption since meat demand is growing due to fast population growth, resulting in a
continual rise in the market price of meat in the Philippines. According to official statistics
from the Philippines, chicken meat output in 2022 will stay steady, while output in 2021 will
grow. This is where the necessity for chicken de-feathering and scalding develops to
compensate for the rising demand for poultry production.

Secondary data was also employed as a method of data collection for study. Relevant data
on the existing design of chicken de-feathering machines and the availability of machine
materials were gathered. This will then help the researcher in fabricating a design and design
plan to come up with the prototype machine.

In this study, the researcher employed an experimental research strategy. As a result, the
researcher's approach to data collection was observational. An observational approach is a way
to collect data that relies on observation to learn more about a phenomenon. The fabrication of
the manual chicken de-feathering machine was operated using an electric motor for the feather
plate to spin. It is intended specifically for poultry producers to easily remove chicken feathers.
All machine components were made using locally sourced resources. To establish whether the
condition is more efficient, the bird's weight before the de-feathering process was measured,
as well as the time it took to finish the operation. Adesanya and Olukunle conducted research
to observe if the chicken flesh was affected if the mass of removed feathers was rotated at a
constant speed of 300 rpm for 5 seconds.

1. Adefuye, O. A., Adedeji, K. A., & Fadipe, L. O. (2021). Design, fabrication and
performance evaluation of chicken de-feathering machine. International Journal of
Research and Review, 8(12), 703–711.

2. Adejumo A. O. D1, Adegbie A. M2, Brai S., Oni O. V., Opadijo O. O. (2013): The Effects
of Machine and Poultry Parameters on Feather Plucking. Journal of Engineering Research
and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol.3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013,

3. Adesanya, A. A. and O. J. Olukunle (2015). Development and Performance Evaluation of

a Chicken De-Feathering Machine for Small Scale Farmers. Journal of Advanced
Agricultural Technologies Vol. 2, No. 1, PP: 71-74.

4. Barbut, S. (2016). The science of poultry and Meat Processing. Shai Barbut, University of

5. Kiepper, B. H. (2003) Characterization of poultry processing operations, wastewater

generation, and wastewater treatment using mail survey and nutrient discharge monitoring
methods. MS Thesis. Univ. Georgia, Athens.

6. Ogundipe, S.O. (2002). “Belts-length and speed of belts, Engineering Toolbox (N.D).”
Accessed 27th June, 2016. beltfans-motor-
d_872 html.
7. Omoniyi, E. B., Oyekola, P., Ovaha, O., Mohamed, A., & Lambrache, N. (2019). Bird
feather removal machine: Design and development. International Journal of Recent
Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 406–410.

8. Philippine Statistics Authority. (2021, January 1). Retrieved June 19, 2022, from

9. Philippines: Livestock and poultry update. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. (2022,
June 16). Retrieved June 19, 2022, from

10. Tanimola O. A, P. D. Diabana and Y.O. Bankole (2014). Design and Development of a
De-Feathering Machine. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,
Volume 5, Issue 6, 208 ISSN 2229-5518, PP: 208-214

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